ABC Modeling Company Pt. 03


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5-star opens a box and pulls out a pair of women's panties. Ron looks up and smiles. "These are a parting goodbye gift from a friend." The group hooped and hollered. "She wants you to bring them back." Again, more cheering as Ron turns beet red, he is not enjoying this.

5-star gets a serious look on his face, the place is silent, "There are a few other we left behind as well, those we know and are not here today, a moment of silence for them please." Only a few crying babies break the silence.

5-star, "Now the final item tonight before I start drinking your booze, it seems that we have been neglectful in a few ways and we want to rectify that tonight. I have here a few medals for you. I could go and name each one and why you got it, I could stand up here and name off the people here tonight that earned you some of these. But no. Anyone wonder why a 4-star and 5-star general wearing a million shiny medals are here tonight? It's because they are not ours." There is a collective gasp.

Two aids came over and removed the bars of medals from each general, put a much smaller bar on, and then proceeded to put the medals on each side of Ron's suit. He broke down crying, it took all that 5-star had to hold him up as they hugged each other.

4-star yells out, "Drinks are on me, I am buying this round." There was a collective cheer as they all run to the bar except for Ron and 5-star. 4-star continues, "Would you all please get a drink and come here so we can toast our hosts. Ron, Beth, Cindy, and Anna, please, next to me." He looks at Beth and shouts, "Young lady, I see that you don't have a drink in your hands."

Beth looks down, and says very softly, "I can't".

4-star asks, "Well, why not?"

Beth replies much louder now, "Because I can't drink." Ron's eyebrows raise at that comment. He is confused. I am crying already. Now Ron is really confused.

4-star asks, "Why can't you drink little lady?"

Beth screams, "Because I am pregnant!"

There is a huge cheer. When the arms go down, I see Ron's limp body going slowly to the ground, guided by the two generals.


Much later at night when everyone is home, and all the parents are doting over Beth, Ron came over, grabbed Beth and me by the hands and guided us to the living room sofa. The parents follow to see what happens next. Is Ron mad?

Ron broke the ice, "Well, for a guy that doesn't have many surprises in his life, yet again you two floor me." We each got a nice kiss on the lips.

Beth asked, "Why were you not surprised?"

Ron smirked, "I give you credit, bussing in all those people was a neat trick. It was a gravel parking lot and I noticed the tracks of the large vehicle from the busses. Those are not common around a VHW. The second thing was I could hear the people breathing."

Dad asked, "Anna, how did you know that he had figured it out."

"There were two clues. First, he did not resist and stood by his captors rather than trying to get away. Second, as I told Ron, they were still breathing." That got a good laugh from all.

Ron then asked, "How did you invite the generals?"

Beth asked, "Yes Anna, how did you do that?"

I answer, "They were not invited. They crashed the party." That got a chuckle from everyone.

Ron filled in, "General Grant, the 5-star was very involved with Intel. Not much gets past him. An email with my name probably triggered something."

Ron then asked, "The thing that really surprised me, obviously, was how he knew you were pregnant."

Beth says, "That is easy to answer," Beth pulled a note out of her pocket, "The 4-star General slipped me this note: Dear Beth, I have to write this note because your sneaky husband can hear everything. He also reads lips in case you didn't know. We have you flagged in our system because of your fiancé. When the confirmation of your pregnancy test came back, that is a life-altering event, so it set a flag. If you don't mind, I would like to announce it here for you. If you agree, blink once. If you don't want this, blink twice. I blinked once."

Ron asked, "OK, the last question, how did you get pregnant?"

Beth's dad spoke up, "Do I really need to explain to you how the process works?" We all had a great laugh.

Ron continues, "Very funny, what I mean is I thought Beth was on the pill."

Beth got very serious and sad looking. She can't look at Ron but says, "I didn't know what was going to happen or if you would even pick me. I know how you feel about Anna. She has that killer smile that gets any guy she wants, I was afraid of losing you.

"I decided that if I lost out on you, I have the money to raise a child in a good environment. I decided to not take the pill and hope for the best. If I got pregnant and you didn't want me, I would have taken off and raised the baby on my own. I just had to have a part of you, even if it was just a child. I am sorry for betraying your trust. Please forgive me."

She looked so sad and vulnerable at that moment.

Ron is in tears, "Honey baby, I told you I would do anything for you. I do love Anna tremendously and her smile can ensnare any mortal, but baby, you are just as special in your own way. Your eyes are more captivating than any solar system, deep penetrating all-seeing, and yet so gentle and forgiving. Picking between you and Anna is like picking which arm I don't want. I want both."

Ron happily continues, "If you want a baby, we will have a baby, I want a family. I want to have little Ron's and Beth's running around the house. I would love to see a little Anna as well, but some things just aren't possible. Your dream is possible, and our child will be spoiled rotten by everyone around us."

I have tears in my eyes. I am not on the pill either.

Beth wipes the tears away, "I was also given three boxes by 5-star. One for Anna, one for Cindy, and one for me. The note says to open them tonight."

Beth tearfully says, "Anna and Cindy, here is your box and this is mine".

I slowly open my box. It is a Teddy Bear, exactly like the one I received a few years ago. This one in an Army uniform that says, Anna. Beth and Cindy got one that said Beth and Cindy on the uniform. We got identical notes that I read aloud: "Last time I gave one of these it was to help keep a young man focus on surviving and remembering what is important to us. Accept this gift from me with the same hopes. Keep your wits about you at all times, remember what is important to us, and welcome to the family."

Cindy, Beth and I both cry, our parents say, "awwwww."

Chapter 26 – The Plane Trip

About two weeks later, Cindy is out in Australia shooting a calendar. It is quiet around the office like someone cut the phone lines. Very few calls and almost no email. At 11 AM Ron gets up from his desk, uses the intercom, and says "Wilson, it's time to go." He hangs up the phone then says, "OK girls, it's time to go."

We both ask, "Go where?"

Rom smiles, "We are going on a short trip. You are already packed, come on, let's go."

I stand my ground, "I am not going anywhere till I know where and why."

Ron threatens, "Will you come peacefully, or must I blindfold, bind, gag, and throw you in a trunk?"

I try to look mad, but in the end, I just walk to the front door and out to the limo. I yell out to Wilson, "Traitor!" but he just smiles at me.

We go to the airport but not the typical entrance, a side entrance. We pull up to a medium-sized private jet with the gangway down.

I ask, "You didn't buy this, did you?"

Ron answers, "Oh no, just borrowed from a friend of mine. He has a few of these. This is George and Wendy Hammersmythe. George will be our pilot today and Wendy is co-pilot and stewardess. Please board."

Wendy shows us around the plane, "In the back is a bed with a shower. Next is the galley where there are a well-stocked fridge and bar, help yourself. I will make dinner when it is time. You get the first and last four hours, George and I get the middle four. Please find a seat and buckle yourselves in. We will be in the air in eight minutes." We leave right on time.

After leveling out, two lights came on, a no smoking sign and a no shirt sign.

I look at Ron, "I don't get it?"

He asks, "You don't get what?"

I add, "What is that second sign mean, no shirts?"

Ron says, "Not quite, it means clothing optional. However, on this flight, it really is a no clothes rule. We all need to strip."

Wendy came back with some bins to put our clothes in, she was already naked. She was cute, but a bit older and not good enough for our agency. I am used to seeing perfect 10's all day long in our business. She was very polite, stored our gear, what little we had, and went back up to the cockpit.

Beth asked, "What was that bit about the 4, 4, and 4?"

I was thinking the same thing, Ron answered, "George flies the first four hours, so we can join the mile-high club, he and his wife get the next four while I fly, then George will finish and land the plane."

Beth and I both have our jaws on the floor, "You can fly?"

Ron replies, "I am barely qualified but yes, I can fly some planes. I learned a lot in the military. I am better at helicopters, you will experience that later. I think it's time to join the club, don't you?"

We all walk to the back of the plane. It is magnificent. Someone dumped a heap of money into this room. It is truly stunning. There are expensive woods, plush carpeting, a mirror on the ceiling, lots of lighting, and the best bedding money can buy. This is a love nest.

I state, "I want to play Russian Roulette", they both look at me. I lay in the middle of the bed, "Beth, come lay down on top of me, clit to clit. Ron, your job is to line us up and you get five strokes into a pussy. If you don't start to shoot your wad, move to the next pussy and give it five strokes. You keep going till one of us wins. The loser has to suck him off till he gets hard again and then gets fucked by him."

Beth asks, "Losing isn't so bad in this game."

I reply, "No, no it isn't."

Ron gets in position, "Do either of you need warming up?"

I snicker, "This bitch is leaking like a sieve, if I wasn't so turned on right now, she has enough for both us of. Come and get it, big fella."

I get the first five strokes, Beth gets the next five. This is very different because I knew my best friend is fucking when I wasn't. I had nothing to do other than enjoy or listen to them count to five. It was an outer body experience. I took much longer to build the crescendo, that part was good, but it wasn't as satisfying.

Time to make this more interesting. I start kissing Beth and rubbing her nipples. She starts groaning. Then as I get my turn, she rubs my nipples and I start to moan. I can hear Ron's breathing get heavier. Seems he was not getting much out of it either. Now, it is more entertaining. Because we are enjoying ourselves, he is enjoying it much more. Two more sets and he erupts.

I get the motherload, I can feel it squishing inside of me. I thought to myself, this would be a hell of a way to get pregnant.

Beth rolls off me, "Guess I lose, darn!"

Ron rolls on to his back and Beth gives him a master blow job. Bobbing, tongue, sucking, and new to me, she blew on his mushroom head. Hmmmmm. No time at all, he is at full mast. They roll over me, so Beth is on her back and Ron is at her entrance.

I announce, "Dinner will be soon, I can smell it."

Ron begins to glide in and out of Beth at a nice leisurely pace. He starts picking up the pace, faster than he usually does. It also seems like he is trying to aim at specific parts of her uterus. That is new, hmmm. I noticed a few tricks I had learned that she didn't know about. We will need to compare notes later.

I get behind Ron and whisper dirty to him, "Fuck her good, get in there real deep, treat her like the slut she is, pound her, mark her as yours, feed that giant python into her hole, she wants it, she needs it, fuck her good, make her cum, now, now, now, cum for her!"

He lost it and filled her love tunnel with a massive load. I can feel him pushing the ropes of cum into her. They all said "hi" to the egg that already won and is growing in her. We lay spent.

The overhead speaker came on, Welcome to flight 293 to destinations unknown. I hope you have enjoyed the flight, it sounded like you all did. Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes, please shower and prepare to eat. Thank you for flying Ron Airlines, the best fuck in the sky."

I add, "Guess we better take a shower and quick."


Dinner is terrific. Wendy is magic with so little space and appliances. As we ate, Wendy changed the bedding and sits down with us. We make small talk, but she gave no hints as to where we are going or why.

When we finish, Wendy does the dishes and prepares two more plates for her and her husband.

Ron takes us by hand up to the cockpit. Ron takes Wendy's co-pilot seat, buckles in, put on the headset, asked a few questions, then George gets up and leaves. Beth doesn't like heights much, so I take the pilots seat, Beth takes the extra seat that is there. Ron explains that the plane is on autopilot, he is there in case things go wrong.

There isn't a cloud in the sky, I can see the pretty blue water below and because it is almost dark out, there are a billion stars out tonight. Ron says, "I wanted you to see this. These conditions plus the availability of the plane and this crew don't come up often. As you can see the stars aligned, and we have this gorgeous view. I bet you never knew there were so many stars, did you?"

Ron points, "Over there, that spider web, that is a small city. See how it is black and then there are tall buildings with a spider net from the lamp posts. It doesn't get much better than this."

I swear it was five minutes later when George and Wendy asked to switch position. Beth says, "We just got here." George replies, "You have been up here for five hours. It's really beautiful, isn't it?"

We answered in unison, "Yes, it is." We get up and move to the back seats. On the way there, I go to Ron before we sit down and gave him a heartfelt kiss, "Thank you, that was breathtaking." Beth agreed.

Ron sweetly answers, "That is how I feel around you two all the time." We all settled down on a couch and snuggle up together in Ron's arms.

We start descending, look out the windows and see NOTHING! I look at Ron and he says, "Trust me." I do but I could not look until we land. I fly commercial flights and the landings are silky smooth, this is nothing like that. Seatbelts are mandatory as the plane bounces a bit till the plane stops. Again, unusual, typically you taxi up to a gate. There is no airport, no gate, not even a building that I can see. Wendy opens the door and puts down the steps, "One at a time please."

Chapter 27 – The Island

I walk out first and in the dark, I can see two people waiting for us, naked of course. It wasn't until I step off the stairs that the two people rush me. IT IS CINDY! We hug hard, I thought one of us might break the other. Beth came down, saw who it is, and hugs Cindy as I let go. Ron came down smiling.

Cindy saw Ron, called him a mother fucker, then ran to give him a hug too. It had been a month since we have seen Cindy. She spoke to me and Beth, "We were just about done shooting when I get a note that there is an urgent matter at home and to take the plane that is waiting for me. I was to leave immediately. I am in a panic.

"Those two, pick me up and fly me here. I joined the club with my friend Ricky here." I knew Rickey was a photographer, I had worked with him before. Nice guy but a big step down. We all introduce ourselves to Ricky.

Ron says, "Feel free to hang out in the club here, I need to take George and Wendy to the North end of the island. I will be back in ten minutes when we will fly to the South end."

In the dark, is a helicopter that I could only see once Ron turns on the lights. It spun up and they take off. We walk over to "The Club" which is little more than a barely standing shack, a few rickety chairs, and some very nice bottles of white wine on ice with a few bottles of juice labeled "Beth." The temperature is perfect, the breeze is blowing my hair, and the stars are out. It is perfect.

Ron came back, picked us up and takes us to the South end of the island where there is a spectacular beach, four huts, a boat by the pier, and a landing pad. There are lights as we near. It is spectacular.

After landing, securing, and refueling the helicopter, we walk over to the buildings. The bigger one is a kitchen, dining room, and living room. The other three are cabins. Ron starts a bonfire and brought over a cart with juice and more wine. Ron only drank juice.

I asked Ron, "Not going to join us?" pointing at his juice, he replied, "I am security and the designated driver should we need to leave quickly. Storms come up quick out here." He is so sensible.

Ron announces, "I am tired, it's been a long day, I am going to bed. Feel free to sleep wherever you want. My one piece of advice is not to try sex on the beach. It's a nice name for a drink but sand is like sandpaper when rubbed against a cock." Ricky shudders.

Beth shot up to follow Ron. I stayed to talk to Cindy a bit. "So, what have you been up to?"

Cindy answers, "I have been enjoying life, had a few boyfriends like Ricky here. Nothing serious, just fun. I hope I have not hurt your feelings. I still love Ron, but I am enjoying a lot of new experiences."

I smile and reply, "Cindy, I am happy for you. None of us want to trap you. That's why Ron forced your hand. He sensed your true desires. He made sure you got a taste of what men can do and then like a good parent, he kicked you out of the nest, so you could learn to fly on your own. We are happy and proud of you."

I get up, walk over to her, give her a big kiss, and then leave for our bed. We are tired, we had a long flight and they had all day to relax. I fall asleep curled up with Ron listening to Cindy scream out in joy.

The next morning, we wake up and take a swim rather than a shower. This is the way to live. Ron made a nice simple breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage with some country potatoes. We all had juice.

Ron says, "There is a boat, jet skis, swimming, sun tanning, a bit of hiking in the forest, snorkeling, whatever your pleasure."

I ask, can you skipper a "Yacht that size?"

Ron replies, "That is just a small runabout. Yes, I am fully trained in many types of boats and this is one of them ... I think," he smiles.

We go for a boat ride. The water is crystal clear. We are obviously in the Caribbean somewhere on a very remote and secluded island. Once out to sea it is very relaxing. Everyone but Ron is laying out on the deck getting some rays. I hear some splashing and there are dolphins swimming along the sides of the boat. I am awe-struck as they chirp in their language.

Ron slows the boat, came over to us and put lotion on me and Beth. Cindy and Ricky take care of each other. The wind and the fresh air are too much, I fall asleep. I wake late afternoon on my opposite side, Ron had flipped me. I watch the dolphins swimming next to the boat. Everyone is watching them. Ron has a smile on his face.

Ron made us some light snacks, forced us to drink water, and eventually, we head back. The dolphins are beautiful, what a magnificent creature.

Once back, Cindy and Ricky went to their cabin for a "nap". It was a noisy nap.

Ron took Beth and me into the forest. He takes us up in elevation quite a bit, it is a hard walk, but the views are breathtaking. At the top is a man-made waterfall the fills a large swimming pool. Even though it isn't natural, it looks like it could have been due to all local materials (rocks and trees) and that crystal-clear water.

Ron jumps in and it isn't long before Beth and I follow. Being in the waterfall feels thrilling, I am tingling. We splash around in the water a bit, swim around, and enjoy the view. I have my chin on my hands while my elbows are up on the edge of the pool looking out over the beautiful jungle, beach, and sand. I can see the "airport" but otherwise, not much that is man-made. It is serene.