All Comments on 'A Step Too Far'

by QuietWonder

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RTR10RTR10about 5 years ago

Amazing story....I admit I cried like a baby. Absolutely perfect ending although you know you’re going to catch hell from the anonymous commenters about cheating whores, cuck assholes, etc.....the usual. Don’t let it bother you!

Bebop3Bebop3about 5 years ago
Enjoyable Story

Until the ludicrous RAAC.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
i liked it, but prepare to get roasted.

all the btb'ers will rage and howl at this one. I'm sure they'll all be "she should have been skinned alive and eaten by ants" But it was a decent story.

You need an editor though.

Don't let all the trolls and haters get you down and keep plugging away.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
1 star

Wow 5 pages of wasted time. God I'm never going to get my time back.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
You pulled it out!

The first half was blather and bullshit. Too much emotion. Too sensational language. Too much heavy breathing. And then you dumped the alienation of affection bullshit. Get real, it only exists in nine states and is difficult to prove much less get an attorney to file. And breach of contract? With whom? More bullshit. But I continued reading and it seemed that you came to your senses and toned down the rhetoric.

And in the last page and a half you turned the story around and brought it to a righteous conclusion. Your character regained his manhood and stopped feeling sorry for himself. His kids will be forever better off because he was wise enough to put the family back together.


timrivtimrivabout 5 years ago

Excellent story, little long but overall liked it especially the ending. She cheated but from what I read only once and was ambushed into it. So the was no real bad intent just bad choice on her part. Think she paid the price for the the indiscretion, and I Yule that word rather than cheating as it was not premeditated or sot out. Anyway enjoyed the story, 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Phenomenal Nominology

Could you please add more names to the list, like 2nd and 3rd cousins....this isn't quite confusing enough.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Well done.

As one once said:

You who are with no sin, feel free to throw first stone!

Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
well played out.

I liked your writing style and characters. I really feel this is close to reality as there was no hard BTB and there was love which is hard to lose when you do have your mate for life. He didn't jump right to forgiveness and makeup sex. It developed back over time. You made the children and the impact to them real. Keep it up!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago

Why was HE served, and nothing more was said about it before he went home? When will the authors here learn that unless it's a "corporate whore" situation and/or some other DIRECT company involvement, that there are NO grounds to sue the company just because employees have an affair? I'm glad it was eventually dropped, but it had no basis anyway.

"I'm sure you already saw what [Derek] did Brad. I didn't even know he was there." - It wouldn't have mattered if she wasn't fucking Claire!

Even IF you wanted to cut her some slack for it being a lesbian affair, it's still what put her position to be raped by Derek, and it WAS rape.

"Looking around the room, it suddenly struck me, this is similar to what Beth and Jason had been through" - Which is why, as hard as it might have been, Jason should have held it together more, knowing from personal experience what his actions would do to his children.

"Son, she is still your Mother and you need to remember that." - Why do these guys always say that? I wouldn't!

"Joint credit cards were cancelled and paid off" - MUCH better than the usual "take his name off the cards!

Sorry, not buying the reconciliation. She might have been seduced, but she was a willing partner in the lesbian affair.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 5 years ago
You will be excoriated . . .

. . . by those who violently disapprove of Jason taking Sara back, instead of scoring a younger, prettier blonde as a new wife.

To me, the bitch was adequately burned, and there was room, and time, for forgiveness and reconciliation. What I found disjointed was Jason’s adamantly hard attitude through the divorce proceedings then changing. How did he get from one to the other.

I found the initial part, in which people were served with restraining orders keeping them away from their homes and children when there were no allegations of violence toward the family far fetched, though what English law is I cannot say. They should, at the very least, been allowed home, perhaps with supervision, to gather their personal belongings.

Do alienation of affection lawsuits still exist?

moblanemoblaneabout 5 years ago

I understand the attraction of this kind of reconciliation but the consideration and respect needed for this to be successful would be difficult. There is no trust left on Jason's part and some deep-seated resentment buried in the children. It would take a super-human effort from all concerned for it to work. It was well described and skillfully written leaving the reader in a hopeful state and mostly satisfied. The depth of Sara's betrayal was not so deep and unrepentant as to be unmanageable and it is not too far-fetched to see this a valid conclusion to this story, well done, Thank You

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

No bitch burning, a really humane ending to a good story. Nice one.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 5 years ago
A bullshit story that was bullshit from start to finish.

I hate self-righteous stories where good, kind but hard and uncompromising men and women act like their shit doesn’t stink. People cheat. Either for need or greed and it is no better or worse than anything else immoral. Cops kill innocent civilians but apparently cheating is a worse evil? Pardon me while I call you and your Sharia Law loving ass a goddamn cocksocket.

You think any judge is going to toss a woman out on the street wth no contact, alimony or access to children because of an affair? She could fuck the entire Green Bay Packers on live TV and she would still get custody, the house, alimony, child support and if she says he was even the slightest bit abusive, he would be in prison faster than you can say “Burn the Bitch.”

I get you hate women, and reality, but let’s try to write something that doesn’t come off reading like an episode of Bugs Bunny. Seriously, pull your head out of your ass because otherwise, you think your shit smells like roses. Too bad for you Rose is a cow.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 5 years ago
Add a few more names and POVs and you'd have a story of Biblical proportions!

We have legal terms tossed around like you were throwing corn to the chickens. Judges always grant restraining orders in divorces to prevent a parent from seeing the kids before giving them custody of those kids. This story really needs to be cleaned up and cleared up. The words just got in the way.

AethurAethurabout 5 years ago
A story of reconciliation

I'm not one of those readers who flames all reconciliation story and only praises the BTB ones. As someone who is married, I can actually picture scenarios where reconciliation makes sense.

This isn't one of them. I suspected this was the route it was going with the continued anger and pain by all, followed by reconciliation by the kids. But it doesn't make sense for the husband. He already had his divorce. He actually came out of it as good as a man could in one. But then he ruined it by taking her back - just because she was super depressed.

I could understand it if he had participated in counseling, and he was able to work through his anger, rekindle his love, and begin a process of rebuilding trust. But that didn't happen. What we ended up with was a man who gave in, because his ex was suffering from guilt and depression. After fighting so hard for so long, he just gave up.

Love is a powerful emotion. The fact that Derek's inclusion into the cheating wasn't wanted shouldn't matter. There was still a prolonged affair. The guilt and depression should have been eating at the ex before it was discovered. Instead, while she did feel some guilt, she allowed the affair to continue.

I can't see anything really redeeming about the ex to justify remarrying. He isn't doing it for the kids - if that was the case, he never would have divorced. He wasn't doing it for himself - granted getting your life back on track after a divorce can be quite harrowing and daunting, but a person can move on. No, he did it for her. This line sums it up: "...but she is your Mother and what would that make me if I allowed her to keep getting worse? What would that teach you and your sister? How would you look at me if she wasted away and I let it happen? What sort of person would that make me?"

But when you look at the story as a whole, the husband never tried to really move on. He wrapped himself in his righteous fury, and focused on his children. He never contemplated getting closure. He never imagined what his life would be without her. He never thought of his new possibilities. He just stayed angry, and decided to be noble and take her back. He never allowed his love for her to diminish. He just allowed his anger to, and allowed her guilt and depression to, in a way, guilt-trip him into allowing her more access into HIS life.

Ultimately, the divorce, and everything afterwards was a waste. The MC never grew, never changed, never discovered anything about himself. All we get is a rebooted relationship, which will lead back to re-marriage.

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 5 years ago
Very Good Story

I liked it. You never stated what age the kids were, and is a big issue with the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Liked it

It won't score well because of the auto deduction from the BTB crowd. I'm not a RAAC guy but I do believe in second chances when the author is able to convince me that the cheater really does love the spouse and there is hope that they won't fall again. You've done that here. Thank you for the work.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 5 years ago
Well handled

Acceptable Reconciliation. Hopefully she will be stronger in the future.

TCctTCctabout 5 years ago
Generally I am against reconciliation but...

This seemed to work. I'm not sure about the opening...telling the story from the perspective of Sara's boss and then...nothing from him. I can't guess as to the motivation or purpose of that but it only slowed me down. It didn't ruin the story for me. Personally, I would have preferred the husband moving on; or at least sampling someone else (balancing the scales so to speak) but that's just me. While I am admittedly a little unbending on infidelity, I don't judge others who are able to move past it if the offending spouse is genuinely remorseful and repentant. I think you did a fine job of developing characters that felt real. Thanks for sharing.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Stuipd cucks who take back cheating sluts

deserve their pain

And now his daughter will grow up knowing she can be a cheating slut herself and still keep a weak willed cuck for a husband

TeslerTeslerabout 5 years ago
Great Story

I know the BTB types will hate this but I thought it was a well written and realistic story, well maybe not the Derek part. Sara definitely made a mistake but I think in the end Jason did what was best for his own happiness.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Hard to do....

But I think you sold the reconciliation pretty well. In diving you are judged by form and the difficulty of the dive. I think that approach is applicable here. 5, based on the difficulty of the "dive".

Wang4Wang4about 5 years ago
It Changed My Mind

Ok,usually I have few if any fond feelings for a male or female who knowingly cheats multiple times on a loving spouse in what seems to be a happy marriage.

Saying that with all appropriate caution, things are obviously more screwed up when kids are involved.

The length of this story with all of your elaborate descriptions of the often horrific emotions surrounding a divorce caused me to intellectually and emotionally support your conclusion as to the outcome of this story

Nothing wrong with forgiveness OR a possible happy ending. Thanks for sharing


silentsoundsilentsoundabout 5 years ago
Wow, wowy,

So she succumbed to a short lesbian affair, got raped on tape by Derek and he was never charged?

This was just god awful!

Much of this was LW cliche but it just didn't come off well. The over the top treatment of Sara by almost everyone did not ring true and for some reason, everyone ignored her rape.

I appreciate the work you put into this but this was almost too sanctimonious to finish.

Jack99Jack99about 5 years ago
Good story - 5 stars

No problem with the reconciliation. Overall I felt the story was very good. Only criticism I have is that the first part seemed disconnected because of the POV change. Would have liked to have seen it all from the main characters perspective.

hindsight2020hindsight2020about 5 years ago
Structure a little strange.

But a good story. 4*

cybojicybojiabout 5 years ago
Very, very good

Forgiving a deep love for such an evil transgression is what separates us from animals. To not forgive is also understandable but can do more damage. This was a welcomed story for this category. Id like to see more of your writing. Excellent work. 10

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerabout 5 years ago

An interesting read to say the least. I wanted to give you a 5 for your story line, but several things led me to a 4. First, it’s very wordy, you could have cut from a forth to a third and still not hurt the story. Also, given all the characters you wanted to have input, I think 3rd person would have been much stronger. Last but not least—I usually like my erotica just a bit more erotic; this one was depressing.

On the plus side, you made Hubby become human—finally. All these commenters who mouth off about what a badass they would be and how they’d kick the bitch out and all that, should remember we will all one day face the judge and answer for sins much more serious than these.

Thanks for the effort. cd

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
How old were the kids?

Told us young Jason and Beth were 14 and 11, but I saw nothing concrete about Patrick or Karen. Got the sense of 10 and 8, but.....

Helps to understand their level of awareness and emtional maturity.

ValintValintabout 5 years ago

Too long for the amount of actual content. For what actually happened, there was too much wallowing in the emotions.

The fantasy lawsuits were a big negative for me. Hints for other LW writers: Alienation of affection lawsuits barely exist (NC allows them, plus a few other states still have the law on its books but it's unclear if it's enforceable, but even there, you're going to be lucky to cover your attorney's fees except in rare circumstances). Suing a company just because your wife had an affair there has never existed, and it automatically drops a story's IQ by 20 points. Getting a restraining order against a spouse just because she cheated doesn't exist.

MissMudMissMudabout 5 years ago
What happened?

What a poor, quick ending! Did you run out of ideas or just get tired of writing? His forgiving her so easily does not fit with his and his children’s anger and distress over what she did. Good story up till the ending.

KingBandorKingBandorabout 5 years ago
Alienation of Affections and POV

The short answer... Yes and no.

In the US, there are only a few states left where one can sue someone for seducing their spouse that results in a divorce. It is still valid in the following states: Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota and Utah.

In 2011 a NC woman was awarded $30 Million from her ex-husband's former mistress. In 2018 a NC man was awarded $11 million.

Ironically, it was abolished in England in 1857. This story seemed to be UK-based, based on certain terminology used.

So, yes, you can sue for it, but in only a few places.

The other one I was wondering about was breach of contract. What the hell contract did Derek and Clare have with Jason that they breached by fucking his wife.

The lawsuits seemed pointless. I would have preferred rapists to be charged with rape. Clare forcibly held Sarah down while Derek sodomized her. That deserved punishment, not make believe lawsuits.

I did not like the multiple POV and mix of first and third person POV. Why put Dan's part as first person and have him served when neither ever really appeared again? Dan was important enough to have a whole 1st person pov chapter dedicated to him, but so unimportant that he never showed up again? What was he served for anyway?

Please stick to 1st or 3rd person and try to have one POV.


PowersworderPowersworderabout 5 years ago

It was an interesting story, particularly focusing on the effect Sara's affair had on the kids.

Unfortunately, you wrecked the ending with a far-fetched RAAC. You went from a righteous bitch burning to forgiveness... just because the slut couldn't live with the consequences? She cried a lot, but Jason never even sat down to talk to her about why she had the affair. If you're going down the reconciliation route, you have to at least lay the groundwork for it.

The biggest problem for me, was that you made a big point about how Jason's father had destroyed their family by cheating... with his mother committing suicide in the aftermath. After Jason's hard-line stance through the divorce, I can't see him ever forgiving Sara... it just didn't fit with his character.

Even worse, Jason never even attempted to move on. A year after he'd been divorced and he hadn't even gone on one date? He'd been working out, so he was in good shape, he had money, and owned his own business... getting laid wouldn't be a problem for a guy like that. Instead, he's staying at home, pining after the cheating slut that destroyed his family? Ridiculous...

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958about 5 years ago

The first word took me out of the story. When you introduce a narrator, that means you plan other narrators. I'm not reading that. Maybe you'll write one and stick with a narrator and a POV. I'll try another. Randi.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

A big pet peeve of mine is when the non offending spouse is suppose to be a successful business person reconciles with the cheating spouse. A successful businessman(just gonna use this term for brevity’s sake) deals in contracts. Say you sign a contract with someone worth over half a billion and that said someone breaks the contract. Now think of the contract as a marriage and I think most would say their marriage is priceless meaning if someone where to ask you to put price on the marriage you couldn’t cause it would never be enough. So pray tell why in the ever loving crap would a successful businessman ever sign another priceless contract or at least a contract worth over half a billion with someone who has already broken contract with them?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Good story,acceptable reconciliation.5 from me

A few did he get a restraint order, why didn’t she get the kids, there were no grounds for either case established here. She was anally raped,no one charged so basically had a lesbian affair. Her quilt killed a fair equitable settlement. But time healed those wounds and they eventually put their lives back together.

ptolmetptolmetabout 5 years ago

I like the story. I have no problem with reconciliation in the right situation. I feel like the issue of regaining trust could have been explored more though maybe only as an aside to what happens as they grow back together.

Why were Derek and Clare not charged with rape? Even if the sex with Clare was consensual, the addition of Derek was unwanted and unwelcome. It is a great story with room to explore a little more.

johnadpjohnadpabout 5 years ago
@Anon & Crying

Favorite comment from Anon: “Phenomenal Nominology...Could you please add more names to the list, like 2nd and 3rd cousins....this isn't quite confusing enough.”... I literally cracked up at that comment.

Need to comment on all of Sara’s crying. Studies show that women come through divorce quicker and healthier than men, because they allow themselves to feel the pain and cry and get it out if their system. I was thinking with all the crying portrayed of Sara she would’ve gotten over things in two weeks, and with her exceptional beauty she would’ve been married to a rich man in 2 months. I haven’t heard of anyone crying that much.

Do serial killers get shunned and treated as badly as Sara’s treatment in the beginning? I understand Jason bring supremely pissed, but boss, sheriffs, kids to that degree?

OSUpokesOSUpokesabout 5 years ago
You get a one

Finish the damn story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Story was OK but there were parts that just rang hollow...

I know it is nit picking to some people but if you want to invoke the law or law enforcement you should at least be accurate, try at least.

I hate to be a killjoy but I just could not get past the legal issues. First, I can't think of a single municipality larger than a small town that uses uniformed officers to serve papers. It would be a legal nightmare to force anyone to watch anything, the police would be in legal jeopardy themselves. Not to mention subjecting a person who is NOT IN CUSTODY to public humiliation through such an action which would be a violation of all kinds of civil restrictions. You can't even force a defendant to look at something while in custody if they don't want to. Second, unless the person is a DIRECT threat to their spouse or their children, no court would issue any sort of a restraining order against any of the spouses particularly the mother of children. Third, the father would not receive custody of the children without an evaluation of the home environment. In my jurisdiction for example, a father passed out drunk (potential alcohol poisoning not withstanding) and watching homemade porn where the children could find both he and the porn, would preclude HIS unsupervised visitation with the mother receiving full custody even if she was in the porn. Further, it is possible (read likely - which would impact the CPS report to the judge) that he would be charged with child endangerment as well as other criminal sexual abuse which would wind up with him being on a list. The facts are that unless she is a heavy drug user who is bringing her John's home to make the porn, it is unlikely that she would not end up with at least 60/40 assets and heavy child custody. That is just the way it is. I just got done with a case in which that was exactly what happened, and she retained custody, when her two boys refused to live with her, they moved in with their father who still had to pay her child support and spousal support. Lucky for him she overdosed and is not a problem now. (Sad really, she was a really nice woman and a great mother and husband before she got hooked on pain pills from a car accident a couple years ago.)

That does not even get close to the potential civil action against an employer for wrongful termination unless the sex was on business time or property and even that is iffy in my state. Generally the company would end up having to pay either way and people like me as well. I have corporate clients who I tell regularly, STAY OUT OF IT if their work suffers then deal with it as an HR matter but BE VERY CAREFUL. I have had judgements from divorce courts against a litigant when the judge found the employer was "maliciously persecuting" her for behavior outside of the office because she was LGBTQ in her affair. You might scoff but they paid to settle and she got about 3 times what she would have earned and since it was a settlement she did not have to pay taxes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

This was a very good piece, great job capturing just how infidelity affects everyone in the family not just the other spouse. The only thing I think could have made this a little better would be if you had Sara narrate a couple paragraphs. Obviously you wrote her as being very contrite and apologetic and I think it would have been interested to hear in her words how she felt and everything. But this is the best cheating wife story I have read in a long time on this site, looking forward to more from you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very well written story

That tugs at your heartstrings. Didn't like Clare winning her divorce or that no legal action for rape or accessory to rape were filed, but, I guess that is just real life!

266xxyz266xxyzabout 5 years ago
Pretty well written...

So you get 4 *s for effort. Like some of your other stuff. Hated the story but what I hate even more is the idea that forgiveness is good. Betrayal is betrayal. Period. About the time we forgive Benedict Arnold in this country is about the time I will even consider thinking about, well, I was going to say forgiveness but no. Acceptance, leaving it behind and moving on. We all accept what Arnold did, it's in the past and we've moved on. What occurred occurred. We will never forget and never forgive. I simply don't understand the "mea culpa" crowd who tell us forgiveness is a good think for us. Because that is to their advantage. We're doing just fine with Arnold gone but we'll never forget either. Call it my "fragile male ego".

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeabout 5 years ago

What will happen next time she meets an aggressive person,

who wants to fuck her?

She is a mouse.

Any cat can have her.

2 out of 5 from me.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 5 years ago
Powerful story well told! 5*****

She was a victim, but only to a degree. Mostly, she cheated. Their reconciliation seemed very real and very difficult. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
"Stop Patrick. I know you may not think so, but she is still your Mother, and she loves you and Karen with all her heart".

That's when I had to stop and chuckle. Another SANA (sensitive new age author) painting a woman as a completely selfish, brainless, immoral whore, yet still throw a bone to the feminazis who insist that a woman can be a complete failure as a wife and still be a good mother. Sara may in fact love her children with All her heart, since she is essentially heartless. But why make her soon to be ex-husband as stupid as she is? Does a mother who loves her children with all her heart betray their father, destroy their family and home? What difference does it make if it was a woman or a man who first ran their hand up her skirt, fondled her tits, gave her her first adultery orgasm. Sara started fucking around simply because it felt good, was fun, and she thought she could get away with it. No problems at home, in her personal life, with her marriage. She stumbled upon the Joys Of Adultery and jumped in 100%. If Claire had been a little more patient and gentle Sara would be fucking Claire and Derek for the foreseeable future. She had no moral or ethical concerns, it was just that the sex wasn't quite as exciting as when it started.

And in true SANA form you had to swallow the whole fucking tub of cool aid: "We were a family once again and in some ways, stronger for it." You see, you see? Adultery can actually IMPROVE a marriage! Oh, Sara, what a wonderful wife and mother after all.

And what a buffoon the author turned out to be. It was a great plot idea, with good story and character development, and then you threw away the entire effort to invoke your compassion and forgiveness agenda. And the stupid cuckold Still doesn't know why and how his wife became a Lesbian slut. Oh, right, they each went to counseling, After he forgave her and instituted the reconciliation process. Maybe he might want to spend a little more time understanding how some champagne and 10 minutes of finger sex set his wife up for being seduced into an intense fuckathon, which continued until she got caught. Sara never accused Derek of rape, and continued to work along with Claire. So where's the ethical remorse, the integrity to acknowledge her guilt, the strength to break off the affair? The only thing I see Sara being sorry for is that she got caught, and that her husband and children found out the depth of her depravity.

But that's fine. This dumb shit deserves whatever Sara does next. And when the kids are grown and gone and Sara is feeling insecure and bored, and some beautiful person (gender is optional) approaches her for sex, why should she resist? The husband and kids forgave her for being a whore, Sara and the kids know her husband is a sucker, and this time Sara is really going to be so much more careful. And just think how much stronger the marriage will be the Second time she fucks around!

A disappointing ending to what could have been a great story. Thanks for the effort.

tazz317tazz317about 5 years ago

deep inside all our Psyches are scales we can control. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I loved this story. I'm not part of that BTB crowd. As someone who hates justice, and lives in eternal fear that my spouse will one day catch me betraying them, I enjoyed the way it reinforces my fantasy that if the worst one day happens, I'll somehow come out having my cake and eating it, too. It may not happen often in reality, but to me, as long as the victim shuts up and eats their shit sandwich, that's a happy ending. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
If I were boss Brad...

Brad should have gotten Sara an hour or two with a criminal attorney so they could facilitate the DA charging Derrek and Clare with rape and kidnap. Call it an employee benefit, and offset it against Jesse's worthless suit against the company.

I'm surprised the Derrek didn't get ass-raped by some unsavory friends of friends of Brad or Jesse...

TajfaTajfaabout 5 years ago
Good one

I also have no issues with the reconciliation but agree that the rapist should have received appropriate punishment. I also agree that the point of view change was a bit confusing and the story would have been better written from the main characters PoV. For that reason 4 stars.

mordbrandmordbrandabout 5 years ago

Too many pov and time shifts. Situationally, it had all the bad btb tropes and few of the good ones. Then you raac'ed it in a rush near the end, without her ever finding out why she was so easily seduced by her bisexual co-worker. What's to prevent her from falling prey to another dominant female?

This needed clarity and editing. 2 stars.

johntcookseyjohntcookseyabout 5 years ago
Multi POV dogmatism

I don’t understand the multiple POV outcry. I’ve seen it employed repeatedly and successfully in a lot of mainstream literature, and never had a problem with it. In fact, I enjoyed it, and felt it usually bettered the storyline in which it was employed.

I’m not a writer, and certainly not an articulate literary critic, but I am a visual artist and teacher, and as such, have conducted countless informal and formal critiques over the last several decades. I’ve encountered many creative styles and processes contrary to my own that are nevertheless ultimately successful (and even more that are not). I’m not a neomodernist who believes that “anything goes” in the name of art. I do believe in rules that govern good technique, design and composition. But they’re broad and vary, like the rules that distinguish baroque music from modern jazz, or Japanese cuisine from Italian. Again, I am not a writer, but I have to believe the same holds true for the language arts.

I always believed that a piece of art works if it says what the artist wanted it to say, and I cannot help but transfer that logic from the painting to storytelling.

As for the story - I think it works. I do believe in redemption, when it is deserving and warranted - not in all cases - and not repeatedly - but sometimes its the appropriate outcome.

Thanks for the submission.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "Story was OK but there were parts that just rang hollow..."

While I obviously have no direct knowledge and can't logically dispute your claim, I find it INCREDIBLY hard to believe that he would have to still pay child support to the wife (ex-wife?) when the kids left to live with the father. I could MAYBE believe that she wasn't ordered to pay him child support, but given how many decisions are made "in the best interests of the children," how can it be in their best interest to have money taken from their household and paid to the druggy mother?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Doesn’t really make sense

He could not get a restraining order for just adultery. As far as the kids, his drunken binge and poisoning them against their mother would weigh far more heavily in determining custody than her infidelity. His violation of court orders about, for example, attending counseling sessions, especially when they shifted focus to the best interest of the children, would also be a huge strike against him in court. Her cheating was a failure of morality and character, but without something more it doesn’t have the legal consequences described here. His sudden about face on reconciliation at the end also doesn’t make sense, and is inconsistent with his character as developed up to that point.

The writing itself was technically fine, but these other issues amounted to plot holes in the story.

korba76korba76about 5 years ago
What an effing SAP....

.... and he deserves anything he gets! I couldn't have that THING in my home again!

johnadpjohnadpabout 5 years ago

Man, you need to let it go. Finally, about 7 years ago I forgave Benedict Arnold, and I can’t tell you the peace, love and harmony my life has become now.

Of course, I totally forgot what he did right after I exited my social studies class in 5th grade.

Maybe on the 250 year anniversary you can forgive and forget.

Damn, talk about holding fucking grudges!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Why would anyone write a story for this site? It's loaded with jerks who think they are top notched critics. Hey people newsflash, its a story if you like it fine if not that's ok also. Stop making your comments like you guys are somebody, just remember you are not.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Just in case people are still confused.....

fiction noun

fic·​tion | \ ˈfik-shən \

Definition of fiction

1a : something invented by the imagination or feigned

specifically : an invented story

… I'd found out that the story of the ailing son was pure fiction.

— Andrew A. Rooney

b : fictitious literature (such as novels or short stories)

was renowned as a writer of fiction

c : a work of fiction

especially : NOVEL

Her latest work is a fiction set during the Civil War.

2a : an assumption of a possibility as a fact irrespective of the question of its truth

a legal fiction

b : a useful illusion or pretense

it was only a fiction of independence his mother gave him; he was almost totally under her power

— G. A. Wagner

3 : the action of feigning or of creating with the imagination

She engaged in fiction to escape painful realities.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Very good

I am very much of the BTB persuasion, but I enjoy an earned reconciliation. Sara, who was a victim of a pair of predators, suffered a year of hell to earn her way back to Jason. Just a very good story. I'm glad that I'm just a simple minded guy who doesn't even notice points of law, punctuation, or person. I just enjoy the story.

PolyLvrPolyLvrabout 5 years ago
Pretty good

A little too much blathering and wailing for me. Also the fact that there was no attention paid to the fact that she was ass raped other than the video review.

Other than that I can totally see this playing out the way it did.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkabout 5 years ago
Okay, Dad's problem with betrayal and infidelity has somehow gone away.

What about Patrick's problems with his Mom? Will he now feel betrayed by his Dad allowing Mom back into the fold? Will this teach him forgiveness or will this teach him that any betrayal will be OK eventually, you just need a short period of unpleasantness for appearances sake? What messages does this send Karen? Is Mom a good role model again? You did a pretty decent job of addressing how the infidelity and divorce might affect the kids. You completely ignored how the reunification might affect them.

I enjoyed your story, thank you for sharing with us.

BillandKateBillandKateabout 5 years ago
You Are One Brave Soul

Posting this story, knowing how bad the flames will be. Since I was accused of being a cuck yesterday (a comment made by one of the anom's here), I'll just say you sold the reconciliation to me.

KingBandorKingBandorabout 5 years ago
BlackRandi must refuse to read these too

All written with Mutiple Narrators / POV:

Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper

Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood

William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying

Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible

Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club

Kathryn Stockett’s The Help

George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series

And, that’s just to name a few.

I never said I wouldn't read it. I just don't like it when it is done badly and for no reason.


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "Just in case people are still confused....."

Gee, thanks for explaining that, I never would have understood that this was fiction if you hadn't pointed it out to me. So what? The sign of good fiction is that you get pulled into the story, that you CARE what happens.

I guess you mock those who get sad at the end of Casablanca when Rick sends Ilsa off with Victor Laszlo! Why are they so sad? I's only fiction!

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyabout 5 years ago

Your writing is really really good. The story so far is good, just at hospital, page 2.

Looks like a good build to a real BTB.

Why was the first guy served, he wasn't being divorced, or at least you never mentioned it again. He even went to lunch with wife.

Bit confusing why you went off on a tangent about couple of kids whose father was bastard, cheated and ran out, then mother became alcoholic. Confused where this fitted. Did you accidentally include part of another story?

But why have youbdestroyed such a fantastically written story with forever changing the POV. Damned frustrating having to change between characters. Just write in one POV or in 3rd person.

Had to stop reading thus rubbish.

Can you rewrite this with a single POV so it is easy to follow.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Wow King

You certainly are well read, very well read. I read Faulkner in a Southern Lit course in college. I have read all of the George R.R. Martin books so far, and wish he would FTDS some day. The others, I didn't catch. I'm a Grisham, Baldacci, James Lee Burke, Lee Child guy, but I always admire an educated man.

Baddogie59Baddogie59about 5 years ago
Great Read

Very well written

I found it sad that she had to cheat to experience her curiosity to be with a women.

But reading into the personality of her husband I doubt that if she had expressed this with him to experiment with him involved in this he would have not let that happen.

With the way she was taken and used in this three way was wrong and sad in the way it happened. I am a sucker for a happy ending as was pleased that he was willing to move on and to forgive her for everyone's sake.

Wold love to read more like this.

Thank you for sharing this for us to enjoy.

ken philipsken philipsabout 5 years ago
Utter Crap Re The Law

Why on why do these authors keep crapping on about alienation of affection? In my country (Australia), this bullshit legal concept does not exist. And it doesn't in most US States as well, & the few in which it does, I understand from informed sources the chances of ever winning a payout are next to zero. Next....

0zed0zedabout 5 years ago

Pretty bad! Not even that well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I’m big on never again to stay with a cheating wife but in this case I think it was right for another try . That guy who fucked her ass without consent would definitely find himself mysteriously getting attacked and hospitalized. That I could not let go and would also probably need to fuck a few before getting back. I know they say that would never help but for me it would

danoctoberdanoctoberabout 5 years ago
Bottom line: The husband made a decision... man up. He was looking at the big picture in the end. His children. And a partner he had for more than 16 years. Very tough call to make, but it worked for him. I enjoyed the story but I would have enjoyed a bit more revenge on those other two. Thanks for sharing author.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 5 years ago
To err is human to forgive divine better man than me

Why? Most stories realize they are fucking up but keep doing it half heartedly telling themselves they are not hurting anyone or this is last time but keep doing it

Been there done that no bullshitting myself I fucked up

Do other people actually act and think like that?

Still enjoyed 4 stars

When you are writing please leave Bush au naturel for some of us men

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Struggle with keeping up with the set up to the story in the writing at the beginning . With that said , the last two thirds of the story I was motivated to be invested to the very end , as I could relate although never going through such a situation . So my compliments on your , in my opinion recovery to the end .

WakeupnowWakeupnowabout 5 years ago
Convoluted to say the least

Gave up on the story on page 3. Skipped to the last page thinking everything would be fixed up. Was glad I gave up on the story.

Tiger27Tiger27about 5 years ago

Why weren't Clara and Derek charged in criminal courts for rape and conspiracy? Think about it! By Clara's own admission, she set up the ambush without Sara's knowledge. Tough call on the reconciliation though. I think I'd want to relocate to a new community to give the family a fresh start.

Good story with 4 stars, and I hope to see more from this author in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
A very good tale - full marks!

5-STARS!!! I'm a BTB fan and I believe that you MUST burn the Bastard or the Bitch! That is exactly what QuietWonder did. Sara got burned and punished - she went off the bend that is how devastated she was - especially when Dan was not willing to listen to the all cheaters bullshit ... "It was a mistake!" - He gave it to her with both barrels and reloaded many times. It took more than 18-months for them to reach some form of semblance where they were at least civil to each other. She lost her children and was not even the main care giver - pretty bad for any mother. Time does heal all wounds even the ones that were as deep as this. I found the eventually RAAC believable and that they did not go into a relationship emedeately. They even had to take that slow ... and it became something that not only him but even his children wanted! And ... most of all - you tell the story from more than one persons point of view. An entire, once very close knit family, tells it as it is. Thanks for sharing!

ThematchthatBurnsThematchthatBurnsabout 5 years ago
Total let down!

Let the bitch waste away, eventually to death. Keep reminding the kids what she did!

Too much forgivness in this world! Not enough revenge!

Use the match!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I don't fault this man for reconciling, but I have serious fault with a man that tells his wife to not feel obliged to give him the best sex possible in gratitude. That would be the exact reason to reconcile. I was very disappointed in the sheer pussyness of that move.

trandall9991trandall9991almost 5 years ago
Most realistic story

Well, that I have found on here. 18 months and a very slow new beginning. Do I think she will ever stray again? Nope not a snowballs chance in hell. She knows what it cost the first time-and forgiveness does not mean you forget. Very well written story-and very realistic. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Been there done that....

This is the most realistic story I've read. I must say went through the same thing. But, wasn't a big enough man to forgive and forget. Even though still was in love with ex, just couldn't forgive and forget. Even though she crawled back and begged for forgiveness and to reunite for the kid's sake 3 times. Even though she was a guilty slut for doing what she had done. She painted me to our friend and relatives as the most vile and evil person she had ever known. Am now happily married with a new love and have several kids. She died several years ago asking to see me. I refused and didn't even attend her funeral. In this world you harvest what you plant.

GoesGruntGoesGruntalmost 5 years ago

Look, forgiving is fine. Kinda needed for your own mental health. Forgetting, or even trusting again? Not so much. In fact, a bad idea. People need consequences.

The kids had every right to hate their cheating parent. Knowing a parent can't keep their promises threatens the children's security. On top of that it teaches the children that promises are meant to be broken, particularly if the parents reconcile.

The 'I still love them' refrain always rings false. Would you have married them in the first place if you'd know they were going to deceive you? Would have agreed if you knew they were going to get intimate with whomever they chose without even warning you? If you wouldn't have, then they aren't the person you thought you married. You might love who you thought they were, but not the real person.

If you would have married them knowing they weren't going to be exclusive and weren't going to communicate with you about who they have sex with then you were willing to have a wide open relationship and shouldn't have been upset about them doing things you don't mind.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 5 years ago
Too easy

I’ve known couples who got back together after divorce, so I won’t criticize that angle.

They got past too much, too quickly. Yes, she was initially manipulated, but nonetheless did tremendous damage to her family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I Knew You Could Write

A longer story, just wish I could buy into the ending. I suppose a lot of that has to do with my own experiences. I haven't hated my ex in a long time perhaps due to not having seen her in over thirty years, but I will never forgive her. Can't forgive a woman who knowingly left her two small girls with a child molester while she worked nights, then abandoned them after she lost custody and couldn't be bothered to attend her youngest's funeral. Forgiveness and regaining trust have to be earned over time, much time but it was too quick, to easy for her here. There should have been criminal consequences for Clare and Derek but there were none. How to deal with everything after everyone seeing the video wasn't dealt with, it's not like that wouldn't be posted all over the net, not to mention her going back to work where this all started. All in all I enjoyed the story and finally picked up on the British influence, so welcome from across the pond. Looking forward to more, you just need to tighten up a few details. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
not quite the same, but - - -

after being happily married for 46 years, I thought, I began receiving a series of phone calls when my wife and her sister were out of town on business. they are antique toy dealers here on the west coast. when confronted, my sister in law answered by saying " oh _____ I don't THINK you have anything to worry about." I don't THINK???? For a few years my "wife " had been telling me I wasn't her best friend, only her husband, Then, after trying to find an impartial counselor, and failing, my wife surprised me a year later with an appt to see HER couples counselor. He told me (surprise, surprise) I wasn't her best friend and I needed to make my own friends. She had had her own boy friend she was meeting in Portland Oregon whenever she went out of town on "business."

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Okay he as upset but his long drawn out attitude was over the top.The truth was she was raped by the two of them and he should have taken that into consideration.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

You had a great story going here until you decided to turn it into just another pathetic RAAC tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

So, he started out a a pussy, then ended up as a pussy? Makes sense coming from you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Uh, that was a Rape....

Sara was set up by Clare and Derek did the act. It was a crime, it's on video and cops saw it.

This guy needed therapy as a kid obviously which results in his acting like an asshole to his raped wife. The kids saw a still shot of the worst visual moment but do not understand that the guy was a rapist.

Jim C

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
re: Uh, that was a Rape....

did you read the story dumb ass. She was set up but it wasn't rape. You don't continue an affair with a rapist. There where three little words she didn't utter......STOP Derrick. Hell she didn't even stop the woman. So your rape theory is out the window.

penneydog55penneydog55over 4 years ago

It's an ok Story!...I got a bit lost in the wilderness of the first few chapters! Question. Aren't the Police or Sheriff and or Deputies supposed to be impartial towards the public! Because they sure treated Sara like a Dog Turd stuck between their Toes!..

That's all I wanted to say!....4 Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ WOOF!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Getting drunk and that happened once is one thing, but the rest is her and only her fault.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

At first I though she needed burnt.

But you did a good job showing her actual remorse and her actions really was destroying her.

And worse her children.

Forgiveness if earned is fine, and she did seem to earn it.

Perhaps I would have felt better if you had written she was slipped a little date rape drug or even some blackmail after the first one.

Well written. thanks for the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

What can I say yes I got a mild BTB which I really enjoyed. But the best of all I got my reconciliation story which I really really loved. Yes I love my BTB stories especially when they deserve it. But my greatest weakness is the reconciliation stories especially when the husband strong bond with his children and his observations he had about his wife. He saw the problem he went to the gym to get rid of one of his main problems anger. Then used counselling to kill the bad memories that kept him awake at night. But as I said he saw the problem before it got beyond control and not only saved his sanity but helped save lives that could of been ruined. So a big thank you but I need to know while we are all shut in at home are you willing to stand up to plate and write more of these stories to help save my sanity.

FireFox59FireFox59almost 4 years ago
Great Story

I'm generally a hard-core BTB type guy and find it very hard to ever trust a cheating wife again. But you've won me over with this story. You managed to truly convince me that Sara was not only very remorseful and sorry for her actions but he could also trust her again. Again great story with a lot of emotions that draws your readers into your story. Looking forward to reading the rest of your stories. Thanks.

saxman1947saxman1947almost 4 years ago
Two nits to pick

Sara was "served" twice. Once at the office and once at her parent's house.

Why was there no discussion of rape charges? Sara didn't know Derek was there, she would not have approved of his actions, and when she tried to extricate herself, Clare held her in place.

It's a "she said/they said" case with the only other evidence being the video, but it seems like it should have been discussed.

lujon2019lujon2019almost 4 years ago

So his kids learn that cheating whores will eventually be forgiven? $20 bucks says his daughter winds up becoming a cheating slut like her mother

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Went back and forth with this story. Yes or no?.

3 stars.

As others commented. Rape. Forgive but not forget. Hard one.

Hard time with anal but had already decided forced didn't know and didn't want.


WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

Gave it 2 stars. The story started strongly, then meandered quite a bit before ending up in a ridiculous RAAC. In the end Sara won and was rewarded for cheating.

The husband was a wimp, he came across as totally pussywhipped and surrendered his self respect to the cheating wife.

What an awful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This is well done

Given the totality of the circumstances of what happened with Sara and her obvious and prolonged repentance, I can buy a reconciliation in this case. Normally, the reconciliations in this category are just RAACs, as in George Anderson's "February Sucks". Nice job!

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