Acts of Infidelity - John and Kate


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This remains one of the hardest decisions of my life. However I might have lied to myself at the time, I made it in the full knowledge that my previously faithful wife of fifteen years might end up having sex with another man.

Even now, all these years later I can't quite believe I said those words but I am so glad I did.


Three days later the evening of the date arrived.

Though it is difficult to remember precisely how I felt all those years ago, I do remember that my mind was in turmoil. There were so many possible outcomes - many of them undesirable - it still amazes me that I didn't even try to stop the date happening.

Though I knew we both loved and trusted each other, I was nervous as to what might happen to our relationship afterwards.

How would I feel once her fidelity was gone and she had actually tasted forbidden fruit?

And how would she feel about me, particularly if having felt another man's erect cock inside her she was no longer interested in what I truly believed was my own inadequate endowment?

And of course how might my work relationship change? Alan was my Boss after all.

But above and despite all these misgivings I was unbelievably excited at the prospect of my sweet wife actually experiencing another man's cock and of me finding out what it really was like to clean his semen from her body afterwards.

Of course as the day approached, even this desire became insufficient; I found myself desperate to watch her being actually fucked but no matter how hard I tried to persuade her, Kate wouldn't even contemplate this.

On date night itself, I came home early from work to help with the kids. They were then between three and seven years old and could be quite a handful getting fed and into their beds.

I knew Kate couldn't possibly do all this and concentrate on getting ready to go out so I left her to prepare herself on her own. I didn't offer to help her get ready; I wanted to see how she would present herself to her first ever lover given the freedom to choose.

From all I knew about her, I was sure that she would be wearing really sexy underwear and looked forward to seeing it soiled later that night.

The kids occupied me fully for an hour but when they were finally settled I came downstairs to find Kate already dressed and ready to go. She looked simply stunning; the best I had seen her in a long time in a close fitting dress that was one of my favourites. It was discreet, showing only a hint of cleavage but presented her full breasts to perfection. The hem line came modestly just above her knees but still showed enough smooth, shapely leg to entice any red-blooded man.

We kissed in the hallway. My heart ached. Deep down I knew it was a form of goodbye. Whatever happened during her date, the woman who returned home later that night would not be the same woman who had left.

As we kissed, I couldn't resist trying to feel up her dress to see what underwear she had chosen.

"Not now," she scolded. "I don't want to get messed up."

"Please Kate..." I began.

"You can feel me all you want when I come home," she said quietly. "I promise."

"When's he due?"

She looked at her small wristwatch.

"Any time now."

"Will he come to the house?" I asked, suddenly anxious about meeting the man I fully expected to become my wife's lover.

"He said he'd pick me up at the gate. It wouldn't be so embarrassing for any of us."

As if on cue, the loud coarse sound of a car horn came from the end of the drive. My tummy filled with butterflies; I felt sick but tried as hard as I could not to let it show.

"That's probably him," I mumbled.

"Yes," Kate replied flatly.

For a moment I wondered whether she was expecting me to say something more; to beg her not to go; to remain faithful to me. But if she did, she was to be disappointed. Instead I opened the door, my arms heavy with emotion.

"Have a good time," I said.

"Thanks," she smiled, avoiding any farewell kiss I might want to give her. "I won't be too late."

"Take as long as you need," I said softly. "Goodbye Catherine."

And with that, she left the house. I watched her walk down the path a short way then closed the front door firmly on the night air and for the last time on my faithful wife.

What kind of woman would return later I could only imagine.


That was the problem: imagination!

No sooner had I heard the car door slam and the engine pull away than I began to ask what on earth I had agreed to. Was I out of my mind? Not a minute passed without my trying to picture what they were doing, where they were eating, what they were saying.

As the evening rolled on and time passed, I realised they couldn't possibly still be at the restaurant. Where had they gone? Were they walking? Holding hands? Talking?

Had they gone to his place? No, his wife would be there. Had they gone to a hotel? Was it a cheap hotel or a luxury one? Were they in a bedroom by now, undressing each other? Were they actually fucking? Was Alan's cock already deep in my wife's cunt?

And of course was Kate really enjoying herself? Did she like his cock? Was it really much bigger than mine? Was he making her cum? Was he filling her with semen?

And what would she feel like when she got home? Would she feel guilty? Look guilty?

Not even the kids misbehaved to distract me from my thoughts. The TV droned in the corner of the room but I couldn't concentrate. All I could do was watch the interminably slow clock and wait, in agony.


It was eleven in the evening when I finally heard it.

I was awake pretending to watch TV in the lounge when a large familiar car pulled onto the driveway. The engine stopped and its lights went out but there was no slam of doors. I peered out through a gap in the curtains. It was Alan's car but I couldn't see anything through the darkened windows.

Frustrated, I returned to the TV and tried hard to concentrate on the screen but it was no use. All I could think of was what might be going on behind the darkened windscreen in the driveway.

It was quite a long time before I heard a key in the lock and my wife finally entered the house.

The relief when she walked through the door was almost overwhelming. I could see straight away that she looked a little dishevelled and flushed. I had half expected her to run to the bathroom but to my delight she came straight into the lounge to see me.

"How did it go?" I asked automatically, not sure how I would respond whatever she told me.

"It was nice," she replied. "He's really good company."

"You got on well with him?"

"Very well," she replied, her voice hesitant and her eyes lowered.

"Was the meal good?"


"And the wine?"

"Really good."

"And the sex?"


A surge of anger and jealousy rushed through me.

"Did you fuck?" I asked suddenly and cruelly.


Her reply was immediate and forceful. I believed her but there was something in her voice that told me there was more to learn.

"Come on Kate. You've got guilt written all over your face," I lied.

My wife was clearly shaken both by my outburst and whatever had taken place over the past couple of hours. She took a few moments to compose herself then sat on the arm of the sofa before answering. As she sat the hem of her dress rose up her soft, smooth thigh and I couldn't help wondering whether Alan's hands had been in the same place only minutes ago.

"He... he wanted to fuck," she confessed. "But I wouldn't do it."

"You didn't fancy him?" I pressed.

"It's not that. He... he wanted to do it in the car," she said softly.

"And you wouldn't do it there?"

She shook her head, adding "I'm not a teenager."

"But you would have done it if there'd been a bed?"

She didn't reply. She didn't need to; her body language told me all I needed to know.

"How did he take the disappointment?" I asked after a pause.

"I... I helped him out," she said, her eyes still not able to meet mine but with a voice gathering confidence.

I stared open mouthed at the woman I had married fifteen years ago. Something had definitely happened; her bearing had changed, her confidence had changed.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I used my hands."


"In the car."

"Where were you parked?"

"In our driveway."

"Kate!" I exclaimed in shock. "Just now?"

She nodded, her eyes fixed on the floor.

"Did you make him cum?" I asked after a long pause.

She nodded again.

"Christ Kate! You turn me on!"

I moved towards her. She rose and took me by the hand then led me straight to bed, as anxious for sex as I was.

As we kissed eagerly and passionately I could taste something different in her mouth. It was my first taste of something I was to become very familiar with over the next four years; Alan's semen.

Once I recognised it for what it was, I knew that she had lied; that she had actually given the man a blow job in the driveway only a dozen yards from where I had been sitting.

"Did you swallow?" I asked, breaking our embrace, accusing her of using a lot more than just her hands.

Kate looked at me as if to argue then changed her mind.

"No. I spat it into a handkerchief."

I had been right! My heart raced.

"Where is it now?"

"In my handbag."

"Can I see it?"


"Please Kate."

She reluctantly got out of bed and returned with a scrunched piece of damp cloth which she raised to my nose. The smell of semen was overpowering. She really had sucked my Boss to orgasm in his car in our driveway.

"There! Happy now?" she asked.

I held it to my face and inhaled; it was sticky and cool and smelled strongly of a man's cum. By rights that precious fluid should have been deep within my wife's soft, sweet body, its tiny wriggling contents swimming frantically upwards into her womb.

"Did he enjoy cumming in your mouth?" I asked.

"He said he did."

"Did you enjoy having him spurt into your throat?" I hissed.

"Yes!" Kate growled back. "I loved it!"

"But you'd rather he came in your cunt?"

"I'd rather have had his thick cock in my cunt than in my throat!" she snarled.

"Jesus Kate!"

The fucking that followed was some of the most passionate of my life.


Surprisingly, the following morning began as if nothing had happened, both of us going about our normal business. But it couldn't last; eventually I couldn't keep silent and eventually had to ask her where she wanted to go with her new relationship.

"That depends on you," she replied quietly.

"Do you want to see him again?" I asked, knowing what the answer would be.

"Yes I do," my wife's reply was straight and to the point.

"Do you want to go all the way with him next time?"

"If it feels right at the time," she told me equally calmly. "And if you are okay about it too."

I thought for a moment.

"How often would you want to meet him?"

Kate had clearly thought this out in detail because without hesitation she replied that as I was away at meetings a couple of times a month perhaps he could call at our house and see her then - after our three children were in bed of course.

I must confess that I was very turned on by her wanting this and agreed. I have always loved my wife passionately and wanted to keep her. To do this I felt sure I had to give her the sex life she deserved, even if it wasn't my cock that was providing it. I truly believed that allowing her the freedom to be herself sexually with my full knowledge and acceptance would keep her happy despite what I also truly believed to be my tiny, inadequate cock.

It would have been simply unbearable if she had gone behind my back and cheated.

"Did you agree your next date last night?"

Kate shook her head.

"I wanted to see how you reacted."

"And are you pleased with my reaction?"

She smiled.

"It will do."

"So will you go ahead and make a date?"

She nodded slowly.

"I think I will."


It was two days later when Kate told me that her next date had been arranged.

I was surprised but did not complain when she told me that they wanted to meet at our house. His wife would be in their house and a hotel would pose too great a risk of being discovered. With some misgivings and a terrible nausea in my belly, I told her it was okay with me.

In truth it made sense; our children were quite young, they went to bed at about seven thirty and were good sleepers. It was several years since my wife and I had been disturbed once they had been tucked in bed. Kate told me that Alan would not come around until about quarter to nine to give them plenty of time to fall asleep. That sounded sensible to me too; the kids would be quite settled and it would give my wife plenty of time to ready herself for her lover.

The conversation was one of the strangest of my life. More than once I had to pinch myself to make sure it wasn't a dream; that I really was discussing the best way in which my wife could be fucked by my Boss in our marital bed.

There was no question that that was what was going to happen. Since that first dinner date Kate had made it very clear that she wanted to go all the way with Alan and to my astonishment and shame, I must confess that I was very excited about it.

As the date grew closer and our plans became firmer, I realised that this was something I had wanted for a long time. I really did want my sweet, pretty wife to be fucked by a man with a much bigger cock than mine.

And that is what I believed Alan had.

Sometimes I felt ashamed of myself. Other times I felt elated that it was really going to happen but at no time did I even think of trying to stop it. I have no explanation of why my need was so important. Perhaps I was born with it; perhaps my feeling of inadequacy gradually became overwhelming but the result was the same.

The evening before when we were in bed, I did express the fear that Kate might not love me as much afterwards. She told me she understood that fear but that this date was to be for sex alone, not love. She told me clearly that I was her only true love and that she loved me even more for giving her the opportunity to experience just plain sex without commitment.


Less than twenty-four hours later, all was ready. There were clean sheets on our bed, the kids were settling in theirs and I felt sick. I had barely touched my evening meal; my tummy was too twisted to eat but I was pleased to see Kate suffered no such problems.

After dinner she went up to the bedroom to prepare herself while I washed up the dishes. The job done, I checked that all three children were fast asleep then stood in the hallway in my coat, waiting for the order to leave.

At eight twenty-five, Kate came downstairs looking clean, fresh and very desirable. She had just showered and was dressed in her best, sexiest night gown, the one she had worn on our wedding night and was kept for special occasions, like birthdays and wedding anniversaries.

I was a bit taken aback at first but then consoled myself with the thought that my wife's first infidelity was going to be a special occasion for both of us. I could tell she was pleased by the way I looked at her.

"Do I look alright?" she asked.

"You look beautiful," I told her truthfully. "Irresistible."

"Thank you," she replied bashfully. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I'm going to have to be," I shrugged with a wry smile. "There's no going back now, is there?"

She smiled back. We stood awkwardly for a moment.

"What time is it?" she eventually asked anxiously.

"Eight twenty-eight. Feeling nervous?" I replied.

"Wouldn't you be?" she smiled. "I've never done this before."

"Neither have I. It'll be a first for both of us."

"I suppose so," she agreed.

"But not the last?" I suggested.

"That depends," she replied enigmatically.

I was just about to ask what it depended upon when the wall clock chimed the half hour.

"You'd better go," Kate said softly. "Don't come back before eleven, remember?"

"I remember. Good luck," I said, kissing her lightly on the cheek. "Relax and enjoy yourself. Do whatever comes naturally. It's all okay with me."

I opened the front door and stepped over the threshold.

"I love you Kate," I said as the door closed behind me.

Out in the open and forbidden to return home I felt suddenly alone; alone and with two and a half hours to kill.

Two and a half long hours for my wife and her first ever lover to enjoy each other's bodies.

A full hundred and fifty minutes together in our bed; the bed in which all three of our children had been conceived.

It was a long time to be alone with my thoughts and imaginings. What could I do?

At first I drove around aimlessly then went to a local bar and watched part of a football match on TV. It would have been exciting too - certainly my fellow watchers thought so if their yelling was any guide - but my heart wasn't in it. Worse still, I promised myself I would only have one drink as I wanted to be aware and 'up to it' when I got home.

After the match I walked up and down the streets near the bar, watching my feet and staring at my watch until finally the hands showed twenty past ten and I could return to my car.

I drove home slowly, arriving about ten-thirty and parked a little way down the street. Alan's car was in the driveway where my car should have been. I laughed hollowly; that wasn't the only place Alan had been which should have been reserved for me alone.

I killed the engine and the lights then sat silently watching the house, waiting for him to leave.

The thoughts that were going through my mind were tumultuous. Would Kate want me when I got home? Had they really fucked this time? Had he been gentle with her or had he been rough? Had she reached orgasm? Was his cock really so much bigger than mine?

And all the time I had a raging erection. All I wanted was to see my wife; to gaze on her well-fucked body and then to fuck her myself.

It seemed like hours were passing but when Alan finally emerged it was only fifteen minutes later. I couldn't see Kate standing in the doorway wishing him goodbye though he turned as if she was there. A moment later he had fired up his car and driven discreetly away.

I started up my own engine then quietly pulled my car into the place my Boss had just vacated. I took out my keys then sat back in the driver's seat and stared straight ahead.

The house looked the same as it had always looked but I could feel in my bones that something had changed. I opened the car door and stepped out onto the driveway, closing it quietly behind me. Three, four steps later and my hand was on the front door, opening it equally silently before stepping into the house I had left so very recently.

The hallway was lit but empty. The lounge and kitchen were silent. I walked up the stairs and into what used to be our bedroom and looked inside.

I gasped.

There in the low light was my wife. She was lying on the bed, on the side I usually slept. She was naked.

It had happened, and from the smell of sex in the room, not long ago.

Without a word I stripped off my clothes and joined her on the sheets that had just witnessed her first marital infidelity and my transformation into a cuckold. My heart was beating wildly.

I moved my face closer to hers, my eyes looking for signs of guilt or remorse in her expression but finding none.

I made to kiss her lips but instead she placed her hands either side of my face and steered my head down her soft, womanly body, over the belly that had held our three children and towards the orifice through which they had all emerged.

Her legs parted as my face drew close to her vulva. My chest was tight, my heart thumping almost painfully as I looked at my wife's most private place - a place which was no longer mine alone.