All Comments on 'A Slight Miscalculation'

by Hooked1957

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HighpikeHighpikeabout 1 year ago

I think my favourite part was the brief encounter with the counsellor.

JohnAmalfi4104JohnAmalfi4104about 1 year ago

Good story. I concur with Highpike's comment.

SplitGeode66SplitGeode66about 1 year ago

A great story. His "revenge" was a life well lived, free from an entitled Lauren.


I do miss Traci as the name of the female antagonist.


5 big stars and a favorite!

remb95remb95about 1 year ago

Loved the beginning and the ending. Serves the bitch right and he did come out over the top. 5

francemanfrancemanabout 1 year ago

When I read this story, I was moderately cheerful

By 1) so much it was full of clichés such as he loves me too much, I'm completely selfish but too beautiful, warning about cheating is not cheating, I should have done it without warning......

By 2) because knowing your quality of author, I had the impression of a story on the cheap.

In the end, it turns into a great story full of double meanings, full of offbeat humor (in my opinion) and that I found very funny.

5⭐. Thanks for sharing.

TajfaTajfaabout 1 year ago

I think she got off lightly. In the timeline I think she was nearly 60. I would have had her with a dozen cats living a very lonely and sad life. I agree with highpike below. The best counselor in any Lit' story I've read.

waltdeewaltdeeabout 1 year ago

Although I would have liked a contrite apology, you’ve penned a perfect story. Good job!

skiaddictskiaddictabout 1 year ago

Makes my morning every time I open up the LW page and see another offering from Hooked. Your work only improves. Thank you.

6King6Kingabout 1 year ago


blackrandl1958blackrandl1958about 1 year ago

Fire story, Mr. 1957. A five, of course. Write another, please, Randi.

Bronco56Bronco56about 1 year ago

Another excellent story.


HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 1 year ago

Another good story from Hooked. It's so nice to find a story I can read and enjoy here in LW. It isn't easy these days. Nice job.

hankmbb1017hankmbb1017about 1 year ago

Another excellent story! Prime example of not knowing what you have until it’s GONE!

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlungerabout 1 year ago

Excellent story well told, pretty sure every reader will love your marriage guidance lady, worth 5* in her own right.

tonyneatotonyneatoabout 1 year ago

Love this story !!! 5 stars

lujon2019lujon2019about 1 year ago

Although he didn't tell his wife, Travis really didn't want to rush into divorce. He was hoping that she would come to her senses quickly, and abandon her foolish plans of cuckolding him. He believed he could forgive her and they could get past her transgression if she would stop this foolishness.



And THAT makes him a cuck

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yep, loved the counselor's take on the situation.

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 1 year ago

I guess there's no reason you should not have your turn, but this theme is becoming really tiresome. There is no suspense because there is only one possible ending.

lash2718rlash2718rabout 1 year ago

When he found out that he had miscalculated his value, he was a 9 not a 6, Travis' actions were not so different from Lauren. He had experienced life as a 6, and therefore had more empathy. Thus he was still a better date partner than Lauren. To bring 2 women to his younger daughter's wedding was tacky.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 year ago

I was expecting that last confrontation to occur far earlier and then I was surprised it showed up at all. It's ought to be obvious to anyone Lauren didn't respect Travis. His daughters didn't really respect him either until he shut his wife down. Lauren comes across as an entitled narcissistic mercenary bitch. That was just a switch flipped? Really? Besides beauty, there didn't seem to be any redeeming qualities at all. How the hell did they manage 20 plus years of marriage?

I am reminded of that saying (probably paraphrasing) "it doesn't matter how how she is, somewhere there is a man sick of her bullshit" under normal circumstances I would find that more than a little misogynistic but in this case? If the shoe fits. Its the only part of the story I didn't really feel fit. Somehow the lack of decent qualities in Lauren force me to view Travis as a bit of a mary sue type character. It's too much

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 year ago

Oh and as others wrote, the marriage counselor scene was the best.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 1 year ago

Finally, a woman who is more disgusting than Linda in February Sucks.

It was a relief that MC made a decision quickly to get rid of a sociopath.

Because I thought he would really succumb and be a SIMP.

Nice one Hooked1957.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The daughters were horrible. Why be so nice to them?

stev2244stev2244about 1 year ago

Great stuff once again. A day with a Hooked story in LW is always a good day, and this one was no exception.

AnyMooseAnyMooseabout 1 year ago

Would Lauren have cheated if Rosa (or someone like her) hadn't slithered along when she did? Thinking that Rosa needs a bit more karma in her life.

The Style GuyThe Style Guyabout 1 year ago

A 5* story from a 5* author. Thanks!

Omart57Omart57about 1 year ago

Good one, H! Really liked it!

demanderdemanderabout 1 year ago

Well, not that easy to get new women at his age. Another good story. D

jasonnhjasonnhabout 1 year ago

Yup, really like Travis' decisive action and not looking back to the bitch.

As to Lauren's math problem, 12 is more than 6 if looks are all that matter. When it comes down to being a good spouse and a good person, Travis is a 15 and Lauren is a, still very confused, 3.

mikeyjb51mikeyjb51about 1 year ago

Awesome once again. Loved it 5 stars

miket0422miket0422about 1 year ago

Of all the stories where the wife says she's going to date other guys this one seemed particularly brutal. Instead of once or twice, or until she got it out of her system ... Lauren says right up front it's going to be a few years. Even the wimpiest, most cuckolded guy out there isn't going to put up with a few years of a wife stabbing him in the back.

Based on the description of her in high school and college... How much more variety did Lauren really need?

I kind of feel like an opportunity was missed. It was implied that Rosa started Lauren down this path because she didn't like not being the hottest woman in the office. Having Rosa admit she helped Lauren destroy her marriage out of spite ... Or so she could steal her husband would have been entertaining to me.

phill1cphill1cabout 1 year ago

She wasn't a 12. A 12 would have been a faithful wife.

She was a ZERO.

Here's the thing. Using a 1-10 scale, virtually any woman, even a 4, can get fucked nightly if she wants. I mean, a man's probably not going to go after a 12 if he doesn't view himself as a 12. Who needs the aggravation? Most men realize that pussy feels the same to a dick. The rest is window dressing and not something that drives up the score significantly, to adults.

The MC in these stories always go for looks as the main reason they fall for these vixens. So why would anyone be surprised that these 'lookers' trade on their looks even after marriage? and the quality of people these married women attract seem like nothing you'd even want to mate with: arrogant, turns everyone off, not even fun really.

It doesn't seem realistic that a woman with any brains would be attracted to these lotharios who have ZERO subtlety to their game.

CagivagurlCagivagurlabout 1 year ago

Interesting story. Well told as always.

Five wonderful stars.


Dylan1Dylan1about 1 year ago

Good story, the only part that didn't sit well with me was when he was not sure what to do after her first date.

He either calls it a day or puts up with it. It seems he had the character to put up with it, then for some reason you changed him into Mr. Macho. Don't get me wrong, I think he should've gone after the first date.

The disrespect she showed needed him to go immediately. It just seemed strange that he turned so quickly from meek to macho.

Good story though.

irinmikeirinmikeabout 1 year ago

Enjoy your writing and am always drawn to, "wife wants to date other men" stories. My first thought when reading this story is why does every wayward wife heading out on a date come down from her dressing room in the "little black dress"? I understand it is for affect, but it has become an overdone chiche. Isn't it tough enough on a husband watching his wife about to partake in extracurricular activities without her dressing like a tramp as she walks out on him? Why does every author have to compound the ache in the pit of the husband's stomach, with the little black dress syndrome? The moral of this story seems to be outrageously beautiful women are not worth the time a man invests in them because they are all just looking for some adoration from anyone but their husband in order to feed their ego. The story line in these dating wife episodes seems to be taking on a familiar theme. My point is what would most men do if their wife pranced out of their home after telling him they were going out on a date? I would take it upon myself to say the typical reaction would be for the husband to even go to the length of restraining the wife before she left their home. If that did not work he would follow her and confront the woman's date as soon as possible. Men, even in today's feminine society are not going to allow their wife to walk down this path until he had exhausted every possible way of making it uncomfortable for his wife and whomever has the balls to ask her out and pick her up at their house! A man totally committed to his wife would fight for her, not just sit around moping while she went on her date. Call it juvinile behavior or whatever else floats your boat, but a man in love with his wife is not just going to allow another man to casually swipe his mate from their door steps. I liked the story, but I would like to see a story written on this topic with some real reactions from the husband after being hit with the fact his wife wants other experiences. After all, "its only sex honey, I love only you". No man, even in these times is going to allow his wife to go down this path without a fight. After all he has provided his woman with a secure safe home environment and now she is going to throw it all in his face by telling him he just has to accept the fact that she wants to sample other men before she gets too old! I don't think so and neither does any other man who loves his wife.

ejsathomeejsathomeabout 1 year ago

I liked it, but it ended too quickly. And, for some reason, it lacked some real emotion. As the story progressed, it seemed to fall a bit flat.

littleone35littleone35about 1 year ago

she should be happy, she is free now and she can play to her hearts content no need to be upset

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 1 year ago

5*****! I think this is exceptionally well written. The author avoided so many of the usual traps and brought a new and fresh voice to the story. He lived a truthful and ethical life and it brought him happiness. Does it really get any better than that? I'm not sure how I feel about him taking 2 dates to the wedding, but more power to him.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionabout 1 year ago

Sometimes I read some of the comments if I don't have a ready comment already forming in my mind. I didn't have to read very far to find my thoughts were already expressed by irinmike's comments. I would have really liked to read that Travis walked out of the house and waited for the asshole who asked his wife out on a date to show up. Then took a baseball bat to the bastard's car. Maybe that kind of reaction would get both Lauren and the dip shits attention. I recently did read one where the husband did cause so much mayhem when the wife came down the stairs for her date, that after a fashion with several failed attempts to go on a date only to have him discouraged her and the date very forcefully, the wife realized the husband would not just roll over and take her disrespect. Was it all easy sailing, no, did he sometimes think she just wasn't worth the trouble, yes, but in the end the husband became much more assertive, and the wife gave up on the idea and realized how close she came to really screwing up their marriage and their lives. This was a strong 3-star read, rounded up to 4-stars.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 1 year ago

Very well written and developed. Slightly different spin from the normal “I’m going on a date” trope. Problem I had was to get there you created Lauren in a way that got me wasn’t believable. I know the main point you pressed is real and believable, but to make your point you gave her no soul. 4*

Wavedave45Wavedave45about 1 year ago

Used to have a coworker. Early 20s but never wore a bra and we would joke about her "National Geographic Titties" when she wasn't around. A term I happily let them know of since it was so apt, just doing my part as an older guy and educating the younger generation of our guy culture.

She was a literal goddamn mess. Looked homeless. Slovenly...a word I learned for the SAT decades ago and you all got to witness me using it for the first time. Probably because I'd usually say "looks like shit" instead since I don't read The New Yorker or drink wine from a wine glass when I'm alone. Anyways this chick is trash, cool to talk to but trash. Just ick.

She got her claws into a dumb handsome coworker that was 19. Apple pie, gun loving, church going, goofy dude. Absolutely fucking ripped since I guess he just lifted weights non stop his senior year of high school because of the lockdowns.

She would fit right in if you saw her sleeping on a bench at a greyhound buss station. He would fit right in as one of the slightly out of focus guys in the background in an Abercrombie & Fitch catalog. She fell in love with his 6 pack and suddenly undergoes a huge personality change to fit with him. Suddenly loving all these things he loves. It was all fake and we all saw it. Couldn't reason with him because he's young and liked how she adored him. The manager jumped at the chance to fire her when she showed up to work drunk. What they had was an affront to nature and we knew she was going to burn him if they stayed together too long.

Where am I going with this? Well as a hetero dude I would say she was a 3/10 on a good day and he's a 7/10 on a bad day (as long as he kept his mouth shut and didn't speak).

And his body count was 1 before her. Her body count was "160 something". She lost count around 160. And this is what she admits to before all that BS women do where they say certain things don't count as sex when we all know they most certainly do. Gen Z seems to be really open about talking about this with coworkers btw.

Anyways, yeah all her partners wouldn't be able to fit inside a single bus unless of course you let some ride on the roof like they do in a 3rd world country that still knows how to have fun. This part isn't a joke but there's rumors she had drunkenly claimed to have had sex for money as well. Not sure if I believe this because I don't see men paying to have sex with her when transsexual prostitutes exist. But it is what it is.

So on the one hand we have what could objectively be called a Chad that should be smashing pussy left and right but it just ain't. And on the other we have the really gross chick that's drowning in a sea of cocks for some reason...okay I'll cut the crap because we all know why. Some men are very thirsty and she's a slut.

In conclusion it's hilarious that there's many women that don't grasp that being able to get fucked isn't the same as getting a guy that wants to stay with you. In our culture it's so easy for a woman to get sex that we need to look out for them getting unwanted sex. The old women talking about giving away milk and cows or some shit knew how all this works. But younger generations told them to go bake a pie and put it on the window sill because she can do whatever she wants, and that is to beat my coworkers 66.6 feet worth of dick that's been put through her. Yeah I did the math, very conservative figure assuming she only had 160 partners and an average dick size of 5 inches.

jezzazjezzazabout 1 year ago

You keep doing this : “she was a 12 and he was a six” - either go with all alpha numerics or all text, but don’t keep mixing them. It makes it look extremely amateur, and you are anything but amateur.

FireFox59FireFox59about 1 year ago

irinmike pretty much covered my thoughts on the story other than one other question. Besides her beauty what other qualities did Lauren have?? She comes across as a very shallow, egotistical me, me, me person. Hardly someone I would consider to be a good wife. In my opinion Travis wasted 20 some years in hell with a bitch for a wife. Maybe that explains why he never bothered to put up a fight when she said she was going to be dating other men for several years. Just cut his losses and move on.

CreeperclawCreeperclawabout 1 year ago

I'm not a math wiz but if he was able to get you and keep you satisfied for more than 20 years, then logically shouldn't he be able to do the same for most other women? Especially if you consider yourself superior to other women?

I mean I get it, she's a narcissist who's to full of herself to notice other people's great qualities or acknowledge that she's the one who messed up, but come on after a while the delusion has to break.

If anything it seems that going purely for looks and sex is making her miserable, might be time to look beyond that. Also how's she gonna play the "don't break up the family, stay together for the kids sake" card if both kids are grown and on their own?

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherabout 1 year ago

Boring, predictable, and not even the attempt for a twist or two on very old and well traveled ground. This story could have embraced newer ground with a twist or two very easily.

BigBlueKatBigBlueKatabout 1 year ago

Outfuckingstanding!!! 5*

redbaron172redbaron172about 1 year ago

You've done better for sure, good story, but him even talking to her made my stomach turn. Yeah you can tell been there got the t-shirt, except mine didn't step out with men.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Brilliant, loved it.

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanabout 1 year ago

So he married the town bike. They dated she ended it and then acted like he didn't even exist. She was described by the author as a zero. Looks are ultimately worthless. Lauren was ugly to the bone. As for men and Travis in particular the author describes him as a 10 although only a six in the looks department which again is a worthless measurement. He asked for fidelity and she wouldn't give it. She asked for everything and he gave and gave. Women want stability and safety and Travis gave that and still it wasn't enough. How many women are stunningly beautiful at 80? How many men still provide stability and safety at 80? As men we have it easy, we don't fade.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story but a flat ending

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

HDK i agree with you 100%. It was nice to read a story in LW i can enjoy given what has been offered lately. Thank you Hooked! Well done & entertaining. 5* all the way!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love the story_5, but writer falls in the same trap many fall in.

Let as assume that she was 12. She had Very Good life with him for 23 yrs.

He is assessed as 6, about half of her.

All above are the facts of the story... HERE COMES THE PUNCH LINE:

Someone who is half valued had made her happy for generation, and you call him half.....?

PS: for all of you with a single digit IQ who don't get above comparison, I'll explain ease way:

3 liter V12 Ferrari is one of the finest in the world...

If you put in 1.5 liter V6, do you think Ferrari would be as happy?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story, as usual, reminds me of the age old saying "behind every beautiful woman there's a guy who's tired of putting up with her krap".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm still wondering why you felt you needed to enter the sick world of cuckold stories?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Technically OK, but kind of box cake adequate. Standard bitch decides to troll the wimp husband with some whoring around, but finds out she's the troll and he's better off without her. Have a nice day. Empty characters, empty drama, No Suspense, and a fizzle ending. Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

And there we have another very stupid slut. Like the fact the Male MC wasn’t a complete wimp this time, rather think Rosa needs some serious physical punishment

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

She was remorseful for TELLING him she was going to cheat, not for the actual cheating on him. A thoroughly disposable and despicable person.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A 12 that sleeps around is an automatic 8. One that doesn't use protection looses more points. One that cheats on her man and judges solely on looks. Add that all up and she's a solid 3. I'd rather sleep with a 4 in looks that has a personality

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Interesting story, though it's hard to get past the mythical 10-12 person with sexual attraction superpowers. It's just such an unbelievable device. But you did pretty well with it.

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownabout 1 year ago

You can't turn a whore into a wife & you can't make a simp into a self respecting husband. Fact is Travis's outcome doesn't mesh with reality. Early on you got serious beta vibes about him, even after the slut openly disrespected and humiliated him he was willing to forgive and forget. Yet after the divorce he magically turns into a confident stud? 🤣🤣🤣

PowersworderPowersworderabout 1 year ago

A refreshingly different counsellor scene was the high point of this story.

I'm glad the husband got a happy ending, but it was disappointing that Lauren didn't suffer more.


The epilogue for Lauren was a bit flat. Someone as narcissistic as her wouldn't be just remorseful at losing her husband. She was incredibly entitled, and also incapable of accepting any accountability. I think she'd spend her last thirty years incredibly bitter and resentful at Travis dumping her and moving on to a happier life. When she was never able to find someone as high quality as her ex-husband, she'd spend many a lonely night crying into her wine, with only a cat for company.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I will say this again.. married people shouldn't take relationship advice from sluts and single folks..her friend was jealous of her marriage and sabotaged her marriage.. No man with any self respect amd self worth would've put up with a cum guzzler wife such as Lauren.. most people aren't just looking for beauty on the outside.. what's in the inside is just as important.. she thought because she was hotter than her husband, he'd be so whipped he would let her fuck other men to her hearts content and just wait at home for her.. the level of delusional is astronomical 🤭...pretty soon she would've been bringing him home several STDS and a pussy full of biohazard cum for him to lick out of her.. she lost repsect for him a long time ago, if she ever had any for him from the start is questionable... Rosa might've instigated Lauren's slutting around.... but at the end of the day.. Lauren's a grown ass woman.. she started slutting around because deep down she wanted to🤷🏾‍♀️.. it didn't take much convincing/ mind fucking for her to betray her absolutely doesn't matter she told him first.. cheating is cheating.. she TOLD him, she didn't ask him..had she asked him he would've said NO.. she can delude herself into believing she wasn't cheating because she told him beforehand, but it's all bullshit.. Rosa saw another slut such as herself in lauren and wanted a slut buddy to slut it up with.. periodT 🙃.. no real friend is going to urge you to destroy your marriage/relationship.. that's not a friend.. that's a just bitter bitch that hates her life and wanted to share her misery.. if Lauren was smart she would've knocked Rosa's teeth down her throat.. and realized rosa knows NOTHING about her marriage, her family, their future plans.. how could she tell her what her husband will do? What he'll accept and how he'll react? ... how are you putting more precedent on a slut than your husband?🤔 .. I don't blame Rosa fully.. she's just doing what sluts do.. at the end of the day, the choice to become a slut was all on Lauren... her husband, his love, his repsect, her children's repsect, her family, their plan to grow old together.. Lauren decided those things weren't important.. fucking as much diseased losers was more important.. nobody forced Lauren.. not even her slutty friend Rosa..

kirei8kirei8about 1 year ago

Sorry, the lack of payback to Lauren and Rosa just killed the story for me. Living well just kind of falls flat.

nixroxnixroxabout 1 year ago

3 stars for an average but decently written BTB story - nothing new or unique here though - same old - same old.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2about 1 year ago

Fascinating how the perfect wife jumps from what appeared to be a 10+ to a 3 personality overnight. And what happened from deserving one night out with another man to becoming superslut? Seriously, announcing that she was going to continue for years????? And she had no clue how he would respond?

Another example of how two people really are clueless about each other. The fact that she thought he would be so submissive doesn't make sense after so many years of marriage.

But her constant thinking her husband was a 6 is a clear indication of how poorly she thought of him.

After coming home from fucking another man and then climbed into bed to sleep, he might have concerned about how hot she was, and dump a bucket of ice cold water on her while she lay there. Clearly she needs to be cooled down. Might also give an indication of how serious he was. Never read about anyone cooling off their 'hot' wife before.

Frank66Frank66about 1 year ago

So..... after the breakup, Travis had about the same amount of sex that Lauren did, but she's a slut and he's a stud? Think this is why the feminist movement got started.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

As per usual, a well told tale from H57. Lauren was a classic LW narcissist. Travis turned out to be NOT a classic LW wimp. It was rather sad that the daughters took their mother’s side for so long….Travis was almost too tolerant of them.


It was rather sad that Travis chose NOT to remarry one of the women he connected with. The eventual dual FWB with Connie and Marla seemed a bit contrived — as if the author was a bit too determined to do something “different” …. I really thought he would choose one of them. But OK 😎


I thought the story overall was a strong “4”….but I gave it an extra ⭐️for including the absolutely best mandated counselor in LW history, who ended the court required sessions in under a minute!


5 *****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Some sluts are just as dumb as a rock. Lauren didn't have an ounce of brain in her head. Have no idea why Travis would pay for his daughter's weddings when they clearly intend to cheat on their husbands if they feel like it. That part was way off the mark in an otherwise good story.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

Just once, I'd like to see the husband just rip the dress right off her.


Who cares how they met and dated? They obviously did, or we wouldn't be here.


Unlike many wives in these "I want to try other men" stories, the wive had little to no experience before getting married. She doesn't even have that excuse.


"Tacit permission. Tell him, then take what you want" - That's not permission, tacit or otherwise.


"One of you wasn't going to be happy with me regardless of which way I played this." - So make the one who is WRONG unhappy!


I loved the counselor shutting her down.


LOL, she wants to reconcile, but she's continuing the actions that caused him to file for divorce?


IMHO, when one spouse has cheated, and the other has filed for divorce, it's not cheating for the cheated on spouse to have sex before the divorce is final. He is being stupid.


"We girls have to have each other's backs." - And wives are supposed to have their husbands' backs.


"simply looking for sexual gratification while she still had the looks to attract almost any man she wanted." -After two years, are her fears of not being so attractive coming true?


"can these women not see that he's nowhere near my level of hotness?" - So what? That doesn't mean that he's not hot at all.


I would have liked to see Lauren's reaction to what Michelle said about how Travis would never have done what Lauren did.


Kind of petered out at the end. Needed her to actually understand that she was WRONG, not simply miscalculated.


I know it's cliche, but I would have liked to see her with her faded looks, not so easily attracting quality men.


@lujon2019, being WILLING to reconcile, under the right conditions, doesn't make you a cuck.


@Anonymous Re: The daughters - They weren't terrible. They didn't have their heads on straight, but once he straightened them out, they did the right thing.


@miket0422, yes, she already had plenty of variety, and SHE pursued him, presumably when she was ready to settle down. I also liked his comment about why she was owed anything for simply doing what she was supposed to do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Only story worth reading here today. Thanks for the story. Lauren just forgot the fact that anybody is a ten for somebody in life.

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyabout 1 year ago

But her attitude brings her way down, beauty is one thing, but if you know that she's a cunt then you're not gonna bother with building an emotional attachment and just get physical pleasure that she's offering. I don't blame the single guys in this story for sampling her since she was so willing, but she bought into her own bullshit, believed her own PR. Now just let her poor abused husband be, leave him alone and find his bliss.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerabout 1 year ago

Many thanks for the great story. I was a tad worried at first that he was going to "cuck" it out. But given the 23 yr marriage, he was just reluctant to draw a sharp line and end things. However, after the second, he remembered he had a spine and some self respect... and divorced his cheating slut wife. Thanks again. Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The title says it all. well and thoughtfully written. all people have boundaries crossing the line is the miscalculation

OPrimeOPrimeabout 1 year ago

"It was not supposed to end like this." But, yet it did.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Buddy, I honestly think you have a real problem. You write the exact same story over, and over, and freaking over. That’s not lack of creativity… that’s full blown obsessive-compulsive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A pretty formulaic story, right down to people thinking only of Lauren as a slut, while it is pointed out that Travis is also having sex with multiple partners. It's a LW double standard that should have died a long time ago.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A good line to use would be “you may be a 12 on the outside, but I could never be with someone as ugly as you are on the inside.”

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This one was should have ended with the divorce. Cause you ran out of ideas and conclusions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Decently written, except that the main character's emotion seemed very muted for the entire story. That, and as far as I can tell, there's absolutely nothing new here whatsoever. Not your best work (which can be very good indeed), and 3* just for technical cleanliness, but you're already getting all the usual suspects popping up with the usual "Dope story, Hooked! 5*, please write another" back-slaps.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Watch 'Shallow Hal'.

Lauren is the equivalent of Gwyneth Paltrow's nurse girlfriend.

When I was young, sure, I saw a pretty face and framed of what may be, but I was lucky in this respect... it didn't take me very long to work out that the outside packaging had nothing to do with the contents, and while I can still appreciate a fine looking woman, it doesn't suddenly make me lose 40 points from my IQ.

When you look past someone's appearance, it doesn't take much to work out who they really are.

Usually, I find that if people are aware that they are considered 'attractive', it's warped their personalities and perceptions of their true worth, just like Lauren.

Being friends with honest, open, warm people is so much more rewarding than having arm candy that you can't trust.

MountainMan1336MountainMan1336about 1 year ago

I enjoyed this story with 5 stars. I however, would have gone to Home Depot and changed the locks while she was out on her first date then denied her entrance to the house the next morning and point to her clothes all packed up sitting on the front porch. Anyway, he did right by divorcing her he just waited a week too long in my opinion. I also would have paid the process server extra to serve her as he yelled that she was being served divorce papers for infidelity just to embarrass her in front of her co-workers. Revenge can be so sweet but he also should have gone after her dates who asked out a married woman. And he should have served Rosa for interfering with his happy home and marriage.

RanDog025RanDog025about 1 year ago

Good story but it must have taken you a considerable amount of time to put that many dot dot dots in your story. When I taught English Literature, there were rules you adhered to or you didn't get a passing grade. You don't need commas when using and, but, or, nor, for, yet and so, are conjunctions and you don't need commas. Let the reader place pauses where he needs them by the use of your words. More and more of us are loading the texts into a Text Reader, like mine, won't pick up the dot dot dots as long as there is a space after like you used but my question is why use them at all? 5 stars for the story! Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I really liked the story, but there were a couple of things that I thought you handled poorly. First having him speak derogatorily about her sleeping around after the divorce while he was also sleeping around made him seem to be almost as egotistical and petty as his ex-wife. Then, with the ex-wife's STD, there was only the concern of had he been fucking her. Never mind that with the number of women he was fucking, he probably should have been getting tested regularly as a precaution whether his ex-wife was one of his conquests or not.

Still, those two distractions were just annoyances and not enough to lower my rating of the story.

Blueyes2022Blueyes2022about 1 year ago

Great story! For the comment about mixing alpha numerics with text, I was taught one through ten is text, after that use actual numbers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

“911, what’s your emergency?

My wife fell down the stairs, and I’m not sure if she’s breathing!

Okay, sir, I’m dispatching an ambulance right away.”

One week later:

“We are gathered here today to commit the body of our friend to the ground.”

He lives happily ever after!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

fun story as the guy lives a dream life after the divorce. I know in real life the second she makes her date statement the marriage is over, some would abuse her date and risk Jail, but that would be a very short story, right?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well done. And in AP and APA style, numbers under 10 are written as words, while those greater are written with digits, except at the start of a sentence. Chicago style and MLA are different. But either is merely which style suits the author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry, Hooked but I think you missed with this one. It was very well written, as your stories always are but it just didn't add up that a man as discerning as Travis ( I mean, come on he even appreciates Monkey Shoulder, FFS! ) could find himself married to a vacuous bimbo with no redeeming qualities ( and that includes her looks ) like Lauren. So stupid is she that she allows herself to be led down the path of marriage wrecking behaviour by a treacherous, envious snake called Rosa without even questioning any of her outpourings or examining her motives. It's impossible to imagine Lauren being capable of walking and talking at the same time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It is curious that wife dating would become a thing on this site. Granted that there are very few possible plot lines that fit LW, but this one is so narrow that after reading two or three there is not much to keep the readers' interest. The wife always instantly changes from loving and caring to cruel, conniving, and cuntrolling. The hubby is always straight arrow, shocked, and saddened. Therein the tension lies, but where can it go from there? The author can vary the reaction of the children and fool about with the influence of friends and coworkers, but in the end it's either divorce or wimp as the characterization of the wife leaves no room for understanding much less reconciliation. An author can insist upon RAAC only by trying to convince the reader that not only can a dedicated wife and mother instantly become a heartless bitch, but she can change back again when the author so chooses. There may be a story there, but are there hundreds of them?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I liked the story. Dont bother reading the comments, they are mostly negative from people that contribute nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

One of the better takes on this trope. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A real weak storyline. 23 years a women who sowed her oats while younger decides to play the field while married to a great guy. Not probable to ever happen. Then his marring Sonya a women his kids age. Half his age. No how is that going to work .making babies at that age makes him a grandpa. That is even he can still preform. As his prostate and age come in to being. This really killed the story. It just doesn’t work .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I take back the last statement .he never married Sonya and stayed single.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Meh. Same story, different author. Lots of clichés, over-used tropes, etc. Pretty shallow stuff, no offense intended. You can tell it was edited by Randi; he calls his daughters "baby", calls his wife "baby", calls his girlfriends "baby", probably calls his car "baby".


At least he wasn't a complete cuckold, and that makes this story somewhat better than anything else in LW, for a while now. 3 medium sized 25 watt stars. Yeah Baby!!!

BSreaderBSreaderabout 1 year ago

Sad story he should have not waited until the second time she cheated on him, what happens to the bitch that put her up to it. What the two she screwed while married. You have done better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yeah, I like it that he doesn't put up with her shit, but it's still yet another story that requires that the wife be an idiot and not a person.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

We’ll written, but then why wouldn’t it be? It’s about the 50th time this author has written this story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Not bad. Just wish he would've ended up with Sonya instead. Or maybe...Sonya, Connie and Marla. The start of a nice harem story. What would Lauren think of that? 4*

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