All Comments on 'All That Blooms in Spring Ch. 03-04'

by cookingwithgas

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I guess that publishing the same story twice, killed any momentum this second time around might have had. The smell of some type of agenda killed it a little more. There are always crazies in any population, obsessed with something. The real problem is that there are too many people. And now, the number of crazies goes up with the population. In every country. (Steps down off his soapbox). Bottom line was this held very little interest the second time. Poorly imagined and badly done. One star.

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithover 1 year ago

Great story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

truthandjustice99truthandjustice99over 1 year ago

Overly long with no no real punishment for the perps or the radicalized FBI agent Disappointing

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 1 year ago

If your law enforcement agencies spend their time checking on each other and beating up innocent bystanders, who's going after the bad guys?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sorry, did I read that you put this up on pay sites?

I might have to give it a go myself if people actually part with money for this confused load of garbage.

I’ve quite enjoyed some of your other stuff but this was beyond salvage.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

Good conclusion!


Shepard_N7Shepard_N7over 1 year ago

That all seemed very empty at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago're a nut job? Great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

sorry, it builds and builds with full details then suddenly you got tire of the story and all to quickly made a fairy tale ending. Sadly anticlimatic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Overall a terrific story Chpt 3-4 pages 4&5 really didn't do the story justice. I gave chpt 1&2 5*. Chpt

3-4 a 3*.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 1 year ago

I hate it when people go rouge. Red cheeks aren't my thing. Once I finished this story, I tried to explain to myself exactly why the wife and lovers tried to perpetuate the hoax and I realized I had nothing. The guy stumbles around for eight or ten pages and then the answers to his problems was handed to him. Then we are told about conspiracy theories and FBI guys using rouge? My opinion is you need to drop all the meetings and conversations where nothing happens. The plot was a good effort, but it still doesn't make any sense at all to me. Maybe others thought it rang true in some way. You took a long time to tell a story the plot of which you failed to make believable, at least to me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

OK, smartypants. Tell us who killed jfk?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was written in a slightly above average ‘voice.’ It maintained my interest until Chapter 4, which turned out to be a shitstorm of bloviated rambling. What you may consider an explanation or closure, regardless of what happens behind the government scenes, is hurried, poorly written, and of little value to understanding the story.

I understand what you were up to, in fact, you planned it that way. You are a coward and have little more to offer. Hopefully, your writing will improve, but,only,if,you straighten your head and ass first.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

After the anticipation of the first two chapters this was kind of disappointing to me.

An FBI cover up? Jackie's entire personality changes from when she was first introduced?

Too big of a stretch for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What in the absolute fuck was that?

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuover 1 year ago

uhm, I don't get the story.

all that for "theatrics" for an ordinary guy.

I was expecting Peter was something of an "experimental" Truman show,

where dozens of well-known biological and behavioral scientists, psychiatrists, neurosurgeons

in cahoots with the CIA, trying to study how a laboratory-born clone's every day life....

But Pete's just an ordinary guy...

I don't truly get the complexities of the story.

So 3-star from me because I like Mr. cookingwithgas.

NotSomeBubbaNotSomeBubbaover 1 year ago

"All of the fake militia dudes were acquitted or their cases thrown out."

Do what? Guess you didn't hear about Adam Fox (as well as the others.) Interesting and enjoyable story, none-the-less.

Frank66Frank66over 1 year ago

Very good reading, but since I'm reading these chapters for the second time, and knowing how it's going to turn out, then I started to wonder about the 'story within the story', or the militia/government intrigue. Seems like it took away from the initial plot line of Jackie's betrayal along with her friends. Also the ending doesn't jive with her being 'so devastated' thinking he might be dead. But, still a 5 from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Michigan Militia people are idiots. Different names but remember Timothy McVey? Do not glorify these traitors.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonover 1 year ago

One of the dumbest, fucking stories I've ever read in Lit and that's saying a LOT.

cookingwithgascookingwithgasover 1 year agoAuthor

I wanted to make a correction to the end of this story. In the Michigan kidnapping case mentioned, Adam Fox, the ringleader of the fake militia guys and 3 other members of his little band were actually convicted this week. I hadn't followed the case since November when the news came out about the FBI guys and their role in coercing the band. In a CNN article today, they buried the FBI coercion at the very end of the story. They never bothered to mention the other 6 others, who's cases were thrown out of court when their attorneys showed the actual video of the men meeting with the FBI agents. In a way, I'm glad some of the fake militia were convicted because they give legitimate states militia a very bad name. I'm looking forward to seeing Dept of Justice charges against those two FBI guys. If no charges are filed, well the Michigan State Militia will be dealing with that behind the scenes, They were involved directly with the Governor and State Attorney General when Whitmer's extreme virus lockdowns were in force.

Wavedave45Wavedave45over 1 year ago

With the cheating and screwing with his mind and all that stuff just for sex basically. And they even drugged him which I'm certain is illegal. Also lied to the rescuers which I think is illegal also.With all that and the bad guys probably live happily ever after?

SlithyToveSlithyToveover 1 year ago

This started off as a very interesting story, and you as a writer have some talent, but it just got worse as it went on, until you finally completely jumped the shark with a completely rushed and unsatisfying ending. The whole drug the MC in order to keep things under wrap process really stretched credibility, the bugged laptop and at work overseer were really just kind of thrown out there and never really explained, and the rather strained money aspects also didn't make sense for a MC and wife who are both working in Silicon Valley.

That's not even dealing with your completely false Whitmer kidnapping comments. It was most certainly NOT proven that the FBI recruited the Whitmer idiots, and in fact the opposite is true. For the record, two men pled guilty, two were convicted of kidnapping conspiracy and conspiracy to possess weapons of mass destruction, and two were acquitted in the federal trials. Three others were convicted of other charges in a state trial, and five others are currently bound over for another trial to be held this year. Four have been sentenced to up to twenty years in prison, three to less than that, and sentences and outcomes are pending for the others. Your whitewashing dismissal of militia misbehavior here is utter baloney. and the fact that these people split off into their own little conspiracy cell and weren't part of some quasi-formal group is irrelevant, as that's a fairly regular process. I know plenty of (and am related to and geographically surrounded by) people who are in various militias, and listening to those self-appointed constitutional experts yammer on about things they are convinced are true and watching them puff their chests out and try to intimidate other people who think they're full of it is precisely how we ended up with an insurrection over the last election, and the sense of self-importance over your own viewpoint is also exactly how we ended up with Timothy McVeigh (another Michigan militia bozo) killing 168 people and injuring many hundreds more in Oklahoma City.

You're certainly welcome to romanticize and glorify anything you're inclined to, and I like good outlaw stories as much as anyone, but please don't post blatant falsehoods as though they're factually true.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoyed the story, but thought it didn't need to be so confusing. The whole thing with staying in the same house with his slut wife, knowing she was drugging him and fucking her friends, just seemed dumb. The whole hospital scene and Ann lie and I wish the writer would have come up with a horrible ending for Jackie, instead of saying, he didn't hear anything.

OverconfidentSarcasmOverconfidentSarcasmover 1 year ago

"If you get your information from a cable news program and actually believe it, then go ahead and comment negatively, but realize that 83% of those reading already know what's up, at least in general, and will look upon you with pity."

Not saying you're necessarily wrong, but I have to tell you: The way you phrased that makes me expect the next thing you say to be about Lizard People in the Government, and pleading for the sheeple to wake up.


The story itself was quite entertaining. Though I had a little trouble following your timeline, when you repeatedly talked about "the following weeks", then "the next two weeks", followed by another two weeks, and then it's suddenly back to "three weeks after my release".

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 1 year ago

It was a 5* until the final glitch … ‘rouge’! The PostScript dun ya inn!

AardieAardieover 1 year ago

It’s rogue, not rouge.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Disappointing end

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Totally unbelievable stupid story that I regret having wasted time reading. The problem was that the writing was good, but the plot became more stupid as time went on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Advice to the author. Get some therapy! Your delusional paranoia will soon consume you if you don’t! Without a doubt the most contrived overblown conspiracy theory plot ever posted on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story was hilarious! I know it wasn’t meant to be, but it had me laughing all the way through chapters 2-4. The funniest of all was on the author’s post script. When he said that individuals who left the guard could go rouge! He obviously meant rogue, but it was great fun. Story gets 4* for being so entertaining. Saddletramp56 has nothing on this author

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just ruined a decent story by bringing in politics. Dumbass!

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionover 1 year ago

I gave it a very strong 4 star plus rating for the story. Your political rhetoric a minus 1-star rating.

The biggest problem with your political beliefs is you think your right. For that I feel sorry for you because it must be hell to live in your world.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionover 1 year ago

I forgot to add that I will still read your stories and am looking forward to your next submission.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It’s gonna be hard to read future cookingwithgas stories without picturing a RWNJ in his basement bunker with Literotica on one monitor and QAnon on another.

njlaurennjlaurenover 1 year ago

The story had a decent trajectory, then suddenly in the last chapters ran off the rails in a fogged mess. The plot is a common one,where someone realizes what they are told isn't true, they are being set up, but this one falls all over itself. You combined the elaborate ruse the FBI pulls with suddenly finding out Jackie is a slut, and it collapses with its own weight. If the FBi was interested in Anne that wouldn't need the ruse of fooling him, they would arrest her or keep her under surveillance.

As far as the militia angle goes, well, just more QANon fantasy. Yeah, Jan 6th was antifa and the FBI, there is a ring of pedophiles running the government ( funny,seems like lot of the right wing wackjobs end up getting busted for child porn &underage kids).

And no, this isn't just a story, if it was you wouldn't have ended written the bilge about the Witmer kidnapping and being coerced by the FBI, several ppl have been found guilty&,put away. Yeah the evil FBI caused white supremacist morons to try an attempt a kidnapping, right.

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowover 1 year ago

That was quite the gripping tale. I couldn't put it down.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
2 stars

Well you started off with a 4 star story............but managed to run this bitch in the ditch!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I have no idea why the government cares about him or any of them

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story was so far out. The twilight zone . The author went to outer space .a long way from reality. The last two chapters killed this story badly. Just to crazy and Inpossible to even fathom any reality. You should have posted it under science friction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

@Lickideesplit is a typical cancel culture puke. "Great story, but I goit my widdow feewins hurt by the post script!" Wasn't it G.B. Shaw that called that "The petty tyranny of the small, simple, uncluttered mind?"

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 1 year ago


Your comment was dead accurate about both the Whitmer trials/pleas and militias. Thank you for eloquently and truthfully calling out the right-wing nonsense.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 1 year ago

Your writing ability is very high. But the story-line, while starting out in an interesting way, quickly devolved to absolute crap. Particularly that redneck militia shit. Oh, yes, I know there are plenty of deluded nutcases running around in the hills with guns playing solders but... really? Did you really have to include all that paranoid BS at the end?

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 1 year ago

Hmm... I kinda enjoyed the story, but that afterward, dude. I think you may have inhaled that gas instead of cooking with it. Damn. Randi.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 1 year ago

What a tailspin. I was looking forward to the end of a excellent story started with part 1 & 2, but the ending was a rush to the end. Hope the stories on the pay site have better endings.

Pinto931Pinto931over 1 year ago

Started well then got a bit ridiculous, oh and rouge and rogue are not the same thing.

offkilter123offkilter123over 1 year ago

Idiotic story and author turns out to be a wing nut. That’s enough internet for the day.

guyk1963guyk1963over 1 year ago

Spectacular usual! You wrote another fine piece, and I look forward to more! All politics aside.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Like hanging around with an overbearing asshole that just happens you have a serious TBE. Entire portions mad virtually no sense. The dialogue was strained and mostly contrie.who knows. Maybe the movie script will be better; who knows. Not a pleasant read. That much is for sure!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, I sorta liked it. I see some do not. 5.

SexecutionerSexecutionerover 1 year ago

I'm guessing CWGs next story will revolve around a pizza parlor and pedophiles. And how his right wing bullshit will justify it. Well at least this wasn't an RAAC story...

GLineGLineover 1 year ago

Wait, what? Get an editor. This story has no cohesion whatsoever. And then the funny story at the end belongs in a different category called cray cray people. Good laugh though Mr militia man, hahahahaha……

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 1 year ago

It's pretty obvious that cooking with gas is a seriously Disturbed right-wing dumb fuck Trump supporter who's deeply consumed by conspiracies and QANON.


To actually claim that the whole Michigan Governor kidnapping plan was some sort of elaborate SCHEME by the FBI is just the essence of disturbed conspiracy irrational thinking.


With regard to THIS story -- it is just Incredibly convoluted boring and awful. Each page each paragraph the story gets more and more convoluted and impossible to follow

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why would you bother saying they all got acquitted or had their cases thrown out? Do you really think people will take your word for that? Or is it some joke that's so inside you're the only one who'll get it? For other readers' sake: Two guys were acquitted. Out of fourteen. You aren't The Donald and we're not followers. Only The Donald gets to make up crazy stuff like this and have people believe it.

This was a decent idea for a story. I just don't think you did a very good job spinning the conspiracy. I was left with a lot of why would anyone do that? It really had potential except for the lame conspiracy, so props for a pretty good idea.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Started well; got too complex and unlikely.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

An entertaiing and well written tale of paranoia that isn't as paranoid as it first appears. I had to suspend a lot of disbelief towards the end and was never able to garner much sympathy for Peter - whose constant whinging and hypocrisy made a more than plausible case for his wife being much better off without him - but certainly one of the site's better tales.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ok, first, im glad that i never got tight w/ any of my college roommates, and none of them were successful jocks BMOCs or lady killers, lucky me. 2nd, I dont get why the fbi got involved, dont understand what kind of threat they thought ann was, she didnt seem to be in tight and confidential w/ any "state militia", dont get why anyone thought pretending that when mc woke in hospital it was after a coma from his fall(why fbi, mult docs etc got involved in that). The story given that the dalton guy was trying for something never made sense esp after he gave mc info to find ann. so chaps 1&2 made sense but 3 didnt and didnt have a good denouement, I would have a serious need to find todd and releive him of the stuff that was driving his sex drive (balls)as well as the stuff that was at least giving him pleasure(his dick) and maybe the sluts too. He might could keep both but they'd be useless functionally. When mc made up his mind to desert, why didnt he take his veh, slut bitch cld have riden "home" w/ one of her studs, why do a silly hike? why did the slut bitch try to trick MC, why not say he wasnt doing it for her and she wanted a divorce? she expected them to divorce at some point anyway according to her final confession to mc while tied up, so why the drawn out trickery that wld lead to a resentful, hate filled divorce. rk

Tim_the_cajunTim_the_cajunabout 1 year ago

Great story. So many twists and turns of the plot. Very enjoyable. Thanks.

Pickles7287Pickles728712 months ago

Too complicated and unlikely

Buster2UBuster2U11 months ago

CWG thanks for the great writing, and a great story! Wow, for a while it was really intense. The only thing I would have different was when the mc came back to find his wife topless cuddling with his buddy, would find something to start critically injuring the bastard trying to fuck his wife, and when she confronted him before going back to her lover, I would told that cunt "No Prob, I'm seeing a lawyer Monday and divorce you cunt/slut/ whore." I guess I'm the only one left with a temper and a hair trigger. It seems natural to me to be such a violent fucker, that I have always been. It really is hard for me to fathom, how everyone else always seems to be just a pussy and afraid of their own shadow! LOL. Nope if it had been me, I would have put all of them in the hospital instead of falling off the cliff! Friends don't stab you in the back! thanks, Bustter2U

deependerdeepender10 months ago

Round and round and round we spin

to weave a wall to hem us in.

It won't be long.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Chapter one started out well written along a typical LW arc. Then Chapter two went into bad Sci-Fi paranoia / was it a dream and I lost interest in this group of chapters. I suspect CWG was only buzzed while writing first chapter. I suspect hard drugs were used before and during the writing of the last bits. It was a good effort to break away from over used plots. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Post script is inaccurate.

It has not been proven in court

On June 7, 2021, Musico called for his case to be dismissed, arguing entrapment by federal authorities and the confidential informant and claiming he would not have associated himself with Fox without police interference. He also claimed the informant led the training sessions for the Wolverine Watchmen; an FBI agent said in March that he instructed the informant to take on a leadership role during those sessions to prevent suspects from getting injured and thus requiring a law enforcement response while the Wolverine Watchmen were armed.[163][99] Attorneys for Morrison and Bellar later similarly called for the case's dismissal due to entrapment. However, on March 1, 2022, a Jackson County judge denied the motion to dismiss.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

You seem to be seriously misinformed or just outright delusional in your postscript AN, which makes sense because the entire conspiracy plot in the story doesn't make sense either.

Plus, this is fiction, and not once did you have the MC properly lash out. Tsk. Disappointing.

On an adjacent note, I'm all for at least giving the fictional wife a fictional slap in the story. She could have accidentally killed him just because she wanted to be a slut. Dalton and Todd get off way too easy.

MarkTwineMarkTwine7 months ago

No wonder it’s a shitty story. It’s written by nut case with a tin foil hat. Your time would probably be better spent debunking the fake moon landings.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

How can you read the typist's other texts, and then be surprised by the postscript? Just because the subject matter is different? But obviously the grip on reality is exactly as firm in both.

Waldteufel61Waldteufel614 months ago

Reading parts one and 2 rated 5 stars, however I rated part 3 as 3 stars; after so much backstory and detailed build up, the turning point, climax, and resolution was a little more than a warm burger.

SeaChangerSeaChanger4 months ago

great up to the end.

WargamerWargamer2 months ago

It was just too far out for my taste


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Yeah this one lost me too. Started off really well and went into strange inconsistent directions that I found hard to follow. Pity really as I said it started off with great promise. BardnotBard

LanmandragonLanmandragon2 months ago

Some authors claim that there is nothing new to do in LW, but you proved that isn’t true. A very good story, even if there are quite a few technical plot holes, but you desperately need a proofreader - going rouge presumably means putting on lots of makeup, the expression you wanted is „going rogue“.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Sorry, this was just to ridiculous. The first part of the story didn't match the last.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I find the change / reveal in Jackie the hardest to accept. She is initially painted as beyond loyal, loving in the deepest and most validating of senses — then she becomes aware of her, what, slutty nature I guess, and the moment she considered that weekend swap she was basically done with the concept of marriage and knew that divorce was inevitable? These two characters are not the same person. She would have needed to be backgrounded as someone with a little less moral character is my thought. Thanks for the story.

arnowolarnowolabout 2 months ago

Wow... what a great story. I haven't read parts 1 and 2 at all and won't either. Why?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Sorry, but most of this made no sense to me at all.

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Romance novelist, under pen name K.L. Denison. You can follow me on Amazon, KDP and coming soon on SmashWords Like writing and posting free stories for others' enjoyment - often just to clear a writer's block. Real life can be pretty boring, so I strive to avoid the common ...