Across the Pond Ch. 05


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I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and whipped around in surprise, after clearing the hair from my face I took out one earbud and tried not to sound as bewildered as I looked. "Oh. Uh. Hi."

"Good afternoon, Sydney." Umber eyes searched my face for a response. At least, that's what I assumed Charlie was doing while I stood there looking stupid. "I didn't mean to startle you, I wasn't completely certain it was you. McKenzie informed me you'd returned to the States a week ago."

"Oh." Of all the bookstores in all the world. He waited patiently for me to explain. I knew he was a lawyer like Kenzie so the black suit he was wearing wasn't out of place, but with sandy hair and thin-wired glasses he almost had a boyish quality to him. It didn't make sense for the three of them to be so damn good looking. "I did. I'm back."

"I see that. Is Maxwell with you?"

"He doesn't know I'm here." I sighed and rolled my shoulders back to ease the tension of remembering how much of a dumbass I was. "I was going to surprise him, but I don't have a key to his place so I'm going to hang out here until he's done with work for the day. Of course, I don't know when that's going to be either."

Charlie looked entertained, and for such an asshole he had a nice smile. "Knowing him that could be the middle of the night. I have a key, I'll take you to his home."

"I don't want to put you out."

"Nonsense, it's en-route. Come." He turned on his heel and started walking out of the aisle like I was supposed to automatically follow him. I mean, I did, but only because I needed a ride.

We got settled in the tan leather seats of his Mercedes, buckled up and pulled off. Time ticked by through the awkward silence and about seven minutes in I bit the bullet and asked, "So are you going to tell me why you hate me so much or are we just going to pretend that dinner never happened?"

His blank expression slipped a little. "I should apologize for my behavior that evening, there really should be a two-drink maximum at Kenzie's. I don't hate you."

I watched the rain come down in streaks across the windshield only to be pushed away by the wipers. "Could have fooled me. You all but accused me of offering up my vagina on a silver platter to get at his bank account."

"And again, I apologize. It's not that, exactly." I turned my head and watched him puff up his cheeks before letting out the air in a steady stream. "When Maxwell began seeing Simone he was...happy isn't the word. Relieved. He was relieved he could have a relationship with someone who wasn't bothered by his tumultuous upbringing. Of course, we didn't know how badly she would use that knowledge against him." Charlie switched lanes carefully before continuing.

"Maxwell didn't tell us until he filed for divorce. Suddenly it all made sense, how withdrawn he'd been: we wouldn't hear from him for weeks at a time and I don't believe we'd physically seen him for months beforehand. When he resurfaced he was practically emaciated with so many wounds we had to force him to see a physician. Kenzie and I felt so much guilt we didn't see the signs this go-round. In a way it was almost worse than what his father did to him because he chose to stay with her for so long, for whatever reason I'm unaware. She messed him up, good and proper."

My poor, broken blond boy. "I would never do that to him," I tried to assert through my voice cracking.

"The issue I have is he keeps you even closer to the chest than he did with her. It's as if he wants to keep your relationship between the two of you, to sacrifice his own independence to do so. He is so blindly in love with you, so fiercely protective - rather, possessive - to the point where I hardly recognize him. It's not necessarily for the worst but I don't know you well enough to be sure your intentions are of a good nature. As you came barreling into his life when he is the most vulnerable I can't help but to be suspicious of your motives. It isn't hate, I simply don't trust you. However, I shouldn't have expressed my concerns in such a manner. I am admittedly a bit more emotional as of late."

Well, I couldn't say honestly wasn't his strong suit. Luckily, it was mine too. "I get it, he's your brother. I'm not so naïve to not see the timing is weird and maybe I'm not the best rebound for him to have, but I need prove my worth to him, not to you or McKenzie or anyone else. That's hard enough for me to do without you breathing down my neck so you need to back the hell off, because while you were so worried about me hurting him, you hurt him. If there's one thing you should know about me is I'm also protective over my family, so if you upset him again there isn't a force on this earth that will keep me from kicking your ass. Got it?"

"Yes. We're here." Pulling up next to the curb Charlie left the engine on while he wrestled a silver key off his keychain. He held it up in front of me when he was done. "Allow me to return the sentiment. If you hurt him I will go to the ends of the earth to make you regret it."

"Threat unnecessary but received." I thanked him for the ride and when I took the key he surprised me by leaning over and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I responded by ruffling his hair and he smiled naturally. I left the car and ran up the steps to the front door, letting myself into the silent home. Everything was immaculate but cold, like no one had been there in days. I ran up the staircase and to his room, taking time to walk around the bed and mentally plan how to display all this chocolate sexiness when a couple things on his nightstand stood out to me.

The first was a copy of Pride and Prejudice earmarked somewhere in the middle of the novel. I was tickled before feeling a little sad at the memory of Colin calling him Mr. Darcy when he teased me about my crush.

I sat on the bed and picked up the only other thing on the table. A glass frame with a picture of me in it, the first picture I sent him when he left for London after we started this whole thing. I was sitting on my knees in the Thomas' backyard wearing something other than black, a yellow sundress with tiny white flowers printed all over it. I was looking up at the camera and laughing when Shane took the picture because Austin was pawing at my lap like the spaz he is.

I looked happy, and I was by his bed.

I was the first thing he saw in the morning and the last thing he saw at night.

If that's not love, I don't know what is.

I replaced the frame and kicked off my shoes, stripping off my clothes and heading to his shower to clean up. Operation: Get My Man was officially in full force.


IV: When We.

I had to swallow back a scream when a firm body pressed mine into the mattress and scared the living hell out of me. When I found my brain a few seconds later and realized, duh, it's Holland, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're here. It's not a dream," he whispered against my cheek.

I rotated my wrist behind him to look at my watch. It was almost six and I'd been there since two. Four hours of prep time lost because my ass couldn't stay awake. "Shit. I didn't mean to fall asleep, I- "

He cut me off with a hard kiss before pulling back, looking almost relieved to see me. "You're here," he exclaimed, as if it weren't real, as if I wasn't in his arms right then. "I rang you many times and you never answered, I was ready to leave for the States because I couldn't be away from you any longer and I am so completely in love, I...I love you."

"I love you too." A sleepy smile formed on my face and I finally relaxed. I didn't realize how tightly wound every muscle and tendon in my body had been just from being separated from him. "I had a whole seduction thing planned but I didn't sleep much on the plane."

"Seeing you in our bed is always seductive." He moved off me and stood, bringing me up with him and into his arms. "Have a bath. I'll order takeaway and you can tell me about your trip. I understand you're tired, but you should stay up a while to combat the jetlag."

"I already showered but I wouldn't mind another one if you'll come with me," I suggested, my hands on their own mission to begin unknotting his tie. Oh, it was on. "Or maybe we could shower after."

He lowered his head and nudged my nose before bringing his lips to mine, causing me to meld my body into his while he took his time massaging my tongue with his. Nimble fingers traveled down my body as if it were printed in braille and he was the only one to read every curvature, every slope and angle. When we disconnected his mouth found the top of my ear, the hollow of my throat, across my shoulder. "Are you sure?" he asked carefully.

I rested my hands on his face and brought it up, making very sure he could see the certainty in my eyes. It was me and him in our own little world where nothing hurt and I could finally trust him to be who I needed him to be. Not someone who wanted to save me. By the desperate way he clutched me in his hands, maybe he felt I was the one saving him. "More than anything."

Max guided me until the back of my legs hit the bed, I hopped up and pulled off everything but my thong before he stopped me. I got stuck watching him when he took his tie off and tossed it on the floor. My heart started racing when he finished unbuttoning his shirt and shrugged it off, taking in his firm physique and badass tattoos. But when he was completely nude I had to stop myself from hyperventilating. "Sydney? You look alarmed."

I was, because I couldn't stop staring at his dick. It was so hard it laid right against his stomach, pale like the rest of him with blue and purple veins just underneath the skin, curling around the shaft like a fist. Pre-ejaculate was leaking over his foreskin which made it look even more like an obscene sex toy for porn stars. Sure, I'd played with it before, but the thought of that thing actually inside me... "No way. There is no way that's going to fit."

The look in his darkened eyes was one of sweet flattery and undeniable lust, making me feel a little shy under his gaze. I watched it bob up and down when he walked over to me and I spread my legs right as he slid between them, covering my body with his and slipping his tongue in my mouth. The stiffness of that monstrosity pressed into my lace-covered clit and I angled my hips up to feel it again. Soft lips pressed into my temple and he declared against it, "Don't you worry. I'll have you begging for it in a few minutes time."

His mouth began its journey down my body but there was no kissing. No licking, no sucking. His lips hovered a centimeter above my skin and he just breathed. All he left on me was air. I was riddled with goosebumps in anticipation of connection and by the time he reached my belly button ring I was whining with need beneath him. He finally gave me what I wanted, which turned into another fierce surge of fire when he

took my panties off with his teeth

and flung them away with a flick of his head. Hands gripped my knees and pushed my legs up and back, his face embarrassingly close to my wet center. "Christ," he hissed out while transfixed on my bare sex on display for him.

"Please," I choked out, chest tight with desire. "Please."

"Please what?" He nudged my slick opening with the tip of his perfect nose, making me dizzy. "Please fuck this pretty little cunt that is so swollen and damp for me right now?"

If I could get off on words alone, Maxwell Charles Holland III saying cunt would do it every time. "Oh God, yes!"

A long finger slid inside me. Out. Another joined it and began this teasing dance of stroking and twisting that had me writhing impatiently. His fingers suddenly disappeared and I wanted to cry, and when they were replaced by a long swipe of his tongue I almost cried for a different reason.

He alternated between dipping inside me, gathering my arousal on his tongue and spreading it all over that throbbing button that would practically vibrate every time he connected with it. He'd hold me on the brink of orgasm then slow - or stop - until I caught my breath, then he'd go back to burying his mouth on me like a dehydrated man and I was his only source of water in the world. "You are so blissfully hot, I don't know how long I can last..."

Tugging on his hair he looked up until his eyes hit mine, the blue spheres so dark and hooded as if he were high on my body alone. "I want to come with you inside me." Max pulled his fingers from me and stuck them in his mouth with a serene look, it was undeniably the sexiest thing I've ever seen. I'd masturbated enough to know my juices never tasted like flowers, or water, or nothing. I had a heady, spicy aroma that had turned guys off in the past - but this man had zero problems with the way I tasted.

I expected him to climb back on top of me but instead he settled next to me with his back against the pillows. I leaned back on my head and looked at him upside down, making him smile. The sight of his joy made my belly feel warm. "Come over top of me, sweet girl."

Shit, he didn't need me to tell me twice. I scrambled up until I straddled his legs, I had him grinning like a fool when I rubbed my pussy against him like a cat in heat. His fingers pushed into my hair to grab my attention. "I have a copy of my last sexual health exam, you know it's been years since I've been intimate with anyone but I wanted you to be sure. I know you take birth control but I do have condoms if that would make you more comfortable. Your trust means everything to me and your physical and emotional health is always my top priority. You're safe with me. I'll give you everything you need in whichever ways you need it."

I shook my head, struck with the realization that we were really about to do this. Not once did I ever get so caught up in the dick I didn't make the guy strap up, but..." It's okay, I've're the only one I've gone without. I have my STD results in my bag, I do trust you, and if you'd rather - "

"No. Absolutely not." I giggled nervously and he kissed the side of my mouth, trying to put me at ease. "I'll mark you as mine from the inside out. Give yourself to me, little one."

I raised up on my knees and he positioned himself right at my opening, I closed my eyes when I started sinking down on his length as slowly as I could. He settled his hands on my hips to guide me without pushing too hard but I had only gotten about halfway before I started shaking my head frantically. I felt too full already. "I can't do it...I can't, you're too big..."

"Shhh, none of that. It's alright, come here." I stopped moving and his hand rested in the middle of my shoulder blades to push my upper body down toward his. I opened my eyes and was face-to-face with the beautiful blond boy I'd fallen so hard for I'd never get up again. The way he watched my face with such peacefulness, so many emotions etched into his smile I knew I'd knocked him down too. "Breathe with me. We have all night, we have all the time in the world now. Open up for me and let me in."

I did as he said, inhaling when he did, only focusing on him. He replaced his hands on my hips, when we would exhale together my body would relax and he could push me down a little more. We had to do it five times until my cheeks finally rested on top of his thighs with a strained whimper, and I still hadn't taken all of him. I rested my forehead on his shoulder and he caressed my lower back, neither of us making any attempt to move so I could stretch around him. "Such a good girl. You feel perfect, better than I imagined," he whispered into my hair.

I panted against the top of his tribal, giving a cautious rock of my hips to see how it felt. "Say it again."

His fingers gripped me hesitantly before flexing, and before I could ask again he brought his hand down hard on the fleshiest part of my ass, startling me into sliding back and taking that last inch of his dick inside me. His hand tangled in my hair and pulled my body back up, making sure I was secure in his lap before spanking me again. "You will ask nicely, Sydney. Try again."

I ran my tongue over my lips and placed my hands on his stomach, barely lifting and lowering. I rolled just enough to stroke against that sweet spot inside me. "Please call me a good girl."

Max let go of my hair and ran his middle and ring fingers over my lips before sliding between them, moaning when I sucked on them in tandem with my riding rhythm. "Whose good girl are you, hmm?"

He lifted his hips every time I sat back on them. He moved. I moved. His dick was wet with my effort and the headrush from sliding down over him was quickly bringing me to the edge. With a grunt he dropped his fingers out of my mouth and started thrusting upward with force, triggering the beginning of my orgasm when both fingers rapidly circled over my clit. When his mouth closed around my nipple and bit down with a pinch I was done for. "I'm yours...I'm your g-good...girl! Ohh my God! Max!"

I came. I came hard. It felt like I sprung a leak all around him but when I came down and opened my eyes his face looked fucking peaceful: eyes shut with his mouth open against my skin, like he was experiencing a kind of euphoria. Very gently he rotated us until he was on top, but that was where gentle ended. Digging his knees into the mattress he grabbed both of my arms and pinned them above my head so hard I was sure I was going to have bruises. The severity on his face made my stomach drop. "Oh, little one. How I'm about to fuck you."

He didn't give me chance to respond, his thrusts increasing at an almost violent pace when he gave into some kind of instinctive carnal need to claim my body as his. His strokes were harsh and long, and deep, digging into me so deep I felt every inch he had to give me. His face betrayed his concentration and hunger, hard sounds spilling from his throat every time his rolling hips met mine. My legs shivered and trembled around his waist when he threw his head back and abruptly called out in a short burst. "It's too good...too-fucking-good!"

I couldn't think anything other than fuck right fucking there fuck fuck fuck and it took me a minute to realize I wasn't just thinking - I was screaming the words at the top of my lungs. And he gave it to me as I begged, the bed scratching and creaking against the hardwood floor while Max did some yelling of his own. "Give it to me! My dirty little...who do you fucking belong to now??"

"You!" My back bowed off the bed when my second orgasm threatened to tear me apart. He pulled out, leaning over me and pulling my legs high up on his back, taking a second to run his fingers over my calves. I frowned when I tried to kiss him and he pulled away, instead brushing his thumb over my chin. "Will you allow me to fuck your mouth when I so choose?" My tongue snaked out and drew the digit between my lips. I moaned around it and nodded.

"And when I want to come all over these gorgeous tits," he slipped it out and trailed my spit down my neck until it circled around my right nipple, "Will you allow me to do so?"

"Yes," I barely breathed out.

His cock rocked against my sensitive pussy and his hand kept wandering down my ribcage and around my back, grabbing a handful of my ass and pushing me up against him. "And when the day comes that I've decided to take this perfect arse of yours, you'll allow me too as well, won't you."

It wasn't even a question, it was a declaration of his intentions and I started grinding against him as if I could get him inside me through sheer will alone. I felt the thick tip of him rub against my aching clit. "You want this, little one? Use your manners."