Abandoned Rage

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Abandoned and humiliated in the worst way.
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[:::: Authors Note ::::]

The premise of this story came about after reading the publishing of another Loving Wives story. In this story, June Sucks, the MC is blindsided by his wife of several years telling him that he was just a placeholder, but now her true love is back she needs a divorce to be with him.

The story was short, with another chapter still to come when I started writing this. But left in the wake of reading this story, I felt upset about how the main character was abandoned. Of course, having a hard day at work and needing a holiday didn't help my mood. But here I am, and I feel the need to write, so here is a story.

After exchanging communications with the author several times, I asked if using his story as a premise for what I have written here was okay. Mine goes in a very different direction to his, but the premise of where we start is quite similar.

As always, I would like to thank my editing team, miket0422 and welcome a big welcome to rogers1962.

Now, as usual, a lot of drama and emotion will fly. Hey, it's one of my stories, and if you are looking for something short and flowery, this isn't the story for you. So suspend your belief in reality, and let's take a ride on the rage side!

[:::: Abandoned Rage ::::]

There are days when life is difficult and you just want to scream at everyone around you. You know the ones I'm talking about. You open your eyes, suddenly realising you're late because you've hit the snooze button too many times. You rush out the door and the rest of the day is an uphill battle.

Well, my day started like that, then it got worse, a lot worse by the time it ended.

Jillian and I had been married for just under five years. We met via friends at a barbeque, hitting it off right away. The way I got the story from Jillian and her friends, she was coming off a bad breakup with her long-term boyfriend. I was a pretty good-looking single guy that they thought could be there for her.

At first, I was wary. I didn't want to be the rebound boyfriend. However, over a couple of months, our mutual friends kept putting us together and we developed a friendship. After six months, I got up the nerve to ask her on a date, and a little over two years after we met, I asked Jillian to be my wife.

At the time I was ecstatic that she said yes, and until tonight I would have thought I could sell the air that Jillian breathed because I loved her so much.

"Greg?" Jillian asked me as I was shining my shoes for our outing tonight, "Should I go for the black or the beige heels tonight?"

That's me, Gregory Other, an all-around good guy, a hard-working Accountant with his own practice, and I'm now feeling like the largest sucker the world has seen.

"You look good in both," I told her. "But the black heels accentuate your calves a lot more. They will turn a lot more heads." Jillian loved to dress up, and she looked good when she did it right. But usually she had poor fashion sense. She just could not mix and match colours, styles and shapes. It was one of the things I loved about her, she always asked my advice and I got to make her look good.

Aside from a late start to the day, it had been a tough day at the office. We were performing a couple of audits for a large multi-national corporation. Delays and incorrect information were being supplied. Most of it was innocent mistakes, however a few of the most recent spreadsheets being reviewed looked... off.

My team and I spent the day wading through data, correlating ledgers. We were getting frustrated at some of the weird and wonderful things managers were trying to get through. This included trips to strip clubs and, in some cases, hookers. We also struggled that people tried to get cocaine signed off as a legitimate business expense.

Walking through this audit and this particular Friday being fraught with spreadsheet challenges, I was tired and frustrated. To make matters worse, Jillian had been happy and bubbly all week, gushing about the reunion tonight. I was irritated throughout the week that she never paid any attention to my weariness. In the past, had I been in the middle of a tough week like this one, Jillian would have taken the time to listen to me, being compassionate and usually a little loving to lift my spirits.

But this week, she was so focused on the reunion event that I felt like an inconvenience to her for the first time since we met. I wouldn't say I liked the feeling, but she was my wife, and if she was happy about something, I made an effort to be happy for her, regardless of how I felt.

Tonight was a reunion for her high school year. It wasn't an official event hosted by the school but rather something arranged by several people in the class. They had hired a restaurant and later the private area of a club for their graduating class and their partners.

I went with Jillian last year, and I must admit, I got a few strange looks after being introduced as Jillian's husband, but I had a good time. This year I wasn't quite looking forward to it. As I said, it had been a crappy week. But with my wife's enthusiasm and as a potential escape to my challenging audit week, I showered and shaved without complaint, put on my best suit, did my hair and worked to shake the week off me to be the happy sidekick to my wife.

From the moment we arrived at the restaurant, I could feel something was rotten. Jillian was immediately whisked away by several of the girls from her class, and I was left standing pretty much by myself. At dinner, we sat with our friends, Lina and Mark, who had introduced us and I was pretty much excluded from the conversation other than to ask the occasional question.

Jillian kept acting like her happy bubbly self, but I noticed that she rarely spoke to me and a number of people including Lina and Mark, kept glancing at me with looks that weren't exactly comforting. As dinner was winding down Lina and Jillian disappeared to the bathroom and they were gone for quite some time. At the same time, everyone was breaking up to head to the club for a few more drinks and dancing.

"What's going on Mark?" I asked my friend cautiously walking up to him when Jillian and Lina had not returned after some time.

"Sorry Greg..." Mark startled a little when I tapped him on the shoulder. "I'm not sure what you mean?"

I gave him an incredulous look, "Mark, I swear..." I stopped as I spied Lina returning but my wife wasn't with her.

She grabbed her husband's hand trying to avoid my gaze, "c'mon Mark."

"Lina, where's Jillian?" I asked, a note of concern rising in my voice.

For a moment she froze, then she looked at Mark, a look passed between them, then she looked at the fake house plants around the restaurant for moment. I could see her trying to figure out how to tell me something she didn't want to tell me.

"I'm sorry Gregory, we got caught up with a group and she is catching a lift to the club with them."

"Without telling me, her husband?" I asked, a note of anger rising in my voice.

"Lina, Mark, what aren't you telling me?" I asked.

Neither of them could meet my gaze, fuck!

Without saying another word, I stormed out of the restaurant, got into my car and drove to the club everyone was meeting at. It was a ten-minute drive but I made it in five. As I walked in the door, I saw it. My wife Jillian was dancing with some guy, his hands were all over her ass and the way she was melding to him, told me this was not the first time this had happened.

I watched as my life ebbed away from me. Around me, people from the reunion filtered in, no one said anything but I could feel their looks of pity as I stood just inside the entrance to the club.

I am not sure how long I stood there watching but they never noticed me as they danced, I stood there until I felt a hand touch my shoulder, the touch startled me and I turned so suddenly that I just about hit Lina in the face.

"It's Jillian's first love, Troy," Lina said flatly, I couldn't tell if she was happy, sad, angry or disappointed. "They pretty much grew up together, in the same pre-school, best friends through primary school and they dated all the way through high school. We all thought they would be together forever until he got a scholarship to a university in the States and they broke up."

Now I knew the name of the asshole, I knew a lot of the background, hell, I had helped Jillian through a lot of the rejection she felt when he left. "They don't look very broken up to me?" I muttered.

"He's been back for a few months now, transferred in with the company he works for," Lina told me without emotion.

I turned back to the dance floor, Jillian and Troy were still dancing. Lina kept talking and looking at them, and Mark stood behind the two of us.

"They are meant to be together Greg." The first touch of emotion in her voice, it was as if she was a doctor telling me I had terminal cancer.

I said nothing.

"I mean, Jillian was so devastated when they broke up. She loved him so much, we never thought that she would meet anyone else, but then you met and it came together..." Lina was trying to explain, my fists started clenching as the song stopped.

We watched as Troy leant in, cupped my wife's face and kissed her. My fingernails drew blood from my palm.

When the first drop of blood fell from my palm and hit the ground, it was almost as if the spell between them was broken. Jillian looked around the club at the people entering and her eyes met mine. With a touching of hands, she separated from Troy and walked toward me. I never noticed Mark and Lina walk away.

She sauntered up to me like there wasn't any history between us. "Troy was my first love, Greg. We gave each other our virginities." Jillian told me with no greeting, she just jumped into things like I was going to follow. I stood still like a statue. "When he moved for his scholarship, we always said that we would reconnect when he moved home."

"I guess he moved home and you reconnected," I said sarcastically, the first words I spoke since leaving the restaurant.

"Don't be like that," Jillian scolded me. "I get that this is going to be hard for you, but Troy and I are meant to be together."

"Meant to be toge..." I started and then stopped. "Jillian Bronwen Other, you married me!" I exclaimed.

I'll give her points for boldness, she never looked away. "I'm sorry Greg, I really am, but we're going to need to divorce. I mean Troy and I; we're going to get married and have kids."

"And what the hell was I, just your warm placeholder for the past several years!" I was almost yelling now. A few people around us were staring, and the bouncers were looking at us, but didn't move. But I spotted lover boy making his way over to us.

"Greg you were never..." she stopped. "Look Greg, I do love you, it's just you're not Troy, the love that you and I share is nothing compared to what Troy and I have."

I watched as Troy made the last dozen steps to us and put his arm around Jillian, a frown on his face.

"I take it you're Greg?" he asked, a false note of concern on his face.

"That's Gregory to your asshole," I replied angrily.

He nodded, "Okay hostility, I get that," he said. "You're upset because I'm taking your wife, she's going to divorce you and we've been sleeping together since I got back."

He paused, the look on my face showed I had no idea. Jillian went white as a sheet as he said it, she must have been hoping it wouldn't come out. Troy didn't know me, so once he realized what he said, he pushed Jillian behind him, taking up a defensive pose.

"Look Gregory," he said trying to sound conciliatory. "I'm sorry you found out this way, but perhaps it's for the best. Jillian tells me you have been a great husband, the friend that I couldn't be while away. It would be good if we could all be friends, I mean we all share several of the same friend groups."

"Not for long," I said, my eyes staring at Jillian for a moment, I looked back to Troy. He bristled to say something so I spoke before he could reply.

"So let me get this right," I said, taking all the emotion I could out of my voice. My anger was growing by the moment, but I kept it buried for the moment. Surprisingly the music took a break at that moment, and my voice could be heard clear across the room. Obviously, the little show caught everyone's attention because they all turned to us, even the DJ who never started the next song.

"You two believe you have true love, fuck like bunnies all through school then break up because Troy moves to another country. But while Jillian is mourning in grief, she meets me, supposedly falls in love and marries me while we are happy for several years." They nod cautiously and you can hear a pin drop.

"Then true love strikes again when Romeo comes back into the country and you two start fucking like bunnies again behind my back. Obviously, all our friends know judging from the looks I got all night tonight, and this all culminates in this conversation of my supposed best friend tearing my heart out and holding it high in the air so everyone here can see, in one of the most humiliating ways possible."

"Greg, it wasn't supposed to be..." Jillian started to say.

"It wasn't supposed to be like what!" I yelled back, but no one moved. "All week you have been bouncing around, but ignoring me. Despite my rough week, you demanded we both attend tonight, then you abandon me the moment we walk in the door. You disrespect me in front of our supposed friends and even leave the restaurant without even talking to me so that I would find you here sucking the tonsils off this prick!"

"Hey!" Troy tried to say, I glared at him.

"Don't say a fucking word, Romeo." I growled. "Your true love has shown that she is a faithless slut. You say you've been fucking for the last three months because you're one of the real romances, fuck off!"

"Look Greg," Troy said, trying to get control of the conversation. "I get it, there are a lot of emotions flying around right now. But Jillian and I are destined to be together, we're sorry you're hurt and you found out we've been sleeping together, but Jillian loves me and we're going to get married. Naturally, you and she are going to need to divorce."

"Naturally," I replied deadpan.

"Look Greg," Jillian said. "I'm sorry, but we figured this was the best way. It would be a quick rip of the band-aid, we know it will hurt, but it's best for everyone."

She paused, looking at trying to judge my mood. She might have been my wife and best friend for the last several years, but I had always been open to her. She had never seen me as a closed book.

"Jillian, it's Gregory, not Greg." I replied, she swallowed.

"Look, Greg... Gregory." She said. "I know this is hurting right now, but it's for the best. We're all still young, you'll find someone else."

My eye twitched, that small bit of emotion making her pale a little more. Still not a sound from the rest of the room. Troy must have noticed because he cleared his throat.

"Look Greg... I mean Gregory. I know this is a lot to take, but I think it's best you leave. Everyone here knows Jillian and I are supposed to be together. And I, unfortunately, think you'd be a third wheel."

I smiled, this time half the room looked at me questionably, "On that, we agree."

He smiled back, thinking I might be understanding. "Good, well as it's out in the open now, Jillian and I will keep away from your place over the weekend and even next week so you can move out."

"Move out?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

Troy swallowed, "Well it's Jillian's house too..."

"I see..." I said, my eyes narrowing.

"Greg...ory," my soon-to-be ex-wife said, struggling to make the transition to using my full name after so long. "We thought it would be easier for you to move out. The house is perfect for Troy and me to have children in and we figure it's too large for you so we would sort something out."

"I see..." I said repeating myself, the last syllable sound like a snake starting to hiss.

For a moment, no one said anything and the silence stretched until the DJ thought it was a good time to start the music if there wasn't going to be a fight.

As the music started playing, no one started dancing. Everyone in the room was still watching to see what would happen.

Troy spoke loudly over the music, "I'm sorry Gregory, but that's how it is. I know you might not think so right now, but no hard feelings." He said thrusting out his hand.

I looked down at his hand, then back to his eyes and the look made him pull back his hand quickly. If he could have seen inside my mind, he would have seen me severing that hand with the nearest sharp implement and then shoving the severed limb up a certain orifice.

I decided that it was time to leave, so I turned and walked out. No one stopped me, the two bouncers on the door each opened aside and walked out in front of me.

As the doors closed and the noise from inside went quiet. "You okay man?" one of the guys asked. They had also witnessed what happened.

"No, not really, but that's... I suppose anyone that just had that handed to them...." I trailed off.

"You know," the other bouncer said. "If you wanted to go back in the give that dickwad, a couple of hits, we could wait a few minutes before pulling you off..."

For the first time all day I laughed; both bouncers grinned.

"While tempting, no, I don't need a night in the watchhouse." Both nodded.

"Still," the first bouncer said. "Look, I've seen some shit over the years working clubs, but that is one of the coldest and underhanded ways to break up a marriage I have ever seen. For what it's worth I'm sorry."

I dismissed the sympathy with a wave.

"Don't worry about it. I think I'll just go home," I replied.

"And change the locks, mate, don't let the slut back into the house until you have to," the second bouncer added.

I raised an eyebrow, smiling. We spoke for another minute and I shook their hands before heading to my car and home.

On the way home I stopped by a Bunnings warehouse, it was late, and they were still an hour from closing, but I got what I needed quickly. New locks and deadbolts, a number of moving boxes and some packing tape.

Arriving home, I went through the process of changing the locks and assembling the boxes. Within a few hours I had several boxes full of Jillian's belongings before I started feeling the adrenaline of being so totally and utterly abandoned by my wife and supposed friends that I had to sit down. I poured myself a Kraken and coke, then fired up my laptop.

I opened up our bank and started doing the usual things that one does when being betrayed by your spouse. I blocked, then cancelled our joint credit cards. I opened a new account, then transferred half of our general savings and holiday accounts into the new account. It would all take a few days to clear, but I had a few hundred dollars in cash so I could wait.

With the sugar from the coke and the rum hitting my system, I got a second wind and opened up our legal folder. Within it was a number of legal documents including the documents for the house, two of the investment properties we had bought and the pre-nuptial agreement that we had drawn up when we got married.

Now I know what you thinking, there is an adultery clause in it. No, in that you would be mistaken. For the most part, the pre-nuptial protected the assets within my businesses. See when we started dating and got married, I had just started my accounting business. However, in starting the business, I got a couple of good mentors that gave me what was now sage advice and we set the businesses that supported my practice in my name only and both Jillian and I signed the pre-nuptial agreement that Other Accounts, my business, and all other subsidiaries were outside the scope of any separation.
