Alice Pt. 01


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I message Katherine and we meet up at the cafeteria. Ben tags along and so do her girlfriends. We have a great conversation; the table seems more lively than usual. Apparently, Katherine has told the story of the daring exploits at the party. I add my part about the campus security office. I also tell of warning the coach against his players trying to intimidate me. I tell them about my encounter after my two-thirty class.

"If you guys would be so kind have your cameras ready anytime you are around me. It is not for my protection; it is to document the truth. I don't intimidate, and I will not back down from a fight unless I must."

The girls seem to have a thousand questions. I try to answer them. Katherine seems a little perturbed.

I walk her back to her dorm room after we eat. I kiss her and tell her, "I have a meeting with my student counselor. I'll come by afterwards."


"Hell, yes."

I walk over to my counselor's office and knock on the door. I am surprised to see Mrs. Ford eating Chinese take-out. "Hello, Mrs. Ford."

"You are?"

"Jack Johnson ma'am."

"Good. You are my last appointment today."

"Thank you, for seeing me."

"What can I do for you, Mr. Johnson?"

"I want to tell someone associated with the university, besides security or the athletic department, about the situation that I am in. I am not looking for help or sympathy. This is simply information. If something happens, then perhaps you can intercede on my behalf."

"This sounds serious. Can I record this?"

"Please do."

She pulls a mini-cassette recorder out, and sets it on the desk.

I start off to tell the story of Halloween night, about the party and the incident with the quarterback. How campus police had pulled me over and started to question me about it. How the football coach had busted in and started making accusations. I tell her about demanding to give my statement to the Sheriff's office.

I include what I believed to be in the drink, "And that I also believe that drugs are the actual cause of the reported food poisoning of the quarterback." I tell of the coach wanting to talk to his players about trying to intimidate me, and about one of the players who had tried to start some stuff today in the hallway of the Steven's Math Building. "That is when I decided to tell you Mrs. Ford about what is going on."

"That is quite a story," she says. "The athletic department, especially the football program, has a lot of pull at this university."

"I remember various scandals, some by coaches, some by players, that have taken down major football programs. There have been a lot of misguided 'good intentions,' that have taken down a football program. Hazing, alleged rapes, shootings, alumni, and supporter involvement, etc. These are all actions that can take down a program.

"I have asked my friends to video me whenever they see me. Not so much for my protection, but to capture the whole story and not some edited version that will make me look bad. I don't know how to proceed. School newspaper, city newspaper, get a lawyer, ask you to talk to the school's Board of Regents. I am open to any suggestion. I am not going to be intimidated. I am prepared to defend myself."

She let out a big sigh, "Thank you for trusting me with this. I will make an appointment with the school's Chancellor ASAP. He is a very busy man, and it may take a couple of days to get in to see him. I plan to play this tape with your permission."

"You have my permission if you think it will help. I would appreciate it if you would contact the coach ASAP and warn his players off. I will defend myself, and he may lose more players for Saturday's game."

"Violence is never the answer, Mr. Johnson."

"Tell that to them. Thank you, for your time."

We stand and she looks up at me. We shake hands, and she says, "Good luck. Stay safe. I have your contact info. I will call with an update."

I turn and leave her office. When I get outside, I call Katherine.

"Hey, baby. I'll be at your dorm in a couple of minutes."

"Goody, I'll meet you at the front desk."

She takes me through the sign-in process. As soon as we exit the elevator on her floor, she shouts, "Man on the floor!" There are several heads popping out of the doors to see who is here. I get a lot of smiles and nods and a few winks. Katherine stays close to let them know I am taken.

I keep a straight face, but I smile on the inside.

When we get inside her room, she closes the door behind us. I hear it latch. She pulls me down into a kiss.

She whispers, "Guess what, Meat?"

"I don't know, my queen, tell me."

"My roommate is going to visit family this weekend. I will have the room to myself."

"Gee, that sucks, I have to work Friday and Saturday nights."

"Yes, but you don't work during the day. Visiting hours are from nine AM until midnight. What time do you need to be at work?"

"I usually work from six until two."

"Gee what could we do alone in my room for nine hours? Do you have any ideas?"

"I think we could continue our activities from the other evening, like you promised."

"That sounds like an excellent idea. You can nap between activities, and still be fresh for work. Or maybe, drag your ass to work like an old rundown hound dog, and pray you catch your second wind. Haha!"

We lay on her bed and make out for a while. Things are getting heated when we hear a knock on the door. It is one of her girlfriends, asking about a class they have together. She seems more interested in finding out who is in her room, than anything else. In the doorway she is looking all around Katherine, looking for a clue. Finally, she busts in past Katherine.

She smiles at me ,and says in a low soft voice, "Hello, Jack." extending her hand. "I am Becky."

"Hello, Becky. Yes, I recognize you. You were one of the girls that dared Katherine to introduce herself. I remember seeing you at the club, also."

She nods her head.

"Look, I wanted to thank you and your other girlfriends for daring Katherine to introduce herself. We are having a great time together. I don't know that we would have met, if it wasn't for you guys."

She smiles, but I can see the disappointment in her eyes. At the same time, I can see Katherine light up. She asks Katherine a couple of questions and then leaves.

Katherine jumps back on the bed, and we continue our make-out session. Things are heating up again, when there is another knock on the door. It is another friend, asking questions about a class they have together. This friend has the same interests. She is more interested in finding out who is in the room, than questioning Katherine about class.

She literally pushes her way into the room after repeatedly looking around Katherine. She acts surprised to see me in the room, lying on her bed. "Hello Jack," she purrs. "I am Marie."

"Hello, Marie. Yes, I recognize you. You were one of the girls that dared Katherine to introduce herself. I remember seeing you at the club, also. Man, I don't know how to thank you guys for daring Katherine to introduce herself. I just wanted to say thanks."

Marie looks disappointed and Katherine looks pleased. Marie asks a couple of questions and leaves.

Katherine jumps back on the bed, and we continue our make out session. Things are heating up again, when there is yet another knock on the door.

"Damn," Katherine mutters. "What does a girl have to do?" She gives me a peck, and the door opens. It is her roommate Carol.

"Hey Kate. Just got done studying in the library. I am pooped." She looks at me. "You must be Jack. Kate has it bad for you. Jack this. Jack that."

I smile, "Well, I am kind of stuck on her as well. I try to spend as much time with her as I can. I need to get out of here and go study myself."

Katherine opens the door and announces, "Man on the floor!"

There is some scurrying around, and then it gets quieter. As we walk to the elevator, there are several faces peering at us, from heads sticking out of the door frames. I see subtle waves and winks. We get in the elevator and take it down to the lobby. She goes through the ritual of signing me out. We walk outside and kiss goodbye.

"Would you prefer me to call you Kate, Katie, or Katherine?"

"You or my parents are the only ones that call me Katherine. I like the way you say Katie."

"All right Katie, I'll be in touch tomorrow."

"Talk to you then, Meat."

The next few days, I keep my head on a swivel when I am out in public. My spidey senses keep me on alert, after that close encounter in the hallway. I don't have any interaction with the football team. It is almost scary; I don't see them anywhere- not in the hallways, not in the student union. Nowhere.

Friday, Katie messages me 'Just a friendly reminder that my roommate is going to be gone for the weekend.' As if I wasn't counting down the days, hours, and minutes until I am going to be alone with her. I send her a devil emoji followed by a heart emoji. We can meet for an early dinner at the cafeteria before I must go to work. She says that the Fab Five, as they call themselves, will come to the club tonight. I smile and give her a quick kiss. "See you there."

When I get to the club, Harley calls me into his office. "I have requested a drug sniffing dog with an undercover handler at the door tonight and tomorrow. After the Halloween incident, I figure there might be trouble this weekend. Not so much tonight, but Saturday night after the game. If the jocks don't have a private party, then I might come work the floor with you. After looking over the videos of the Halloween incident, along with the social media comments, it looks like you might have a target on your back."

"I tell him about the jock-in-the-hallway incident, and me talking to my counselor. "I can take care of myself. I hope your cameras all work. If the shit goes sideways, I need the truth, and not some edited version of it getting to the authorities."

"I know. I trust your judgement. Just try and take it outside. Please?"

I text Katie- 'I want you to watch out tonight. Tell the Fab Five not to go anywhere alone. Someone needs to be the designated drink watcher. See u later.'

I walk out to the door and start counting heads, and taking cover-charge money. Since we have a live band on Friday and Saturday, we charge a small cover charge to pay for them. The undercover sheriff shows up, and is looking for Harley. I point him to his office, and he heads off in that direction.

He comes back, and walks out to his car. The officer retrieves his four-legged partner. They stand between me and the door, giving 'Rowdy' plenty of time to sniff as the patrons come in and pay the cover charge. The dog doesn't bark on alert. He sits and whines on alert. The deputy calls for a transport van to load up the offenders of the drug sting. The van is about half full when word gets out. After about an hour of no alerts, they all leave. Gus, Harley's pet German Shepherd comes, and stands by me the rest of the night when I make my rounds.

The Fab Five arrive about ten PM. They all look nice. Katie has knee-high boots and tight jeans. I don't know what kind of top she is wearing. My mind fogged over looking at that gorgeous rear end. I know she struggled to get those jeans on. I keep an eye out to see where the Fab Five settles.

Every hour, I walk around the floor looking for trouble. I look for over-served individuals, girls getting unwanted attention, guys getting rowdy, etc. The music is loud, but you can still barely have a conversation. I ask Katie if she got my message. She nods her head and points to herself as the designated drink watcher. She winks at me and blows me a kiss. I blow her a kiss and pat her hand. The rest of the girls are doing OK. There is a table of guys nearby, giving them the eye, hard. It isn't long before they all are dancing except Katie. When she is by herself, I make it a point to walk by and talk to her.

When last call is announced, Harley comes out of his office and watches. This is the time of night when we usually have trouble with people not being able to take no for an answer, or how their special set of circumstances should override state law, or perhaps a particular individual's desire for a fight or a fuck has not been fulfilled on this evening. I hate the latter because there isn't a girl that would touch these assholes, but I am the available guaranteed fight for the night.

The bar has almost cleared out. The Fab Five are standing near the door. There are about three couples on the dance floor, making out with no music playing. I get them herded towards the door. There is a table of three guys still seated and need a special invitation to leave.

I walk over and say, "Gentlemen, the bar is closing, and it is time to leave."

"What if I don't want to go home?"

"I didn't say you had to go home. I said you must leave the bar."

"I ain't ready to leave."

I explain, "The state law that specifically outlines that bars must close by two AM. This establishment is not going to put its liquor license at risk, because you are not ready to leave. You ARE going to leave. You will leave the easy way and walk out, or I will kick two of your asses and you will leave."

"Well Mr. Badass, you can't count worth a shit. Can't you see there are three of us?"

"Yes. One of you will have to drive the other two assholes to the emergency room."

They all stand up and face me. I give a quick glance around, to make sure I have plenty of room to move. Asshole number one steps towards me and looks to throw a haymaker. I jab upward in the middle of his face. I hear the sound of cartilage and bone being broken, as it moves to an unnatural position. He drops to his knees, holding his nose. There is blood leaking out around his hands.

Next, asshole number two semi charges at me. I push his shoulders down. I plant my knee between the point of his shoulder and his neck. I hear his collarbone snap, and he falls to the floor like a bag of hammers into a heap moaning and groaning on the floor. I look at asshole number three.

He doesn't move. He says, "I know where the emergency room is."

"Get them out of here before you join them."

He hurriedly gets them up and out of the bar. I walk over and ask the Fab Five, "Who is driving?"

Katie steps up. "I drew the short straw tonight."

"Will I see you later tonight?"

"I will be at the sign-in desk, eagerly waiting on the sound of your bike pulling up."

I give her a kiss, and whisper, "I'll see you then."

I help clean up the bar, mopping up the blood with bleach water and sanitizer, since I was the one that caused it.

Harley says, "You handled that perfect. You explained the reason they needed to leave, and then gave them options. I couldn't have handled that any better. The video will be saved in case of future legal issues."

"Thanks, sorry about the blood."

"Hell, you are cleaning it up. You handle yourself good. Taekwondo?"

"Yes, brown belt."

"Call me if you want to spar or work out sometime."

"Thanks. I appreciate that. I think it is better to train with a partner."

"We are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays."

"I'll check my schedule and give you a call."

It's getting cooler, so I wear my insulated jacket and insulated chaps. I fire up the bike and put my gear on. Insulated gloves are a must- cold knuckles suck. I ride to Bennett Hall, and my queen comes running out the door and down the steps. She is in my arms as soon as I am off the bike.

"All-night waffles or diner?"

"Let's go to the diner. The waffle place will be full of after the bar closes drunks. I want you to myself."

"I like the way you think."

We ride to the diner. On the way, I notice that Katie has less of a death grip around my waist. Her hands stroke my inner thighs and make their way slowly towards my crotch. I don't know if she realizes how HARD it is to concentrate on driving a motorcycle, with a couple of petite hands making my meat hard. She is becoming very adept at making my meat hard.

I pull into a parking place, and we dismount. I quickly must adjust myself for comfort. I take off my chaps and put my helmet and chaps in my saddle bag. "You are going to pay for that," I growl.

I see her smile. I don't think she understands what is coming her way, yet. We walk in. There are a few booths that are occupied.

I hear a waitress yell out, "Sit anywhere you want, honey!"

We sit in the most secluded booth we can find. Katie reaches over and grabs my hands.

She looks me in the eyes, and asks, "Tell me about the conversation with Meatball the other evening, when you said you would explain later."

The waitress interrupts to take out drink orders.

I let out a sigh. "I wasn't thinking when I spoke. Meatball straightened me out. I love you. I am proud to have you on my arm. I want my friends to know you and to know that you are mine. Meatball is my best friend. Me and Meatball are connected by the world of my motorcycle club. In the MC world, women are second-class citizens. The MC world is dominated by alpha males full of testosterone. Violence can be common. Women are viewed as problems, because of flirting and jealousy that ends up in a confrontation. Most MCs basically acknowledge three types of women. You got pass-arounds, property ofs, and old ladies. Meatball asked me which category I would you put you in?"

The waitress brings our drinks and takes our food orders.

"Well, what did you tell him?"

I can see a fire building in her eyes. "I told him that you didn't fit in any of those categories." I saw the fire extinguish just a quickly as it built.

"That's a good thing. I damned sure ain't no pass-around."

I nod in total agreement.

"I don't think I'll ever be someone's property. So, the only category I could see myself in, is your old lady."

"I agree. I feel the same way, however, since I am not a patched member, and may not be for some time, I can't have an old lady, and I can't have property. I am a prospect and can't look ahead. I can only work towards becoming a full patch at the discretion of the chapter board. I would not ask you to subject yourself to the club's rules, at this stage of our relationship. I care for you and couldn't stand the thought of you in those circumstances. It pains me to see you dance with another man at the club. Even knowing that you are coming home with me, so to speak."

She smiles.

"I know that I don't have a right to be jealous. I don't have an official claim to you. We don't have an exclusive relationship or understanding. We haven't declared ourselves as being boyfriend- girlfriend, yet."

She smiles and pats my hand, "So what do you want, Jack? You are obviously thinking about these things. What do you want? Where is our relationship? Are we friends? Soon-to-be-lovers? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Are we exclusive? Are we committed? How would you describe our relationship?"

"Damn, Katie. I wasn't expecting this conversation tonight."

"When did you expect to have this conversation? After I have my way with you tomorrow?"

I smile with that comment. "Something like that."

"Well, I'm going to tell you this. I like you, Jack. I think I am in love with you. If you don't feel the same way, then I don't want to end up as a notch on Jack's bedpost. I don't want to be chased, only to be ghosted after you get what you want."

The waitress interrupts our conversation when she brings the food.

"Katie, I am not made like that. You should know me better than that. I think we both want the same things. I am not a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy, unless, that is, what the lady wants. I have been nothing but a gentleman with you. Stopping when you set the limits or before. I don't know of too many guys that would put that kind of energy into a girl... into a relationship, if they didn't want a relationship."