All Comments on 'A Tale Of Many Mistakes Ch. 07'

by likegoodwine

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

A wonderful tale, well told. Even though I experienced the same pains as did your other readers due to the shortness of each chapter, it was worth it in the end. I can't wait until your next story begins (no pressure).

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Loved it but I would had prefered to read it on a shorter time frame. Despite what others will say (you wimp, kill the bitch...) I loved the happy ending still full of pain.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
What a wimp

What a joke, if this is your first story...quit now before you write any more wimp crap.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 13 years ago
I liked it!

It could have been trimmed just a little and all posted as one story and that would have been excellent. The ending of any story is the part we remember and is the most difficult. I felt you really made the reconciliation credible and emotional. Life is not black and white and everyone thinks differently. As a man married for many years, I know that it would be extremely difficult to toss the wife to the curb. Somehow, a wife has a way of getting inside a man and making him need her. How do they do it? I enjoyed the ending of this tale and felt it did justice and was true to the relationship described.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
I think you have the touch... Keep it up!

With each chapter I have seen improvement. I look forward to future stories. Thanks

sirsemegasirsemegaover 13 years ago
Probably happens more often than not

Although the torch the bitch forever is a strong story type. The ending for this one seems more realistic. It's good that you really acknowledge that the relationship is still damaged and will never be what it once was.

It's interesting that now he is the one lying to her by "Faking" his feelings of passion. A bittersweet tale. Two people who love each other, yet he is not "in-love" with her anymore. That's the real shame and permanent damage from her cheating: he will not allow himself to fall in-love with her again - hence they never remarry.

Nevermind the naysayers, a well done story of two people who have a lot of history between each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great Read

Read each chapter as it became available and I enjoyed every chapter. Went through something very similar with a now ex-wife. She ended up with a child out of wedlock and 3 failed marriages. I on the other hand met a wonderful woman, had beautiful children with her (none with ex-wife) and am still happily married. What comes around goes around. Enjoyed your story just very much.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caover 13 years ago

Good story, like the ending. I'd argue against the "anonymous" commentor the kieran isn't a wimp, he simply has only one love of his life and no other will do. He is loyal to a fault perhaps, but loyal to Eileen. Damaged deeply he was, but his love for her more powerful in the end than his pride. This doesn't make him a wimp, plus he did cut her off for over 5 years, a wimp wouldn't have the conviction to do that. Love by default includes the capacity to forgive, without it you likely don't love that person 100%

bruce22bruce22over 13 years ago
Well worth the time invested...

by the author, and it would be worth some thought by many readers.


It certainly is a better way of living than paying for sex and not even getting a bit of companionship. The thing is that when she betrayed him, he destroyed any chance of his ever trusting anyone again, so if she is lovely and is willing to put up with his moods I can not think of any better way for her to pay for her sins.

victoriangentvictoriangentover 13 years ago
It Just Goes to Show You

you can have your cake and eat it too. She got her strange cock for several months (years) and moved right back in to her old comfort zone. Living with less than a man and having everyone knowing that should make her proud to strut around all their past acquaintances. He is to stupid to understand she is nothing but an advertisement to his lack of balls, furthermore she is nothing but an expensive piece of ass that is a draw on his retirement portfolio. How could anyone write such drivel?

likeboblikebobover 13 years ago
gotta agree

I agree with victoriangent mostly. When all is said and done she repeatedly cheated on him and no person with any self respect could ever reconcile that.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 13 years ago

The husband didn't reconcile. He made his peace with the damage done. He'll never forgive or trust his wife again. She will have to live with the ashes of her destruction.

juanwildonejuanwildoneover 13 years ago
Nice effort

You chose a tough category for a first time out - clearly though - it was not a mistake. Well done.

Now on to the learning portion of my critique!

Starting from the end - the Epilog was too long as you tried to wrap up too many issues (why the rush? Or did you just lose steam?) The "Exes with Benefits" is a reasonable reconciliation device but I think you weakened it with the way you characterized Kieran, all of which is on display in the paragraph below:

I have to admit that our love never totally recovered. It's a shadow of what it was. I love her, but I am not in love with her. However, the love we share now is strong and much better than anything we could have found elsewhere, if at all. I don't know if the future will change that, but I think it might. Eileen is trying hard to rekindle it. Sometimes I will fake a response when I see her despair that we can regain some of our passion -- even if, deep inside I feel it is still broken.

In the interest of brevity I think you could have covered the entirety of your epilog using the first five sentences of this one paragraph. Bam there it is - done! But then you weaken it with his "fake a response" there's that much self deception and dishonesty remaining? But then again - may be that's their final and lasting mistake (their consistent and unresolved inability for honest communication.) After all, isn't that where we started this tale; plans (retirement), feelings (old and unappreciated), and the resulting emotional response ("I'll fuck the first guy to pay attention to me) all wrapped up in a lack of honest communication and understanding.

Then again it all made for a cracking good yarn - WELL DONE - looking forward to your next story.

AlanDavidAlanDavidover 13 years ago
Missing answers

Very nice ending, however we really never get a whole picture as to why if they had such a great relationship in the first place, did she have a 2 year fling on him. A lot is missing on Eileen's side of the story. That opens the possibility to a whole new saga of " Eileen's Story" and we can get to hear where she was coming from and what was going on inside of her head for the 2 Cheating years, and the 5 divorced years. Perhaps she can shed some light on wether she was really celibate or not during those 5 years etc etc yada yada yada. You all know what I'm getting at. Seems like there's here than meets the eye.

size14shoesize14shoeover 13 years ago
This is the kind of story...

that inspires thinking. Up to the accident this was a somewhat typical cheating wife story. The husband worked harder at "not forgiving" and maintaining his separation than at getting on with his life. Not that this is wrong but the cost to him (and her) was heavy.

I'm beginning to see the cost of "punishing" the cheating spouses who love their husbands even while making a mistake. He suffered more than she did what with the children living with her.

Another thought is was it more than one mistake? Did the 18 month duration of her cheating make it any worse than a more compact affair. To call it an "affair" is not accurate. Eileen had sex with a man every month or two. The man was screwing other women and it mattered not a whit to Eileen. Would it not be more betrayel to have an affair with a man who she cared about even a little bit for say a month or so?

Eileen was caught up in the "peanut" effect. Take one peanut and then can't keep going back for another. Lots of places to look and think about.

The bottom line question is, "Would he be better off working to see her affair through different eyes than he looked -- always thinking the worst and imagining the worst case scenerio?

What is always overlooked by the 'torch-the-bitch crowd is the cost of the hating for the man who really loves his wife. A man who hates and is eaten up with it will not find another good woman. Those women can and will find a man who is not warped by hatred.

db448db448over 13 years ago
goes to show what?

you can say she got off scotch free, but she spent five years alone and miserable for her two years of "strange", in addition to losing the respect of her children and coworkers. add on the loss of love in her renewed relationship and I think she would agree that her lover was not anywhere near worth the heartache.

JakeDKJakeDKover 13 years ago
I agree with juanwildone

It's an OK ending, but nothing more than that. They should have lived as friends, friends with benefits at most, that's my opinion. Kieran keeps lying to himself and to Eileen about his feelings and because of the lying this relationship is no different from their first one, except this time it is Kieran who is lying. There is still no trust between them and I seriously doubt their respect for each other is intact.

All in all I think this ending approaches plausible, but it's a little too romanticized for my taste.

Mousse9Mousse9over 13 years ago
End of a tale

For a first time story, it is well written, and I enjoyed it. And isn't that all important to the author? That the reader liked it?

First off, I think I had mentioned in a comment to a previous chapter, that we never see one of the children (who had sided with their cheating mother) being cheated on by their spouse, and thus, knowing how it feels. That's exactly what happens here with Mary. I'd almost say the author took my comment to heart, but he said the story had been finished well before any comments were made.

I wish the topic of David cheating on Mary, and her changing opinion of her mother and father because of it, had been explored a bit more. Then again, she's not the central focus of the story.

the car crash was rather...unimaginative. It has been done before many times, to bring an ex-couple back together. Make the exwife the cuckolded husband's nurse, and voila. Back together again. I feel it is a bit too overused.

As for Victoriangent's comment on Eileen getting to eat her cake and have it too. I'm a bit undecided over this.

See it as "pro and con" (for Eileen):


Pro: They are friends and lovers again. (Unbelievable after her cheating, but many years had passed, and with him being very unhappy.)

Con: Kieran still does not trust her fully, if ever. (As evident by the epilogue. He even fakes it.)

Pro: They are back to living together. (Yay, shared costs for living! And other people see them as a couple again!)

Con: He will not marry her again. (Certain benefits for married couples are now not there.)

There is one thing Victoriangent has said that made me decide Kieran was indeed a bit of a wimp at the end. At the time of the epilogue, EVERYBODY knows that Eileen cheated on Kieran, for many months. Everybody in the family, their friends, coworkers and who knows who else.

I don't care how much she has changed, that fact will still remain. Because Kieran is now back to living together with Eileen, people (friends and family?) WILL assume that Kieran tolerates Eileen cheating on him. It doesn't matter that he divorced her, and spent years apart. They're back together, THAT is what counts. The divorce and years spent apart are simply a bit of punishment, nothing more, nothing permanent. A long kind of hissyfit or temper tantrum, if you will.

If she cheats again, just give him a few years, and they'll be back together again. In the end, Eileen's cheating does no lasting damage. The ending, and Kieran's thinking, heavily implies he is falling back in love with Eileen.

Kieran contradicts himself at the end. He says their love never totally recovered, but he says that IN THE MIDDLE OF RECOVERING THEIR LOVE.

Just look at this part of the sentence:

"I don't know if the future will change that, but I think it might."

He is not in love with her, but in the future that might change.

Or the very next sentence:

"Guess what? It becomes easier to fake and enjoy the moment with the passage of time. Those moments when the sight of Eileen leaves me breathless and happy to be with her are getting more frequent. Her expressions of love and passion are more and more welcome. I feel there is some hope."

Hope for....what exactly? That he's falling back in love with her.

It's kinda like a guy breaking his leg, needing a year to fully recover from it, and saying after six months "My leg never fully recovered", while he is still healing.

What would Kieran say 2 years after the epilogue? "I do."

I would've been much better to stomach it if Eileen never started living with Kieran again. They would be friends and lovers, but people would not think of him as the wimp who took back a cheating wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
the ending

The ending was terrible, i don't understand how someone could lie and sleep around for over a year and then say they love their spouse or the other way all the people she worked with knew what she was that is a liar and a slut. If someone even in a story can forgive that then they deserve what she does afterwords.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
In Real Life

People do take back cheating spouses, at least some of the time. It's not about being a wimp male or female. People have built a life together sometimes with children. The wedding vows are a Christian origin where forgiveness can be considered mandatory. Of course this woud depend on the cheating spouse to be truly repentant. Hardest to forgive would be a long time cheating and lies are the hardest. To move on does not always lead to a better life, but forgiveness and no further episodes can lead to a good relationship.

These are just my observations from friends and acquaintances in life. Each person has to do what is best for them, not dependant on what "friends" think.

This is a well writen story, whether I agree with the conclousion or not, is not important. Please keep writing.

BriteaseBriteaseover 13 years ago
Good story, but....

What happened to the girl in the car with him when he crashed??? Did she die? Could the doctor really joke about his car being a write off and not mentiuon the other person in the accident. They seemed to forget all about her, and nobody mentioned her. Poor girl. Never mind, good story anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
time, time, time

I think better:

10 months then 18 months, and 3 years then 5 years.

RehnquistRehnquistover 13 years ago
Well written and bittersweet, but . . .

Why did she cheat on him in the first place? I know Chapter 1 implied she had been worried for two years about their pending retirement, but that doesn't really tell us anything. People worry about their retirement all the time, they feel old all the time, they feel unloved or maybe not appreciated enough all the time. But all those people don't cheat, so why did wifey here cheat? Sorry, but at least some hint of how it started and why it continued would have been appropriate, particularly where she professed her love to Kieran to her dying day and had lived the (cliche) nun's life since their separation.

However, your writing is superb and I will be looking for your future stories as much as I've looked forward to the updates on this.

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago
She got away with it.

They are living in the same house and fucking. He is a weak and insecure man. It's alright honey, it doesn't matter, were together, now we can be happy. Horseshit. Call it anything you want, but he is a weak ass who can't be happy without the cheating whore. It does not have to do with how long they were married, it's weakness. Well bend over hotshot, you will never be able to forget. It was well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Makes no sense

At least your editing has improved substantially. I very much enjoyed your writing and story telling, until this chapter. It's just not credible, but then some stories are truly fairy tales.

torchthebitchtorchthebitchover 13 years ago
Great first effort

Well done. A very good effort to produce a realistic "coming to terms" solution.

Blue88Blue88over 13 years ago
Well Done...

and a tip of the hat to the author. Finally, another decent story on Lit re. a very difficult subject. The extent of Eileen's adultery was more than difficult to overcome. This was not a "one off" thing - she cheated again and again over a period of a year and a half. Perhaps the author should have spent a bit more time on the why of it.

But the pain inflicted by that infidelity was long and massive. Her husband didn't agonize over a period of weeks before reconciling = we're talking about years and years. Years in which the wife went through her own kind of hell.

I liked it, it was well written and it made sense. I especially liked the ending - no sun setting in the west and couples holding hands.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
'face inches from her pussy'

couldn't lick because he missed the sweet smell of creampie, he'll be cucked him again soon so creampie will be back on the menu soon enough

jasonnhjasonnhover 13 years ago
Herky Jerky

This overall good story ended up about where I thought it would. It was going to be a reconciliation no matter what. You spent 6 chapters developing the bitterness and 1 fixing things because a debilitating car crash (cliché) opened a door to allow them to talk. The problem is the reconciliation ended up neither fish nor fowl. The conversations between them were extremely convoluted and awkward. I think you were trying to let him fall back in love but not be wimpy at the same time. "I love you but I'm not IN love with you." What doublespeak. He will never trust her. He has bouts of anger. Hey dope, it's been 5 YEARS! Get over yourself. Kieran is a scared, wimpy child who wants two contradictory things and he doesn't have the balls to go decisively in either direction. Either dump her and move on OR man up and take your chances in rebuilding a real relationship. Kieran gets exactly what a guy like him deserves, a wimpy, kind of love but not not love. A twilight zone love. She gets what a betraying slut deserves, an uncommitted relationship with limited trust and love. Why would any two people subject themselves to a life sentence of this type of half dead relationship? I guess both of them are too pathetic to do anything else. I felt this last chapter was considerably weaker because you were trying to force things in opposite directions. It weakened your writing.

Average_WriterAverage_Writerover 13 years ago
For a first time story I will say well done.

I am not sure I would take the ex-wife back into my bed. But hell, the saying "Better the devil you know." applies to this story. Anyway thanks for writing. I hope you have another go at this story writing hobby.

jiminabjiminabover 13 years ago

As others have said it was bittersweet; especially the ending. Yes they are together but it will never be the same. I have friends who have been there and some endings were sweet and some were bitter. I really enjoyed your story. Like others I only vote (5 by the way) and comment after the end. Anyway now that winter is here and you are way up there with nothing to do in the land of the " midnight sun" (ok only in summer) can we expect some more creative activity on your computer? I hope so and will be looking forward to it. Thank you for the story. Jim

obtusemanobtusemanover 13 years ago
good story but with many questions left unanswered

I know it's just a story and I want to thank you for writing and sharing it with us. That said I think there are questions that should be addressed or at least considered on future stories.

I can accept reconciliation. For me though there must be an understanding as to how this infidelity happened. After all, we're not talking about getting drunk and allowing an indiscretion to happen. We're talking about an affair that ran between a year and two, and then stopped because it was discovered (despite what she may have said). Counseling is not considered when it seems they are getting back together. Why? Wouldn't this be important? And yes, to me, he will be the accepting cuck to all his family and friends.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 13 years ago
It speaks volumes that size14shoe thinks that the car crash angle was " dffierent"

Everyone else think that whole scene is so Cliche and ordinary. This shwos how out of Kilter that guy REALLY is.

Everyone else this was an Ordinary story. Size14shoe thinks this crap is INSPIRING??

size 14shoe wait until "THE CAT IN THE HAT" man ... your whole world is going to really light up....

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 13 years ago
as Bad and silly as I thought it would be?

The bias for the reconcilation is NOT that bad. Its NOT a full reconciliation since in the end it cannot go back to what it was.

Often times what kills a RAAC tory is that the HOLE the author digs for the wife's character is too step. Its not just with her cheating but her lies and attenpts to blame her hsuband etc.

BUT... in this story it is the other way. What KILLS this story is how the author spends 6 chapters showing how over the course of 5 years the husband is whiny small weak loathsome little shit.

the only way he can survive is t be back with the ex wife.

5 will get your 10 she will be cheating again within 5 years. And who could blame her ??

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Shoe's just another friggin gay troll who doesn't take his meds on time!

Delusional troll is a better description.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 13 years ago
Overall, not a bad read, just some reservations

I must agree with some other comments. No development of Eileen's background other than indirect references to her feeling old, and all that goes with it. No reason to explain why she cheated, and over a prolonged time frame. I guess hookers don't matter, since we don't know what happened to Kieran's passenger after the car wreck, as Britease pointed out.

I think that the majority of readers would vote Kieran a wimp (and I'm one of them). I don't mean that he should stay bitter -- he might even be on neutral terms with Eileen. But to become her lover, well, I think that's weakness. It suggests that some fucking and sucking and the guy's little head will over-rule the big one. Maybe that's true sometimes (that men are more influenced by make up sex than are women), but it's also insulting, at least it is to me.

I think a follow-up story might be interesting. Perhaps it could be from Eileen's perspective, giving more of the background and why she cheated. It might also include more of Mary's situation -- what happened with her marriage? Did she divorce hubby or did she take him back and give him another chance?

One other quibble: Don't try to make full use of a part of your body with a freshly-healed, broken bone, at least not right away. Kieran starts kissing (I know, "gently") and doing other stuff right after the casts and braces come off. Well, in the case of my own broken bone experiences, there is still a lot of swelling, tenderness, and weakness (plus shrinkage of muscle and other tissues) after the cast is removed, and it takes a lot of additional time before those problems resolve. A little research and more realism can be helpful to a story's credibility. Thanks for writing.

demantoiddemantoidover 13 years ago
I could have watched the Celtics beat the Denver Nuggets tonight, but

I read the ending of this story...neither one was really exciting or stimulating (Celtics by 16.. No Melo). I loved the first sentence...the armor comes off...brilliant analogy. And there were many other literary "Nuggets" that made this an enjoyable read.

In general though, my bete noir with this story...not enough noir. The first part of this story was wonderfully dark with great, "Nene" FANTASTIC psychological tension between the two main characters...then poof, zwieback plotting. Think back at how exciting this saga started out...all the missteps the husband and wife made...god I relished that tension/excitement. Unfortunately, there was no reconciliation to these "many mistakes". The author, in my opinion, took the easy road rather than exploiting what he/she had beautifully accomplished in the beginning. Look it!, I suppose I had already written the ending of this story in my minds eye after each chapter; which was totally unfair to the author. My apologies! You are the writer and it is your tale...AND I LOVED IT! This was a wonderful "Tale of two stories".

cpetecpeteover 13 years ago

Bravo , A very fine tale by LGW, I appreciate the well written tale.

LGW did a nice job in balancing Kieran character between the hurt and anger at the wife(x) Eileen and his long deep seated love from years together.

LGW had the Kieran charater make a deal with the devil in taking back (kinda) Eileen. making the best of a bad situtation. As one poster pointed out -after all was said and done the question LGW had Kieran ask is .."was Kieran better off with or without Eileen.." However it is diffcult to not feel Eillen got the best out of the deal-Eating her cake(affair) and having it too.(Kirean) - Now if Kieran had been a major hound for 5 years and laid the town-most of would have felt Kieran got the long end of the stick

LGW did well in Kieran character development-it was a tough sell writing that someone as well off as Kieran would not find a female to keep him company/satisfied or that as damaged and hurt as Kieran was by the wife Eileen affair he would still carry a torch. Five years would extingiushes even deep affection-but LGW did a believeable job and the ending was also believeable.

LGW also did well in other chapters with the wife Eileens POV. I would have liked to see more of it in this chapter. I echo other posters who call for a 'prequel" with Eileens POV on the affair and aftermath. Did Eileen really stay faithful--or did "faithful" for 5 years have a different meaning to Eileen-given her take on the 2+/- year affair. Even someone with a low self esteem complex would have given up at some point in time and stoped saying "sorry" to Kieran or worse blown up with "..get over it already"-what was Eileen true reasons to have Ghandi like patience to try get/stay with Kieran-guilt, remorse, love?

Thanks for the nice read LGW and look forward to your future sumbmissions

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago

A man who has to resort to prostitutes does not know how to deal with women anyway. If he did he could get no strings sex from a normal woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I agree with

victoriangent . The guy is a sucker and she has it all now .

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago


Very good effort in my book. Melodrama, emotional involvement, long enough to really develop the story. HDK's comment that a little trimming might have been a good idea is well taken, but good anyway.

The burn the bitch crowd will be after you soon enough. HIV is already laying the groundwork. Just ignore 'em, like a lot of us have to. They have a right to be gross--and they exercise it wantonly.

Nice story. Keep on keepin' on.

Matt Moreau

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
HDK liked it? Maybe I should despise it even more...

The story is pretty ambitious but ultimately fairly flawed:

1. The explanation for this madly loving, devoted wife cheating is pretty thin. She apparently can't live without him but humiliated him for 18 months. This is pretty unrealistic.

2. The children's characters were fairly one dimensional. The daughter acted lke a six year old. Her dialogue was laughably bad.

3. The huband refuses to move on. If this guy was financially successful, handsome, and well liked, he would get passed this whore and move on in a matter of months. In reality, healthy people do. He may feel sorrow and sadness, but very strong statistics show men need partners and they do move on and do well. They don't take cheaters back by a large margain. He would have dumped the wife long ago and there would be no shortage of takers. He was hurt but not maimed. Most human males in his shoes would have moved on in a couple of years out of just normal behavior of needing a partner. This five years of prostitutes and sullen loneliness is pretty trite and unrealistic.

4. The auto accident plot was beyond hackneyed. This is right out of the most pathetic melodrama of slirpuff and HDK, which is very, very pathetic.

5.Some of the dialogue, especially at the end, is fairly wooden and all about making points. It does not seem human.

6. The resolution is weak. He has no faith, belief, and very little respect for her but somehow can only love her and decides to live a half life with her as opposed to finding someone esle. I know this was supposed to be so emotional and dramatic but comes across as pretty silly and emo, like a 13 year old girl wrote it.

There is a lot of good inthe story. A lot of interesting processing, anguish and decision. But it is undercut but a tendency to make silly, unreal dramatic points that fall very flat. Resist the temptation to be an HDK or other cuck wimp loser. You don't have to be a freak like JPB or a crazed sullen angry Papatoad, but don't write decently then go all HDK and turn your story into a simpering emo angusih fest. Life goes on, men survive and mostly do better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Eileen explained why she cheated about 2 or 3 chapters back. She was having a mid-life crisis, just like many men have. The other man gave her attention and made her feel desirable again and she fell into the trap. But throughout this story I never got the sense that Eileen was out to make her husband was a wimp or anything degrading. And she was truely sorry for what she had done which is why I was never calling for a "burn the bitch" story. And really I wouldn't doubt that she was faithful even after the divorce, sometimes you have to loose it all to realize what's important.

Don't know about the ending, but it makes sense in light of what they went through. He loves her but isn't in love with her? That doesn't make for much of a future, at least a totally happy one. They may never get to where they were but at least they are trying to build something new.

Overall it was a good story and I hope to read more from you in the future!

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 13 years ago
Will there be more? I'm left with wanting to read more about them.

I have enjoyed reading all of the chapters, as the characters seem very real to me.

A very good writing style with an excellent storyline that has been edited for a smooth flowing story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
now I get it!

This dude made me understand how people vote the same shity politicians over and over again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Ending sucks!!!

I knew the husband would wimp's the pussification of the male species today in today have to have stubble on their faces to prove to themselves that they are men....they have to buy special colognes and body washes.....go to hair salons, etc....he should have moved on with his life and forgot about Eileen..

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Lousy ending

Such a great start- such a lousy ending.

RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago
Good ending. Simple and honest

Looking forward to your next story very much

zed0zed0over 13 years ago
Gotta Be A RAAC Record

So she kept her legs together for seven whole years (she claims)so the wimp takes her back. WOW! I can't remember another wimp story where it took the wimp seven whole years to cave in. I think I'll write one where it takes eleven whole years before the wimp caves in, I'd like to see someone top that! And in my story, the slut wife will even have a witness (Armando the cabana boy) who actually saw her not having sex almost everyday for eleven years. YessireeBob! That'll sure be original! All kidding aside, the first mistake was this story, the second mistake was the time I wasted on reading it. The third mistake is, you'll probably write another one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
So many comments, so much interest


Although I only liked the story up until the accident, I liked the characters enough to read the whole thing. This is a tremendous first story and you should judge your reception by the number of comments you garnered, rather than their contents. Please post more.

LakesLakesover 13 years ago
Well written, although some plot holes pointed out by others

The writing skill is obvious... congrats... keep on writing!

SleeplessinMD3SleeplessinMD3over 13 years ago
One thing that does not wash...

Kieran went thru his mid-life crisis with Eileen and they could not swap spouses. They went through that experience honestly and together. Eileen on the other hand when she went through her crisis she chose to acquire a younger lover. She had to know how Kieran would react to her affair after the aborted swap incident but she did not care. In both cases Eileen was calling the shots. She gets caught and then decides to wait 5 years for Kieran to come back to her. So she had no bed partners through that whole period? I am sorry but Kieran was the wimp and fool in this story - he could not let go of his cheating wife and she knew it! Never once did she express any fear that Kieran would find someone else. She controlled their sex life and eventually got what she wanted.

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAover 13 years ago
The Complete story was better than some of the parts.

I was pretty critical in comments after a couple of the earlier chapters. I just didn't like the angle with the kids. You turned that around and saved Kieran's relationship with them and I thought that was good.

It still seems that Eileen was only miserable because she got caught cheating. Did she ever really regret her behavior? Certainly, if she had not gotten caught, she would have been happy to live out her life relishing those memories of the affair and perhaps looking forward to making more.

Her actions and his pain were both pretty extreme. The reconciliation (or at least the quasi-reconciliation) at the end seemed like a big stretch, perhaps as in "RAAC".

I hope that you keep writing stories. This set was pretty good for the first time out.

size14shoesize14shoeover 13 years ago
Is poor Harry dyslexic?

"Everyone else this was an Ordinary story. Size14shoe thinks this crap is INSPIRING??"

Harry, you stupid idiot!! I said the STORY inspired thinking, NOT the story was INSPIRING. The number of in depth comments indicates I was spot on about that.

Clearly it did NOT inspire thinking by Harry or the anonymous alias he hides behind. As for the ongoing insults I'm honored to be insulted by Harry and am in damned good company. That arrogant prick tries to build himself up by tearing others down. What a pitiful existence.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyover 13 years ago
What I don't understand,

what I am never able to understand, is the unforgiving hate that tends to take over a husband in situations described in this type of story. Hate and anger cannot ever be emotions that ought to rule. Kiernan never attempted to understand his wife's escapade with another man, and if that episode did not mean she did not love Kiernan, but resulted for some other reason, what was the real cause of his anger? It wasn't a blow to his sexual prowess, it wasn't thinking she no longer loved him, it wasn't anything that I, at least, can see as a cause for losing the companionship of a person you have loved.

Senrab13Senrab13over 13 years ago
Agree to Disagree

I enjoyed the story; well written. I also understand Kieran's decisions--but it's just not me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Wrong again, shoe! Your delusional ramblings demonstrate how illiterate you really are.

Shoe, at least you consistently with your brain-dead drooling commentary.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 13 years ago
18 months?

She betrayed him and their wedding vows. She lied to his face and stabbed him in the back without remorse for 18 months. Think about that for a minute. That's a lot of plotting and scheming and deceiving. To carry on an affair for 18 months she had to have a LOT of contempt for her 'soul-mate'. Yes, his reaction was childish but taking her back? Is loneliness scary enough to let you live without your self respect? Apparently, for Kieran, the answer is yes. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Story was good until you turned him into a whimpering wimp.

Well, you made him a cuckold who has learned to accept being a cuckold. Certainly he had a fatal back bone or guts.

LakesLakesover 13 years ago
Very nicely done!

But there were strong holes in the tale.... like what really brought the wife to cheating?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Liked it but...

Excellent for a newer author, but overall too much of the hate and pain and pettiness and maybe a bit too quick and short of a resolution.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
unbelievable ending

finally revealed as a wuss, secretly hoping to cling to the lost past, and can't let go. also, the lying cheating devious whore, seems to have flipped after almost killing the man she fucked a few minutes ago in the motel. suddenly she becomes the perfect angel with unlimited selfless love and patience?

chytownchytownover 13 years ago
Great Story!!!!!!!

Damn this is good 2nd time reading it.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 13 years ago

I wokr through the whole series in an afternoon - so can't be too bad right?

I do not think he wimped out - sex crap is just that crap - sex is sex - the lies are the killer - trust is never the same after a lie but life does go on and they both have to find a life.

killerwhale681killerwhale681over 13 years ago
Kieran ain't a wuss!

WTF! Did he roll over? Hardly...Did he accept being cuckolded? Scorched earth, if I ever heard of it. Was he hung up on her? You bet. But he didn't let her slide. If there hadn't been children involved, I don't believe he would have EVER had anything else to do with her.

shangoshangoabout 13 years ago
As I told another writer

once you learn the difference between love and obsession, you may become a decent Author.

RePhilRePhilabout 13 years ago
I'm obsessed with your writing

Another good one never second time around!

norcal62norcal62about 13 years ago
Still have major problem accepting Brit drunkenness

Do the British Isles subsist on booze as Russia seems to?

Writing was technically okay, with interesting turns. Again, a weaker male hiding in booze as the major character.

bigguy323bigguy323about 13 years ago
Yet another example of a wimp man. Perhaps if the bitch made him eat a shit sandwitch every few months for nearly two years he'd get the idea.

It is incomprehensible that anyone could really be this stupid. Moving on is the answer. Clinging to the past is the lost highway.

huedogghuedoggabout 13 years ago
lol.....I agree with bigguy

This is yet another pussy whipped wimpy ass husband

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkabout 13 years ago
Oh, my brothers...

We are so easily led when the little head does the thinking.

RePhilRePhilabout 13 years ago
Thanks fOr this chapter

Ignore my last request this close off is great

IrfonIrfonabout 13 years ago
What ?

How can any man forgive & forget TWO glaring facts ?

1.Seeing her, blithely lies to him on her cell,in the car next to him ????

2.Finding out that this was not a one-night/day fling - or even a short (few weeks) fling - but a Full-On LOVE AFFAIR ??

There's no arguing about that.

At least EIGHTEEN MONTHS......!!!!!!!!!

This was NOT a sudden rush of blood to the head at all - 18 months !

Add to the above TWO facts is the thought that:-How many times had he had 'sloppy seconds' ? Curls your toes wondering about that...

NO - he should have kicked her to the curb - and TRIED harder to move on - and never let her move back in with him.

A Liar & a Cheat - those two words destroy any possibility of getting back together - she's the one who has benefitted,not him.

SKHPSKHPabout 13 years ago
I took the time to re-read this well-written story

The main characters are consistent, deeply worked out and therefore believable. That is one main element for a good story on LW. I have to admit, that many stories in this category - even the high-rated - lack in the development of the characters.

I only miss in the parts told by Eileen some remarks about the lying. Was it really so easy? How did she deal with the guilt of betraying her love of 20 years and (even more important for the reader): how could she carry on with that scheme for 18 month?

Please give us more stories of that depth and quality!

size14shoesize14shoeabout 13 years ago

"but a Full-On LOVE AFFAIR ??

There's no arguing about that.

At least EIGHTEEN MONTHS......!!!!!!!!!"

You must have gotten your stories mixed up unless in your view 'once every month or so' is a Full-On LOVE AFFAIR. Eileen and the doctor's tryst wasn't an 'affair'. Mere cheating and fucking doesn't constitute an affair. There must be some relationship that replaces the relationship with the spouse. There's cheating, adultery, whorish behavior, sluttish behavior, etc., but there must be more for it to be "an affair." Kieran was not pissed about an affair, he was pissed about the lying and how long it had gone on. He was not at all OK with the cheating but there was more to it. At least that's what he said in the story. The doctor had and she knew about it many other women he was fucking in the same cheap motel. I'm not excusing her actions, just calling to question your logic that there is no arguing about it being a Full-On LOVE AFFAIR.

We don't know much about the thinking that had Eileen continue doing what she was doing. We do know (yes, if the author says something is the way it is, what the author says is FACT, not up for discussion whether or not it REALLY was that way) Eileen felt guilt when she did it.

I have finally begun to laugh at the assholes that insist that it is better to be miserable if getting back into some relationship means the wife gets any relief for her miserable existence as well. Story after story with comment after comment from the righteous assholes who always know what is best for others has gotten a little old. I now take it as a badge of honor to be vilified for having my point of view that not every woman is a whore and slut who makes a mistake.

RedbeakRedbeakalmost 13 years ago
Very disappointing ending

After a promising beginning it turned into a story of a man without qualities. I wonder what would have happened if he hadn't had that fortuitous accident? It seems to me that it was conjured up by the author because otherwise the story was going nowhere and would otherwise just have petered out.

bigguy323bigguy323almost 13 years ago
Incredibly disappointing! She cheated for nearly TWO YEARS!!

The loss of trust ALONE would make it emotionally impossible to reconcile, yet here we go again with a RAAC.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Truly a hugh letdown. Cuckolded big time and now a big time wimp.

Turned into a typical cuckolded wimp story. Splendid start, pathetic ending. Two years of cheating with another man on a routine the guy is just a loser. Several chapters just to brand the guy as a weak willed wimp.

count2threecount2threeover 12 years ago
Wimp story.

Those commentors are right: It is a wimp story. But contrary to what other said its not because he took her back in the end, but because all he did the whole story was wallowing in selfpity. He didn't punish her but only himself and was hoping for the pity of others, mostly his Kids. When they turned out to be selffish bastards, big surprise, more selfpity. Just make a decision and go on with your life. Taking her back doesn't make you a wimp, its how you do what you do. But the poor little old me routine is extremely wimpish.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 12 years ago
The final mistake

He took her back. Oh, but she really, REALLY loves him. She said she loved him before, it didn't seem to stop her then though, did it? Really think it's going to stop her the next time?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
it's all about the outcome

zedo the pedo and the rest of the closetcucks only care about 1 thing: they get back together or not. In terms of writing this wasn't bad; some editing would make it better but overall decent writing. Most of the closetcucks commenting on these boards never leave the basement and have no idea how real life works: those of us who do can attest that stranger shit than this occurs all the time. Wasn't the ending I would have written but it is your story and it wasn't bad.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 12 years ago
It's good to see that in about 10% of these stories they get back together...

Now that she is resigned to getting older and not being hit on by the doctors all the time she will stay faithful. Let me tell you, a lot of nurses fuck around, married and non-married.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
You commentators are being too tough on Eileen

Every month or two for eighteen months is not much. By actual count it was only ten times. The shitty part of this whole story was the cost. Yeah, she was a pretty good piece of ass for an old broad but I was sued and had to pay $150,000 to settle and save my license. Her old puta pussy wasn't worth $15K a pop.


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Please, someone kill Kieran!

The marriage faithfully lasted for 20.5 years before she stepped out. Just who the hell does this Kieran clown think he is? GOD?

With the current divorce rate of 40% plus, and it would be double that if the truth of any marriage got out, pore old Kieran pisses the family away in a bottle of self pity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Stupid comments about being too "rough" on Eileen...

She was a cheating slut. Get the picture idiots! Oh, she only cheated a "few" times. What pathetic fools that don't understand that she more than deserved what she got. Only real issue is "why" did he let her back in. Better have periodic STD tests ran..and use condoms.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Read a few comments, get real if she only cheated once she destroyed her marriage

she didnt cheat once she carried on a serial adulterous affair. As the doctor was described she was fucking he is lucky he didnt get AIDS or some other disease from a women who hated her husband and marriage enough to totally betray them. Get it thru your heads you cant love your spouse, not really be in love with them, and totally betray and totally humiliate them this way. Get this he has a big cock and i had to try it, or her tits were so much bigger than yours i had to fuck her. The wasnt about this ego and punishing her, it was about her lack of morales or character. The fault here is totally the wifes, no PC he should forgive and forget, can delete the fact her actions and lies destroyed the marriage not his. Interesting ending, you used the accident to force the moth to fly into the flame.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

to open that which never should have been closed for so long. TK U MLJ LV NV

LegionsOfLiesLegionsOfLiesover 12 years ago
I'll gladly kill Kieran

For taking the cheating bitch back that is. This series started with a decent groove but again and again and again Kieran was painted as being "wrong" for being upset that his wife betrayed him.

saratusaratuover 12 years ago
Your story,,,,

was well written and the creativity is remarkable. I have my issues with the way you took some of the things in it, but I like happy endings too. Human nature is about as stable as an ricter nine earthquake at times, so I imagine their being back together wont be what it was, just as you put it in your story. I do like this story, which is a little unusual, because I'm a burn the bitch kinda guy. lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
What a sad, sad ending

Forced by the lying whore to settle for the lying whore...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Perfect Title

There were too many mistakes, but the last one by Kieren was the worst of the lot.

FD45FD45about 12 years ago
This isn't a reconcilliation

Instead, it is relationship version 2.0...which just happens to include the same person.

Five years. That is the statue of limitations for some felonies. Certainly it should be just as clearing of the deadwood in a relationship.

I thought it was well done. Somewhat wordy and the chapters were short, but what are you going to do?

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
a very well written

and human tale of being betrayed and then acceptance. the best line is that it is only a shadow of what it was. very human and believeable. but there was only one mistake, not many - it was hers for being a slut. gave u a 5.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
i had to come back and say

what a fucking btch cunt you created. she was not feeling good about herself, a grey hair, so she did not have an affair, she had a second marriage that is what it is when it goes on weekly for 2 years - a fucking different marriage. glad you just had him fuck her without the marriage - that is what she is - a hole for him to feel good to fuck and i am glad you made her had to live through his constant anger and suspicion - that is the life you created for this bitch. damn it was well written. i can only dream of writing with such passion.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 12 years ago
I like 52 pick up better

that was a husband that handle business. They mave have gotten back together in the end but he went on with his life. Fuck all this I miss you shit, he was driving down the pussy highway. 4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

So she gets it in the neck for lying but it's ok for him to fake it as they try and make it second time round. Not sure that's a good foundation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Good story

I've just discovered your writings and have enjoyed this series. I like the long ones that can develop the characters more fully. Everything about the story line seemed believable. Keep up the good work. One complaint: there were many instances where there were the "wrong" words or extra words so I would suggest you find a better proof reader.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
The escort was ok

The wreck was AFTER leaving the escort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

You had a great story...then you ruined it by making the hero a wimp. Waste of words and a waste of my time. Why, I don't get it.

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