A Shepherd Afield Pt. 03


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"Excellent! Could I speak with Lisa or Lori?" he asked Daphne.

"Sure. What were those ladies talking about?" she asked.

"What? Oh, just some creep I beat up that turned out to have some women chained up in his basement when the police went to his home looking for his partner. I didn't know anything about that," he asserted.

Daphne just smiled and shook her head as she walked into the back to get her daughter.

Moments later Lori came out with a big smile on her face. "Hi Ben!"

Ben relaxed when he saw the beauty but he refrained from getting too intimate in the daycare.

"Hi Lori. I just wanted to confirm you and Lisa can take Rain shopping for clothes. She has a job interview on Friday so Thursday night would be best."

"You said she needs a winter wardrobe too? One evening isn't enough time. How about we shop for the interview outfit on Thursday night and take her shopping for the rest on the weekend?" Lori suggested.

"Yeah that makes sense. Thank you!" Ben smiled.

"Anything else I can help you with?" she asked with a coy smile.

Ben smiled back at her. "No, that's all... for now."

He gave her a hug and Lisa rushed out to get a hug too before she dashed back to the kids.

Ben went home with a smile on his lips and found Tina still plunking away at her spreadsheet. He sat with her in the living room and reviewed the engineering boards on his own tablet. He came across another company looking for a solution to a problem he'd already solved so he directed them to the company that manufactured the piece they needed. Then he sent a note to the president of the company to let him know he might want to up their marketing efforts.

Glancing at the clock he saw it was time for him to visit the bank. He gave Tina a kiss then headed downtown.

His visit to the bank was quick and he left with two debit cards, one for the twins and one for Tina. Each was connected to an account with sufficient funds for both Rain's clothing and outfitting the renovated home.

Rain's flight didn't get in until 3PM so he had time.

Ben's mind went back to the evening before and the 'gifts' he'd bought the twins. He was thinking Tina might appreciate such a gift as well. He knew Lucy had an aversion to being touched there but she did have piercings so maybe something along those lines? He used his cell to find a shop that might sell such items. He skipped the sleazy sounding ones and spotted one that sounded promising. The name... there was something about the name. The address wasn't too far away so he drove over to the shop. It blended in with the more upscale clothing shops in the neighborhood so he wasn't embarrassed to go inside.

As he stepped in the door he noted it looked like many other clothing shops the twins had taken him and Tina to. He began to relax. Looking closer he saw the racks contained mostly lingerie but as he moved further back the items began to become a little more fetish based. The materials shifted from satin and lace to leather and latex.

Further back he encountered glass cases with discreet displays of sex toys. Higher end merchandise in artfully designed packaging to be sure but still sex toys. He spotted a display case with anal plugs and saw they came in many sizes, some dauntingly large.


He froze until the accent in the voice tickled his recollection. He turned. "Pepin?"

"Hello! I didn't expect to see you in my shop so soon but I am delighted!" she smiled up at him.

That's when he remembered her business card and the website URL written on it. It was the name of the store! That's why it seemed familiar.

"I have to admit that when I came in I wasn't aware of the connection. I was just looking for someplace to pick up a couple of items and the name of your store didn't make me want to run the other way," he admitted. She grinned.

"Yes, we do cater to a more upscale market who appreciate discretion and propriety," she said indicating the subtle nature of the displays. He nodded with a smile of his own.

A woman appeared at Pepin's elbow and stood there trembling slightly. "Melody? What's wrong?" the older woman asked.

"Mistress, may I hug him?"

Pepin smiled and looked to Ben. "You recall Melody from the club? She would like to show her appreciation for saving her."

Ben's eyebrows were raised. He did recognize the young woman but hadn't expected to see her here, especially after what she'd gone through. He nodded in a daze.

Suddenly Melody was against his chest, squeezing him tightly. He hugged her in return then she stepped back to stand slightly behind Pepin... submissively. It clicked in Ben's mind and Pepin smiled as she saw his awareness appear in his eyes.

"Yes, Melody has chosen me as her Dom. I have to admit I wasn't expecting it and I've only had male subs before but she was a quick learner." She turned to the girl. "Wait for me in my office." With a final smile at Ben Melody rushed off to the back of the store.

"Congratulations?" Ben ventured and Pepin smiled graciously.

"What are you interested in seeing today?" Pepin asked.

Ben was about to suggest he find another sales person but he realized there was little point. "I'd like to pick up this item," he said indicating the anal plug matching the shape and size of the ones he'd got the twins, "and I'm wondering if you have something for someone who wears piercings in her, ah, nipples."

Pepin nodded and opened the drawer under the display case to show an assortment of boxes. "What color gem would you like?"

"Clear, please."

She extracted a box and handed it to Ben. He looked inside and nodded.

"As for the other item I have something that just came in the other day." She led him over to a display case showing different kinds of piercings. She opened the case and lifted out two bar piercings with hemisphere rings attached. A delicate looking chain ran between the rings.

"That's very pretty!" Ben said.

"And functional too. A gentle tug on the chain stimulates both nipples at once," Pepin replied.

Ben blushed a little and Pepin smiled in delight. "You are refreshingly innocent, Ben!" When he squirmed under her gaze she let him off the hook. "Was there anything else you were looking for? Perhaps you wish to get a second one of each item for the other twin. As I saw at the club they like to adorn themselves similarly."

"Oh, these aren't for the twins-" Ben began and Pepin's eyes caught his in surprise. Ben's cheeks got a little warmer. "These are for two other ladies I'm with."

"Also subs?" Pepin asked in surprise.


"They're aware of the others..."

Ben frowned. "Of course, I'd never abuse their trust by lying to them."

Pepin nodded and seemed to center herself once more. "Well... good for you." She put the chain back into the display case and pulled a boxed one from the drawer under the cabinet. She handed him the box and looked up into his eyes. "I've never witnessed a successful polyamory relationship before. Maybe you could teach us your secrets at our next meeting?"

Ben detected a hint of hostility in her request and wondered at its source. Still, he could answer the question. "I'm not a relationship expert. I wouldn't be in these relationships if it wasn't for- another woman I'm in love with. She's opened my eyes to the possibility of opening my heart to more than one woman. The secret? The only secret is that there can be no secrets. Brutal honesty. Always. There's no room for jealousy. That's poison for relationships."

Pepin looked at him thoughtfully so he felt comfortable continuing. "No relationship is static. They take effort to maintain and they evolve. I've had to be open to the changes even when it wasn't positive for me. Love grows or it doesn't and sometimes its shape doesn't match your preconceived notions. I've had to learn to accept it all."

"Do any of the women love others?" Pepin asked pointedly.

Ben nodded. "One recently fell in love with another man and I'm pretty sure will be moving away to live with him. Another is in love with a woman as well but distance is proving to be too much of an obstacle for them."

Pepin's eyes widened in surprise. "What if she decided to move away to be with this woman?"

"She's told me that she won't give me up but if she needed to be with her I wouldn't stop her from going. But I wouldn't give her up either. I'd just visit her as often as I could," he said with a sigh, thinking of Gabriella.

Pepin nodded thoughtfully as she led Ben up to the cashier. She instructed the woman to give Ben a member discount. Once he had his package Pepin walked him over to the door.

"I'm sorry if I was a little short with you earlier. I've had some bad relationships in recent years and the idea of a successful polyamorous relationship struck a nerve. I'm glad we talked. I extend the offer again to speak to the group about it. Though I believe some of our members couldn't endure such a relationship it's an excellent lesson to know it can work," Pepin said contritely.

Ben just smiled and shook her hand. He gave her his email address so she could keep in touch. Then he made his way home. He tucked his little presents away in his jacket pocket. They were for later. He hoped Tina and Lucy would like them.

Chapter 21

Rain shivered as she held her hands up against the vents in Ben's truck to warm them. The plane had run their air conditioner the entire way and the airport hadn't been much warmer. The walk to the truck had chilled her to the bone. She was worried she'd never get warm again.

Ben looked over at her in worry. Maybe this California native wasn't going to survive her first actual winter.

Rain caught his glance and smiled at him. "Don't worry Ben. Unless you expect me to live in an igloo I think I'll be fine... once I get some warmer clothes that is."

"I wanted to talk to you about that. Hannah talked to Dr. Granger who got you a job interview at a clinic downtown on Friday. The position is for councillor but she feels you could be moved into a psychologist position if all goes well. I've asked Lisa and Lori if they could take you out shopping for an outfit for your job interview tomorrow night. They will take you out shopping this weekend for the rest of the clothes you'll need for the winter."

Rain sat looking at Ben with her mouth open in shock.

Ben glanced over and saw her expression. "Have you frozen solid?"

"I- I thought the best I'd get in a medical center was working reception, being a filing clerk, or sweeping floors. Being a councillor? Oh my god! Thank you!" Rain gasped.

"I just had friends who could get you in the door. You still have to impress them in the interview. Personally, I don't think that's going to be a problem for you," he said and smiled at her. "Tonight though, tonight you have to pick out the furniture for your new bedroom. The girls, Tina, Lucy, Trish, you and I are all going out for a quick dinner then off to the furniture mall."

"Pick out furniture?"

"I just had the house rebuilt almost from the ground up. The renovation team is painting next week and you get to move in by next Saturday. It would be good to have some furniture for you to use when you move in. Hopefully the stuff you guys select will be in stock and can be delivered by that day but if it comes a little later we will make alternate living arrangements until its ready. The house is currently empty."

Rain looked like she was going to cry.

"Hey! No tears in my truck! That's my rule!" Ben growled without any real heat.

"Thank you Ben!" she whispered through the tightness of her throat.

They pulled into Trish's driveway and Ben got them as close to the door as he could. "We'll drop your bags off here. Trish will drive you to the deli we're having dinner at and we'll meet you there."

Rain popped her seatbelt and leapt on Ben to give him a happy kiss.

When she pulled back Ben saw Trish standing behind her storm door grinning at them. He got out and grabbed Rain's bags from the back seat as the woman dashed for the door with her other suitcase. She made it inside and was hugging Trish tight and the two were squealing happily as Ben set the bags down.

"We'll meet at the deli at 5PM, right?" he asked and Trish gave him a happy nod. After giving her a kiss, he slipped back outside and drove home. The girls hadn't come home yet but would be arriving soon.

Ben found Tina in the living room and gave her some smooches until she was gasping for breath and pushing at his chest as she grinned. She knew they'd have company soon. He gave her the bank card and let her know the PIN. He warned her that it had no daily limit and if it was lost she needed to call the bank immediately to cancel it.

From the laughter Ben could tell the girls had arrived. He glanced at the clock and saw they still had a little time. He walked out to greet them. Karen and Penny were giggling excitedly and leapt against his chest to give him hugs.

"Alright you two, go get ready to go out," he growled fondly and they scurried away. He pulled Lucy to his chest and kissed her until she purred.

"You ready to go out?" he asked and she just nodded. The girls returned and Tina smiled at them. Ben scooped her into his arms and Lucy took her crutches as they went into the garage to pile into Ben's truck. He got them on their way and the drive to the deli wasn't long.

They made their way inside and spotted Trish at a long table. Rain stood and faced the ladies with Ben with a trembling smile.

"There is no need to be nervous with us. Ben told us what you did for him in Costa Rica. We are all very grateful! Welcome to the family," Tina said sweetly and Rain got a little teary eyed as she came forward to be hugged by Tina.

"I am Tina Lee and this is Lucy Bennett," she said continuing the introductions. Lucy enveloped the petite brunette in a warm hug and Rain wiped her eyes when Lucy released her.

"This is Karen and Penny Shepherd," Tina said.

"Ah! Ben's daughters and my soon to be roommates!" Rain smiled.

The girls hugged her as well and they all took seats. They wasted no time in ordering as they were eager to get shopping. They kept their meals light, except for Ben.

The food was good but they ate quickly and were looking at Ben impatiently as he gobbled down the last few bites. Ben paid the bill and they made their way to the furniture mall. Once they were all inside they gathered around Ben.

"Ok, I'm going to take Tina and Lucy with me as we are going to pick out the appliances. What I'd like you all to do is review the bedroom sets. This means a bed, two bedside tables with lamps, a dresser and mirror, and a bureau. My suggestion is that you look for beds with storage under them. It's the most practical design. The bedrooms are large so you can easily fit a desk and chair in there as well so once you've picked out the bedroom set take a look at the office furniture. Text me when you are done."

He got nods from the others so off they went, Rain still looking a little dazed by the whirlwind experience. Lucy returned with a wheel chair from customer service and Tina settled into it. Lucy pushed while Ben carried the crutches.

Tina was very particular about the kitchen appliances but they finally made their selections. They looked over at a salesmen who had been hovering not too far away and he swooped in. Ben got him to start an order and the man grinned when he heard they had more items. He followed them like a puppy as Tina and Lucy inspected the washer dryer sets. Once they'd chosen, Ben directed the man to add them to the order.

Ben's phone chirped and he saw Trish had sent him a text that all three ladies had chosen their sets. He responded that they were on their way. The group made their way over to the bedroom suites and spotted them. The salesman was wide eyed with surprise at the beauties waiting for them.

Trish indicated to the man which sets each of the three had selected and he added the items to the order. Karen had chosen the same set her sister chose and all three had at least some under bed storage.

A stop by the mattress section and they added three mattresses to the list. Karen and Penny chose plush and Rain went with a firmer mattress.

They'd all chosen the same office desk and chair combination so that was simple enough to add to the order. The salesman's eyes were growing wide.

Then they went to the living room sets and after much discussion they settled on a sectional sofa, a loveseat, two comfortable chairs, two end tables, and a coffee table. They then selected a sofa, two end tables with lamps, two love seats and a coffee table for the family room.

For the dining room Ben insisted they get a really big table so they could host get togethers for large groups of neighbors. The home's dining room was designed with a large table in mind. They found one they all fell in love with which expanded with a leaf on either end to extend the table to a huge length. They selected comfy cushioned chairs for the table as well.

Finally Ben dragged them over to the electronics department and got them to see a big, flat screen TV he'd researched. Though the ladies groaned about his insistence on getting a truly large screen he stood fast that the 80" set would be perfect for watching movies and playing games. The set had a multitude of connectivity options. As he was the one paying for it they finally gave in. Karen and Penny were secretly thrilled as they imagined gaming on the big screen.

He also chose a set of surround sound speakers which could be connected directly to the TV.

The salesman reviewed the item list and once Ben was satisfied he left to key it all into the system to place the order.

Ben glanced at the time and saw it was 9:30PM. "Wow! Time really flew!"

Rain crushed herself against Ben's chest and hugged him. "Thank you for this! I have never felt so... included in a group in my life!" she said looking up at him happily.

"You know I know something about the feeling of being an outsider. I won't allow that here. We're not only neighbors, we're a family!" Ben said to her.

The salesman rushed back and was relieved to see they hadn't slipped away. He led Ben away to make the payment and arrangements for delivery.

Once done he collected his family and everyone made their way back to the vehicles. A round of hugs and kisses ensued then they piled into the trucks and headed home. Lucy walked with him over to Ashley's place to collect Christopher then carried the sleeping boy home.

Ben admired how Ashley's yellow blond hair was braided. Most likely one of her girls had done it. He admired her body as he followed her into the home.

Ashley led Ben into the kitchen. "Off with your top," she said with a grin.

Ben managed to pull his sweater off while keeping the undershirt on. When he saw her pout he pulled the undershirt off too. That got a smile from Ashley. Ben leaned over the sink and she leaned against his body as she began washing his hair. She was far more comfortable touching him this time and her body felt really good against his.

"Where are the girls?" he asked.

"I sent them to bed. They were up late last night playing games at your place so they were extra tired today," she replied.

"Ah, sorry about that."

"No, it's fine. Once in a while it's ok and they really did have fun!" Ashley sighed as she rinsed the shampoo, running her fingers through his hair.

She turned off the tap and put a towel over his head. She led him to the chair in the middle of the kitchen and sat him down. She took the towel off and looked critically at his head. "Size one bowl or size two bowl. Hmmm..."

Ben reached for her with a grin but she danced out of reach with a grin of her own.
