Alison's Visit Pt. 03


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"I know."

There was then a lot of messing about. I didn't know what she was up to, but she was clearly preparing something.

My wrists were loosely tied to the bedposts, but my legs were left free. Silly but I was happy about that...

"Relax," she said." I'm hoping you're going to enjoy this..."

"I'll try."

She started with her fingers. She had an oil that tingled when she massaged my skin. When she got up to my neck and shoulders, I could smell Teatree. My boobs and pussy were ignored. Then I guessed it was a feather. It was pleasant but only when she tickled me between my boobs and around my pussy did it have any effect. Next was ice. Not everywhere, but around my nipples and on my inner thighs. I winced a few times from the shock of it and was rewarded with gentle kisses to the lips.

A small amount of Tiger balm was next. Nowhere sensitive, but my inner thighs and bum were gently rubbed. The warmth permeated my skin and my arousal level went up.

She had a vibrator, as I heard her switch it on. It sounded quite unlike the one she'd sent me. I guessed it was going to be more powerful and I was not disappointed. She drizzled cold lube on to my mons and then set to work. Touching, teasing, seconds here and there and then longer on my clit....

My arousal continued to increase. I knew I was wet and ready. The vibe alone would make me come, but I guessed she'd not finished.

And then, slowly, gently but purposefully I was penetrated, and she was on top of me. That old familiar feeling of being opened up by a phallus came rushing back, except for it wasn't a cock, it was, I presumed, a strap-on dildo.

"I'm going to release you now." she said and momentarily my arms were free again and reaching for her.

She teased me for a while, pushing in and withdrawing slowly. Ever the considerate lover, she wanted to make sure I was ready.




"Soon. but not yet. It's so big, I need to get used to it."

Slowly, inexorably, we fell into a rhythm. It was heavenly. Not too fast or hard, just right...

"I want to flip you on to your side" she said after a while, and like a skilled gymnast she bent me to her will.

The new angle of penetration had a startling effect, The tip of the dildo was now caressing the roof of my vagina with each stroke. Her speed slowly increased, and I was getting very turned on.

"Oh yes Alison," I gasped, and an involuntary series of squeals came from me as she pumped me.

On an on she went, her stamina showing no sign of waning.

And then it started....I felt my muscles start to tighten...

"Oh my god, Whowwahh," I screamed as my body went into spasm as the orgasm burst...


"I came too," she said as we lay in a sticky mess afterwards.

"How? I never touched you."

"It's the shape of the dildo, it hits my clit and my labia too."

"It was incredible..."

"It's the best. You need to try it on me."

"Not tonight Alison, sorry, I'm exhausted."

"I didn't mean tonight. I'm knackered too."

We kissed and cuddled for a little while and then went to the bathroom.

"Thank you for the most perfect day," I said as I gathered her into my arms when we returned to bed."

"It was, wasn't it, and we still have tomorrow."

"And more days to come..."

"Yes, hundreds more..."


When I pulled back the drapes, it felt even warmer than it had been the day before. Alison was nowhere to be seen, I assumed she was out running. Dressed in only the cotton wrap, I made tea and settled down on the patio to gaze at the river. I had a familiar ache in my abdomen, an unwelcome monthly visitor was heralding its imminent arrival. What dreadful timing I thought...

A while later I heard the door bang. There she was, hair up, vest, shorts and trainers carrying a grocery bag. She dropped the bag and pounced on me. Her arms went round my neck, and she pulled me into a tight embrace. She smelt of serious exercise...heavenly! Our tongues met, and we kissed like long separated lovers do.

"Morning Jane".

"Morning Ali,"

"You, Ok?"

"Not bad, but my period's about to start."

She laughed out loud.

"What's so funny? I thought you'd be sad..."

"Mine's started too. In fact..." she pulled away and went to the shopping bag, "I've just bought tampons," and she pulled out a familiar looking box.

"What a coincidence," I mumbled, but Alison wasn't really listening. She was pulling her shorts and panties down. There was a deep red stain.

"Do you have to do that here? Someone might see!"

"Oh stop being such a prude. It's a natural phenomenon."

She opened the box, pulled a tampon out and unwrapped it.

"You're incorrigible."

"Needs must!"

Fortunately, she turned away from me whilst she did the deed, so all I could see was her tight little bottom. I sighed audibly...

"There done," she said pulling her panties and shorts up. "I'll shower after breakfast. There's fruit and yoghurt, I'll go and fix it."


Later, both of us freshly showered and dressed in t-shirts shorts and trainers, we headed out for a walk to a beach she knew round the headland. In the beach bag was the rug, picnic lunch, and swimming things.

We picked up a coastal path. It was a proper path with guard rails and parts of it were surfaced. It followed the contour of the land so there were steep rises and falls and occasionally steps cut into the rock. The sun was warming up and the climbs soon got me sweating. Alison didn't seem to be affected at all. When we reached the vantage point at Blackbottle Rock we stopped for water and Alison took some photos of the two of us.

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked, concerned that my stamina might be about to be severely tested.

"Oh, only over there. It's a little sandy beach by Pencarrow Head. We used to go there as kids. It'll be deserted., and you'll love it."

We walked on. The gorse and heather on the cliffs were flowering and there were bees buzzing about busily. Gulls wheeled overhead, and an occasional breeze filled my lungs with cool salty air. I felt blessed to be in such a lovely place with someone I was so smitten with.

After about half an hour and a couple more steep climbs and descents, we turned off and began to descend steeply down to the sea. As we neared the bottom the beach appeared. It was only a few hundred yards long and shelved gently to the sea. The tide was ebbing, so the sand was pristine. Good to Alison's word, it was absolutely deserted.

She knew exactly where she was going. There was an outcrop of rock, halfway along the beach, and she led us just beyond it. A patch of golden sand about half the size of a tennis court lay tight to the cliff. There was an overhang above it, so part of the area was shaded and part of it was in the sun.

"This is the spot," she said proudly and proceeded to put the rug down and unroll the towels.

"I love it," I said, looking round. It was totally secluded from above and from the rest of the beach. I kicked off my trainers, peeled off my socks and ambled down to the shore. The sea swirled gently around my toes. The water was cold, but it bore no menace.

I wandered back up the beach. Alison had settled herself on a towel and was applying sun cream. She was naked.

"Will you do my back? I'll do yours..."

She tossed me the tube and I knelt down.

I applied the warm white cream to her back, shoulders and bottom. Rubbing it in gently had inevitable consequences. She was so beautiful...

I became aroused and felt round with my fingers for her full breasts.

"Do you need any here?" I asked teasingly.

"Yes please."

I applied a dollop of cream on each nipple. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Access to my tits is conditional on your nudity too."

"That's a cheap trick," I replied, whilst reaching for the button of my shorts.

"Had to find a way to get into your knickers somehow..."


Just a minute or so of gentle kneading and rubbing the cream into her breasts aroused us both. I trailed my finger down between her legs as she squeezed the cream on to my less than beautiful gourds. Her clitoris was erect. I grazed it gently with a fingernail and she jolted with the shock.

"Not quite so firm with me today Jane, I'm very sensitive..."

"I can tell. I've never known your button so big..."

"I'm really horny."

She finished my boobs and put more cream on her fingers. I knew what was coming...

Her fingers reached down between my legs and the cream was mashed into my vagina.

And so, kneeling up against each other, kissing and fondling with one hand we worked our other hands into the others pussy. Guided by the other as to when to speedup or slow down, when to press hard or more softly, our little duet played it's crescendo till we both reached a shuddering climax.


"I've always thought that sex on the beach would be tricky because sand would get in all the wrong places," I said as we lay in each other's arms in the warm sunshine.

"That's the risk."

"But the reward makes it worth the risk doesn't it."

"Exactly. Thank you for my orgasm..."

"Thank you for mine."

"Was it a first - I mean first time sex on the beach?"

"First time sex on the beach and first-time sex on my period."

"You're kidding?"

"No, promise."

"Wow. Well, I can promise you that first won't be the last. I'm always as horny as hell on my period."

"Me too... That's always been so frustrating."


After lunch we lay in the sun and dozed for a while and then had a swim. I didn't bother with my bikini. First time skinny dipping in broad daylight.

Nobody else came to the beach, we were so lucky. Alison took more photos - me in the nude on a beach with my girlfriend... my mother probably turned in her grave.

We were just drying off and a few clouds were just starting to appear when Alison's phone pinged. She picked it up and read the message.

"It's Ella. If we stop by the pub there's some fresh mackerel for us to cook for supper. One of her regulars hit a shoal this morning and they've got loads."

"Sounds perfect."

We packed up and walked home.


By the time we got back to the pub it was obvious that we had both caught the sun.

"Fancy something cold? A beer or a white wine spritz or something?"

"Oh yes please," I replied, and we headed through the old oak entrance door.

"Two blushing love birds!" taunted Ella when she saw us.

I coloured up, but I doubt anyone noticed as my skin was already so pink.

"We need a couple of white wine spritzes please Ella."

"Coming up."

We sat for a while. The wine was fruity and refreshing.

Ella dropped a huge carrier over. "There's two large mackerel, samphire, potatoes, broccoli and tartare sauce in there."

"You must let me pay. How much do you want?"

"Seeing Alison as happy as she's been the last few days is payment enough Jane. You go on and enjoy it. They're lovely when they're fresh."

"Well thank you, you're very kind."

We finished our drinks and were heading for the exit when Alison suddenly saw someone she knew sitting at the bar.

"Dad, what are you doing here? Oh, that's great that you're out and about."

"I sneaked out for a quiet pint. I'm afraid your dear aunt has been driving me up the wall with all the fussing about."

"Come and meet Jane."

I was mortified. I looked a wreck. My hair was full of salt, I had no make up on and I was about to meet her dad...shit, shit and shit.

He was taller than I expected, and quite distinguished. His full head of hair was grey and close cropped, his complexion ruddy with a well-trimmed beard. His eyes were pale blue and twinkled. He fortunately was casually dressed in an old polo shirt, jeans and sneakers.

We shook hands rather formally, but he then lightened the mood by insisting on buying us a drink, under the pretence that he needed another to avoid murdering Alison's aunt.

We settled in one of the tables by the window with a view of the boats on the river. He insisted on me calling him Peter, which was thoughtful. He was, I realised quickly, easy going and a good conversationalist. We talked about Cornwall and a little about his life in the military and latterly in local government. He was now retired, and I guessed early sixties. An hour soon slipped by. He was discreet and did not pry, save for to ask whether we had enjoyed the weekend. I thanked him for his generosity in providing the cottage and the pub supper, and he was clearly happy I did. He took the opportunity to say how grateful he was that Alison had come to his rescue in his hour of need and apologised for cooping her up in Cornwall for so long.

On first impression, I rather liked him. He was intelligent, both in life and to the situation. Meeting him again would be a pleasure not a trial.

As we finished our drinks Alison popped to the loo. I wasn't sure whether it was deliberate, but it did give Peter the opportunity to say something just to me.

"What happens between you and Alison is none of my business Jane, but I want to say to you that whatever is between the two of you appears to be doing Alison a power of good. She seems happier than she has been for years. You both have my support and best wishes."

I blushed again...and managed to get "Thank you, I really appreciate that. We're having a really good time.." out before Alison reappeared.

We said our goodbyes and set off back to the cottage.

"He wasn't unpleasant whilst I was in the loo at all was he?"

"He was delightful," I replied. I liked him.

"He's so much better now mothers moved out. If he wasn't so miserly, he'd be lovely...."


Alison took the fish to gut it, and I laid the table on the patio and opened a bottle of Rose. She showered and I ran a bath and sat in it gazing out at the harbour. A couple of yachts were pulling up moorings after their day at sea. It was so peaceful...

She grilled the fish with lemon, garlic and butter and served it with new potatoes and salad. All the exercise and fresh air had made us hungry, and we ate quickly. The sun set over the promontory a bit later and we went to bed quite early. Our aches and pains down below precluded further intimacy, so we just cuddled and chatted till we'd had enough. I was so so happy, nothing else but the two of us seemed to matter...


Symbolically, it was drizzling when we woke up on Monday morning.

Alison forsook her run so we could tidy the cottage up and pack. It didn't take long.

She took me to the station in her father's old Volvo. We scarcely spoke on the journey, there was no need. We were lost in our own thoughts about the end of our weekend escape.

On the platform, waiting for the train, we hugged, and the tears came.

"This is so...silly," I managed to get out as I was rifling through my pockets trying to find a tissue,

"I know, but I can't help myself..." she said handing me a small pack she'd found somewhere.

"It was the BEST weekend," I said when I'd dried my eyes.

"Yes, it was the BEST weekend," she replied, great big tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"Call me tonight when you get back to Wiltshire."

"No, you call me at 10pm....please..."


The train pulled in on time, and all too soon, after a last embrace and a caress to the cheek, we were separated.

She stood on the platform holding up her hand waving, and I fought back my tears so she could see me smiling as the train pulled away.

I'd wanted to say it, but I hadn't. The L word. Why was I so frightened of uttering it?


Sometime after we passed through Exeter the food trolley came round and I bought a cup of tea and a sandwich. Putting my purse back in my shoulder bag I noticed the envelope. It was cream and had my name on it. I took it out and looked at it and then put it on the table in front of me.

I had an uneasy feeling about it, and then dismissed that as just my eternal pessimism taking over. After finishing my tea, I carefully peeled it open and took out the pretty sheets of writing paper it contained.

Dearest Jane

I am writing this as you sleep early on Monday morning. Please forgive me for taking the coward's way out and saying what I want to say in writing and not to your face. I promised myself, from the moment you agreed to come to Cornwall, that I would find a time to say something to you whilst we were alone, but every time I got close, I chickened out. I feel so weak for failing.

I want to say two things. I hope that in time you will only remember the first, as the words contained in the first are heartfelt.

The first is that I want to tell you that you are simply the loveliest, kindest person I have ever met. You are beautiful, funny, sexy, clever, and spontaneous and above all patient and true. How someone else in the world apart from Kathy has never latched on to all the goodness in you I can't imagine, but their loss has, over the last few weeks, been my gain.

The second thing is a bit difficult, but hopefully in the scheme of things you'll understand and take little issue with it.

You may recall that in my second year at Uni, I met Kathy, and we had a short holiday in Crete.

What I didn't tell you and you need to know, is that on that holiday we became slightly more than friends.

I can't hide this from you any longer Jane, Kathy and I had an affair. It didn't last, as you know, but I'm not going to diminish it in any way. It was real. She, I think it's fair to say, wanted to experiment with a same-sex relationship, and that was fine with me.

She met Goran and I met Carol and we've never been intimate again. Our friendship since that time has been cemented because we had respect for each other, so never told anyone about it.

But now of course things are different.

Knowing you as I do now, I think this news is going to upset you. I pray to God that you can forgive me for not saying anything earlier and for what we did five years ago. We were young and wild and young people sometimes do things that come back to haunt them later.

Jane please please don't be mad at me; you are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm terrified I've screwed my life up yet again for what happened in the past and not saying something when we first met.

I won't call you but hope you will call me.

With my deepest affection



I sat looking at the sheets of paper, numbed.

I've no recollection about the rest of the journey or picking up Hercules and getting home.

I recall pouring a large glass of Whisky and going and sitting in the garden.

Intoxicated I shouted out at one point "So my new girlfriends slept with my daughter...happens all the time in these parts..."

I switched my phone off.

I went to bed and sitting at the dressing table, the same one I'd talked to myself about not falling in love at, burst into tears.


I went to work on Tuesday. There was a huge backlog of stuff after my two-day holiday so I'd plenty to distract me. At home I went into denial and worked in the garden till it was dark. My phone stayed switched off.


On Wednesday I was angry. Angry with Alison at her inability to tell me. I was angry at Kathy for not warning me off, and angry with myself for not working it out. She had told me about their holiday together and so had Kathy. I'd been dim.

I wanted my life to end. I'd been a fool. I wasn't the type of person who could leap in and out of bed with a string of partners and just move on.

Sitting at my desk, dark thoughts in my mind and nothing to do at work because I'd caught up with everything, I contemplated suicide.


It was Hercules who saved me. He wanted feeding when I got home. I'd run out of cat food, in fact I'd run out of pretty much everything, so I had to go to the supermarket.

Rooting around for my purse at the checkout, Anisa's card fell out of my bag onto the floor. I picked it up and thought about her. I wondered whether she could help me put things into perspective.