Alice Pt. 01


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I am surprised when Katherine stays. She has had a few drinks, but isn't drunk, and wants to ride. I think she had a few drinks to boost her courage. She is prepared with closed toe boots, long pants, and a jacket. I loan her a helmet.

I explain how to always keep her shoulders square with mine. Lean when I lean, in the direction that I lean. I tell her that it can cause an accident by leaning the wrong direction and the wrong amount. Also she needs to wrap her arms around my waist and lean with me, and we will have an enjoyable riding experience.

I fire up my mechanical beast and the engine rumbles to life. I believe that loud pipes save lives. Katherine is momentarily intimidated by the noise and the vibrations. I get on and put the kickstand up. I back out of my parking space, and she mounts up behind me. She wraps her arms tightly around my waist. I smile at the tightness of her grip. She squeals when I let out the clutch on the Road King.

I get out of the town a little bit, and make it to a highway, where I open it up some. It takes her about twenty minutes to loosen her grip a little. I pull in to an after- hours place, where we can get a snack and talk a little. I kill the engine, and she climbs off the bike. I put the kickstand down and get off my steed. We put the helmets in the saddle bags.

We walk in and see a a couple of booths towards the back that are unoccupied. A waitress yells out, "Sit anywhere you like, honey."

We find a booth where we can carry on a conversation. "Well, how did you like your first ride?"

"How did you know it was my first ride?"

I laugh. "By the grip."

"By the grip?"

"Yes, the grip around my waist."


"I will never complain about a pretty lady putting me in a bear hug."

"Well, now you know my secret. I have never ridden before."

"I hope you liked it. I hope I didn't scare you and that you will ride with me more often."

"It was exciting and a little scary, at first, but I felt safe with you in control. I didn't feel like you took any chances. It didn't take long to get used to the rumble and the power of the bike."

We ended up talking about school, and what we wanted to do after graduating. Katherine is working on a degree in child development. I think she wants to work as a case worker. I don't think I could do that for a long-term job. Child abuse is one of my triggers, mental, physical, sexual it doesn't matter- it makes my blood boil.

"All right, mister motorcycle man, tell me your story."

"I lost my dad, my junior year in high school. I went rogue for a while and a portion of me going rogue was becoming part of the motorcycle culture. I became a hang-around for a local club. I promised my mom I would keep my grades up. My mentor in the club is Meatball. He is the Sergeant-At-Arms for the club. He keeps me in check. My road name is Meat. Partly from my mentor, Meatball and partly because I am well endowed.

"The club really helped me get through a dark time in my life. I work as a bouncer to keep me in gas money. My dad left mom and I in pretty good shape financially. She works at a department store to keep the money situation from getting tight. I love her with all my heart. We helped each other through the grieving process. I am studying to become an engineer. I don't drink very often and when I do, I don't drink very much. Pretty boring stuff."

After we finished the burger and fries, I said, "It is getting pretty late."

"I really am having a good time. I lost track of time."

"What dorm do you live in?"

"I live in Bennet Hall."

"Cool, I'll take the long way back, so we can spend a little longer together."

"I'd like that."

"What made you decide to come to the club tonight?"

"My girlfriends wanted to see if we were actually going to go out. I wanted to see if I could ride with you. I didn't want to wait until Sunday."

"Your girlfriends seem like the type that could dare each other into trouble. I am glad that you took the chance to ride with me. My bike is my primary mode of transportation. I usually keep friends in debt to me doing favors for them, and then I ask to use their car to pay their debt, when I absolutely need a favor."

"My girlfriends usually stay out of trouble. They rely on daddy to get them out of trouble. My daddy taught me a lesson in high school, running around and getting in trouble. I was able to get off work early. My girlfriend was trying to set me up with a friend of her boyfriend. They had a little weed, and we were going to smoke a little, then go parking. The police pulled us over and found the weed. The cop knew whose weed it was. They took us all to the police station, mainly to scare the crap out of us girls. Since I was a minor, they made me call my parents to be released into their custody.

"The cop talked to my dad. They kept me in handcuffs and removed them in front of my parents. My mom was in tears and my dad just shook his head. All my dad said was, 'I hope this doesn't become a habit'. He never said anything about it again. I was crushed knowing that I had disappointed him. I stayed home from school the next day. I cried in my room all day. I couldn't face my dad at dinner.

"He came up and talked to me, one-on-one after dinner. He told me that he hoped I had learned my lesson. That the friends that I choose, reflect the person that I am. The people that you choose to spend your time with, have influence on you and that they help you make decisions, both good and bad. I started crying again and he held me and told me that he knew I was not that kind of girl. He had not lost his trust in me, and he knows that I know the difference between right and wrong.

"When my girlfriends start to go off the rails, I try to talk sense into them, but they are all big girls. I know how to walk away from trouble. I have smoked weed on occasion, but it is not my thing; I don't particularly enjoy it. Come on, Meat, take me home."

I smiled at her using my road name. We saddle up. She is much more relaxed on the way home. It is almost a given that once a girl knows my road name, at the earliest

convenience, she is going to cop a feel to see if I live up to that name. Katherine is no different. She relaxes leaning against my back, and her hands drift down to my crotch.

She checks me out from my left mid-thigh to my right mid-thigh and everywhere in between. With the rumble of the motorcycle vibrations providing some stimulation to my nuts, and her searching, I am hard in no time flat. Her searching is becoming more intrusive. Apparently, Katherine is either having a hard time identifying my proportions, or she is seeing how worked up she can make me. I stroke her thigh with my clutch hand. I can feel her adjusting herself, squeezing me and releasing me with her thighs. Yes, I think she is digging the ride home.

I pull up to Bennet Hall, a large, brick, four-story, all-women's dormitory. I shut down the bike and get off. I must adjust myself for comfort immediately. Katherine grins, knowing she is the cause of my discomfort. I help her off the bike and the smell of her arousal floods my sense of smell. My mouth begins to water slightly at the thought of tasting the source of the scent. We remove our helmets and walk to the stairs.

She stands on the step above me, making it easier for a goodnight kiss. The first kiss is a typical first kiss- slightly clumsy, but very intense. Both of us are ready to get comfortable in the kissing ritual. I hold her tightly, but not so tight that she can't move to get comfortable. I follow her lead on the hand movements. Our tongues wrestle at each other's lips, trying to tempt the other into more intimate tongue touches.

Both sets of hands caress the other's back, eventually drifting down to the other person's rear end, a little grinding action, followed by some moaning into the mouth. We are both getting worked up. It is after-hours for both of our dorms. Unless there is some cash outlay for a motel room, we need to save this for another time. I mention that it is getting late.

She whines, "I know but, you are a good kisser."

"You are a pretty good kisser, as well. We need to continue this another time."

"One more kiss and I'll be good and let you go."



"What are you promising to?"

"One more kiss and I'll be good and let you go."



"No. You are promising that we will continue this another time."

She looks straight into my eyes and slowly nods her head while moving closer and closer until our lips meet again. This time, when my hands grab handfuls of ass cheeks, she hops up and wraps her legs around my waist. This gives her better crotch-to-crotch contact and a better grinding angle. Yes, this little minx wants me as badly as I want her. She strokes herself up and down the full length. I can only imagine the pleasure that we both will be feeling when there are no clothes involved.

She moans in my mouth, and then breaks the kiss. She continues to grind against me with her head buried in my neck. I feel her legs tighten around me. I feel her leg muscles quiver and she lets go a small, whole-body convulsion.

She whispers, "Oh God."

She is barely hanging on. I help her slide down the front of me to the step. She is rubber legged and leans on me until she gets her legs back. There is a fog of female-in-heat scent surrounding us.

"Are you OK?"

She leans her head against my chest, "Never been better."

I look down at her, smiling from ear-to-ear, "Do you need help getting to your room?"

"If you help me up there, we will both be in trouble."

We both smile at each other, knowing what kind of trouble that will be.

"Ok, remember your promise. We are going to continue this at another time."

"You can count on that, Jack."

She pulls me down into a quick, open-mouthed kiss. She breaks the kiss and trots up the stairs, and into the dorm. After the building's door closes, I saddle up and then stand to adjust myself for comfort again. I fire up the Road King and take off across campus to my dorm.

I message her the next day, and after she responds, I call her. I tell her I had a great time last night, and that I would like to see her again. She shares similar sentiments. I explain my class schedule and my work schedule. She explains her typical schedule. Due to class loading and my work schedule, Wednesday night will be "our" night. She also asks if she can see me after hours on my work nights. I am stoked. I ask if we can set up a regular call time, say thirty minutes in the evening. She is agreeable to that.

I say, "Well I'll let you go. I just wanted to let you know that I truly had a good time last night, and I am looking forward to Wednesday, and if I get lucky, I'll see you tonight."

"All right, I'll see you then." She ended the call.

I am confused. See you then? Tonight? Wednesday? I work on my homework and make sure it is out of the way. My roommate is suffering from the after-effects of a party last night. I complete my homework and take a nap.

Ben nudges me and tells me he is going to get some chow. I get up and join him. I give him a couple of aspirin and ask him about the party. He can't remember much after about ten PM. I shake my head and laugh. I tell him that Katherine and her girlfriends came to the club where I work. Me and Katherine went out after and had a good time.

I text Katherine, 'I am going to get some chow.'

When Ben and I walk in, her girlfriends wave us over and invite us to join them. Ben and I introduce ourselves. Katherine walks up and seems a little perturbed that we joined the table without her being present. She sits next to me, and Ben sits across the table between Becky and Marie. The girls talk about the club last night, and Ben describes the party he went to. Katherine's girlfriends are pushing for details about where we went and what we did after hours. I let Katherine tell the story and tell what she is willing to tell.

I deflect most questions with, "A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."

Me and Katherine become closer in the weeks that follow. We attend an off -campus Halloween party. I dress as Frankenstein and she is Elvira. It is unusually warm for Halloween, so riding the bike is not a problem, except for Elvira's hair. She brushes it as best she can. To be honest, she looks like Elvira just got out of the sack. She is sexy as fuck. We stay close through most of the party. She must go to the restroom. I tell her I will stay here and make it easy to find me. She is gone longer than it normally takes a woman to go. I decide to walk around the party and investigate.

I can see her in the kitchen arguing with a Count Dracula. I walk up, and she looks relieved.

The count says, "Come on Elvira. Drink this. I fixed it just for you."

"Damn it! I told you NO. I am not fucking interested, and I am not going to drink that drink. Leave me the fuck, alone!"

The count is not deterred by her refusal. He seems more determined and replies, "Come on, sexy. Drink the drink. We can dance and have a good time. That is why you come to a party, isn't it? Everyone wants to drink and dance and have a good time, right?"

I speak up, "Look, Count, the lady said NO! No means No. Didn't your daddy teach you that? Elvira is not interested, and she isn't going to drink that drink. If you want someone to drink that drink, then you drink it."

He looks up at me, and says, "Look, Frank... but out. This is an A-to-B conversation. You need to see your way out of it. Move on, or I'm going to kick your ass!"

"Elvira is with me. So, I am going to see my way into this conversation." I look at Katherine, and ask, "Are you OK?"

"Yes, this BOZO dragged me here. He keeps insisting that I drink this drink that he made special for me. There is no way in hell that I am going to drink this drink."

The count says, "You ungrateful bitch. Every woman on campus wants to be with me. Do you know who I am?"

As soon as those words left his mouth, I know who this asshole is. It is deja vu. I heard almost the exact same words from the same voice at the club. This dick is the starting quarterback for the football team.

"Just another asshole with a bad memory. Frank, this asshole doesn't know who he is," Katherine fires back without hesitation.

"Come on, Elvira. We should leave before the asshole population explodes," I say. Elvira leads the way, and as I turn to follow her, Count Dracula pulls me by my shoulder, and sucker punches me. I land against the wall and go down to my knees. I shake my head, trying to rid myself of the cobwebs.

He screams, "Don't you want that drink now, bitch? Your boyfriend doesn't seem to be up to it tonight." He charges me and is preparing to kick me in the head. I roll on my side and sweep his legs. He falls face first, and people scatter. There are screams and spilled drinks. Cell phones instantly pop out everywhere. There must be thirty cell phones recording this.

"Let's see that again without the sucker punch, you chicken-shit!" I hiss.

"After I kick your ass, me and Elvira are going to have a good time tonight."

"If that is true, it will be because she chooses to, and not because you drugged her you piece-of-shit. After I kick your ass, you will drink that drink and we will see what happens then."

He comes at me with a haymaker. I slide under it and punch him in the ribs and push him into a nearby wall. I hear the air evacuate his lungs as my punch lands. He spins around holding his ribs. He puts his hands up in a more traditional boxing stance. He tries to kick me, and I block his kick with my foot. I am wearing my motorcycle boots as they go with my Frankenstein costume. I know that hurt his shin. I kick him hard on the inside of his thigh. He spins around to maintain his balance, and to keep from falling. I had caught him solid with that kick. I know that is going to leave a serious bruise.

He responds with a straight right hand. I slip it and counter with a left hook that jars his head back. He staggers. He blinks his eyes a couple of times. He is enraged now. He throws another haymaker, and I grab his arm, pull him around, and put him in a submission hold.

I walk him over to the table where the drink that he is trying to feed Katherine sits. "Is that the drink that you wanted Elvira to drink?" I yell. Count shithead doesn't respond. I increase the pressure on my submission hold. "I ask you again. Is that the drink that you wanted Elvira to drink?" He nods his head. "That isn't good enough," I yell. "Say it loud!"

"Yes. God damn it!"

I put more pressure on him.

"That is the drink that I wanted Elvira to drink."

I force him to drink all the drink, and then I throw him down to the floor. Katherine and I walk out. Cell phones follow our every move. We walk out of the house. I fire up my steel steed. I move the bike so that I am ready to ride. I extend my hand so that my queen can mount up. I rev the throttle a couple of times, and we take off into the night.

We ride around just a bit to let the rush of adrenaline die down. As soon as we ride on campus, the campus police pull me over. I shut down the bike, and wait on the Barneys to walk up. One approaches from the driver's side of the car. The other walks up and stays about ten feet behind the bike on the passenger side of the car.

Barney Fife walks up close to me and says, "License and registration."

I move to get off the bike and he doesn't step back.

"You will have to move so that I can retrieve my wallet."

He takes about a half step back with his hand resting on his taser. He gives me just enough room to stand beside my bike. I dig my wallet out my pants, from under my costume. I take my license out, and hand it to him.

"Registration please."

"My registration is in my saddle bag. You will have to move again."

He steps back far enough for me to squeeze by and open the saddle bag. He is all over my shoulder peering into my saddle bag using his flashlight to hunt for anything illegal. I hand him the registration and the insurance card.

"Stay right there, and don't move." He walks back to the car

"What is going on with this prick?" I ask Katherine.

"Maybe it is about the party. Maybe one of asshole's friends called the campus police."

"Get word out and ask for all video from the party. If they take me in, I will need all the help I can get. That asshole is the quarterback. Take my phone, and call my mom, Meatball, and my boss, Harley. Tell them what has happened, and that I need legal help."

He gets out of the car and yells, "Cuff him."

His partner sternly says, "Put your hands behind your back."

I comply.

Barney Fife says, "You are not under arrest, you are being detained. We had a report of an incident that occurred off-campus, and we want to talk to you."

"Look before we go any further, let me go to park my bike. I am a student here, and I have a parking permit. You already said the incident happened off-campus, so your authority is questionable at best. I don't want to incur any towing changes. I want to make sure my date gets home safely. I will report to the campus security office. Since I am not under arrest, you should grant me that."

"Given the information that we have currently, I will give you that," Barney Fife replies.

I take Katherine to Bennet Hall. We get off the bike and take off our helmets. As soon as they are safely put away, we are in each other's arms. My hands drift toward Elvira's sexy ass. She is standing on the step above where I am standing. I grip her ass cheeks and pull her into me. She groans in my mouth. We break the kiss and walk behind some bushes next to the entrance.

We kiss and fondle each other through our costumes.

I whisper to her, "This is not how I wanted this evening to turn out. My roommate is gone for the night, and I wanted to continue our make-out session tonight in my dorm room. I wanted to get you naked and explore your body. I wanted to kiss you all over and make you scream for me to stop. Now because of some asshole. We will have to wait until the stars align again."