All Comments on 'A Walk in the Park'

by QuietWonder

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26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Like it

Just another good short story. Well told and complete from start to finish. A good BTB with no violence, but extremely severe consequences for all who deserve it. We don't know CC's reasons, but we don't really need to. She cheated and she paid for it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Damn, it could have been a great story.

But like so many others, the author was lazy and only gave us enough effort to disappoint us. He had a great story going and then it just ended. So, I gave a half assed score for a half assed effort.

chytownchytownover 5 years ago

For the read.

PowersworderPowersworderover 5 years ago

A good flash story, but it left me wanting more. Ejecting the slut from his life was great, but while he might not have wanted to know the reason why she cheated, I was curious.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 5 years ago
I had to look up MGTOW

I guess the idea that a man who has been screwed over by a woman might just decide to avoid women in the future has some appeal to some, but not to me. Our hero lost, so he’s just not going to play the game anymore? His only future sex will be with prostitutes or just quick no strings pick ups? Heck, that way he might just become Trent Adams himself, and fuck up someone else’s marriage, but maybe he’s too jaded to care now.

This was just a flash story, so I won’t seek any deeper meaning in it, but I do hope that readers will be interested enough to look up MGTOW. It’s a pretty sad movement.

ToymandaveToymandaveover 5 years ago
MGTOW is not a movement...

It's a state of mind.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 5 years ago
Good story.

Right to the point, no thinking about it. She cheats, the rest is unimportant. Good read!

TajfaTajfaover 5 years ago
Not knowing why will eat him up.

I think all these stories where the cheated on husband doesn't speak to the cheater don't ring true. I think he would want to see the pain on her face when she tries to ask for forgiveness.

However, well written and looking forward to more. 4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Too short

No closure and little emotional development.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
@ReedRichards : Sad Movement ?!

How can it be a sad movement if it has helped countless men across the world and taught them female nature as a whole and how to deal with it? And you do know that most of the greatest creation and technological advancement in western society were made by bachelors aka MGTOW right?

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 5 years ago
Before too much praise is heaped on Darrin . . .

. . . remember, he caught them going at it in the park, adrenaline was coursing through his system, but he quickly considered that the guy was four inches taller and 44 lb heavier, and decided to record and slink off because he was afraid of getting his ass kicked.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 5 years ago
Anony wrote, concerning MGTOW:

"How can it be a sad movement if it has helped countless men across the world and taught them female nature as a whole and how to deal with it?"

MGTOW is the basic belief that women are, on the whole, out to 'get' men in some way, that the legal and social system favors women over men, and that men should avoid all serious romantic relationships with women, especially marriage, and avoid having children. The underlying notion is that sex with women, other than prostitutes of anonymous hookups, is a sentence of 18 years of child support.

About the only thing missing from the wikipedia description ( is the statement that MGTOW men might as well go homosexual.

cabbage01132cabbage01132over 5 years ago
this guy was bigger than my 5'10". He was around 6'2" and probably outweighed me by close to 20kg,

"With the adrenaline that was now pumping through my body, I was able to run home pretty quickly."

"I wasn't finished with my anger and revenge, and hearing her shit just heightened it again. So I loaded the video onto her Facebook account",

"Mum took me to the family Lawyer and we started Divorce proceedings"


WTF could you have made him any wimpier?

cabbage01132cabbage01132over 5 years ago
i feel sorry for her

no wonder she cheated.

deblackbusterdeblackbusterover 5 years ago
Love your stories

They are really quick and always right to the point. For once I read a LW story and the main character did something exactly that I would've done too! Maybe not creative, but very effective.

ReedRichards, what is your problem man? For a while now all the comments I've seen from you on BTB stories are always so negative about everything. Some stories you complain about guys getting physical revenge. Now you complaining the guy didn't try to go for physical revenge. One story you thought the character was weak because he sucker punched the other guy. This exact situation would've been a sucker punch/hit if he attacked Trent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Not sure if this was just supposed to a PR flak job for the MGTOW - A group of sorry ass losers helping other sorry ass losers stay sorry ass losers. "helped countless" = we don't really have any evidence we have ever helped anyone but at least ten sorry ass losers have read one of our blogs. There only saving grace is that they are slightly better than the fucking incels but that is like saying gonorrhea is better than syphilis.

No real emotion in the story. No real drama. Wife cheats. Wife is divorced. Husband spends the rest of his life sulking like Achilles in his tent. Why does the wife cheat? The author doesn't care. I guess he figures she cheated because she is a woman. I am sure we will get a sequel where our hero discovers his mother and sisters are also cheaters.

The story is about as exciting as reading shampoo instructions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Reedrichards, you silly Boomer. "I had to look up MGTOW"

Why am I not surprised that someone without his pulse on current culture would have such a cursory take-away from your first time google search of MGTOW.

I'll help you because my pulse IS on modern culture.

MGTOW ARE allowed to date women. They also don't hate women. Some do. But it's not a rule. A lot of men that have either gone through a horrible divorce, know someone that is, or have had to deal with some combination of 'systemic' power and women in some manner are understandably upset. The stats show a very nasty red-pill: "women get actual privilege. men are considered disposable" So these men are going through 'red-pill rage'. It goes away. Older and wiser men help these young men to vent, cry, yell, and just get it out of their system.

MGTOW more than anything is rejecting the current power structure. Men have one last bit of power. They can vote with their feet. If marriage and the courts are corrupted against them, why marry? Men in MGTOW are given a safe space to just be men, focus on positive hobbies, understand female and male nature.....without the propaganda of 'current year' pseudo science. Some MGTOW are stuck in a loveless or bitter marriage. They get the legal advice like you'd see in the MRA community, but it's a male space. That's the real difference. A lot of MGTOW would love to have a traditional and stable family. But you don't enact change by appealing to a lawyer's sympathy, nor anyone for that matter. That's where the MRAs fail. Without easy meal tickets, without anymore families to break up, you'll see more women and lawyers come back to the table with a better offer. Men don't HAVE to be cash cattle for the opportunistic parties in power. Divorce courts already are starting to stop seeing women as gods gift to children. Some courts are even doing even splits regardless.

Think of MGTOW as a boy's club. I know you may get a knee-jerk reaction to that, but count the number of woman only groups. Yea. Try to be fair in how you think about this. Tumbler isn't watching you on this're allowed to entertain an idea that makes you uncomfortable.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 5 years ago

Like RR, I had never heard of MGTOW

before reading this story.

And like him, I think the concept is sad.

I've had a bitch and a slut in my life,

but isolating myself from women

would be like giving up coffee

or single malt; unbearable! :).

I like stories ignoring the "Why?".

To me cheating is a crime, even though not legally.

Legal agents might need the "Why?" to find a criminal.

But if you know the criminal,

the question is irrelevant, isn't it?

Well, it was and is to me.

I find this flash story refreshingly simple and direct.

Morals are solid and the plot pretty good too.

A man (person) doing what was needed

to get a selfish person out of his life.

Amen to that!

Top ratings from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Like a shit in an elevator this story was bad on every level.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 5 years ago
An interesting story

Why didn't he want to know why she cheated?

Because knowing she cheated was enough for him.

And why didn't he challenge the bigger man to a fight? Because he was no fool.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Continue to improve!

Your writing continues to improve with each new story you submit.

One suggestion, continue to explore deeper the btb concept, and its aftermath

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Why? What? How?

A little short on content. Thanks for the effort, though.

HikingThruHikingThruover 5 years ago
Make the cheater buy the rights... a meeting. She wants an hour to explain why or beg forgiveness? Accept 60/40 or 70/30 split. No? 50/50 and Adios. Mentally, he's already gone, so why not get paid to hear it and then reject it?

luedonluedonover 5 years ago
For Anonymous loling RR as a "silly Boomer"

Anonymouse, you could always migrate to Saudi Arabia. Women are put in their place in no uncertain terms in the Saudi Kingdom.

There, women are not permitted to do anything without male oversight.

It seems that is the sort of regime that would satisfy a goodly proportion of the LW commentariat who are so terribly concerned that wives may make decisions about their lives without first asking for their husbands' permission.


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago
"Why She Cheated"

I have read, and have debated with, many comments on this issue.

Let me try this one: Your wife has been raped. Do you care WHY the rapist did it? No, you just want him punished.

I can understand how a dispassionate reader may want to know why she cheated, but these stories usually aren't told by a dispassionate observer, they're being told by the cuckolded husband, who is FAR from a dispassionate observer!

The only ways to get the why are: 1) Hubby asks. As is usually seen, he couldn't care less, so this will rarely be seen. 2) Story is told from wife's POV. Could work, but few LW cheating wife stories are. 3) Use third party POV. Could also work, but 3rd part is not usually used because it lacks the feeling of first person.

The bottom line is that we are unlikely to know the deep down reason in most stories. Those who want to know, can obviously criticize that fact, authors may change; they can lower their scores if they feel strongly enough; but it is what it is.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 5 years ago
Anony: lol

When you said that MGTOW was giving men a “safe space” to be men, you unwittingly (?) put them in the Special Snowflake category. I could have come up with no greater condemnation myself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

MGTOW isn't current culture any more than trans-identified men using Canada's human rights laws to extort money from women that refuse to wax their balls is a part of the zeitgeist, but you do you.

It's a two star story with five star comments.

deblackbusterdeblackbusterover 5 years ago

That's one of the dumbest things I've read on here. If you want to cheat then don't take vows at your wedding. Don't get married or make sure both spouses know it's an open marriage.

You don't just do whatever you want in a marriage, no one does that unless you want to get divorced. I see now why people call you a troll.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
BTB Strong!

Loved it! Kick her to the curb ONE TIME!!! Scorched earth - no quarter given or taken. Burn the Bitch! No discussion for it will be ALL the usual excuses that cheaters have!

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 5 years ago
What I think is funny...

is the fact that if Darren had just filmed Anna and kept it for himself we would all be calling him a cuck. The fact that he kicked her out and then went scorched earth we hail him as a hero. But then QuietWonder used the term MGTOW, and everyone went crazy.

I find it kind of funny that if you really check into it you find it is no different the the Women's Movement just not as many lawyers. Do some men hold all of woman kind responsible for the beat down of man kind, Yes. Do all women in the Women's Movement hold man kind responsible for the subjugation of woman kind, No.

Why then is it bad for men to gather and complain when they were shit on but not women, Oh right we are suppose to be tough and just take it. If the creation of MGTOW will give back just a little bit of male pride then I say go for it. Or we could all rear Reed's stories where the main caricature is a woman putting a man in his place.

SpencerfictionSpencerfictionover 5 years ago
Good plot well resolved

A good flash story which gets by with the bare details necessary and I thought it worked well. I certainly had no trouble with not tackling the lover in the park, after all the deed was done and probably not for the first time judging how well trod their personal path was, and the video would (and did) exact the necessary revenge. Again, like Darren whose marriage was at an end with no reconciliation possible, I had no need to know her reasons, if she had come up with an explanation if they met afterwards, could you even believe her? I liked the action by Darren to remove her stuff, only possible because she had no claim on the house, and his thought process to make her aware she was out and why. The laptop running the loop, the wedding album on the driver's floor and asundered photo of the couple superglued to the side window were nice touches. The vomit inside the car was a bonus, but with her betrayal on screen and near the completion of his preparation for her return, it was an understandable reaction that added sousance to the story. I too, being rather divorced from contemporary culture, had no clue as to the existence or purpose of MGTOW, but assume it is some sort of woman-hating movement, which seems alien to the average heterosexual who is accustomed to know that woman naturally have the upper hand when it comes to relationships. The flash story got a lot of good points across and was an excellent read.

luedonluedonover 5 years ago
My usual response to SB "Why She Cheated"

As SB said "I have read, and have debated with, many comments on this issue." Indeed he has and I am one of those he has debated it with. There's no chance of enlightening him, but perhaps others may be a little more inclined to consider the alternatives.

There are two points I consider worth making.

The first is simply story construction and character development. Explaining something of the 'why' can flesh out a character. Even where the story is told first person from the cheated-on husband's viewpoint, his attempts to discover/explain the 'why' can be interesting and may show something of his character as well as hers. (Making no attempt at all to understand also shows something of a person's character.)

The second point is illustrated (as usual) by SB with "Let me try this one: Your wife has been raped. Do you care WHY the rapist did it? No, you just want him punished."

Even there, there are degrees. If there was a random violent rape attack in the street by some hoodlum, I would assume most people would feel as SB suggests. But if she was raped by your best friend, I suggest you would be wondering why somebody you have trusted for so long could possibly do such a thing.

Likewise, when a partner to a marriage betrays a trust held by the other partner, I suggest that the cheated-on partner would at least be wondering why.

And finally, trying to explain 'why' a wife forms an adulterous relationship can be interesting. The wife herself probably doesn't even know herself while it is happening. She may realise afterward if she is self-aware enough to reflect. Outside observers often can see the reasons and thus third-person narration can be effective.

One point on which I agree with SB is about the Loving Wives readership. As he says "authors may change; they can lower their scores if they feel strongly enough; but it is what it is." The Moral Brigade will one-bomb any story that makes any attempt to explain a 'cheating' wife's motives. That's why the scoring system for LW stories is irrelevant to the quality of the story.


neilnblowme2neilnblowme2over 5 years ago
smart man

great story loved it

5 * and 10 hard ons

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 5 years ago
Neil got 10 hard ons . . .

. . . from reading a wholly non-erotic story about a bitch getting kicked out for screwing around? You can be a total BTB fan as far as stories are concerned, but giving you an erection?

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
Good original story

Never read anything like this. I think some details are not well conceived.

How long was she walking outside? Given the story that has to be a couple of hours (walking, filming fucking, clothes move, downloading on laptop, arranging loop play on laptop ...)? I would be concerned about the safety of my wife regardless of the area.

Would that kind of semi-public cheating be too exposed? I mean if she cheated with a workmate then it would have been safer elsewhere, it would be more practical if arranged at some safer place. I would prefer to see that as a random local guy, that would make more sense. A familiar workmate should imply a longer term in cheating and deception, thus easier to spot.

In either case I like the story because it is original. The fact that the guy did not attack the rival immediately does make sense. If somebody is 20 kg (44 pounds) heavier and 4 inches taller then you would be likely beaten so the fear is there, regardless of the rage, realistically. Gee, I love my knives.

fifteen16fifteen16over 5 years ago

Why did she cheat someone asked. We read of complicated and in depth reasons on this site. In real life i think it is quite simply that an opportunity arises where there is an attraction for another, for something different. A little extra and are sure no one will find out and they can get away with it. And yes i believe those that do still in their mind love their partner. Quite simple really, funny old world.Good yarn, short and sweet.

ThematchthatBurnsThematchthatBurnsover 5 years ago
Well done that man!

I love it when a plan comes together!

With no respect to the "Forgivness Brigade" explain why not "Burning the Bitch" is something that should even be considered. This guy did what's needed. If the "Me to" mob think it's right to get revenge, why not the betrayed?

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 5 years ago
One word... and everybody seems to lose their mind.

First off, kudos to the author - anyone that manage to general so many interesting discussions in so little time out of a flash must have touched one raw nerve, which certainly seems to be the case here! Whether it is the 'WHY' behind Anna's behavior or the whole - and completely unexpected - MGTOW debate, it sure is fun.

So hey... 'guess I have to give my two cents too!

Wondering why CC did what she did is quite pointless. It would be one thing if this was a 25-years-old union, when the wife always seemed (as far as we know!) to never step outside of her marriage, until, all of sudden, she got herself a lover; but we're talking here about a 3 years old matrimony that already have to deal with a full-blown affair - the honeymoon period is barely over! There's no real justification for any of Anna's actions - to cheat on her husband, who still have that brand new shine to him, is bad enough, but to do so with someone else who's married, with kids... Yes, ladies and gentlemen: that's a cunt move. And that's the one big thing that most of you seems to have missed: Darren did indeed find out or, more accurately, figured out why his 'loving' wife cheated on him. As he put it himself:

"In the end CC was just a selfish slut who couldn't keep her legs together. She did what she did, just because she could."

See - he got it, he understood! What else is there to wonder? Newly and happily married women do not act in such idiotic and destructive ways, unless they're JPB-level nymphomaniacs or... yeah, that's pretty much it. Seriously, take a moment to see this rationally: a wife married for ONLY THREE YEARS starts to sneak out in the evening to hook up with a MARRIED MAN in the GODDAMN WOOD behind her house, while her husband WAITED for her return...

To quote Bill Burr: "That’s right down the checklist, first ballot hall of fame whore."

She's an faithless, untrustworthy, whoring slut. That's all the reason you may need.

This was, as a whole, surprisingly emotional for such a short story. Anna managed to pretty much destroyed two marriages while hurting countless other people with her dalliances... Hell a thing, really, and, although it played out way faster than it may realistically could, it remains still quite believable. MC reacted way quicker to the betrayal than what we're used to in LW stories, which is quite refreshing (for once, I didn't catch myself saying out loud "why the fuck is he not just divorcing her???)

A fun, short romp you can get behind, unless you're pro-cheating, which seems to be a whole lot of you out there, sadly... Ironically, that fact alone can explain better than anything why such a thing as MGTOW exists. Makes the whole thing even funnier.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
She must have been gone for hours

That's a lot of stuff you have the husband doing while the wife is out "jogging". Packed all her clothes in bags and then out to her car, collecting rings and keys, all the electronic warfare that he set up, posted, emailed, etc., etc., etc...

She must have been gone for several hours for you to get that much done; kinda hard to pretend like that could really happen in that time span. Happy to see you dumped her, married 3 years and cheating out in public and all, but things sure were moving awfully fast. You know you're allowed more than one page to a story, right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Understanding and experience are the foundation of wisdom. And to understand, you have to analyse and know "why."

His wife abandoned him, their marriage, her self respect, her marriage commitment, and didn't even try to hide her adultery very well from discovery. She was fucking around in her neighborhood, where any acquaintance, even a child, could have stumbled upon them.

And without knowing why his wife was doing these things he will always remain clueless, even foolish, about his ruined marriage relationship, and what he might have done, or do, so that a future relationship might be successful. Its kind of like wanting to know why a plane crashed, or a business investment failed. What's seems odd to me is why anyone needs to have understanding and discernment explained to them.

The work colleague may have been blackmailing her. She may have started out being drugged, then coerced. It appears she may have even wanted to get caught. She might have been caught embezzling money, and this was her attempt to avoid prosecution.

Or the work colleague may have threatened to kill her, or her husband. And knowing what a defenseless timid wimp her husband is she thought this might appease the bully. Obviously she could not count on her husband to defend her or himself, since the guy seems to be entirely ignorant or too frightened to contemplate the use of a weapon. They're in a forest, and there is no branch, club, rock lying about? "Your wife says you attacked her lover unprovoked." "Of course she does. The last thing you see in the video I recorded is her lover demanding that I give him my phone as he rushes toward me. That's when I had to stop recording and defend myself against the two of them. Both my wife and her lover attacked me to steal my phone and harm me so I would not inform on them. That's when I defended myself with this walking stick. I am recovering from an injury and needed some assistance." Yeah, I think a judge might be very understanding, especially since the husband called the police as soon as he had neutralized Mr. big bad wife fucker. But that's not the story this author wrote.

The wife may have fallen in love with her work husband, and the husband discovered them before she had a chance to initiate divorce. Or she was going to try to have her cake and eat it too, with two husband figures in her life. She is simply that insecure, or that unprincipled, or mentally dysfunctional. Who knows?

Apparently the wife did want to enter counseling before divorcing, so she must have thought there was some justification for her adultery, or some explanation that the husband might understand and forgive. Or that she might at least bare her soul to the man she betrayed and have him understand that the blame was entirely hers and he did absolutely nothing wrong.

Or maybe she did have some complaints, like not wanting to fuck a man while he wore her panties, or while he dressed up like Little Bo Peep, or making her dress up like a whore, or wear a mask that made her look like Michelle Obama, or Hillary Clinton. Or who demanded she suck his cock and swallow his cum, but then refused to kiss her or give her oral sex in return. Or who was trying to persuade her to fuck other men, then come home and tell him about it. Except he couldn't take it the first time she tried that for him and he caught her, in the woods.

Yeah, who really wants to know why? How much more could that have added to the story?

Inquiring minds must be few and far between, at least in this forum. Maybe that's why wisdom is so special, and so rare. Any why relationships so frequently fail.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 5 years ago
Loved the tale

A lovely little vignette. Short sharp and shiny. Who needs characterisation or plot details when a good burn story stisfies the inner redneck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

The guys pants were down getting a bj by his wife and he’s afraid of him. In that rage I’d grab a nice brand and smash him . He defenseless and naked , he’d have no shot. No way I’d walk away that guy would go to the hospital from there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Not good

This story basically failed, in my opinion, because the author was too lazy to provide the details that would have made it an interesting story. Specifically, I wanted to hear answers to the questions: "Why? What did I do wrong? Why wasn't I enough? What did he give her that I couldn't? How long and how many times? How many others? Again, was I getting sloppy seconds? Did she kiss me with his or any other guys cum in her mouth? Was she laughing at me all this time? Was she thinking of him, or them, when we made love?". Dialog between the husband and wife concerning such matters is the most important, and enjoyable, part of a cheating wife story. Two stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I quietly wonder if this writer will ever have a more full story line and an ACTUAL ending, they never have an ending.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 5 years ago
Good story - sometimes rage is all you have.

Sometimes you need to know why, who, how much, and sometimes you don't.

I cannot think of a single valid reason for adultery. So in the end, why really does not matter. If you don't need it, don't bother.

Good, quick story. I liked it.

266xxyz266xxyzabout 5 years ago
Total agreement with J_W..

Some times rage is all you got and some times rage is good enough.

danoctoberdanoctoberabout 5 years ago
Classic LW's tale.

Enjoyable read. *****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
What a bunch of morons

First you call him a wimp, because he didn't grab a branch or some other weapon and beat the fucker, well then hed be in jail for assault, with a deadly weapon, and then you would say he is stupid to resort to valance over a woman. Then you say he should talk to her to find out why she did it, first of all does it really matter, it changes nothing, its done. Secondly is she going to tell the truth, she well tell a lie to justify herself. As far as how long has she been fucking this Trent fellow, its sure to be this was the first time. In my opinion its just a total lack of morals in society today, even some of the opinions posted on this and may other stories reflect on this. Some even don't see adultery as deal breaker, here I could put some user names up that have this philosophy. Many of the posters like to critic stories, me all I would like to know why a woman and a man are willing to destroy their marriages by having an affair, and when they are caught, why they doent get together after their divorces, I mean they wanted to be to fuck each other in secret , now they came do it with out the fear of getting caught. To summarize I think as a whole this is a very well written story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Not bad

I was glad to see that husband took the bull by the horns and got rid of the cheating wife. The question I ask myself on reading these stories is why the nausea and vomiting is so commonplace. I can rationalize sadness, maybe some tears, anger and more probably a towering rage. Nausea? Not likely.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Was with ya up to the end



AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
For Someone Who Seems

To write flash stories and is new to the genre you seem to be able to stir the pot! I think in this case it's a good sign. You could of course expand your efforts in time to write longer, more fleshed out stories and hopefully please a few more. Right or wrong about how he did what he did, the man kept his pride, didn't fall for her excuses, burned her into the basement and even if he did vomit he did it in the right place. Kudos, you are starting well, not overtaxing yourself. So, keep on, keep'n on. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Actually more real than those "wait for (a long period of time) while I hire a PI or plant bugs to gather more evidence crap and acting lovey-dovey towards my cheating spouse" sh-it.

TajfaTajfaover 4 years ago

I have read this before so this may be a second comment. Others have said and I agree that the answers to all the obvious questions are really important to this type of story - she was loved by him and his family. why did she do it? how long? how did it start? where did he fail? was it only one person? was it a one time mistake? did you ever love him? and so on. Even if your hero doesn't want to know, we do as these things complete the story. A second part could resolve these things for readers. No reconciliation necessary unless she was being coerced or blackmailed but answers are needed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It would have been nice if it was min. several pages

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wonderful addition to the best Authors on this site !

Very well written and tremendously entertaining.

Much deserved to the 5* I awarded. Thank you.

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

Hreat, short BTB that tells the entire story in one page. Well done.

WillowghbyWillowghbyalmost 4 years ago
It's A One Page Story, For Chris' Sake!

QW writes a one pager and the crowd wants a novel. Not here on Lit, friends. Anony 1/23/19 writes a pile of "what-ifs" as if that is a contribution to the story. MightyHorny 1/22/19 hits the target with the "it simply doesn't matter" approach to "why?" I can't conceive of a circumstance where CC gets a pass on an extended affair supported by deceptions and urged on with "harder, harder!" Quick discovery, quick response, no wimping around.

Well done, QW! Keep 'em comin'.

FireFox59FireFox59almost 4 years ago
Good Story

A little different way of discovering your wife is a slut. Nice job.

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

Liked this story. She was a cheating slut and she got hers in spades. The shame of knowing that everyone you know know exactly what you are, a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Good Story

Good crisp precise short story. Good job. 5*

TorgauTorgauover 3 years ago

Nicely done. Closure was kicking her ass to the curb.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Concise and to the point. But ... I do wonder how and why she came to be meeting this guy to cheat. Makes it seem in that way incomplete. But maybe that’s just me. Thanks for a well-written story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Might have been an interesting twist to the story if the women wasn't his wife but someone who had similar running clothes and the same hair style.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Finally a guy that man's up and kicks her to the curb immediately, I can't stand these stories where the guy hangs around with the whore, so he can get more evidence or try some ridiculous revenge plot.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

There a lot of parts missing here, motivation, the start of the affair, involvement ... It works for a short story but leaves everything out. In other words, this is not much of a story at all. Why bother posting it so cramped?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Story was ok, but too short to really develope a storyline.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

not rooted in reality but what the hell.. In real life he would have been prosecuted for revenge porn and gotten raped in the divorce. The "why" is important to readers, it seems you dont delve into that in most of your stories. My advice is try to make your stories a little fleshier; give some background on the characters, let us hear from the wifes POV etc.

clarkgarbleclarkgarblealmost 3 years ago

There is no drama in this story and others you have written. No confrontation between the man and wife nothing from the wife’s side (HE doesn’t want to know why she did what she did but the readers do) no struggle to recover from the pain you so graphically describe. I keep expecting all those things in a chapter too but alas there is none.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69almost 3 years ago

If only in real life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The so called 'reason why' is irrelevant. There is no reason that matters a damn, only that you did it! The vow to 'forsake all others' does not add a generic 'unless you have a reason'. Having said that, as humanity we would accept that if the other spouse was also cheating, or that zero sexual activity was taking place between husband and wife, then they would indeed be driven to seek it elsewhere as 'justification', but there was never any indication of either of those in the story as presented; as such, 'any self-serving excuse that might be brought up' for being a slut would be irrelevant to what she did. You cannot justify the unjustifiable.

DrgwngDrgwngover 2 years ago

Mgtow is real. It is gathering momentum. Read the book men on strike. Or read the myth of male power. Marriage rates are falling while women complain ther re no good men anywhere. Well, it has been ruined by women the courts, and the gov't. It is no longer economically sensible to get married for a male. The entire system is biased against men. For example, death rates for prostate and breast cancer are roughly equal,but breast cancer is funded at a rate 660 times higher . Average death age in 1920 was the same for men and women. Now, in 20201, the rate is 7 years difference with men getting the short stick and the curve is widening. After. 60 years of feminism, we still never hear of a woman buying a mana 10k engagement ring. Or of female selective service registration. Men still need to initiate all date ,relationship, and marriage requests, and suffer he mental stress of rejection, while women sit back and smile. Men commit suicide at a rate hundreds of times more than women, but do feminists work toward equality here?

This was a good story but too light on detail,and back story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The hostility towards MGTOW in this category of Literotica of all places is hilarious, given the overwhelming majority of LW stories basically endorse a central tenet of MGTOW - namely, as Matthew Fox says in Bone Tomahawk: smart men don't get married. Just read qhml1's "She Was Right," or Hooked1957's "And Then The Light Bulb Went On," or pretty much anything by RichardGerald - hell, RichardGerald's "Another Love" did more to end my desire for marriage than the entire body of MGTOW literature I'd read up to that point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I don’t like the “email her address list” cliche

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

"Closure" is a female thing, it means they didn't get to talk, and talk, and talk, about what happened. And could she possibly have a great reason for cheating? Could she give a reason that would satisfy her husband? Make him nod and agree that cheating made perfect sense, he doesn't blame her at all, and now they can continue the marriage?


If not (and, of course not), then what's the point in asking why? She's a proven liar and cheater: could she say anything that he'd believe anyway? She did it because she could. Sex is fun and sex with a new person is even more fun. Great story.

pummel187pummel187over 2 years ago

All anonymous people can shampoo my crotch

JRandyJJRandyJabout 2 years ago

I had to google MGTOW, a lot of info there if your curious. I liked this one. A good one pager. I read the comments and they are all over the place. To me that means the author wrote a good story. What kills me is the readers that tell the writer what he should have said.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Enjoyed the writing but the wife character turns my stomach.


Effin crazed bitches.

MasterKoteMasterKoteabout 2 years ago

Probably one of the best 1 page stories on here. All the details were in it and glad he didn't feel the need to find out about the closure other than the divorce process. To me, that's just the cheater trying to justify their cheating or absolve them of their own guilt, so need to do that IMO..

KittyCampbellKittyCampbellabout 2 years ago

I don't get all the crying, weeping men thing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This came close to being a 5, but I wound up giving it a 4 instead because throwing in that MGTOW reference scrambled things up. Fortunately, at least one commentator noted what the initials stand for ("men going their own way"), and many others described MGTOW's ideas, many of which have popped up on this site in both stories and comments. But up until that red herring appeared, the story (and the MMC) was doing everything right. It's a marked improvement over QW's previous stories, which, at least for me, expended too much energy on fringe crap (anal play, incest, etc.) of little or no interest. Sort of like how I fault demander for his occasional forays into polyamory. Anyway, I was checking QW out because of the relatively new "Anne" posting. Looking forward to stories number 5 ("A Step Too Far") and number 6 ("Anne - Whole World Come Undone"), now that I know he's capable of something like this.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

nicely done. He kept his wits about him w/ help of family, made the right decision to get away and stay away from his cheating wife. No unrealistic burn, just deal with the pain, move on and let her wrestle alone with her choices. Gave it a 5.

nixroxnixroxabout 2 years ago

3 stars - standard BTB with few surprises. At least he kicked the skanky slut to the curb.

BH54BH54about 2 years ago

Well, although the husband didn't want to know, it makes sense to give the readers the reasons she cheated. It's not for an excuse but just to understand where it came from.

LoejtcLoejtcalmost 2 years ago

Nicely done although the situation for Darren was close to ideal e.g. house belongs in his family, no children, only married three years, good job, large supportive family, no major financial impact, etc. It was quick and clean to disentangle himself from her life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Most men I know would like closure and even if she lies reasoning for cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Quick clean finish. No interminable pages of "Did I cause this" or "I think my marriage is really over now" with no end in sight. No such thing as closure. She did it once, it's over.

BigfundrewBigfundrewalmost 2 years ago

I just don't think most men would be able to walk away from seeing their wife fucking another man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If the ND wanted to know why,? Ask her. A normal guy would have confronted her, but his answers and kicked her out. I hate where the husband is a pussy, like this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A man with a backbone!

How refreshing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very boring.

KiwihunterKiwihunterover 1 year ago

What a petulant little wimp the MC is. She can now go and find a real man now. What a pathetic excuse for a man

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Read several of the anonymous comments and I never understand why people want to know why. At the end of the day the why is not important, the fact that she did it is what matters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

for kiwihunter: petulant little wimp performed awesome shock and awe

for bacchant2: interrupting what ? damaged done !!

confrontation why? with a slut!!!

skruff101skruff101over 1 year ago

The only reason to talk to a cheater after the fact is if you’re gonna reconcile, if you only want to confront them for answers you will be sorely disappointed, whatever excuse a cheater uses you can guarantee it’s an outright lie or at best a half truth, and as for interrupting them while in the act…why? That line had been crossed and was never going to be uncrossed.

Funny how all the would be Rambos out there demanding retribution can only post anonymously and they call the MC a wimp lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The "WHY" is irrelevant from any point of view. A betrayal one is not just a once, it's to considered for always. Proceed to lawyer, serve her, move, cut all coms..a new phone number works well. If needs be, if doable, move to a different area altogether.

The pain is terrible so get counseling to help you through it; I found twice a week really helped me. If needed, consult a Dr. for temporary, shirt term for a year or so of an antidepressant. Get into a Gym! Morn and Eve with a trainer. NO BOOZE! It will make the situation much, much worse. NO DATING FOR A YEAR. Another woman will not help you and will not be good for her.

Even with all that, and brother it really helped, it will take a year for the emotional and psychic shock to begin to heal.

How do I know this? Yep. Been there. Done that. Got the T-Shirt.

TALKING TO THE EX is pointless, will only serve to bring you pain, and she will only want it to get absolution.

My counselor helped me to grasp to fundamental facts. 1. Accept my wife died. Barry her, grieve, and rebuilt your as we all must. 2. The girl "love" now is an illusion. What you love is the girl that she used to be. He pointed out, "knowing what you do of her now, assuming this was girl you met and found out her history, would you date her?" Obviously not. EVERY DECISION and action should be based solely and absolutely on what is best for you and you alone. Don't look back. You're not headed there anymore. DO NOT ASK, "What did I do wrong?" I'm you did then own it, fix it, and make a decision to be a better man for your action.

Pain is the rule. You have to go through it but believe me you'll get there.!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

No need to confront them in the act. The truth is front of you. Race Ipso loquitor...the thing speaks for itself. Act on the fact and immediately take action to protect yourself legally, cut all contact with her, hence out of your life. Get clear of her and move on.

THAT is the first order of business.

As with all disasters choose to have thought the possibility through, devise a plan of action that is not made in a moment of stress, and you'll do better. Remember, failing to plan, planning to fail. Do the homework of consulting an attorney and counselor on what to do. Conside, SERIOUSLY, a prenup; women initiate 70% of divorces and courts a definitely Gyncentric. DO NOT have kids until after being married for 5 years. Engage a marriage counselor EARLY. If your gut is smelling smoke believe it and take action.

Get a PI to confirm of disaffirm. It should only take a week. An "emotional affair" is here decision to leave you. She will hang onto you for social anf financial security till she's ready to dump you. At that point you're in a parasitic relationship. Do try to fix it. Even I'd you "reconcile" she'll do it again. Just get the hell out. YOU, YOUR NEEDS, YOUR FEELINGS, YOUR FUTURE and personal welfare are the ONLY thing that matters. GET A PRENUP. GET A PRENUP. GET A PRENUP...especially if you plan on kids. It can go far in protecting you against crippling financial loss as well as your rights as a father.

What, she says she won't sign it? Ask her why not. Why, if the future goes as you both plan, would she hesitate. If she refuses ACCEPT that refusal gracefully and end the engagement. Now, the tricky part,once you pull the trigger on that there is NO GOING BACK for you. She doesn't get to change her mind. If she does she will, buried in her mind, always feel she signed at gunpoint. DO NOT EVER let yourself fall for that because, my friend, YOU WILL REGRET IT!

...Been, done that.

AllNigherAllNigherover 1 year ago


I'm curious wtf you think the guy did wrong? He clearly didn't sign up for an open marriage. If you think that's what marriage should be... that's fine 4 you if your partner knows and agrees. But if i sign on for an exclusive relationship and my partner agrees don't be surprised when i end it if I find out you cheated. Openminded is NOT agreeing to anything others say. I can respect your decision to have an open relationship ... you should respect other's decision to have an exclusive one. Clearly they both expected to be in an exclusive relationship or she would not have hidden it or apologized after.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don't understand the need for confrontation. He handled brilliantly. What better way to confront both than to put their actions out there for the world to see?

He moved on without giving her the least bit of an opportunity to explain. Her jackass lover was thrown out of the house and divorced. He couldn't have sripted the handling of the deceit any better. Well done.


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