All Comments on 'A Surprise Visitor'

by BigGuy33

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onbothsidesonbothsidesover 7 years ago
Similar to the last story

I really liked this one. See, same theme and an even better result. Thanks for writing.

Pappy7Pappy7over 7 years ago
Well done.

The result of that situation worked itself out about as good as it could. I salute you for not making him a cuckold to his wife's fucking around or his daughter's emotional blackmail and threats. If you believe one distinct way and your kids end up believing another that adamantly you have no relationship with them and any connection will shrivel and die. Sad about the loss of a relationship with the granddaughter but there wasn't anything he could have done about that. Not staying in any contact with his former family was the only way he could have any peace. So, again, good job. I tried to give it 6 stars but the rating line just kept reverting to 5. Oh well.

AllintheheadAllintheheadover 7 years ago
Good but quick

You usually have more details when it comes to the after divorce stuff. But I guess when it's a flashback story it doesn't really need

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I liked the idea, but the details are absurd. Contractors aren't kept in theater that long.

sdc97230sdc97230over 7 years ago
He had better options than the last Henry...

Because he only had one grown-up daughter he didn't have to worry about who would raise. But he made the right choice. Just get out and move on. Don't waste time, energy or emotion that you could be using to build your new life on revenge. Just get out and move on. Don't risk potential legal consequences by breaking laws. Just get out and move on. If it hurts to think about the wife, child and grandchild you're walking away from, just think about what you'd do if an airplane crashed on your house. You'd grieve and then move on. So just consider them dead, get out and move on. It's the only choice that is really all yours, so make it and get on with making your new life.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 7 years ago
Reads in the key of A ( testosterone supplemented Matt Moreau]

This is going to be very popular and it should be. No dig at MM , he broke the mold for brazen , unapologetic wives pushing an extramarital agenda and backed up by turncoat daughter. BigGuy33 is refining the formula for maximum stomach roiling when narrator discovers betrayal on multiple fronts and then shifts into resolute, proactive mode.

One quibble is that I was in the Navy on aircraft carrier which took extended tours. Every married man knew after a few months watching his wedlocked brethren get Dear John letters that their marriage was a roll of the dice. Don't ask, don't tell was an attitude many ( although not all ) adopted. The point is no matter how good of a marriage you thought you had, extended absences did no one any favors.

This narrator never doubted for a second his wife's fidelity during extended overseas time out. That was very romantic, but naive of him . The groans and moans, after mail call ,of my shipmates definitely disabused me of that quaint notion.

Other then that bit of literary lint picking , I enjoyed the story. The characters ' popped ' into consciousness. The narrator didn't feel the need to crow over the folly of wife and daughter. In terms of life being s battle, he got knocked down , shook himself , took a ten count, got up and proceeded to win on a decision. It might get better than that, but I don't know how.

Full marks. * * * * *

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Damn, doggie boy

Your stupid fucking comment was longer than the story. Put a sock in it! Not much of a story. Just more of the same old same old. I gave it a three, just because it wasn't some freaky shit. It sure wasn't very good.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 7 years ago
STUPID. ... beyond stupid


It's really shocking that at this point you don't understand why people think you're forced reconciliations to quickly. I guess it means you're kind of an idiot...

Part of the problem is that while you stories are very well written some of the dialogue is irrational and makes no sense. In this story after the husband comes back from a extended stay hotel.... to pack up his stuff he has one final conversation with his wife

In that scene the wife's replies to his statements don't seem to match. I don't know if you're going for trying to show how the wife was detached from reality or had serious mental issues. But it makes a story really hard to read. And it's quite frustrating..

chytownchytownover 7 years ago

For sharing/

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 7 years ago
Still Harry(inVa) after all these years

He's always shocked by authors idiocy and ( insert full caps ) stupididity' . . Harry is so shocked ,he will refuse to quit reading these allegedly incompetent authors so they can realize how bad they are. I give him credit for this much . He doesn't lurk like the gibbering anons. That shred of integrity SHOCKS me

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3over 7 years ago
Cardboard Characters

Cardboard characters behaving as if they'd overdosed on sedatives and only showed emotion because the script said they should. Surreal and unbelievable plot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I would have loved to see a confrontation with his ex Fran! But I still loved it! Thanks for sharing this with us! Love you all! GREG. OH 100 % OF READING ENJOYMENT BYE.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
wow talk about two women full of themselves thinking with their cunts

Karen committed suicide, that's the only way to describe it, while Fran committed emotional suicide. One has to realize the world would have been better off without either one of them.

sugnasugnaover 7 years ago

This story touched on an important aspect of this genre that is mostly ignore. Honor. While it was not dealt with directly, it was there. He behaved honorably, he did his job and remained faithful. His wife dishonored herself and her family. She then had to pay the consequences for her dishonor. Her husband and daughter were casualties of her actions. Now, years later she is alone with her dishonor and her legacy. What is amazing to me is how western culture has become so corrupt that most people do not understand the concept of honor. Committing sins, unethical acts and crimes is NOT okay. Even if no one else punishes you, you have condemned yourself.

CrkcpprCrkcpprover 7 years ago
Now this is what's been lacking in LW for a while now

A real story with depth , angst , and some spine !

So , I guess a lot of folks who visit this thinks that he should have given in and then the three of them should have just jumped in bed and rutted like a bunch of monkeys !

That's the common refrain heard here , right ? This is an erotic site , right ?

To them , I say go read Lush , or .Asst , or one of the other simple stroke story sites .

To me , there's a REASON that the LIT is in front of Erotica in the name of this site. If all you want to do is pull on your little Pudd , then go watch some porn. Hell , this site even has some links to it.

This is the kind of story that hooked me to start with. It has drama , and in the end it has a sense of justice , or in this case , a sense of morality .

Now granted , this will never make the LW Hall of Fame , but so what. It feeds a vastly underfed audience . And before the " Purists " log in , let me say this , Yes this is a kind of training ground for amateur authors learning to hone their skills . But , this site exists because of BOTH authors and readers. Would it kill you folks to throw a starving dog a bone occasionally ? If the readers leave , then the site will eventually leave . Think about that as you look down your noses at us " unwashed masses " as some A- Hole called the audience here recently .

I want to thank the author for sharing this wonderful yarn with us.

5 *'s

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 7 years ago
Nothing Personal

You know what would be really nice? It would be really nice if someone, anyone, could publish a story where none of the characters talked like an idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Does this really happen?

Does this really happen or is this strictly fiction? Yeah, I get it, it's just a story, but seems there are so many stories involving wife's thinking it is acceptable to do this kind of stuff. So is there something I'm missing?

Or am I too sheltered, happy to live in my own world with birds, butterflies, kids that show respect and faithful wives?

What's in the water these days? Bad mushrooms maybe?

Help me?

javmor79javmor79over 7 years ago
I liked it

Would have liked it more if the wife's character was more realistic. This wife was a flashback of the all the wooden cliches that make up the LW genre. She and the daughter were so detached from reality in their reasoning that it almost made the story unbelievable. Luckily, I just watched a bunch of feminazi sjw videos on youtube. After being completely perplexed by some of their extreme logic and rationalizations, I was able to suspend enough belief that two women like this COULD exist, even if there is a really low chance of ever meeting one.

Once l suspended enough belief, I was able to focus on what l did enjoy. The fluid writing, the use of conversation to push the story along instead of simply telling me everything I needed to know, and a realistic conclusion given the crazy situation the protag was faced with. Others enjoyed the sense of justice that it provided, but that doesn't make me enjoy a story more or less.

Overall, I didn't love it, but it was definitely liked. Good job.

cabbage01132cabbage01132over 7 years ago
great story 5*

the only thing missing was him wiping all the plates etc off the table on that 1st meal alone and then given aaron a brutal beating in front of her, just to leave her in no doubt at all that her behaviour was not ok.

brilliant story though.

Danger09Danger09over 7 years ago
Annoying story

What annoys me about this story, he comes home early finds that his wife has moved her boyfriend into their home, and he's having a calm conversation with her instead of immediately divorcing her, he actually allowed this asshole to stay in the house he paid for.. Wtf?? This story left me really annoyed. It just doesn't feel like the reaction one would have after coming home early to not only find your wife has been banging some prick in your bed, but she actually moved the fucker in and has no intentions of kicking him out‼️😕.....I'm not having any calm conversation nor am I negotiating with my fucking spouse‼️‼️ Da fuck⁉️ That bitch and the prick would've had to go..this guy was weak. Yeah he eventually divorced her, but he was still willing to try if she kicked her boyfriend out😂😂😂😂... Fuck that shit...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Compressed, But Powerful *****

I can understand some commenters having difficulty believing that women like these exist. But after visiting this site for more than a decade and learning to appreciate the true stories of some of its authors, I am no longer surprised by what I may read here.

And now there is a generation of new adults, Millennials, whose relationship values are even more removed from their elders. This is a generation that feels no need to marry. They don't even have sex as often as their parents did, when they were young. They are more interested in catering to their own professional, emotional, and creative needs. Pair-bonding is not high on their list of priorities, as it involves too much personal sacrifice. I cannot imagine what kinds of stories they might publish here, in another decade or two, as they reflect on their own lives.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I liked the title!

Some seem to have overlooked the understated intent of the title, and how it relates to the message.

While it MIGHT seem that Aaron is the surprise visitor, actually it is Henry. Life has moved on without him. His early return has him just "visiting" in what has become an alternate reality from what his memories dictated what he should find on his return home from overseas. His return is so brief, that it truly IS he that is just visiting. And this, at a home that isn't his anymore, with people who don't love him anymore. The reader gets to enjoy the same slow revelation as the character that he is the "surprise visitor" and NOT the lothario Aaron.

I like when authors make creative use of the titles to their stories, and I really appreciated this author's efforts here.


sdc97230sdc97230over 7 years ago
There's all types

No matter how unbelievable Fran and Karen seem, somewhere in the world there are really people like that. And yes, the odds of actually meeting them are slim. Because if they were common, the human race would have died out eons ago.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 7 years ago
Javmor, you do not suspend belief. You try to cling to it for this story.

You have to suspend disbelief: temporarily allow oneself to believe something that isn't true, especially in order to enjoy a work of fiction.

Ohio wrote a story about a wife that confessed to her husband that she wanted to have a fling with an old beau. Ohio worked hard to make it as believable as possible. Since that story was posted, we've seen numerous tales where the wife tells her husband that she wants a lover as well as keeping her husband, giving both plenty of sex. In most of the stories, the guy wonders why the wife would expect them to accept it. Therein lies the obvious problem with these tales. Only MM can make it seem anywhere near believable simply because he creates a male character that is absolutely spineless and the wife knows it.

The guy is this story, and in most stories like this, is a manly man, totally unwilling to accept the brilliant idea of the wife. That begs the question; why did the wife even consider it possible? That is never explained. She goes to great length to explain what a great idea it is, but she never explains the actual reason why she thought the husband would accept such a demeaning situation. She fails to explain why she lost respect for her husband and what past actions and words of his made her think there was a glimmer of a chance he'd be a happy cuckold. As usual, the wife in this story never explains why she thought hubby had no balls and no pride. That is the ingredient needed to make these stories work and I have yet to see it added to the recipe, except by MM, who makes it obvious that the husband will allow anything the wife decides. I just find it difficult to suspend disbelief for this tale and others like it, and there seems to be many such tales.

I have noticed a trend here of late for commenters to throw barbs, or outright insults, at other commenters that feel differently about a story. What is the reason for that? Can someone explain how that can be a good thing for any of us?

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 7 years ago
Complexity in marriage relationships . . .

. . . is covered from almost every aspect in this story. This is another case of no good guys, no bad guys, just people acting in their own perceptions (mostly flawed of course) of self interest and moral right.

Did the corrosive behavior begin with Fran and her desires supported by daughter Karen? Most men would agree with the notion that Fran 'cheated' while hubby was off in Afghanistan; it was her fault for not keeping her legs faithfully crossed. Fran started the whole mess while Henry stayed faithful resisting available temptation.

Women might honestly have the opinion that Fran could have handled her needs, both physical and emotional, a little better, smarter, to get the two husband end game she wanted. Still in all why not two men she could love and be loved by?

Daughter Karen seems to accept and approve of her mother's desires. She pushes for a stronger, strident even, approach to 'win' those desires. The withholding of love, affection, even affiliation that she sees as tools all within woman's rights dig a moat around everyone in the family.

Henry's refusal to accept change, to move in any direction beyond the traditions on monogamy, is the foundation of the wall that grows stronger and higher with each action by the various characters. There is no resolution in the story. The ending is a return to traditional marriage but without solving the problems exposed. The question still remains quite valid, are there successful ways to maintain stability in a three headed family relationship?

Good job BigGuy33 in raising so many intriguing questions. Good storytelling.

cap5356cap5356over 7 years ago
so close to real life sometimes

this story is so close to real life sometimes. spouse gets a chance at earning lots of money for the family and both decide that it is worth it. while they r gone the one at home gets lonely and finds comfort in someone else to tie them over it. then expect them to go along with a bigger marriage. i agree with him leaving as he had no real choice. that is a hard decision but he made the right one. keep writiing

bruce22bruce22over 7 years ago
Truly Fascinating Story

The unexpected visitor maintained our interest in the events due to his amazing self control. I can't imagine doing what Henry did my fight or flee would dominate all rational thought. I really like to no more how Karen developed her world view step by step. Obviously it must have all ready existed long before her mother took Aaron in.The admirable person here was Kim...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
iwould like to answer

hardday'snight question i believe it started when certain people started writing and then calling down commenters on their story such as people who really wrote sick garbage and then thought that everybody was as sick as them. I mostly don't comment but when do it is about the content not the grammar and will not sign up because i don't want these sick fuck to know anymore.

foolscapfoolscapover 7 years ago
Top Drawer. Well written and thoughtful treatment. A story about fidelity.

For me it was easy to suspend disbelief throughout the tale. The characters don't have to be "believable" in that they are "types"- the embodiments of themes and desires that have been used for centuries to rationalize infidelity for the sake of personal satisfaction and self realization on the part of either partner from the Provencal poet's notion of "courtly love" to the absurdity of free love, swinging, enlightenment/empowerment, and open marriage espoused at the end of the 20th century. (Yeah, I admit my bias here.)

In each character you see manifestations of themes that have become pervasive, almost to the point of becoming social norms. Fran is the callow, self absorbed, narcissist, who will cling to any excuse to justify her betrayal of her marriage. Karen has internalized Fran's selfishness and in an effort to rationalize and become empowered treats betrayal as laudable or as nothing at all. Kim is the reaction to and rejection of the "love the one you're with" and "everything is ok between consenting adults as long as nobody gets hurt (and I get to decide what hurt is)" memes and a return to fidelity. Kim embraces fidelity even though Karen models the opposite

Henry remains faithful throughout. Faithful to his marriage, his wife, and himself. The embodiment of fidelity.

I make these observations in spite of the following:

“Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.




― Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huck Finn

I won't need a blindfold and I don't smoke.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Agree with Harddaysknight. 4* for that weakness

Otherwise well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
You are in really,really

You in trouble now buddy ! All the cucky cream pie eaters LIKE HDK, FD45 and the fat whore known as kimmi and the rest of the cucky fags . Will be here to bash you for this great story . To them I say , here eat my used condoms !! Ya cucky fags

Lex1Lex1over 7 years ago
@ anon

Como on guy. I can't believe you would say something insanely crazy like that. Telling someone to eat your used condoms? Unbelievable.

You know that you don't have any "used" condoms.

kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago
I am unable to suspend disbelief

It is impossible for me to believe that this could happen. I need some plausibility. It is implausible that a woman could be that stupid, yet manage to conceal that fact so cleverly for so many years. Would not the husband, at some point, have said to himself, "I am married to an idiot?" Idiocy is the only plausible reason for her actions. How did she conceal it all that time? Would it not have been revealed by conversing with her, at some point, even before they were married?

The husband, too, must have been an idiot. But, if he is also an idiot, how does he suddenly acquire these omnipotent and omniscient powers to take these incredible actions? Implausibility, that's the problem. Make it plausible, and they will come.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 7 years ago
This story is not about a three way relationship in a marriage.

BobNbobbi seems to feel the question was raised about how it (a three way) could work. I don't think that question ever was raised. This story was about a wife that cheated and wanted her husband to accept it, and even embrace it. He never entered into the relationship she wanted. It was possibly considered a three way if you count when he was half way around the globe and in the dark. I suggest that doesn't count as a three way. This story made no effort to explore a relationship between two men and a woman. It was about a man being blindsided and then doing what he had to do. So, I do not feel the "question remains" as it was not part of the story, nor was it ever addressed in any substantial way. I would also suggest that it didn't make him intransient. If you have a contract, or a deal, and the other party determines they want to rewrite it to their advantage and you refuse, you're practicing good business, not being intransient so much as simply not being stupid.

javmor79javmor79over 7 years ago

I agree with the others (HDK, kimi, and others) who feel suspension of belief is difficult. In my opinion though, a story like this won't work if there are realistic people in it. A women being this detached from reality is the only kind of person who would completely blindside THIS husband with this ridiculous proposal. If said woman were real, this type of behavior wouldn't have been a surprise because she would have had a track record of consistently doing dumb shit.

Stories like this, as well as cuckold stories, need a greater suspension of belief because the characters have to be unlike any thay we've ever seen in real life in order for the story to work. Sometimes I can make myself believe (with the help of boredom and YouTube), and other times i just roll my eyes and move on to the next story with a sigh of disappointment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
God bless AIDS


njlaurennjlaurenover 7 years ago
Not bad

Yeah mom and daughter are over the top,but there are people lie this,husbands who feel a right to cheat because they work hard so deserve 'fun',and there are some out there pseudo feminists who would call this female empowerment. There are people who have loving poly relationships,but they are based on love and respect,you don't fo what the wife did,which poly people wold gasp at . I also wonder if a wife who after months of living w the boyfriend wouldn't come out of the fog and realize that was an illusion,prob would work better had they only been living together a shorter time.

One note to all authors,don't use AIDS as a retribution tool,for one thing AIDS takes 20 years to incubate, and if Karen was infected young she likely would have had a blood test at some point that would have picked up her hiv status and been treated.Too,even if she got fI'll blown AIDS the treatments today woukd have at the very least elongated her life.

For a woman,I would go the hpv route,cervical cancer is more deadly than aids,especially if it went undetected for a while.

Well written,I think the author could write a real tear jerker in an elongated form:)

WyldcardWyldcardover 7 years ago


As stated, this wasn't a question of an alternative relationship model. I've worked in an industry with a very high proportion of people in some variation of open or poly relationships.

Relationships are based upon trust. This is true for any significant relationship. How much can you depend upon the other party(ies) and thus how much confidence can you have in the investment you place yourself.

Fran cheated, extensively, for most of a year. She lied in the regular communications. She tried to redefine the agreements made between her and her spouse. There was no reason for her to believe this would be acceptable or accepted.

I'm actually left wondering how much of this may have been down to Karen's influence on her own mother. She is portrayed as very commanding in personality. She makes fiat statements and decisions and holds to them and expects others to.

Fran was fine with her husband going off, even if apparently relatively weak. Perhaps the daughter wasn't so fine with her father going off and felt abandoned. She didn't just condone her mother's behavior by blamed her father's absence, despite the fact it was a mutual choice between both parents.

Overall though, the story reads well. The dialog is a bit mystifying, but it isn't stilted. The element that bothers me the most is the whole 'And then she died of AIDS or related complications within a few years'. Used to see a lot more of that, but it is even less realistic now. HIV infection takes significant time to develop into AIDS, and it can be very well managed these days. So, if Karen used condoms while with her husband, which was till her daughter moved out after turning 14, and then started being unsafe... she went from clean to infected to full blown AIDS to dead in about four years. That's just silly. Would do better to get a drug resistant TB or some such if you really need to add such an element. But you don't. It doesn't really add anything, just a way to show some divine punishment against 'teh bad person'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

So much undeveloped potential, I gave you 4 *s.

Realistic dialogue. Enough character development we could differentiate between the difference persons, their agenda. Except for the other man Aaron. Plot moved at a very fast pace. Too fast for much of an emotional connection with Henry.

I have the realization that spending 3 or more pages developing characters and background is too much for most writers on this site. Except for MFH, RichardGerald, and Blackrandl(sorry if I misspelled). Also, most readers are in a hurry and it seems they don't want the longer stories.

So thank you for an entertaining story BigGuy.

It was a very good read🎯.


kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago
@my man

Darling, I believe we can provide the solution to the used condom conundrum. Of course, Mr. Anonymous does not have any condoms that have been used. Erectile dysfunction, you know. We must bail him out. At the next Sycophants Anonymous meeting, each of us must bring three used condoms. Be sure to bring different colors, we don't want a drab collection.

Of course, HDK and myself, being well known lovers of cream pies, as proven by his being British and my rotundity, and sycophants of long standing are in good shape. Unfortunately, FD45 was not approved in the last membership vote, so someone will have to nominate him again. Crkcppr is very intransigent and will absolutely not vote aye without a display of some knowledge of cream pies and fondness for latex. Many erotic electronic gestures.

foolscapfoolscapover 7 years ago
@Kimi1990 "Mr Anonymous" How would we know?

It's all very murky, at least to me.

As for SA, I could never get past Step 4: Bootlicking

nonethewisernonethewiserover 7 years ago
Few observations

There were definitely a few details that didn't ring true and could have been dealt with in a way that wouldn't hurt the story and would just be "cleaner". First, 18 years ago was 1999, almost three years before the war in Afghanistan started. Could have had the husband on a lucrative 18 month assignment in hard to contact area without the anachronism. Also, as has been mentioned, the AIDS is not realistic, and the same thing could have been done with another disease. An acute case of Syphillis is actually more lethal today than an HIV diagnosis.

I also think that with very minor adjustments, you could make the wife and daughter (and thus the plotline) less outlandish. The husband and wife could have has a "don't ask don't tell" arrangement while he was gone, that she took too far and fell in love and then wanted hubby to join a polyamorous relationship with Aaron. She'd still be wrong and trying to unilaterally change the rules, but there'd be some little basis in her starting point. It would help the story to make the villains less cartoonish.

These are meant as constructive critiques to a fine author who tells a good story, but could tell even a better one with pretty manageable adjustments.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Nice switch

I liked that the story was about the past. So often these are present tense, the cheating and all. It was a nice switch and a good yarn. Keep writing.

I really wish they, the webmaster, would separate willing and unwilling cheating/cucks. Personally I could not see sharing but I will admit to reading some of those. The totally wimpy guys get me though. I guess I am older and men should have at least some backbone.

nonethewisernonethewiserover 7 years ago

I think your comment would be very interesting if a different story had been published. But the one that was published had a protagonist who didn't want to have a different relationship than monogamy. Whether you agree or not, he has his values. He was in a relationship that reflected those values and did not want to evolve beyond it. So he left and found another person who shared those values and built a life with her. In this story, as opposed to a different one, he did NOTHING wrong (with the possible exception of never trying to repair the relationship with his daughter - I'd have liked to have seen him extend an olive branch after a while).

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

That turned into a great big pile of shit! Would have sent letter to ex - you turned your daughter into an aids infected cheating cunt who died alone. You are alone with no one to love or care for you. Your other husband left you and they found his decomposed body 5 years later. Die alone and in pain you piece of shit. That would have been a nicer ending. Yours was so well British wimpy. -2

sdc97230sdc97230over 7 years ago
The real world is full of "unbelievable characters"

I encounter at least one "unbelievable character" just about every time I go to the supermarket these days.

But in a story, the only character that really needs to be believable is the one the writer wants the readers to identify with.

And I agree that unless the story is a period piece set in the 80s, AIDS is not a good choice for karmic retribution. Better to have her shot in one of her lovers' beds when his wife turns out to be even less forgiving of infidelity than Henry was. Or if she's really a slut, maybe she just picked up the wrong guy in a bar some night and got beaten to death, OD'd on something or the guy drove drunk and ran into a bridge abutment. There are lots of different ways for stupid people to die.

Impo_64Impo_64over 7 years ago
This is a good story...

This is a good story...It has 3 believable characters and 4 hard to believe characters: the believables: husband, his second wife and grand-daughter. The 4 remaining: The wife, her daughter (this one was from out of space), the lover (this one was more stupid than a rock, near a mentally handicapped person) and the daughter's husband (this one as innocent as a little child). But the story was above all a good read, because of the emotion caused by finally he met his grand-daughter, a woman with values as he was. 4*

sdc97230sdc97230over 7 years ago
And no letter!

You walk away and do your best to live the rest of your life as if the nightmare had never happened.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 7 years ago
I have to thank Kimi1990 for being so delicate

when she pointed out that I misspelled "intransigent". I had even looked it up before I used it because I was uncertain, and then I stupidly spelled it incorrectly in my comment anyway. I blame it on the steady diet of used condoms and cream pies. My latex allergy is really acting up and my keyboard is all gummed up from dining while commenting. What a mess!

kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago

It is well known among we scientific types that awful punctuation and the inability to make a coherent sentence is a certain sign of erectile dysfunction. "You are in really,really," "Kimmi" (I possess only one m), and my very odd ability to be both female and a cucky fag, make it all but certain. See, one only has to read the relevant surveys, (Not those fictitious ones cited by swingerjoe).

Your failure at boot licking need not be fatal to your progress in SA. One step, in a nine-step system is not a failure. You might be quire adept as step 7 (groveling), or step eight (genuflection). Keep trying!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not a bad rendition of the resurrected old lover plot. Obviously it wasn't much of a marriage to begin with.

I appreciated you getting past the stupid duplicitous bitch part, and letting us know what happened to him after he got himself free. The daughter's role in facilitating the breakup and the continuing alienation was well crafted as well. You really helped us generate a lot of hate and loathing for this feminism bullshit of its my body and I can fuck who I want. Which is partially true, of course. At least these feminist pigs can fuck whoever will let them. Which in this case no longer included the husband she betrayed. Glad the ex-husband found a decent woman to share his life with, and eventually included a deserving granddaughter and former son-in-law.

A good story. Thank You.

And thank you for have the interest and the gumption to allow anonymous comments. Maybe even the unwashed have something worth hearing?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Why do you see the foundation of the problem as Henry's refusal to accept change? Clearly, the foundation of their problem was Fran's insistence on making that change in the first place.

@BigGuy33: Nice job! Thanks for sharing it with us and apologies for the off-topic post.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
No No

He should have thrown Aaron out with his clothing... She has to decide... stay with husband or go with Aaron.....He is a wimp......

sdc97230sdc97230over 7 years ago
I really don't get some of the comments

On the one hand, they complain about the cheating wife and her supporting characters being "unbelievable."

Then they complain that the cheated on husband didn't go nuclear, beat the cheaters up, shoot them dead, etc., when the only believable consequence of doing so would be that he ends up in prison or having to live the rest of his life on the run.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not the usual anony comment

Well done. The characters were both believable and sympathetic. The only note that did not get sufficient development was Fran's letting Karen overrule her interest in tracking down the main character.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 7 years ago

Great tale. One thing I don't understand is how Henry didn't beat the shit out of Aaron for being in his house with his wife. Maybe that just the South Philly coming out in me. How Fran thought she could convince her husband to stay is beyond me The daughter, however, was the biggest cunt in the tale. I'm very happy she died of aids. I hope she suffered. I'm also glad the stupid wife lived alone and lonely. Fuck her, too. The best part is the happy ending for all the betrayed spouses. The granddaughter also.

Five Stars

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 7 years ago
Loved it!

Five stars. I really, really liked this. The whole premise is well covered on LE, but you gave it a bit of a twist by interjecting the interloper while hubby was overseas. I could quibble over a few unrealistic points, but overall very engaging. I was interrupted half way through and couldn't wait to get back to it to finish.

TrtrolesTrtrolesover 7 years ago
good one

Five stars for sure. It was really sad tale to read.

I know one story where wife "forced" her husband to stay with her because she would take their three children away from him. He stayed until the last one was 16 years old. He tells he is free now and ready to start his second life.

Grettings from Germany

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

So many stories on this site that delve into "sharing" present a very shallow understanding of the feelings involved. I really enjoyed the husband's journey, the subtlety of his decisions, and the finality of his resolve. The wife lied to him for over a year. That any person could think there's a future after that kind of dishonesty was maybe the weakest part of the story. But lust will bend the mind in mysterious ways.

arobkarobkover 7 years ago
True to life?

I can't believe that a very good author like HDK would find this behavior so unbelievable. I might suggest that you check out some online forums like Relationships or relationship_advice on reddit ,,the coping with infidelity section on or the infidelity section at

arobkarobkover 7 years ago
A link to one of the saddest true stories I have read.

jocko_smithjocko_smithover 7 years ago
Decent work

I could suspend disbelief toward the wife, without ever excusing her betrayal. If they had never been apart, and then they were separated for 18 months, than it could be that her need for companionship would be stronger than her commitment to honesty, her integrity, and her respect for her marriage. So she cheated.

Slippery thing, dishonesty. Like a drug, once started, I think it's easier to do the second time. And the third. Etc. Then, to preserve your self image, you start to find excuses for your behavior, And the excuses get weirder and weirder.

Until the one person who knew the "old" you correctly calls "BULLSHIT!" on your antics, your betrayal, and your excuses. Because they weren't there to see your gradual descent into self-delusion, compared to the "old" you, the new and despicable you seems a total alien. Not only are your behaviors utterly repugnant to them, those same behaviors would have been repugnant to the "old" you (the one they knew) before your prolonged self-deception and rationalization.

As the band Triumph put it "Look in the mirror, tell me what do you see. Or can you lie to yourself, like your lying to me ?" Yes, given time, many of us can rationalize a ton of evil shit that we do. Not so much about "stupid" as being gullible to your own excuses.

It it no way excuses what her cheating. But it's why I have no problem believing the cheating wife's excuses sounded reasonable to her own ears after that long.

I once knew a woman (just a friend), who traveled down this sort of path. I hadn't seen her in a over year, but her behavior, contrasted "before" and "after," was night and day. And her excuses for her misbehavior were surreal. After trying to convince her that being "the other woman" to a married man was dishonest as hell, I finally walked away. Life's too short to deal with self-deluded people with the morals of an alley-cat.

OnethirdOnethirdover 7 years ago

A tidy story, containing some bizarrely deluded women (men in LW stories are, of course, paragons of virtue). Nice to see the cheating gene skipped the granddaughter's generation. I hate stories where a middle aged woman who has it all manages to wreck their marriage, and ends up a sad shell. I pity them, rather than revile them.

fifteen16fifteen16over 7 years ago

A well written story about two selfish women. Any lifestyle agreed to is fine by me, after all it's none of my business but to try and impose upon a partner shows there is no love or respect. I suppose there are psychological reasons for thinking that way but for me, well they were simply "away with the fairies".

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago

"No, she...died...6 months ago." – She’s living with her father, but doesn’t visit her grandfather because her cheating mother says not too? And it takes six months after her death for her to go see him?

“Apparently she blames herself for some reason." – Of course she blames herself! Her daughter obviously took after her, lost her husband, daughter and her life!

“Dad finally gave me everything after mom passed.” – Why would he respect her wishes?

Her mother’s lover ISN’T moving out, and Karen is mad at her father for leaving?

“You made the choice to leave.” – They both agreed on him taking the assignment. If she said no, he wouldn’t have gone. As he said, he was willing to try to work out her taking a lover while he was gone, but to intend keeping the lover now that he’s back is ridiculous! You made the choice to leave.

"Be quiet, Brian! This is my family and I will make the decisions when it comes to them." – Brian is a pussy! If it was me, I’d tell Karen that it’s MY family, too, and if I want my f-i-l to see his grandchild he will; and frankly I’m concerned about YOUR faithfulness if you approve of what your mother is doing!

If Fran wanted to find him, what the fuck does she care what Karen thinks? She didn’t care enough about what her HUSBAND thought to throw her lover out, but she listens to her daughter?

I’ve said many times before that I can’t stand that “women can accept more sex than men” crap. If that was true, then when the woman’s libido drops and she doesn’t want/need as much sex as her husband can provide then he should be able to take lovers!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago

Yeah, I was thinking something along those lines, maybe dumping the stroganoff on one or both of them, and then, yes, beating the crap out of Aaron!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "I liked it"

I agree with you. As I think I said in part of my comment, I can't understand why Brian didn't get up on his hind legs and tell Karen that he was the baby's father, and that Henry WOULD have a relationship with their child!

And where was Brian when Kim was told the lies about Henry's departure?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Good tale and unfortunately it happens. The extended work or military trip or trip for work often are just excuses for a cheater. It's all in the vows Love, Honor, In sickness, In health, In good times and bad till death due us part. My take is don't get married if you can't be true to your vows and self respect. The hubby did it all perfect and I'm not sure how he didn't attack this guy. Aside from all that they did to him he should of tried to make believe to accept and pulled all money out and hidden. Then take a second mortgage or equity loan on the house. When all done with hidden cash and set up apt where he wanted to go and work he should of called that family dinner where he got everyone relaxed and comfortable so when the time was right he could of smashed that prick for destroying his life. I would of also wrote or taped a long letter to each family member including the unborn granddaughter and told in detail of the unspeakable actions. I wouldn't even consider reconciliation if she told me she did that while I was gone but would stop now . Many would go away that long and fuck anything they could and that is just as bad but he didn't. There is alway a guy to fuck a willing woman. There are crazy men who go away to prison and there wife's are finding guys to fuck. This guy was away for five years and someone he knew was fucking his wife for at least four of them and kinda bragged about what he did with her. How he took her anal virginity, breaking that ass in as he put it. He would really demean her on purpose like cum all over her face then slap it with his dick , make her blow him after he fucked her ass and would often make her rim his asshole. All of this knowing that if hubby found out he would be dead instantly. Most not all peoples morals are in the toilet and that's why the divorce and cheat rates are sky high. It's a real shame but stories that have the guy or girl stand up to the cheating is great, so much better for me than a willing wimp to allow total humiliateing disrespect

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Powerful & Painful!

This is one of those stories that is both powerful and painful in the message it delivers!!! The painful part was the way his cheating whore of a wife and faithless slut of a daughter treated him.

Also the twisted logic of both women was painful and unfortunately NOT unique. There have actually been historical cultures, like the ancient Celtic cultures in England, Ireland and France that practiced Matriarchal societies with the women having multiple or rotating husbands. NOT a sustainable family relationship, nor a loving one for the men!!!

The powerful part is the husband's refusal to go along with his tripe -- willing to pay the emotional pain and isolation to maintain his principals and dignity -- and the granddaughter's supporting his position and establishing a loving relationship with him and his new wife!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Boring, tedious, and unbelievable

A tiring waste of my time to read this; I will not waste any more time reading any other stories from this author. That Brian lived like that shows that the author doesn't understand men or how to undo a bad situation. What a cuckold wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

So our hero comes back from overseas and finds his wife has moved some turd into his house and his response is to move out? BULLSHIT!!! That slut and pencildick would have been living in the motel six. No way I roll over for the cheating slut for any reason.

If he had kicked that slut and fuckface to the curb it might have saved his daughter from going down that road because she would have seen consequences for sluttish behavior. After all what had she seen? Dad just moving on letting the whore disrespect him and take advantage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
u ain't got it wanna be taler

2 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
@ lordslamdaw

If as you write, husband takes a TEN SECOND COUNT, then he has been knocked out and lost the fight.

However you did mention matt moreau so perhaps you are channeling his ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Why threeheaded-if wife can love two men husband is entitled to add lover of his own

Would have been interesting if husband chose to return on day of last meeting with the fourth head. Given wife's arguments that would have been appropriate and she would have been forced to accept.

That turn of events would have been my choice. He had financial resources and could easily have procured and ''exstended stay'' escort.

Given that option, and a weekend of listening to her husband have the sex of his life with a much more attractivr, better built extremely vocal and accomplished second woman as husband's love interest, the wife would have caved and sent aaron packing.

Husband did say he was willing to forgive and forget if she sent lover packing. That would have saved daughter's life perhaps

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not as unusual as you may think

In a number of European countries it was normal for a women to have what was known as a 'special friend'.In England and US we consider this abhorrent which I do also.Seems to ignore the Christian bible and makes a mockery of marriage.My father had a number of mistresses during and before his marriage to the women I thought was my mother.

I found out when I was 16 that the women I knew as Julia and not my mother was in fact my mother.She was born in Montgomery Alabama and married an Englishman working in US and UK he travelled between both counties monthly.she had me and moved with him to England.When she got to UK she found he was engaged and lived with a women called Eve.They had registered my birth in U.K. And with Eve as my mother.Julia divorced him and had to go home by immigration rules and was stopped from taking me because of their lies and fraud.She tried to keep in contact with me but it was blocked by 'mom and dad' when I was 16 I was told and went to US embassy for help.They contacted mom and gave me a US passport and a ticket back to US.

Shows how bad these types of things can be and adultery always causes pain on the innocent

Well written and enjoyed it.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 7 years ago
@ last comment ; some guy executed the exact payback you described. So macho.

He's in the jailhouse now. Oh well.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago
Open Letter

Please excuse me, BigGuy while I vent.

To all the writers who don't allow comments, or at LEAST feedback, don't expect me to read your stories. If you are writing for your own pleasure, fine, but if you post to a public forum you obviously want others to read them.

That being the case, don't you want to know how they feel about the stories? Don't you want to know where you might be able to improve?

Or do you think that you are so wonderful a writer that you don't need constructive criticism?

Yes, I know there are trolls out there. But you know the old saying, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Block Anons, that's where most of the trolls lurk. Ignore the others who toss bombs, respond to those who seem to want to help you improve. I'd like to think that it has helped me, though I'm sure that there are still some that think I'm only getting worse, LOL, so be it.

I've been so frustrated reading a story and preparing comments, only to find comments disabled.

End of rant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good Story

I liked it. A bit different, told from an interesting angle.

No burn the bitch, no kick the other guys ass --- even though he deserved it . No army ranger, green beret, special force pals pay back. No use the mafia or CIA markers to make them all pay a very high price. Though those are good too when done well.

This was a rather a simple: "Yeah well, I am out of here. I see what you want from me and that is not going to happen. You people have a good life...or not."

Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This wife and daughter seem clueless about fidelity, a value held more or less by everybody in our society and surely discussed by this couple before this trucker headed over seas. Fran's thinking and logic seems implausible to me.

ohyessssssohyessssssover 7 years ago

I saw someone mention that mother and daughter were selfish. Wrong. They were insane. And yes, their asses would have hit the street the instant I knew about the arrangement. Where would they have gotten the money to hire an attorney? They were shit, and shit gets flushed.

GoodhueGoodhueover 7 years ago

Well-written but,sad. Refreshing to read a story where the men weren't willing cucks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Struck A Nerve

While I was on a tour in the military, I became aware that my now ex-wife had had sexual relations with over 50 men. And when I returned I was shocked to find out that she wasn't willing to refrain from her new sexual lifestyle. She remarried within days of our divorce being finalized. She went on to have three children, but none from her second husband.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

People get hit by crazy shit like this all the time. Count yourself lucky if you can dismiss characters like this as unrealiastic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Grandma murdered her daughter with her bullshit and grandpa needs to tell the old cheater that. -2 for another matt moreau story with no punishment for the bull.

boatbummboatbummabout 7 years ago
Shit Like This Happens....

....all the time, especially to military folks on deployments (sadly, some never return). Hardly ever to this extent, though -- wifey demanding that the lover stay on and share her skanky cunt after hubby's return!

An interesting twist or three on this theme, thanks!

I agree with others that insufficient recompense was delivered to the miscreants! ;-)

FD45FD45about 7 years ago
I thought the story well written

Recently I took to task a story where the wife was fucking her boss, and when her husband filed for divorce KEPT fucking her boss even as she wanted to get together.

I did not believe in the wife. But somehow, I believe in this story more and I am at a loss to explain why.

I think a large part of it is that the world seems pretty topsy turvy. You have Feminists screaming all kinds of outlandish things and insisting on 'rights' that never existed in this world. I have regularly heard women irate or wistful about being able to have as many partners as they wanted.

So the longing is there. They just don't want to pay the price of fulfilling that longing.

HDK mentioned the 'contract'. And I agree with him. I used my SOD card to believe in the wife so I enjoyed the story more than he did.

Karen, to my mind, touched on the issue of the contract. The wife did not sign on to her man leaving her for 18 months. Even if she agreed, internally, she felt that 'broke the deal'. Still, over the top demands.

But compared to some guy in a kilt with two knighthoods, half a million in real estate, is the equivalent of James Bond and has ALL his heroic actions caught on video, AND is besties with the Royal Family?

Hmm....we can give a pass to THAT story, but not to this one...really?

I liked it and I found the writing legible, clear and the plot well paced. So kudos on that.

And I am upset with Kimi that I was taken off of the rolls of the cuck/condom eating council (CCC).

I find it much more interesting that the fool mentioning me didn't even see a comment by me for him to bash me. I should be paying you rent, buddy. I seem to live inside your head enough to justify that. As your tenant, I have a complaint. Your headspace is musty, underutilized and the view is very narrow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
5 of 5

Not really erotic story buy at last interesting one ...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

These are 2 of the wimpiest cuckolds I have come across in a long time. If he would have just pounded the living shit out of Aaron and tossed him out of his house nobody would have batted an eye about it. Maybe his wife would but if he'd man up his life would be a whole lot better. The son in law is just as bad. These 2 women live in their own little fantasy world and need a big time reality check.

ConnarConnarabout 7 years ago
@ Last anon

"If he would have just pounded the living shit out of Aaron and tossed him out of his house nobody would have batted an eye about it."


Back in 2001 when we were in our late 20s a friend of mine came home to his wife and her lover of 4 months and they were trying to force him in a cuckolding relationship. He beat the crap out of loverboy! Only to be arrested by the police as soon as loverboy hit the front yard (wifey called them). He did 3-4 years for GBH, lost nearly of their assets and custody to the two little ones in the divorce.

MightyHornyMightyHornyabout 7 years ago
The wife was bad enough...

... But Karen? Holy shit. The fuck was wrong with Henry's daughter!?

Anyway, interesting story about delusional women who put way too much faith on the power of their pussies.

Once again, 'don't really understand why so many Anons keep bitching about the guy's actions & reactions - the only sensible move the main character could make here was to walk away from this entire mess, which proved to be the main cataclysm of the self-destruction and ultimate downfall of all the women who betrayed him. Why is it so difficult for you stupid idiots to understand that Henry beating up Aaron would have only resulted with him ending up in prison? Is it so hard to grasp that most LW writers are trying to make their infidelity tales as realistic as possible, and therefore have little interest in incarcerating their main protagonist for part or most of his storyline? Urgh... maybe you kids shouldn't bother reading grownup stories.

Good job, BigGuy33... and yes: this was much better than your reconciliations.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
So, all the friends and neighbors accepted Aaron as her boyfriend?

This seems the only topic not yet covered.

Wifey moved a man into his bed just months after he went overseas. Upon his return he gets NO support from friends or co-workers. No nosy neighbors watching the action for the past year? No church ladies gossiping about how awful it was?

Ok, not really part of the story, but still.

And even if not all husbands would throw Aaron out of the house, he sure could have threatened him. I doubt 18 months in Afghanistan made him fat and lazy.

Of course it is hard to judge what you would do until faced with the emotional turmoil.

Maybe the most unbelievable part of the story is him remaining faithful for 18 months?????

The premise is a bit extreme but the story is good.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

This one does it !!

No more wasting my time reading your wimpy stuff.

I honestly believe after reading several of your stories, in all of which you make a great effort to explain and take the woman's point of view, I believe your handle "BIGGUY33" is really a hoax and that you are really "BIGGIRL33"

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 7 years ago
I agree with Aaron getting his ass kicked as suggested by others...

but he would still have to leave her. She was tainted, damaged goods and would cheat on him again. Even better, I would have come back a couple months later and disappeared Aaron.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
A pussy story written by an ugly old bag!!!

Your synonym BigGuy33 is a fake!! And your stories are always wimp stories!! Why is that so??? Maybe these are your nightmares; cheated cuckolded and humiliated!! Can you see your life??!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I concur

Thanks for the story. Something with a different angle to it. Agreed with how the husband acted

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Just because he didn't go nuclear is

no reason to call him a wimp! Okay, he took some time to try to humanize the cheating bitches, but he's adding depth to their characters. He's trying to show that they just didn't wake up one morning during an "I'm getting old" moment and decide to become a total husband-hating slut (like some authors do), going from wife/Mom-of-the-year to street whore in three easy steps. If you can't see that (I sure as hell don't agree with these sleazy self-serving rationalizations), then maybe you don't have enough intelligence to read these stories and should climb back under the rock you crawled from under in the first place! If you have some REAL criticisms, I'd be happy to read them here, but calling him a wimp isn't valid. He let it be known right up front that it was an unacceptable situation and it wasn't right. Okay, he didn't go caveman, but that just lands the hero in jail. He's no wimp as it takes more guts to control the caveman, than to let him loose.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Sluts raise sluts. That why when you find yourself married to one get out as quick as you can so the children don't become sluts and liars and backstabbers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
So dang boring

Are you writing a paper for high school English class? You DO know that this is supposed to be a site for SEX stories -- right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Bullshit story plot!

A real man would have picked Aaron up and thrown him out of the house. Then throw all of Aaron's clothes on the front lawn for all the neighbours to see! This would have proven to the neighbours that Henry wasn't a cuckold. Later one dark and stormy night, a disguised Henry would wait for Aaron coming out of a bar and permanently damage his ability to get an erection.

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Been writing stories for years, since I was a kid. Those were more tame and usually involved the head cheerleader falling in love with me. You won't see any willing cuckold stories, or any humiliation. I work in Loving Wives, Romance, and am branching into incest/taboo and gro...