A Video of Her Husband Masturbating


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Smiling, Jennifer answered, "Happens all the time. We welcome our clients' support networks."

Cheryl immediately felt a little more at ease. "Thanks."

"Thanks for coming, Ms. Morris. We know it's early to be out and about on a Saturday."

"Sometimes we're out running at this hour on a Saturday," Laura chimed in, "but today seemed special, worth missing a run for."

She grinned, and Cheryl knew Laura would probably be taking multiple opportunities to subtly tease with remarks and double entendres. That was just Laura.

Jennifer just smiled and retrieved a clip board and a pen from her desktop. "We've found it helpful for our clients who will be doing "Significant Other" videos to provide us this information in advance," she said, handing the items to Cheryl. "Please be as specific as possible — that makes it far easier for us to minimize the time needed to re-arrange things or change out set items. We work to be efficient with studio time on our clients' behalf."

Cheryl flipped through the pages (there were several) on the clip board. Laura peered over her shoulder.

There were a lot of questions!

"We actually have a word document with all these questions pre-loaded in a template on our computer," Jennifer said, motioning Cheryl and Laura down the short hallway to a small room with a single table and several chairs plus some nice decorative touches scattered about, including a small cabinet where a coffee-maker sat. Leading them into the room, the receptionist leaned over the keyboard, typed in a command, and rose to finish her explanation. "There. If you'd prefer to type in the information, just use the template on the screen. We know it's probably a lot faster for most people to type compared to handwriting everything out."

"Way better," Laura said. "Cheryl's a fast typist, but . . ." Laura paused as she bent down and scrolled down the document on the screen in order to glance through the questions, ". . . even with typing, it might take her a while to answer some of these questions."

Cheryl punched her friend in the elbow as Jennifer smiled and closed the door behind as she exited.

"Are you going to keep up with the remarks the whole time we're here?"

Laura adopted a fake "Who, me?" expression for a moment but then burst out laughing.

"I know, I know," she said, settling down into a series of giggles. "But it's just so funny, you know — coming to this place and knowing you're about to type out a description of the multiple ways you want the videographers to zoom in on your naked pussy."

Cheryl blanched. She hadn't read that far down on the sheets on the clip board.

"Oh, damn, Laura," she answered, quickly sitting down before the computer. "Please don't make this any harder. You're supposed to be my support system, remember?"

"I'm sorry. Promise — I've got your back. I'll even help you figure out what to write down if you want."

The smile on Laura's face was hard for Cheryl to read. Was she just setting her up for more fun at Cheryl's expense.

"Okay," Cheryl replied, not fully convinced. "But try to keep the teasing in check, okay?"

Laura again put on the "Who, me?" face but pulled a chair next to Cheryl's in order for both of them to see the screen.

Just as Laura had intimated, the questions got pretty explicit. Cheryl first had to write a general description of the scenario she wanted video recorded: What were the props she would bring with her, what props was she hoping Z and E could provide? What would happen, generally, in the video? Were there special angles, close-ups, framings that were desired?

When she got to that question, Cheryl had to pause. She turned to Laura. "I think I'd kinda like to type this part in without you looking over my shoulder," she said apologetically.

Laura grinned as she scooted her chair to the other side of the table. "Damn! It was starting to get really interesting!"

More teasing, thought Cheryl, but the fact that her friend honored her wishes made her feel okay about it.

"Laura, you KNOW how hard this is for me," she said.

"Not as hard as Brad's gonna be when he sees the video," her friend answered softly, a twinkle in her eye.

Cheryl sighed. Laura was nothing if not consistent in her personality.


The type-in box underneath the prompt sat waiting for Cheryl, the vertical cursor blinking patiently in the upper-left-hand corner. She was glad to have read at the top of the questionnaire when she started the recommendation about how to fill out the form:


Clearly, Z and E was giving its clients permission to be explicit in describing the video shoots they were hiring Zoe and Ethan to do.

Cheryl began typing. She tried to be professional:

"As I am masturbating with my legs hanging over the arms of the big, overstuffed chair, I would like some close-ups of my fingers sliding across my clitoris and into my vagina. Seeing the juices glisten on my fingers is important."

She paused, swallowed, glanced briefly at Laura, who had risen and wandered to the small magazine rack in the corner, then pressed on:

"In this position, it is important to get several close-ups of my anus, too."

Oh, my god! Did I just type that? Cheryl thought, her fingers poised over the keys and shaking slightly as she considered what she had to type next.

She gritted her teeth then willed herself to relax.

"When I've turned around in the chair and am bracing myself on the back of the chair with my back arched, I'm going to make a comment to the camera about showing my husband what only he gets to see, and then I'm going to reach back and spread my cheeks apart as I continue talking. I will want several close-ups of my buttocks spread open. It is very important for these close-ups to be clear enough to capture the moment when I open slightly."

Cheryl simply had to stop typing. She stood up quickly, her hand over mouth, amazed at what she had just written.

Laura rushed over and read the screen.


Cheryl paced nervously away, then back to the keyboard, her index finger millimeters above the delete key.

Laura grabbed her wrist.

"Leave it, Cheryl! Shit, woman! It took a ton of guts to write that, and you know how much it's gonna turn Brad on, and you know how crazy good the sex is gonna be after he sees this, right?" Laura's gaze was intent as she kept a firm hold on Cheryl's wrist.

"Don't give a damn about Z and E — they've probably gotten way kinkier stuff coming through here!"

Cheryl looked down at the floor. "I know, but it's just that-"

"Just nothing," Laura interrupted. "Get out of your comfort zone, Cheryl. This is something you're doing for Brad. It's the most intimate, loving gift he's ever gonna get in his whole life. That's what you need to be concentrating on."

Laura broke the intensity of the moment in true Laura-friend fashion. "So do I get some support points for this, or what?" she said, smiling.

"Thanks," Cheryl murmured, returning to her seat in front of the monitor.

"Go at it, girl," Laura said, patting Cheryl on the back. "The next question will be even more fun."

FOR THE LADIES: WILL YOU BE USING TOYS DURING THE RECORDING SESSION (vibrators, dildos, plugs, etc.)? FOR THE GENTLEMEN: SAME QUESTION (plugs, cock rings, artificial vaginal sleeves, etc.)?

This is something Cheryl hadn't considered. She paused, thinking.

"Dildo," she typed.

If I'm talking about how bad I want Brad inside me, then some video of how much I really want that should turn him on a lot, Cheryl reasoned.

And what the hell is an "artificial vaginal sleeve"? she wondered.

When she found out (Laura probably knew!), maybe she'd get one for Brad . . .

Thankfully, there were only a few more questions, and Cheryl quickly finished, relieved to be past the parts where she had been asked to describe the nasty scenario she wanted Z and E to film.

At the bottom of the form were additional directions:


Cheryl hadn't even thought about this, but it would be exactly what she should do. The videos she and Brad watched on date-nights-in always featured starlets who were completely bare, she realized.

Z and E was proving itself to be professional and thorough.

"Thanks so much Ms. Morris," Jennifer said when Cheryl and Laura returned to the reception area. "We know some of the questions are kind of delicate, but it really helps Ms. Gannett and Mr. Bluestone do a better job at providing what our clients want."

Laura was grinning like a Cheshire cat, and Cheryl looked away quickly, knowing exactly what was going through her friend's mind. "Thank you for your assistance, and I, um, think I should get Z and E's recommendations for waxing salons."

Laura — for once — seemed caught off guard. She looked at Cheryl questioningly.

Cheryl finally felt in control, knowing something that Laura didn't at that moment. "Thank you," she said to Jennifer when the receptionist handed over a small envelope.

"The list isn't in any kind of order, and we don't make specific recommendations from among the list, but these are all reputable waxing salons that we know do good work."

Cheryl slipped the envelope in her purse, and she and Laura exited Z and E Productions.

"You're going to get a full Brazilian, aren't you?" Laura asked, grinning, as they got into Cheryl's car, all thoughts of the designer fitness pop-up gone from Cheryl's mind. "You want a nice, smooth and hairless pussy for Brad to see in the video. That makes sense, but have you ever had your asshole waxed before?"

Cheryl winced. The thought of it was painful.

"And you have?" she asked Laura.

She knew the answer before the question was off her lips. Watching Laura's two tribute videos meant Cheryl saw the selfie her friend had taken. While the angle wasn't great to see everything, it was pretty clear that Laura had removed the hair from her pussy.

It was just like Laura to go full-bore with any new thing she tried. Yeah, she would have had the hair removed from her anus, too.

"It gets easier over time. The hairs get thinner. Maybe you just know what to expect and you get ready for it mentally, even though it always hurts. That first time, though — whoo-hoo, Cheryl!"

"So how long, Laura? How long have you-"

"Couple of years," Laura replied, interrupting. "I had a boyfriend — remember Tony? — who said he'd like it if I did it."

"But you're not dating Tony anymore."

"Right," said Laura, "but you know — the guys after Tony have all loved it, too."

"And where do you go?"

"It's about time for a touch-up. We can swing by Anton's right now!"

That pit-in-the-stomach feeling hit Cheryl again.

How much more of this crazy new stuff can I take? she wondered.

"Laura, that's silly. What kind of salon takes full Brazilian walk-ins?"

"You're right, except remember what time it is, Cheryl. It's before 11 a.m. on a Saturday morning. It'll be opening time at 11 when we get there, and how many girls do you know schedule wax jobs first thing on a Saturday morning?"

"There's supposed to be a best time to get your hair pulled off your pussy?"

Laura snorted out a laugh. "God, you are hilarious sometimes, Cheryl," she said, almost choking. "I don't mean to laugh, and it's not that there's a best time for waxing that should be obvious, but-"

"But what?" Cheryl interrupted, a little ticked.

"But how you said it was really funny! 'There's supposed to be a best time to get your hair pulled off your pussy?'" Laura imitated, exaggerating for effect. "That's got to be a great line for a romantic comedy somewhere."

Cheryl couldn't help herself and began giggling, too. "What the hell have I gotten myself into?"

It was a minute before 11 when they rolled to a stop in a parking place right in front of Anton's salon. They saw one of the stylists reaching to unlock the top of the door as they walked up.

"Greetings Miss Laura," called one of the stylists. She was an Asian woman, forty-ish and kind of stocky, but she looked professional in a smock with Anton's logo embroidered near the pocket. "We don't have you for an appointment today, but we can always work you in."

Laura looked around the empty shop then back at the woman. They both laughed.

"Yes, Nellie. That'd be wonderful. My usual wax, and my friend would like one, too."

Cheryl's unsettled expression prompted an inquiry from Nellie.

"Your first time?"

"Yes," Cheryl answered.

Nellie waved a hand dismissively. "You blondes are lucky. Hair is naturally thinner."

"Okay if my friend, her name is Cheryl, is in the room with us when you do me?" Laura asked.

If Cheryl had been drinking anything at that moment, she would have performed a classic movie spit-take.

"Sure, sure," Nellie answered. "I can explain everything as I do it, and you can watch, Miss Cheryl. It will be good introduction for you."

Once again, Laura had put the pedal to the metal on this crazy ride, and now Cheryl was only minutes away from having her genitals waxed for the first time.

Ten minutes later Laura was on Nellie's table in a back room of the salon. The room smelled nice — green tea and bamboo scent, Nellie said — and it was clean, almost hospital-like.

"Miss Laura comes regularly," Nellie explained to Cheryl, who had taken a seat in a chair against the wall, "so she knows when to stop by based on length of hair."

Laura rolled her head to the side to look at Cheryl. "When it starts growing out, it itches, and you have to put up with it for a few days to let the hair grow enough for the wax to surround."

Nellie looked up from the pot of wax she was stirring as she fussed with the temperature control on the electric appliance. "Miss Laura is smart. She's a good customer."

"When you're having hair jerked away from your asshole, you listen real close to the instructions they give you," Laura said, grinning at Cheryl.

Nellie approached Laura, rolling the little cart of supplies and tools up next to the table. "Miss Laura sometimes talks in plain language," Nellie said, a disapproving look on her face. "But you are good customer, Miss Laura."

The hair removal technician advanced toward Laura's exposed pussy with a small wooden paddle gooped up with wax, which she promptly smeared across one side of Laura's vagina.

"This is the part that feels good," Laura said while Nellie pressed a strip of cloth against the wax she'd just applied. "Leaving it there for a couple of seconds gave Laura enough time to say, "The warm wax and the soft cloth are nice, but-"

Nellie ripped away the cloth.

"-that's the part I just hate," Laura said between gritted teeth.

"You remember first time?" Nellie asked, again dipping her wooden instrument into the hot wax.

"Thought I would go through the roof," Laura said, squirming. "Anton and his staff kept using the word, 'uncomfortable,' so I didn't think much about it. Then Nellie jerked away that damned cloth the first time, and I swore a blue streak that must've included words you'd never heard, huh, Nellie?"

Nellie smiled at Cheryl and pressed another strip of cloth against Laura's pussy.

"Miss Laura scream something about violation of mother."

All three of them laughed, but the practiced, quick jerk of Nellie's hand cut short Laura's giggles.


"Miss Laura also talk many times during waxing of people defecating."

"Maybe someday they'll come up with painless hair removal," Laura said. "If only guys knew what we go through."

"But Miss Laura," Nellie answered, continuing to move quickly and efficiently about her task, "this is much better now than when you started. Your hair down here is a little thinner now. It gets easier over time, yes?."



"More people defecating," Nellie said. "Tsk, tsk, Miss Laura. Say, 'flower' instead. You will be happier."

Cheryl liked Nellie. It was easy to see why Laura was a regular.

But that didn't lessen the anxiety when Cheryl climbed up on the table.

"She has a special event in a week that she wants to be all smooth and sexy for," Laura said to Nellie. Laura was back in her jeans, preferring to stand for the moment as she watched her friend's first waxing.

"First, you need a trim," Nellie said, positioning Cheryl's legs wider apart. Reaching then for a pair of small, delicate-looking scissors, Nellie began snipping away, the cool latex of her gloves brushing against Cheryl's skin. It tickled a little.

"Hair needs to be about half an inch long," said Nellie, continuing her workman-like pace. "You have fine hair on your vagina, Miss Cheryl, and around your anus, too. It will not be as painful to remove it as for other of our clients."

At that point, Nellie placed her scissors back on the little table with her tools and the wax, and she gently lifted Cheryl's ankles. "Put your hands behind your knees and pull your legs to your chest," she directed.

"This is way more of you than I've ever seen," Laura said, grinning at Cheryl.

"Laura, please!"

"Don't worry, Miss Cheryl. This position helps me do good job." Nellie retrieved the scissors and began snipping here and there around Cheryl's exposed asshole.

"Besides," Laura continued, "isn't this exactly what you want Brad to see?"

Nellie looked up from her work.

"Laura!" said Cheryl, exasperated.

"Own it, Cheryl," Laura said, striding to stand next to her beside the table. Looking at Nellie, Laura placed a reassuring hand on Cheryl's shoulder and continued: "My friend is making a special video for her husband. That's why she needs her first waxing."

Nellie smiled. "Your husband is lucky man," she said to Cheryl.

Murmuring a soft thanks, Cheryl then turned her head toward Laura. "Would you please stop taking so much pleasure in embarrassing me," she said in a soft but firm voice.

Her friend grinned at her. "Okay, okay. I know how hard this must be for you."

Nellie indicated Cheryl was to lower her legs, and the warm wax being smeared on the side of her vagina was the next sensation she felt. Cheryl was right — it was pleasant, as was the feel of the soft cloth being pressed into the wax.

"Yeouch!" Cheryl blurted a second later, raising up on her elbows in a jerk as Nellie stripped away the cloth. "Ooooh, owww, ow, ow, OW!" Cheryl exclaimed, stunned at the pain. She grabbed for Laura's hand.

"I will go fast, Miss Cheryl. Just relax."

"Is she serious?" Cheryl mouthed to Laura. Then, audibly, "Relax?!"

"Nellie is the very best at getting through this as fast as possible," Laura replied. "My hair is a lot thicker than yours, Cheryl. Imagine what it's like for me."

"And you keep doing it? Why not just let it grow back and be done with it?"

Laura leaned down to whisper into Cheryl's ear. "The first time Brad buries his face in your pussy and licks and kisses you there for a long, long time, you'll know."

Another jerk of Nellie's wax-infused cloth. "Dammit!" Cheryl gritted out.

But Laura's comment was distracting her. She whispered back, "You do this because guys spend longer down there?"

"Depends on the guy, I guess," Laura responded, "but every guy I've been with since I started waxing has lingered and has been eager."

"Shit!" Cheryl exclaimed as another jerk of cloth was ripped away from her pussy.