After the Reunion Ch. 10


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Addie dug into her purse and found one of her business cards from the stores and a fifty-dollar bill. She wrote a note on the back of the card, "Remember the strip poker game with Jeremy? Please call, Adriana and Tanya." Then handed both to him. "Here, please see if you can find out about her. Just give her my card."

We went inside and sat at a table near the stage, Addie and Tanya excitedly chattering about the possibility of finding the mystery woman they had been wondering about the last thirteen years.

Me? I was in a daze, I was in a strip club for the first time in my life; I suspected the same was true for Tanner, and our wives were going to be participants, actually taking their clothes off in front of this mob of people, mostly men, who were already hooting and hollering at the girl who was on the stage.

The music was blaring and there was a girl who hardly looked like legal age, dancing at the pole on the stage with her bare tits hanging out that I was having a hard time ignoring. After all, my own woman had come to bed dressed in flannel... changing in the bathroom for the last month! I'd almost forgotten what boobs looked like. I mentioned before that it didn't take much for my cock to get hard. Well, it was hard now!

I couldn't even begin to imagine how guys in the military away from their wives or girlfriends for a year or even longer managed to survive.

A pretty girl in a very short, Daisy Duke pair of shorts and bikini top stopped at our table and asked, "Hi, my name's Tina; coffee, tea, or me?" she asked.

I looked over at my wife. All she did was smile back. T&T were sitting across the table with huge grins on their faces. I looked at the girl; she couldn't have been much over twenty-one. "How much is the 'me'?" I asked her.

She grinned and said, "Good choice," then went on, "The appetizer is twenty dollars."

I dug in my billfold for a twenty. I didn't even care what the 'appetizer' was, I was so damn starved for female! Fortunately, we had stopped at a bank on the way over. Addie had suggested we stop and get a couple hundred dollars cash.

Anyway, I handed her the twenty. She stuck it in the side of her Daisy Dukes and pulled her top down just below her nipple and gyrated herself so that it was right in front of my lips. When I opened my mouth and flicked my tongue out she backed away and said, "Uhuh, that's the entree, not the appetizer."

I groaned, "How much is the entree, then?"

She giggled and pulled her top back up, "It's forty dollars, but we only serve one course at a time... would you like something to drink?"

Yeah, milk, warm milk, straight from the source, I thought. I contemplated for about a second and asked for a Singapore Sling. Addie a strawberry lemonade. I told T&T that I was buying the first round. I don't remember what they ordered but they definitely were alcoholic.

"Be right back," she said as she wiggled her bottom, walking away.

I turned to look at my wife who was smirking at me, "What?" I asked her

She laughed, "Warm milk? You are so pathetic!" I know my face must have turned red. I had no idea I had said it out loud. T&T were both laughing.

Our attention turned back to the girl on the stage. She was wearing nothing except a pair of panties and her fingers were under the elastic of those, just teasing that she was going to push them down. Guys were lined up at the edge of the stage waving money at her and she let them slip their bills inside her panties. I decided to save my money for the entrée later, wondering what the dessert might consist of.

Of course, I wouldn't mind getting my entrée and dessert from Tanya back in our hotel room, either. The thought crossed my mind wondering if Tanner knew that Addie was going to be off-limits.

Then I thought of the night clothes Kayla and I had bought for my wife. My cock was already hard, but that thought brought a major groan to me. I wondered what the possibility was that she might cheat on her commitment to Jonah later. Doubtful, damn doubtful!

Our waitress brought back our drinks and asked if we'd like our entrée yet. I had just opened my mouth to say 'damn yes,' when Addie spoke, "Later, I think," she said.

Then Addie took my hand and put it on her inner thigh, right at the lace on the top of her stockings and pressed my hand into her leg. When I tried to work my fingers just a bit higher, she gripped my hand and moaned slightly herself. But she didn't let my hand move any higher, either.

I was guessing that Tanya wasn't stopping Tanner's hand from venturing higher.

But Addie was nervous, she tried to hide it, but I could feel the slight tremors in her hand when she rubbed it over my own on her thigh. This was the closest to a sexual touch over the last month and to say I was enjoying it was a gross understatement. Damn, my cock was hard! I just hoped I didn't have an accident before the night was over.

The girl on the stage just teased with her panties. They were full of bills but were still on her when the music ended and she slinked off the stage.

She was followed by a girl the deejay announced as Chanel, a pretty redheaded girl who quickly stripped down to a sexy, matching bra and panties as well. While she was dancing, Tina stopped back by and asked if I would like that entrée yet. I had been thinking and suggested, "I think Adriana is a little hungry. I'm sure she'd enjoy it now."

She looked up and down my wife's body and said, "Mmm, I think that entrée might be on the house for her." Addie's face turned red, but she turned her chair around so she could have her 'meal'. Tina danced briefly right in front of her, unsnapping her bra and letting it fall with her upturned nipple right in front of Addie's mouth, teasing her lips with it. Sheeit, this was turning me on! When Addie opened her lips slightly, Tina pressed her nipple to them and Addie's lips closed over it, sucking slightly. I knew Addie was more than a little interested in a girl's nipple from the time she and Tanya were together the night before we left for the fateful trip to Reno.

And Adriana took advantage of it, too. All Tina would let her have in her mouth was the nipple but Addie sucked and tugged on it until it was nice and pointy and distended. Tina seemed to be enjoying it too, moaning how good it felt. When Tina pulled away, Addie's lips were puckered and she was breathing hard. Tina was, too, and said, "I think your boyfriend needs a little nourishment, too."

Yeah! I was definitely starved for nourishment, especially as yummy as this. She turned and brought her right nipple to my lips. I sucked it in a little more vigorously than Addie had, but what can I say, I'm a guy. Guys love appetizers, especially titty appetizers! I started to grip Tina around the waist, but she pushed my hands away, saying, "No touching," I guess nipple sucking must not have counted as touching. I sure wasn't complaining! After my starvation diet for the last month, this was one of the nicest dinners I'd had for a long time.

Unfortunately, all good things do come to an end and Tina had more people to serve meals to than just Addie and me. She backed away from me, and even though she said the entrée would be on the house, I gave her two twenties and asked her what dessert consisted of. She said she'd be happy to serve us, then walked around to the other side of the table and served the same meal to Tanner and Tanya for another forty dollars. I couldn't help but think that the girl had just made eighty bucks in the last ten minutes by having her nipples sucked. Damn, what a job!

When she left, Adriana leaned over and kissed me. And I don't mean a peck on the cheek. It was the first time we had kissed like that since before our little abstention agreement. Her lips were soft and melding into mine, tongues intertwining, Addie's hand behind my neck and her breasts crushing against my chest. In short, I was in heaven. Before her sexual 'awakening', she never would have kissed me like that in public, no matter that it was an exotic dance club.

When she broke away, T&T were both breathless and panting from their 'meal', and Addie said to me, "I want you to do to me what we did with her."

I looked at my beautiful wife, who I hadn't sexually touched for over a month. Her eyes were hungry and her nipples were poking through her thin bra and dress, begging to be touched. "Here?" I asked her.

"No, I'm sure they have back rooms," she told me, "ask Tina."

I could have waited. I knew that she would have returned shortly, but we didn't have time to wait. There are times for waiting and this wasn't one of them. She was across the room taking what appeared to be a real order from an older man there by himself. I waited for her to finish and approached her, asking about a room. She smiled at me and said she'd help as soon as she took him his drink.

When Tina returned, she said to follow her, but we'd have to pay for the room; twenty dollars for five minutes. Sounded like a hell of a bargain to me. My cock was doing handstands in my pants! The four of us followed her down a hall with several rooms on each side.

She led us into one of them, I gave her two twenties and Tanner did also. She smiled and said she'd be back in twenty minutes. Apparently, Tanner wanted his turn with my wife's nipples, too.

The four of us entered and before we could sit down, Tanner was kissing my wife. Addie's lips were devouring him like she hadn't had any sex for the last month. Maybe because she hadn't.

Watching Tanner and my wife was erotic enough, but I remembered what Addie said she wanted. I unzipped Addie's black dress down her back and slipped it off one shoulder and Tanya did the other shoulder. Addie pulled her arms up through the sleeves so we could push her dress down around her waist. Tanya scooted her husband back out of the way, getting a groan of disapproval from Adriana.

When Tanya undid Addie's bra and let it fall away from her tits, it was the first time I had seen my wife's naked boobs in a month. I reached and pinched one of her swelled nipples between my thumb and forefinger and watched her face as I slowly brought my mouth to her nipple. Her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open and when I first touched her nipple with my lips, she groaned. I groaned as well, with frustration because I knew I wasn't going to be able to fuck her.

Oh God, that nipple felt good, though! I sucked her breast into my mouth and felt Addie's hand on the back of my head pulling me tighter to her. At the same time, Tanya's mouth was wrapped around her other tit.

Thankfully, there wasn't either a bed or couch in the room, only chairs. Had there been a bed, I doubt I'd have been able to stop myself from pushing my wife down on it, pulling her panties down and having my cock inside her. She was still standing with Tanya and I nourishing ourselves on her boobs and Tanner behind her kissing her neck, then her lips when she craned her face toward him.

There was one other thing I wanted to do. I let Addie's nipple slip out of my mouth and turned toward Tanya, whose face was only inches away. My left hand was around Addie's back and I put my right hand around Tanya, pulling her toward me. Our lips met with our faces pressed tight against my wife's breasts.

Tanya's tongue had just invaded between my lips when we all heard from Tina, our 'waitress', "Sorry to interrupt, but you're on next in about five minutes." I had no idea how long we had been in that room, only that Tanya and I had only begun to kiss.

We all broke apart, all four of us breathing deeply. Addie was the only semi-naked one in the room and her nipples were wet and hard. I don't think we'd been our full twenty minutes, but had certainly gotten our money's worth. Addie pulled her bra back in place, Tanya snapped it and then helped her pull her dress back up and zip it up.

I wondered how soaked Adriana's and Tanya's panties were by then. I know that I had nearly torn a hole in my shorts and slacks with my hard cock. I didn't even need to glance at him to know Tanner was in the same boat as me.

When Addie was fully dressed and we were ready to leave our private little room, Tanya said, "I can't do this." Her hands were shaking and she looked scared to death.

Adriana had regained her composure and told her, "Yes you can and you ARE going to. We'll be there together. It'll be fun. You want to do this, don't you?"

She nodded but repeated, "I just can't."

Tina opened the door again and said, "Just a couple more minutes." When she left she left the door open for us. Addie took Tanya's hand and started to leave, but Tanya was still resisting, pulling back. This time Addie looked at her friend firmly and told her, "Okay girl, here's the thing. My husband is very good at spanking. You've already earned five hard spanks when we get back to the hotel." She looked over at Tanner for approval. Yeah, right! He was grinning ear-to-ear and nodding away. Addie went on, "Do you remember how scared my husband was on that swing in Reno? He did it though, didn't he? Now, we're doing this together or do you want to make it ten spanks and have them right here and then we go on that stage?"

Tanya's face was red and she was shaking from fright. I think she knew that Addie meant it. She finally relented and followed Addie out into the other room. Addie looked at Tanner and me with a smirk on her face, as if to say, 'that's how it's done!'.

The club was about three-quarters full, but our table was still empty. Maybe Tina had been saving it for us. We had barely sat down when we heard the announcement, "And now we're graced with two beautiful ladies, Shanice and Tanya!"

There was stomping of the feet, catcalls, whistles, and calls of the two girls' names. Addie got to her feet and had to use both hands to pull Tanya out of her chair. Addie held Tawns' hand and they stepped up onto the stage. It's about a foot above the floor and has an intermediate step all around. It's fairly small with some seating on the opposite side and mirrors all along the wall so there's no place to hide. There was a stripper's pole off to one side, about three feet from the edge. After they were on the stage, the lights turned back down lower to somewhat mimic a flickering fireplace and a slow song began to play.

While the girls were going up on the stage, Tanner and I had seen a table at the edge of the stage with two guys at it and two empty chairs. Tanner and I moved up to it and Tanner asked one of the guys, "Those are our wives. You mind if we sit?" The guy he asked didn't answer, just motioned for us to sit.

Tanya was just standing on the stage, looking like she was scared to death of what was happening. We heard Addie tell her, "Just dance a little, there's no hurry."

I suspected it had been a long time since this crowd had seen two women who looked like these. Probably never anyone as gorgeous as Tanya. Judging by the few other girls we'd seen on the stage, likely not many like Addie, either.

If my cock hadn't already been swollen to the max, it would have been swelling with pride watching my wife and girlfriend. Addie's eyes were open watching the crowd but Tanya had closed hers, probably out of embarrassment. She did seem to be loosening up a little, though. I glanced over at Tanner a couple times. He hadn't ever seen his wife doing anything like this and his eyes were wide open

Even with their dresses on, both girls oozed sexiness. Watching Addie through Jonah's glasses on our TV was pretty damn cool but in person was a whole different playing field. Several times she teased the crowd by pulling the hem of her dress up to the top of her stockings and even a little beyond.

After what had probably been two or three minutes of dancing and teasing, seeming like forever to me, Addie moved in front of Tanya and quietly asked her, "Unzip my dress."

Tanya's hands were still shaking but she managed to slide Addie's dress zipper down and I watched in fascination as my wife let it slide off her shoulders, all the way down past her bra, then pushed it down her hips to the floor. Unbelievably, Adriana was standing on the stage wearing nothing except the sheer bra and panties, stockings and heels that Kayla and I had bought. Both bra and panties were sheer to the point that they didn't even try to hide her nipples or waxed pussy. I think the moisture on her panties even exacerbated how sheer they were.

I remembered how my conservative Adriana had tried to hide her breasts in the strip poker game only a couple months earlier. She wasn't hiding them now.

There was a roar in the building but I had no idea what was being said. Lots of cash money was being waved around and left on the stage.

The dancing had pretty well ended. Addie turned around and showed off her butt cheeks covered with just a tiny bit of lacy material. While she was turned toward Tanya, I heard her ask, "Ready?" She hesitated, then nodded and Addie moved behind her and unzipped her dress. It fell away and while Tanya still had her arms crossed over her chest, Addie unsnapped Tawn's bra. Tanya's hands were trying to hold her bra in place, keeping her boobs covered but Adriana pulled it out from under her hands, then pushed her hands away from her tits, replacing them with her own. Addie rubbed Tanya's nipples between her thumb and fore-fingers drawing them out and eliciting moans from Tanya.

While massaging Tanya's now bare breasts and nipples, Addie nibbled on her neck and whispered, or at least thought she was whispering, "I'm so fuckin' hot right now!"

Tanya turned around, pressing herself tightly against Addie's body and her lips to hers, sucking on Adriana's bottom lip. "God, I didn't know it could be like this," she answered as she reached around Adriana's back and undid the snap on her bra as well.

Both women now with bare breasts and kissing hard, Tanya reached down to her hips starting to push her panties down but Addie stopped her and turned her around facing the crowd of jeering, cheering men and women. I looked around briefly and saw that even Tina, who had undoubtedly seen many women disrobing on that stage was stopped and intently watching.

"Now," was all Addie said and waited while Tanya continued where she'd started a moment earlier, pushing her panties down and revealing that pussy for all to see. A few seconds later, all Tanya was wearing were her heels, stockings, earrings, and necklace. She turned back around, slid her body down Addie's, taking a nipple briefly in her mouth, then licked down her stomach to Adriana's panties, taking the front between her lips and both sides in her hands and pulled them down.

Adriana's hands were wrapped in Tanya's hair trying to pull her mouth to her pussy but Tanya resisted, just pulling the panties down her legs. Doing this, Tanya's beautiful butt and pussy were so exposed to the roomful of people. I'm sure there wasn't a man there who wasn't envisioning pushing his cock into that pussy, including me. The difference was that I knew before the night was over, my cock would be inside that pussy! I wondered what Tanner was thinking about seeing his wife exposed on the stage as she was.

Addie was breathing deep, her eyes closed and obviously trying to maintain control of her libido. She had told Jonah she wasn't going to come before she went to Sacramento with him and she intended to fulfill that pledge. Otherwise, I'm sure her pussy would be gushing juices and her body shuddering in a mind-blowing orgasm in the middle of the stage.

The music stopped. I hadn't even been hearing it for the last several minutes intently watching my wife and our friend-lover stripping each other. Yeah, watching in person, seeing my wife and friend's naked sexuality on a stage in front of so many people was more than staggering to my own libido. Every time I think I couldn't be turned on any more, my wife finds a way to make it even more unbelievable.