Accidental Discovery Ch. 02


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Victoria was determined to put on a good show. They needed the film she hoped her friend was making. She hoped Lori's friend could keep shooting through all that was likely to happen. Men had their uses, she smiled inwardly. She sneaked a peak to her left and right to see if the other girls were ok. They appeared to be.

Phillips traveled up and down the line a few more times, taking more and varied liberties each time. No less than four beautiful specimens of female flesh were arrayed before him and at his command. He wasn't about to let this opportunity pass. Spending a good ten minutes feeling up and penetrating each and every girl in every hole and fumbling with their tits in between, he was having the time of his life. He began speaking more, telling them what he was finding, berating them as he did.

"Hmmm... nice asshole Lori. Must be as loose as your snatch. I wonder why. Let me see here. Two fingers in each." He had both hands on her and was down on his knees. "Three fingers in each." She jerked at the still pleasurable pain. "Four fingers.... In each." She jerked harder, feeling the pain remain after he was inside her. She was beginning to feel full as well as split open.

Charlie was surprised at his actions, as well as the ease with which he was entering Lori's ass. Could it be she was especially prone to this type of penetration? "Lori. Tell me if you like anal sex."

"I like anal sex."

"Tell me if you like fisting."

There was a moment of silence. Lori didn't want to ruin their game, but she also was not one to pass up an opportunity for something new. How could she answer? "I don't know."

Charlie considered the answer, and his next command. "Prepare to find out."

The other three girls reacted with the slightest movement they could contain. None looked with more than their eyes, nor squirmed in heat or fear any more than they could prevent. There would be little they could do anyway. Marlene was especially impressed with how quickly Charlie had figured out how to command information from his harem. He was after all, a PhD!

Moments later, they all heard Lori, "Uhhhhh!" She was reacting involuntarily to the pain of Charlie's hand working its way up her ass. Still, he didn't relent more than to pause a moment while her anus stretched to accommodate him. While he waited, he kissed her ass several times, and played with her clit with his other hand. She moaned again when he resumed his push. His hand was about to cross the threshold when he felt her body constrict.

"Oh God! I can't take it! Please. Pull it out!"

Charlie was suddenly drowning in information. The woman's dose of the brew had not forced her to accept pain she knew she should not receive, kind of like hypnosis. Would more of the concoction make her more bold? Were there pain submission effects at play that allowed her to accept more diameter in the first place. The questions outnumbered the information coming in. He longed for more data, more time, months, even years with these specimen to test further. He was embarking on the most erotic and amazing project of his life. He'd leave the company, sell his drug for huge profits. He'd ... back to the matters at hand, or rather wrapped around one.

"Tell me you can, or you cannot accept further attempt to receive my fist up your ass."

Lori knew she was able to accept more. She wanted more. Saying "no" was her way of saying "wait". Let me stretch more. I want your fist in my ass! I want your fist in my ass! "I want your fist in my ass!" She had screamed the words.

Charlie's head tilted back in surprise, then forward again with a smile. "I thought so." He pushed, and his thumb and little finger knuckles, the widest point on his hand, finally broke through. Her ass closed around his wrist quickly and sealed him in, while his victim dealt exquisitely with the whole new world of sensations.

"Tell me what you feel!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... My God! That is sooooooooooo good." She was about to say the words anyway, and give away their game. Fortunately, the Doc's need for control won out and prompted the command first. He was missing all kinds of indicators now, and the girls were amazed at his poor self-controls. The man was under his own spell.

"Tell me what you feel!"

"I feel so full! I feel, so violated! I feel so, so, fucking good!" She couldn't help it.

"That's right, baby, that's right. And don't you forget it the next time I begin to ram my fist up your ass, you got that?"

A reprieve, "Oh yes, Master. I will remember." She remembered she'd been told to only respond to commands, not questions too, but fortunately the Doctor had missed the mistake yet again. He went on as if nothing had changed.

"Stand up straight!" He kneeled beneath her as she stood bow-legged over him.

"Play with your clit for me, and keep those legs spread wide."

She obeyed and dropped both her hands eagerly to her mound. Working her clit with one and dropping the other further she slipped a couple fingers inside to feel the bulk of his hand through her tunnel walls. It was the most filling experience of her life, like being constipated and liberated all at the same time. She wanted to jump up and down on his hand.


Oh, oh, she thought.

"Step over here, and see how good this feels."

She stepped over closer and thinking but not knowing what he meant for her to do next. Fist her girlfriend?

"Spread your legs like your friend here."

She knew now, and somehow reluctantly and expectantly followed his command.

"You other girls. Assume a position in front of your friends, hold them up, rub their tits with your own. NOW!"

They all moved as instructed. Doc Phillips' other hand began with one finger in Victoria's pussy, then another, then a third and fourth. She was beginning to squirm under the sensations but was suddenly relieved when he pulled out. Such relief, or anticipation, was not long staying. He shoved a finger up her ass and then a second. She squirmed again, but so far enjoyed the penetration. Her tits too were being played so nicely by her newly freed roomy.

"Hold her, Marlene."

Marlene did as she was told, looking into the eyes of her roommate, smiling. Then the questioning look they gave each other was the same, how far to let this go? Victoria nodded her desire to proceed, and Marlene kept silent, holding her friend for the onslaught about to overtake her.

Charlie skipped three fingers and went to four. He tried something new and pushed them hard inside her in a single jolt, one that brought a reciprocal jolt from Victoria's body, followed by a muffled exclamation of pain. But Charlie felt he knew better, and let his hand rest where it was, stretching the muscle of her ass before executing further assault.

Marlene looked into her pained eyes once more, and once more her friend and roommate winked her approval to proceed. That approval might have been withdrawn if Doctor Phillips had performed his next move at anything less than the speed at which it was executed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Victoria stiffened hard. Marlene was about to put an end to it all. This had gone too far. Her boss was an animal she'd never seen before. He wasn't the soft spoken, soft hearted, fatherly figure she thought she knew. He was turning into a hard hearted, animalistic, sadistic son-of-a-bitch even as she watched, viciously fisting women's asses, intentionally drugging them with mind controlling, unproven drugs, and worsening by the minute. Why the hell was Victoria letting this go on? Where was the photographer they'd let into the lab as part of Victoria and Lori's plan? How could he not call for help?

Somehow the accomplishment negated the pain and fear and Victoria was able to let her ass relax. As it did, the pain became bearable, then pleasurable. She felt full, remembered Lori's words, and added, satiated like she'd never been there before.

The Doctor's fists were both buried now in the bowels of two coeds in his lab. Two more, one a paid intern, were obliging his command to hold his targets upright in the assault. And together, they all resembled something out of an illegal movie of rape-sodomy, and he was the star. He loved the role and saw himself instantly on top of the world.

As he began to move his arms up and down into the girls, Charlie was beside himself in lust. He watched the skin of their sphincter muscles pull on his wrist, then resist his intrusion. He wanted to fuck them all while his fists were up their asses. He wanted to eat them out at the same time. He wanted woman flesh all over him, feeling him, penetrating him, riding his pole. He said, "It's all in babies... every inch! You are fisted! You are mine!"

When Marlene looked into his eyes behind her roommate, she saw a different man. His body was tense, his mouth tight in a mean grin and his eyes, his eyes were steeled, glossed over as if seeing through a different dimension. Marlene knew in that stare that he had left them, left for a different place in a state of total, unrequited lust and need. The man was not himself. He looked up from victim to victim with that grin, seeing right through them. He pumped one fist up as he watched the victim's face for signs of impact. Then the other hand would push. He didn't even realize his hands were climbing up inside their tunnels. His forearm was already reaching inside the outer sphincter ring of each woman when the room suddenly went silent, and a booming voice overpowered them all.

"Don't even fucking move, Mister!"

Doctor Charles P. Phillips froze. Someone else was in the lab. A company employee? A "suit" form corporate? Cops? His career was ruined! He had just committed career and financial suicide! This could mean not just the loss of his job, and a black mark on his record that he would never overcome, but it could me financial ruin too. The company would surely be sued by at least one of these women. Deep pockets. He would be named in the suit. Everything he had, and everything he had planned to be was suddenly nothing, stripped away like a piece of tape, gone. The whole world had suddenly tipped upside down.

He didn't feel the hands of Marlene and Marilyn gently, slowly pulling his fists from their friends. He was crestfallen, still on his knees, and staring blankly at the floor. He didn't even look around to see who had come in, or how. It didn't matter. All was lost now. That was all that mattered.

Marlene couldn't believe the size of the man behind her boss. He had to bet six and a half feet tall, built like an ox, one that works out, a lot! His short hair was brown and he was clean shaven. He wore a T-shirt that showed off his build, muscular being a gross understatement. He wore khaki pants and sneakers too. She spotted some of his gear on the lab table beside him where he stood with his hands on his hips, a look of menace in his lips and eyes. If it weren't for the hair, standing there with his arms crossed on his broad chest, he could have been the model for Mr. Clean.

Charlie's fists came out of the two girls smoothly, with a little plopping sound, and both women sighed with relief when they did. Victoria looked at her friend Lori and they smiled broadly at the success of their plan, but also at their ability to take the pain and humiliation, not to mention pleasure of their first fisting. Lori even laughed out loud at the ordeal and the accomplishment, relishing the revenge they were about to have on the good Doctor turned masochist. The women turned to face their tormentor.

"Stand up Doctor Phillips." Lori commanded.

He did, his head drooped and his arms at his sides, a self-broken man.

"You are some kind of pig, Mister," She continued. "What is it? Huh? Can't get a girl on your own? What's the matter? Afraid to work with what you've got?" She stepped in front of him like a drill instructor and grabbed his crotch. In an ever loudening voice, she continued to berate him. "And you're a Doctor! Shit! I've had pets smarter than you! You actually thought you'd come up with a mind control drug? Worse, you would actually use it on your employee? And people you didn't even know? You are a piece of work Mister, a lowly one, for sure. A real piece of work."

Marlene was smiling at the outset of this tirade but when Lori mentioned the deceitful use of the drug, she felt just as guilty as probably the Doctor. Hadn't they just done the same thing? And that brought another fear into the mix. Had her friends had brought along Godzilla for some reason beyond filming? He stood there like a monster waiting to pounce. Lori was talking like a vengeful witch, about to sic her dog on the Doc. Suddenly this whole thing was on the verge getting out of control in the opposite direction from before. Marlene's antennae were up and she was prepared to bolt whenever necessary.

Lori continued, "You, Doctor, are an ant. We can squash you like the bug you are. We have a big shoe here, Doc, one that can step on you and make you disappear." She pulled the brute over to her and put an arm around his waist. "MY shoe. And he loves to stomp and play."

Marlene was getting really nervous. So was the Doc. He began to shake.

But Lori was relentless, "We were amazed what you did to our friend here Charlie," She spat the name out, as if it were contaminated. "We knew you were nothing but trash then. But when you called her roommate and asked her to work with you against her for more, well that was the straw that broke the Doctor's back. You're a conniving, ungrateful son-of-a-bitch, man, and you need to be punished. And guess who's here to do just that!"

Marlene stepped forward to put a stop to the whole affair. She wanted no part of rape or any forced behavior. It just wasn't part of her being. But Victoria held her arm back and winked at her, reassuring her all was well. A couple more nods of encouragement from her roommate quelled her fears for the moment and she backed off. Victoria gave her another wink and whispered in her ear, "Watch this. And DON'T worry!"

Lori ordered, "Girls, strip him!"

Marilyn and Victoria immediately obeyed, pulling his pants down, his lab coat and shirt off, and leaving him standing there in his boxer shorts. While he stood there like an inert zombie, Lori said, "The shorts too." They were removed.

She then signaled with her head to move him over to the lab table and push him forward over it. With some surgical tubing used for the gas jets on the lab table, Lori and Marilyn tied his hands to drawer handles on the other side of the table. Victoria used the same material to tie his feet too, after spreading them past his shoulder width. The Doctor was quickly splayed over the table, helpless, with a huge man standing directly behind him. Marlene's fear was nothing compared to the emotions beginning to surface in the Doctor.

"What are you going to do?" The Doctor's sudden question was filled with trepidation.

Lori didn't answer, but looked at the brute who nodded his head toward the office. He disappeared for a moment then returned with a bag. From it he pulled a video camera, a large one, professional model, and placed it on the next lab table. The huge man then opened the LCD panel on its side, punched a few buttons, and the Doctor was soon watching a playback of his attack on the women.

He saw instantly how this tape, if cut at the right beginning and end, would appear not only to incriminate him for performing sexual acts on the job, but for enslaving and brutalizing women too. He wasn't just looking at loosing his career, he was looking at jail time!

"This is your life, Doctor Phillips, passing before your eyes. Just like Marlene's passed before hers when she found out you tricked her. Just like Victoria's and mine when you raped our asses. Just like any smutted pervert prick like you should see. You are ours now, Doctor, and you shall pay." Her voice was low, grinding on his psyche. He moaned at the video easily seen across the benches. He watched in emotional pain, embarrassment and fear as he saw his fists make their way into the asses of his victims, as the other two girls stood by, stabilizing their friends at his command.

Wait! He thought back through all the confusion and grabbed at slivers of information. His drug didn't work. It didn't work yesterday, and it couldn't have worked today. This was just as much a ploy as his own actions the day before. The women had ganged up on him. The brute! Where was he? Wouldn't he have been brutalizing him already if there was something beyond photographer in his presence here?

His mind lifted itself from morbid surrender to analytical endeavor. It raced through the events since that first drop had fallen into his coffee the day before. He added things up, eliminated erroneous thoughts, pulled pieces together, and finally began to see a new light. He looked up and around at the girls. The brute was standing behind Lori off to his right. Victoria was between Lori and him. The other two, Marilyn and Marlene were off to his left, all in the aisle between him and the viewing table. They were watching him, waiting, and he was giving them all the entertainment they had come for. He looked at Marlene and said, "I'm sorry babe. Truly."

His head dropped and then came up again slowly when he heard Lori and Victoria giggling. He smiled and said, "Nice work. You really, REALLY had me going!"

Marlene watched in wonder as Lori suddenly started laughing aloud. Victoria and Marilyn joined in, as did the brute. And he was suddenly not a brute, but a "buddy" putting his hands on Lori and Victoria's shoulders, laughing right along. It was another few seconds before Marlene realized they had kept her in the dark on their ending.

Lori looked at her as did the others and said, "Sorry Marlene. We just didn't know if you could keep a straight face through all this." She laughed in earnest now.

Marlene looked back at the Doc and began to laugh too. It was several minutes before she surprised them all and said, "But wait!" They all became silent. "Are my eyes deceiving me, or is there a pair of gorgeous men in our midst, in a locked room, with one of them actually tied to a table?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Exceptional work

Wonderfully done! A master piece if there ever was one.

bdsmbillbdsmbillover 19 years ago
Good ending

This was a nice addition to the first half of the story. I like stories where everything comes out fine in the end.

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