A State of Grace Pt. 07


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"This explains something that's had me wracking my brain for a while now," Kevin said softly.

"What?" I asked him.

"Where did Trent learn how to do what he did? They don't teach you how to do this kind of shit in college. But he had to learn it somewhere. I don't think you can learn this stuff from a book, or from an online instruction manual! Obviously, this Dragan guy must have taught Trent what he knew! So now the last piece of the puzzle is finding the link between a small-town PI with delusions of grandeur and the Communist counter-intelligence agent-turned international crime boss!" Kevin declared.

"What else happened that night, Jack?" Liza asked in a shaky tone. I noticed Fleur was holding her very closely.


Jack resumes his tale:

June 29, 2003 (early morning hours)

Father spoke with the Dragon for a few minutes, then closed the chat window. He turned and grinned at me, then he glanced down at my crotch.

"What's wrong, son? Aren't you enjoying the scenery? Or maybe Wendy gave you a little too much tearful bye-bye booty?" He smirked. "Don't worry, you'll get plenty of pussy -- all you want, in fact. You won't miss her!"

"How did you know she dumped me?" I said. The shock had dulled my wit to the point that rational thought was rapidly becoming almost impossible.

"Her father told her to dump you, of course!" he replied in a tone that let me know it should have been obvious. "Come on, get your clothes off and enjoy yourself a little before the main event."

When I made it clear I wasn't about to do any such thing, he sighed. "I hope you aren't going to make this difficult, son."

Then he turned and motioned to someone behind me. "Lance? Give us a hand here, will you?"

I turned around and saw the biggest young man I've ever seen coming my way. I played football in high school, and this dude was bigger than the biggest lineman I'd ever faced! He lashed out with a wicked right hook, and everything went dark.

When I came around, I found myself naked, bound securely in a straight back kitchen chair. I was in the living room. Beside me stood the one father had called 'Lance,' was standing, splitting his attention between me, and the sexual frenzy taking place before us. Like myself, he didn't seem to be all that interested in the goings-on.

Noting the fact that I was awake again, he motioned to father and Mr. Kowalski.

"Oh, good!" my father said. "I thought you were going to end up napping all through the rest of your own celebration!"

"He's still limp as a politician's handshake, though!" Mr. Kowalski noted.

Father frowned. "Well that won't do!" he said and scowled at Mr. Kowalski. "Billy, I thought you said that vasodilator drug would take care of that!"

Mr. Kowalski shrugged his shoulders eloquently. "It doesn't quite work that way, Trent," he said. "The drugs strengthen an existing erection. They don't cause you to get one. He'll need the proper inspiration!"

"Ah, I see!" father said, grinning evilly. "I have just the thing for that!"

He turned and gestured to Lance again.

"Bring her here!" he commanded.

Lance nodded and left the room. Moments later, he returned, carrying a human-sized bag over his shoulder. He pulled over another kitchen chair, then he unzipped the bag to reveal my sister, Elizabeth. She was unconscious and bound tightly with zip ties. Lance set her on the chair and secured her bound wrists and ankles to it before returning to my side.

Father grinned and pulled out a folding knife. I watched in horror as he quickly and efficiently cut the clothing off of her body. I turned my face away from her nudity. I loved my sister very deeply, but her beauty wasn't meant for my eyes. I growled low in my throat when I saw Mr. Kowalski fondle her breasts from the corner of my eye.

"Keep your hands off of my little sister, you filthy bastard!" I growled dangerously.

"Or you'll do what, exactly?" Kowalski asked. "You're a little, uh, tied up at the moment with problems of your own. Just sit there and be a good boy while the grownups have a little fun. Maybe, if you're really good, you can have a piece of her for yourself when we're done!"

Father already had his pants undone and his cock out. He approached my little sister and pushed her legs apart with his knee. Then he realized that with her bound the way she was, nothing he could do would give him access to her vagina. He huffed for a moment, then he reached out and smacked her cheek.

"Wake up, my little one, Daddy needs your help with something," he said.

I was surprised when Elizabeth woke almost instantly. Father grinned evilly and sprayed something on his wrist. He then held his wrist under my sister's nose, forcing her to inhale whatever it was.

"My little one, Daddy wants you to suck his cock!" he said while shaking it in her face. "Suck it good for Daddy! Make me cum!"

"I...I don't want to, Dad!" she said. "I have someone special in my life, and we're exclusive! Plus you're my father!"

"Awww," father said, shaking his head and pouting theatrically. "Isn't that cute? Sounds like someone needs a booster shot! LITTLE FLOWER!"

My mother appeared quickly at father's side after he roared.

"Yes, sir?" she asked, caressing his arm.

"Bring me the kit!" he ordered.

Mom scrambled away and quickly returned with a brown leather bag about the size of a bowling ball bag. Father opened it and took out a prefilled syringe. Without bothering to swab the area first, he jabbed it into the big muscle of my sister's upper arm and injected her.

"Trent old boy, that was a pretty big dose," Mr. Kowalski protested. He shocked me. I could detect what sounded like actual concern in his tone. "You might want to be careful, that stuff can have some rather detrimental side effects-"

"Oh, hush, Billy!" father said, giving his friend a sour look. "You're here to fuck pussies, not be one!"

Elizabeth's head fell forward and her eyes drooped. It was clear she was almost completely out of it.

"Well, that will take a few minutes to have the desired effect. While we're waiting, Little Flower, I have a job for you!"

"What is it, sir?" Mom asked obsequiously.

"Our son is a limp noodle. Take care of that, but don't let him cum just yet!"

Mom immediately turned to me and favored me with a seductive smile. I was in a state of shock as she sauntered across to where I sat tied up and dropped to her knees in front of me. Without any preliminaries whatsoever, she took my cock in her mouth and went to work.

Father laughed and shook his head at me.

"She's good, isn't she, son?" he asked. "She's probably the best I've ever had, and that's saying something! I just hope your precious little sister is half as good!"

"Oh, God!" I whispered. Mom was indeed a very, very skilled lover, and her oral attentions had me very nearly at the brink. I fought against it with all of my strength, but my body was against me. My body didn't care that it was my mother who was pleasuring me. It couldn't possibly care how my mind felt about what was going on. All my body cared about was that a warm, wet, and willing mouth was sucking on my penis.

I heard a wet splatting sound. I looked up and saw father slapping his cock on Elizabeth's cheek. For a moment, the room disappeared, and I felt my mind going back in time 14 years. In a different house, a 4-year old Elizabeth ran into the house, crying her little eyes out. She ran to me and threw her little arms around my leg as she sobbed.

"Jack, my knee hurts so bad!" she cried, showing me a bloody scrape. "Please make it better!"

I gathered her into my arms and comforted her, as I carried her to the bathroom and cleaned her wound.

As this memory wormed its way into my consciousness, it brought with it a boiling rage such as I have rarely felt in my life. My father, OUR father, was getting ready to orally rape my beloved sister! I'd had much more to do with raising her over the years than my father had. I was the one that consoled her over dead pets, I had bandaged skinned knees, I had counseled her about losing her virginity with both boys and girls. I was her secret keeper, and her protector when necessary. I couldn't let this happen.

My arms flexed hard against my bonds. Mom misinterpreted this as me approaching orgasm and backed off of my raging erection. This was good, as it gave me a little more room. The kitchen chair was old and a little rickety from it's years of service to our family. My rage had total control of me. All rational thought was gone beyond retrieval. After a few minutes of struggle, I felt the weakened chair start to give.

Moments later, it came completely apart, and I was up on my feet. The legs of the chair were still bound securely to my calves, and my wrists were still hindered with the chair arms attached to them, but that didn't slow me down enough to matter.

I swung my right arm clumsily toward Lance's head. The wooden arm of the kitchen chair that was still bound to my wrist made a loud clunking sound as it smashed into Lance's skull. He dropped bonelessly to the floor and didn't move. I wasn't capable of caring whether I'd killed the fucker or not. With my other hand, I swung at my father, deliberately using the chair arm as an improvised weapon. It struck him square in the balls. He screamed, and tumbled to the floor, pissing himself as he fell.

I picked up my father's folding knife and jabbed Mr. Kowalski in the upper thigh when he approached me. He cried out and stumbled back. I then used the blade to cut Elizabeth free from the chair. I grabbed the quilt off of the couch, wrapped her in it, threw her over my shoulder, and ran for the front door. I stumbled outside, screaming for help. I ran as fast as I could under the circumstances.

I made it two blocks before two police cars appeared and stopped me. I tried to tell the officers my story, but they ignored me completely. They drove us back to my parents' house. My father, now fully dressed, was waiting in the front yard, as was Judge Nelson. My father came to the window of the police car, shaking his head.

"Well, son, you really fucked up tonight. You'll have to be punished!" he said. "Don't worry, though. Your sister will be just fine, while you're locked up. I will take really good care of her, I promise!"


Grace resumes the tale:

The whole room was silent as Jack sat, holding his head in his hands, staring at the floor.

"They took me in. I was booked. I got a lawyer, but you know how that worked out," he said. "And of course, Nelson was the presiding judge over my case. I was charged with attempted rape, simple assault, assaulting a police officer with serious bodily injury, and assaulting a public official. I was also hit with public indecency and resisting arrest."

"I threatened to start talking about the little I knew about what dear old dad was up to. The very night I made the threat, I had the one and only visitor I ever had while I was in jail. It was my dad, of course."

"He told me in plain terms that he had worked out a deal for me. I was going to do some serious time in prison. But if I kept my mouth shut and took it like a good little boy, he would leave my Elizabeth out of his machinations. That was his price, and I paid it gladly!"

"Over the years, I got the occasional letter from Mom, but that was it. No visitors. No contact with anyone else, except Uncle James and Aunt Teela. They came once, at Christmas time, my first year of incarceration. They were kind and loving, but it was obvious to me that they were there to see if they could save my soul. They thought I did it! That was hard to take, but I didn't try to defend myself, even then. I couldn't take the chance that it might spoil the deal with father."

Jack paused, still looking down. Elizabeth stood up from her lover's arms and went to her brother. Crystal stepped away, not wanting to interfere. She gently cupped his face in her hand and lifted it so she could see into his eyes.

"I wasn't there for you, little sis!" he sobbed. "I tried everything I knew, but in the end, father won. He took you away from me!"

"No, Jack!" she said, soothingly. "You gave everything to protect me! You saved me! You gave up a huge part of your life to keep me safe, so I could finish growing up, build a life for myself, and find the love of my life! I love you so much!"

She tenderly, lovingly, kissed his cheek. He brushed the tears out of her eyes and hugged her tightly. "You've been alone for so long, welcome home to your family," Elizabeth said, tenderly.

She stepped away and stopped at Crystal's side.

"Please be good to my brother," she said to Crystal. "Please love him with everything you've got. You'll never find another man like him!"

Liza paused then, glancing over at Kevin. Then she turned back to Crystal. "Well, you won't find another man like him that isn't already with someone else, anyway!"

"Jack," Agent Paulson began, "Did your father say anything about how he and Dragan met? Do you know any of his other foreign connections? For that matter, were there others?"

"No, sorry," Jack replied. "It was 15 years ago. If I ever heard anything like that, I don't remember."

"Our anniversary," Aunt Lily said.

"I'm sorry?" Agent Paulson said at the apparent non-sequitur.

"For our wedding anniversary, in 1998, Trent took me on a three week trip to Eastern Europe," Aunt Lily elaborated. "We went to Poland, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Serbia (the parts that weren't restricted due to the fighting, anyway), and European Russia. It was fascinating! But there were several times during the trip that he left me alone. He never said where he was going without me, or what he was doing. Oddly, it never occurred to me to question him about it!"

Aunt Lily shook her head at a memory, then said, "I do remember that he went alone to a town in the war zone, though. The UN troops brought him back out again and threatened to deport us if he tried it again. He went to some place called Hotch."

"Hac," Crystal corrected, her eyes narrowing. She shared a look with SA Paulson, who nodded his head at some unspoken communication.

"I'll have my people look into it," he said cryptically.

"I have some memories of Hac," Crystal said softly. "I'm not sure if my home was there, but I think it might've been."

"So, do you still love me, my darling?" Fleur asked.

"Of course I do!" Elizabeth cried, shocked. "How could you ever think....oh!"

Elizabeth's face crumpled as she realized what was troubling her fiance.

"Oh my sweet baby!" she cried, rushing to Fleur and pulling her into a crushing embrace. "I love you with all my heart! It's not programming! It's love! Don't fear for that, please, my love!"

The two of them kissed desperately, and I could see Fleur relax. After a few minutes, they came up for air.

"Well everyone, it's been a stressful night. I think we all need to hit the hay," Fleur said.

Recognizing an invitation to leave when we heard one, Kevin and I stood to leave. As we walked to the door, we hugged and kissed our family goodbye. We were a little surprised when Fleur grabbed Jack and kissed him squarely on the lips. It wasn't the passionate kiss of love she shared with Elizabeth, though. This was another kind of love.

"Thank you, Jack, for sharing your story," she said to him. "You sacrificed yourself to save the love of my life, and I can never adequately tell you how thankful I am for that! God bless you! Get some rest, Mon Frere!" She glanced over at Crystal, then smiled. "Or not, as you choose!"

We left and Kevin and I got into my Jeep. Carmen drove, Keith rode shotgun, and Kevin and I snuggled in the back seat. I was boiling over with emotions. The nightmare Jack had endured was shocking. I was frankly very glad that Elizabeth and Aunt Lily had no conscious memory of it. It might wreck the pair of them if they did.

"I'm here, Sweetheart," Kevin said, pulling me closer and kissing the top of my head. "You can just let it out if you like."

I did just that, sobbing into his chest while my fingers dug into his rock hard biceps. He held me close and kissed me. He whispered words of comfort into my ear and held me close. When I finally felt purged, he gently wiped my face dry.

"Better?" he asked.

"A little bit, yes," I answered. "Still, let's avoid any more bedtime stories like that for the foreseeable future, okay?"

"I wholeheartedly agree, sweetheart!" he said. We kissed, and the feelings of sickness, fear, and dread magically melted away.

Author's Notes:

I apologize for this one taking so long. I had to be very careful not to violate any of Literotica's guidelines, while still telling my story. I also had to edit this one myself, and I know the quality probably suffered for it. My beloved gun_gurl300blk made it through page one, and then gracefully bowed out. She just couldn't take the flashback sequences.

Some of you will no doubt question the purpose of this chapter. Well, that's fair. Here are my thoughts on it. I have had several people ask via PM what good ole Trent did that was so bad. I found this line of questioning disturbing as I thought I'd been pretty blatant about it. Hopefully, this chapter settles that issue. Secondly, there were a lot of questions about what Jack knew, and how he ended up the way he did. So this settles that too. Also, I wanted to explain -- at least partially -- how a small-time Private Eye in a podunk Indiana town could run a massive crime syndicate. He had to have help from the wider world somehow.

I am braced for the seemingly inevitable slew of 'you jumped the shark' comments from judgemental anonymous, but that's fine. One of my own favorite authors on this site, Jimbob44 always ends his stories by saying something like "I write these stories for my own pleasure, and post them here for your enjoyment." I do the same. If you don't enjoy them, I am truly sorry, but it won't keep me awake at night, nor will it stop me from writing my story my way, and taking it in the direction I want to take it.

Incidentally, the idea of Fleur fearing that Elizabeth's love for her was programmed rather than genuine was suggested to me by a reader, Avalon223. I do get inspiration from your comments and PM's. Please keep them coming. You never know, I might use them. And for anyone who cares about such things, this is the first time I've ever tried writing a story entirely on my tablet. Man, I have grown to hate that on-screen keyboard arrangement! Until we read again, my friends!

- Carbinemaster

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Martinl1960Martinl196035 minutes ago

all of the grace storis are amazing!!! I'm sorry i couldn't read the first page of jacks story! i just cant read about or see a woman being abused!!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

As I read, I had to take a deep breath between each time I pressed the page down key to scroll further. I knew it was coming. Something horrible and dark. I just had to try and brace myself for it each time as I never really knew when it would hit. When it did, I still wasn't ready.

I had to pause after reading a bit of that scene with the judge and his daughter. Honestly I thought I was going to throw up. I had no idea a story could have that effect on me. "What the actual fuck?" I thought. To do such a thing to your own goddamn daughter, against her will, to abuse and violate her like some animal - someone you are meant to love more than life itself - in such a cruel way... fuck, it makes my blood boil. The story keeps pushing the limit of what I think is the most evil and fucked up someone can be. Took me some time to gather my bearings but I read on. I thought to myself I'm going to regret this, aren't I? But damn that part of me that just had to know. The one silver lining on the cloud of abuse these victims suffer is that they don't have any memory of it. At least they can live a normal life without those horrifying thoughts invading their lives. Unfortunately, Crystal suffered worse and she had to live with it. Truly one of the strongest people there is. Her Titanic moment was hilarious - a welcome bit of humour in this very dark chapter.

Thankfully, he was able to rescue Elizabeth in the end (at least as far as we're told), but at great cost to himself. Jack really is a selfless hero. There was so much to unpack in this chapter. So much horrible stuff that so many people did. We really need a nice happy chapter after this, please! I hope you're still writing more for this series.

I can understand your wife's/editor's inability to go through this. It's truly fucked up stuff that happened to those people. I only made it through myself simply because I had to know all the details and see where things were going. But it wasn't easy. No doubts I'll have this shit on my mind for quite some time. But that's just a testament to your solid writing :) Keep it up please!

Aussie1951Aussie19518 months ago
Great story

But surely that can’t be it, there’s plenty more to this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another good read. Loved this as much as "My Saving Grace". I hope there is more to come

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

we/I want more ...When can we look forward to more??

Loved the story

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