After the Reunion Ch. 12


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"I think what this means is that the game goes from just a little sexy fun to how much does my friend, Matthew, trust his wife?"

"Let me tell you a little about Samuel. First thing, I own a couple gyms besides this club. He manages one of 'em, does a damn good job, too. He's a family guy. Has a little girl at home, six, that he's raising alone. Her name's Lily because she's so pretty. He's been looking for a mom for the little girl. Had a few girlfriends, lots of one-night girls, but never anyone that's clicked with him. That is until he met Shanice that night. Ever since then he's been obsessed with her. Won't even look at another woman."

"So ya see, my friend, you got some competition. Wonder how much you trust your wife, cuz I'm guessing that after tonight, she's gonna be just as obsessed with him. Sounds like she already is."

"I'm not gonna let 'em fuck. Know why?" He laughed, "Cuz if they don't have sex together it's gonna make 'em obsessed with each other all the more..."

I was shaking. I had seen that obsession. Addie has been dreaming about the guy. I've seen her curled up on the floor sobbing from wanting him. If that's what she was like after a single half-hour, what would she be like after tonight?

"Sucks to be you, huh, my friend," he said, chuckling.

"Ya know, I just had a thought." He laughed at what he'd just said, "Doesn't happen often but had one now. Anyway, I just might let you decide before the weekend's over. Might be kinda fun."

My headset went black. What the hell do I make of that? I sat there, on the couch, with my mouth gaping open. I hadn't been worried about Addie 'falling' for Jonah, but Samuel? That's an entirely different story and the way he describes him, he's exactly the kind of guy she would fall in love with. Would she leave her family, her business? No way, but I would have said the same about what she's doing now, too.

I knew I had to trust her, there wasn't anything else I could do. I checked my watch, Jonah said an hour. I wished to hell that I could be in that room for that hour. In the condition Addie was in, it could be a long hour for her... and it was going to be damned long for me.

My heart rate had about doubled over the last few minutes. As Jonah said, this went from a simple sex game to a serious threat to our marriage. Even so, I was still turned on, imagining what was going on in that room.

I took a break, went in the kitchen and made myself a peanut butter and honey sandwich and poured a glass of milk. Then I sat back down and pictured my wife, naked with Samuel. I could almost hear her moans with him sucking on her tits. Jonah had said something about trying on clothes. What was that all about? I know how much it turns me on when she models clothes; Addie wouldn't be the only one horny and frustrated by Jonah's rules. But then what? Monday, would she come home? I shivered at the thought, disgusted that I was still so damned hard.

After an hour I put the glasses back on. They were still dark, so I sat and waited. It was another eternity, I didn't know how long, before the picture came back on. They had just walked into Jonah's living room when he turned me back on. I hated being at his mercy. I guess the guy was at least letting me be a part of it, though. When he turned it back on, Addie was wearing her original blouse, obviously with no bra, and slacks.

"Now slut, you remember the safe word?" he asked.

"Stop, Jonah," she answered.

"And it means?"

"You stop what you're doing and I go home," she mumbled.

"And you mean it when you say it, right?"

"Yes," she said.

"Okay," he told her, "You know the drill." He let her stand in the middle of the room; he had a black blindfold in his pocket that he tied around her eyes. He's obviously big on blindfolding his girls. He took her blouse, then her slacks and panties off her, then tied her wrists together in front, then around her waist so she couldn't move her arms. Big on tying, too.

He led my wife, his hand around her tied arm, to where he sat down, then pulled her down, butt up, across his legs. I knew what was coming and how badly it was going to hurt her, but damn, I was so shittin' hard and turned on! He rubbed his hand slowly around her butt cheeks and I felt her soft skin in my own hands. "Now, I want you to tell me; and you do know your husband can hear us, so you're telling him, too, what was your time with Samuel like?"

She groaned, "Ohh God, Jonah," he continued to rub, pushing her legs apart enough so that we could see her glistening, wet pussy, which he naturally had to run his big, black hand over. When he did, Addie's body stiffened and she groaned again. It was the first time her pussy had been touched in the last six weeks.

"Samuel," he said, "tell us." He continued to rub his hand over her pussy lips, "You're wet, I guess that tells us something."

"I needed him to fuck me so bad... and he was so hard!" Jonah's own cock had to be hard and digging into her as well, giving her a taste of what was to come.

"Did he make you come?" Jonah asked.

"Noooo, Oh God, Jonah that feels so good, please fuck me!"

"Not until we find out more about Samuel, Shanice, you're stalling."

"His mouth, it felt so good all over my body... he sucked my tits so much." That's another word I don't think I've ever heard Addie use before, her 'tits'. Then she jumped and groaned again when Jonah's finger slipped just barely between her pussy lips.

"You fallin' for my friend Samuel a little?" Crap, I already knew the answer to that one. She had fallen for him like bricks out of the sky.

"God, yes... all of him!" she moaned.

Maybe Jonah was getting to the point where he wanted her too much to go on. He said, "You told me 'no' twice tonight. What do we do about that?"

Her butt muscles flinched and her body squirmed on his lap. She knew what was coming, "I want to be spanked," she said, barely able to get the words out.

So help me God, I wanted to be able to spank my wife at that moment. It was just so God-damned-fuckin'-sexy! I've never in my life felt that way before. She might be a woman who can open and run four successful stores, raise two wonderful kids and keep a husband happy year after year, but at that moment, she was a sex-minx, Jonah's fuck-toy, and I wanted to ravish her... I wanted Jonah to ravish her, with me living every second of it!

I saw, in fascination, Jonah raise his right arm, and then suddenly, a loud slapping 'crack'. Addie's body jerked and she cried out, "Ahh!"

"What do you do?" he asked before going on.

I wished I could see Addie's face, see her reaction. I knew there'd already be tears in her eyes, "One," she whimpered.

"Good, you remembered. We don't have to start over this time. A little louder and with more enthusiasm next time, though." Another loud crack, another body-jerk, and my cock kept getting closer to an orgasm.

"Two," she shouted out.

"Three... Four..." My wife's butt was getting so red and I knew that Jonah had barely started. He hadn't said how many. "Five..." By then I could hear Addie's crying. I wanted him to stop. I wanted to go on myself. I was so damned confused... and so fuckin' horny! I knew I could never do this to my wife myself, but through these glasses it felt as if I were. My hand was even starting to sting.

"That's for the first 'no'," he told her. Last time we stopped early since it was your first time. Tonight you should have known better, though."

"Six..." she cried out when his hand struck her again.

By the time she had counted to ten, her voice was only a sob. My hand hurt and Addie's butt was bright red.

Jonah carried her naked body to his bed and laid her down, telling her to roll over onto her stomach. The cream he'd used the time before was in his nightstand next to the bed. He rubbed it over her bare cheeks and said, "I hope I don't have to do this again." He kept rubbing the cream onto her, getting a much more pleasant "Mmm, that feels so good."

"Are you ready to have some fun, then?" he asked.

I could tell that Addie's breathing changed when he said that. She was sooo ready!

Jonah put the jar of cream back in his drawer and pulled out another. He dipped his fingers into it, then pushed Addie's legs apart and started to caress her butt again, this time pulling her butt cheeks apart just a little so that he could rub his fingers along the little hole between her cheeks. Holy shit, I thought, is he planning what I think he is?

When his slippery finger pressed just inside her, she groaned out, "Jonah, please, you can't... you're too big..."

"Are you telling me no again?" he asked.

She hesitated, knowing she had a choice, either tell him to stop, in which case she'd be sent home, or she was going to be fucked in the ass by his giant cock.

"I... I want you to fuck me..." she said, "in my ass, please."

"Good girl," as his finger slipped deep inside her and she jumped, instinctively squeezing, trying to push his fingers back out. He paused a moment, letting her relax, then resumed his task slipping the finger into her ass. My wife was whimpering, but pushed her knees up underneath her and apart, giving him better access. Her hands were still tied so she couldn't use them to help support herself, so her face turned to the side on the bed and her weight was braced on her head.

Jonah's finger worked in and out of her, then he added a second, pushing both as deep inside her as he could. He's a big man, his hands are big and his fingers long. Nothing like his cock, though. Jonah watched his fingers and that was what was filling my vision, his two fingers deep inside my wife's butt. She was groaning loudly and when he looked at her face, scrunched on top of the blankets, I wished the blindfold was off her so I could see her eyes. The rest of her face was glazed with an expression of shock and lust.

Jonah stepped back off the bed and pushed his pants and shorts down, letting his huge cock pop out. He climbed back onto the bed and held it at her opening, "An early birthday present, slut," he said as he pushed inside her.

God, I wanted to see Addie's eyes! Unintelligible noises were coming from her clenched lips.

Jonah glanced down at himself, probably two or three inches inside my wife and I came. I couldn't stop myself. My hand wrapped around my cock and I nearly doubled over from the force of my orgasm. My eyes squeezed closed for what seemed like several minutes while sperm ejaculated from my cock. I squeezed myself, wetting my other hand with my cum, then sliding it down and up only compounding the force of my climax.

It finally did subside and I was able to open my eyes again, breathing hard. Jonah's cock was at least halfway into Addie's ass, sliding out and in just a little deeper each time. Addie had begun to arch her butt out to him with each one of his thrusts. Addie's moans had turned to pure pleasure and with his push into her that pushed his balls up against her ass cheeks, she screamed and her body began shuddering and quivering. This was her first orgasm in a month-and-a-half and it was epic, going on-and-on.

Jonah's body began jerking as well, his vision all over the room, down at Addie, at his cock inside her, to the ceiling, all in hard, fast jerks. There were feminine and masculine groans and I was hard all over again.

When his jerking finally calmed and he had pulled his still hard cock out of her, they both collapsed onto the bed.

The last words I heard before my goggles went black were, "Tomorrow is my birthday."

I had a hard time sleeping that night. It had been fun teasing Addie about Samuel, when I had thought he was just another guy she had a major crush on, that she was probably one in his stable of girls, like Jonah. But after Jonah's little speech, Addie's obsession with him took on a whole new dimension.

From the beginning, Jonah never worried me about taking Addie. Not that he had any moral turpitude about taking another man's wife, but it was obvious that his only interest in Addie was sex; to be blunt, fucking her. Samuel, though, he obviously wants my wife as his own. Not only that, but Addie is obsessed with him, too. I was fine with that obsession when I thought it was just the sex she was obsessed with, but now I'm not sure, not at all!

And there wasn't a damned thing I could do about it. Panicking, running off to Sacramento and trying to find her, calling her to tell her to come home, would lead to nothing except exacerbate her obsession and drive a wedge between us. No, I knew I had to trust my wife and let this weekend play out.

Finally, after convincing myself that I trusted her, I managed to get some sleep.

I woke up in the morning feeling better. Problems always look better in the morning than in the middle of the night. I say morning, but it was almost nine-thirty. I can't even think the last time I slept that late. The first thing I did was check my phone, see if there was any kind of message. There was, from Jonah. It simply said, '7 pm'.

So I had all day. My 'teleporter' would be dead until seven. That reminded me, the battery. I found it where I'd set it down the night before; technically, I guess it had been in the morning, and plugged in the battery to charge. Then I made myself some breakfast, a cheese and crab omelet with hash brown potatoes. I wasn't used to making breakfast for just myself and didn't like it much. I chuckled to myself that at least I could drown it in salt as I liked without Addie chastising me about giving myself a heart attack.

After breakfast, I wandered out in the backyard to look at the pool construction. They had finished the grouting and it actually looked like a swimming pool. It wasn't very pretty yet, but that would come. On one end, there was a section for the kids, only eighteen-inches deep with a barrier to the rest of the pool that was up to eight feet deep. Addie had wanted a diving board, so part of it was deep enough for diving. I smiled, thinking about that first time in Tanya's pool when she convinced me to jump off their diving board. Thought about the swimsuit Tanya had been wearing that morning, too.

I wondered what to do with the rest of my day and what Addie would be doing with her day. I presumed Jonah would have something fun for them to do, which likely would include some variation of fucking. Then I thought, speaking of 'fucking', I wondered about that first trip and if the porn I had watched between Addie and Jonah was still out there, floating around on the internet.

I went back in the house, hooked my laptop up to the TV and found that website. When the little box popped up with the word 'password' in it, I rummaged through my phone messages and found the password Jonah had sent me way back then and entered it in the little box.

My TV came to life with Jonah telling my wife, "Okay, bitch, I don't think I like your name so good. Gonna give you a different one." It was still there! Right then, I decided how I was going to spend my day. Before, I'd turned the volume down low because the kids were in the house. This time, though, I wanted it up, loud and clear.

This was so different than watching with my new goggles. This was watching a 3D, real-life porn flick, my wife in the female lead role, not that I'd ever watched a porn flick before, though. Except, of course, the last time I'd watched this. The goggles were like actually being there, part of it.

So that's how I spent my day, reliving that excruciatingly hot weekend two months earlier. There were several times that I had an almost irresistible urge to take my cock out of my pants and relieve myself. I didn't, though. I didn't know what was going to happen later and wanted to be 'on edge' for whatever it might be. It was funny, too, the more I watched this, the less I was worried about Samuel. Go figure. As Addie would say, men are strange creatures; at least her man was.

Yeah, one thing did cross my mind when I was watching it. Jonah could literally make a fortune selling this video. Somehow, I didn't think he would though. Maybe I was naïve, but in spite of his crude demeanor, he seemed to me like a guy that had some integrity. At least I hoped I was right.

Breakfast had been late so I skipped lunch. By six, though, I was hungry and made myself a ham sandwich. At a quarter till seven, I put my goggles on and turned them on. As I suspected, all I could see was blackness. It still fascinated me what darkness, with a total absence of any light at all, is like. I shivered, thinking what it must be to be totally blind. Especially, blind and deaf, which for the moment, I was both.

I sat in that darkness and quiet for the next several minutes. It's hard to realize that even the ability to judge time completely escapes me when sight and hearing are taken away. Even a few minutes seems like forever. I had been really privy to that phenomenon the night before when I sat here nearly four hours in darkness.

This time it wasn't nearly so long, though. My sight, or I should say, Jonah's sight suddenly popped up. One cool thing about these that I'd forgotten to mention; when they first came on after being in darkness, they came on very dim and gradually brightened, to allow my eyes to adjust without blinding me.

We were in Jonah's living room again. He looked up at his clock, showing me that it was exactly seven o'clock. I'd only been sitting in darkness for the last fifteen minutes. "Good evening, friend Matthew, I hope you had a nice day," he chuckled, "I know I did... think your wife did, too... after a bit."

"We had Damian and some friends over, his girlfriend, too. Did some swimming and soaking up the sunshine. My woman said that you liked that swimsuit I bought her. My friends and I like it, too. She looks damn good in it... course, I like it better sittin' on the edge of the pool all by itself, and her floatin' on her back without it."

Ah shit, he knows how to get me hard! "I'll tell ya, we never screwed, not since last night when you was watchin'. Damn, that was good, wasn't it? Hope you enjoyed that half as much as I did. Seems like you mighta, too." Then he laughed, "That cunt ain't been used yet, though, and she's achin' for it to be filled."

"Waitin' on her now to get ready for my birthday dinner. We're goin' to a good Thai place, best in town. She's a helluva fine birthday present, preciate your loanin' her to me this weekend. Think Samuel might preciate it, too, before the weekend's over... course, that'll be up to you how much he preciates her," he said, laughing.

I heard a door open and close. "Here she comes now. Hope you like what we found for her to wear tonight." I heard Jonah's whistle when she walked into the room and I could see why. His eyes looked her up and down. She had on a dark red, silky-looking, short skirt and a reddish blouse. I say reddish because all it was was a red tint covering naked skin, totally transparent. Addie's breasts, her nipples were right there, for all to see, just a reddish tint of totally see-through material covering them. "Damn, woman, you look good enough to eat!" I expected he'd be doing exactly that, and a lot more, before the night was over.

Her face looked scared as hell. "Jonah, I can't wear this. I'll be arrested!" she protested to him.

He laughed, "Shanice, babe, you're in California, not Idaho," he told her.

Addie's face was red and she was trying to cover herself with her arms. I guess she figured that going out in public dressed like she was would be a little different than walking completely naked through his club the night before. "Is there a jacket, a cover-up, anything?"

His eyes looked her up and down one more time, "Nah, I think you look perfect just the way you are... except for one thing." He moved her arms away from her front and took her nipples, one in each hand, rolling and pulling them between his thumb and forefinger.
