A Shepherd Afield Pt. 03


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"Don't! Don't get it into your head that this is in any way your fault! You cannot be responsible for the twisted thoughts inside someone else's head." Catherine growled. "The fact that she is suing you for an outrageous amount of money after she abandoned you proves her true motivation is greed!"

Ashley was nodding emphatically and was giving him a stern look.

He nodded to Catherine and Ashley and saw smiles return to their faces.

The session went on for another hour, Catherine finally relaxing enough to mention her sadness at losing someone because of the impossible distances. She glanced guiltily at Ben as a twinge went through him when he thought of Gabriella.

It was approaching 11PM when Ashley realized she had to get her girls to bed. They all agreed to end the session there and everyone stood and shared hugs with each other. Everyone was happy with the meeting and they agreed to schedule another one when Ben returned.

Ben made arrangements with Ashley to pick up Christopher with Joshua when she got home the following day as they were going out to pick furniture.

They made their way upstairs and heard boisterous laughter and high pitched shrieks of frustration. Walking into the living room they saw Penny and Karen had joined the kids and were playing some multiplayer cartoony racing game with John and Madison. It was everyone for themselves and the battle was fast and furious.

Suddenly Karen's player surged forward and crossed the finish line and much shrieking was heard from a number of the participants as she won! Then they shrieked because they saw the adults had returned. Huge grins were on their faces and they were breathing hard.

"Time to shut down for the night," Ben said with a smile.

Karen handed her controller to Daniel and gave him a kiss on the cheek before running over to Ben. The young boy looked a little dazzled.

"Ben, we have to get one of these consoles for the house!" Karen gushed.

"I'll speak to my expert on the matter to make sure I get the right one," Ben said gesturing to Daniel. Now the boy puffed up with pride. Miriam rolled her eyes as he moved to disconnect his game console with a wide grin.

"School night, right?" Ben said and heard moans from all the kids. He just grinned and gave them hugs as they went by to get their boots and jackets. Karen and Penny hugged their friends and headed off to bed, leaving John and Daniel with burning ears and grins.

While the kids were occupied Ben pulled Beth into another fierce bear hug. Her face went bright pink and her eyes sparkled with happiness when he stole a quick kiss as well. "Have a good night!" he said fondly.

"You as well Ben, you big flirt!" she chuckled softly in his ear. He helped her put her coat on and she left with her kids.

Miriam gave him a hug and he shook Daniel's hand before they made their way back to their place.

Ashley stepped up and Ben gave her a firm hug as well. Madison was holding Joshua all bundled up in her arms as she and Savannah watched them with glee. When he pulled back he saw Ashley was looking up at him hopefully so he dipped forward and kissed her, making her squeak. He pulled back and looked at her in surprise as he thought she wanted the kiss. She began to giggle uncontrollably as her face went bright pink with embarrassment at the noise she made.

"I'm sorry, I thought-" he began but she stopped him with a touch on his lips with her fingertips. She nodded as she struggled to get control over her nervous giggles. He smiled and helped her put her coat on. She ushered her kids outside and just before she stepped out herself she gestured to Ben about his haircut and he nodded with a smile.

Catherine was against Ben's chest then in his arms the moment he turned back. He breathed in the fresh scent of her shampoo and tilted her face back. He kissed her sweetly and she smiled up at him dreamily.

"Sleep well Catherine."

"You too Ben. Good night Hannah!"

"Good night."

Then it was just Hannah and Ben.

"I'm so glad you were able to make that breakthrough when you were in Costa Rica. I can see you're more comfortable with yourself," Hannah said.

Ben nodded then his brow furrowed. "I'm still worried about my hypnotherapy sessions with Dr. Granger. I understand she felt she was close to getting to the source of my other repressed memories but the way my personality changed during the sessions... I'm really uncomfortable about subjecting everyone to that. I was... not a pleasant guy to be around."

"As I understand it that was just a build-up of tension as you got closer to the source." She tilted her head as she looked at him. "Have you had any other black out events?"

Ben's eyes looked troubled so she took his hand and pulled him to the living room and sat him on the couch. "Talk to me Ben."

"I- I had one episode while I was in Costa Rica. I think I was going dancing after dinner with the group we met there... then I woke up the next morning. You'd have to speak with Rochelle to get details on what happened as she and her new boyfriend brought me back to my room apparently. Trish and Rain weren't with us at dinner that night so they just saw the aftermath."

Hannah sat looking at Ben wondering what could have happened to him in his childhood that could have hurt him like this. She wanted to help him.

"Tomorrow I'll call Rochelle and ask her to fill me in on what she saw. Every little bit helps. We'll get you better Ben."

He nodded as he looked down at her hand as he ran his thumb over the back.

"Thank you Hannah. You've been so concerned for me and have taken such good care of me. I know I can be a bad patient sometimes but I hope I can live up to the effort you make-"

Hannah's lips were suddenly on Ben's then he was kissing her too.

Just as quickly she pushed him back and gasped for breath. "Wait! Wait. Oh my." She struggled to catch her breath as Ben watched her mouth hungrily. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It- it was just your stroking on my hand and you're so..."

Ben reached up behind her head and released her hair from its bun. Her sandy blonde hair swung down to rest on her shoulders. He ran his fingers through it and her eyelids fluttered with the tingling sensation he was sending through her body.

She moaned lightly as his lips caressed hers once more only sensually this time. Slower, taking his time to memorize the shape and taste of her mouth. Only then gently exploring with his tongue. She trembled and gently sucked on the tip of his tongue as it dipped into her mouth.

"No! Wait! I promised!" Hannah gasped and she pushed against his chest and tucked her head against his shoulder.

"Promise?" Ben asked, his voice deep and rough with need.

"I- I promised myself I wouldn't do this. The first time I kissed you I knew I couldn't keep that promise so I altered it to be I wouldn't until you were better. You need me in my existing capacity as hospital director now. Later we can... readdress this... other need."

Ben looked into her eyes and nodded slowly. He leaned in and kissed her forehead as she let out a shaky breath. "We'll play it your way for now Hannah but you know how I feel about you."

She looked into his eyes and a warm glow filled her from the love she saw there. She nodded as she looked away quickly. Her resolve was crumbling. She had to leave.

Hannah stood and smoothed her skirt. "I will see you on Friday?"

"Yes. I'll stop by to say hello after speaking with Dr. Granger... when?"



He stood and walked her back to the door then helped her on with her coat.

"Good night Ben," she said sweetly to him.

"Good night Hannah. Pleasant dreams."

She grinned at him as she shook her head then she was gone.

Ben locked up and moved back to the living room to tidy up a bit. He put the furniture back into place then carried the TV back down to the media room. He straightened out the furniture in that room then went back upstairs to put away the card table and chairs. Fifteen minutes later he stood in the entrance to the dining room and looked around. Everything was back in its place. Time for bed.

He made his way down the hall, shutting off the lights as he went and let himself into the master bedroom. Tina was out but Lucy was leaning back against the headboard reading. She looked up and smiled at him.

"How did it go?" she asked quietly.

"Very well."

He made his way into the washroom and got undressed for bed. He brushed his teeth and went back out to the bedroom to see Lucy putting her book away. She caught sight of his naked body and smiled seductively. Ben's cock twitched and he silently told it to go to sleep. Like any rebellious teenager it ignored him and began to wake up.

He crawled into bed and pulled the sheets up. He smiled at Tina's sleeping face then looked towards Lucy but she wasn't there.

Then he felt her lips pressed against his cock.

He lifted the sheets and there she was kissing her way up his rising flesh. She gestured for him to be quiet then ran her tongue around the ridge of the head. Ben gasped at the wonderful sensations. Lucy gripped the base and took him into her mouth then down her throat.

"Fuck!" Ben exhaled as his brain felt like it exploded.

Lucy began to bob her head in long strokes taking him from the head down to the base driving him deep into her throat. Again and again she sucked him deep and the pleasure was overwhelming.

"Oh Lucy, you're going to make me cum," he whispered hoarsely as his body began to tremble. This just made her bob over his cock more quickly. Ben was lost. His body tipped over the top and he was cumming in strong surges. Lucy moaned happily as she swallowed as quickly as she could. She milked Ben until he was completely spent and resting back against his pillow.

When his brain came back from heaven Lucy was slipping back into bed. She grinned happily at him with sparkling white teeth and minty fresh breath. "Had to brush my teeth after my last meal of the day!" she said impishly.

He pulled her against his body and kissed her fiercely. She melted against him happily. When he pulled back from the kiss she sighed and tucked herself against him, purring in satisfaction.

Sleep tugged at Ben and he gave in to its pull.

Chapter 20

Ben groaned as the stack of plates gently clanked back into place. He'd been lax with his exercise routine because of his healing finger so his muscles protested when he ran them through their routine this morning. He was pleased to feel no twinges or aches coming from the weakened digit. He'd continue to be cautious with the finger for the next little while but it felt... better.

He made his way upstairs. The house was quiet as it was still early. He made his way down the hall to the master and slipped inside. Tina was up and sitting on the side of the bed. She looked so sweet Ben couldn't resist swooping in to kiss her.

"Ben! I have morning breath and you are all sweaty!" she complained weakly.

"Then join me in the shower!" he grinned.

She gave him a frustrated look and pointed to the cast.

"You know the doctor said you could take showers if you wore the waterproof boot over the cast," he insisted.

"It is not so easy to put on," she pouted.

Ben retrieved it from the bathroom and worked it up her cast to seat the tight rubber gasket around her leg just below her knee.

"There!" he exclaimed and scooped her up in his arms as she squeaked. He carried her into the washroom and pushed the door closed.

He was passing the sink when Tina reached out for her toothbrush. He dipped her closer to the sink so she could get it. He waited patiently with her in his arms as she quickly brushed her teeth. That done he carried her into the shower.

The hot water felt good on his muscles and he gently set Tina down on her feet. He quickly washed his body and hair as she admired his pumped muscles. Clean, he moved to take care of her. He rinsed her hair and massaged shampoo into her luxuriously long black hair from her scalp right down to the ends. She purred under his strong hands. He rinsed the shampoo out then worked in the conditioner and she smiled blissfully with her eyes closed as he repeated his meticulous care of her hair. Once that was rinsed clean he began washing her body with the moisturizing soap. He was thorough then began running his hands over her body sensually. He smiled as her face began to show a flush and she bit her lip.

"Ben?" she whimpered as her body craved release. He kissed her deeply and she sighed as her tongue stroked across his. He knelt before her and pressed his lips to her doming belly then dipped his face lower.

Tina's eyes flew wide as his tongue stroked her wet pussy.

"Oh Ben! Oh!" she gasped.

He stroked and sucked as she clung to his head and cried out her bliss. He knew she was close by how hard she was clinging to his head. He also knew what she needed to tip over the edge. He was pumping a finger into her pussy as he strummed her clit with his tongue. He slipped his wet finger back until it touched her rosebud. He ran his slick fingertip in circles around it as Tina shook.

"Oh yes, Ben! Yes, there! Yes! I am so close!" Tina gasped.

Ben stepped up his tongue's assault on her pussy as he slid a finger into Tina's tight little ass. Her body went into a full spasm as her release took her. He kept her on her feet as her muscles lost their strength. She screamed silently as the pleasure flooded her body.

When Tina began to sag he stood and held her against his body until she got her breathing under control. He rinsed their bodies under the spray once more and shut off the water. He dried them with big fluffy towels and removed the waterproof boot.

Next he helped her rub cream over her skin. Tina loved this ritual the most as the feeling of his strong hands on her body always made her feel safe and wanted. He carried her out into the bedroom and saw Lucy had made the bed and was nowhere to be seen. She must have used the guest bathroom for her shower.

He handed Tina some clothes and got his own on. He heard a knock on the door and called out permission to enter. Lucy stepped in fresh from the shower, hair bound up in a towel, and spun to close the door. She squeaked when Ben's hands cupped the undersides of her large tits through her silk dressing gown from behind as he kissed the side of her neck.

"Ooooohhh god!" she moaned.

"I think she needs a good licking," Tina suggested with a grin.

Ben smiled and wrapped his arms around Lucy to carry her to the end of the bed. He dropped her down on the mattress on her stomach. He pushed the dressing gown up to expose her ass. She didn't have any panties on yet so when Ben roughly parted her cheeks she yelped and her pretty pink nether lips glistened with the beginnings of her excitement. He wasted no time on subtle touches but stroked his tongue across her pussy roughly.

"GAHH! OH FUCK!" Lucy exclaimed.

Ben flipped her over onto her back and held her legs back and wide. He stroked, sucked, probed, strummed and thrashed her unmercifully with his tongue until she locked up and went into convulsions as her eyes rolled back.

"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHH!" she half growled half whimpered as her orgasm rocked her.

Tina used her crutches to get herself into the bathroom and she returned with a warm damp facecloth. She wiped Ben's face then, when Lucy finished coming down from her high, Tina lovingly cleaned her up while Lucy watched her with love in her own eyes. Tina went back into the bathroom to toss the facecloth into the laundry basket.

"Time for breakfast, not for lazing around in bed," Ben teased.

Lucy snorted and dragged herself off the bed to find some underwear.

Ben waited until she was decent then made his way to the kitchen.

Karen and Penny smiled as Ben walked in and rushed over to get a hug. Karen returned to the oven where she was making everyone's breakfast. Penny went back to making toast.

Tina arrived with Lucy who had Christopher in her arms. Ben gave him a kiss then everyone settled down for their meal.

Ben smiled as he looked around the table and realized he would miss the girls. They really did need the independence and would grow so much from the experience. He sighed then caught Tina watching him with a knowing smile on her lips. He huffed as he couldn't hide anything from her. A glance in the other direction brought him to Lucy's smiling eyes. Her too? He faced the girls.

"Remember, tonight when you get home we're all going out for a quick bite to eat then we're hitting the furniture store," he said to remind them.

"Yes!" Penny said with glee and Karen just smiled as her mouth was full.

Ben finished up and tidied the kitchen as the others finished and their daily rush to get out the door began.

He gave them kisses as they left then smiled at Tina.

"I know you will miss this Ben but it is for the best," Tina said.

"Oh, I know. Having their own place will be really good for them," Ben sighed. "I made arrangements for Ashley to pick up Christopher tonight so you could come shopping with us. Did you want to come with me to the bank this morning?"

"No, I am still working on the shopping list for their home. Have fun!" she replied.

"Ok, I'll take Christopher to daycare first." He bent down and gave Tina a kiss then scooped the boy up.

The daycare entrance was a little backed up this morning with four parents dropping off their children before Ben. He waited his turn at the back and overheard two women standing in front of him talking.

"-news said he had two girls chained in his basement!" one gushed in a hushed tone.

"How horrifying! They should chain him in a basement then fill it with water," the other one responded.

"Ladies, not a conversation to have in front of the kids," Ben leaned forward and said gently. They jumped as they hadn't seen him come in.

"Mr. Shepherd! You're the one who caught him!" one of the ladies gushed.

Ben pulled back in surprise and stared at her. "I did what?"

"This Draco creep! The news said you were the one who caught him!" she continued.

"Draco- Drago?"

"Yes! Right, his name was Drago!" she beamed at him.

Ben's mind was churning over this new information. So, he was in the news again, once more unintentionally forced into the role of hero. Geezus, they were never going to let this go.

Daphne signed in the first woman's child but the woman remained where she was looking at Ben like he might suddenly sprout wings and a halo.

"I didn't know anything about women chained in a basement! I had nothing to do with that!" he complained.

"Didn't you subdue him and restrain him?" the excited woman asserted.

"I- I did... subdue him, yes. Others restrained him and contacted the police. It was the police that went to his home."

"On your instructions!" she pushed.

Ben opened his mouth to protest but he could see they really weren't listening. They wanted to believe so they wouldn't hear otherwise. Still he couldn't take credit for another's efforts.

"The police are the heroes here. Truly." He shut up as they just smiled at him.

Daphne returned to take the talkative woman's child inside. She gave Ben a worried look but he just shook his head. Nothing she could do.

When she returned Ben handed her a squirming Christopher and smiled as the boy rushed into the back room to play with his friends. The women finally left as they had to get to work and Ben sighed with relief. "Tonight, Ashley will be picking up Christopher as well as Joshua. She's watching him until I get back from furniture shopping for the renovated house."

"No problem Ben, I'll make a note of that," she agreed.
