Alicia's New Position


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I climaxed twice as Ronnie continued his assault on my pussy. Ronnie came deep into my pussy and I blacked out.

Ronnie had put me on the bed before waking me up, "We gotta go."

I staggered to my feet putting my bra on. Bending to step into my skirt Ronnie massaged my ass. I pulled a shirt on and we left.

I dropped Ronnie at home and went to work.

Around 11:00 Ronnie's department manager came to see me, "Is Ronnie coming back?"

"I'm still negotiating with him, it's not going well."

"What was Steve's answer?"

"He still hasen't gotten back to me, maybe if you called also, we can get an answer."

"That's a good idea."

"I'll keep negotiating in the mean time Okay."

"We'll hit them from both sides good idea."

"Hopefully we can get this straightened out."

"We really need him."

"Yes we do," Our meeting ended there.

I didn't hear from Ronnie until Thursday night. I was driving home when my phone rang, "Hello,'

"Moms got the night off pick me up."

"I'll be there in 20 minutes, "I knew it would only take 15.

"Okay see you then."

"Bye." I hung up.

I turned around and headed to Ronnie's. I pulled up out in front. As soon as the car was turned off my hands were pushing my skirt off.

I was picking it up off the floor when Ronnie got in, I tossed it in the back.

Ronnie kissed me and had his finger planted in my snatch, "That's a surprise."

"I don't need anything getting in the way of showing my appreciation."


"I want you.... back at work," smiling at Ronnie.

Ronnie kissed me again as I started the car. I drove toward my house, we were about halfway there. Ronnie's finger in my snatch the whole way, I realized that he never did pull his cock out. I reached over and unzipped his pants, "These will be in the way of my appreciation," Ronnie slid them down.

I pulled into the drive not bothering to open the garage door. As soon as my car was off I was impaling myself on Ronnie's cock. leaning back as I slid my pussy down his shaft, he tore my blouse off.

The whole time I was posting on Ronnie's cock he alternated between kissing my lips and licking my nipples. My pace picked up the more he did this, with his hands massaging my ass. I clamaxed and lost awareness. The next memory I had during this amazing fuck, I was laying across the hood of my car. Ronnie sucking my nipples and filling my pussy with his black seed, "Ahhh, breed meeee."

Ronnie pulled his cock out of my pussy with a loud slurping noise. Pulled me off the hood of my car, he paraded me toward the house.

When we reached the front stoop he pushed me forward. I had to reach for the stoop with my hands. My hands had just grabbed the stoop and he drove his cock into my pussy, "Ahhhhh, fuck meeee," not caring if the neighbors heard.

Ronnie plowed my pussy in view of the neighbors for 20 minutes, massaging my tits and ass. I finally regained enough composure to realize I was being fucked on the front lawn by a black man, my excitement grew. When my orgasm subsided Ronnie was depositing more seed deep in my pussy, "Fill my white pussy with black seed, ahhh"

Ronnie pulled out of my pussy and escorted me into the house with his lips to mine.

Locking the door, I grabbed Ronnie's cock and led him to the bedroom. Swaying my ass extra special for Ronnie to view.

I crawled into bed with my thighs spread. Ronnie was on top of me kissing me, "Do you feel more appreciated now?"

"Starting to feel more appreciated."

"Will you come back to work?"

"I'm still not feeling that appreciated," I reached down and started stroking Ronnie's cock.

"I'm willing to go the extra mile to show my appreciation."

"Now what could you do to go that extra mile,"

"Well let me see, I've fucked you in my office, on the hood of my car, in the front seat of my car, on my front lawn. I haven't denied you my pussy since I first fucked you," Ronnie's cock was hard.

"I still don't know if that's enough."

"Do you know where my favorite place to show my appreciation?"

"No, Mrs. Rhodes," He wanted to hear me say it.

"In my husbands bed.... at least until he divorces me," I inserted Ronnie's cock into my pussy.

Ronnie knelt up grabbing my hips he started drilling my pussy admiring my swaying tits.

Ronnie drilled my pussy, watching my tits sway. Ronnie started massaging my clit with his thumb setting off my orgasm. Ronnie planted his cock deep and unleashed his black seed, "Ahhhhhhhhh, that feels so right, Ohhhh, this is how it was meant to be."

Ronnie rolled off of me on to his back. Rubbing my belly, "Until he divorces you?"

"Periods a week late."

"This is how what was meant to be?"

"You not wearing a condom, cumming in my receptive unprotected pussy," I smiled at Ronnie.

Ronnie was soon fast asleep snoring gently.

I lay in bed for awhile thinking, was this really my destiny? The more I fuck Ronnie the more I enjoy it, letting him cum in my pussy just feels so right, instictivly dropping my skirt in anticipation.

I kissed Ronnie on the forehead before I too drifted off to sleep.

Ronnie came over again Friday night and I had the same feelings when he was done filling my pussy.

I dropped Ronnie off on Saturday and did not hear from him that day. Sunday morning after shaving my stubble and showering I framed my pussy mound with my fingers. Admiring my tits I could see why Ronnie enjoyed playing with them, I tweaked my nipples.

I put on my robe and went to the computer. I searched the web and found what I was looking for, I printed a picture.

Not hearing from Ronnie by noon, I went for a drive. I found myself in the next city, I had been day dreaming. I saw a tattoo shop and pulled in.

I walked in and admired the pictures hanging on the wall, "Do you see the one you want iss?"

"Oh, I brought a picture, you can do that, can't you?"

"Yes Miss, may I see it?"

I reached into my bag and handed it to him, "How much will that cost?"

He unfolded the picture, "Do you want all the colorsM miss?"

"No, just black."

"Well if you come back and let me take a picture after it heals and let me keep this one, I could do it for $150.00."

"Do you do piercings?"

"Yes I do."


"Pussies too Miss."

"I'll have to think about that one."

"One or both nipples?"


"How's $175.00 sound."

"Like a deal."

"Come on back."

We walked back to the tattoo booth, "Sit in the chair."

I sat in the chair, "Where do you want the tattoo?"

"On my pussy mound."

"You'll have to slide your pants down some."

I stood as he changed the needle in the gun, and slid my pants to mid thigh.

The artist turned around, "Your not a shy one are you?"

"Nothing to be shy of."

The artist went to work. When the initial pain of the needle subsided I started getting excited from the vibrations being so close to my pussy. It took a couple of hours to complete he bandaged it up after rubbing antibiotic ointment on it.

"Here is some antibiotic ointment. Keep it covered until it has scabbed over and apply the ointment when you change the bandage. He handed me an instruction sheet.

I stood and pulled my pants up, leaving them undone, "Barbells work for the nipples Miss?"

"Yes sir," I pulled off my shirt and bra.

The artist numbed my nipples and in a matter of minutes I had each nipple pierced, "Now until the piercings heel you should twist them every now and then."

"Now will that be all Miss?"

"Do you have pictures of any pussy piercings?"

"Yes I do."

"May I look at some?"

"Sure, here's the book I will give you a couple of minutes."

I was scared of having my pussy pierced but the more pictures I looked at, I soon decided to do it.

I waited for the artist to come back, "Have you decided?"

"Yes I have, I really like this one but I want to see how this feels first."

"Well to do those I need you to remove your pants and spread your legs." I dropped my pants and sat back in the chair.

He numbed my pussy lips and before I knew it he was done, "All done."

"I didn't feel a thing," looking down, "You did all of them?"

"Yes Maam."

"I like it."

"I'll be out front when your done dressing."

I walked out a couple of minutes later, "How much do I owe you?"


"What about the...?"

"Just don't forget the pictures."

"Thank you, I'll be back," as soon as I walked outside I got a wicked feeling, sending shock waves down my spine.

I drove back home happy that I went through with it. Checking the answering machine finding no messages I cleaned the house and had dinner.

I decided to watch some more movies hoping Ronnie would call. Watching three full movies still not hearing from Ronnie I decided to go to bed.

Monday Ronnie called as I was leaving work and when I picked him up, my skirt was again in the back seat. When I straddled Ronnie in the front seat I found I was still sore. I dismounted and opened the door, "Your not denying me your pussy, are you?"

I grabbed Ronnie by the arm and led him to the hood of the car. Laying back on the hood I fed Ronnie's cock into my pussy.

He started fucking me, "Ahhhhh, much better."


"Slill to sore to have your belly slapping mine."

Ronnie started plowing my pussy watching my tits sway, as my barbells sparkled in the moonlight, "Ohhh, baby fuck my married white pussy with your big black cock, ahhh."

Ronnie fucked me through two orgasms, before unleashing another load of his black seed into my receptive pussy, "Ohhhh, fill that white pussy with your black seed, ahhh."

Ronnie paraded me into the house naked, kissing me on the stoop before opening the door. Ronnie and I found a couple of good positions to continue fucking while I healed. By the time we went to sleep, he had unloaded 4 times into my pussy.

Tuesday night was the same, skirtless, fuck on hood of car, more fucking, bed.

Ronnie did not call on Wednesday. I stopped at the pharmacy on the way home and bought an early pregnancy test. I knew what the result would be so I put it in the bathroom hoping Ronnie would call before Saturday. I went to bed and slept like a baby.

I worked until 7:00 on Thursday and Ronnie called when I was on the way to my car, "I'll be there in 5," I started the car. Ronnie was sitting on the stoop when I pulled up and parked, he got in just as I tossed my skirt in the back. He gave me a big kiss as he delved his finger into my snatch. When he stopped kissing me I drove home faster then usual, I was excited to take the test.

Pulling into the drive and parking I straddled Ronnie on the front seat. It was no longer painful to have my belly slapping his, "Ohhh, fuck me Ronnie."

Ronnie massaged my ass and sucked my nipples. With the excitement of the test adding to the stimulation Ronnie was giving me, I soon started having simultaneous orgasms. After Ronnie dumped his load in my pussy, I kissed him, "I have to pee, can I go?"

"Go, before you pee on me," I kissed him again and grabbed the keys before I dismounted and ran inside to the bathroom.

I opened the vanity and quickly read the instructions, urinate on strip wait three minutes for results. I urinated on the strip, placing it on the top of the vanity. I read more, + pregnant, - not pregnant. Reading on, this test is only 75% accurate consult doctor if poitive first time.

I counted down from 90 picking up the test strip I closed my eyes. When I had the strip high enough I opened my eyes to see a big blue +. Oh my god, Oh my god, I didn't know wheather to be excited or scared. I wiped and got up washing my hands and face, leaving the strip on the vanity.

I turned out the light and exited the bathroom. I walked up to Ronnie and gave him a kiss, more passionate then I ever gave Joe. Ronnie picked me up and deposited me on the bed, "My turn to pee."

Ronnie went to the bathroom, I sat on the bed with my thighs spread in an inviting way. Ronnie walked out of the bathroom smiling, that was a good sign. He crawled up onto the bed and gave me a passionate kiss, "Does that mean you are?" I pulled his cock into my pussy and Ronnie started to fuck me slow.

"Not really, I have to confirm it with a test from a doctor."

"What if you are?"

"That means I have a lot of decisions to make."

"Like what?"

"Well since I fucked 4 guys that weekend, I was on fertility meds and fertile, letting them cum in me was wrong."

"Yes it was."

"Since you were the first, and came in me twice, it is most likely yours."

"Sounds reasonable"

"Now to make my decision easier will you take a sterility test?"


"Well if you are sterile it's Dr. Hoover I see, If you aren't then we have to talk more."

"You trying to pin your stupidity on me?"

"It's not a DNA. test, it will only tell me if it is possible you are."


"Well if it is possible do you want me to keep it? or would you just prefer that I have an abortion"

"Well, how long would you have to decide on the abortion?"

"I think I have 8 more weeks, but I would have to check with the doctor first."

Ronnie continued to fuck me, "So if I decide to do this test, we have 8 weeks to decide?"

"No, it would have to be done in the next 8 weeks."

Feeling Ronnie's cock swell, he picked up his pace, "What is your decision on showing me appreciation?"

"I have done whatever you wanted, I have decorated my body for you, fucked you whenever and wherever you wanted, I let you cum in me because that's what you wanted to do, what else can I do to show my appreciation?"

"Divorce your husband."

Ronnie's orgasm caught me off guard when he pushed deep and injected my pussy full of cum. he came with such intensity I felt every rope pelt my womb and I came tilting my head back. "Yessssssss," was all that came out.

Ronnie pulled out with a loud slurping sound and rolled over and was soon fast asleep.

I was so surprised when Ronnie came in me with such intensity, I experienced an orgasm that was so intense my mind went blank. I feel asleep with a smile on my face.

to be continued........

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nettertyp79nettertyp798 months ago

I love that story. Well written and!

Sweetnothings77Sweetnothings77over 3 years ago
That One Man we do ALL for

Good Story and so True. There was that One Black Man a long time ago for me that I just couldnt say NO to and let Do What ever he wanted to me or Had me DO for him or some Other Man if he chose to Give or Share me with. He was my Everything and I gave to him Anywhere and Anytime He WANTED me or wanted me to Do Something or Some One. He became more then just my Lover, He became my BIG Black Daddy, my Dom and Master, my Pimp after a while even. I just wanted to make him Happy and FEEL GOOD and wanted to PLEASE him in EVERY WAY. There wasnt nothing I wouldnt Do to PLEASE Him or to FEEL Him INSIDE me or Who like Ever he wanted to see me with or gave or sent me to please or dropped me off to spend time with when I feeled he was more Pimp Daddy and liking being Over me like that. Again I just couldnt say No to anything he wanted me to do or when he wasnt around I just had that Empty Feeling like Alicia so I know how that Itch goes and NEED to FEEL a LOVER like him IN me. I going to read the rest and see how much more is like me what you write that Alicia do. I'm just feeling what you write so far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Ok, overall, its like many of your stories. Pretty decent writing overall, stereotypical in every way for the whole black guy/white housewife motif. It devolved really fast though, less than a week and she's a cock hungry slut...not really believable even for fiction. Plus the whole 12 weeks pregnant and she couldn't get an abortion? Granted it might be the way you want it for you story, but a little realism is never a bad thing.

handaJizzhandaJizzover 10 years ago
mighty fine story ma'am

Pleasing to hear about the forces finest standing to attention and helping a damsel in dire need. Check your pistols n keep those night sticks at the ready, and always beware of a premature weapons release..... back on patrol

teganslutteganslutover 11 years ago
Sexy but....

Very, very repetitive.

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