A Perfect Wife


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"I think you like that too, we can share it. I know our juices combined will be delicious, from last night I know your diet doesn't include primarily a lot of meats, you eat lots of fruits and vegetables too don't you?"

"Yeah! I love fruits, any kind of fruit. Spread your legs a bit more, yes, perfect. Good girl, guide my hot cock into your hot wet pussy. God you are tight, how can you be so tight after fucking Jason's big cock?"

Bill felt her pussy loosen up a little; he raised some and looked into her eyes. Bill said, "I guess both you and Annie do that after you have fucked Jason for a while. I guess I am not really that good, it's all you girls."

Tasha grabbed Bill's face and pulled him down, "That is bullshit Billy; you are a way better lover than Jason is, and he relies on just his size. He just shoves it in and out. It does feel wonderful, your sweet wife was telling you the truth about how you compare. Both of you are damned good, With Jason when he is finished you know you have been FUCKED, with you Bill, when you finish, I know I have been LOVED. I wish I could have you every day; I can't take Jason every day. I am jealous of Annie because she can have you every day if she wants you and you will never hurt her. Hey, get back to work on our cream pie, Jason won't do it and I really love it."

Bill's frown changed to a smile, "Annie loves it too! She loves to share it with me. Her juices are very sweet."

"Let's forget them and enjoy ourselves Bill. I don't think we will be doing this much longer and I for one am going to miss it a lot."

Bill started long slow strokes. On some strokes he moved his ass from side to side, on other strokes he moved up and down. He also did a corkscrew motion and often just moved in a straight line until he was bottomed out inside her pussy and tight against her pelvis, then he varied his gyrations again. Everything Bill did delighted Tasha; she was used to a simple straight pounding, either in missionary or doggy style. She had started having orgasms when he first entered her. She was not worried that Bill would finish too soon, last night his recovery time was minutes instead of Jason's hours. She wanted to think about that but she couldn't think right. Not with the waves of pleasure that distracted her, she could only feel, not function.

Bill felt the sensations building in his cock that signaled his climax was near. Tasha's sheath seemed to pulse with contractions that were utterly delightful. Sometimes they were quick and other times they lasted several seconds. She was now moaning loudly and hugging his body tightly to hers.

Tasha felt Bill shudder and could feel his cum spurt inside her, he gently let his weight ease down on her, she loved it. Bill lifted off of her and knelt beside her, "Wow, that was super! Are you ready for more desert?"

"Oh yes! If you mean our cream pie, I think it would be easiest if I squat over your face or over a champagne glass."

"Turn over and kneel and I'll hold the glass so we miss as little as possible, then I'll eat you out and clean you up." Tasha got in position and Bill lay beside her holding the glass. She giggled as she felt their combined fluids dripping out of her.

Bill said "Squeeze, Baby, squeeze. Clinch down and force our stuff out of your sweet, sweet pussy. Bill saw a steady drip of whitish thick fluids drop in the glass, then a large glob plopped in followed by a trickle of clear and milky slime. He could see more slime coating her vagina and her lips. He slipped around and put the glass on the bed table and then slipped his head between her legs. Tasha grinned down at him and lowered her pussy to his mouth.

Bill eagerly licked her clean and managed to retain most of their fluids in his mouth. He felt one large glob slip in to his mouth and then couldn't find anymore. He lifted her enough so he could slide out. Bill smiled at Tasha and gently pulled her to him. His mouth met hers and she felt his mouth open. A mouthful of slime accompanied by a large glob slid into her mouth. She picked up the glass and let the mixture slide in to it.

Bill looked into Tasha's eyes; he smiled and lifted the glass to his lips. He winked and took a sip. He grinned as he smacked his lips, "Ah! That's a really fine homemade cream pie!"

He handed the glass to her, she laughed, she sipped a bit of the thick fluids and looked at him wide eyed, "Hey, it does taste good. I want some more." She took a larger drink, holding it in her mouth, savoring it as she tasted it she swallowed. She handed the glass to Bill, he raised the glass and emptied it. She saw him force the mixture rapidly back and forth through his teeth. She smiled, "Ah! A cream pie snowball! Is it ready?" Bill moved to pass the thick foam to Tasha, she repeated his actions with the snowball then returned it to Bill's mouth. He repeated the treatment and passed half of the cum ball to Tasha and swallowed his half. She swallowed and giggled, "You are a naughty little boy, playing with your food, at least you share it. Oh Billy, you are so much fun, I don't know if I want this to end."

Bill looked at her, "I know. It has to end though doesn't it?"

Tasha smiled and said, "If we continue, this is going to be very difficult to stop. Then we'll be as guilty as our loving spouses won't we."

Bill sighed, "Yeah! I feel guilty now. I am afraid our spouses have taught us the lesson. I have lost all my anger. Do you think they would accept our apologies and agree to swapping wives every other week?"

Tasha smiled broadly, "I think there is a good possibility that they would agree to that, they might want every other DAY though!"

"I think we might want to limit it further, make it more special, have it a group thing now and then and one on one other occasions. I don't think I want it to be the major factor in my marriage. I think we could agree on a plan where we start out doing it perhaps 6 or 8 times a year for several years, the reduce it by once or twice a year until we stop. Everything must totally stop it any of us wants it to stop. No others may be brought into our circle, it must remain just the four of us. I any of us has sex outside the group the whole thing ends."

Tasha said, "We need to all get together in the next day or two. You are a master salesman, you make our case. You may talk to either or both of our spouses before then if you think laying some ground work would be advisable. Both you and I may need more time to think about this. It is a huge change in our moral beliefs. I know I need a couple of more days, may I suggest that we have our group meeting, then have a week's wait before we meet again before we make a final decision. How does that sound?"

"Can we continue to punish them until we agree to something?" Bill asked with a smile.

Tasha threw her arms around Bill's neck. "Sweetheart, I am afraid I am falling in love with you, I still love Jason too though. Because we both have children and deep bonds with our other halves, I think we need to plan on being with them in our golden years. It will be hard my love but I believe it is what we must do. That we can be lovers once in a while is the best we can do." Tears were running down her cheeks and dropping on her bare breasts.

Bill gathered her into his arms and kissed her tenderly. "Tasha, Honey, look at it this way, think of how wonderful it is that we have had these few short hours together. We have only another hour or so tonight. Do you want to make love again or just cuddle and caress each other and see what happens?"

"You are such a wonderful guy Bill. Let's see what happens. Give me another of your sweet kisses. I promise not to cry anymore." He kissed her and cupped her breast, she softly sighed, "Sweet Billy, you have the sweetest lips and gentlest hands I have ever known. I could cuddle with you forever. You better be careful though, you are starting to turn me on."

"Honey, I have to confess that I am trying to do that. Are you ready?"

"Hell YES!"

Tasha pushed Bill on his back and crawled over him and kissed him passionately. "Just be still Bill and let me make love to you." Her lips and tongue possessed his mouth. One hand moved down between them and found his stiff cock. Her hand moved his cock to her searching pussy. She was wet again and slipped him right in. She held the tip of his cock firmly with her grasping pussy then moved so that he slipped right to the bottom. She brought her knees forward and lifted until she was almost off of him. She lifted her upper body until crown of his cock was just inside her then dropped against his pubes. She slowly moved up and down, slowly increasing her speed. Her tight butt bounced off of his thighs and bounced her up to drop down again and again.

Bill felt his orgasm building and reached up and pulled her to a stop, "Hey you are bringing me off too fast. Let me get behind you and stand on the floor. Let me know if I go too fast or hard. OK?"

"That sounds like fun, I would like to finish in the old missionary style, it seems to be the most intimate and connected way, I can kiss you all the way until both of us finish." Tash moved with her knees on the edge of the bed and Bill stood behind her. He eased his cock into her pussy in a long slow stroke. He started moving faster and faster until his ass was a blur. Tasha closed her eyes and buried her face in the bed. She suddenly realized that she was flat on the mattress. She felt him roll her over, lift her, and place her in the center of the bed. She smiled gently at him as he crawled between her legs. She guided his cock into her hot wet pussy and pulled him in. He slipped in half way when she tightened up some, he looked down at her and she looked up at him and whispered, "I really do love you."

"I feel the same about you. I wish things were different but they are not and will probably never BE different. Let's finish in a blaze of glory and go home to our naughty spouses." She reached up and pulled him into a loving kiss. His thrusts were a bit harder and were just the way Tasha loved them. She felt a thunderous orgasm hit and knew there would be many more with this man. Her eyes were closed as she reveled in every sensation and pleasure that hit her. She looked up and saw the tears in his eyes. He stiffened and his eyes rolled back and he slowed his thrusts. He eased his weight down on her and she held him tight.

Bill stood and picked up a strawberry, dipped it the still melted chocolate and fed it to Tasha. "Babe, go jump in the shower and when you are out I'll take one too."

She smiled, "I won't be long."

An hour later Bill unlocked the door from the garage to the kitchen and turned on the light, he was surprised to see Annie waiting for him. She smiled, "I couldn't sleep. I waited up for you, I knew you have to go to work and wouldn't be late. How was Tasha?"

"Honey, I need to talk to you about Tasha, Jason and you and I. Ok?"

"Did you fall in love with her? She is very sweet and beautiful."

"I did learn a lot. I think I know how you feel about Jason now. I have almost lost all my anger at the two of you. I think Tasha feels the same about the two of you. She still loves Jason but she really loved having sex with me."

Annie's face twisted, "Do you love her a lot?"

"Let me answer your question with one for you. Do you love Jason a lot?"

"It is totally different. I don't exactly know how to explain it, I want you forever. I can live without him, I will die without you."

"Exactly how we feel about the two of you. I want you to think about it and try and come up with an answer. We do not want anyone to hurt any more, we want all of us to be happy. How do we do that?"

"Are Jason and I off our punishment now?"

"I don't know, you lied and cheated. It hurts me to do this to you, I feel so damned guilty. You and Jason need to discuss all of this on the phone, you guys tell us what is fair. We will all get together as soon as we can and try to come to a mutually satisfactory agreement. Tasha and I agree that we may let you guys see each other on a limited basis at first."

"NO! Not if it means you and Tasha will continue to date each other."

"Hey, this has to be a unanimous agreement. One dissenter and it is all off. If we all agree to open our marriages to more or less swap partners, everyone must be advised in advance that it will happen, when and where. This will be a swap for swap deal. I screw Tash, you must screw Jason before I can do Tasha again unless both of you agree. Tasha and I thought of other rules but we don't have to go over them now."

Annie looked a Bill, "How often?"

"We will leave that open for discussion by all four of us. We liked the idea of no more than six times a year."

Annie smiled, "That is not what I expected. You don't want once a week?"

"More often takes the specialness away from it. I don't want it to the most important thing in our marriage. You, Annie are my first priority in the sex department. You will always come first."

Annie stared at Bill, and then said, "I think that every other month is perfect. Was Tasha really good in bed? Jason says she is fabulous but rather reserved and not very excited by sex."

Bill said, "I found her to be a very good partner in bed, game for almost anything I wanted to do. Damned good sense of humor too."

Annie looked in his eyes, "More fun and exciting than I am?"

"Annie, no one is as much fun as you are in bed. You have always been perfect for me. I can't speak for your other lovers, but I could never resist you and never found any fault with your sexual performance."

"Billy Nelson, as God is my witness, I have only been with two men in my whole life. You and Jason. Jason was my first, then I met you and you have been first in my life in every way since then. I just adore you. There is no competition, none. I want to take you to bed and fuck you, I will not do it tonight though, I don't want sloppy seconds. I don't want that close a comparison, not an hour or so apart. I am tired, can I sleep with you tonight? I don't sleep at all without you."

"Yes Dear, I need to snuggle with my wife tonight,"

The meeting the next day was very cordial. The four genuinely liked each other. Bill explained the ideas that Tasha and he had discussed together the night before. When Bill was finished Jason grinned, "Did you and my wife have any time for sex while you sorted this all out?"

Bill looked at Tasha and smiled, "We smooched a little or something didn't we?"

Tasha smiled back, "I seem to recall a little kiss or two."

Annie raised her hand and Bill told her she had the floor. She smiled at each of them. "I need a little clarification on several matters. First, what is the length of each meeting or session with our buddies? Can we communicate with the buddy only at certain times or are there any restrictions on that? Can we have non-sexual meetings with them if we keep our spouse informed? Can we put two sessions together for a weekend? Will we have periodic meetings as a group to suggest changes in the rules? I have more questions but that should get us started."

Bill said, "Let me give you my ideas on those questions. First, I would like to have four hour sessions. Phone conversations should be uncontrolled. Non-sexual meetings should be forbidden. Yes on weekends and they should be limited to one time per year, and we should meet together when anyone has a question or a problem of any sort with the rules."

Annie jumped up, "NO! I do not like this. I think Bill is planning rules to accommodate affairs and deep intimate relationships between Buddies. That is not what Jason and I had. We each had a loving relationship we want to retain and not jeopardize. We were fuck buddies, not lovers. Oh, we have feelings for our buddy, but we are not 'in love' with them. I don't want to have an affair with him; I don't want weekends with him. I just would like to be able to talk with him once in a while, and fuck him once in a while. Sorry, but that is how I feel. Jason, tell us how you feel."

"Annie, Darling, I do love you as a precious buddy, I care very much about you as a good and wonderful friend. I am in love with my amazing wife. I agree with Annie. Tasha?"

"Bill, Honey, they are absolutely right about this! No 'affairs', no deep relationships, just sex, and for God's sake, no interracial kids. I want us to even think about the possibility of group sex. Bill?"

"Well, we need to modify the rules. How about this, two hour sessions. One ten minute call a month other than when arraigning for a session. The date will be made through the opposite spouse, who will naturally consult with the mate. No adjoining dates. Did I get everything Honey?"

Annie grinned, "I love it, when does it start and how much longer are Jason and I going to be put through Hell?"

Bill laughed, "I assume you think you have suffered enough. Personally I think one or two more 'dates' should be enough. Tasha, you have been very quiet tonight. What do you think of all of this?"

"I think you have been very flexible and fair in resolving the problems. I like the final outcome just fine. I hate hurting Annie and Jason. I think one more 'date' should do the job. I like this much better than the divorces we were heading for. We should never feel that we are in any way obligated to have sex with our 'buddy' if we don't want to or just don't feel like it. The idea that we must ask the spouse is great. I don't know if I could get up the nerve to ask Annie if I could fuck Billy. We need to each promise that we will never have sex with any person outside the four of us while this agreement is in effect."

Bill looked at the group, "I have one more proposal to make. I propose that we each consider our 'buddy' to be dead. We will morn them but never contact them again in any way. They are virtually dead to us. He paused for a few seconds. Give us our vote Annie?"

She looked at Bill. "Aye."

"Tasha Dear?"




"I vote Aye too!"

Bill walked to Tasha, he took both her hands in his and leaned forward and gently kissed her lips, he whispered softly, "I really do love you. I shall truly morn your passing."

Jason kissed Annie and there were tears in every eye as the two couples parted forever.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

I think the MC should adopt a paraphrase of Helen Reddy's song "I Am Woman", sounding something like this:

"I am weak, I want to roar

'cause I'm married to a whore.

Yes, I am weak and I'm in pain

and she'll do it all again.

So I'm going out the door.

after both of them are slain.

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Good story, I'd say that in a way they should be punished longer however I can understand the danger of a more passionate relationship developing on each pairing/meeting. Masterful ending.

AnonymousAnonymous30 days ago

Hugh? huh

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Well that was a trainwreck. Just wrong on so many levels. Tiresome bbc trope (do some research for pity's sake). Long term affair virtually the length of the marriage. And it ends up in controlled swapping. A real disappointment. Yikes.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Wow. You sure know how to ruin a story. Not only unlikely, but totally bizarre to even relate your ending to happy marriages. Or to any real marriage. It became slut crap.

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