ABC Modeling Company Pt. 02


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I am ready to shoot but could not resist the chance to fuck some tits. This is one of the fastest ways to get me off. I lay my member on top, she rolls it in between so it wraps up in her bust. I start pumping in and out. Her breasts are perfect for this, they are very soft and contour to my cock easily. With the sweat for lubrication and her saliva on my dick, it is like fresh corn off the grill sliding across butter. I slid easily up and down her breasts topping out by inserting my cock into her gaping mouth each time.

I could not last, I felt like a virgin, my 1st time, I have no stamina for this. On my down stroke, I tense and start blowing ropes of cum. It hit her tits on the upstroke and then drop a load in her mouth. On the down stroke, I pull out and put a shot on her right cheek and ear, next one goes into her hair, and the following three onto her tits as the distance is decreasing.

She looks at me, swallows me in her mouth, and sucks me dry as she cleans me off. I swear fireworks go off in that room. Ginger then proceeds to rub my semen on her tits like a moisturizer. The finished effect is glistening tits that smell like cum. My cum. She gets up, takes the basin to the bathroom, washes her hands and refreshes the water. The cum is still on her face and in her hair!

She cleans my dressing and she is happy with the progress. Then she asks, "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

I smile, knowing that meant my checkup was going to be good news, and respond, "I have some friends that are not doing well. I am going to track them down, get them some help, and give them a job. Their three guys like me, they helped a lot of people, and I sure as hell am not going to let them suffer."

She smiles, kisses me, dresses, and collects her stuff. "I will see you tomorrow" and starts to leave.

I yell, "Wait, go look in the mirror, I think you might want to wash up before you leave."

She goes to the washroom then came back out and said, "Nope, looks good to me." She has a huge smile on her face. I smile.


OK, Anna back again.

We are in the office, making calls, returning messages, and sending email. A lot happens when you miss two days. Ginger opens the door to stick her head in. She had an absolute glow to her. She states, "I am done for today. His healing is tremendous. Matthew and I will be back tomorrow to check up on him."

It's at that moment that I noticed the rope of cum on her face and in her hair. Her chest looks moist, unlike the rest of her skin. I could not help the moan that left my mouth. Cindy let out an "Oh my" and Beth giggles. Ginger blushes a deep red. She has a big shit eating grin on her face that got even bigger when she saw our reactions. The bitch is showing off!

I yell, "CYA tomorrow." What else could I say, "Is it my turn now?" I couldn't do that.

After Ginger leaves, Beth lets out an "Oh my, that was so hot!" If I didn't have you two, I would have jumped her right there.

I quip, "I think she had her fill for the day. Did you see that smile on her face? We have a monster upstairs!"

Chapter 16 - All Better

Ron is up till late at night. He has the phone in his ear all night, even at dinner.

Around midnight we go up to see Ron. I gave the order, "You are done, you need your sleep."

Ron got out a "But..."

I cut him off, "I don't care. You did not get the rest you need. I am not having dads friend come over and see you tired and worn out. He would tan my rear end. Now explain what's going to happen."

Ron looks tired, but I guess he is used to debriefings, he starts spitting out the day's events, "Your old computer company, all computers are clean. All their home computers are clean. Tim verified. Phones as well. Everything here is clean. We are good. Some of the security staff has already started, more are on the way. I have a few that I need to find yet. I have good intel but need to make it happen."

"Don't worry, I am not exerting myself, only directing a team. I will be safe. Like me, these guys are in terrible neighborhoods, so a small show of force makes everything run smooth. In ten days, you sign for the house behind us. Your lawyer is a good negotiator. In thirty days, construction starts. The parents are reviewing my drawings now. I have an architecture firm ready to do the final work. My design is based on existing plans with some modifications, no problems expected. There will be golf cart streets between all buildings, we can all come and go easily. Our construction starts in two weeks, the blueprints are being reviewed now."

Now he smirks, "Nobody asked about the security guards?"

Cindy says, "I was going to ask about that. If we hired these people and their working, where are they? I have not seen anyone new around the neighborhood."

Ron continues now with a big grin on his face, "I got a call from your neighbor Mrs. Wilson today. She wanted to complain about our bushes."

I ask, "Our bushes?"

Ron snickers and then says, "Yes. It seems she was walking that little dog of hers in front of our house and her dog took a shit on our property. One of my guys was sitting there and asked her to pick up her dog's crap per association policy. She asked the bush how the bushes can talk. My man stood up and took a step forward and caught Mrs. Wilson as she fainted. He took her phone, dialed my phone number, said hi and that a neighbor wants to talk to me."

"After she woke up, I assured her that he was licensed, a trained professional, and working for the brother of her neighbor. I gave my five-minute life history. She was like wow, I don't get that amount of security for $29.99 a month, I never feel safe. What do you change?"

Ron continues, "We don't need to expand but I would like to help a few more guys out with jobs and controlling more area is a better buffer. They can cover a lot of area. She said money was no object although I won't exploit the situation. Do you want to expand the security side of your corporation into neighborhood security?"

We all sat stunned. Beth answers, "This is yours and we have no say."

Cindy said, "No, it makes more sense to do it in the corporation, we can give bonuses, and the accounting would be much harder than it needs to be to split it out. I don't care what he does, but I guess a safe neighborhood is better for everyone. It gives them more time to react to a situation."

I nod my head, "I agree with Cindy. Make a deal, don't take advantage of her but let's make a reasonable profit."

Ron continues, "Two more start next Wednesday. Your lawyer will take care of the contract. Moving on, the pool is now safe for nude sunbathing again."

I ask, "Wasn't it before? We never had an issue."

Ron adds, "Apparently it wasn't. We caught a photographer trying to take pictures. We found evidence of paths out back and staked them out. Sure enough, two guys come up talking about how much fun they heard this was. Today was not fun. They had an eight-inch knife against their throats and next time it would be more than a shave. It was suggested they spread the word, this house is now off limits or else."

Beth is shocked, "I was just out there this afternoon. We like our tans and one of us is out there every afternoon. Oh, oh, oh! Those creeps."

Ron smiles and says, "No need to worry anymore. I am tired, anything else before I go to bed."

Beth answers, "I am so glad you are here. We will let you sleep. Come on girls, he needs his beauty sleep."


The next morning, we all have breakfast in Ron's room then back to the calls, email, paperwork, negotiations, in other words, a boring morning.

Wilson picked up Ginger and Matthew at the hospital and led them inside to see us. We all go up to see Ron. Matthew takes off the dressing, inspects the stitches and seemed quite happy saying, "You heal well my boy. We will change the dressing again."

Ginger starts cleaning and redoing the dressing, "and you can start joining the real world again. You are free to walk around, take showers, but no running, weight lifting, in fact, no lifting anything more than a fork for another week. You have enough help around here to carry your computer and anything else that might come up. Just in case you were wondering that includes sex."

Beth has a noticeable exhale and you can see the disappointment in her eyes. I know she is devastated.

Matthew continues, "I want you to follow up with me in a week at the hospital. Any questions?

Nobody has any questions, Ginger finished replacing the dressing, gave Ron a hug, and then she and Matthew left with all of us (including Ron) in tow. We shake hands, say thank you, and watch Wilson take them back to the hospital.

Chapter 17 - Ron goes out for a drive

Ron spoke first, "I have some people coming over in an hour. I have three people to find. I will be home late tonight, don't wait up. I need to find my shoes."

I asked, "Who is watching over you? How do we know you won't do something stupid if you get that feeling again?"

Ron answered in a dead serious face, "There is almost no danger. This is a simple find, grab, and move on to the next. There are people far better than me that will be there. In my condition, if I do anything to help, I am a liability and risk their lives. That is NOT going to happen. I will be there to assess the intel, make decisions, and buy drinks at the end of the day. I know what I can and can't do but I must be there. These are my friends and they saved my life a few times. Please understand."

Cindy answered, "I can understand. I don't like it, but I guess I accept this is who you are and how you must do it. Is there anything you need?"

Ron grins, "I just want good intel, like always. We never get it, so we adapt. It's what we do."

At exactly an hour later a Jeep pulls up with tinted glass, Ron gets in and he is gone.

Beth states emotionlessly, "It's going to be a long week."

I snorted and then started giggling so hard I hurt. It is infectious, Beth and Cindy join in.

I spent the rest of the day catching up on all my work. We had a late dinner then go to the media room to watch some TV. We could not talk. We watched the clock and checked for instant messages every two minutes. 8:00 PM, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 all came and went. By now we are all sad, near tears, and half expecting the worst. This is taking too long, something is wrong.

Finally, at 12:45 AM I get a call on my cell phone, IT'S RON! Quickly, I answer the phone. Ron only says, "Put it on speakerphone, I know you are all waiting for me. I want everyone to hear me."

I turn up the volume, enable speakerphone, then set it down in between all of us.

Ron starts talking, "I am ok, my friends are OK, none of my people got hurt. BREATH!" We hear Ron giggle a second, the tension releases, he is safe. Then he continues, "We walked in on a robbery. They were kicking my buddy, smashing his stuff, looking for guns and drugs. They were a bit surprised to see a para-military group sweeping in on them with rifles drawn. They wet their pants, started crying, and gave up their leader in a second."

"We disarm them, tie their hands, and call the police. They were just as surprised as the punks to see us there with the gang lined up on the sidewalk on their knees. We explained the situation, took our man, they took the group, we moved on. The other two were uneventful other than we learned about a fourth member we didn't know about. We all thought he was dead. He is in bad shape, we are at the hospital now. I will be back in the morning. Go to bed and get some sleep. I got to go, the police have more questions. I love you all, bye." There is a click and then a dial tone.

I hang up my phone, smiled, and said, "I guess we go to bed. First up wakes the rest and starts breakfast. Good night, I love you." I kiss Beth and then Cindy and go to bed.


The next day, the same Jeep drops Ron off, we never saw the driver. True to his word his wound looks better, he didn't do anything stupid. We add a desk to our office for Ron. He sits down and starts sending email, making calls, and ignored us the rest of the day.

The next six days are a blur. Ron slept in a different bed each night but never did anything with us, just held us, and slept. It was wonderful when I had him and terrible when I didn't. The three of us didn't play together, we are building sexual energy for Ron. That's what we said. We all suffered. We were short-tempered, quick to cry, and a bunch of cranky bitches. It was a bad week, Ron avoided us until bedtime.

Chapter 18 - Beth

Ron walks through the door having just come back from the Hospital for his one week follow up. He doesn't say anything, just walks in and strips off his shirt. No dressing, no stitches, nice scar. Ron finally spoke, "Still no weight training for a while, no fighting, no killing, but otherwise, I am back to normal. I can tell I have lost some strength, it will be a while before I am back to 100%. I feel great."

Beth is first to speak, she had a super excited look on her face, "Ok Ron, now it's time to lay down some laws around here." We all look shocked at her. "Since we were little girls, I always liked you. As I grew up, I started to like you more and more each year. It was so cute how you tried to protect us. You really couldn't but you delayed them enough that real help came."

"In high school, you found some confidence, you were still small and shy, but you started kicking some major ass. That was a huge turn on. Then when I was in college, boys started flinging themselves at us, none of them measured up to you. You had that quiet confidence and we knew you would do anything to protect us. It was then that we became lesbians, we could not have you in college and then you ran off to the Army. We love each other so much.

"It's not that we didn't want a cock, it's just that none of the bodies attached to those cocks were worthy. Then we thought we lost you. I cried, we all cried. How could any man compete against your memory? I didn't feel like living. I saw an ad in an email for a PI. I called a bunch of places, but I kept going back to this one that just felt right. I called him, we talked several times.

"He wanted to make sure I was serious and willing to do whatever it took to fix you. I was so hysterical, we never even discussed a price. Then you were back in our arms and we selfishly wanted to show you off and we almost lost you again. Argggggg, this has been a LONG week. What I am trying to tell you, I want, no I demand you take my virginity and fuck me stupid tonight."

Ron simply replies, "No."

In unison, we scream, "NO?"

Ron says, "No."

There is another of those long dramatic pauses.

Then Ron gives a hint of a smile, a very evil smile, and says, "I will not take your virginity and fuck you stupid. I have loved you since I met you. Your eyes are what did it. It's what makes you so much money and fame. Your eyes are deep and captivating. I would have done anything you asked me to do. Anything any of you three would have asked.

"I look those beatings as a show of my love for you. I was willing to do anything for you. Anything. Yet you were popular. You were out of my league. Only your friends in this room are your equal. I love your long legs, your silky hair, and perfect breasts. But your eyes are what made me your slave. Again, I say no, I will not fuck you and treat you like some gutter trash or the cheap whores shared on base. No, I will not do that to you.

"You deserve better, you deserve to have a man that makes love to you. You deserve to be up on a pedestal and worshipped. You deserve a man treating you like the goddess you are, with me worshipping at your feet. I love you and tonight, I will give you want you really deserve."

He breaks open that evil half smile and says, "If they still want to, they can watch as well."

I scream at him and hit him in the chest (the good side), and spit out, "I hate when you do that shit!" Cindy and Beth are also hitting him, but Beth just didn't seem to have the same level of hate as Cindy and I do.

He puts up his hands in self-defense and says, "I give up, I give up, don't hurt me, I am frail. Please don't hurt me." He now has a full smile and continues, "Cindy, for you it was your hair. That jet-black silky hair. Long or short, I don't care, your hair is divine. I love the way it shines like a beacon in the night. Nobody has such much body and spring in their hair. Then your sweet little nose is so cute, words don't describe how adorable you are."

"Anna, oh my sweet Anna. Your smile can melt the north pole it is so bright. Your perfect white teeth, the way your lip thins out and then curls up on the ends. Nothing stops a man faster than that killer smile. I had to explain to a general about my dying sister and her last wish to hear from me."

"Yes, they knew it was bullshit but they figured if I went to that much trouble you must be special, they allowed me to send you a note. The teddy bear was the general's idea. I loaded him up with all my medals. The general still talks about that story with new recruits and how that will never work again!"

"OK, I have a lot of work to do still. My guys are in bad shape. I have coordination, medical specialists, their families, and a host more to do and it needs doing now. There is a time to work and a time to play, right now, I need to work."

Beth asked, "How can we help?"

Ron outlines a list of things that need doing. He is right, they and their families need help. We get our way. A smile here, a wink there, or in this case a favor or donation here and there and things drop from the list. It is 8:13 PM when we finish. Cindy asked, "Anyone else hungry?" The doorbell rings, four pizzas show up. We all look at Ron and he confesses, "You all worked really hard and made a difference today, I am treating my favorite sister and her two best friends to dinner."

8:30, we are full and sitting in the kitchen drinking water and looking at the empty boxes.

Ron spoke first, "Beth my love, I think now is the time to have fun." He moved over to Beth, kisses her on the lips, takes her hand, and leads her upstairs to her room. The room's lights are off and some floor lamps from around the house are in the corners of the room adding a soft light to the room. There must have been a hundred candles throughout the room flickering back and forth adding plenty of shadows. Rose petals are on the bed. Beth gasps in shock, "How the fuck did you do this, I was up here not an hour ago."

Ron answers, "I know a bunch of very appreciative guys that want to help say Thank You."

Ron pulls her to the edge of the bed but prevents her entry, he holds her, standing by the edge of the bed. She is facing the bed, not six inches from her and he moves behind her. He takes his strong hands and grips her hands and bringing them above her head, straight up. He then ran his hands up and down her sides, just barely touching her to elicit the tingling and tickling effect he wants. He then very slowly pulls her shirt up and over her head, discarding it in the corner.

From behind, he reaches around and unbuttons, unzips, and slides her shorts down her legs as his tongue races down her long legs. More tickling. Still, behind her, he put his hands around her ample breasts and kneads them like making bread. Beth lets out a low moan, I can see her soaked panties. Mine are wet as well. Beth is on fire, I can smell her distinctive aroma. Ron removes his hands from her breasts and undoes the clasp of the bra with a single finger.

How did he do that little trick? He pulls the straps off her shoulders but the arms at her sides keep the bra in place. Once again, he grabs the breasts, squeezes them a bit, hard enough to get a squeak out of Beth. He pushes the bra straight away from her and tosses it in the pile. He then uses his fingers to hook her panties and slowly pulls them down as he kisses her back, ass, and then legs till they reach the floor. She steps out of the panties. He now moves to her left side, puts a knee on the bed and pulls her down and to the left so her head ends up on a pillow. He moves her legs to the center of the bed.