A Trip to the Hucow Farm Pt. 01


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Cayden began to thrust. He worked with his knees, as well as his hips. Each thrust was strong, and Jessika could tell that he was pulling, firmly, and Nayeli's hips, to better leverage his cock deep into her. Nayeli's breathing, heavy and laboured, echoed in the room, and she gave a light squeal every time Cayden's cock pressed against the back wall of her pussy.

Cayden's powerful shoves sent ripples along the plump edges of Nayeli; her quivering knocked one of her breasts loose from the table, to hang down. Cayden reached forward, and cupped her breast with his hand, squeezing, obviously testing its weight.

Nayeli gave a high-pitched groan as Cayden squeezed at her breast. Jessika saw white fluid spill from her nipple, and ...

...and did she just ... get rounder? Fuller? Jessika looked at Layla's face, and saw the plump girl nodding along to Cayden's forceful thrusts, licking her lips, mouthing something to herself. Jessika looked back over, as Nayeli's groans grew increasingly urgent. Her grunts and moans were getting shorter, and higher pitched; Jessika could hear the cow's climax closing in. Nayeli whimpered, and Cayden dropped her breast; it hung down and free, as the bull set both of his meaty hands on her hips, and gave a growl. Jessika could see her rock-hard, dark nipple in the middle of her lighter areola, could see cream still leaking from her nipples, still saw her whole body jiggle as Cayden began to aggressively pursue his own climax.

"Oh, God," Layla moaned, squirming in her seat. Jessika agreed, adjusting her own seating, feeling her pussy clench, desperate to be touched, penetrated; hungering for sex.

"Is it always this ... intense?" Jessika whispered, and Layla nodded, and made an affirmative sound. "And Cayden's not even, uhm ... the best." Layla swallowed. She rubbed her thigh, through her skirt.

On the platform, Nayeli cried out, as her whole body shuddered. Jessika recognised a climax tearing through a woman's body; she knew Nayeli's pussy would be convulsing around Cayden's shaft, pumping at it, eager to drain the cum from it, milking it. Jessika could see Nayeli's eyes rolling up, crossing; she could see the woman's mouth, hanging agape, savage grunting sounds coming from her throat, her hips rocking back and forth, pressing her clit against the Hitachi, and her pussy against Cayden. Cayden's balls visibly pulled further up, his sack tightening; Jessika could tell how eager his cock was to empty itself into Nayeli's womb.

"Oh, cum...", purred Layla. Jessika nodded. She was desperate to see Cayden's load emptied into Nayeli. She looked gorgeous, with her back arched, her body ripe and primed to take Cayden's seed; her own pussy was throbbing and hungry, and she had spend time concentrating to make sure not to rub her pussy. "Cum on, cum already. She's open and ready."

Jessika nodded. "She's so ready... I'm so ready." Layla squeezed at Jessika's hand.

Nayeli pressed herself back, her face showing the strain of trying to accommodate all of Cayden's considerable length. She grunted, low and throaty, grinding her hips in a tight circle, with Cayden pressing his cock snugly forward. It was the bull's turn to grunt, obviously straining to press himself into Nayeli's ample hindquarters. Cayden squeezed at the ample flesh on her hips, clawing at her. Jessika could visualise Cayden's straining cock in her mind's eye, coming closer to bursting moment to moment. She visualised Cayden packing Nayeli's fertile body with a generous supply of his exceptional seed, filling her with a baby - a calf. Jessika could see Cayden's balls had pulled up, tightly against his cock, still as seeming large and heavy and full of hot cum.

Cayden resumed short, solid thrusts as grunting became rhythmic. Nayeli's cries, short and staccato, began to fall into the same rhythm as Cayden's increasingly aggressive thrusts. Nayeli's hips moved in perfect sequence with Cayden's, slamming the two bodies together at a regular interval, getting faster and faster.

Jessika's breath was growing short. She felt the muscles of her thigh tightening and releasing, felt her pussy flexing and pulsing. Layla leaned forward, shaking her fist, "Just cum! Fill her!"

And, as if obeying Layla's command, Nayeli cried out, in surprise and ecstasy. Cayden roared, as if a dam was bursting inside him; Jessika gasped, and saw the veins along the bottom of Cayden's weighty cock pulse, pumping the thick, white, sticky seed all the way from Cayden's balls straight into Nayeli's waiting, eager pussy. "Oh, holy shit, yes." Jessika sighed, as Cayden growled again and again; as Nayeli whimpered in time to his satisfied growling; as cum flooded Nayeli's pussy. She watched Cayden's cock pump, and begin to release. As Cayden pulled back, cum dribbled from Nayeli's pussy, pooling on the bench beneath her. Nayeli lowed, long and low, sounding ... wonderfully satisfied.

Jessika exhaled, hard; she felt fatigued by the performance, but instead of satisfied, her body pulsed, tingling and electric, eager to be touched and rubbed and stroked.

"Oh, fantastic," Layla said, panting. "Oh, oh fantastic." She applauded, lightly. "Oh, oh fantastic. Wasn't that just wonderful?" Jessika nodded, as Cayden picked his towel back up from the ground, and wiped his brow. He pulled the door open, stepped out, and slid it shut again behind him.

Layla stood and closed with Nayeli. She began by shutting down the Hitachi, and Nayeli groaned in relief. Nayeli's body lay, exhausted, on the bench; as Jessika freed her arms & legs, Nayeli let them just droop off the side, as if moving them would require massive amounts of energy, that she simply lacked. The sweet smell of cum was pungent in the room, and Jessika stared at Nayeli's swollen, red pussy, covered in white cum, like a glaze. The red-and-tan pussy pulsed, and trembled, still pumping on the memories of Cayden's considerable girth. Jessika tried hard not to lick her lips.

Layla stroked Nayeli's back, and spoke to her in a soft, quiet tone, asking her if she'd like to roll over. Nayeli nodded, and Layla - enlisted Jessika - helped her roll onto her back. Still with Jessika's help, she unfolded - or, refolded? Converted? - the leg holds of the belt, folding them upwards, and Jessika re-secured Nayeli's legs. "It helps keep the cum in, bathing her cervix." Layla nodded, and watched Nayeli's eyes, as she said, "The cows love the feeling,", and Nayeli nodded, appreciative, reaching for Layla's hand. They squeezed each other's fingers, and then Layla gently let go of Nayeli's hand, slipping softly away, and gesturing to Jessika to follow.

"She'll want a few hours to relax, with her legs up," Layla said. Jessika detected an almost wistful tone to her words, as the two stepped out of the room, gently closing the door. Layla took a few steps down the hall, and Jessika followed. "So, uhm. Yeah." she exhaled, and Jessika laughed. "That's the tour. I'll take you down to the ..."

"Can I try one of the breeding tables? Uh, benches?" Jessika blurted. Layla stopped short, and swiveled her head slowly towards Jessika.

"...sorry?" asked Layla, as if she was confused.

"I'd ... like to try one of the benches. To see what, uh, the ... what it feels like. To be, up, on... there." Jessika motioned, vaguely, with her hands.

Layla let a smirk creep across her face. "And, if a bull..."

Jessika nodded. "...yeah. Yup. The whole ... thing. I wanna try it. I ... I gotta. I gotta try it," Jessika said, nodding. "Can I? ... I want ... like, can I try it, and if I change my mind ..."

"Yeah. Yeah. You could stop, uhm, anytime," Layla answered firmly, and quickly. Jessika nodded again, confirming her crazy urge-induced idea. "Uh ... okay." She nodded. "Okay. Let's ... head to another breeding room."

"Let's be quick," urged Jessika. "Before I come to my senses."

Around another corner, Layla opened another door. Another wood-and-leather bench stood on another platform, and Layla motioned towards it.

Jessika stepped towards it, then went to step onto the platform. But just as she stepped up, Layla said, "Uhm ... your clothes."

Jessika paused. She looked down at her oversized shirt, and her sweatpants. "Oh. Y ... yeah." She took the bottom of her shirt, and pulled it over her head, revealing her freshly curvaceous body to the air. Her areola covered the upper portion of her breast, maybe not as pronounced as Nayeli's. Her breasts now hung down, not as pert as they had been two weeks ago, but larger, fuller, heavier, causing her to have gone without a bra for most of the day. After a day of seeing gorgeous, clear-skinned plump beauties with glistening hair and moist, eager pussies, Jessika felt a tremendous confidence in her own new, plump body. She pulled her pants down smoothly, and stepped out of them. Her panties were snug, cutting into her curves, and Jessika slipped her fingers around the waistband of them, and pulled the down and away.

And with that, found herself standing by the wood and leather bench. She stepped onto, and into, the bench just as she'd seed Nayeli do before. She stretched her body along the bench, and took hold of the carved wooden handles, feeling the cool leather against her skin.

She looked at Layla, and nodded.

Layla stepped up behind Jessika, and disappeared from Jessika's field of vision. Jessika inhaled, and held her breath, waiting to feel the leather pads against her calves. Instead, she felt a pair of small, plump hands, giving a gentle squeeze to her buttocks, then tracing down her thighs. Jessika gasped, and started to say something, but Layla loudly cut her off, with a "Ssssshhhhh."

Jessika shh'd.

Layla squeezed Jessika's ample thighs, firmly massaging at them, then lifting her hands, and setting them at Jessika's generous hips. Jessika felt a small gasp escape her lips, as she felt Layla's hot breath on her pussy. Layla took hold again of Layla's buttocks, and Jessika felt Layla pulled her cheeks apart, prying the lips of her pussy apart. Jessika felt the stickiness of her sopping wet pussy, dripping onto the leather bench beneath her.

Then, Layla's small hands disappeared. A beat passed, then another, and Jessika bit at her lip, trying not to look back, giving Layla time to get ... to get her ready.

Jessika felt the smooth firmness of the leather pad slip into place on her right leg; she heard the nylon cord pulled taut, felt the pressure of it against her muscle on her calf, and let out a small moan. The process was repeated on her other leg, then each arm; finally, Layla secured the collar in position.

As Layla clicked the collar into place, Jessika felt her knees quiver. She was secured; she was powerless. She was at Layla's - the farm's - mercy.

Layla traced her fingers over Jessika's back. "You like it," she said; a statement, not question. "Feels snug? Feels ... right?"

Mute, Jessika could only nod in response. "Of course it does," Layla continued. "You look so good on there." Layla stroked her fingers down Jessika's back again, and sighed.

And then Jessika heard the door open. She felt her mouth open, but she didn't dare to speak. She wondered if Layla was about to get in trouble.

She heard a baritone voice roll through the room. She could make out the tone, and timbre, but not the speakers words; he was obviously speaking in hushed tones. The sound of the bull's voice felt as though it made Jessika's whole body tremble, her pussy ache all the more. Jessika felt exposed to whichever bull it was that stood behind her, but it was a delicious feeling, tantalizing and titillating.

She felt a petite hand on her buttocks again. "Jessika,", Layla murmured. "Uhm, there's ..."

"Yeah," Jessika said, quietly. "It's Joseph, right?"

There was a pause, and Layla answered, "Yes?" with a dash of confusion in her voice.

Jessika nodded. "Please let him," she said, slowly exhaling through pursed lips.

A poignant pause hung in the air. Then Jessica felt a sturdy, masculine hand on her right hip. She felt Joseph test her hip, squeezing the flesh. She heard a "Hrm" noise from him, and felt her cheeks flush red. His hand ran up, along the side of her hip, tucking around her new belly, and squeezing. She adjusted her hips in response, pointing her vulva upwards, vulgarly displaying herself. Another "hrm" sound, and then both of Joseph's hands were on her. They swept upwards, and the hands cupped her breasts. Joseph pinned Jessika's nipples between her fingers, and pressed against them, squeezing firmly. A moan escaped Jessika's lips, and Joseph "hrm"ed again. Jessika opened her mouth to protest, but before she could, Joseph released her breasts. She bit her lip to try to keep from whimpering, but a small noise escaped. And Joseph "hrm"ed, again.

She felt Joseph's hand on her back; he balanced himself, and bent over Jessika's body. As he did, she felt his cock, which felt thick and rigid, pressing against her thigh.

"You're almost ready," Joseph said. His voice rumbled, echoing in Jessika's head. "Your body has filled out, so so wonderfully. Thick hips; a soft belly; full breasts, ready to be filled with milk. Your body is craving cock; that's obvious. It's desperate to have your womb filled, desperate to have a bull take you, breed you." He closed the fingers of his hand, squeezing the flesh on Jessika's back. "I'll fill you. I'll knock you up. I'll make you a real, full cow, for me."

Jessika heard herself pant. Joseph's voice sounded like sex, and made her pussy tremble in anticipation. Jessika was pleased - unspeakably pleased, more pleased than she wanted to admit - that he wanted to breed her; some part of her - some part between her legs - wanted that very, very much. She was also very, very glad that she'd taken her birth control that morning, and didn't have to resist.

"Say it." Joseph spoke firmly, and Jessika nodded.

"Yes," Jessika said. Joseph brushed the back of his knuckles along her back.

"No." Joseph said. He pressed his cock, thick and firm, against Jessika's buttocks, while squeezing them. "Don't just say yes. Say what I'm going to do to you. Say what you want me to do to you."

Jessika panted, and focused, slowly exhaling. "I ... I want you to ... to fuck me."

"More," Joseph said. "Tell me more. Tell me all of it. Let me know you want it."

Jessika drew a deep breath, then tried again. "I want ... I want you to fuck me. I want you to ... I want you to fuck me, and fill me with cum. I want you to fill me with cum, and make me ... make me a cow. Make me a cow, your cow, fill me, fill my body with your seed, make me a cow. Make me a Cow, make me a pregnant breeder, fill my cunt..."

Joseph set his right hand on her collar, and used his left hand to slip the head of his cock up and down through Jessika's slit. The suddenness, the aggressiveness, the ... assertiveness of Joseph's actions set Jessika's body to trembling, her skin tingling, her hair stretching up on end. "Oh, oh...", she moaned.

"No words," Joseph reminded her. She tried to nod, through her collar. Joseph pressed the head of his cock against Jessika's tender opening, an unspoken promise to claim her, as she'd asked. Jessika bit her lip, and whimpered, straining to rock her head up and down, despite her collar, arching her back, straining to try to slip her pussy over the full head of Joseph's cock.

But Joseph moved away, and Jessika heard herself make a groaning sound; not having Joseph pressing against her entrance, moments from inside her, made her feel even more empty. He pulled his hand from her collar. She was, for a moment, untouched, and she sighed, her breath catching.

And then she heard a "clunk". Jessika's ears strained, trying to make sense of it, straining to hear what was happening. There was a quiet moment; she felt her pussy flex, and hoped Joseph saw it.

When she heard the Hitachi turn on, she only had time to gasp in anticipation before Joseph had shifted it up into position, humming and grazing her pussy. A tremor rippled along Jessika's body; she felt herself shudder, and, having recently watched a wonderfully curvy woman tremble as her body climaxed, she relished the thought of how her body, convulsing in pleasure, must look.

And then, as the Hitachi gently but insistently shuddered against the side of her engorged clitoris, Jessika felt Joseph's full cock slip into her.

Joseph slipped into her without hesitation, with supreme confidence. Jessika cried out, as his long, thick shaft bottomed out inside her. She'd never held a cock so swollen, so full, so eager, so ... hefty, inside her, never had her body bending around such a fantastic, fulfilling, satisfyingly large cock. She could feel her pussy stretching to accommodate Joseph's considerable girth, and the uncomfortable sensation felt wonderful. She groaned, and she heard her voice rising, as Joseph's firm hand took a hold of her hip.

Jessika strained; she gasped, and groaned, accepting the full girth of Joseph into her. Her hands clutched onto the leather covered restraints, and she felt herself nod, as if convincing herself to allow Joseph to continue. "Oh, please...", she groaned, "Oh, holy shit, please. Oh, God." The cumulative effect of the steady beat of Joseph's rock-hard shaft in and out of her sopping wet pussy and the vibrator arousing her clit was building to an unstoppable intensity. Jessika could feel her juices dripping down, coating the Hitachi beneath her; she whimpered, feeling her pussy tighten around Joseph's cock, as if trying to ... trying to ...

Milk him, Jessika thought.

She felt her body erupt into electricity and fire, the climax tearing through her. She screamed, loudly, shrieking; she'd never cum like this before, so fully, so deeply. It was as if all the masturbation, all the sex, all the lust that had built up over the last two weeks, was suddenly, and wonderfully, released.

...only to just as abruptly return. Joseph grunted, murmuring again, "No words," and Jessika again nodded, feeling chastised. The steady beat of his thrusts in and out of her pussy had increased; instead of a steady waltz, her thrust into her in an ambitious march. Jessika grunted; the tension was building in Joseph's body, but it was climbing so much faster in Jessika's own.

"Please, oh, God, Joseph, please cum, oh my God, please, please fill me with...", Jessika began to beg, but Joseph interrupted again, his cock surging inside Jessika.

"No. Words." Joseph was insistent this time. Jessika whimpered, as she felt the thick veins on Joseph's shaft throb, and she knew his climax was coming. Her mouth opened and closed, small whimpering sounds slipping from it. She wanted to beg for Joseph's hot cum; Joseph wanted her to beg for it; he wanted to give her his seed, and she desperately wanted it to coat her, thoroughly, all over her cervix.

As if reading her mind, Joseph interrupted her thoughts. His voice was firm, directorial, commanding. "Beg. Let yourself beg." After a pause, he completed the thought with, "No words."

It was as though Jessika could feel the ideas click into place in her head. She found she suddenly, and with certainty, knew how to beg without words, how to plead with Joseph's body for every drop of cum. She knew for certain that it would impregnate her if Joseph came inside her; between the ice cream, Joseph's fertile sperm, and her own body's lusts, her birth control wouldn't matter. If she gave in now, if Joseph came inside her ... ... she'd have his baby growing inside of her, almost right away.

She opened her mouth, and a long, low sound slipped out. It wasn't quite a moo, yet; it wasn't quite a word; it was a desperate, longing, pleading cry, that came straight from Jessika's throbbing cunt and right out her mouth. She wanted Joseph's sperm, wanted it so badly, wanted her cunt to take it in, absorb it, transform it into seed and let it swell inside her...