Against The Odds Pt. 01


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"This is fucking crazy, I love you so much and this feels so right but a bit of me thinks I'm gonna wake up any moment."

"It is real and it's right, now take me to bed."

Chris couldn't help himself, "Not until after we're married."

"Stop making a fucking.." Chris kissed her before she could finish.

Chris felt like a teenager again, kissing was ok but he didn't know where to put his hands, nerves making him tense. They had slept together the night before but it had flowed naturally and they had only cuddled.

Rita felt the same, she wanted this man so much but felt awkward, conscious of her every movement. They separated, both smiling and feeling a bit silly.

"This is mad, I've fucked hundreds of guys but with the only man I've loved I don't know what to do next"

"You make it sound so romantic and special."

"Please don't make a joke of everything."

"Come on, you start a sentence with 'I've fucked hundreds of guys', what am I going to do."

"I want this to be so special and..." Chris kissed her again and her legs nearly buckled as she kissed him back and felt herself falling into him. Chris pulled back, and immediately saw a look of uncertainty come into Rita's eyes.

"I want to watch you undress."


"Then we'll turn the lights off and I'll get undressed."

Rita punched him before smiling herself.

She undressed slowly, not provocatively, in fact almost coyly. She had had sex in front of rooms full of people and even Chris had seen her naked on the massage table, but his intense, loving, lustful gaze left her feeling more exposed than ever.

God she is so beautiful, Chris took in her flared hips, smallish waist and bountiful boobs, yes he was horny and lustful but he was also in awe. As he moved to her he couldn't speak, his mouth dry, his breath hard to find.

Rita had never felt so loved, so wanted. The passion in Chris's eyes was mesmerizing and made her tremble and shake. She helped him undress, kissing him lightly as she did. It was overwhelmingly intense and Rita took a step back, her eyes moving slowly over his body. The silly grin, which she now understood was part of Chris's defenses, the broad, scarred chest, the very erect penis.

"Did you ever think of being a porn actor."

"Piss off."

"Seriously, you're better hung than many of the guys I've worked with."

"Maybe if they make freaky, scarred porn I could do it, something like the Fuckback of Notre Dame."

"That's a good title."

They both laughed and then Chris said, "Would it bother you if I was an actor and fucking other women for a living?"

Without hesitation Rita answered, "Yes." Putting her hand around his cock and pulling him to the bed "Nobody gets to play with this other than me." Chris was happy with her answer but knew he'd bring the subject up again.

As Chris lay on the bed he felt the atmosphere change, sensing that Rita wanted to talk some more.

"I'm scared, I've never made love to anyone before."

She could see the quizzical look on his face, "Even with the couple of boyfriends I've had, we've just fucked, I want this to be different."

Chris thought that he had probably never really made love either, just going through the motions. But he didn't say this, instead saying. "Stop over thinking it." And gently pulling her naked body to his "Kiss me."

It was wonderful, the passion in the kiss eliciting a "wow" from both of them. A goofy smile played on her lips.


"I want to discover every inch of your gnarly old body."


Rita laid on her side and started to gently run her fingers over his face, her touch so light it almost tickled. As she moved to his chest and towards his scarring Chris felt himself involuntarily tense. Rita kissed him gently and then planted baby kisses along his scars. As he relaxed Chris moved his hand to caress Rita.

"Stay still."

"Yes maam."

They both smiled, an unquestionable love in their eyes. Rita continued to slowly explore Chris's body, the eroticism, sensuality and love causing him to quiver. As she slowly ran her fingers over his penis, rather than use her mouth as she would have with a boyfriend or in a movie, Rita knew she wanted Chris inside of her. She moved over him, her eyes never leaving his face as she held his cock and lowered herself onto him. She felt him pushing back but shook her head to stop him, she was making love to him.

Chris lay there, eyes closed, tingling as Rita's fingers caressed him. He opened his eyes and looked at her, her beauty almost overwhelming. As she lowered herself Chris knew he would come almost immediately, his whole body was on fire. He wondered should he try and hold it, but really didn't want to. As Rita's pelvis touched his he felt his cock twitch and begin to ejaculate, his eyes never leaving hers.

As they lay, cuddled in each other's arms, neither of them spoke, allowing their bodies to say all that they wanted. Rita moved, lifting herself up and kissing him, saying 'I'll be back' as she went to the bathroom.

"Ok Arnie."

"Ahh." Would she ever get use to his sense of humor.

As they sat chatting later the topic of getting Rita out of the nasty movie next week inevitably came up.

"If it's alright with you I'll phone Jon and Belinda now, you never know when he's away working."

"I'm free to meet them anytime other than Saturday when I have another shoot on."

Chris struggled to stop himself reacting, managing "Ok, I'll see what suits them." And hoping Rita hadn't seen the look in his eyes, but she had.

Jon was home when he phoned, Chris decided to jump in at the deep end.

"I've met a girl and we've decided to get married." Chris knew that Mel, his secretary and Belinda's friend, would have mentioned that he was seeing a porn actress.

"Have you gone soft in the head, has the sun got to ya?"

"No, it's just right. Anyway I'd love for you two to meet her. Why don't you invite us over for a meal."

"Good idea, how bout tonight at eight, I'm away at the weekend."

"That's perfect and there's one other problem I need your help with."

"I'm no expert but I think you can get little blue pills for that."

"Twat! I'll see you at eight."

Chris took Rita in his arms, feeling good that they were doing something about the movie and feeling horny as he held her against himself.

"Jon and Belinda have invited us over for a meal at eight tonight, I hope that's ok," and with a silly grin "can we practice that love making some more."

"Eight o'clock is only two hours away, I've got to shower and get dressed, what am I going to wear!"

"Two hours is loads, I'm just gonna wear jeans and a t-shirt."

Rita cocked an eyebrow, as if, really? "I can't go out for the evening in jeans and a t-shirt."

"Wear a short skirt with no knickers if you want, whatever it is you'll look fab."

"You men just don't get it, do you?"

Rita showered first and when Chris finished his it took him all of two minutes to get dressed. Rita was stood in her underwear in front of the mirror, applying makeup.

"Ready?" Rita just gave him a dirty look. He sat on the bed, watching her every movement. Every time he looked at her he was in awe, she just took his breath away.

"What ya thinking?" Rita asked.

"I was thinking you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen and for some unfathomable reason, you want to marry me."

"You're right, it is hard to understand." His sense of humor was rubbing off on her.

They arrived at eight and after the introductions and pleasantries they sat down to eat, most of the conversation taken up with Jon and Chris telling stories. After the main course Jon got up to help Belinda clear the dishes.

"You've got him house trained at last."

"It's a work in progress."

"Piss off." Jon said.

When they had left the room, Chris asked Rita what she thought of Jon and could she understand him.

"I understood the swear words."

"That's all he uses." They both smiled, feeling relaxed, the good food and wine helping.

When Jon and Belinda returned Jon said, "Right then, what's this problem ya want help sorting." At least that's what Rita thought he said.

Chris turned to Rita "Do you want me to explain it or do want to."

"I'll do it." Chris nodded.

"As I think you know I work as a porn actress, I've done it for a long time and I'm happy doing it. Unfortunately a few months ago I signed up to make three movies for a company that deal in the more extreme porn. I was quite badly hurt in the last movie, which is how I ended up on Chris's massage table. Anyway I'm meant to do another movie next week. These are not good people and are threatening me that I might get hurt if I don't make their movie. I have a contract with them but I don't think its lawyers they're threatening me with."

Chris could see Belinda thinking and he could see Jon's color changing, trying to hold it in, a look he seen many times.

"So you don't think they'll come after you legally, even though you're under contract." Belinda asked

"Fuck contracts, no lass shid av to do that stuff if she dunni wanna."

Rita looked at Chris "Jon says he agrees with you." He translated, bringing laughter.

Belinda was definitely the cool, calm brains of the operation and besides, this was her home town.

"Before you and Chris go and do something stupid and gets yourselves locked up or worse, let's think about this. You give me the name of the film producers and I'm sure through either me, Mel or my brother Steve we can find out some details about them, who's behind them etc. Then we can come up with a plan."

"Sounds good to me, what do you think Rita?" Chris asked

"Thank you so much, just having you try to help makes things feel better."

Rita got up and gave both Jon and Belinda a hug.

"You're very welcome, now tell me about being a porn star and about how you fell for a big lug like Chris." Belinda said.

Chris just smiled, he loved Americans and how up front they were.

They were invited to stay but decided to get a taxi back to Rita's place, both feeling tired and drained,

The sight of Rita's ass walking up the stairs in front of him perked Chris up no end, taking two handfuls as she was putting the key in the lock, "Hey cheeky." Chris turned her around, "This proper love making is alright and all, but how's about some proper fucking." He had the silliest grin on his face.

"You're so crude, and besides I hope you last longer than you did today."

"Sorry about that, it's just..."

"Shh, I'm joking. It was the happiest moment of my life. Just don't do it again."

"Do you have to make a joke of everything?"

At work the next afternoon Mel buzzed Chris as he was with a client, something she never did.

"Hey, what's up."

"I have Jon on the line, he says it's urgent."

Chris apologized to the client and with a feeling of dread he went in to the next room to take the call.

"Hi Jon, what's up?"

"It's all sorted man."

"What do you mean, how's it sorted."

"I've had em terminated."


Jon laughed "The contract, not the fucking producers."

"How you do that?"

"Long story, but you know I got stabbed in the arm a few month back, looking after one of my clients in a night club, well turns out this guy has many business interests and one of them is in porn. He was one of the people Rita thought might hurt her, for fuck sake. I had a word, he wasn't too happy but said that made us even, I never thought we weren't even, but if that makes him happy, so be it. Just tell Rita not to talk about it, he doesn't want to come across as soft, fucking tosser."

"Jon, you're a miracle worker."

"I know."

"And Jon."


"We're not even, you still owe me for all the times I saved your fat ass."

"Bollocks, me saving your fucking fat ass more like."

"Thanks Jon."

He should have gone back to his client but just had to phone Rita and tell her and although she sounded relieved he was aware that it was a bigger problem for him than her. She would have done the movie if she had to. He had a lot of thinking to do.

He arrived at her apartment with a bottle of champagne that evening.

"What are we celebrating, me getting out of the movie?"

"Well we can celebrate that if you want, but I thought we'd celebrate us."

She kissed and hugged her special man.

"Oh and I've been doing more of my thinking and I think I've sorted my brain out."

"That could be dangerous."

"No honestly, let's have a glass, raise a toast to ourselves and I'll tell you how I'm going to stop myself going crazy, how I'll stop myself from driving you crazy and how I'll love you every minute of the rest of our lives."

"Wow, and you worked all this out today?"

"Yeah, poor bloody clients didn't get any attention."

"Will this take long, I have to work in fifteen hours."

Chris smiled, he loved this woman so much.

"I realized that I was quickly falling into the trap of wanting to save you, you don't need saving, no more than I do. You need love, support and understanding and I'll give you those by the bucket load. You're a strong, intelligent, independent woman who just happens to fuck hundreds of men for a living."

Chris stopped whilst Rita punched him in the arm, feigning injury before continuing, "I know what you do is acting and hopefully you even enjoy it sometimes but I know what we shared yesterday and last night was real, and besides, there's no way you would have the energy to act like that the whole time, you'd be worn out."

"You'd be surprised by how much energy I have." She said, kissing and beginning to undress him.

"No you don't madam, you'd be surprised at my will power in resisting your womanly wiles."

She burst out laughing, "Where does that posh voice come from?"

"I have no fucking idea."

As he poured them another glass Chris said, "I know myself, I know when I get something sorted in my head, it stays sorted. I just need you to talk to me, tell me what you've been up to, gossip and news about the people you work with, even if I don't know them. When it's part of our everyday life then it isn't abnormal."

Rita's face was smiling but her heart and soul were even happier "You can stop now, I believe you." She said, chiding him.

"I can't stop, it's in my head wanting to get out."

"Let it out baby, I still have fourteen hours till I go to work." She said smiling and pouring the last of the champagne into their glasses.

"Tell me about your shoot tomorrow, tell me about the other actors."

"Do you really want to know?"


"Well I think we're gonna try and shoot two movies, so it'll be a busy day." Rita started off slowly, still not sure if Chris was really up for hearing such details, but as she saw him listening and nodding she found herself getting more enthusiastic in her story,

"The coolest thing about the whole day is that it's being directed by Lilly Mae, one of the only people in the business that I call a friend. You'd absolutely love her, she even swears more than Jon and we shot some of the hottest scenes ever together, even if I do say so myself. She has a great tongue, if you know what I mean."

Chris smiled and nodded, indicating that yes, he did know what she meant.

"Anyway Lilly has started directing now more than acting and we're doing two stories tomorrow. One where I'm the MILF stepmother, taking my new step daughter to the spa, we have a massage, both get fucked by the masseur."

"Are you taking the piss, fucking the masseur."

"This is standard tripe for the porn industry, isn't it why you became a massage therapist."

"Of course."

"Anyway where was I," Rita continued, smiling and really enjoying herself. "That should be fairly normal stuff, not much dialogue, lots of sucking, licking and fucking, maybe a bit of anal."

Rita didn't think there was any anal but wanted to watch Chris's face as she said it, annoyingly his silly grin didn't change.

"If we get finished quickly and have the time then Lilly wants to try out one of her own scripts which she says has a lot more dialogue and is more sensual, lots of sex but not just ram', bam' thank you mam'. I hope we do because it will be great for her."

Chris had loved watching her talk, hardly hearing the words as she became more animated and energized. His heart had skipped a beat when she said anal but fuck it, that was his problem.

"Sounds amazing and I was wrong, you do have lots of energy."

"You better believe it." She said, unbuttoning the rest of his buttons.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

SBS does not use normal radio equipment. In Afganistan it would be in most cases communication via satellite.

But a firefight in the same valley would be heard 2 miles away. They would report it immediately. Their command would investigate whats going on and give them allowance to act or an order to act or deny any action. In SBS the order is more likely.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very good story, and it definitely needs another chapter. Interesting in that I never thought of falling in love with a porn actress. But I think the author has written a very good and plausible possibility and I hope to see more of their story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wonderful story, please write more chapters. They haven't had adorable kids yet. With her drive and attitude, she'd be like a mama bear if anyone hurt her KIDS...or HUSBAND

mburs2016mburs2016over 2 years ago

Great story well written and cant wait for more

Great job

BiggaluteBiggaluteover 2 years agoAuthor

Mitchawa: Thank you so much for the words of encouragement and support.

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