Acting 101 Ch. 03: Surprises


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Of course, I got a frigging hard on.

Like, a full-on, raging erection that reared up between us before I knew it, like the personification of embarrassment.

And I was so comfortable with her in my arms, I almost didn't realize it at first. It was just a logical extension (shut up) of how I was feeling. But I damned sure did not realize it was coming until it arrived in full bloom. My eyes widened, and I clumsily swung her out into a quick inside turn before returning her to a more safely distant embrace.

But Meredith was having none of that. She slid forward, pulling me back against her as we danced on. I wanted to fight it. To keep my throbbing knob from intruding on this moment. But before I knew it, I was once more pressed against her.

We were literally dancing cheek to cheek now. Meredith brushed her lips across my ear and said quietly, "Did you think I hadn't noticed? I'm flattered, dummy." And after a few steps, she added. "It's not like this is the first erection of yours that I've experienced. I'm just glad that this one is 100% because of me," she added, lightly dragging her bosom across my chest before finally letting space between us appear again.

We danced another half hour straight. My erection continued to make itself felt at intervals, but an advantage of a suit is that the jacket pretty much hides a trouser tent from casual observation. At last, I released Meredith and stepped off the parquet. "Had enough for tonight?" challenged Meredith.

"Not nearly," I replied, then went on with a wry smile, "but my feet have. You may have worn perfect dance shoes tonight, but I had no such advanced warning!" I grumped insincerely. "Unfortunately, I went for form over function in the shoe department," I went on, indicating my sharp-looking, but not remotely broken-in wingtips.

Meredith laughed sympathetically. "Well, my secretive plans for the evening are exhausted, so I suppose that we can head back to my house," she said, threading her arm through my elbow and leading me toward the stairs once more. As usual, half of what this woman said confused my mind. I didn't like that she said her plans for the evening were exhausted, but she hadn't said, 'take me home,' but, 'let's head to my house.'

And hold on, Buster, I told myself. What the Hell did I expect? What did I hope for?

As we arrived back at the entryway, Claude dispatched a pretty little valet to bring round my car. "People were glad to see you out and about the place on an evening, Ms. Chisholm. You were the talk of the club tonight as folks left us," observed Claude, but his eyes were on me.

"Really?" asked Meredith cooly. "All good things, I hope."

"Oh, yes ma'am," purred Claude smoothly. "Every word," he went on with the most drily insincere voice of sincerity I had ever heard. His gaze at me, which had been so skeptical upon our arrival, now had a little twinkle in it. Apparently I had gotten bad reviews from all the right people, as it were.

The ride home was filled with Meredith regaling me with alternating tales of glares we had gotten with bits of juicy gossip about those doing the glaring. It went unsaid that I had noticed none of it. My eyes had been only for her the entire evening. I enjoyed her tales, though I'd never have pegged Meredith for suck a pro-level gossip. And I enjoyed her glee over the whole situation even more. But my mind again was whirling in the background.

This had been an amazing evening. I felt like we had connected with each other on an amazing level, transcending (maybe? hopefully?) our difference in age, despite our being stared at and even glared at by a host of her friends and associates.

I wanted this woman.

I mean, sure, I was horny, but not overwhelmingly, hormonally so. I wanted her physically that night, but more importantly in my mind was that I wanted her, full stop, more than I wanted her right then. Even more importantly than that, I wanted to spend more time with Meredith going forward. I wanted to hear her dish dirt and keep talking about everything in courtroom terms. And I wanted to dance like that some more. Much more. I'd danced with great dancers before. I'd danced with pretty girls, too. But I'd never danced with such a beautiful woman who I was so attracted to, and who was clearly attracted to me in the same way. The sensation of such effortless physical connection and cooperation had my mind flashing at how else we might cooperate.

I told you I was horny.

But while I had ample evidence that Meredith was attracted to me too, I had no certainty of how much, in which ways. All I knew was that I was in this for the long game. Much as I would have loved to lose myself in this woman's body that night, whatever I did, whatever I tried, had to serve the goals of that long view.

The whole situation should have had me terrified again. But I was thrilled. The entire circumstance could blow up at any time if I fucked up, or if Meredith simply decided it would, but I wasn't scared. I felt like things were awesome. I wasn't confident, far from it. But I was determined, and that was much better.

I pulled up in front of Meredith's house and practically leapt out of the car to accompany her to the door. If I got turned away there, it would still be okay. Not ideal, but okay... as long as I got turned away the right way.

Meredith, bless her old-fashioned soul, was pretending to have trouble remembering the unfamiliar way you open a Tesla door, giving my the time to open it for her. I smiled as I watched her lovely legs emerge from the car, followed gracefully by the delicious remainder of her. I walked beside her toward the house as she tapped a button in an app on her phone. When we approached the front door, I heard an audible click as it unlocked.

Expecting an awkward moment at the door, I was caught off guard when Meredith simply pushed the door open, stepped in, and held it open for me to follow, as if there had never been any doubt in her mind. And I suppose there never was. Women have to put up with a lot of crap in this world, but that is one problem almost exclusively reserved for men.

She swung the door closed, turned to me, reached up her hands, took my jaw in them and laid her wonderful, delicate, ever asymmetrical lips on mine.

I very nearly moaned out loud as our lips merged. Jesus, the woman could kiss.

Of course she could kiss. She could do everything. I felt momentarily annoyed at how omni-competent this fucking grown-up was. She made me feel like a child, to one extent or another, nearly all the time. Then the annoyance passed because she was making me feel anything but child-like right then. And since I seemed to be the beneficiary of all her various competences lately, what the actual fuck was I bitching about anyway?

I slipped my arms around the small of her back, drawing her a little closer to me. Meredith responded by upping our kiss further, her skilled tongue working its magic. It demanded entrance to my mouth, access my lips eagerly granted, and my own tongue leapt to greet its visitor.

After a few delicious seconds to savor the kiss, I felt my adrenaline surge as I took a leap of my own. I slid my hands down the soft fabric of her dress from the small of her back to clasp her sleekly curvy ass. I couldn't help myself as I squeezed her bum, though I managed to do so gently. Man, what a firm, delectable ass.

And Meredith certainly didn't object. Indeed, she let my clutching grasp pull her closer to me. Her gorgeous, full bust pressed itself against my chest, and my once again insurgent erection again pressed against her groin. Her hands at last released my jaw and slid downward, inside my jacket, around my back and down to grasp my ass in return.

We continued to kiss like that, wordlessly, right there in the foyer for a bit. At last, I could not contain myself and reluctantly released one buttock and slid my hand upward to caress the outer curve of a breast. I was unable to cup it fully because it remained firmly, deliciously crushed against my chest, but I had to know if my touch there would be welcomed yet.

Her murmur indicated that it was.

But then she released my lips. She still held me, but slid her hands back up to the small of my back. That allowed her to tilt herself fractionally back from me and she used the space to tilt her head forward a little and press her forehead against mine... pressed it pretty hard, in fact. She heaved a deep sigh. I let my hand slip away from her breast and back around the small of her back, while my other hand reluctantly loosed its grasp on her backside and slid up to meet my first behind her.

Meredith spoke quietly. "I am not going to screw you tonight, Scott," she said with disappointing (and disappointed?) certainty. I'll admit I froze a little. It was a disappointing outcome that I had been fully prepared for both before and during our date. But I had to admit to myself that the prior five minutes had raised my hopes considerably.

Meredith tilted her head back far enough for us to look each other in the eye, though she did nothing to break our embrace. Her mouth quirked and a twinkle showed in her eye. "And no, I am not going to screw you first thing in the morning, either."

I goggled at her. Crap!


They had had lunch earlier that day, shortly after I had finished having sex with Steff that very morning...

What had they talked about? No, fuck that, it was clear what they had talked about, but how much had they talked about? Disappointment warred with questions... and lost. I was filled with fifty different uncertainties, all of them either scary or embarrassing, and most of them were both.

Meredith grinned at the mental bomb she has set off with that last remark, clearly happy with how it had me off balance. God, the woman was evil sometimes.

I adored it.

But she also took pity on the crestfallen part of my expression. She leaned in and kissed me quickly, then leaned back again in my arms. "It's not that I don't want to Scott," she said, a light huskiness her voice. "In fact, the disappointment on your face is a fairly major turn-on for me."

I summoned the composure to give her a sardonic look that said, 'what the Hell is the problem then?' along with the sensible restraint not to ask it out loud.

Meredith looked at me with sober good humor. "I simply cannot abide condoms. They ruin sex, as far as I'm concerned. I've had sex with a man wearing a condom twice in my life, and I have no intention of repeating the disappointment."

This pronouncement was hardly the worst thing a guy has heard. In the long run (Remember the long game? That thing I was so focused on half an hour earlier?), a distaste for condoms was a wonderful thing in a woman. But right then things had progressed to a point where my dick and I would both have cheerfully wrapped up.

Meredith went on, "Furthermore, the Pill makes me fat, so I refuse to take it."

With that, she released our embrace and pulled free in a gesture not of rejection, but of needing distance.

Turning away from me she went on. "I had always used an IUD. About 18 months ago, Mathew and I calculated that my career and position at the firm was secure enough to be baby-proof, and I had mine removed so we could try to have a child." She sighed and looked down. "And then he went and had the stroke and rendered the whole matter moot."

The conversation had taken an unpleasantly morose turn, and I just stood there, quietly, giving her room to talk.

Meredith heaved a huge sigh and turned back to me, her eyes shining just a little, but free of the tears I had expected.

She shrugged and said, "Since then, I had no particular reason or interest in getting a new implant, so I never did." Her eyes lanced out to hold mine, and she went on, "Then yesterday morning, I made an appointment to get a new one this coming Tuesday." With that little bombshell, she turned and walked over to the bar to pour liquids into a mixing carafe.

My enthusiasm for the content and promise of her little speech warred with my compassion for her loss, a loss she clearly still felt, even if it had dimmed. I think I can be forgiven for my enthusiasm winning out, can't I? I grinned a possibly goofy grin. "Apropos of nothing, Meredith," I said, a lilt in my voice, "How would like to go out with me again next Saturday night?"

She laughed easily, and said as she stirred her cocktail, "There is no dancing next week, you know. It's every other week."

"I know that. You told me," I said softly. "And while I seriously want to dance with you again... often, next week is my turn to be mysterious about our plans."

Meredith looked over her shoulder at me, eyebrow raised. "I guess I shall just have to wait to find out then." I was going to have to wait too, as I had no idea what I wanted us to do either! As long as it involved Meredith, I was going to enjoy it, and that was true, I realized, even without this news of impending new IUD.

She turned around with two cocktail glasses in her hands, filled with amber liquid. "Stinger?" she asked, extending one to me.

The drink looked delicious, even though I had no idea that the Hell a Stinger was. But I shook my head. "I shouldn't, sorry. I've had a fair amount already this evening, and I still need to get home tonight."

Meredith looked archly at me in response and stepped toward me. "Stinger?" she repeated with a grin. I looked at her, confused as always by the mixed messages I got from this infuriatingly amazing woman. "I only said that I wouldn't screw you tonight, Scott. I very much hope that we can find plenty of other ways to entertain ourselves 'til morning."

That did it. I was done being cautious of my own shadow around Meredith. I was going to do my best to 'entertain' her brains out that night, and prayed to God that I would measure up! I stepped forward and took the proffered cocktail. A brief whiff foretold booze and mint. I like mint. I raised it to my lips and drank the whole cocktail in a long gulp.

Then I gasped. It was delicious as it flew by my tongue, but it was pure booze. A lot of pure booze. A bomb went off in my stomach and my eyes watered a little. Other than that, I was totally chill....

Meredith laughed out loud, uproariously. "The really wasn't meant to be a shot," she chuckled once she stopped outright laughing at me.

"So I observed," I replied, my voice ragged.

"Still..." she mused, looking at her cocktail. With that, she lifted it to her lips and slammed down her equally large drink, though she wisely did it in two slugs, not my single, unwisely enormous, glug. Gasping a little herself, but much less so since she was prepared and not stupid like me, Meredith reached out and took my empty glass and placed both vessels aside. With that she took a single direct step to me, ran a single hand up through the hair on the back of my head, and pulled me into a nearly heart-stoppingly deep, mint and brandy-laden kiss.

I hesitated but a heart beat before I lifted my arms and rested my hands aside her narrow waist. With each pulse of our kiss, I let them slide upward toward her breasts. I still had not reached them when I felt Meredith's other hand slide surely over my crotch, exploring the contours of my thoroughly tumescent cock. Her sure fingers found my fly and pulled the zipper down eagerly.

I let my hands resume their journey upward to where I could clasp her amazing, delicious breasts. They were wonderfully firm but yielding in my grasp through the soft fabric of her dress. Damned if I could detect any sign of a bra! These magical mounds held themselves like this on their own?

I really wanted to simply revel in holding those boobs, but I found Meredith fishing her hand into my pants and working to withdraw my cock to be thoroughly distracting. Her dextrous hand soon had my length fished free of both my boxers and my fly, and she looked down to caress it as it stuck free of my pants. She shook her head gently and sighed in appreciation. "You really do have a wonderful penis, you know," she told me, her eyes firmly fixed downward.

"Really?" I said a little acerbically. "I seem to remember you downplaying its charms to Steff on Thursday." I have to admit, it had stung at the time.

Meredith lifted her face long enough to briefly kiss me, a smile on her lips, before she looked down again at my pink, hard, manhood projecting out of my trousers toward her. She caressed it softly but intently. "I only said it wasn't freakishly large. Let the record reflect that I described it as quite beautiful." After one more stroke, Meredith turned and walk smoothly back toward her bedroom. I followed closely behind. I had little choice since she retained a firm grip on my cock and was leading me by it like a leash....

We entered the bedroom, and as we neared the edge of her bed, I closed the gap between us and rested my hands firmly on her shoulders. I leaned in and began to kiss the nape of her neck. Meredith paused, bent her head forward and purred. I slid my hands up her back to the neckline of the dress. I unhooked the band where it clasped behind her neck, thankfully without fumbling, and slowly unzipped the back all the way down to the base of her spine. Sure enough, she wore no bra. The dress now hung loosely on her, but rather than slide it off, I instead slid my hands inside and around her to grasp those magically large yet firm breasts.


If possible, they felt even better than they had looked when she had lifted her top back on Thursday. Bouncy and firm, they nevertheless were warm and yielding to my grasp. I gently crushed them for a bit as I continued to nuzzle her neck.

Meredith never relinquished her caressing grasp of my cock behind her.

I released my initial, eager grasp and let my fingers explore for her nipples. I could feel a ring of firm little goosebumps ringing each aureole like braille saying, 'center of awesomeness here'. Her nipples were substantial and firm as eraser rubber as I first flicked, then tugged at them with my somewhat trembling digits. Meredith did moan at that--a full, rich moan.

She suddenly released my cock, though her fingertips tugged briefly at the tip reluctantly as she stepped forward and a little away from me, slipping from my grasp. Still with her back to me she shrugged the dress off her shoulders and let it cascade to the bedroom floor, and I drank in her form. Her back was lightly muscled, smooth and unblemished save for a grouping of two small moles on her left shoulder blade.

A black lace garter belt encircled her waist, accentuating its already delicious flare from narrowness to smoothly rounded hips. Its straps supported her black stockings. I suspected that those might be real silk. At least they had a real, visible black seam up the back, a seam I had repeatedly admired on the dance floor, earlier in the evening.

Her black panties were the only garment she wore that had anything modest about them, and that only in form. They smoothly covered her entire shapely ass and were even cut conservatively low on the hips. But that modesty was lost since they were made of an open, sheer lace that was transparent over more of the surface than it was opaque.

Meredith gave me just enough time to drink in the perfection of her now dress-less back before she turned in place with her dancer's grace and smiled at me with almost complete confidence. I just stared at her for a moment, then grinned as I slowly, clearly, and loudly said, "Woof!"

She laughed, deeply and happily. Laughing, topless Meredith was sight to behold. Her glorious breasts practically danced with each chuckle and my own smile broadened, perhaps a little hungrily. She stepped back to me and grabbed my tie. The fancy modern knot I had worked so hard to learn presented more of a challenge to untie than she had expected, so she simply loosened my tie around my neck and tugged it over my head and off, still knotted. I eagerly slid the suit coat off my shoulders and tossed it toward the nearby chair with debonair flair. Of course it missed and hit the floor, but neither of us cared. Meredith started pulling buttons open on my shirt, but when I moved my own hands to help, she left me to handle the shirt myself. She squatted down to unfasten the clasp at the waist of my trousers. She let them drop to pool at my ankles and stared at my cock, still poking through the fly of the bright yellow boxers I wore. (I usually wore plain grey ones, but I had had hopes for this evening, hadn't I?) She looked up at me as she leaned in and drew the tip of her tongue slowly up the exposed length of my shaft. I moaned with pleasure.