A Very Tangled Web


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I grabbed my laptop and went to the chat-room site, hoping Barbara was still online. I was relieved to find that she was. She asked me if I wanted to switch to Yahoo, but I told her it was fine.

Barbara asked me if I'd confronted Dan and I told her that I hadn't. "Chickened out" were the exact words I'd typed. She expressed her disappointment in me, and told me I needed to talk to Dan about what I'd found.

I told her I knew I needed to, but I wasn't the confrontational type. Barbara managed to lighten my mood a bit by bringing up the fact that I'd given a blow-job to my daughter's eighteen year old school-mate/tutor, so confronting Dan should be easy for me.

I chuckled and thought about what to type back in response, when another annoying PM window popped up. Although, when I opened this one too, and I once again politely declined the private chat, I was surprised at what I'd read.

'Are you the one who's monopolizing Barbara's time and keeping her from the rest of us? J'

I quickly typed a message to Barbara, asking if she knew the guy who'd just PM'ed me.

She typed back that she did know him, and told me that he was an all right guy. She chatted with him on a regular basis.

I smiled and typed an apology to DM150 for hogging Barbara's time. He typed back a pleasant reply, saying it was no big deal.

Fifteen minutes later, Barbara said her goodbyes and left the chat-room. I stuck around and continued chatting with DM150. I finally got a name out of him: Derek. Barbara was absolutely right in her assessment of him. He was an 'all right guy', and I could see why she chatted with him often. For some reason, I decided to open up to him about my situation.

I asked him if Barbara had told him anything about me and what was happening in my life. He assured me that Barbara hadn't said a thing, because she wasn't the kind of person to air other people's dirty laundry. Derek made me laugh out loud with his next line. He told me as proof Barbara didn't air other people's dirt, if she had told me half the things he'd told her, I wouldn't be chatting with him.

Feeling more comfortable with him, I let it all out. I told him all about my sex-less marriage, and even what I'd found on Dan's computer.

Derek was shocked, and echoed Barbara's thoughts about my need to confront Dan about what I'd found. I was more surprised by what he followed that up with. Derek's next line actually shocked the hell out of me.

'If you tell him what you found, you can tell him you'll rat him out if he doesn't fuck you senseless tonight'.

THAT thought hadn't even occurred to me. I couldn't believe how giddy it made me too. I thanked Derek for his suggestion and told him I'd let him know how things turned out, because I was going to do right away. I left the chat-room and crawled out of bed, then headed downstairs.

Kelsey was just exiting Dan's den when I got downstairs.

"Oh, hey mom," she seemed a bit startled. "Feeling any better?"

I eyed her curiously for a moment, then smiled and said I was. "What's up?" I asked pleasantly.

"Just saying good night to dad," Kelsey replied. Then she smiled and went upstairs.

I took a deep breath and headed into Dan's den and closed the door behind me. "We need to talk," I said flatly.

"About what?" Dan asked as he closed his laptop.

"That," I replied in a stern voice as I pointed at his laptop.

"What about it?" Dan asked as a somewhat nervous smile appeared on his face.

"Dan," I said flatly. "I got into your computer earlier. I know."

The color left his face. He still tried to play it cool. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Bullshit," I said, harshly. I was surprised at my confidence. This is what I'd wanted to do hours earlier, but hadn't had the nerve. Now, with Derek's suggestion, I had a newfound confidence. "You know what I saw on that thing," I spat the words out.

"Now look," Dan said with both hands raised up.

"Dan," I pointed a finger at him. "Don't try to deny it! I saw it all. The father-daughter incest sites you've visited. The videos you've downloaded," I was harsh as I let what I'd found fly back at my husband. "AND," I gave him a look of bewilderment and anger. "The pictures of OUR daughter!" I lowered my voice on that one. I didn't want Kelsey to hear me and find out that her father had been taking pictures of her without her knowledge.

Dan slumped back in his chair and put his hand to his forehead.

"Yeah," I folded my arms under my breasts. I felt elated that I'd found the confidence to do this. "Busted!"

After a few moments of silence, Dan lowered his hand and looked at me sheepishly. "Listen," he struggled to get the words out. "It's just fantasy."

"A sick one at that," I replied flatly.

"Darlene, I, I," he was still struggling to figure out what to say.

"You know I can take that thing to the police?" I gestured to his laptop. "And you'd be up the creek without a paddle."

Dan looked at me with an astonished look on his face. Clearly, I wasn't the only one surprised by my demeanor.

"But," I softened my tone. "I'm not saying I WILL do that."

"What are you saying?" Dan asked, still stunned beyond belief.

"It's been two years, Dan," I said with a wry smile on my face. "I want to get laid."

"What?" Dan replied in an astonished tone.

"I want you to fuck me," I replied. "What's so hard to understand about that?"

"So," he stammered. "You find all this father-daughter stuff on my computer, and you still want me to fuck you?"

"Hey," I replied with a confidence I didn't know I had. I pulled my night-shirt over my head and tossed it aside. "I figure you must be pretty horny with all that shit on your computer. I may not be your ideal girl right now, but I have a pussy that wants to get fucked," I skulked up around his desk and eased myself down onto his lap. "And," I added with a devilish grin. "If you want, I can call you 'daddy' while we do it."

A few moments later, Dan was fucking me on the desk in his den. I didn't call him daddy, but I did allow him to have his laptop open so he could look at pictures of our daughter while he fucked me.

It was SO perverse. SO naughty. I was surprised to find that I loved every moment of it.

Having Dan's nice cock inside me again, filled me with so much pleasure I didn't care that he was fantasizing that my pussy was our daughter's. I was just so thrilled to be getting laid again.

When Dan came, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in for a deep kiss. When our lips parted, I was happy to see him looking into my eyes, instead of at the computer screen.

"Oh god, thank you," I breathed heavily at him. "I have missed this so much."

Later that night, Dan and I spooned in bed for the first time in what seemed like ages.


The next day, after seeing Dan off to work with a kiss - something else that hadn't happened in a long time - I hopped online. I found both Barbara and Derek in the chat-room and told them both what had happened.

They were both thrilled for me, and happy that I'd confronted Dan about what I'd found on his computer.

Barbara kept things light by saying only Derek would think of the blackmail angle. She also asked me how big Dan had blown when he came inside me.

I furrowed up my brow a bit before I replied. The thought had crossed my mind at the time, but I was so overcome with ecstasy, it didn't really register then. I finally typed back that he didn't cum 'huge'.

Barbara expressed her surprise at that, and it made me think. So I sent a message to Derek and asked for a man's opinion. The response I got made my brow furrow up even more.

'If he didn't cum huge, then he had probably cum earlier'.


Later that day, when Dan came home, I welcomed him into our bedroom with his laptop open on the bed. A picture of Kelsey in a pink tank-top and white shorts filled the screen. I stood next to the bed in the same outfit I had pilfered from my daughter's room. Of course, I strained the shorts and top much more than my daughter did in the picture.

Dan gasped when he entered our bedroom, so I glanced over my shoulder and gave him a devilish grin. "Welcome home, daddy," I purred.

Dan was all over me in an instant. We quickly got naked, and soon, he was doing me doggy-style while looking at a picture of our daughter bending over in a bikini.

He fucked me hard and deep as he looked at that picture, and I loved every minute of it. How perverse was I getting? Honestly, I didn't care.


The next day I hopped online, but didn't find Barbara or Derek in the chat-room. I did strike up a private conversation with someone else though. It was another guy, albeit a younger one.

He made an unusual request at one point that offended me a bit. He asked to see some of the pictures of my daughter that were on my husband's computer.

I was in the midst of typing what a dirty, little pervert he was, when he followed up his request with a message that furrowed my brow.

'I'm not making the request to see the pics, just to see your daughter. I just have an inkling about something, and seeing the pics will either confirm or refute it'.

I typed back 'what inkling?', but he just replied that he didn't want to say. But he added that if I didn't want to send the pics, he'd understand.

That put a smile on my face for some reason. I typed back that it would take a few moments, but I would send him some of the pics. I went and got Dan's laptop and selected a few of the pictures of our daughter that he had on his hard-drive and emailed them to myself. Then, I shared them with the young guy I was chatting with.

The next message he sent made my eyes bug out.

'He is TOTALLY doing her!'

I was about to type back that he was out of his mind, but I didn't. Instead, I asked how he could be so sure.

He typed back that, in every almost every shot I'd sent him, Kelsey was looking at the camera. One pic in particular was what he said confirmed it.

'Look, she's in the tub! Who took that pic? It had to be someone in the bathroom with her.'

I don't know why, but that thought had never crossed my mind. But as I looked at the pic again, I had to admit it was a valid point.

I thanked the young man I'd been chatting with and excused myself from the chat-room. Not only was I perplexed by what he'd said, I needed to get showered and dressed. I had a meeting in a few hours to deal with the charity trust I was in charge of.

There was no way Dan was fucking our daughter, was there?


I was relieved that the meeting with the trust executives didn't last long. These meetings usually lasted for hours. This one was over in less than half an hour. I wasn't only relieved because I wasn't really concentrating on business, but also because I wanted to get back home. I was hoping to be able to catch either Barbara or Derek on chat and ask them about what the younger guy had suggested.

I got home and immediately went to my laptop on the kitchen table. I snapped it open and was just about to start up the chat-room when a sound distracted me.

It was still early afternoon, so neither Kelsey, nor Dan should have been home yet. But, as I sat there with my brow furrowed up, I heard it again. My eyes bugged out of my skull.

I slowly crept up the stairs, knowing full well that what I was hearing was the sound of two people fucking. Besides the sounds of the bed, I could hear clearly that it was Kelsey - my daughter - moaning away. I held my breath as I got to her bedroom door and peered inside.

What I saw shocked me to no end.

"Oh my god!" I said loudly. "Stephen? Kelsey? What the hell is going on?"

A few moments later, Kelsey and I were downstairs sitting at the kitchen table. She'd pulled a robe on, and I had poured myself a stiff drink.

"I'm sorry I overreacted," I said calmly. "Obviously, I knew you were sexually active. That's why I put you on the pill two years ago," I sighed. "But, Stephen?"

Kelsey stared at me for a moment with her arms crossed in front of her. Finally she leaned forward and put her elbows on the table. "Well, you blew him."

I felt my eyes bug out of my skull. "How do you know that?" I asked, totally astonished.

"He told me," Kelsey replied flatly as she sat back in her chair. "And showed me," she sneered. "So he told me if I didn't fuck him, he'd share with everyone in school that my mother had given him a blow-job."

"Oh Christ," I moaned as I buried my face in my hands. I took a deep breath and raised my head. "I'm so sorry, honey."

Kelsey had her hands clasped against her chin as she eyed me with a wry smile. "It wasn't the worst thing in the world," she said with a shrug. "But I think I know a way you can make it up to me."

I was surprised my jaw wasn't literally on the floor when Kelsey made her suggestion.

"You can let me fuck dad again."


I sat there stunned as Kelsey explained to me how she and my husband, her father, had been having sex with each other for the past few months. She was remarkably at ease about it, while I just sat there completely shocked.

"But, I've got to give you credit, mom," Kelsey chuckled. "You've kept him away from me for a few nights."

"Jesus Christ, Kelsey," I finally said. "He's your father!"

"So what?" Kelsey fired back in a defensive tone. "It's just sex."

I wished I'd had my laptop on hand so I could relay this conversation to Barbara, or Derek, or even the young guy who told me this was happening. I felt I needed some advice, someone to tell me how to respond, and tell me what I should do next.

Kelsey took care of that though. "Why don't you go upstairs and finish Stephen off?" she said with a smile. "You interrupted us before he came. I'll go into daddy's den and wait for him to come home."

Just then, Stephen appeared at the top of the stairs and cleared his throat.

"Get back into my room," Kelsey snapped at him without taking her eyes off me. "And take your pants off."

She kept her gaze on me the whole time. She was dead serious. "Oh my god," I exhaled heavily.

"What's the big deal?" She said with a grin.

"The big deal?" I asked in disbelief. "Oh I don't know," I said sarcastically. "It could be the fact that you're telling me to go upstairs and fuck your classmate," I stood up and rubbed my temples. "Or maybe it's the fact that you're fucking your own father!"

"First," Kelsey said as she stood up defiantly. "My classmate wouldn't be upstairs right now if you hadn't given him a blow-job and taken pictures to prove it!"

I winced with regret after she slammed me with that comment.

"Second, what's going on between me and dad is my choice," She continued. "I wanted him to fuck me because I like to get laid," She shrugged as if what she was telling me it was no big deal. "I think it's better than me being the school slut and let guy after guy have a run at me, don't you?"

I hated to agree with her, but she did have a point. "But your own father?" was all I could manage to mumble.

Kelsey chuckled. "It took some convincing with him too," she sighed. "But the logic of it works. I get laid when I want. And I'm safe with a man who loves me and cares about me. He won't hurt me."

Again, I hated to agree with her, but what my daughter was saying made sense, despite the sordid nature of it all.

"Besides," She continued. "When you get upstairs and sample Stephen's technique, you'll understand why I prefer to be with a man who knows what he's doing."

Now it was my turn to glare. "Kelsey," I said in my best 'stern mother' tone. "I am not going upstairs to fuck your classmate."

"Yes you are," She shot back at me, still defiant in her tone. "If you do a good enough job, maybe you can get him to delete those fucking pictures so we don't have to have this hanging over our head."

I closed my eyes and winced again. Kelsey had me dead to rights, and there was no way of escaping that. My wants. My needs. My desires. That's what set me on my mission to get into Dan's computer. Because of what I wanted, I blew my daughter's classmate and took pictures of it. Now the little Poindexter upstairs was using those pictures to extort sex from my daughter.

"You're right," I sighed. "This is my fault and I need to take care of it. But what makes you think he'll 'settle' for me? You're the one he has the hots for."

"If he puts up too much of a fuss, let me know and I'll come up there and help you convince him."

"Okay, okay. You win. I'll do it."

"Good," Kelsey said with a nod of her head. "I'm going to call daddy and get him to leave work early."

I shook my head as I slowly made my way upstairs. This whole situation was surreal. I stood in front of my daughter's bedroom door. I could hear my daughter giddily telling her father - my husband - that she'd be waiting for him in his den. I put my hand on the door knob. Before turning it, I wondered how my actions had lead to all of this. I was about to enter this room to fuck my daughter's classmate, and in about fifteen minutes, my husband would be home and fucking our daughter in his den.

Accepting this was all my fault, I took a deep breath and entered Kelsey's room.

Stephen was startled to see me, and he moved to cover himself because he had followed Kelsey's directive, and was standing there with no pants on. "Mrs. Graham, I, I..."

"Relax Stephen," I said warmly. "I've seen it before, remember?"

His face was bright red and I could see he was trembling. "I know, but..." he trailed off. "Where's Kelsey?"

"Downstairs," I smiled at him as I began to undo my blouse. "I'm here to apologize for interrupting you before you finished." I let my blouse fall to the floor as I moved towards him.

Stephen stammered unintelligently as his eyes were fixed on my breasts. I could see his cock growing.

I reached behind my back and undid my bra and slipped it off. Stephen exhaled heavily as he stared at my bare chest. I reached down and took one of his hands and placed it on my right breast. "You like how it feels?" I purred to him.

"Oh yes," He stammered.

"Do you want to suck on my tits," I cooed.

"Oh yes, please," he murmured.

I smiled as I guided his head to my breasts and moaned as he began to lick and suck at my nipples. As expected, he was lacking in form and technique, but I gently guided him along as I reached down and began to stroke his already rigid cock.

I instructed Stephen to undo my pants and take them off. I let him take in my fully nude body and then beckoned him closer to me. "Come on lover," I moaned. "Get your hot mouth on my tits." I pulled him in for a soft kiss. "Put your hand on my pussy and see how wet you make me."

His hand trembled as he moved it to my pussy. It wasn't a lie. He was making me wet. Despite my regret at causing this sordid situation, it was so sordidly perverse, it really turned me on. I had this nervous eighteen year old nerd like putty in my hands, but he wasn't complaining. Knowing that he loved it - that he loved seeing me naked and getting to touch me - excited me to no end.

I moaned with delight as he moved his awkward hands over my wet pussy. I continued to guide and instruct him in what to do with his hands and mouth. I told him to slide his finger up inside me. "That's it lover," I whispered. "I bet you can't wait to have your nice, hard cock inside my wet pussy."

Stephen mumbled an affirmative from between my breasts, causing me to smile. In truth, as he worked his fingers in and out of my soaked pussy, I couldn't wait to have his cock inside me either.

"Come on," I whispered as I grabbed his twitching cock. "Let's get this thing into my pussy." I moved to the bed and lay down, then beckoned him toward me.

Still noticeably nervous, he crawled onto the bed and up to me. I smiled warmly at him, hoping to ease his discomfort a bit. I wrapped one leg around his waist and got him into position. Then I reached down and guided his cock into my waiting pussy.