All Moxie No Mercy 05


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Chris wasn't caught off guard again by any yelling -- but Ceph was when Julie slammed her chest into his to knock him away. She immediately passed the ball, Wendy dashed for it but couldn't keep Chris away so she tipped it to Lyta.

Lyta kicked off one of the pylons and found herself blocked by their defence, so she passed the ball to Julie who had gotten behind Ceph but Lyta's opposite number had circled around and snagged the ball out of the air. His own pass went wide and almost hit principal Moses on the sideline before going out of bounds.

"I think I figured out the other reason principals aren't allowed to referee their own schools' teams," Trissta commented from a few feet away.

It only happened six more times during the practice as the two teams learned basic hand-eye coordination while rotating players around the field.

Julie didn't care so much about making any plans or tactics, rather she just encouraged her teammates when they did things right. Even if it was simply keeping upright. While the other team technically won by seven points to their five, she was more than happy with the fact that the first goal was theirs and she had gotten one for herself. Kimiko had gotten two largely from being too feisty to catch and Trissta had gotten one when replacing Julie as centre.

By the time the end of practice was called, everyone was in need of a shower. They all threw their harnesses into the bin next to the change rooms after they struggled to disentangle themselves with their exhausted limbs.

Devona had planned on holding off on her shower so she could record alone for her viewers but found she didn't care anymore. She slipped her sticky top off almost before getting into the changeroom and was the first into the showers.

One by one they claimed a showerhead to put their sweaty naked bodies under and cool off. All except Julie who excitedly addressed her team.

"I'm so happy with all of you! You did so well!" Julie bounced while clapping her hands together.

"We were an uncoordinated mess out there. We only got goals because they were just as bad." Wendy hadn't started to strip until after she got into the shower and dropped her sodden sports bra onto the floor as she replied.

"Well, yes," Julie admitted. "But that can be learned. The point is that you all tried. Aside from the very first set where we just watched you do all the work, everyone did what they could."

"Shower while you talk." Lyta turned on the tap next to her for Julie.

Julie stripped herself free of her clothes and got under the stream of water. "The main goal of today was to teach everyone the context of the sport and positions so you knew what I was talking about when I tried to explain actual tactics and whatnot. That's why I rotated everyone through the centre position. The fact we got any actual game goals was just a bonus. Given how I kinda just railroaded you all into doing this, I half expected you to just stand around confused. So long as we keep practising, things should get easier."

"How do you still have so much energy right now?" Kimiko was sitting on the tile floor letting the water wash over her worn out naked body.

"Metabolism controls on my implant. I have it set to athletic so I step down slowly over an hour or so after activity. Do you not have yours set that way?" Julie looked around and collected blank stares. "You all have implants, right?"

"Of course, we do." Trissta wondered just how pregnant she would have been from all of her clients if she didn't have her implant. "How do they control metabolism?"

"Because they are exactly called Metabolism Control Implants for a reason." Julie wondered if the clover colonies had entirely different implants than the halo ones. ""

"I thought the implants just halted the menstrual cycle and that's why they are called M-plants for short," Lyta commented. "Why else would they need to wait until after puberty started?"

"For women, yes, gotta make sure things are working before turning it off. But guys get them at around the same time and anyone gets them early for allergy reasons and whatever other medical conditions they help with. They have setting controls."

"Huh," was all Devona offered.

"All right, homework for as soon as possible. Go see your doctor and get your implant settings checked. If you need one or a new one, bill me. Make sure it's set to athletic and... don't you two run all the time?" Julie interrupted herself to address Kimiko and Lyta.

"No?" Lyta replied, feeling silly that she didn't know she already had an implant that would have made her workouts much easier.

Julie sighed and laughed. "Well, now we know so let's get it fixed so you all aren't so whipped after a game. It helps develop cardio strength and all that. The only reason most people don't have it set like that all the time is that if you aren't using it for that, it will throw off your sleeping schedule."

"Does it have a sex mode?" Wendy smirked as she squeezed her breasts together as she washed them.

"Athletic is the sex mode. Like I said, gotta use it. If you aren't playing a sport, gotta get something in every day." Julie swiped the soap button to add it to the water in her shower head.

"Is it considered an unfair advantage? I mean, not everyone wants to use one and I am sure some can't for whatever reason." Trissta was covering her own body in soap while she tried to move the conversation off of sex.

"It's mechanical, not chemical. So, it isn't like taking steroids or enhancers. And it only does what the human body is already capable of. Like, how much energy did you have as a kid running around? It's just taking that metabolism and keeping it current. The only real difference is after the activity anyway. Like right now when it doesn't matter to the game, I'm coming down slowly and you are all crashing. Not saying you still won't have to train your bodies but using it takes the edges off."

"All right, I will check in with the doctor." Trissta continued to wash as her teammates all agreed to do the same.


After they finished cleaning up and the rest of the girls started to head out, Julie was helping Wendy put her piercings back in while Todd continued to enjoy the show. His vent camera couldn't pick up the sound while they had been in the shower but as he watched the two women fondling breasts trying to get the piercings back in place, he could hear them perfectly.


"Almost done?!" Ceph shouted from outside, just opening the door a bit to make sure his voice was heard.

"Putting piercings back into tits, yes. Dressed? No." Julie responded before whispering to Wendy. "Sorry, that was presumptuous. I acted like I was still talking to the girls."

"Oh, it's fine." Wendy had been caught off guard but didn't mind at all. "If anything..."

Julie took the hint and relayed it. "Nobody in here would mind if you two came in instead of shouting."

Wendy was puzzled for a moment.

"I'm betting his brother is out there as well." Julie gave a wry smile.

Ceph came in and saw the two girls straddling the bench facing each other as Chris came cautiously around the corner.

"Oh, you weren't kidding," Chris commented, seeing the hand marks on Wendy from where her breasts had been handled.

"That a problem?" Julie teased. "Your brother can handle us both I'm sure."

Chris rolled his eyes like he doubted her and smirked. "I'm just used to knowing a girl for a while before getting into things. Ceph is the one who likes to jump the gun."

Ceph turned around to look at his brother. "Since when have you ever gotten into things with a girl? This may as well be your first time."

"No, it was-" Chris cut himself off, looked at Wendy who was wondering what was going on. "Yes, this is certainly my first time. Certainly, no awkward previous encounters to ever think about."

As Chris got his clothing off to make a new memory, his brother walked over to Julie and kissed her.

Julie turned and was stripping off his shirt as soon as he got close enough and felt his tongue slide into her mouth to wrestle with hers. His hands gripped her breasts as she pressed them into his chest. She got his shirt all the way off, pressing her breasts against him harder when he had to break the kiss and lift his arms, before getting started on his pants. Thankfully, he was wearing a tracksuit and it was as easy as it could be.

Wendy watched Chris ponder his first move while they both spared glances at the couple having no such issues. Not one to be kept waiting, Wendy got off the bench and took the cock in her hands to harden it while staring Chris in the eyes. She smiled warmly as she kissed him on the bare chest, working her way down his muscular body until she was on her knees and kissing along his shaft. Still doing her best to keep eye contact, she showed him just how much she could fit in her mouth before letting her throat start to work.

Julie could hear Wendy gagging and slurping while she felt Ceph sliding between her thighs. It was angled down and couldn't slide into her but being as wet as she was, she couldn't wait. Taking a small jump to wrap her legs around Ceph, he instantly grabbed her by her ass cheeks and lifted her before letting her down. Julie moaned hard as she felt him sliding into her and could see Wendy playing with herself as Chris rested his hand on the goth girl's head.

Chris was certainly enjoying himself more than he thought he would. He could see Julie watching him with Wendy and started to understand why his brother had been so distracted. It felt a bit weird to be in the same room as his brother but whatever hangups he had about it were easy to ignore. His back started to slide down the wall until Wendy was on all fours trying to keep him in her mouth. However, once he finished moving, she looked up and smiled with her teeth on his cock before letting it go and straddling his lap. His vision was torn between the pierced nipples on the ample breasts coming into his face and the sight of himself disappearing into the women they belonged to.

Wendy bounced with her legs to feel the whole shaft almost leave her before slamming herself back down on it. She could see him watching her breasts, almost entirely mesmerized by the shiny piercings as they jingled.

"Grab them!" Wendy called to Chris who complied immediately. "Get rough with them."

Chris squeezed and pulled on the breasts before him, unsure of exactly what she meant but the sounds Wendy made it easy to tell he was doing it right.

Julie was laid down on the bench with Ceph still inside as he held one of her legs over his shoulder and laid into her. He watched her breasts bounce as she was forced to face Wendy and Chris. She was loving the hard pounding into her when the unmistakable grunts from Ceph sent his cum deep inside her. When he resumed his thrusts, trying to keep going for her, Julie saw Wendy look back at her to smile. The show was too much and Julie shook as her own climax made her moan.

Wendy loved the sight of seeing Julie cum and her own body shook in response. She looked back at Chris who was sucking on her breasts while she came and liked that he was doing his best despite having whimpered his cum into her earlier and was already softening.


"You don't mind, do you?" Devona asked.

"Like your clients, mine can wait," Trissta replied. "Besides, Hypno or not, I won't have the energy until I have gotten some food in me."

They tapped their orders into the menus on their table screens.

"I hear that. Do you ever meet them outside of the Hypno?" Devona wasn't sure she would need to be hypnotized to have sex with anyone, though if she ever met a client she wasn't interested in, it certainly would have been handy.

"Some men recognize me I think, but none have come out and said anything. I have rules about approaching me off the clock. They don't want to risk not hiring me again. Though it could just be non-clients checking me out. It's hard to tell." Trissta fumbled with her scarf, uncomfortable with not always being able to understand why people were looking at her.

"I specifically set my account not to transmit to anyone in the colony. Or at least in this part of it. I like meeting people on my terms. But it's not just you when it comes to wondering if someone recognizes me or just wants me." Devona noticed the scarf and Trissta's discomfort. "What's the story with the scarf?"

"Oh, growing up I was made fun of a lot for being different. Taller than other girls, more developed in my chest, not liking the same things as the other girls. So, my grandma made me scarves for my birthdays. Weird ones at first but now that I am an adult, they are more fashionable. The reason was that I could wear them and people would make fun of them and not me. So, growing up, it wasn't me that was the problem, it was the scarf."

"Seems like it worked. That's wonderful! Your grandmother still with you?" Devona asked before suddenly worried she asked tactlessly.

"Oh, she's going to outlive everyone. Half the reason I joined the team was because Julie reminds me of her. Also, it worked better than Grandma planned. I never defended myself when being mocked -- but mocking something my grandmother made? You better fucking believe I didn't put up with that shit!"

"I can't help but get turned on by that passionate fury. Sorry. It's wonderful." Devona blushed as the food arrived.

"Pay for lunch and you can see what I'm like with the Hypno app," Trissta offered, feeling strange about simply offering herself.

"I... don't know if I could do that to you. I mean, I get you are consenting now but you don't actually want to do it with me. It's not like you are telling me to get you drunk and in the mood but rather that you don't want to remember it because it bothers you. Does that make any sense?"

"You are asking the Ace girl if not wanting to have sex makes sense?" Trissta waited for Devona to smile. "It's all right. I wasn't sure why I offered. I just felt like it's what a normal person would offer. I mean, Ceph and Chris went into the changeroom with Wendy and Julie. My keen intellect says they aren't helping her find a piercing lost on the floor."

"No, I doubt that as well," Devona smiled. "But don't worry about what others do. You do you. Get railed by a client after lunch and don't remember a thing. When it's you and I, we aren't going to do anything you don't want to remember."

"Thank you. But you still sound like you need to get laid." Trissta took a drink, relieved and touched that she finally met someone who seemed to, if not understand, respect who she was.


Kimiko and Lyta were walking home. Not in any kind of hurry, they both made appointments to get their implants checked and lazily took the scenic route home. They decided to check out the farmers market that was open on the weekend, even though farmers were automated hydroponic containers housed in the colony structure. The people selling their food were hobbyists growing things in city plots or on rooftops.

"What are you two doing?" asked a voice as they were just walking into the market.

Lyta, recognizing her mother's voice, replied, "Out for a run."

"You don't look like you are running." Her mother was holding onto her shopping bags.

"That's because you are old, it only looks like walking because your mind has slowed so much," Lyta fired back.

Aghast but somewhat impressed, Diana relented. "Thin ice girl. How did practice go for you two?"

"I got two goals. Mostly because the other team got lost, but still, two goals!" Kimiko announced.

"That's great!" Diana turned to her daughter. "What about you? Any goals? Keep in mind my love IS conditional and based on your performance."

"I lost count." Was all Lyta could muster at such short notice.

"Lost count at zero." Kimiko shook her head in disappointment. "I knew you were a natural blonde."

"I am not!" Lyta couldn't sound angry through her laughter.

"Be quiet, blondie! That's no way to talk to your replacement." Diana traded smiles with Kimiko.

Lyta started to contemplate murder but decided there were too many witnesses. "I'm sure someone here has a garden big enough to bury two bodies in."

"Well, before you start on that, help Kimiko pick out fruit for dessert. I got a new ice cream maker and she needs to pick her flavour."

"Will do, mom. Love you." Lyta kissed her mother who returned the love.

The girls parted from Diana and moved into the market itself. It didn't take Kimiko long to find someone selling peaches; she was grateful to have gotten several since tree fruits were much harder to get from city gardens.

"This turning you on?" Kimiko asked Lyta, who had been looking at nothing in particular but realized there were massive cucumbers arrayed for sale directly in front of her.

"No, but you seem to be turning someone on." Lyta let her eyes indicate the direction for Kimiko to glance.

Kimiko spotted a blonde woman trying to be subtle while checking her out. She handed the peaches to Lyta and started to drift over to the woman. As she got closer, she could tell the woman was trying to avoid catching her gaze.

"Seeing something you like?" Kimiko asked as the woman tried to be intently interested in the scarecrow decoration against a stall.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." She fumbled for words.

Kimiko checked her out and loved the fit shape she was in. The woman's shirt barely contained her breasts and given that they weren't particularly large, it seemed a deliberate choice to show off the blue bra underneath. Her hand reached up the short skirt the woman had on to feel the inner thigh.

"It's been a long while since I got good pussy. I'm sure you are a nice girl and I'd love to get to know you, but I want it bad and I think you want to give it to me." Kimiko wasn't usually so direct but she wanted to break through to the woman who obviously wouldn't have made the first move, despite being a few years older.

The woman looked around at the crowd before looking back at Kimiko. "Yes, I do. But where?"

An empty booth was easy to spot and the canvas that hung over it was the perfect cover. There were three lined up at the far end of the market so they had their choice. Lyta casually hung out in front of the one her friend brought the woman into to keep watch.

Inside, Kimiko started to undo the buttons on the woman's shirt. "You know how to dress to tempt. Don't you?"

"I have had some practice," she replied nervously.

"Men?" Kimiko asked as she licked the edge of the bra along the exposed cleavage.

"My husband does have tastes, but mine, well, they can differ." She gasped. "I'm sorry, I hope it's not a problem."

"Don't worry, I get plenty of dick and is usually my only option. Licking your tits has gotten me closer to cumming than most men pounding their dicks into me. Even then, only when there is the thrill of doing it in public." Kimiko pulled the bra up to reveal the breasts contained within, moaning softly as she touched the nipples with her tongue causing the woman to do the same.

"Some things only a woman can do for us." She tried to focus on stripping Kimiko and failed. "Your friend?"

"Only really when we are sharing men or something. But she always makes sleepovers fun. You want her pussy after mine?"

"No, only yours." The woman got down on her knees and pulled the pants right off Kimiko along with her underwear.

"Enjoy it then." Kimiko spread her legs wide enough to let the woman slide her tongue into her flesh.

Well practised, the woman found her clit immediately and got to work weakening Kimiko at the knees. Her breasts hung free as she kneeled in the empty stall, listening to the crowd outside and the moaning girl inside. A finger slid inside followed closely by a second to see what she could handle.