A Surprise Trip to Amsterdam Ch. 02


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"You are just greedy spiteful kids, not adults. Look schools over, we're going our separate ways, as of now. No retribution, no reporting to school, nothing. Just piss off and leave us alone. Lu and I are spending what's left of the holiday together, kapish?" Jerry finished.

With that, the two girls got up and left.

"I'll go up and make sure Jo's alright, better just one of us, OK?" Dave finished, the rest nodded and he went upstairs.

He was back quickly, the discussion had been brief and similar to the one with the girls before. She was grateful there would be no report to school, but would spend the rest of the holiday alone. She had said the previous night was more her fault than theirs, but none of them believed that. The boys might have preferred to split up too, but that would have been stupid

All seven of them wandered around, sadly, not really sure what to do next and looking forward to getting home. Jo went off to meet up with her friend Arabella and they had lunch together. At least she was still talking to Jo, even when she shamefully accounted for the previous night.

"Seriously Jo, this is getting out of hand, you're turning into some kind of sex addict. This could end up with you getting hurt."

Arabella was right and Jo knew it.

"But love, you enjoyed the club too, didn't you? It wasn't just the sex, but the public display, being humiliated, I suppose."

"You know I did, but I wouldn't do it again. Thing is, I think you could, no, you will and that frightens me, for your sake." Arabella grabbed her wrist, as if she was trying to save her from drowning.

Jo knew she was right, God she wanted to go back to the club, allow herself to be used, abused, beaten, anything. The more gross and humiliating, the better. She suddenly saw the truth in what Arabella said, not seeing it before. Not only did she want it, but would go back to he club and she knew they would accept her, without question.

She thought for the moment, "Yes you're right Bella and you're right I need to walk away now, before it's too late, before I get lost in this world."

But, but, she wasn't sure if she could. They arranged to meet for a drink when Arabella finished work at the gallery and Jo wandered at random, lost in thought. By chance, not really, she found herself walking past the club an hour later. She stood transfixed in the street. This was it, walk past or go in, a crossroads in her life. She walked in.

"Hi Emily. good to see you." The pretty girl in the ticket office said, Jo had given a false name.

"Oh hi, is the manager in, I was just passing?"

"I'm sure he'll be in for you, take a seat."

Andras came out a few minutes later, gave her a hug and directed her to his office.

"I was so hoping to see you again, everyone's talking about your little show. Now what can I do for you?"

She stared at him, unable to speak, till he broke the spell.

"You want to come back again, I know. Well you'd be very welcome indeed. I presume on the same basis, one off nights, for tips, yes?"

"How," she stopped again.

"How did I know, that's my job, to understand people. Now stop me if I'm wrong, you've got a responsible job, teacher, yes?"

It's not just the sex is it? You crave the display, the humiliation, maybe pain too, yes?"

Jo could only nod, doubtfully, not sure what to say.

"So, am I right, do you want to make further appearances?"

She nodded again and hung her head.

"We are all just what we are Emily, accept it. Now am I right, you want maybe bondage, punishment, to be degraded, humiliated even. You're not the only one, don't be ashamed. Most girls wanting to appear now and then, seem to want the same, I don't know why. Maybe it's just the maximum contrast from their normal life. You wouldn't believe it, but some are bought by husbands, partners, who insist on hard punishment and watching it too.

Our regular girls don't of course. If they're injured, maybe bruised, they can't work, no tips."

Jo was still silent.

"So when do you want to come. I would suggest a Friday and Saturday, leave on Sunday. You can stay in one of the girl's flats. They're used to it. Perhaps help serving drinks on Friday, get introduced to the customers and a slot on Saturday.

We tend to ask our regulars, what they would like to happen, given your preferences. We won't tell you, it'll be a surprise, OK?"

She murmured "Yes," so ashamed of herself.

"Good, great, let's fix a date, a weekend. You'll be responsible for the flight, but there won't be much other expense and big tips, believe me."

When the date was set, Jo got up to leave, she needed to get away to think. Maybe she just wouldn't turn up, but she knew that wasn't going to happen, she'd be here again. Andras gave her a hug, she declined coffee and left as soon as she could, having given a contact phone number. So she just wandered, horrified at her weakness. her stupidity. She knew she'd be back in a few short weeks, already excited at the thought. Just what would they plan for her, she longed to know.

Back at the hotel at 6, she met the girls and they briefly talked. But they couldn't even look at her, they were so angry. Jo left quickly to meet up with Bella for a drink and they decided to eat as well. She only pushed at the meal, no appetite. She didn't discuss her reckless date for a few weeks ahead. she'd never discuss it with anyone.

The last day of the holiday passed aimlessly. Back on the plane, they'd divided up into boys, girls and Jo. She was sad at the contrast with the outward journey, but only herself to blame. When they landed, they quickly separated, with hardly a word and Jo made her way to her small flat.

The next couple of days she settled into washing, cleaning and general tidying. As arranged, she went south to stay 5 days with her parents and easily slipped back in the routine of her mother caring for her. A reminder of youth, innocence, or lost innocence. Next she went to her brother, who lived on the coast in Wales and enjoyed his uncomplicated company.

Back home, she was shocked to see that there were only a few days till her return trip to sin city. Jo decided to treat herself with some of the large tip from the sex club and went to an expensive lingerie shop. She needed something stunning for her next show. In the end, she settled on a sheer, low cut black Basque and black hold ups. Next she bought a black thong, so small. she resented the ridiculous price. Looking at herself in the mirror, she had to have it, the sales girl seemed genuinely impressed at how gorgeous she looked. It took an effort for her tits to not spill out of their cups and her nipples were clearly visible. Jo was embarrassed to see that they were swelling. She looked irresistible.

"Hot date," the girl asked.

"sort of," She replied.

"Well a glance at that and he'll be a quivering wreck. Sorry, mustn't be sexist, he or she will be wrecked." And they both laughed at the silly joke.

Jo left the shop, now definitely looking forward to the weekend, excited at what would be inflicted on her. She knew it would be hard, painful, but she'd been clear that was what she wanted.

On the Friday, she caught a bus for the short trip to the airport., went through security and settled down with a coffee and magazine, to wait. There were a couple of trips to the toilet, she'd taken a mild laxative and an enema, knowing what she could expect. There was a tingle in her groin, at the thought of being taken in the ass again. It had only happened a couple of times before, now she looked forward to it. That big slapable ass of hers, was in for a real hammering and she discovered she couldn't wait. Perhaps it was spoiling her for real relationships, or she would be able to keep a permanent smile on the man's face. How many girls asked to be done in the ass.

Her reverie was broken as her flight was called and she sat down for take off. Her neighbour was a handsome guy a few years older than her. He seemed interested and when she slipped into a light sleep, she woke with a hand on her thigh, Pretending to ignore it as he pushed under her skirt and gently stroked her pussy through her pants. Stirring slowly to allow him time to remove it, he offered to meet her in Amsterdam. Not a good idea she thought, in view of her plans. She said she was too busy, but how about meeting for a drink back home. Jo gave him her number, sure he would call.

When they separated after passport control, Jo gave him a goodbye hug, making sure her 36DD's pressed against his chest. Hussy, she thought, as she waved goodbye, maybe her celibate months were over. If nothing else, she'd get a one night stand out of it.

She caught the bus to the city centre, then made her way to the club. Greeted by several of the regular girls and boys, she was given a key and directions to an apartment nearby. It was small and clean, Jo had a quick shower, it was a hot day, then went to bed in her small room, naked, for a sleep. At 6.30 she got up and dressed in the killer underwear, planning to return to the club, to help out with waiting table. No pay, but she could keep her own tips, so wandering hands were to be encouraged.

When she slipped out of her dress, the other girls admired her outfit and they all went to the bar, to wait for customers. She helped to seat them as they came in, some single men, groups of male tourists and mixed groups with women. The latter sized her up, judging the competition. When she returned with drinks, Jo made a point of bending low, sticking her tits in the men's faces. Some licked and nuzzled her. A few of the jealous girls, slapped her ass angrily, but she just smiled. At other tables, hands roamed up onto her groin and into her slit. She stood and waited till they'd finished and moved on, this was fun. The tips were generous and adding up.

Jo ignored her friends on stage, but the customers seemed to be enjoying themselves. Later in the evening, Andras took her on stage to introduce her, then asked her to wait in the bar.

"Ladies and gentlemen, that lovely lady, Emily, is anxious to entertain you tomorrow, one night only.

She's an open minded girl and wants a good evening, almost anything goes. Anything involving a good fucking, bondage punishment, anal, the whole works. The two gentlemen from Germany, the brothers, short in stature only, will be here. Some of you will remember previous visits. They like to give a girl a very hard, humiliating time, so it looks like a good evening in store for us, if you can come back."

He left to bring Jo back, to jeers and catcalls from the audience and she looked at him, puzzled. He shrugged and she went back to work. By the end of the evening, most of the men and some of the women, had a good chance to paw and probe her. In fact she could have gone on stage now and taken on all comers, she was so turned on.

Eventually the club closed and they all gathered for a drink in the bar. It had been a good evening, Jo was certainly pleased with her tips anyway. She went home with the girl whose flat it was and straight to bed. Next day she took the girl Ana, to breakfast and they chatted about their lives. Jo was intrigued why the girl would choose sex as a career, she was intelligent, pretty. Still it was none of her business.

Ana went out and Jo stayed home preparing herself for the night. Following her advise, she had a further enema and used a series of gelled dilators on both holes. Stretching a little , it might help reduce the pain that night.

By early evening, she was getting nervous and stretched in a hot bath to relax. Getting out she creamed her skin and trimmed her pubic hair. Checking herself in the mirror, she was pleased. Tall, on the plump side of average, with large, firm, suckable tits, a faintly curved belly, descending to an inviting Cunt and Ass, then to curvy legs. Yes, very inviting she thought, but invited to what, she was desperate to know.

Finally she dressed and headed off to the club. Andras asked her to stand just outside the entrance, in her Basque, handing out leaflets. Was this legal? She wasn't sure, but it certainly got attention. Yes, she assured men who stopped, she would be starring that evening and many said they would come back, for that reason only.

As the crowds built up, Jo went inside, to carry on with serving drinks. The show started, but Jo was too anxious to watch. Later in the evening, Andras bought out a series of soft straps and handed them to one of the larger tables, where she was stood, chatting. She had them put on wrists, ankles and a collar round her neck.

For some time, Jo carried on serving, till there was a lull in the show. Suddenly there was a whooping and hollering and Jo turned to see the strangest site. Two very short men were rushing around the stage. She hated the term, but they were dwarves, it was insulting. They were quite stocky and a little over 3 feet. In fact, they were brothers. Dressed in cowboy shirts, jeans, waving Stetsons and toy pistols, it was just plain weird.

It was about to get a lot worse. They pointed pistols at her and pulled her near the stage. Pushed onto her knees, something like a bit was put between her teeth and strapped around her head. Then on all fours, one of them climbed on her low back, now waving a crop. He gently kicked her and struck her rump with the crop. She understood she must carry him across the room. The audience were laughing at this of course and Jo was going red with shame, as he repeatedly kicked and beat her, shouting Ye Haw and giddyup.

It was painful, but she struggled on, at least these two shouldn't be too hard to cope with, when she presumably, came to fuck them. It was all so degrading, but that's what she'd asked for. They swapped around and the other man rode her round the room. He directed her to a bowl and pushed her head down, to lap the water in it. For some reason, the audience found this particularly hilarious.

Finally she was directed to the stage, where a short metal pole ha been screwed to the floor. It had what looked like a large black vibrator, fixed to the top. The men pointed to it and the crowd shouted encouragement. They were surprisingly strong and pulled her onstage. Her hands were tied and attached to a pole above her head. They indicated to remove the thong and she did. Stood astride the pole, it's height was adjusted and it was pushed between her flaps, then raised till it touched her cervix. Finally, her ankles were strapped to the floor and to a round of applause, the battery turned on.

Oh that was nice, the evening was picking up, as her head fell back and she started panting. Looking up, she found herself alone. Her tormentors were walking around the room, chatting with the audience. They only turned back when she screeched to an orgasm, but then ignored her again. Hanging from the pole, she was feeling neglected.

Finally, after another quivering climax, they walked back to her with a step ladder. One of them mounted it and without apparent interest, undid her Basque. When it fell to the floor, the audience clapped in appreciation, but the two men left her again.

"Hey, you two, let me free, now." She shouted, getting angry now.

They turned back and slowly walked back onto the stage. Without a word, they both took their crops and took turns, beating her hard on the Ass. She shrieked and begged them to stop. Finally they did, twisting her round to proudly show off her striped rump.

The audience were helpless with mirth, but to Jo, it was all just strange and she was getting really angry. The men turned to face her grinning and started to strip off. Well she couldn't expect much, but still something was happening.

"Oh my God," She shrieked. Of course, nearly everyone else was in on the joke. They were both huge and I mean huge. nearly a foot long semi engorged.

"Nooo," She whimpered, to more gales of laughter and shouts of encouragement, to do her hard.

One of the men loosened the stretch on her wrists and lowered her to kneeling, but still bound. They both stroked their cocks over her face and her tits. She opened her mouth, accepting the inevitable. Then she choked of course, as even the flaccid cock pushed deep into her throat. He quickly stiffened though and made way for his brother.

Standing proudly hands on hips, they must be both 14 inches and quite thick. They were going to fuck her to death, in front of a laughing crowd. Maybe, just maybe, she could cope and she whispered "Lubrication,"

They'd done this before and were ahead of her. As she was lowered backwards and her wrists bound again, a rubber bolster was pushed under her low back. One of them squeezed Gel inside her and spreading her thighs, started to push in, before, after a short delay, unloading it all in one thrust. He buried every inch, somehow and she could only gasp with the pain. Back, then in harder and deeper still, if that were possible, well obviously it was.

JO had to admit, even the pain was great and the sensation of being totally full was overwhelming. She was gurgling, mewing with pleasure. Not even noticing, the other man was using her tits and mouth for his pleasure. Gripping her breasts as hard as he could, as he pushed between the soft pillows.

Quite soon, they swapped around and the other man pummelled her. She was drifting from orgasm to orgasm, shaking all the time, then they stopped. Her ankles were unbound and her legs pushed up to her ears. Fingers worked at her anus, with more gel.

"No, no, no that's impossible, you can't do that." And she tried pulling away, till she felt a hard slap on her Ass and she gave in, submitted.

Some of the audience came closer, to observe the impossible happening, as the fingers withdrew and the obscenely huge cock replaced them at her anal ring. The man made cooing, encouraging noises, for her to relax, as he pushed. Jo knew herself, that she had to, or she'd certainly be hurt. He just pushed and pushed, till the muscle relaxed and accepted the invasion. Then he kept pushing, on and on it went, deeper and deeper. It didn't hurt now, as he sank into her bowels. Oh it felt so good, as she came again. These guys really knew what they were doing. He stopped an inch short of the 14 inches and withdrew. Jo was actually sorry, she wanted her Ass pounded from the biggest Cock she had ever seen.

Now there was a new plan, two black stools were bought on stage and a thigh was placed on each with her buttocks balanced between. It was obvious what was next, the ultimate test, double penetration by two 14 inchers. The men were at about the right height and one moved to the front and slipped easily passed the swollen, gaping labia. They held her as she started to sag backwards, her muscles giving up the struggle. Then came pressure on her anus, as the other pushed back in her Ass with little effort, she had been stretched so much.

The men drew back and nodded to each other, before both driving in together. That did make her scream, pain or pleasure, probably both. They hadn't fully penetrated, but drew back and in harder. Still not buried, but each coordinated thrust going deeper. In fact, she was appreciably lifted of the stools each time. Somehow, they managed to balance.

Jo came three times, shrieking and bucking. Audience members had to support her. The last time, the men came with her and the pulses of cum, just went on and on. She was allowed to slump off the stools, gasping for breath and still shuddering from a last titanic orgasm. Finally, two guys came out and helped her out of the back of the stage.

As she left, she muttered, "What the fuck, who were those guys? Did you want them to kill me?"

"We thought you'd enjoy that, different aren't they?" One of the buys replied.

"Different, is that what you call it, different?"

"Fraid it ain't over yet love, just got to clean you up, give you time to recover."