A Piece of Cake


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I swung by my apartment and grabbed my workout bag. It was usually packed and ready, but had been neglected for the past few days. Okay, weeks. After seeing the suggestions offered by my newly retained caterers, I knew I had made a good decision to revisit some exercise. Although I had to admit that walking around the city burned off a lot of calories.

I wore my usual shorts and tshirt, and when I got to the treadmill, I saw Joan was already there doing some warmup stretches. She wore a cute matching set of blue spandex shorts and a matching top. The stretchy bottoms really accented her ass as she stretched. I took a few seconds to admire the view. I figured she knew what had captured my attention, but I shamelessly kept my 'eyes of the prize' as it were.

"When you're done checking out my butt, you want to go over some details?" She continued stretching.

"You're good. Do you mean details of your butt or the project.?" I laughed slightly, someone had to. "But yes, some good progress today, I'm thinking this may be well in place. Just waiting to see about the invitations. Did Ms. J put us on the list? I hope so, I always do so I know things have gone out." I stepped on a treadmill. Looking around, I noticed we were nearly alone. Only one other person was in the facility.

"You don't warm up with stretches? Hope you don't pull something." Joan stepped on the rubber road to infinity and started it up. "I haven't gotten anything either, so we should ask her the next time we talk. I figure we may have to do it in person for the next phase. We are at a point where they want to see us up close and personal." She began walking and adjusted the speed as she spoke.

"One new addition. Several of the serving staff said they would be willing to be painted and serve nude if that fit the event. I'm thinking it might be a nice touch. Black body paint and a demure apron for the women and a faux tux shirt for the men. You interested in doing a little body art? I am thinking of getting a couple art students to assist." I had my level set for a casual walk. That way I could talk without huffing and puffing.

"When you say 'doing a little body art', do you mean painting or being painted? Remember, I owe you that. I was thinking we paint the staff. But now that you mention it..." I trailed off to get a reaction from her.

"Right. Get the art students. I am not getting my dress covered in paint no matter how much we want this event to go. They can paint each other if it comes to that. But thanks for the offer." Joan moved along effortlessly, increasing the level and making this a real workout.

Compared to other events, this one had fewer moving parts than some. It was entirely possible that we might actually get to enjoy some of the day. We had both learned that simple usually worked better than complex since Murphy's Law was very true, almost a constant. "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong." And I always considered Murphy an optimist. We stayed on the treadmill a bit longer and went through our checklist. Bodypainting day was nearly ready. A few small details and it was ready to roll. We were wrapping up, stepping off the treadmills, in fact when both our phones buzzed. We looked at each other, we knew what that meant.

The text simply stated "F/F mtg tomorrow, 930. Corp. Conf. Room." Simple and we had even anticipated it.

"Want to grab a quick dinner? Maybe just a slice and head home? I better check if I have pants." I asked Joan. Wiping off a bit.

"Does working out ever make you horny?" She toweled off a bit and turned toward me. I could see her nipples through the fabric of her top. Clearly the exercise had gotten her in the mood.

"I'm a guy. Everything makes me horny. Breathing makes me horny. Is that a rhetorical question? Or would you like to work out in a different way?" I hoped it was the latter.

"I don't know if it is the work out with you, being around all the naked bodies on Nude Day or the rush of our successful campaigns. But I am just...just Unnngh." The grunt Joan made was out of character, she always had the right word for everything. I guessed that was the right word.

"I could fuck you right here, James. Not like me. At all!" She put her arms around my neck and pressed in closely.

"I just might have a solution for your dilemma. Head over to that far corner." I looked around and we had the facility to ourselves. "The only eyes that would see us are the security cameras. A friend worked in security here for a while, and he told me there is a blind spot over by the mirrors. Something about how they refracted the images, so it messed up the coverage. A piece of useless information I picked up that just proved valuable." I led her off toward the secret spot. A chance to be both invisible and public.

"And we could hear if anyone comes in. Excellent solution to my... problem." Joan came along

holding my hand.

I put my back to the glass on one side, a few feet out from the side mirrored wall and pulled Joan in for a deep kiss. She responded immediately and sighed as I rubbed my hand across her breast, finding the nipple without any difficulty. She moved closer and I could feel her pubic bone grind into my hardening cock.

"Mmmm. One of your better ideas. Nice watching that other couple there make out. Cute outfit she has." Joan came up for air but continued to move against my groin. "Don't forget I have two of those boobs, James. The other one is feeling a little jealous." She resumed the kiss.

I switched hands, giving equal time to her other breast and had an idea. I moved my free hand to her ass and bent my leg, my thigh parting her legs so she rested most of her weight on it. As she moved her hot crotch stroked itself on my bare leg. I could feel how wet she was, and not just from the treadmill exercise. By moving my leg, I could match her stroke for stroke which seemed to excite her more with each movement.

"Mmmm. This is EXACTLY what I needed James. Is it exciting for you as well? I hope so - between the public nature and the friction, it has me on the edge." Her eyes closed and she leaned her head back, riding my leg like she was riding along a beach or a trail with a steady gait.

"Good, Joan. Enjoy it. Feel the warmth. Let me see if I can't help you along a bit. One hand on her back, I slid a finger from my other hand between my leg and her crotch. Despite the fabric, I could feel her heat and the moistness of her pussy. A moan from her told me I had found the right spot. We thrust together, rocking in unison while the finger wiggled and provided more direct stimulus to the most sensitive of areas. It had the desired effect.

"J-James...hold me. Tight. Oh, it's starting." Joan threw her arms around me as I did the same to her. She rode my leg a couple more strides and then she started to vibrate. Small motions at first, like a nervous leg bounce and then more until it was full body spasms. "Oooooo YAaa!" Her shout echoed in the empty room. She collapsed in my arms straddling my leg.

"That feel good? The lady next to us seemed to enjoy it." I cocked my head at the mirror.

Eyes still closed and her face against my chest, Joan replied. "Good is not the word I would use. That was intense. Perfect. Just what I needed. But what about you? I felt how hard you were before, anything I can do, anything you want me to do?" She opened her eyes halfway and looked up.

"You already have. I'm fine. We have an early meeting; Let's get some rest and give 'em hell tomorrow. Really, I will take a raincheck on that offer." I bent down and kissed her. A warm, tender kiss that lasted for minutes. Just a nice, simple meeting of our mouths joining us together with small movements in contrast to the heaving and bucking from a few moments prior.

"Mmmm. That was nice. But okay. Raincheck it is. I know I will be sleeping quite well tonight. I'm grabbing a quick shower here - unless... What did your friend say about cameras in there?" She pointed to the women's locker room.

"It's clear. Me too. How about I walk with you part way home.? Meet you here in a few minutes?" I ducked into the men's area.

I met Joan in the lobby, both of us freshly showered. We walked along the street, her apartment was closer than mine by a few blocks, so we parted ways there and I continued on to my place. "Best. Workout. Ever. " was all I could manage to say as I flopped into bed to rest for the coming day.

We met in the lobby before our meeting. I asked first. "Ready for this? Not totally sure what they want, besides a status report and a look at our eyes for reassurance. I get that. This is a risk, two unknowns with a visible project."

"Hell yes, I'm ready. This project already has one success under its' belt, and we are a damn good team." Joan was pumped up.

"Easy tiger. Save a little of that for later. But I'm right there with you." I put a hand on her shoulder. She looked good in the corporate garb, Dark suit with a skirt and white blouse. "You look great, by the way."

"Thank you. You fit the part, too. I see you even shined up the shoes. Real shoes. I'm impressed." She grinned.

"Yes, found these in the back of the closet. They hurt, but no pain, no gain, right?" We arrived at the door to the conference room. "Here we go. Luck. Not that we need it." We turned the knob and entered.

We entered and found four others around the table. Besides Ms. Jenkins, there were Mr. Jackson, Mr. Andrews and a third man we hadn't met. "Do come in." Mr. Andrew rose. "I think you know everyone except our fiscal VP, Daddy Warbucks." He laughed at his own joke. "Just kidding, Mr. Terry."

Mr. Terry shook his head slightly. "Pleasure to meet you. See what we have to put up with in the C Suite? Looking forward to hearing more about your project, the first part was very creative and unique." He offered his hand to both of us.

"We are thrilled that it has been so well received here as well as with our clients. James and I have collaborated on projects before, but because of the suggestion contest, it gave us a chance to show some initiative." Joan spoke confidently, moved her eyes to connect with each of the four vice presidents in turn. Very smooth. She had them in her palm.

My turn. "Our goal was not only to offer new advertising options, but to attract new clients and to show our agency as one that didn't rest on previous successes, but was forward looking, not trendy, but cognizant of new directions."

"Well put." Mr. Terry commented. Mr. Jackson nodded in agreement. "But while you explore new ground, we have an obligation to keep the bottom line in focus. The first part of the project netted us a tidy return, not only in real dollars, but also in new clients. We wanted to express our thanks and also see where we are with phase two." He sat back.

We were playing in a bigger league than we had prior. Accountability was key as well as the concept of 'What have you done for us lately'. Ms. Jenkins began talking. "In part, this program is about being 'value added' for our clients. The second event of Bodypainting Day was thrown in as a bonus for the early adopting clients. They get twice the exposure for the same cost. The advertising at the painting program is costing us zero, the expense being the post event we are sponsoring. And that is very economical, taking less than twenty percent of the revenue generated from phase one." Ms. Jenkins had our back. She had clearly come to the meeting prepared to support her team.

I decided to go on offense while we had an advantage. "Did any of you observe the online part of the initial program? If not, I would encourage you to review some of the recordings we made. It was quite tasteful. Due in large part to my partner, Joan Hastings. She kept things light, lively and on point." I looked around. "And I hope all of you will be attending our gala. A wonderful chance to mingle with some new and prospective clients." I had nearly said 'press the flesh', but had opted not to go there.

Mr. Andrews perked up. "Yes, I did log on. I can do that, you know. Our previous meeting online was just a bit embarrassing. Ms. Hastings was indeed charming. And what a great lead on to this event. I, frankly, am a little surprised that no one had connected these two events in the past. It is over twenty-five years for Nude Day and this is what, the tenth for Bodypainting? Genius is sometimes uncovering what has been staring us in the face for several years. But I digress. Yes, I will be attending. Jane? David? Arthur?" Another advocate for us. I knew I liked him.

The others nodded and Joan picked up the pitch. "James, Mr. Zinn, deserves the credit for putting those together. We have brainstormed in the past, so when he had the idea for the new project, which was a result of the note you all had sent concerning the contest, we got together and developed it." Joan sat up ramrod straight. Despite her diminutive frame, she was a presence in the room. "We appreciate your support, but clearly, you had a reason for having this face to face meeting. Please, ask us any of the details you need to have complete faith in this moving forward."

A voice boomed from behind us. "I am sure you know the old saying 'Never ask a question you don't want the answer to.' I was the one who decided to shake things up a little with that request for new ideas and new clients. Yours had the most risk and therefore the most opportunity for reward. It also gave the firm 'plausible deniability' if it failed. It also gave us the chance to uncover new talent, new teams." The four vice presidents looked straight ahead, nearly expressionless.

Joan and I turned to see that Alan Madison; the president of the agency had quietly entered the room behind us. The famous avenue in New York which housed many advertising agencies was not named for him, but could have been. We started to rise from our chairs, but he motioned us to sit back.

He continued. "We had gotten a bit complacent. Not that it reflected in the bottom line, but part of being in advertising and marketing is to have fun. Be creative. I felt that a bit of that spark had been missing. You have restored it. I can't tell you how great it is to hear other firms saying things like, 'where did they get THAT idea?' and 'Good god, they crossed the line - a nude event! It will be their downfall!' All I can say is 'Screw them'. We got there first." He sat down next to Joan.

"Thank you, Mr. Madison,..." Joan quietly replied.

"Alan. In this room, we use first names, not titles. This is a room for free thoughts and honesty. No BS, smoke up our skirts, just brass tacks. And what is said here stays here. One question from me about the event. Are you ready? Our clients are looking forward to it, and one potential client in particular wants to meet the two of you. So, if you need anything, I am here to throw our support behind making the event a success."

I saw Joan swallow hard. I took the lead. "We are ready. The event is solid, a few small details to be finalized, but what we could use is a bit of 'buzz.' As you well know, sometimes the gossip and rumors will spread faster than any written or published comment. That was one reason we want everyone from the top at the event. And if there can be an "A-list" celebrity in attendance, so much the better.

Silence filled the room.

"Interesting. A throwback to BSM days - before social media - You have the paparazzi clued in with your choice of limo companies. A very smooth move. Now we give them something to really take pictures of. I see why you two make such a good team. Jane. Find who we have on retainer that we can feature in this event." He glanced at the Rolex on his wrist. "I must go, but good work. Bring this event home." Mr. Madison, Alan, rose and left. Silently.

"And there you have it. That was the reason we wanted you here, face to face. Alan wanted to see you in person. How you operate. A test. Don't worry, you passed. By the way, my name is Colin. I'm used to Alan's shenanigans; they usually prove to be spot on. A lesser pair would have crumbled. Or fainted. Now, I am going to go back to my office if there is nothing else..."

Before he rose, I asked "We will just need a report on the invitations. Have they gone out, the return, if we need to assist with the nagging to get the return rate up." Nothing like being named a 'golden boy' by the boss to make putting your VP on the spot. Colin, Arthur and David turned to Jane.

She was up to the task. In fact, my asking the question showed how good a trio we had become. "The returns are coming in well. The artists and models are actually tracking ahead of our projections, I believe 25 artists and 60 models. We have to follow up with the clients, but that is on track as well. I will send you a list of who is on board and who we need answers from. Also, the listing of food allergies and dietary restrictions. So far, nothing unusual." The look she gave me was a smile and 'thanks for the softball question'.

The trio of suits left the room. Jane remained. "A word? Just for a moment. Please, sit. What Colin said was very true. You two were tested and shown to be the real thing. I knew that, but Alan needs to see it himself. I couldn't tip you off and have you worry. Good job. I figured you respond best if given support but not micromanaged. Keep me in the loop, but this is your event. Make yourselves look good. By doing so, you make me look good. I'll be here with whatever you need." She smiled and rose. "By the way. Are you two an 'item'? I am sensing more than just a work team forming here."

"Nothing that will get in the way of our work, Jane." Joan answered first. Good answer.

I wanted to say "Yeah, what she said...ditto", but didn't. "What you sense is our teamwork developing. We've worked together on group projects, but never as a duo. We are learning how complementary our styles are in practice. It's a great creative fit."

"Whatever it is, it is working. Now go. As Alan said, 'Bring it home.' Go!"

"I hate that shit. Pure power play, but hey. I get it, it is his agency, and we're just working in it. Some good things, though. I'm appreciating Ms. Jenkins - Jane even more. She really had our back in there." I quietly expressed my views to Joan in the elevator back to our floor. Since we were here and dressed up, we decided to go to the cube farm and work there for the day.

We walked in and got a few claps, a few whistles, but overall, a very welcoming response from the other marketing assistants. They could appreciate it when one of their own scored on a campaign as we had done. Chances were good that we would ride this program until it was done and then be back here in what we called the 'pen'. None of them gave us too much grief about being naked on Nude Day. We had had the foresight to invite them all to attend, and several of them had. A few stopped off at our desk to say 'hi' and offer their congratulations. They probably thought we had some new found clout with the upper management and it might rub off on them.

"Okay, we've made our triumphant return. I'm honestly thinking we are set. Just a few finishing touches and follow-ups. I also have our art gift on order for the goodie bags. I brought one back to show you. Actually, I brought two back. The other is for you, and I'll show you later." I pulled out a box and handed it to Joan.

She opened the box and pulled out the glass sculpture from an artisan shop I had used in the past. An old friend from college who had a small shop in upstate Corning. He could use the business and I was happy to throw a little his way. "This is exquisite. The curves, the colors. It works perfectly with the theme. Nice job. When will the other items come in?"

"I saw several boxes in the stock room. I expect the bags in shortly and a couple items from sponsors I need to check on. We can probably assemble them in the next few days." Which gave me an idea. I stood up and hung over my cubicle. "Hey all you folks. Joan and I will need a little help in the next few days. Anyone interested?"