Across the Pond Ch. 05


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"Please. I need you." He rolled back and took hold of his dick, entering me in one smooth motion and making my brain fizzle and short out from the pleasure. "I, I... oh, fuck me..."

"Right there? You like it when I" His thrusts accented each word and a hand coiled around my throat, tipping my head back as he growled against my jaw. "Feels good to belong to me, doesn't it?"

I raked my nails over his back, scratching into the hardworking muscles. "More," I demanded loudly. "Harder."

I listened to the sound of Max's free hand slap around the top of the headboard before his grip on my throat went from lax to holding me down into the mattress, and he gave me what I asked for. The sounds of his pelvis snapping against mine and the tough noises coming from his mouth just screamed out rough sex. "You dirty, demanding, greedy little bitch. You begged for this dick, now you're going to take this fucking hard enough for you?!"

My eyes rolled back into my head as I fought to breathe, or climax, or both. He's going to kill me. I'm going to come and die and what an awesome way to go. When he let go of my neck I inhaled so hard my lungs hurt, then let out a scream when he grabbed the metal with both hands and expertly gave it to me in vigorous waves. It was like he was punishing me, punishing me for wanting me so damn final orgasm weakened my entire body but he fucked me through it, his rhythm becoming erratic when he was about to explode. "That's it...that's fucking it...ahh, ha, ahh Goddamnit!"

He came with the most wounded sound I'd ever heard, little whimpers in the following seconds of his release. Out of habit I prepared myself for him to pull away but all he did was help my legs down so he could lean over my sweaty chest. His hands ran the length of my body, soothing me with sweet words when he touched his forehead with mine. Without warning he stopped and seemed upset when my bottom lip started to tremble. "Sydney?"

I burst into tears. I didn't know why I was crying, or I did, but I didn't know how to explain it so I just started rambling. "I needed, I needed to're the only one who doesn't treat me like...I'm...and I, I really needed to be fucked!" I yelled through another sob.

"Well I suppose it's a good thing you flew eighteen hours to seduce me then, hmm?" I slapped my hand over my eyes and laughed despite the frightening rush of emotions in my body. "Was I too rough, Sydney?" I shook my head, then nodded slowly. "Did you...enjoy me being so rough?" I nodded confidently but still wouldn't look at him. "I think you're having a bit of a come down. Come here, love, it's alright." He rolled onto his back and I immediately curled up into his side, tears flowing freely down his chest while he tried to soothe me the best he could.

V: Waste Away.

When I woke up again it was dark in the room save for a tiny sliver of light shining through the ajar door. A quick look to my left showed it was a few minutes before nine and I was alone. I didn't remember falling asleep, faint memories of loving words flashing in my mind before I fell unconscious again. I guess I was more tired than I thought, though Holland banging me six ways to Sunday probably had a lot to do with it too. Rolling off the bed with a groan due to the very present throbbing between my legs, I pulled on the button-down shirt and knee socks he thoughtfully on the edge of the bed.

I journeyed out of the bedroom and down the long hallway to the stairs. When I reached the bottom of the steps I walked through the foyer and into the living room, finding Max in the kitchen with his phone pressed to his ear. "That depends. Are you sincerely inquiring of her well being or is this at McKenzie's suggestion?" He paused. "She's well now, no thanks to you."

I stopped moving because he sounded angry. Not angry like when I piss him off which is usually more of an annoyance than anything - his voice was rough and all the muscles in his bare back were clenched together tightly. "You know good and well why I place blame on you, if you hadn't spoken to her in such a manner she wouldn't have...because your asinine interrogation caused us to have a row she wasn't anywhere ready for and she left! She has been suffering for the past week and I don't care if she's forgiven you...I don't...because this isn't about you, Charlie!"

My heart sank. I didn't realize how upset he'd been during our time apart but the distinctive pain in his pitch made it all clear. "Listen to me. You and Kenzie are my family and I love you more than anything on this earth except for her. My heart and soul belong to her. If my wish comes true I'll spend the rest of my life...perhaps it's not for you to understand and I don't particularly care if you do." He spoke clearer but no less angry and judging by the yelling on the other end of the line his brother wasn't exactly happy either. "You need to reign in whatever misguided conceptions you have of her. Please don't make it so unbearable I have to...alright. If that's how you feel. I choose her."

Max hung up and slammed the phone down on the counter, leaning forward with his face in his hands. With a final sigh he straightened and finally turned around, only mildly surprised when he saw me standing there. "Sweet girl. I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"I was up. You were talking to Charlie?"

"Unfortunately." I was about to ask him what happened but he cut me off with a shake of his head. "It's fine, not worth discussing."

"Didn't sound like it." I turned my eyes to the window, making out distant lights while I tried to keep my emotional ass in check. "I'm not worth all this."

Max invaded my space and I fought the urge to pull away. Somehow, he saw it too and took half a step back. "Let's not speak anymore of it tonight. You need to eat and hydrate, our meals should arrive shortly."

I'm hardheaded so kept on anyway. "You have to forgive him. I don't want to be the reason your twenty-something year friendship ends."

"Sydney, you won't be. This isn't the first disagreement Charlie and I have had and I doubt it will be the last."

"But is this the first you'd be willing to cut him out of your life?" I expected silence and that was exactly what I got. "Max, he's your best friend and you need to make up with him."

He regarded me with a blank stare before reaching for my arm and pulling me into his chest. "I will, in my own time. I know you are very much a fan of instant satisfaction but that isn't how I operate. He hurt you and that isn't easily forgivable in my eyes. In any event, this isn't something you should worry about nor is it something you can fix. As it is our first night together in the physical sense I don't want it marred by my idiotic brother, so let us table it for another time so I may love on you properly."

My arms wrapped around his waist and he tipped my chin up to look at him. He really did seem okay. "You know, you're really good at saying nice things when I'm being a nosy asshole with a big mouth. Makes me feel bad."

Max hummed thoughtfully while running his thumbs over my cheeks. "Well, if you truly desire to make it up to me I'll put your mouth to good use before our supper arrives."

"Ooh, yay." He kissed the crown of my head before guiding me down to kiss the crown of his.


VI: Blessing.

After dinner we found ourselves on the floor in front of the gas fireplace, watching the flames pop and flicker a few feet away with a cashmere blanket draped over us. Max had his back leaned against the couch while I rested against his chest, both of our hands interlocked with one another's. I felt him kiss the side of my neck and I snuggled into him. "Are you feeling better, little one?"

"Much, thank you." Max had taken very good care of me after we ate, drawing me a bubble bath and taking it with me. A jetted tub, a couple of ibuprofen and lots of physical contact did the trick, though I still felt a little embarrassed. "I promise I'm not one of those chicks who always cries after sex, I'm not that big of a mess."

"You've barely touched anyone for years, I'd be concerned if you weren't at least a little emotional. It was intense for me as well, I'm not used to being the, ah, dominant one." He lifted my wrist to his mouth and kissed one of the dark ovals starting to form from him holding my arms down. "I never mean to cause you harm but I can't deny the bit of pleasure I feel seeing you bear my fingerprints."

"I liked it too. I don't know why, but I think it's because..." I tried to figure out the best way to phrase how I felt. "For the last two years everyone in my life has had this protective bubble around me, like I'm breakable. So when you hold my body down and fuck me, or you grip me so tightly I bruise, it makes me feel like you're the only person in the world who doesn't think I'm weak. Maybe not all the time...but maybe all the time. Does that make sense?"

"I certainly don't mind giving what you need, but I need to know you're aware that is a considerable amount to trust to have in someone. You're confident for me to always stay in control when you're in my arms, and I don't want to fail you."

"I don't think you will. Yeah, earlier was..." I giggled bashfully when I thought about our traipse all in and through his bed. "I'm no nun but I've never had anyone fuck me like that. But afterwards you held me while I fell asleep and helped me relax, you made sure I won't feel too badly in the morning. You have more control than you think, and I'm not saying we have to have a BDSM dungeon or go signing sex contracts and shit. Maybe let's just think about it."

"Alright." That was the end of that conversation. We watched the fire silently for a while before he spoke again. "Stay with me, Sydney."

"It's a little late for me to check into a hotel," I joked and he laughed softly into my hair. "I can stay a little longer this time, I don't have to be back at work until Wednesday."

"And if I asked you to stay longer?" He stroked over my thumbs with his own. "Or if I asked you to stay permanently?"

I shifted so I could look at him. Holland was deadass serious. "You want me to move here?"

"I'd like to know what it would take for you to live here, yes. Five days isn't nearly long enough and I've spent too much time away from you as it is. This doesn't feel like home unless you're here."

I blinked a few times while I thought about it. Was I willing to uproot my entire life and be thousands of miles away from my family and friends for him? The answer seemed clear, but... "I think I'd probably need some sort of serious commitment in order to do that."

His eyebrows raised subtly. "You mean marriage."

"No. Or, I don't know. Would you ever get married again?"

"Are you proposing? If so, I feel a bit underdressed." I rolled my eyes at this fool and he gave me a lopsided grin. "My sweet girl, I'd be the luckiest man alive to have you as my wife. I purchased an engagement ring weeks ago, I've been waiting until you were ready. Now I know."

Well, shit. My stomach fluttered and I couldn't stop the dumbest smile from spreading on my face. When Holland matched it I started laughing nervously. "You're not going to do it now, are you?"

"Not at this moment, though it will be sooner rather than later."

"Sooner sounds good to me, Boss." I moved to kiss him and he met me halfway, bringing his hand around the back of my neck to pull me to him. I found myself thinking how I wished he would never let me go again.


VII. You Ain't Ready.

Watching my boyfriend get ready for work in the morning was a fascinating study of his mannerisms. I could see him in the massive walk-in closet wearing nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs, standing in front of his line of suits with his finger on his chin. He pulled on navy slacks and left the button undone until he pulled on his shirt, giving me the opportunity to leer at his lean upper body and the chiseled V of his midsection that led to one of my favorite parts of his anatomy. After fastening the buttons a silky graphite vest followed, and it was only when he was tying his hair back in a tight ponytail that Max noticed me staring. "Do you approve, little one?"

I gave him thumbs up and blew the bangs out of my eyes. "Hell yeah I do. It's almost unfair how hot you look when I'm all jacked up."

"On the contrary, I think you look lovely." He strolled over and sat on the edge of the bed, taking in my appearance of crazy hair and slightly swollen lips from our earlier coupling session. There definitely wasn't any crying afterwards that time. "You have a very "ridden hard and put away wet" appearance about you at the moment."

"Pervert!" He kissed me for the millionth time that morning, his hand lingering on my face before pulling away. Leaning over, Max grabbed the manila envelope he'd set on the nightstand before his shower and laid it on the bed next to me. "I will come home after a while to spend the lunch hour with you. In the meantime, I'd like for you to look over these documents."

"Okay. What is it?"

"A pre-nuptial agreement." He looked like he was going to be sick just saying it. "It's not my idea, it's at the very firm suggestion of my attorney. It's not mandatory you sign, I only thought since we were discussing last night - "

"It's cool, I'll sign." I tried not to laugh but he looked so cute when he was nervous. "Seriously, I get it. Especially after your nightmare of a divorce I'd be surprised if you didn't have one drawn up."

"Thank you for understanding, I believe you'll find the terms most generous. Also, McKenzie's daughter is having a fancy-dress party this evening. As she is a bit of an extravagant tot you'll need a gown, and no arguing," he stated firmly, pulling out his credit card and tossing it on top of the folder. "Sodhi is at your disposal today, you will purchase a dress and shoes and whatever else your heart desires."

I narrowed my eyes at him playfully. "You're so goddamn bossy. I'm gonna buy a sparkly pink dildo and slap you across the face with it."

"Kinky." Max picked up his shoes from the floor and gave me one last kiss on the lips. "Little one, sweet girl, love of my life: I adore you."

"Love you more, Boss." I blew him a kiss and watched him catch it and put his palm over his heart while he walked out of the room. I waited until I heard the door close downstairs before picking up the envelope, pulling out the moderate stack of papers. Taking a sip of the coffee Holland so generously made after fucking me cross-eyed and stupid I replaced the mug on the table and started scanning the pre-nup.

The first thing that caught my eye was his net worth. I knew he had money, but I didn't know he held billionaire status. Just looking at all those commas made me feel a little queasy.

I skipped down to the meat of the proposal. There was a twenty-million-dollar incentive to be deposited into my bank account the day I said I do. Ten million each year on our anniversary, another twenty for every child I had or we adopted. Jewelry, cars, property or any other form of income acquired during the marriage he forfeited 60% to me. Any infidelity on my part was a penalty of ten million; if he strayed it was a penalty of a hundred million dollars.

I tossed the papers on the bed away from me and drew the sheet over my head to shield myself from them. Sure, it was generous, but it felt like a bribe - like throwing all this cash at me would make it impossible for me to say no when he asked me to marry him, because who would say no to that kind of payday? I didn't like it. I hated talking about money, maybe because I didn't have any. I didn't feel worth all the trouble so I did what I did best: avoidance. I pulled Vincent from underneath my pillow and drew my knees up, making his little legs dance on my stomach like I used to do when I was five.

"Sydney?" I gasped when I heard his voice, interrupting a very elaborate one-bunny performance of Swan Lake. I stretched my body underneath the sheet, I didn't even realize I'd been fucking off for so long. "What are you doing under there, love?"

I poked Vincent's head out and gave my best Danny-turned-Tony impression. "Sydney's hiding, Mrs. Torrence."

"May I ask what from?" I kicked at the pre-nup. "Oh, I see. Would you please ask Sydney to explain why she is hiding from an inanimate stack of papers?"

I sighed and rubbed my eyes with the backs of my hands, talking in my normal voice. "I keep telling you I don't want your money and you're still throwing it at my feet. I didn't ask for it and I don't want it. It feels like you're trying to buy my affection and it makes me worry that you're getting anything out of this relationship."

"Little one, you must know that isn't the case," he tugged on the sheet just enough so he could see my eyes. "It's only money and I don't care about it."

"Neither do I, which is why I can't take it."

"Will you insult me so freely?" He pulled the sheet down to my neck and leaned over, kissing me while I pouted. "I want you to have everything you desire."

I undid one of his buttons and stuck my hand inside his shirt, needing to feel his cool skin on mine. "I want you."

"Then take all of me. My money, heart, body and soul. The terms are geared toward your protection rather than my own because if anything should happen I need you to be taken care of, especially as you'd be giving up quite a lot to be here. Everything I have is yours because I love you, not as an attempt to manipulate you. Alright?"

"Grrr. Fuck, fine." I let him go and he picked up the papers, handing them over with a pen. I flipped through and wrote my signature or initials on the tabbed lines, sticking them back in the folder and giving them to him when I was done. "Thank you, sweet girl," he praised kindly.

Looking at my watch I discovered I still had 55 minutes with him. "Think you have time to thank me properly before you go?"

A mischievous look got me hot and bothered with the quickness. "Oh yes, at least once," he promised before claiming my mouth once more.

VIII: I'm The One.

"Miss James? May I help you locate something?"

I turned around to the bright and polite inquiry from Nancy, the helpful blonde sales clerk. After a little afternoon delight with Holland I got showered and dressed, his driver Mr. Sodhi waiting at the bottom of the steps when I was ready to go. He took me to some private, bougie boutique that didn't even have a name, that's how exclusive it was. It was easily filled with millions of dollars in one-of-a-kind pieces and jewelry. I love a good party as much as the next person, but I wanted to impress his niece and I was completely overwhelmed. "Um, maybe. My boyfriend's niece is having a...what did he say, a fancy-dress party - "

"Oh, the Sinclairs!" she exclaimed confidently. "Yes, Miss Poppy-Jacqueline has the most exquisite taste. Did you have something in mind?"

"I don't know, but I should probably find something...not black," I gestured to my own clothes, torn black jeans and my "Got Salt?" Supernatural shirt.

"Of course, Miss James. I'll pull a few looks for you and hang them into dressing room number two." I thanked her and she started to walk away, then abruptly turned back around. "Oh, and Mrs. Sinclair is in dressing room number one if you'd like to ask for her advice. It's just through there, I'll be with you in a few minutes.

Well if that wasn't a hell of a coincidence. I headed to the back of the store and sure enough, there was Samantha twirling around like a princess in a pink chiffon prom-looking dress. She stopped mid-spin and greeted me with the biggest smile. "Oh my God, Sydney! What a surprise!"