A Story of Intercourse

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A sexual encounter of the intimate kind.
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The following is an accurate, unembellished record of a sexual encounter I experienced with a young woman of my acquaintance, who I shall not refer to by name in the interest of decorum.

The woman in question has many qualities which the average male heterosexual would deem physically attractive, such as long hair of a dark honey-blonde color, unblemished skin, and an athletic build with a larger-than-average bust measurement; I would estimate that her brassiere size is on the order of 34D, though as I am not an expert tailor this estimate is necessarily imprecise.

The advent of our intimate encounter commenced with the consummation of the evening meal, an experience we shared at a local food-service establishment with a reputation for expertise in the culinary arts. It is my opinion that my selection of this venue contributed to my companion's willingness to later suggest intercourse. The nourishment we mutually consumed was deemed by both of us to be subjectively satisfying and stimulating to the palate, though she was later to remark that she felt her steamed vegetables lacked sufficient flavor and would have benefited by the application of additional seasonings.

Following our meal (the cost of which was borne by myself at my own insistence, this being the traditional role of the male and symbolically impressive to the female as an indication of his wealth and suitability as a mate), we indulged in the luxury of a reputable alcoholic beverage from the Bordeaux province of France, and I observed a marked alteration in her behavior as she drank approximately forty fluid ounces. Her gestures became more pronounced and her speech louder, she seemed to find humor in remarks that she might not have ordinarily, and when the time came to leave she found that her balance and coordination had been adversely affected, compelling her to rely on me for assistance in basic locomotion.

We returned to her place of residence, and upon reaching the front step she was apparently seized by a sudden compulsion to place her lips in contact with mine and apply pressure and suction. This, of course, was a strong indication that she desired further intimate contact, and as this had been my primary objective in arranging our social meeting, I made clear my wholehearted acceptance of her embrace by extending my tongue into her mouth. She seemed somewhat taken aback by this gesture and I wondered briefly if I had not made a miscalculation, but my apprehensions proved unwarranted as she reciprocated.

Upon gaining entrance to her domicile, our mutual oral stimulation continued, with greater enthusiasm expressed by both parties. In addition, we each used our hands to briskly rub and massage one another's upper torso. It was at this time that I first observed a hardening and enlargement of my penis, an instinctive reaction to our activity which my mind recognized as a prelude to the reproductive act.

Due to the close proximity of our bodies, my natural physical reaction to the circumstances did not go unnoticed by the woman, who chose to suddenly withdraw from me and retreat to a position approximately two meters away. My momentary dissatisfaction was largely mitigated when I more closely observed her facial expression, which seemed to convey a clear sense of desire and sexual excitement. This impression was largely confirmed when she began to disrobe, doing so in a manner that suggested she was proceeding with deliberate slowness. The effect of this was to increase my own emotional need to view her unadorned body, particularly those areas such as the genitals and the upper torso which women of our society conventionally cover with clothing. Paradoxically, I found that her actions were both frustrating and enjoyable.

Within approximately three minutes, she had removed her outer clothing and stood dressed only in her undergarments, which had been well-designed to provide comfort and support as well as for aesthetics. After releasing her dress and allowing it to fall to the floor, she stood still for a long moment, which I understood as an invitation to examine her exposed body. The slimness of her build, absence of excessive fat, and clarity of her skin all indicated that she was a woman of good health and hygiene, which as a man I instinctively found attractive. In addition, I could clearly see that her breasts were of sufficient size to positively identify her as a person of the feminine gender, and her pelvic region seemed suitable to allow the passage of a full-term infant (these details did not specifically register in my conscious mind, but rather combined to produce what has been dictated by evolution as a standard of human feminine beauty). As a result, I found that my primitive urge to commence intercourse was enhanced and strengthened.

However, it was apparent to me that she was not yet prepared for the actual act of copulation, as she maintained a distance of two meters from me and made no move to remove her remaining clothing, which constituted an effective barrier. I surmised that she wished for me to disrobe as well, which I agreed was a logical course of action. I elected to remove my shirt first, following her example by keeping the most titillating parts of the human anatomy covered for the immediate future. I was able to unobtrusively remove my shoes, though I regrettably proved somewhat ungainly when I attempted to extract my feet from my socks, and she reacted to my slight loss of coordination and balance with mild amusement. Though my initial reaction was one of humiliation and mild hostility, I considered that her amusement was understandable, and completed my own undressing without further mishap. Once again, I imitated her actions by retaining my undergarments.

Her glance momentarily redirected downward, and I realized that while the more confining material of my trousers had effectively disguised my erect penis, the looser fabric of my undergarments was much less restrictive and it was easier for her to estimate the size and length of my reproductive organ. By nature, I prefer to believe that my penis is larger than that of the average man and thus inherently more attractive to females (I also confess to an irrational belief in the common, mostly apocryphal notion that there is a direct ratio between the size of one's penis and one's overall masculinity). In any event, she gave every indication of being impressed and excited by her initial observations of my genitalia, which had the effect of enhancing my own confidence and arousing me further as well.

At this time, she proceeded to her bedroom, indicating via gesture that I was to accompany her. Once there, she chose to enhance the atmosphere and provide a more intimate environment by setting the wicks of two aromatic candles aflame and playing a previously recorded selection of music, the overall tone of which was slow and melodic.

"I want you," she vocalized, expressing in vernacular terms her state of sexual arousal and her attraction to me as a man capable of satisfying the resulting urge to copulate.

Once again, we moved into close proximity and made direct contact at the mouth, the resulting stimulation enhanced by the additional tactile sensation of skin-to-skin contact over much of the rest of our bodies. Although I felt a strong, instinctive urge to immediately proceed to the act of sexual intercourse, I knew that this would be unsatisfying to her and restrained myself from following the natural impulse. I am of a strong belief that as a man, it is incumbent upon me to approach all women from a position of respect and understanding of her basic needs, and I find that my attempts to convince women to participate in sexual activity with me are generally far more successful since I have adopted this attitude.

Because I have strong heterosexual tendencies and enjoy sensory input that enhances the idea of sexual contact with a woman, I chose to increase my own state of excitement by placing my hands on her mammary glands, which of course are far more developed in a woman than a man (and in this particular case, more developed than in most women, which only served to further my own excitement). Fortunately, she found this sort of contact pleasurable as well, and not only welcomed the tactile stimulation of my hands but invited closer contact by removing her brassiere and exposing her breasts. Naturally, I accepted this as a sign of encouragement, and considered that the contact could be made even more pleasurable if I were to provide oral as well as manual stimulation.

"Suck my titties," she said in a quiet voice, indicating that the same idea had occurred to her and that she would indeed enjoy the sensation (I found that her use of the mild vulgarism increased my own excitement further). Secure in the knowledge that she welcomed such behavior, I applied my lips to the nipple of her left breast and provided gentle suction, knowing that such areas were sensitive and that contact of an overly vigorous nature might prove most unpleasant. I also made use of my tongue, manipulating the tip in a circular pattern around each nipple and in between her breasts. Her nonverbal vocalizations throughout the process indicated to me that she appreciated my actions concerning her breasts, which was of benefit to me as I also found that my excitement increased by the contact.

In order that she need not be concerned with such matters as balance and maintaining an upright position, I encouraged her through the gentle application of force to assume a reclining position on her bed, to which she seemed agreeable. Her submission to my will appealed to my baser instincts and inspired a sense of power and dominance, which through an effort of will I was able to control as I assumed she was not yet prepared for me to fully express such feelings. However, a certain degree of aggression became evident in my actions toward her, as the manner in which I touched her became progressively more forceful. Fortunately, she seemed to appreciate this, and expressed her acceptance of the situation by offering verbal encouragement in the form of affirmative utterances, acknowledgement of physical pleasure, and appeals to higher powers.

"Yes... oh God, that feels so good..."

Abruptly, she decided to exchange the traditional roles and assume the dominant position by forcefully pushing me over onto my back and holding me down with her body (although I could easily have reversed the situation once more, her obvious enthusiasm was both welcome and exciting to me). She proceeded to touch her lips repeatedly to my chest, each contact slightly lower on my torso than the one before it, and it became apparent that she would continue to proceed in this manner until she came to my penis, which was by now fully erect and extremely sensitive to further stimulation. I found that I very much wanted her to use her mouth to provide that stimulation, but I remained uncertain as to whether this was her intention, and to make a direct request might have been construed as an overstepping of boundaries.

It seemed as though she could sense my dilemma and, in a manner that suggested a deliberate attempt to increase my discomfiture, she paused momentarily with her hands poised to lower my undergarments and grant her unfettered access to my genital area. "Tell me what you want," she instructed, seemingly extracting a sense of empowerment and mischievous pleasure from my own state of helpless anticipation.

Incautiously, I indulged in the use of crude metaphor and said, "Suck my cock!" By this, I wished to convey my desire to have her envelop my penis with her mouth and, through gentle inhalations and oral manipulation, provide me with further stimulation.

I wondered very briefly if I had not erred in my choice of words, but my fears proved unwarranted, as she seemed to actively enjoy my use of vernacular. With greater care and deliberation than was strictly necessary, she pulled my undergarments downward and extracted my penis, which as I mentioned had reached a state of maximum turgidity. Once again she seemed impressed with both the size and length of my penis, though I found it somewhat frustrating that she took a moment to observe rather than quickly applying her lips and/or tongue as I had requested.

Finally, she did extend her tongue and used it to encircle the sensitive tip of my penis, just above what remained of my circumcised foreskin. I felt a mild, reflexive convulsion, which she correctly interpreted as appreciation of her actions, and she responded by acquiescing to my original request and, through the use of gentle suction and the lubricating effect of her own saliva, allowed my erect organ to slide between her lips. I reacted with profound surprise that she had been able to insert such a great length of my penis into her mouth, and of course I found it extremely stimulating and sexually exciting as well. Once again, the instinctive appeal of a submissive woman fueled my sexual desire. While she still held the physically higher position, the act of oral sex is inherently one of selfless supplication and I appreciated it on that level as well as the purely physical pleasure.

Under such circumstances, it proved difficult to keep note of the passage of time, though it seemed that it could not have been five minutes before I felt the initial commencement of ejaculation. I surmise that she sensed the impending climax and chose to forestall my orgasm, for she immediately ceased oral stimulation and withdrew her mouth from my penis. While I felt an undeniable disappointment, I recognized and understood her reluctance to orally ingest my semen and accepted the postponement of sexual climax in the hopes that she would eventually engage me in penile/vaginal intercourse.

She came to a standing position and revealed that she had removed her remaining garments with the exception of her shoes, which many men (including myself) find quite stimulating, though I acknowledge the irrationality of the matter. I further observed that she had elected to remove most of the pubic hair from her genital region; this served to further pique my interest and made her additionally attractive to me.

Abruptly, she walked to her beside table and, after a brief search, withdrew a prophylactic from the drawer within. I suppressed a feeling of mild disappointment that the sensation of intercourse would be inevitably diminished, but appreciated her understanding of the need to protect oneself from venereal disease and unintentional conception. Of course, I was extremely pleased that she had decided to proceed with intercourse, and this idea mitigated any remaining ill feelings as she extracted the contraceptive and applied it to my erect penis, taking a moment to gently caress my testicles at the same moment and in so doing helping me to maintain my erection during the procedure. Once my penis was fully enveloped in protective latex, she gently urged me to one side of the bed so that she might recline once again, with her legs outstretched in order than I might easily access her vaginal regions.

I took her actions as a nonverbal invitation and lifted myself into the optimum position for penetration, allowing her to take a moment and ensure her own comfort during the process of intercourse. I then lowered my hips downward until we made genital-to-genital contact, and with slow deliberation inserted my penis into her vagina.

Her facial expressions and low utterances gave me the immediate impression that she found the penetration entirely satisfactory. Encouraged by these indicators, I withdrew slightly and then repeated the initial inward motion several times, each time allowing my penis to penetrate slightly deeper until I had successfully inserted the entire length of my erection into her vaginal passage. Further repetitions of the insertion and withdrawal proved pleasurable and exciting for both of us, and so I continued the process with enthusiasm.

"Fuck me, fuck me hard!" she implored, which I took as an invitation to continue practice of the reproductive act, and at her request applied greater force to each insertion. As I am aware of the tendency of many women to experience several orgasms during a given sexual encounter, I endeavored to postpone my own ejaculation in order to maximize her enjoyment of intercourse.

Eventually, I observed via her facial expressions and overall demeanor that she had achieved an orgasmic state, and therefore allowed myself to ejaculate. The impenetrable latex of the prophylactic intercepted my semen which might otherwise have resulted in an inconvenient pregnancy. For a mutually indulgent moment we enjoyed together the pleasure of orgasm, and then relaxed as the euphoria of climax faded.

I withdrew my penis from her vagina immediately to avoid seepage of semen that might compromise the effectiveness of the contraceptive, and rolled my body sideways to alleviate her of my own weight. With one hand I carefully removed the latex condom and disposed of it with a tissue into the waste receptacle thoughtfully left by her bedside.

Since high levels of endorphins were still evident in both of us, we were able to enjoy a few more minutes of intimate contact. We then allowed each other a moment to urinate and otherwise attend to matters of hygiene, and after approximately an hour of additional mutual embrace she allowed herself to fall asleep, whereupon I resumed my clothing and departed.

In all likelihood, we will at some point in the future indulge once again in the rituals of social and sexual interaction, because she was, in my own analysis, a damn good fuck.

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WistempWistempover 15 years ago
Intriguing ...

I'm not sure what was the funniest part -- the story itself or realizing that sometimes I talk like this. (I blame it on the Asperger's; what's your excuse? ;-) ) Still a good story, though.

theonewhoistheonewhoisover 16 years ago

How enthrallingly logical and precisely written this story is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Live Long and Prosper

It would seem you have spent too much time around Humans, Mr. Spock ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
I really rather enjoyed that...

very nicely done, it's always good to read stories with proper grammar and use of punctuation and yet not be stuffy or boring due to lack of imagination.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

heavy and pompous

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