A Strange Birthday Present


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With their faces so close it was natural that they should kiss, but their kisses weren't all enveloping passionate ones, even though Margie was finger fucking Louise as hard as she could, but instead they were just brief touches of lips on lips, light and affectionate, just gentle expressions of mutual pleasure punctuated by smiles of enjoyment. Louise felt smug; she couldn't help it, for she had helped a hitherto straight woman enjoy an experience with another of her own sex. All she had to do now, she thought to herself, was to give her an orgasm to top it off. The trouble was, an orgasm of her own was building, that oh so familiar warmth inside her was already growing and threatening to turn into a blaze. She kissed Margie more passionately and played harder with her clit, rubbing it more firmly and more rapidly, trying to get her there before she was engulfed by her own firestorm. But it wasn't working.

'I'm going to come.' She whispered, surrendering to the inevitable.

Margie's free hand squeezed her shoulder. 'Good, go for it.'

That was it; she felt her climax explode inside her, firecrackers dancing on her nerve endings, shooting stars spreading from her pelvis to her fingertips, forcing little yelps of pleasure from her lips and making her jerk around like a demented puppet. The calls of delight from the watching group only vaguely registered, but their presence adding to Louise's enjoyment.

'I'm sorry.' She muttered when it had all calmed down and they were sitting side by side again. 'I wanted that to happen to you.'

'It still can.' Margie told her, her voice carrying a thick edge of enduring arousal.

Louise turned to face her again, her hand reaching out towards her pussy when she was stopped by Margie grabbing her wrist.

'No.' Margie hesitated. 'I want you to do something else.'

Louise looked at her confused but expectant.

'I want to know what it's like to someone go down on me.' She giggled. 'Without the moustache.'

Remembering Mike's long drooping moustache Louise couldn't help but chuckle too as she slid from the sofa onto her knees, intentionally kneeling with her bottom in the air as her exhibitionistic streak cut in. She knew everybody could see everything she had, and she could feel herself trembling slightly from the thrill it gave her. Now she wanted them to see what she could do with a woman. She lifted Margie's feet onto the sofa and gently but firmly pushed her knees wide apart and then, parting the wiry bush with her thumbs she lowered her mouth to gently lick the tip of Margie's swollen clit, listening with satisfaction to the soft sigh she produced. Smiling happily inside she moved on, sliding her tongue up and down Margie's pussy, pushing into the slippery entrance before returning to flick her clit again each time and make her partner moan with pleasure.

'Is she making a lezzy out of you then Margie?' Someone called out, creating a ripple of laughter.

'If all you men had tongues like this, there wouldn't be any need.' Margie retorted, placing her hand on the back of Louise's head to press her in place.

Louise grinned into the warm moist folds of Margie's pussy, pleased that she had so clearly laid to rest her initial concern about sex with another woman, and then she went back to probing Margie's vagina with her tongue, enjoying the scent and taste of its musky wetness. She pushed her tongue as far inside as it would reach before withdrawing and sliding it all the way up and down between her labia, doing it again and again. She could sense the other woman reacting, becoming more and more aroused. Margie was moaning more loudly than before and her pelvis was giving involuntary little shudders as her orgasm began to build. Louise could feel herself getting turned on again too; the idea of making another woman climax in front of her partner was getting to her.

It seemed it was getting to someone else too, because as she licked Margie's pussy she felt hands land on her bottom, pushing her cheeks wide apart to expose her completely to the people watching. She didn't mind, it suited her instincts, especially when fingers began to explore her crack, feeling their way all the way down between her cheeks to her briefly circle her anus and then move on to play with her pussy.

She peered up at Margie, hoping to get some indication from her as to who was playing with her. But Margie wasn't looking down; instead she was smiling and gazing contentedly at the hidden figure. So it must be Mike, Louise reasoned. Margie clearly wasn't unhappy about whoever was joining in and so it must be Mike. The disembodied fingers became more and more adventurous, exploring between her own labia, playing with her clit and then finding her vagina, pushing in through the entrance to bury themselves deep inside her. It was her turn to moan with pleasure now.

She started to lap at Margie's clit again, feeling her giving little tiny jerks each time the tip of her tongue flicked across the sensitive little bud. Margie wasn't going to be long before she came, and that was just what Louise wanted. For some inexplicable reason it had become absolutely imperative that she should make Margie climax in front of her friends. Perhaps it was a kind of payback for the orgasm that Louise herself had already enjoyed. But whichever it was she knew she wouldn't get much more of a chance and so she went to work hard at Margie's clit, trying not to let the plunging fingers in her pussy put her off.

But then, abruptly, the fingers were gone and she felt the rough feel of denim against her bottom as the man behind her inched forward and sought her opening with the end of his cock. She shuffled her knees apart a little more, inviting him, trying all the time to keep her bottom high and her mouth level with Margie's pussy, wanting to be entered. She didn't have to wait, the man's cock found her and simply slid inside, pushing deep and wriggling as the man, still presumably Mike, crept closer and settled with his hands on her hips.

Now, as he thrust in and out, she felt her mouth being pushed up against Margie's pussy, teeth banging against her clit as she tried to carry on licking her. Margie was soon reacting audibly to each jolt, making little whimpering noises that ended with a sudden gasp as Louise lurched forward from the cock plunging into her. Louise found it exhilarating, something she had never experienced before, going down on a woman while the force of her contact with their pussy was dictated by the power of their partner's thrusts. And then, without warning, Margie climaxed, her hands grabbing at Louise's head and shoving it hard against her rising pelvis, bruising Louise's lips as a thrust from behind added to the force. Margie cried out, a long wail of a moan, pushing up with her hips and bending back at the same time, her head thrust forward in the strangest of contortions as her climax ripped through her. Once, twice, three times Margie executed this weird performance, and then it was over and she slumped back onto the sofa, pushing Louise's face away from her pussy with the flat of a hand on her forehead. Louise didn't mind the abrupt dismissal; she was just pleased to have made a straight woman come.

Margie tried to extricate herself, but she couldn't move away while her partner was pushing Louise up against her with each thrust, so she settled for putting her feet back on the floor and then holding Louise close against her stomach. This was something else that Louise had never experienced before, to be kneeling between a woman's thighs, her cheek resting on her stomach at the same time as being fucked from behind, but she knew she certainly wouldn't object if it were to happen again sometime.

Mike, she felt certain it was Mike she was having sex with, free now from the restraints imposed by Louise's attentions to his lady, began fucking her as hard as he could, gripping her hips and slamming himself into her, pushing her further up Margie's body in the process until her head was pressing up against the underside of Margie's heavy breasts. She turned her face, intent of kissing the large breasts in front of her, but Mike had other ideas. He reached forward and wound one hand into her long blonde hair and yanked her head back with it, as if the hair were reins. She yelped from the pain and surprise of it, but really it just served to remind her that until midnight she was his do with as he wanted.

She knelt with her head pulled right back, staring into Margie's satisfied face and thoroughly enjoying being so comprehensively fucked; although she had to admit that there wasn't a lot she could do about it even if she wasn't. Apart from being pulled back by her hair onto Mike's cock, she was also held still by Margie, trapped between the other woman's legs and gripped tight by her thighs. She could feel Margie's soft body beneath her stomach and chest, coarse pubic hair pressed against her belly and surprisingly strong hands gripping her shoulders. All she could do was exactly what she wanted to do, just kneel there and take it as Mike pounded into her, his thick cock pistoning in and out and with his group of friends urging him on with calls and whistles.

Soon she felt his rhythm begin to falter, his thrusts becoming a little more erratic until, with a series of animal like grunts, she felt his cock twitch and jerk inside her and she realised that he was pouring his load deep into her body. It seemed as if his climax was never ending, but finally, when his balls were empty and the twitches ceased, the grip on her hair relaxed and he placed his hands flat on her back, holding himself in place while he fought to get his breath back. In time she felt his softening cock slip from inside her and then he moved groggily away without saying a word. Margie let go too and Louise settled back on her haunches, incidentally looking straight at Margie's open pussy once again. Margie chuckled and cocked her leg over Louise so that she could stand up and look down at her. Louise looked up without moving, not sure what was required of her and wondering hopefully if someone else would take her from behind. But instead Margie looked down rather thoughtfully at her before turning around and asking. 'Will somebody get a towel for this girl to sit on please; she's a bit soggy down below?'

Louise smiled to herself. 'soggy' didn't come anywhere near describing it. Besides her own juices, generated by Mike's ferocious coupling, she had his cum trickling from her hole and onto the inside of her thighs. She stayed where she was for a minute or two, still unsure of herself, until a blonde one of the other women came across to her and dropped a folded towel onto the sofa. 'There you go, honey, sit on that for a bit.'

Gratefully Louise did exactly as she was told, sinking onto the towelled seat and easing the sore stiffness from her bent knees. She looked around for her clothes, wondering if that was it for the night, but they had been whisked away and so she sat there naked, knowing it was intentional and feeling deliciously exposed, and still wondering what was next. She was, it seemed, intended to remain naked and available for the rest of the evening, especially when, minute or so later Margie, now fully dressed again, came over and silently handed Louise a bottle of beer before sitting down beside her. Her strange birthday present was getting stranger by the minute, sitting stark naked amid a group of bikers and drinking beer straight from a bottle was not how she'd envisaged her evening would go, even if it was so bloody sexy in a perverse sort of way.

'You okay?' Margie asked.

'Yes, I'm fine thanks.' Louise looked around at her. 'You?'

'Better than I thought I would be.' Margie grinned. 'You've made quite an impression, and not just on me.'

Louise took the compliment with a surprised smile and then gazed around the room. She found she was on the receiving end of several hungry stares and even the occasional wink as her eyes swept across the people in the room, She couldn't help but smile back, they were a rough bunch but she'd come to trust them, even if she did feel so very vulnerable as the only naked person present. But then, that was what she had wanted. She chugged on her beer, enjoying the coolness and the unaccustomed taste of it, thinking of it as relaxing between adventures. The break was welcome, but the circumstances were still making her feel incredibly horny, and she wanted to know what she might expect.

For a while she sat quietly, enjoying the novelty of drinking beer with rock music threatening her hearing, bizarrely happy with her naked state among what was really a group of total strangers. One thing was for sure, she thought, at the end of this they'll know more about me than most other people. Her empty beer was replaced with a fresh bottle and she nodded her thanks, settling back to enjoy the unfamiliar sharp taste. After a while and yet another beer she wriggled on her towel, feeling the dampness under her and smiling because she knew what it was. All she hoped now was that there would be more where that came from before the evening was through. It was already nearly eleven and there was no sign of Mike coming back for seconds.

'What's likely to happen next?' She asked Margie.

'I'm not sure.' Margie told her, immediately understanding what she was really asking. She looked around and then, spotting Mike chatting and laughing with a couple of his friends at the other side of the room, she waved across and called. 'Hey Mike, you've not forgotten about your birthday present have you?'

Mike looked up. 'No, but I need a bit longer to recover these days.' Then he in turn looked about him. 'Hey guys,' He called over a gap in the music. 'There's a young lady over there found herself out of work, so if anyone wants to keep her busy for a while, feel free.'

Louise's eyebrows shot up. She had not really expected to be so easily shared around like a box of chocolates for anyone to dip into, but her heart promptly started to race with growing excitement at the prospect. Being used was part of her birthday present request after all, to be something for anyone to enjoy, if anybody wanted her.

She should have known she wouldn't be disappointed. Few older men could have resisted the beautiful blonde thirty something woman, and straight away one of them responded.

A man with long wild hair and a grey goatee beard called over to Mike. 'I wouldn't say no.' He shouted.

'Help yourself then.' Mike replied.

'I might have known you'd be in here, Brad,' Margie remarked as the man came over and sat on Louise's other side.

'I can't see a pretty lady going without.' He grinned, draping his arm around Louise's shoulders.

'I'll leave you to it then.' Margie told them. 'You'll be all right, won't you?' She added, looking at Louise.

Louise nodded her thanks and then turned to Brad. She smiled demurely at him and opened her legs in silent invitation, once again placing her feet beside her on the sofa. Brad grinned lewdly and unfastened his jeans, pushing both the jeans and his shorts down in one go just far enough for his cock to spring clear.

'So, are you ready for number two?' He asked, kneeling down and then inching forward, using one hand to point his thick cock towards her pussy.

'Try me.' She responded, looking down impatiently at the impressive uncut cock aiming for her entrance.

It slid into her cum-slippery pussy with no effort at all, even though she could feel that herself having to expand to accommodate him. He immediately began to thrust steadily into her, his full length sliding deeply in and out. It felt good; she couldn't deny that it felt so good to have his big cock moving inside her. This was becoming a birthday present that she wouldn't swap for the world. She relaxed and closed her eyes to let herself enjoy him, but then she suddenly realised that all conversation had ceased and her eyes shot open again. She gazed past him to see that everyone was watching her being fucked by the big biker, and another jolt of eager excitement flashed through her. She just loved being watched.

He leaned closer over her, taking a nipple into his mouth as he moved inside her and she stared bright eyed over his shoulder at their audience. If only every Saturday could be like this. It wasn't long before he was grunting heavily as he rammed himself into her, stirring the beginnings of another climax for her even as it became apparent he was approaching his own. It was a case of who would get there first, and it was a race that Brad won. Only just, but he gave a long coughing grunt and emptied himself into her in several long bruising thrusts just as her orgasm was climbing that long beautiful hill to its peak. He pulled out and slumped back on his haunches, letting her feet slide from the sofa back to the floor, leaving her feeling a strange mix of pleasure and frustration. She had satisfied two men and a woman so far that evening, but she needed more, if only to ignite that infuriatingly close orgasm that she had just missed out on. There would, she hoped and expected, be more opportunities with others and perhaps then she would reach the climax that had just eluded her. She was well aware that nobody should worry about her pleasure; she was, after all, bought and paid for and that was what she had wanted, but it was her birthday too and another orgasm wouldn't go amiss.

She watched as Brad stumbled away, her eyes almost missing the guy who wandered across to take his place, already fiddling with his zip as he came over. She smiled up in sudden realisation that someone else wanted her. Her legs had automatically drifted together but now she spread them again, inviting this latest partner to take her with the long hard cock that soon protruded from his jeans.

He didn't bother to introduce himself; he just knelt in front of her, pulled her towards him and pushed his cock into her already sopping wet pussy. She pulled her legs backwards again and just leaned back, letting him have his way. There was absolutely no finesse, the man simply wanted to use her to empty his balls into. He thrust into her hard, savagely almost, holding her hips in an iron grip to keep her still, not caring about her pleasure or even her comfort, and she loved it. Very quickly the fading promise of an orgasm was returning, building quickly inside her as he rammed himself up her. She couldn't relax against this wonderful onslaught, she clutched at her legs behind the knees and held them as far apart and as far back as she could, enticing him to plunge deeper, wanting him to fuck her as hard as he possibly could. He didn't disappoint. It wasn't long before she could feel that her climax was on its way, she was gasping with the pleasure and from the power of his thrusts, happy in the knowledge that this time she would come first.

She did, but not by much. Her orgasm exploded inside her, sending waves of pleasure rippling out once more, all along her nerves from her pelvis to her fingertips and making her gasp and moan in ecstasy. Then, even as she was enveloped in her new climax, her partner growled like a caged animal and lunged forward, pushing her back on her seat as his cock jerked and twitched inside her, spurting yet more cum into her waiting pussy.

When he was done he just drooped forward over her, laying against her, panting and gasping with his mouth hanging open, drooling onto her breasts, his eyes glazed and hardly seeing. He felt heavy, slumped on top of her, his cool leather vest pressed against her naked belly, but she didn't mind. She let her legs drop back onto the floor and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly, wanting him to stay with her for a few moments at least. For a minute or two that's where he stayed, until eventually focus returned to his eyes and he looked down onto her, smiling almost shyly as he licked his lips and pursed his mouth, breathing out heavily in one long exhalation.