A Treat Turns Tricks Ch. 08


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Lee-Ann put her hands on his shoulders and leaned back arms length, looking at him from one side and then the other. "A Van Dyke? Pointy goatee and handlebar mustache? Good idea! And let your hair grow for that Renaissance Romantic look. Sexy!"

"So what did you want that couldn't be texted?"

"You. Sit down, baby, and I'll explain."

Lee-Ann gave Gary a run-down over the last couple of week's events, that she was changing just like he was, that her mother was delighted and that there was allegedly going to be a Coming Out party. Gary looked dubious but listened politely.

"And ever since Mom started talking about this, I've had this nervous feeling and I think I've finally figured out why. You know how Mom is always playing mind games with everyone?"

"Yeah, and claiming that all she really wants to do is get people to think."

"Well, usually she is. But this time I suspect that there may be some ulterior motive."


"Gary, Mom admitted up front to me that she has the hots for you, just like she does for your dad. She suspects that he feels the same way about me."

"Your—mom?" Two seconds thought made Gary realize the idea was actually intriguing. Amelia Corbett was built even better than most nymphs and had a sultry, honey-like way of talking that raised the neck hairs of any post-puberty male. But his father and his girlfriend?

"My mom. And your mom and Daddy seem to have an understanding of their own. I began to wonder if maybe this party wasn't so much for us as about us but really for them. Has any nymph ever done a pheromone rush on you?"

"Nope. I'm sure I'd remember if one had."

She slapped the side of his head. "Don't be facetious! And therefore I can presume you've never done it to anyone else, either. Because if you had, you'd have done me, wouldn't you?"

"Well, sure. I mean, I like you a lot, Lee-Ann but I'd be lying if I didn't want into your pants."

"Do you knowhow to do a pheromone rush?"


"And neither do I. That's what makes me suspicious of this party. Imagine, here we are all happy and flirting around and all of sudden Mom rushes you, your dad does me and Daddy and your mom head off for the bushes. I'm sure I'll be happy to yield to your dad and most any other man around but dammit, Gary, I wantyou to be my first. I was talking to Rosa about the pheromone rush. She says you learn to do it by paying attention to how your body reacts to being aroused. It's something about some little 'tick' and 'tingle' you feel that lets you know you're charged up and you get it by being turned on."


"Gary, turn me on."

A slow, lazy grin spread across Gary's face. He took her face in both hands and pulled it to his. The kiss started lovingly and then heated up. Pent up desire suddenly flooded through both teen-agers and they sucked at each other's tongues and lips. Lee-Ann desperately tried to keep track of her feelings but kept losing focus because of what Gary was doing. She felt his hands under her tee-shirt grope her breasts and pinch her nipples. She broke away from him, grabbed the shirt with both hands and stripped it off over her head, panting for breath.

That's when Gary stood up and faced her. He reached down and bounced both globes gently, looking down at her with one eyebrow raised. She undid his pants and taking his massive cock in both hands stretched her mouth around it, sucking the plum of the helmet. As she concentrated on pleasuring him she felt something like a 'tick' and something like a tingle. Taking a deep breath, she lifted her head and blew into his face. He gasped in surprise and then his eyes took a feral gleam. He, too, took a deep breath and blew into Lee-Ann's face.

Cinnamon, nutmeg, caramel, apple but not really any of them flooded her senses. As Amelia predicted, the heat in Lee-Ann's crotch turned to a blaze. She looked back at Gary's cock. It was purple, engorged with blood and hard as a pikestaff. It was the most wonderful thing she had ever seen in her life. At once she pushed her shorts down her legs and kicked them across the lawn. She turned lengthwise on the chaise, lifted her legs and, in a voice hoarse with need, growled, "Put that thing in me, Gary, right now!"

His face blazing with lust, Gary scrambled between Lee-Ann's thighs. She reached down, took his giant tool in one hand and put to her pussy. The youth growled and thrust and his girl's eyes popped wide.Huge! My gawd, it's big. I am so stretched, but—it feels so good. Her nails dug into his back and the drove her hips up, taking all of him in at once. Grunting and moaning they pounded each other, skin tingling with electricity and faces that felt like expanding balloons. At last with a groan and a scream they both came and collapsed.

A few minutes later Lee-Ann giggled. "You're still hard."


"Do it again."

"Roll over. I want you doggy style."


After dinner, Lee-Ann was clearing the table when her mother approached with a glass of water in one hand, a pill in the other and a knowing look on her face. "Here."

"What's that?"

"A Plan B, dear. Until you have full control over your fertility, it's best not to take chances. So you two couldn't wait?" The question was accompanied by a wink.

"How . . .?"

"Oh, come on! You've been smiling to yourself all evening and you walk just a touch bow-legged, like you'd been ridden very thoroughly. Now, take the pill."

Lee-Ann complied and then turned a defiant face to Amelia. "No,I couldn't wait. Besides, I wanted to make sure Gary was my first. If I waited until this Coming Out party, who knows who'd have gotten to me while you were seducing my boyfriend behind the pool house?"

"His father—almost certainly. So how was it?"

Lee-Ann blushed. "Pheromone driven, screaming and clawing-at-his back. At least, the first time was. The second was a little more restrained."

"Excellent. Now that that's out of the way we can get down to planning this event. And you are absolutely right; it will be more an initiation than a celebration. I've been talking around and about five of your friends, including dear Gary, of course, are all at about the same stage. I've got some ideas for proper dress for the occasion, Sally Abbott will work her usual magic with thehors d'oeuvres and canapés, your father will tend bar for the adults and we ladies will serve. Afterward we'll be serviced! We're going to have such a wonderful time."

"And I'll like this? You're sure?"

"Honey, as Germaine de Stael so pithily put it, 'The desire of the man is for the woman but the desire of the woman is for the desire of the man.' Oh yes, you will definitely enjoy it. Right now you are still in transition and a little scared of the idea of so many men wanting you. But in another couple of weeks, when you're completely transformed, having a whole group of men after your body will warm you like an erotic sauna. Trust Mama."


The evening of her Coming Out, her brothers safely stashed at their grandparents, Lee-Ann was once again standing in front of her full-length mirror. As Amelia predicted, the young woman had indeed grown two cup sizes and though her belly remained hard and well-defined, her hips were noticeably wider.

The track coach had been sympathetic. Lee-Ann's days as a sprinter seemed to be over though she did have an excellent chance at a softball scholarship.At least I can still anchor the shortstop position. Everything has its price, I suppose, and losing the 100m dash in exchange for this body seems worth it.

She turned to where her mother was watching. The older woman's semi-naked figure was even lusher, the globes on her chest not quite as firm, her belly a smooth curve down to her mons. "I guess I'm now luxuriant?"

Amelia smiled benignly. "Oh definitely. The men will be delighted to make your carnal acquaintance, dear. You have developed into just the most toothsome little morsel. Now, you're going to spend most of the night naked so there isn't any sense in covering you up unnecessarily. Here," she handed Lee-Ann a long strip of silk with a twist in the middle. "Pull this up between your legs." She reached around her daughter and fastened a light chain around the girl's hips. Now the silk hung down to brush the tops of Lee-Ann's feet barely concealing her pubic curve and exposing the cleft of her buttocks.

Dark honey curls topped Lee-Ann's head, cascading down her back and over her shoulders. She tucked them behind her ears to expose filigreed gold ornaments set with tiny bells that tinkled at the slightest move.

"I was going to have you wear nipple rings too, but they would probably poke into you unless the man took them off. Then they'd get lost so I think it's better to let your figure be its own decoration."

"I could get a tattoo. Not tonight, of course but maybe later?"

"A discreet one, dear. You want subtle ornamentation, not anything that distracts the eye from your natural beauty. Ah, I hear the Abbott's car. Come help lay out the food while your father sets up the bar."

Charles and Gary Abbot unloaded the Suburban, lifting ice chest after ice chest out of the back. They wore matching vests and baggy harem pants showing thick mats of chest and arm hair. Sally Abbott was dressed demurely in a hooded caftan but once all the various trays of food were arrangeden buffet, she pulled down the zipper to reveal a vest and harem pants of her own. Hers, however, were gauze. Gary averted his eyes.

Amelia grabbed his ear. "Now, none of that Master Abbott. You know full well your mother is a sexual being, if she wasn't, you wouldn't be here." She grabbed his other ear, pulled her bare breasts against the hair on his chest and shimmied. "And I want you to know that I'm very glad you are here. Now get out of those clothes."

Blushing slightly, Gary slipped off his vest and pulled down his trousers to reveal a satin thong that held his 'package', concealing it while emphasizing its bulk. Amelia licked her lips and Lee-Ann asked her, "Don't I get any time with him?"

"I suspect that you will have to wait until morning, dear. The other ladies will keep him occupied until he just completely runs out of gas tonight. But don't worry; you will have plenty of attention!"

Lee-Ann turned and saw that Charlie was smiling at her. It wasn't quite a leer but left the strong possibility that leering was an option. He held out his arms for her. For just a moment she hesitated but then shrugged and smiled back. Reaching around his neck she brushed her nipples across his chest. "You gonna use me all night, Mr. Ab—Charlie?"

Mr. Abbott ran his palms down the girl's sides and caressed her bottom. "No. After you yield to me, Frank will enjoy you and Mike, Troy and Devon will take their turns just like Gary will have your mother and Heather and Shirley and Chrystal or possibly Kim or Tanya. He probably won't get to all the mothers tonight but before the week is out he'll have taken all of them as well as their daughters, just like Stephan and Lamont will take you—probably repeatedly. They won't be the only ones, of course. You're very desirable, Lee-Ann, and the nice thing about a desirable nymph is that she responds to male desire."

Lee-Ann felt herself responding. Warmth spread through her body bringing a flush to her cheeks. She turned her face away but looked up at him sideways through lowered eyelids. "It doesn't matter whether or not I want you to have a lot of sex. You're going to. That's what nymphs do—get laid." And now I'm a nymph. I've been laid before but tonight I get laid in earnest—by my friends' fathers! And my boyfriend fucks my mother and all the other mothers—well, some of them. And he can do it because we're all nymphs, now, and he's a satyr and fucking is what we do.

Her reveries were interrupted by the sounds of more cars arriving. Her friends' families entered the backyard fully dressed but shed their cover ups as soon as they were out of public view. The two other girls' outfits matched their mothers though the only thing they had in common was an obvious ease of removal. Stephan and Lamont, like Gary, stripped down at stern looks from their mothers. It appeared that this was party was a chance for the elders to show off their offspring's sexual appeal as much as it was a chance to enjoy it. The younger generation's faces were uniformly flushed though whether from embarrassment or anticipation (or possibly both) was hard to tell.

Everett Corbett poured wine and fruit juice while Sally and Amelia drafted the girls as waitresses. Lee-Ann approached Charlie Abbott with a tray of spring rolls and offered him some. His right hand took a couple and popped one into this mouth but his left snaked around Lee-Ann's back and pulled her tight. He stuck the other snack into her mouth and as she chewed, he ran his hands and forearms sensually across her bare skin. She felt her thighs quiver and would have gasped if her mouth wasn't full. The girl leaned against the older man's chest and she rubbed her face on his neck below the iron grey Franz Josef he wore.

"Soon?" she asked.

"Be patient, Lee-Ann. Go make up to the other men first." He licked the shell of her ear and pulled her hair back for a long, deep kiss.

A wicked thought sprang into her head and she nonchalantly sauntered behind the bar. When his head was turned, Lee-Ann slipped up next to her father and rubbed the side of one breast along his arm.

"Shall I make up to you, too, Daddy?" she asked with mischief in her eyes.

"Don't start something you're not prepared to finish, young lady," Everett growled under his breath. "Playing with pheromones is like playing with fire. You could get burned."

She pulled away with her lower lip stuck out. "I might just want to play with fire," she whispered. "You never know . . ."

The evening wore on. The faintest scent of cinnamon and nutmeg floated through the air. It was barely noticeable but it pervaded the gathering like honeysuckle in a Georgia night. Lee-Ann's skin was flushed, her face tingled and her shoulders itched.I'm so close to orgasm I could probably make myself cum just breathing hard.

"Pant," Charles Abbott's whisper touched her hearing. "Do it. I can tell you're close and it is time."

"But . . ."

"Right now. Right here. Do it. Cum for everyone."

Looking up at him she smiled shyly, lowered her eyes and placidly complied. Lee-Ann hadn't taken two dozen quick breaths before she shuddered and sagged at the knees. "Oh!"

"Again!" Charles commanded and wrapped his arm around her waist to support her. Lee-Ann kept panting and the next orgasm was even stronger.

"Ah! Ow!" and she would have fallen had he not held her up. Mr. Abbott pulled her to him as the adults in the group burst into applause.

"Well done, darling," Amelia called out and there were other compliments from the others as well. The younger folk looked at one another in surprise and found themselves in the arms of their friends' parents. Gary looked down at Amelia and gulped as she raised one eyebrow.

"Well? You know what you want. What are you going to do?"

The young man blinked in confusion.

"I'll give you a hint." Amelia reached down and pulled Gary's thong off, freeing his rampant member. She looked at it fondly and gave the underside a few strokes with her thumb. Then she put her arms back around his neck. "Your turn, sweet man."

With a grin, Gary unfastened the clips that held his girlfriend's mother's loincloth in place. It fell to the ground leaving her totally nude.

"That's better." She took him by the hand and led him toward the house.

Lee-Ann felt Charles' hands on her hips. The silk between her legs dropped away and he slipped fingers into her both in front and behind. "Yes," he murmured. "All ready.' His hand took hers. She resisted at first but yielded to the pressure.


"Why, your bedroom, of course. That's where any nymph should entertain her satyrs."

She looked around. Her father and Sally Abbot were in each other's arms on a chaise longue by the pool, Tanya and May were being led into the pool house and Stephan and Lamont were following the others into the house. The remaining adults were making themselves comfortable on lawn furniture, except for May's father, Mike, who had Lamont's mother, Shirley, on all fours and was enthusiastically pounding her ass.

Charles led her up the stairs and into her room. She looked around at the athletic trophies, the rock star posters, the stuffed animals and the frilly pink everything. "I guess I'll have to redecorate? I mean to match my new status?"

"Why? I think this is endearing. A girl becomes a woman who becomes a nymph. You can add a few things but leave most of this. That pink alligator is especially cute."

He took a full breast in one hand and a firm buttock in the other. "And now, dearest, on your knees!"

She knelt down and began to stroke and fondle his massive scrotum, feeling with awe the ping pong-sized ball testes inside."Boy, if you're having trouble getting pregnant, he'd sure be the solution." I shouldn't be thinking like this. I'm 'way too young to be thinking about getting pregnant and I really need to focus on Gary, at least for a while. But to have this man's baby—it's so tempting!

Charles' member began to stiffen back up, swelling to the impressive girth normal to the mature satyr. She wrapped her hand as far around it as she could and began to stroke up and down. Opening her jaws wide she took the velvety helmet in her mouth and started to suck, flicking the frenum underneath with her tongue.

"Mmm, that's very good, Lee-Ann. Have you been practicing on Gary or just doing your research?"

The girl looked up with a grin. "You can learn a lot on the Internet. All ready? You feel ready to me." She stood up and crawled onto her bed. "How do you want me?"

"I like missionary, especially for the first time with a new nymph. I like looking you in the eye and watching you watch me."

He crawled in with her and on top of her. She lifted her knees and hips to give him a better target, felt the blunt end of his manhood touch her sex and then moaned as he entered, distending her love canal with his girth."Every time your father has me I am amazed." I guess I'll spend the rest of my life being amazed by every man who does me.

Charles began long, deliberate thrusts. It wasn't that he was concerned with the girls pleasure. She had had two orgasms already. Instead it was because like all women she felt tight to him and he was going to milk every bit of pleasure out of her that he could. Otherwise, what would be the point? That's what nymphs do. It's what they're for.

Lee-Ann panted. Whether or not she came might be of little interest to her lover but it was important to her. Fortunately, it was easy and soon she was whimpering and chirping through orgasm after orgasm until they all blended together until with a grimace Charles grunted and shot a load into her.

"Very good, Lee-Ann. I can see you making many, many men very happy." He kissed her tenderly and rolled off. "Now go clean up. Your next lover will be here in a few minutes."

By the time Frank Lopez came to her door, Lee-Ann was cleaned off, moist and feeling languid. She lay on her side, head raised on one hand. She gazed at the man through half closed eyes and ran her tongue tip back and forth across her lips. "Hi, Mr. Lopez. How do you want me?"

The dark-eyed man grinned shiny, perfect teeth in the dim light. "Sweetie, you just get up on all fours and point the fine ass back in my direction. Spread those pretty legs wide. I'm gonna pound you and make your tits swing."

With a lazy smile, Lee-Ann rolled over and assumed the desired position, on her elbows and knees wide.What do I want to bet he buggers me, too? I hope he stretches me out first. Satyrs are all so big! It could really hurt if he wasn't careful. She waved her hips back and forth, temptingly, and then felt his hands on them. Frank rubbed his phallus up and down the cleft of her ass, quickly bringing himself to full erection, and then stuck it in. He hummed happily as he fucked her and she, now exhausted from the previous bout of orgasms put her head down on her arms. He likes it. I'm just a vessel for male desire, that's what. This must be what placid compliance is all about, contentedly making men feel good. Friendly sex, mom called it. Well, I've had the screaming, back-clawing kind with Gary and his dad so it must be time for this kind too. Mmmm, feels so good!