A Woman's Journal (Month 16)

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A middle-aged woman experiences a sexual awakening.
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Part 17 of the 17 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/31/2011
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For those of you following my ongoing illustrated series, A BusinessWoman's Journal, I have changed the title to A Woman's Journal (Month _) in order for Literotica to list it in chronological order as their computer program only orders alphabetically or numerically. Hopefully you will find it easier to read from the beginning.

July 2011 Month 16


I had lunch with Ms. Court today and shared with her everything that had happened over the past few days.

I mean everything. Although I didn't tell her that she has the same affect on me as Mr. Von Elder.

I also happened to mention how excited I got performing the lap dance for Mr. Valequez.


Be careful who you share your fantasies with.

Linda and Ms. Court said that they had a little outing planned for me after work today.

At the end of the day I accompanied them to a Gentleman's Club owned by Ms. Court where she took us inside and we all sat near the back of the club.

After our drinks were brought to our booth, Ms. Court turned my attention to a sign near the entrance to the clubroom that we were in. It read "Amateur Night, Every First Friday of the Month for the Entire Summer."

At the same time Linda and Ms. Court turned to me and said, "We want you to get up on the catwalk and perform for us tonight."

It was stated so matter of factly that initially I didn't really think about it and replied, "Sure."

My name was added to a list and Ms. Court ordered another round of drinks.

As the amateur entertainment started to take place, I finally realized what I had agreed to.

"I can't do this," I said with a huge lump in my throat.

"Of course, you can." came their reply in stereo.

"What am I supposed to wear?" I asked.

Ms. Court explained to me that the attraction for her clientele on amateur night was that the women wore their everyday clothes and undies.

It gives everyone the additional titillation of witnessing a striptease without a costume, just as if the person was getting undressed at home.

"In front of a bunch of strangers." Linda added with a smile.

"I can't do that," I emphatically stated.

After much coaxing from both Linda and Ms. Court along with the flow of alcohol, I reluctantly agreed as long as I could wear a pair of oversized glasses to hide most of my face.

As my time approached, I became more and more nervous, but something inside of me refused to back down.

I watched some very sexy performances and some that embarrassed even me as the whole time I thought about what to do on the stage once I got up there.

I will admit that the thought of being almost naked in front of a room full of horny men and some women had its usual effect on my libido. I was getting excited with a mixture of butterflies and naughty vibrations playing throughout my body.

I found the idea of being ogled and leered at while hearing the hoots and hollers to take my clothes off as a very unexpected aphrodisiac. I am embarrassed to admit that thinking about it was having a definite effect on the moisture content being created between my legs.

As it came closer to my time, Ms. Court took me into the dressing room to show me a marble like table that would be my performance prop. She felt that since I had no experience with a stripper pole, this would be easier for me.

As the young lady before me gathered up her clothes and money, I was left standing behind a curtain separating me from the stage and spotlights.

For some reason this was the first time that it occurred to me that I was wearing pants and I couldn't think of a single time that I had ever seen a stripper in pants come onto a stage.

Now the Chippendales often wear pants, but they are the tear away kind that comes off with a simple tug.

At least the ones that I had put on for the evening had a zipper on each leg that ran from the waist to the ankle. I had found them at a retail store that sold more upscale fashions with a sexy twist to them. Once I tried them on and saw how they hugged my legs, I just had to have them.

It was another item of clothing that my husband was unaware of.

Although tonight the idea of pants bothered me even more than what I was about to do.

My mind flooded with thoughts of impending disaster and I didn't have a rational thought to be found.

The music began to play for my entrance and there I stood frozen to the floor unable to move.

The magnitude of the entire situation seemed to have hit me full in the face. I was about to present myself to a room full of men who would objectify me almost like a piece of meat as well as subject me to their idea of the ideal.

The thoughts that raced through my mind should have been of disgust mixed with a feeling of indigence, but instead I found myself worrying about the size of my breasts which barely fill a B cup, whether my heels were high enough to elongate my legs and tighten my buttocks, and how was I going to seductively remove a pair of pants.

My hesitation grew to extreme reluctance to the possibility of ridicule and yet my damnable libido was on high alert causing my entire body to tingle with sexual energy.

After what probably was seconds, but to me seemed like an hour of misery, Ms. Court came up behind me and pushed me out into the spotlight.

The announcer made some comment about them having a shy one tonight and the music started up again.

I think the biggest shock once I was out from behind the curtains was the glare of the spotlights. I now certainly understood why strippers wear full body makeup as every little discoloration and goosebump on my skin showed clearly and I was still dressed.

I was just about to turn around and disappear from the stage when I heard Linda give out one of her trademark wolf whistles, which was immediately joined by a cacophony of cheers, applause, and loud requests to "Take it off".

I hesitantly started to move my hips back and forth while pulling my pink silk blouse out of my pants.

I couldn't see anything other than the seats right up against the stage, as the spotlight was so bright that everyone else was totally whitewashed out.

If it weren't for all of the shouts and comments directed at me I might have thought that I was alone.

Once my blouse was untucked I slipped it off of my shoulders and let it slide down my arms floating silently to the floor.

The cheers from the audience ignited a fire inside of me.

It felt as if I had taken off a tether to my moral tepidness as my original fear was now replaced by a surge of raw sexuality.

I placed my hands on my hips and faced my backside to the enthusiastic audience knowing full well that my red string bikini panties would be showing through the light blue material of my pants.

As someone yelled, "Nice ass" at me I felt my nipples literally pop to attention in the silk triangle cups of my unlined bra.

I felt embarrassed by my obvious physical reaction to their lewd remarks, but another much more raw and physical feeling was taking me over.

I slid my bottom onto the marble tabletop until my entire body was on the table, stretching my legs out to make them as long as possible. I felt a smile form on my face as I reveled in the sexual energy of the room.

Someone else yelled out "Take it off" and I found myself obeying as if it were a command to undress.

I reached all of the way down to my ankle and took a hold of the zipper slowly pulling it up towards my waist feeling the fabric splitting open and revealing first my calf, then my knee, then my thigh, until I was unzipped to the top of my hip.

Now all of the amateurs before other than the women who clearly were not amateurs wore shiny little hot pants and matching bras, so I easily could have gotten away with unzipping my pants to my hips, doing a little pose and exited the stage.

However, as it seems to be the case with me, I was now caught up in the whole experience, which included an uncontrollable desire to show off.

With my entire body pulsating in rhythm to the loud bass of the music being played, I completely undid the zipper and opened the front of my pants revealing my matching silk red bikini panties.

My lower lips were fully open as my female nub pushed against the fabric. Thankfully I was the only one aware of the state of excitement taking place in my lower extremity.

God, all I wanted to do was to just touch myself as my awakening kernel was acting like a lightening rod attracting all of the raw sexual energy in the room to it.

It throbbed begging me to acknowledge its state of arousal with a simple touch of my fingers.

I desperately tried to ignore the feeling coursing through my crotch and reached down my other leg to undo the zipper that kept my pants from being completely off.

As I brought the zipper up to my waist I couldn't help but squeeze my thighs together crossing one over the other further stimulating the libidinous sensations between my legs.

I was so close to spasming as the fabric of my pants opened completely revealing my coordinating tiny red panties.

I pulled my pants free and threw them onto the stage as the air filled with a symphony of raucous shouts.

I laid completely down on the tabletop lifting my legs into the air and slowly spreading them until my muscles burned from the stress.

My hands seductively started at my inner thighs and slid up, up, up towards my awaiting heat.

I knew that I had made a big mistake when I purposely slid one hand after the other over the very inside of the vee made by my spread legs.

The contact with my throbbing nub caused my eyes to close and a loud moan of pure ecstasy to fill the room.

The roars kept getting louder as I placed both feet on the tabletop and arched my back pushing my crotch into the air while my right hand still engaged my sexual needle.

My head turned sideways as the words "Oh God" escaped my closed lips.

That same side of me that made its entrance Prom Night with Mr. Von Elder was in complete control.

My body glistened with the sweat of forbidden pleasure and I used its' slickness to slip and slide this way and that way on the tabletop as my hand continued its stimulation.

The last thing that I clearly recall was when I rolled over getting myself on all fours and using the now very slick tabletop to slide my knees wide apart and then back together again mimicking the look of a woman on top riding an erection.

The audience went wild and I wasn't even aware of it. I was completely lost in my own little erotic world of libidinous desire.

Right at this point Linda appeared on stage and grabbed my offending hand away from my very wet crotch immediately bringing me back into full awareness of my surroundings.

She then led me off the stage to a thunderous applause.

While Linda went to get a towel to wipe me off, Ms. Court joined me pushing her body up against mine while reaching down with her hand between my legs finding my still overexcited appendage.

It was like the plunger connected to 40 sticks of dynamite. She had the most wicked little grin as she rolled my enlarged kernel through the silk fabric of my panties and I exploded in an uncontrollable series of spasms putting a death grip on her shoulders to keep myself from collapsing to the floor.

It was incredible as that extreme flush of sexual energy washed through my entire body. Ms. Court kept her fingers pressed firmly against my throbbing nub until the last orgasmic convulsions left my body.

I was once again coated in sweat as Linda arrived with a cool washcloth and towel. By the telltale red blotches appearing all over my skin I am sure that it was obvious to Linda that something had just happened i.e. something sexual.

She gave me a good swat on my bottom while at the same time asking, "So what have you two been up to while I was gone?"

I could only flush in response further adding to the redness of my exposed skin.

I would never consider myself bi sexual, but Ms. Court definitely brings my opinion into question.

As I got dressed, Ms. Court led me to the curtain that separated us from the stage pulling it open just enough to point out a gentleman occupying a back booth with a group of other men. She informed me that he had had a particular interest in me as well as my performance.

To my extreme horror and surprise, it was Mr. Tosh, the Vice Principle of my daughter's High School.


Big North called me first thing this morning asking me to drop by one of his motorcycle dealerships later this afternoon, as he wanted to show me something.

I didn't ask for details and showed up precisely at 3:00 p.m. as requested.

He met me at the front door and escorted me through the showroom and all the way to the back of the mechanics area.

The hair on the back of my neck was standing up as we walked through the mechanics area in memory of the bike wash event.

I have to admit that another part of me covered by just a small tuff of trimmed hair was reacting as well.

As we walked to the end of the building I could hear the roar of numerous motorcycles waiting to be kicked into gear and let loose on the open road.

The back garage door was open and there was Big North's gang waiting for us to take a ride.

I immediately panicked as I was far from dressed appropriately to sit on the back of a motorcycle.

I was wearing a crisp white cotton with black stripes blouse along with a black rayon pleated skirt that swayed seductively with every step that I took.

I had on black nylons held up by a black garter belt with matching nylon string bikini panties.

Just the exhaust of air from the purring motorcycles caused my skirt to ripple in response to the disturbed air.

I could only imagine what the effect would be on the back of one of these bikes.

Big North told me that I would be riding with Earl who was a mammoth of a man sitting on one of the largest motorcycles I had ever seen. I believe that they told me it was a Boss Hawg having a full car engine sitting on its frame requiring both riders to spread their legs extremely wide in order to straddle the monster bike.

I climbed onto the back and attempted to tuck my skirt up under me, which turned out to be a futile effort.

With my knees so wide apart, there was very little material left to tuck and thus I found the tops of my nylons, suspender clips, and suspender straps on full display.

This motorcycle was so wide that I almost felt like I was doing the splits from my knees up just by sitting on it, and it positioned a certain very sensitive part of my anatomy directly onto the smooth leather.

It didn't take me long to realize why Big North put me behind Earl as he positioned his own bike a few feet behind and to the side of the one I was on, where he could see me and my exposure quite clearly.

I wasn't the only woman riding today, as mostly everyone had a female in extremely tight leather pants and halter tops positioned with their arms wrapped around their middles.

As we headed out from the dealership, my skirt fluttered some, but it didn't seem as revealing as I originally thought.

We rode through parts of the city until we found ourselves on a four-lane country highway at which point Earl let the Boss Hawg roar.

In a blink of an eye my skirt was wrapped around my waist and everything underneath was sun lit and visible.

I would have attempted to hold it down, but the power of the motorcycle made me afraid to let go of Earl's waist so I could only look to my left and see how much Big North was enjoying the view of the open road so to speak.

When Earl twisted the throttle of the big bike the vibrations shook my entire body although that part of me that had direct contact with the leather seat was feeling the full effect of vibrating frame.

As we cruised down the highway at about 60 mph Earl took a hold of my arms that I had wrapped around him and pulled them forward knowing that the additional tilt to my anatomy would press my lower lips directly onto the passenger seat sending the delicious vibrations of the big engine right up through my vagina.

I let out a loud gasp as the erotic effect worked its way past my moistening lips and began to massage my female kernel.

I tried to pull myself back to lessen the incredibly stimulating vibrations. At the same time I glanced over at Big North and could tell by the grin on his face that he knew exactly what was happening to me.

Earl held my arms fast with his free hand and I found myself involuntarily pressing my crotch hard into the seat luxuriating in the mechanical massage the motorcycles engine was affording me.

I again tried to pull away from Earl's grasp with such a feeble effort that I am sure he laughed to himself.

I was at the point of not wanting these magnificent sensations to ever stop.

My eyes closed in sheer ecstasy, as I could feel more and more of the engines vibrations working on my quickly expanding and protruding knob.

The cool air on my exposed thighs only added to the intoxicating effect. It wasn't long before I could feel the beginning tremors originating deep inside of me.

I found myself gripping Earl as tight as I could as the first delectable spasm shook my frame.

I could feel a tsunami of orgasmic waves building as Earl pulled the bike to the center of the two lanes allowing most of the other motorcycles to pull along either side and watch my dance of unbridled passion.

Everything from my neck on down convulsed as my skirt continued to hug my waist giving everyone a great view of my lower spasms as my panty covered bottom clenched and unclenched in response to my orgasms.

My screams of "Oh God" temporarily drown out the sound of the engines and I received a chorus of motorcycle horns in response.

Earl along with everyone else slowly pulled their bikes to the side of the highway as the final spasms flowed through me.

Everything that I was wearing other than my skirt stuck to my sweaty skin. In a very unlady like manner I lifted my leg up over the back seat and climbed off of the Hawg. I had to lean on Big Earl to keep my balance as my entire body continued to vibrate as if I were still on the motorcycle.

The other women in the group all congratulated me with big hugs and told me that with my orgasm I had just been initiated into their gang.

Now that's a different way to get initiated into a motorcycle gang.

When we arrived back at the dealership Big North gave me a pink leather motorcycle jacket and a matching red bikini bottom.

I was afraid to ask when or why I might be wearing the set as I suspected that it was going to be soon enough.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Jrunner16Jrunner16over 7 years ago
Great series

Wow! Awesome writing....please don't stop. Thank you!

liz33ndliz33ndover 8 years ago

I'm waiting for Linda to have the juice from her fingers licked off. ▶◀‼

DardooDardooover 9 years ago

Thank you! I have now enjoyed all your stories and all your pictures.! Not many authors have prompted me to physical stimulation, but several of your stories and many many of your pictures have taken me to intense climaxes. thank you again.

jamesn100jamesn100about 10 years ago

I've really enjoyed this series. The development was over a realistic period of time and I hope a some point you'll add more parts.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
another great chapter

Lovin' it. Addicted to endorphins and speed! I like the descriptive style and innovative plot. A boss hawg even! Hopefully it was the older 8 cylinder verson, rather than the smaller v6!

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