A Simple Crime Ch. 02


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"Who did it?" She quickly asked as excitement rushed over her. No wonder she couldn't remember anything about the last day or how her body had been abused so badly.

John caressed her face. "It seems our good friend Tommy did it," he paused. "I found pictures of the first girl that was murdered in his evidence bag. When I asked about them he didn't have an answer. I felt a pain in my arm and woke up in a burning warehouse down by the docks," he smiled and reached to hold her hand. "The doctor told me you had the same marks on you as both the other girls'," he said giving her little hand a loving squeeze.

"I feel so dirty, John," she said as tears rushed from her eyes. "I can't remember what he did to me," she cried harder as she fell into his strong arms, hoping to find some comfort.

He held her to his body and gently rocked her. "Don't you worry about it. Nothing that little pig did matters okay?" He smiled. "When we catch him, I'm going to make sure he doesn't make it to trial," he added with a big grin. "I want you to rest. I have two of our guys right outside your door, with orders to shoot that little fucker if he comes near you," he added pulling away from Carla hoping his words would make her relax and try to forget what had happened.

"I'll try," she said forcing a smile. "John, can you go to my house? There's a real nice guy that lives next to me. Can you tell him where I am and that I'd love to have him come see me," she said with tears of need running from her eyes.

John smiled and gave her a fast kiss on her cheek. "You bet that sweet little ass of yours I will," he replied standing, moving towards the door. "Rest girl!" He said in his fatherly voice and disappeared from the room.

Carla turned on her side and curled into a tight ball, trying to put John's words into her mind, hoping it would ease the pain running through her. Her eyes slowly closed as the faint sound of distant thunder filled her ears; slowly she was fast asleep.

'Boom!' A loud crash of thunder rang out.

Carla jumped up, sweat poured off her well-toned body as a big hand reached up to her face. "No!" She screamed out as loud as she possibly could. "Help me!" Carla screamed again as the light of her small hospital room came on.

"Are you okay, Ma'am?" A large policeman asked rushing next to her side while the other tried to grab Buddy's strong arms. "Captain Kellogg said it was fine that he came to see you. Would you like us to escort him out?" The policeman asked looking to see a shocked look on Buddy's face.

Carla cleared her mind and when she realized it was Buddy, she threw herself in his arms. "I've missed you so much," she cried lying against him, wishing he could get closer to her. "It's fine, thank you," she said pulling away from Buddy to thank her guards. "This is my guy," she whispered leaning to give him a deep, loving kiss.

The two policemen quickly left the room, leaving Carla and Buddy alone. "I know it's only been two days, but I feel like I haven't seen you in a year." Carla cried hugging Buddy to her breasts. "Is there any way you can get up here?" She asked patting the side of the hard hospital bed. "I need to hug you so bad."

Buddy pulled himself closer to the bed and with one swift move he was on the bed giving Carla the hug she so dearly craved. "Is this better?' He asked caressing over her back, making sure he avoided touching her breasts. "Your Captain told me what happened to you," he said looking her in the eyes, moving his hand to caress her. "I'm so sorry," he whispered feeling his own tears running off his face. "As long as I'm breathing, no one will ever hurt you again," he promised giving her a soft kiss.

A warm feeling covered her body and she knew she was safe. No one would hurt her now. "Lay with me." Carla softly said as she bit her lip, hoping he would take her there on the bed. She didn't care if her two guards heard them or not, she needed Buddy.

"What do you have in mind?" He replied lying next to her, putting his hand on her stomach, and gently caressed her smooth flesh. "You're supposed to be resting," he said letting his hand slowly caress its way down her warm body.

Carla closed her eyes, enjoying his strong hand inching its way over her soft panties. "I'll rest really good if you cooperate with me," she said, slowly spreading her legs. "Oh yes!" She moaned as he covered her wetness. "Ohhhh," she moaned again as two fingers gently moved down the center of her wetness.

"Is that better?" Buddy whispered in her ear as he kissed it. "I'll always be here for you." And his two fingers carefully entered her body. He thought of the things John had told him and sadness filled his heart, wishing he could have been there to help her. 'No one will ever hurt you again,' he thought to himself. He may not have had his legs, but he still knew how to kill and kill fast.

Carla's back arched with delight as he moved his probing digits inside of her. "Oh yes!" She cried out locking around him. "Hold me," she whimpered turning to face him, squeezing her legs on his hand, not wanting to let him go.

"You sleep now. I'll be here when you wake up," he whispered pushing his fingers deeper into her. "If you're up for it, I'll be sure and see if I can fix any leak you have," he said hearing a little giggle.


The storm raged into the night. Thunder and lightening ruled the night sky.

A bright streak of lightening lit the room. 'Boom!' A loud thunderclap cracked the silence of the night, making Carla jump from her sleep.

"Shhhh. I'm here." Buddy whispered as his strong arm wrapped around her body, pulling her close to him. "You go back to sleep," he said enjoying the feel of her wonderful ass against him.

"That scared the shit out of me," she laughed, feeling him growing against her. "What might that be?" She giggled pushing back into him.

"If you want, I could move," he teased but felt her hand grab him, holding him close.

"Don't you dare," she said in a soft voice, enjoying his hard cock pressed against her ass, drifting back to sleep.

Lightening flashed again. 'Boom!'

Carla jumped up, Buddy's arm fell on the bed, and she could hear the sounds of him breathing. She tried to clear her mind and wake up. "I gotta go pee," she laughed sliding from the bed and walked towards the small bathroom. She reached for the light, but didn't want to wake Buddy. He sounded so peaceful.

She reached to feel for the toilet, pulled down her panties and carefully sat down. "Much better," she sighed as the warm fluid ran from her body and she felt a stir between her legs. "I think I'm going to rape you." Carla said looking towards the bed and the man in it.

After a quick wipe with something the hospital was sure to call paper, she stood and made her way back to Buddy.

Lightening flashed; she saw a white jacket lying on the floor. "What the fuck?" She whispered, bending to pick it up and saw a nametag on the front. "When did a doctor come in here?" She whispered thinking he must have gotten a good show with her being near naked with Buddy's hand holding her wet pussy.

'Boom!' The trailing thunder rang out, making her jump. "Shit," she swore under her breath, not wanting to wake up Buddy. "I guess they'll come back for it later." Carla said tossing the jacket on a nearby chair. She didn't really care about it, all she could think of was a long cock in her bed and all of the things she wanted to do with it.

"Flash!' A long bolt of lightening lit the darkened room; a man stood in front of her. Or was there?

Carla jumped, was she seeing things or was the drugs Tommy had given her still playing tricks on her? She froze in her tracks, held her breath and waited.

A cold, wet hand covered her mouth. "Now you've had it bitch!" A voice she knew all too well filled her ears as a fist hit her in her lower stomach, making her fall to the floor with horrendous pain running through her. "I told you that you were mine, forever," he laughed, moving to sit on her chest, making sure all of his weight was on her and he jammed something in her mouth, making it impossible to scream for help. "Now you're going to pay, just like those other two bitches did," he laughed out in an evil voice that sent chills thought her.

Carla looked at the bed, hoping Buddy would wake up and help her. He told her nobody would ever hurt her. "Don't look for that cripple," Tommy laughed. "I caved in his skull," he laughed again swinging his fist in the side of Carla's face. Blood poured from her lips and nose as she gasped for a breath of air, but the blood filled her airway, making it impossible to breath.

"So, I guess I'll do you just like the others." Tommy cackled. "I wonder how you're going to look with you arms cut off," he laughed reaching to his side. "See this?" He asked holding a rusty hand saw up to Carla's face. "I found it in the trash, it may be old, but it still does the job," he said running it over her face.

Carla struggled to free herself, but Tommy's weight was too much for her. She looked to the bed hoping Buddy was still alive. She didn't care if she was killed or not, but Buddy didn't have a thing to do with this.

"You ready cunt?" Tommy asked leaning down to her face. "I wish I had time to tie you up. It's fun watching them jerk and squirm when I start cutting things off," he laughed shifting to move Carla's arm away from her body. "They all pass out after the first few cuts, so don't worry about the pain," he laughed moving the saw to her arm. "Here goes," he said shoving the saw down on her arm and thrust it forward.

She felt a massive pain shoot through her shoulder as the saw cut into her tender flesh. She tried to scream, but whatever Tommy had shoved in her mouth didn't allow any sounds to escape. She kicked, scratched, anything she could to free herself, but he held her.

He pulled back the rusty saw, thrust it forward, digging deeper into Carla' shoulder. More pain filled her brain, she knew her time was nearing. She could see her mother and father; her Aunt Sally and her little dog Fluffy that had died so long ago. Her pretty eyes started to close as she thought of the only man she had ever loved, hoping they would be together.

"Mother fucker!" A voice said from the dark room as a massive arm wrapped around Tommy's neck, jerking him off of Carla. "You're dead!" Buddy said as his powerful fists slammed into Tommy's face one after the other.

The door of the room flew open, the lights came on, John and six policemen stood, watching Buddy beat the ruthless killer Tommy to death.

John rushed to Carla, pulled off his belt and wrapped it tightly around her arm. "Wake up sugar," he said pulling her into his arms. "You can't go and die now. You got you a great guy that dearly loves you," he smiled when her eyes opened. "Look over there," he said holding her head to see Buddy beating Tommy to death. "Get a doctor now!" John yelled out to the policemen by the door.

She looked up to John. "I just knew he was okay," she said looking back at Buddy.

After a few more punches to Tommy's head, Buddy slid across the floor to the woman he loved. "Hey baby," he smiled taking her from John. "I know I was a little late helping you, but I made it," he leaned to kiss her lips as blood poured from the back of his head.

"It's alright," she replied in a weak voice. "You still owe me something," she smiled as her eyes closed.

"No!" Buddy screamed out pulling her limp body up to his chest. "No!" He yelled out as tears ran down his face. How could she die? She was the only woman who really cared for him. She didn't care about him not having any legs or if he was in a wheelchair and now she was gone. "No!" He cried hugging her to his chest as more tears ran from his face.

Three doctors rushed into the room. Two of them took Carla from Buddy and one looked at his head. "Fuck me! Help her!" He yelled pushing the young doctor away.

"I have a weak pulse!" One of them yelled out. "We need a stretcher in here and call the OR. Tell them we're on the way up."


John and Buddy sat at the small table, enjoying a cold beer and the warm sun shining down on them.

"I'm going to miss that pretty girl running around the lab." John said with a frown, thinking of all the times that he had admired Carla's wonderful body. "I'll be retiring in six months, if they don't shit-can me first," he laughed thinking of all the investigations of his office.

Buddy reached for his glass, took a drink and looked at John. "Oh fuck them. How was you to know that one of your people was a killer?" Buddy replied knowing John was a good man and the police force was going to loose their best man.

"I know, but they don't listen to anybody." John said turning his head to watch a pretty, tall girl walking their way. "Damn!" He said with a smile. "Look at the honey coming our way!" He smiled watching the girl's long, slender legs and the short skirt that just did cover her hips and ass.

"Holly shit!" Buddy laughed. "Think I might have a chance with her?" He asked John in a teasing voice as his eyes roamed her slim body and he couldn't help getting hard.

John smiled to Buddy. "Hell, you never know until you try," he said watching her seductive hips as she walked towards them.

Buddy turned his chair in her direction. "Hey, hot stuff," he said with a smile. "You wouldn't happen to be looking for a good time would you?" He asked with a big smile.

She moved towards him, looking at his handsome face and his strong arms. "I don't know," she smiled, standing next to him, enjoying the smell of his after-shave. "What do you have in mind, big boy?" She asked with a wink feeling wetness flooding her small panties.

"Maybe an afternoon filled with some hot sex?" Buddy replied moving his hand to her long leg. "Hell, we might even do it here in my chair, if your game," he added with a wink, slowly moving his hand up her leg, under her skirt to the soft pair of panties covering her wonderful ass. He gently caressed her, waiting for her reply.

She smiled, enjoying his big, strong hand caressing her ass. "You don't fool around do you?" She asked moving as close to him as she could get. "I'd be pretty much open for anything you have in mind, but..." She smiled looking to John and back to Buddy. "I should tell you that I do have to be careful, I just found out I'm having a baby in about seven months," she smiled with tears in her blue eyes.

John slapped the table as hard as he could and jumped up. "Hot damn!" He yelled out with joy as he rushed to hug Carla in his arms. "Congratulations!" He whispered hugging her as tight as he could. He reached to give Buddy a manly slap on his back. "I do have to tell you this, I'm envious!" He laughed thinking of being the man that got her pregnant.

"It was a tough job, but somebody had to do it." Buddy laughed pulling Carla onto his lap. He looked into her eyes. "I love you," he whispered giving her a deep, loving kiss.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I have read a total of 10 of your stories so far and I have to say that I am highly impressed with your stories and the characters in them. I am a widower, my wife died in my arms 10 yrs ago, it was hard on me. In a 5 yr period. I lost my mother, my father, and my wife. Also in that 5 yr period, I lost my home and two cars and everything I owned.

I had to start all over from scratch and had to rebuild my life. I am a very lonely 57 yr old widowed white southern gentleman. I have not dated or been with anyone since my wife passed away. It seems all I do is work. It is hard when every one around you is married and I haven't been able to find a single woman for companionship or much less interested in conversation with me.

I love your stories, for the first time in a long time you have me smiling again and hoping and believing in love again. Thank you so very much and may God bless you and your family.

Bobbyd629Bobbyd629over 1 year ago

Really got into this one, a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

loved it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Was a surprising finish considering the tag it was under - not complaining mind you, I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

This is a nice luv story. Well narrated. All the best,

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