Abduction Ch. 07

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Where did you sleep last night?
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Part 7 of the 15 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 07/11/2006
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The next morning, Teri woke up late. The sun was already sending so much light into the room that she could see every luxurious feature clearly. The other side of the bed was still empty and she noticed that the bedspread was still lying in the same place as it had been last night. That meant Connor had never come to bed at all that night.

She wondered where he had slept – and with whom – then rubbed her eyes slightly and decided not to give the creep any more thoughts. She had more important things to consider. Like how to get away from this strange place and back to her own planet. She had realised her error in thinking the whole thing a joke and the surroundings a theatre stage. No, this was painfully true and she did not have to pinch her hand any more times to convince herself about the peril she was in. Stuck on a strange planet with a jerk as husband. Ormate, as they called it. She was not sure exactly what that meant, but they would surely enlighten her about her new duties, she was sure.

Looking around for her clothes, she could not find anything resembling her black trousers and white blouse. Instead a pink-coloured skin suit was lying on a chair right next to the bed and after ransacking the entire room she realised this was the only clothing she had been left with. Damn them, she muttered, and swore to demand her clothes being returned immediately. In the meantime, she would simply have to try on their clothes or go naked. Well, naked would only suit Connor or the other male chauvinists this place was littered with, so that was not an option she considered very long.

Pulling on the suit she stared into the mirror with a shocked expression. It didn't leave much to the imagination as far as body frame was concerned. Every curve was ruthlessly displayed and she cursed herself for skipping the last few training sessions she had planned. To wear this she would need more than just a few sessions. She shrugged. Why did she even care what she looked like? It did not matter whether Connor liked her body or not. She wanted to get rid of the man, didn't she?

She straightened her posture and headed outside to meet the world and Connor head on. Just outside the door she met a group of guards, telling her they were ordered to take her to the ship. Teri nodded, and followed them. She noticed they were sneaking peaks at her body and getting a strange and hungry expression in their faces. She felt slightly better.

If these fellows found her attractive she could probably use this skin suit on someone else as well. Maybe even Connor or someone who could help her get away from this place. Suddenly the thought of using feminine powers gave her comfort. Finally she had found a weapon she could apply in order to accomplish what she wanted, and she had every intention of using every weapon in her arsenal to her advantage.

Being stuck on a strange planet, she decided to use every weapon of escape including hitting a man below the waist. Or perhaps the thought of being mated to the largest jerk in the universe made her rethink her values. Yes, that was probably it. She still could not understand how he could have made such steaming sex with someone he had been ordered to fuck. Maybe that was just what he was like. Chasing after every skirt that came his way? What a pity he had to marry her afterwards? She almost laughed as she recollected his shocked expression when learninghe was her mate. If she was not one of the main characters in this farce, she would probably find the story hilarious.

Right now she felt more like being at war with her surroundings and that would probably not help her cause any more than lying down and cry. She was done with crying. She had wasted enough tears on the creep last night, and she swore there would be no more tears.

The guards escorted her onboard the space ship again. They were leaving for the Ziota colony she was told.

She still had not seen any sight of herdear mate, and if she saw him, he would probably regret the whole mating business. She had not slept much during the night and she was sure he was somewhat to blame for it. Admitting she was worried about him, was not something she would admit even to herself, so she decided it was simply her not knowing what would happen now that made her awaken so many times during the night.


Morgan was not feeling too well from yesterday's fluidal consumptions. His head ached and his stomach rumbled every time he moved. He decided to sit quietly for the rest of the journey. Still, he could not help smiling by the thought of his friend, Connor, lying sleeping in his cabin. He who never used mind alters was terribly sick and the foul stench of vomit was in the air throughout the compartment. Right now he was flat out on his bed and Morgan laughed at the image of how the Earth woman would like her new tasks of cleaning up after him. He chuckled to himself. He couldn't wait to tell her. Now if only his stomach could settle down a bit more first.


"Welcome on board," said a smiling Morgan while welcoming Teri into the ship she knew quite well now. In fact she knew some places better than others, since being locked up in the captain's cabin all the time.

"So, where's the creep?" she couldn't help herself for asking. "Still venturing his last hours of bachelorhood?"

"You could say so," Morgan chuckled. "In fact, I'm convinced he sees the errors of his way right now."


"Yep, see for yourself, he's in there." He pointed in the direction of the captain cabin.

She turned around and headed in the opposite direction.

"The other way, Missy," Morgan shouted after her. "Oh, and I forgot to tell you that you're responsible for him during this trip. And for keeping my cabin clean."

"And?" Teri asked. "Is there something you're not telling me, that I would like to know perhaps?"

Morgan just laughed and handed her a washing cloth and a bucket. "You'll need these."

"For what?"

"You'll see," Morgan laughed as he turned back to his tasks.

That man was laughing too much, she thought while sneering at his back. Something was not right here. Did he actually want her to clean out the women Connor had seen last night, or was something else going on here? Teri feared the worst while heading for the cabin she knew so well by now. She even located the button to open the door in her first try, and walked into something she was certain would be a complete disaster zone.

Spread out on the bed was the large figure of her mate, snoring loudly. He was alone. Looking closer she could see that his clothes were wrinkled. It appeared he had slept in them and they also seemed to be covered in a yellow substance. Judging by the smell it was some of that foul liquor. So, her mate had gone and drowned himself into a stupor. How adult of him, she snarled at his sleeping person.

She went closer. If she also smelled perfume on his clothes she would paddle his torso with the bucket or perhaps with something heavier. Still she could not smell anything and she gradually moved closer to him. She could smell something, but it seemed very far from anything that could resemble perfume. Manly sweat, vomit and alcohol, mainly. Definitely no perfume.

A bucket containing a tell-tale substance convinced her he had definitely celebrated their mating by drinking much more than he could take. Just great, she grumbled, and threw the disgusting substance down the drain with a strained expression. Walking back to her worn-down mate, she still thought he smelled terribly. At least he was in the clear in the adultery-area. She didn't like being mated to a complete stranger, but she had very strong objections about sharing, especially something that the world – and perhaps even she (on a good day) – considered to be hers.

Even so, cleaning up this mess that contained her so called 'mate' was something she had failed to hear about in the vows he had spoken. At leastshe had not promised anything about nursing or bathing him, as far as she could remember. On Earth you could always count on this 'for better or worse' statement to cover such occasions, but she could not recall hearing any of those vows on this planet.

She shrugged her shoulders. No need to think about laws and should-not's. The only thing that would help here was a large bucket of soapy water on the sleeping man. That should clear the stench away. Looking at the sleeping mountain of a man, she soon concluded that moving him to the bathtub was out of the question. Not without the help of some other mountains to lift him, and she didn't want to face the laughing expression of Morgan one more time. Once before lunch was enough, thank you very much.

So, if the mountain could not get to the bath, then the bath would have to come to the mountain. Easy logic, she thought and smiled when reaching that conclusion, before going to the bathroom.

Now, the next question would be: cold water or warm water? She would love to pour some ice-cold water down the pants of Mr. Loverboy in there, but she decided the stench would probably remain. That left the warm water.

It was still a good idea though, but she would have to keep that for later. Filling the bucket, she put a large amount of a soap smelling of roses into the water. Then she returned to the room. She watched her victim for a while. The clothes had to go first. She put the bucket away and started tugging at his space suit. The zipper went okay, and the arms loosened after a lot of work and no cooperation. Lazy man. The least he could have done was to undress himself before falling asleep on the bed.

Well, if she had found him naked she would probably start off by killing him for screwing around - then ask him about it later. Still, it was incredibly difficult to undress a sleeping man of this size. She tried to shake him awake. No luck there. He slept on as heartily and loudly as ever. Time to change plans, she thought and got out of the bed again.

Gripping the bucket of warm water, she aimed carefully at her victim and threw the content directly over his upper body. The snoring stopped immediately, and one angry male jumped out of the bed, gripped her around the waist and tackled her onto the floor with him following close behind. He landed partly on top of her and the weight made her loose her breath for a few seconds. She felt like screaming but no sound emerged from her throat.

"What are you doing, you crazy woman?" he roared at her, before raising his hand to his aching head as if the sound of his own voice was causing him immense pain. "Were you trying to drown me?" he asked more quietly so as not to make his headache any worse. He still sounded as a rabid wolf that had been awoken from his sleep.

"So, you're finally awake?" she gasped out. "Then you might continue straight on into the shower so it is possible to stay in the vicinity of your stinking personality."

"What, you don't like my smell? And I thought all women adored some male sweat. I've heard it makes their panties wet," he said smugly, while rubbing his abdomen slowly against her stomach. His anger having vanished just as sudden as it had appeared. She glanced suspiciously at the large male pressing her down on the floor while running his hand slowly along the neckline of her skin suit. Her breath caught suddenly by the answering warmth spreading through her lower regions, and she took a deep breath. The smell of vomit sobered her immediately.

"Nope, you are definitely too medieval for me right now. I suggest you take a shower before I unload another bucket on you."

"What? No compassion for your tired mate?" he asked sweetly. "What a cruel woman you are, Mrs Hamilton."

"Yes, yes," she said while trying to ignore the flutters starting in her stomach by the sound of that strange title. She had to keep in touch with reality here and not be seduced by that easy tone of his again. Not to mention that tempting body that he rubbed against her hungry flesh. "Now, try to listen to reason and get in that shower. I'll get you something to drink. Something without alcohol this time."

He looked strangely at her. "Ah, so you are trying to nurse me, after all? How nice," he said looking just as content as a cat that had just caught a large prey.

"Well, it is my duty, or so Morgan told me," she replied smugly as she emphasised the wordduty. She knew he would understand the word correctly, and as expected he suddenly turned angry again. Gone was the skilful lover that managed to arouse her just by looking at her. Now his expression was cold and methodical. The soldier had awakened, it seemed, and he was much easier to deal with than the seductive male that got her hot in a second.

He got up and went for the shower. A moment later she heard him turn on the water. Revenge is good, she thought, almost rubbing her hands in triumph for the success in using his own weapons against him. Fucking her in the line of duty was something he would regret dearly, she thought as she changed the bed linens and cleared up the mess. Shouting for the nearest guard she ordered black coffee. He just stared stupidly at her.

"Don't you have anything for crapulence?" she asked instead.

"Oh yes, of course," he smiled and went to collect it.

"Of course" she mumbled to herself. "Every humanoid knows about inebriation. I should have known."


Emerging from the shower, Connor felt slightly better. At least now his stomach didn't feel as queasy as before. Still, he was sober enough to still be annoyed by that mate of his. She was difficult and she did not seem too happy about the situation, and that was to put it lightly. She had not shown him proper respect before the elders. In fact, she berated him in all important aspects, complaining about his lack of skills as a lover.

He had never experienced any female from Alpha Centauri behaving like that before. Usually the females were happy to be mated, and former soldiers like himself were sought after for their ability to protect their mates. He had never felt as confused before as he did now.

She was not acting the way his friends' mates were. They were all redecorating their houses and inducing all sorts of feminine changes to them, and combining this with cooking the most delightful dishes while pampering both their mates and children. It was sickening to watch, but he had always believed his own mate would be the similar soft and sweet-natured creature. Sweet, non-demanding, and granting his every wish both inside and outside the bedroom.

Instead she had way too much spite and seemed to hate his guts. Especially judging by the way she was treating him. Throwing a bucket of water on him to clean him? He had never heard about anyone doing something as stupid as that, and to her own mate? Did she not realise that as her mate he had every right to punish her how and when he liked? Or was she so ignorant of their culture that she did not know? Or did not care? Where he came from women were happy to get a mate, not anxious to get rid of him.

He wondered if he was doing something wrong in not punishing her. Maybe he was too overbearing with her, and just like a pet she needed training? Still, he would give her so more time to accept this new role of hers. After all, she was a foreigner. But, if she continued this way he would eventually have to restrain her somehow. A man who could not control his own mate was never one to be respected by other males, and in his present position respect meant everything. He had controlled her with sex before, so maybe that was the way to do it again?

After all the lies she had given the council about his bad sexual habits, she deserved to see how wrong she was. He would give her as many orgasms that she would stop thinking all together. That was probably the best way to solve this problem, and it would also feed his bruised ego to hear her scream the walls down in an earth-shattering release. Yep, that was it, he thought. He would only give her a few days respite, so she would think herself free from his advances and relax her stance, and then he would pounce.

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jott50jott50over 9 years ago

thats right captain...fuck her into submission...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I don't get it...

The only thing I don't get is that if there are less women than men, why are the women happy just to be mated and pander to their mate's every need? Logically, the shortage of women would mean that the women have the pick of the crop and that the men actually have to work harder to attract a female. So you'd think it'd be the other way around. The male pandering to every females wish.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Dry opinion

Great, but too short.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

had me laughing my head off

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

More pleaseee... adore ur sense of humor..

i can't wait to jerk off some more to ur amazing story... please longer chapters and lots of hot sex!

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