A Walk in the Park

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A colour catches his eye.
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"I'll see you in an hour or so honey" Anna said as she left the house.

"Ok babe. Have fun" I replied.

Anna is a very pretty, 'girl next door' type of woman. Cheerful, happy, sweet and generous. She stands at just over 5'5" and has a trim figure with long auburn hair, hazel eyes, a clear complexion, very kissable lips, perky b-cup breasts, slim waist, sexy hips and a delicious arse.

Anna was off on her evening walk/run. She went four nights a week after dinner to keep herself trim. She started about 4 months ago and encouraged me to go with her, which I did to start with. We started off going twice a week, but now Anna was going four times a week. That stopped for me, a bit under 2 months ago, when I strained my left Achilles tendon.

We live not far from the lake and the great new bike/footpath that has been built over the past couple of years. From our home it's an easy 5 minute walk to the lake so we'd be mad not to use it.

And that's what I was thinking as I sat there watching the TV as Anna walked off. I had to be honest with myself, I'd fallen into a bit of lethargy with regards to my training. As I stared out the window from the comfortable lounge for a few minutes, I realised that I'd been using my Achilles strain as a crutch. It was fine now and I knew it. Why was I just sitting here then? I shook my head and decided to get my act together. Enough of this little comfort zone I had placed myself in.

I went quickly to our room and changed into my running gear. I was going to take it nice and slow, but I was still hopeful I might catch up with Anna and we could exercise together. There are a couple of outdoor training areas installed that we have utilised in the past so I expected I would catch her at the first one, doing her thing.

I headed off at a quick walk to start with, no use going overboard straight away. By the time I hit the lake path I was nicely warmed up and broke into a light jog. Anna was a good 10 minutes ahead of me so I kept an eye out as the path wound its way around the lake. There were plenty of benches and a couple of small viewing platforms on the rises that I passed.

I was probably 15 minutes into my jog, making sure to take it easy on my leg when I spotted something out of the corner of my eye that caused me to slow. I looked back and saw a trail, obviously made from people walking into the wooded area. What caught my eye was just a flash of colour.

Anna likes to wear her long auburn hair in a ponytail when she runs, like a lot of women I guess. She also loves to wear bright fluoro scrunchies to hold her hair in place. And that's what caught my eye, a flash of bright green through the trees. Now obviously, I could be mistaken, or it was a reflection, or not even her, but my curiosity was too tugging on my mind to much to ignore it. I walked back and slowly made my way down the narrow bush trail to see what I would find.

I took a sharp, shuddering intake of air as I was able to view the small clearing the trail led to. There was Anna, on her knees, in front of some guy, clearly sucking his cock. My heart raced as adrenalin flushed through me. I'm no fighter and this guy was bigger than my 5'10". He was around 6'2" and probably outweighed me by close to 20kg, making a 5'5" Anna look tiny in comparison, especially in her position. I knew I'd just cop a beat down if it came to that.

Tears were starting to form and my breathing was ragged as I froze in shock and anguish. My whole body was tense and I was really sweating profusely now. I could feel the anger and rage started to seep into my core. Fuck that bitch! We'd only been married for 3 years and she was already cheating on me. 'Fucking cunt!!' I screamed in my head.

I pulled out my phone and switched it from the music I was listening to through my earbuds, to video and started filming using the zoom. I didn't want to get too close just in case, and I certainly didn't want to have to hear her slurping on this pricks cock as she went to town on him. I quietly moved around to get a better shot as she blew him, like a cheap whore. I almost snickered when I realised he looked a little smaller than me as he started pumping his cock into her slut mouth. Bigger body, smaller cock, go figure.

My anger was deeply entrenched now as I stood there in the darkening shadows of the early evening, now hidden by the same foliage that they were relying on to keep them hidden. My breathing had settled and I was slowly formulating a plan of action. Long term, divorce. Short term, kicking her skank arse out and hurting her emotionally in every way I could in the process.

There was an exchange of words before the slut turned, bent and braced herself against a tree. Little dick, as I will now call him, for my own egos sake, pulled her jogging shorts and plain white bikini panties down and slid his cock into her from behind. Just like the bitch she is. I had to use all of my inner strength to stay and keep filming as they rutted like the animals I now saw them as. I heard a couple of 'Yes's and 'Harder' and that was enough for me. I couldn't stand any more so I crept away and headed back home.

With the adrenaline that was now pumping through my body, I was able to run home pretty quickly. I figured I had at least 20 minutes or more before the cheating cunt would return, so I had to move fast. When I got home, panting hard, with what I will claim was sweat stinging my eyes, I put my crude plan into action.

I went in the house and grabbed Anna's car keys. I removed it from the house keys, and what could be her work keys I guess, and quickly backed her car out of the garage. I grabbed her garage door remote and tossed into a drawer. I then grabbed some heavy duty garbage bags I use for the garden and ran to our, no, MY room. Then it was a flurry of arms throwing clothes and make-up and anything else that I associated with her into those bags. I filled 5 bags and then hauled them to her car and stuffed them in. I grabbed her laptop from the study and another idea hit me. I looked at the time. It might be tight, but why not. I set up the video I took and downloaded a copy to her laptop.

I did a quick survey of my efforts and was pretty sure that I had everything of significance, or that was obviously the sluts, now in her car. Except for her wedding and engagement rings. She never exercised with them on so as not to damage them. Maybe she didn't want to look at them and feel guilty while she fucked other guys? Probably not. Oh well, I still had the receipt for the engagement ring somewhere for insurance reasons, so that was going to be sold soon enough. I grabbed a few pictures and the wedding album and tossed then in front of her seat on the floor. Maybe seeing them and having to move them so she could drive will cause her some pain. Maybe.

An idea popped in to my head. Quickly grabbing some super glue, I ripped a photo of us in half and glued it to her drivers side window. Don't ask me why, I was probably on the verge of a mental breakdown about now. Somewhere in my mind I wanted her to see what she had done when she got in her car. Stupid? Sure.

I then set her laptop up on her passenger seat on top of a pile of clothes and crap I put there and had the video of her and her fuck buddy playing in a loop. The idea being, that I would leave the door open, as it faced the way she would come back from the lake, and she would have no way of missing it when she looked in the car. Hey, give me a break. I was struggling to hold it together right now.

I felt emotional and exhausted as I did this final thing. Then another thought came to me. Anna always came home and gave me a big smile and a sometimes, aggressive French kiss after a run. Fuck! Had she had his cum in her mouth? That fucking bitch! I started to feel my stomach churn at that. Then there was the next thought. How many times had I gone sloppy seconds even though she'd showered? I didn't see a condom being put on this guy and she was pretty horny a lot of times after her runs of late.

That was it. Up came dinner. I was standing using her car roof and the open passenger door as support as I vomited half into and half out of her car. Every time my mind went to those thoughts I would convulse again until I was just standing there dry reaching. Nobody enjoys that feeling do they?

"Darren! Are you all right? Oh my god, what's happened?" Anna had returned and was able to come up behind me while I was clearly distracted.

I attempted to spit the vile taste out of my mouth before I flinched and stood upright when she touched my back.

"What's wrong baby? Are you sick? Do you need to go to the hospital? Say something Darren!"

I turned and faced her with nothing but contempt and disgust on my face. Anna stepped back a pace and her eyes widened slightly. She started to say something, but I held a finger right in her face and sucked air in noisily through gritted teeth, as I held in the desire to hurt her. Anna just stood in shock as I turned and walked towards the house. I assume it was at this point she saw the laptop and all her possessions in her car. From behind me I heard her wail a pained "NOOOOOOO!! No Darren. No. Please, no!"

I went inside and locked the front door. She no longer had her house keys and I had taken the hide-a-key as well. I quickly went around the house making sure all the windows were secured, just in case, then slumped in front of my computer.

I could hear her banging on the door, crying and screaming for me to let her in, to listen, to explain, that she was sorry, it was a mistake, and any number of other pieces of crap that she wanted to spew out her slut mouth.

I wasn't finished with my anger and revenge, and hearing her shit just heightened it again. So I loaded the video onto her Facebook account, and with a simple caption, "HOW I DESTROYED MY MARRIAGE", I hit post. Sure, it wouldn't stay there for long once it was reported, but I'm hoping enough people will see it to destroy her as much as she has destroyed me.

Hey, I had email to use as well, and a lot of contacts, especially family and friends, oh, and her work friends as well. Did I have her bosses email? Excellent, there it is, sooooo, I sent it to that one too.

It amazed me that Anna was still pounding on the door non-stop 15 minutes later. Still spouting bullshit, still crying, pleading, screaming, sobbing and everything in between.

Then the calls started coming in. My sister Debbie was the first. She was younger and a social media fan, so I guess it was to be expected. My brother Andrew on the other hand, drove to my house and after telling Anna to fuck-off, used the spare key my parents had and let himself in. Anna was pleading for him to let her in, or to get me to talk to her, but that fell on deaf ears.

I was on the phone to Deb when Andy walked in with a serious look of concern on his face. He knew how much Anna had meant to me, to all of us really, and he was heart-broken for me.

I put Deb on speaker and we all had a conversation together, all the while we could hear the banging and yelling from Anna in the background. Funnily, the more she was freaking out, the better I started feeling. She fucked up our marriage and all those plans for the future that go with it, now she can suffer, because I'll be fucked if I'm going to suffer alone.

When I told my siblings the entire story, Deb was amazed that I, of all people, had, as she put it, 'gone scorched earth on Anna'. There was no escaping what she'd done and no way back for either of us now. Everyone I could think of in our immediate worlds had been made aware of her betrayal.

Eventually the banging and screeching and sobbing stopped. Andy looked outside to see Anna slumped in her car, windows down, looking crushed. He saw her take a deep breath, grimace a bit (there was still vomit in her car) and reverse out of the drive. She paused, looking forlornly at the house before driving away. I cried when he told me this, it was all just so painful now. No adrenaline. No internal laughter at Anna pounding on the door. Just pain and emptiness and questions. The same I'm sure thousands of cheated on people have expressed throughout the centuries.

Why? What did I do wrong? Why wasn't I enough? What did he give her that I couldn't? How long and how many times? How many others? Again, was I getting sloppy seconds? Did she kiss me with his or any other guys cum in her mouth? Was she laughing at me all this time? Was she thinking of him, or them, when we made love? Thankfully Andy seemed to sense what I was starting to do to myself and punched me in the arm.

"What the fuck man?" I yelled in shock.

"Don't Daz. Don't let that bitch do that to you. Don't do it to yourself." He responded as I rubbed my arm.

I had to smirk a bit. It worked. I wasn't letting all the questions do my head in any more.

The next to arrive was my Mum, with food, and a whole lot of hugs and kisses. Nothing couldn't be solved with a full belly and lots of love, was Mum's credo. She was not impressed with Anna of course, but she was also not impressed with the amateur porn I loaded onto Facebook. I checked and amazingly almost an hour and a half later, it was still there and getting plenty of comments from all of Anna's Facebook friends, none of them complementary, which was nice to see.

Then there was a post that said simply, 'I know that guy! That's Trent Adams. He works with Anna. He's married with 2 kids. Well that'll be 2 marriages destroyed. Nice job you selfish bitch.' I didn't recognise the name of the woman who posted, but it was enlightening none the less.

By now my phone was blowing up with calls and messages. Even from the 'Cheating Cunt', or CC as I decided to call her. She was going off her brain, as it seems that when she went to her parents, they showed her the video that was on her Facebook account. She shut off her account and called to abuse me. Too bad, so sad, was all I could think at that stage.

So that was my Wednesday night. A total fucking mess and that was ended by a complete lack of sleep as I lay awake thinking and just being angry. Sadly I realised that I had joined what was seemingly becoming a quite non-exclusive club. I realised that more and more people were cheating and more and more marriages were failing.

I dragged myself out of bed the next day, with my Mothers insistence, and did my normal routine. I called into work and took a couple of days leave. My boss already heard what was happening and was generous about it.

I sat and looked out the window and pondered the next step, then the next and then the next. I felt Mum's hand on mine and then give it a little squeeze. This brought my attention back to her as she gave me a sad, but warm smile. I forced one of my own in return as she placed breakfast in front of me.

"So, do you know what you're going to do honey" she spoke softly.

"Divorce." I paused for a long time, then continued, "Then work on my degree I think. I should have plenty of time to finish it now, hey" I forced a chuckle that didn't fool Mum one bit. She looked worse than I did. She loved Anna and was so happy when we got married. I guess being the oldest, she looked at me to give her those long awaited Grand-kids. Well not me, not now. Andy maybe? Hmmm, probably not. Deb? No chance yet. Sorry Mum, looks like you'll be waiting a while yet.

Here I am, 28, heading towards divorce and feeling totally lost. Thank god this was not even my house, so CC had no rights to it. It's my Grand-fathers house. He developed Dementia about 7 years ago and before he lost all his functions he named Mum and Dad as executors of his estate. Nanna had died almost 10 years ago now, and Dad was their only child. Andy and Debbie got trust funds for their education, and I get the house when he passes. As Executors and with no way for Grandpa to recover, my parents brought things forward in a way and let me move in, though technically it's still Grandpa's home. I met Anna a year later and we married a year and a half after that. We've lived here since then with no mortgage and decent jobs giving us a pretty good life, till now.

Mum took me to the family Lawyer and we started Divorce proceedings. It meant something where I live as far as the reason goes, so Adultery was definitely front and centre. CC was served the following Monday at her work. Apparently she broke down and had to be helped to the toilet by a couple of ladies so as to calm her down.

Next was the Doctors for some STD tests. Thanks bitch! Now I have between 6 and 12 months of waiting to know if I'm clear of everything. Not that it'll matter as I sure as hell will be staying away from women, for a while anyway. Luckily none of the early tests came back positive.

Trent Adams wasn't hard to find, since he worked at the same place, so we named him in the proceedings as well. When his wife found out, she kicked his arse to the curb and started divorce proceedings of her own.

CC tried several times to get me to speak to her. In the end I got a restraining order to get her to leave me alone. Through the grapevine I heard that she was pretty much shunned by family and friends alike and was contemplating leaving the area. We split our savings down the middle, I just wanted it over, with the least amount of fuss possible. CC tried to get court appointed counseling, but failed thankfully.

A lot of people kept talking to me about closure and how I should talk to her to find out why she did it. I just didn't care. I was flirted with by women before and during our marriage. So I knew it wasn't because of my looks at least. I looked very hard at myself and tried to openly and honestly assess my behaviour and performance as a husband and a lover. Was I perfect? Of course not, everyone can always improve. But I saw nothing that would ever make me believe that I caused this or deserved it to happen to me.

In the end CC was just a selfish slut who couldn't keep her legs together. She did what she did, just because she could. I didn't want to know why, how long or how many she had fucked around with behind my back.

Next time, if there is a next time, I hope I choose better. Though I have been reading about this men's movement called MGTOW. It seems to have some interesting ideas for me right now. Hahaha.

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Schwanze1Schwanze19 days ago

Read again. Good read.

tsgtcapttsgtcapt11 days ago

Great read, great finish, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

And the shit hit the fan, big time. Posting the recording on her Facebook was cruel but did what was necessary, no he said/ she said crap. Had to smile when the MC upcucked in her car, just icing on the cake. One of the better BTB stories out there.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Love the realistic reaction. None of the usual "Oh btw I was a former navy seal/green beret/ ufc fighter/world class hacker," nonsense. He did what he could with what he had. To the commenter that suggested he was a coward, why? Because he stood up for himself instead of adhering to her bullshit? Cowardly would be if he were to assume he was inferior to her and her love and felt he had no choice but to accept, like all these other cuckold stories. And he ran away? When? From the park? What was he to do? Hear her out? Right. I can see it. "Honey, when you saw me fucking him, it wasn't what you think. It was a mistake. See, I had sucked his dick and all his blood drained down to his boner making it impossible for us to workout. So we fucked in order for his blood to redistribute throughout his body to continue with the workout. Sorry I gave you the wrong idea."

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

As to the previous Anon comment about him being a coward and just running away: There was nothing to run away from. The marriage was over. Why hang around and talk to her? It would do nothing for me whereas it would make her feel better. Fuck that. I would not want to have any kind of relationship with this person in the future. Would we ever be friends? Hell no!

He did the right thing by cutting her out of his life.

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