A Taste of Chaos Ch. 01


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Alizay made her way to Damiex's side when they were done talking. She leaned in and spoke softly to him and he nodded his head. He announced to everyone what Alizay told him.

"Let's make our way to the table, lunch is served."

He leaned down and spoke softly to Serenity. "Come with me Kitten it's time for us to eat."

He turned to Ariel as he stood up and set Serenity down on her feet. "Love I want you on my right and we will have Serenity on my left."

Ariel smiled at him and nodded as they all headed over to the table and sat down. Food was piled high of the table and it was a slow and relaxed meal. Everyone was talking and just taking their time. Damiex spent most of his time getting to know Serenity better and talking to Andromeda about her experiences and advice about ruling her own Circle as well as the Zoe rations and information about the upcoming conclave.

They talked for several hours and moved back to the Lou he area and Damiex found both Serenity and Ariel on his lap. The two demonesses had already made nice and come to an agreement quickly to share him. He was the Lord of Lusts and neither of them expected him to be monogamous. He'd have a harem eventually and they were both sure that he'd fuck many women over time, it was just part of who he was as the Lord of Lust, but they each knew that they were going to be his two primary lovers. Ariel was his favorite and Serenity would be his wife. By their very nature these two would be the most devoted to him, though the other female Sins were all eagerly awaiting their own crack at the new young Lord. Ariel already suspected that when they got their own taste of his unique Lust and abilities that they would fall hopelessly in love with him too. She could imagine his core group of lovers would wind up being his Sins and his wife. Though maybe Damiex would add some surprises in time too.

The days were much longer in the Circles than on Earth and although many hours had passed it was still early afternoon. Andromeda said it was time for her and Serenity to return and they said their goodbyes. Surprising Damiex, Andromeda hugged him warmly as she spoke to him.

"Since you're marrying my Daughter you are going to be my son in law and I have to say I was very surprised by you, but in a good way. I like what I've found and I'm delighted that you're going to be joining the family. You have my approval to be her husband and also as the new Lord of Lust. You won't have any issues with me at the conclave and I will be supporting you. Now you just have to convince the rest of the Rulers of Sin. We will see you in one week."

Andromeda walked away and spoke to Amaranda and Lunara giving her daughter a chance to say goodbye. Serenity had just finished hugging Ariel and telling her goodbye and took take good care of Damiex until she was back. When she was done she walked up to Damiex and smiled lovingly at him, she truly was beautiful he thought.

"Well Kitten I guess this is goodbye for now but I will see you soon. I'm looking forward to that 7th day now a lot."

Serenity had snuggled up to him again, she couldn't get enough of him and was already addicted she thought. She always wanted to be touching him and loved his scent. She spoke softly to him as he'd found that even though she was a very powerful and driven woman as she showed him when she first walked in with her mother with fore in her eyes, that she always was very affectionate and loving and had a sort of innocent and very cute side as well to her as she showed her age at times too when she was content and happy.

"I like that you call me Kitten and I'm looking forward to that 7th day too. More than you could possibly imagine honestly. I will miss you but will be back soon and then never leave your side again my husband."

As she finished speaking Damiex leaned down and gave her her first kiss. His lips pressed against hers and his tongue slid into her mouth as he kissed her with passion and lust. Serenity moaned load my into his mouth and clung to him as she trembled in his strong arms as a surprisingly strong climax burned through her body like Hellfire. After a very long minute Damiex broke the kiss and left Serenity glassy eyed and smiling as she shakily made her way over to her mother who giggled before they both headed out the door.

Damiex finished off his wine and then looked at his Sins who were all standing up and making their way over to him.

"Time for training?" He asked.

The six of them nodded and gathered him up and led him down the tower and through the palace to the training grounds. It took about fifteen minutes giving Damiex just another indicator of how large the palace complex really was, still not even seeming the outside of it yet. Oh well.

At the training grounds the Sins broke up. Zaxen, Ariel and Lunara took over and spent the next several hours focusing on swordplay, combat, katas, body positioning and sparring. The other three watched and observed closely as all six of them took their duties very very seriously each in their own way. They were fully dedicated to their new young Lord and all of them wanted to see him succeed and take the conclave by storm.

Four hours later they took a break before switching. Damiex was breathing heavily and was covered in a fine sheen of sweat but felt good. Durandal was feeling comfortable in his hand and he had enjoyed pushing his née body to the limits pleased with what he could do. He leaned against a wooden dummy as he watched his Sins talk back and forth and critique what they had seen. After a while his casters made their way over to him and guided him to another area of the grounds. Cassius, Amaranda and Alissa would be taking over for his magic training now. This was the point that the Sins thought they may get surprised as no one really knew what his magical potential was. Amaranda was leading this section as while both Cassius and Alissa were very talented casters themselves, Amaranda was the most accomplished caster of them all.

She explained to Damiex that while there was a vast and varied catalog of spells out there, the very top level were Dominion spells. Mastering any one Dominion was impressive for any demon. Mastering three or more Dominions was considered rare, and most Rulers of Sin who were casters were the most impressive of all mastering as many as 7-10 or more. Asmodeous had been a true master of magic and Amaranda told Damiex that he had commanded 12 Dominions. Cassius had command of four, though he specialized in fire, and Alissa commanded the same but being a Yuki-Onna her favorite and specialty was ice. Amaranda was truly powerful and considered one of the top casters in all of the Circles and Ben among the other Sins that supported the other Rulers. She commanded 6 herself and her power of ivaler that of most other black and white demons save for the Rulers of Sin themselves. She favored no one type over the other and was the most versatile and flexible of them all in her magic. She commanded the Dominions of ice, fire, earth, air, lightning and shadow. Since shadow magic was rather rare and it just happened to be the only magic that Damiex had any previous experience with she was as the natural choice to lead this portion of his training with Aspiration and Flame's assistance.

The first hour was spent on exploration and trying to find out which Dominions he could command. The magic and potential was there and while he wouldn't master them in a day, thanks to Asz's power he could at least cast them and they could find out what they had to work with. By the end of the hour Amaranda was amazed and the other Sins were all speechless and wide eyed. Once again he had surprised just like they had all wondered. He commanded an unheard of 15 Dominions. Blood, bone, flesh, shadow, fire, ice, earth, air, water, diamond, sand, runner, iron and the most surprising one of all, Hellfire. Dominion over Hellfire was extremely rare, only a handful in all of the Circles could summon it. It was want any kind of normal fire at all.

The Circles of Sin may have been the Hells, but the Hells that the humans pictured and heard about in the Bible were different and separate. They were realms home to the damned where no living being lived. They were battlegrounds in the past during wars with Angels countless times, but no demon lived there you simply couldn't. The Hellfire that existed in the true Hells came from the seventh circle specifically born from the violence itself. It burned a wicked black that consumed the light and burned with the fires of the damned, but also was colder than cold and froze with the touch of death. Any touched by it felt they were being burned alive and consumed in ice to the most extreme levels of torment and it could t be extinguished until it consumed whatever it touched.

Amaranda had Damiex choose four to focus on for the remainder of their time today and each day they would cycle through the rest and keep repeating that until the conclave. Damiex picked out Hellfire, blood, shadow and flesh to start on. He figured he could he the most bang for his buck out of those as both offensive and defensive options existed between them.

He could heal with blood and flesh as well as attack in other insidious ways. His shadow manipulation could be both offensive and defensive in equal measure, and for the big hammer Hellfire would deliver. They spent the next four hours training and sparring and discussing theory and technique as well as ideas on how to improvise and adapt on the fly. They needed to expose him to the broadest overview and widest range of exposure as they could. The challenges at the conclave could be anything, there were very few restrictions.

The only one really being and all out fight to the death. Amaranda and Ariel and Lunara had all been to one before as they were the oldest of the Sins. Alissa and Cassius and Zaxen were still fairly young to the position only being Sins for the last 100-200 years or so for the three of them. Ariel and Lunara had been Sins for around the same amount of time with Lunara having about 50 years on Ariel as Ariel had been Devotion for around 500 years now and Lunara had been Seduction for about 550. Amaranda hadn't been Desire for quite as long, only 350 years but she still had a lot of experience and was one of the strongest of the Sins.

Amaranda told him that she'd seen and heard of all sorts of challenges including fist fights of course, magic duels, cooking competitions, scavenger hunts, races, tests of strength, and even fuck off competitions. That last one she said was something Asmodeous had done a few times though he wasn't the only Ruler of Sin who had. Damiex wasn't surprised at that news and heard Asz laugh in his head causing him a o roll his eyes at his frivolity. Asz had told him he was and he was already learning of more examples of just that sort of behavior from stories.

By the time they were Damiex was tired and hungry. His Sins gathered him up and took him to one of the nearby bath houses and they all cleaned up quickly. The ladies even behaved for the most part though Ariel pampered him and cleaned him herself once again showing her devotion to his any and every need. Lunara kept looking at him and smiling wickedly throughout the process though. She like the others lived up to her title and she spent the whole time putting on a show for him and seducing him with every glance and every move of her body. He wondered why she was giving the full court press when he recalled the kiss in the vault and what she said after to him. He suspected that she would be following Ariel and himself back to his quarters tonight. He smiled in pleasure at the thought while Ariel finished cleaning him and massaging him down after the training. As her fingers worked out the pleasant ache in his muscles he sighed in pleasure.

"Ariel, Devotion my love. You really are a treasure and I truly cherish you and what you so freely give to me. Thank you for everything."

Ariel just smiled knowingly at her Lord, love shining in her eyes and kissed him softly without saying a word and led him out of the shower and started to tenderly dry him off. She would always show her devotion for him in everything she did even if he never mentioned it again, but she loved the sweet and loving things he had said to her now and before as well and hoped he never stopped saying them when he felt like it.

Everyone got dressed and headed for the dining hall for dinner. Damiex was talking with each of his Sins as they walked along discussing the day and everything that had happened so far. They made their way into the hall and sat at the head table just like at breakfast and once again Damiex was relaxing comfortably on his throne. They continued to talk as they ate with Damiex wolfing down and enormous amount of food. He had burned through huge quantities of beefy as he trained and as he yanked up he felt better and began to get his strength back. He required far more fuel than he had previously been used to, granted before he came here he had never even seen this much food before so that wasn't fair to compare it before and after either. When he was finally done eating he leaned back and Alizay seemed to materialize next to him as he cleared everything away for him before returning and speaking softly to him to not disturb the other conversations going on around him.

"I hope you found dinner to your satisfaction my Lord, I tailored the meal to help you recover from your training today and rebuild the body. Proteins and complex carbs and plenty of minerals and beneficial vitamins from the different vegetables and specialities of the Land of Lust. Please let me know immediately if there are any changes you need. I will be in to assist you in the morning and available all night should you need anything at all."

Damiex smiled at the cute succubus who was his handmaiden. He was surprised and impressed by the level of thought and detail that she put into everything including even his diet. "Thank you Alizay you've done a wonderful job and there's nothing that needs to be changed, it was all perfect and you should be very proud of yourself. I'll see you in the morning my adorable little succubus." He kissed her lightly on the cheek causing her face to heat up as she smiled widely i. Delight at how pleased her Lord was and the attention he gave her as she floated back into the background and headed back to his quarters ahead of him to verify that everything was perfect before retiring to her suite that was discretely attached to Damiex's rooms so that she would always be available and close at hand for him.

When Damiex stood he felt two sets of arms wrap around his arms and two sets of breasts push into his chest. Ariel was on the right side and Lunara was on the left and both of them were looking at him with lust in their eyes and Damiex knew this was going to be a long night before they all fell asleep. The two horny succubi led him back to his rooms as quickly as they could.

They entered the room and Lunara was in front of Damiex while Ariel was behind him. Lunara had her appendages in right now and he could see the smooth expanses of her skin on her back that was not covered by her dress. She shifted her hips side to side drawing Damiex's eyes to her perfect ass as he watched the globes roll back and forth inside of the tight material as her hands reached back and caressed her ass and hips making certain that Damiex was looking where she wanted him too. As he watched she slowly started to peel her dress off and turned around facing him and continued to dance for him as she gave him her erotic and seductive strip tease. He was so focused on watching her that it took him a moment to realize he was already half naked as Ariel had taken the time to begin to strip him as well as he watched Lunara.

Lunara and Damiex were shortly naked and Lunara slowly stalked up to Damiex as he watched her body sway side to side as she slowly approached him. He watched her drag a hand down her body caressing herself as she went before she slid two fingers deep inside of herself as she stopped right in front of him. Her smile was wicked and she had one eyebrow raised as if in question as she slipped her fingers from her grasping sex and stuck them into his mouth. Lunara watched his face as his tongue slid along her fingers licking her sweet treat and savoring it. No one had yet spoken and Lunara pulled her wet fingers from his mouth and smirked at him before she turned her back and walked to the edge of the bed. She kneeled on the side of it and spread her legs wide before lowering herself to the bed and arching her back while sticking her ass in the air. She turned her head and looked back at Damiex and in a growl filled with lust and sexual need told Damiex exactly what she wanted.

"Come fuck me my Lord, let your Seduction show you what you've been missing and rock your world!"

Ariel chuckled softly to herself. She had stripped down as well but for this first part she wasn't going to be participating. She knew what was going to happen and wanted to see it first hand. Lunara for as long as she could remember had always been one of the most confident and collected demoness, unfazed by anything sexual and always in control. As the embodiment of sexual seduction, she always knew just what to say and do to stay in control and have the upper hand. She'd led countless men and women to ecstasy before using them up and leaving them a slave to her shims and pleasure. But as she challenged to new young Lord, Ariel knew that for the first time that Lunara was about to have the tables turned on her by Damiex and she had no idea what was coming for her. Ariel sat on the bed in front of Lunara so she could clearly see her face. Ariel could see the smirk on her face as her expression was one of supreme confidence that she was about to blow their young Lord's mind and that he would be putty in her hands.

Damiex was smiling to himself in amusement and could see the same reflected on Ariel's face. He walked up to the edge of the bed and stepped between Lunara's legs as he slowly ran the head of his cock up and down her wet pussy pushing and sliding through it as Lunara pushed her was up and down and back and forth rubbing herself all over him and making little sounds of pleasure. Lunara had her eyes closed as she waited for Damiex to push his cock into her and hear him moan out in pleasure, she couldn't wait to dominate him and blur his mind in pleasure.

She felt him align himself at her opening and then the next thing she knew she was screaming. Damiex slammed his cock into her deepest depths in one harsh move and he could feel the head of his cock pushing and opening the entrance to her womb as her sheath tightly gripped and rippled around his length while copious juices bathed his cock and dropped down his balls. The surprise and the instant hard orgasm caused Lunara's appendages to burst from her body and quiver and shake as her climax burned through her. Damiex reached forward and gripped the base of her wings getting a strong handhold and good leverage and then curled his body around her and out his lips to her ear and whispered to her calmly but dangerously.

"You thought this would go a different direction didn't you? The Seduction of Lust, always in control, always having the upper hand. You thought I was just a young demon barely a man that you would seduce and leave a quivering wreck didn't you? Well the tables have turned and by the end of the night you will know only one truth. I OWN you and you are mine and you will submit to me! Now are you ready to experience something you never have before?"

Lunara moaned loud and long as her climax ran down and left a mad tingling in her pussy desperately wanting more. Her mind was racing and she couldn't form words yet. Damiex pulled back and he hen without pausing slammed back into her pulling on her wings driving her harder onto myself and started a fast and furious and rhythm to destroy the purple succubus that was impaled on his cock. Lunara was constantly screaming or moaning or crying in an incomprehensible babble as she came over and over without rest or break. Every 10th stroke or show she'd hit another peak and she was violently shaking as he plundered her sex. Ariel had been entranced watching her come apart and fall so deeply into her lust and sin and was furiously masturbating as she watched them driving herself higher and higher.