All Comments on 'All You Need is Love'

by BillandKate

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deblackbusterdeblackbusterover 5 years ago
Didn't read the story yet

I don't think you should ever take death threats seriously over the internet, unless they know you or where you live. People can be shitty, especially over the internet. Don't let that stop you from making more stories. Plenty more people who enjoy your stories over the ones sending you hate mail.

I know one author doesn't read feedback at all because it's so hateful. Maybe start taking that approach?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thank you

It is easy to criticize from the anonymity of the internet. I wanted to take the time and say thank you for writing and for your creativity.

imatrojanmanimatrojanmanover 5 years ago
Great Story!

I am a very big fan and very grateful you both chose to continue to write and submit here. I agree with your assessment of the toxic level of comments. Maybe it is time to require registration in order to post comments. It is sad for that to be necessary, but having a forum where those of us who want to learn and and improve our writing ability is such a wonderful gift. It would be sad if was lost due a few bad actors!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Nothing better to do

I haven’t read your story yet only the fo reward, there is always a minority ready to voice an opinion nobody really cares about. They are the same people who watch something on tv then ring or write to complain instead of just turning it off.

mordbrandmordbrandover 5 years ago
Fairly factual tale of revenge

As I have gotten older it's become exceedingly clear that revenge is nigh useless unless you possess not only a lot of money, but have connections as well. Even then it seems that in today's world it is hard to pull off without getting some shit back on yourself (unless you are extremely rich AND have high connections). This is one of the reasons I think BTB/Consequences tales are usually received so well here. They provide a fantasy escape from reality, especially for those who may have been or who are going through a contentious divorce.

The authors also did their research on the nature of the prison system. Depending on your looks and whether or not you are seen as 'weak', unless you buddy up or join a gang your odds are extremely high in most medium to max security prisons. I've had two uncle's that ended up on both ends of the situation, neither of which were the same after they got out. People simply don't seem to care about our prison conditions and how they affect inmates for life.

Fortunately in this case, the protagonist was allowed to have a happy ending. 5* and thank you for the story.

deblackbusterdeblackbusterover 5 years ago

After reading this, yeah I can understand the hate mail you get now. My advice is stop reading the mail. Never heard that before. One drunk liar did him in? Public defenders are really not as bad as Lit makes them out to be. Lit makes them seem stupid and useless.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I very rarely comment, but I would like to comment on your 'rant'. You're not wrong but whether the writers have left because of the comments or not we will never really know, I can't see the point myself in making those nasty comments, they seem to say more about the commentators than the writer of a story, though I have seemed to notice a trend the last few months that if you're not part of what seems to be the 'clique of lit' who fall over themselves to pat each other on the back and have 'special days', yet again to pat each other on the back with paint by numbers stories, they don't seem to be encouraging other great writers who I miss on this site to continue here unless you've become an immortal and included in the clique, those writers in the clique will remain nameless. So until the clique finally realise they're not the centre of the universe and aren't the only good writers out there, we will sadly continue to lose great writers. I never read your hot wife stories as they do nothing for me, but have read others of yours, please don't leave the site because of some immature idiots who have nothing better to do than put others down.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
talk about a man hating duo

is he still alive, I mean damn. This was so bad, it was written by Matt Monroe. The only thing you left out was his father fucking him in the ass. Damn, no offense but you guys should be call Bonnie and Kate. This was nothing but man-hating trash. -25 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Normally their stories are okay,

but just like their character, this one sucks!

Bebop3Bebop3over 5 years ago
Excellent Story

Thank you for sharing your talent.

I also agree with your opening statement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Great story ! Continue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I’m not crying, you asshole, you are!

5 stars isn’t enough. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great story!

Thanks. You character and plot development were noteworthy, and not just for the principal character. You encapsulated the dilemma of "Charlie" nicely in the speech made to the parole board. It caused me to pause reading and wonder what I'd do if a) I found myself in Charlie's place and b) if I were on the parole board listening to it. Good exercise. Then there's the ex-wife. Was she that person all along? Can people become such a character? If so, why and how? More things to ponder.

Incidentally: My criteria for evaluating a story is whether or not I can somehow plausibly insert myself into some part of the story, either as a participant or an observer. I.e., Plausibility. Believe-ability. Context truthfulness, etc. I DO NOT re-write the author's story the way I'd write it. I think that's kind of arrogant and I see a lot of commentary do just that. IMHO, stories should be evaluated "as written" on their own merits. However, I am quite unforgiving of egregious proof-reading errors, bad grammar and punctuation, usage, etc., because I think such are insulting to the readers. But thankfully there's none of that in your work.

Thanks again.

I'm an anonymous user because I don't wish to join/register on the web site. We're not all as your intro remarks report. But, as you say, stupid is sometimes hard to ignore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

...because being violently raped is the same as choosing to be a prostitute so you don't have to ask your parents for help...I know you wanted more positive comments but that part was a bit much.

LVGirlLVGirlover 5 years ago
Beautiful Story

Thank you for continuing to post here. You’re among the best.

tangledweedtangledweedover 5 years ago
Different take on the revenge story.

I question how realistic certain outcomes are to the actions people take in cheating spouse stories. In this case, spending time in prison is a very real possibility for the crime of assaulting someone with a baseball bat. You might think that hiring muscle to do your dirty work is probably just as likely to end you in jail, so the point of revenge being wrong for practical and philosophical reasons is lost.

I did think it was a decent story though and hope BillandKate hang in there. Finally, envelop is a verb and envelope is a noun; spell-check won't catch a legitimate word. I haven't used any grammar programs, but they might work to catch those kinds of things.

texaschucktexaschuckover 5 years ago
Haters are going to hate.

I have read most of your stories and found them very good. The hot wife series never got my engine reving. Please don't let others who are so miserable in their own iniquitys that they feel they have to destroy others run you off. I've thoroughly enjoyed your stories in the past and look forward to many more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Dear sir,

I have been able to stand on my feet, get my self respect back after been married to a narsissist woman whom I cannot divorce because of small kids. U guys have helped keep me my sanity. Thanks to all the great writers like U.

Happy new year and God bless.

Impo_64Impo_64over 5 years ago
This is a good read...

This is a good read...Well written as usual by @BillandKate...The first part seemed we were reading a @MM's story, but then the line changed and we entered another world...This story showed that revenge is wrong when you take it in your hands without an solid alibi...Revenge is sweet if you use someone who does the "work" for money...And he have learned the lesson...He used it twice since he got out of jail...And "All you need is love" but also a "Little help from my friends"...4*

swedishreader1swedishreader1over 5 years ago
The anonymous comment.

About the clique here on lit is absolutely correct.

As for this story, it was OK but the real gem was the rant about comments.

If the comments hurt the feelings of a writer to such a degree that they fell the need to tell everyone before a story then maybe it would be best for that author to restrict the comments in some way.

PowersworderPowersworderover 5 years ago

I would have made Juwann $10k richer...

I normally really enjoy your stories, but this was really depressing, with the husband getting so badly shit on by his evil slut of a wife. The poor guy was assaulted dozens of times in prison, had his teeth knocked out, then raped for years... Where was the payback on his wife? It's all very well to write a story about consequences of revenge, but he never actually got any on Haley.

He might have finally got custody of Tina, which pissed Haley off, but she didn't exactly seem heartbroken. It was more that she was angry at Charlie... she didn't really love Tina, blaming her for trying to "seduce" her boyfriend. Oh and Haley's mother laughed at Charlie and his parents when her evil bitch of a daughter was denying them visitation. She should have lost all visitation rights for that alone.

So despite the message about forgiveness, the story left me feeling that Haley and her mother needed far more severe retribution for being such a pair of evil cunts.

HDVictory1HDVictory1over 5 years ago
Anonymous Blues

First, great story. Hits on many of the time tested solutions that the misogyny crowd loves to suggest. Liked that you showed the consequences of this type of behavior.

One of my constant wonders is what planet some of the anons come from. Where retribution and revenge at all cost are the solution to every problem.

I know that it is never that simple and the consequences are often far worse than the original grievance. Sort of like in football where the second player in an altercation seems to be the one getting a personal foul.

Please know there are many others out here that appreciate your work and understand the complex nature of relationships and human failure. Keep being you and let the anons be upset. Remember there is no greater fool than someone that is sure they are always right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

A very sweet story of a Man doing what he must do

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This was a very heart warming story. It may sound silly, but this type of story gives me hope. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Better fit.

Seems through trial and error, he was able to straighten out his life. In this case the ex-prostitute was a better fit than his first wife Haley. Good read.

Sloburn38Sloburn38over 5 years ago
What I most liked

was that these were regular people, no navy seals, no millionaires, just regular people who have jobs and lead their lives.

Thanks, 5*

AileyInnAileyInnover 5 years ago


neilnblowme2neilnblowme2over 5 years ago
great story

you should never take the comments as personal

when i comment i comment as most do to the characters in your story and not to you personally.

revenge does not have to be physical although the fantasy of maming or killing your foe is extassy

far too many marriages today are like your story and too many kids have to suffer through divorces .... most of the time they are the victims

our country needs to change the divorce laws so that men or women don t have to resort to violence to keep some self respect

i was taught that cheaters never prosper but in todays society we see that they really do and that is sad

keep writing your stories and we will continue to read them and comment sometimes good other times bad but anonymous comments should not be permitted

please give us more stories like rhis one

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 5 years ago
Perhaps we can coin a new term here?

The Clique of Lit has a nice ring to it, but is too long for most commenters to use. To that end, I have created a new word by abbreviating the term. Brevity is always good in today's fast paced world. Henceforth the Clique of Lit will be known simply as The Clit! Brilliant in its simplicity! I don't even get paid for this shit. It just flows from my amazing mind.

Seriously, some writers do leave because they are sensitive and negative comments hurt their feelings. This is no place to be sensitive. Many good writers simply lose interest. That is the reason most writers stop posting. They have been there and done that and are now doing something else. like painting, running marathons, running heavy equipment, or maybe milking goats. Who knows?

I do know that we are fortunate to have a comely wench that works hard to get the old matsers and young pretenders to post more often. How does she do this, you may ask. Not by whining in comments, or complaining about The Clit. She writes to writers and asks them to post stories and even creates events to encourage them. Do you see KK or Ohio dropping stories here any more? Only in your dreams or in the special events. Some one hands you a brand new car and you bitch the gas tank hasn't been topped off? Human nature is a curious thing. Remember the new word! Long live The Clit!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I'm not going to say I'm crying, because I'm not

I'm not going to say it's the greatest story ever, because it's not. What I will say is "Thank you for sharing it with us", and say that it was a good story. I pretty much agree with your forward, that too many good writers receive feedback that is just plain mean, because folks hide behind anonymity. Good and even sometimes great efforts are denigrated by people incapable or unwilling to contribute, a cowardly thing to do when they refuse to put their own name to it. So, from this "anon", at least, thank you, and keep up the good work. You are one of the writers I always read, and almost always enjoy.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago
Nice adventure.

I was worried you were going to destroy him to prove a point. I have found life to be a two way street even though that street is winding with some surprising intersections.

This story reflected that philosophy.

I appreciate your take on our prison system. I have always been struck dumb by folks who think prisoners deserve to be raped by other inmates.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Really Excellent

Well balanced and believable. Good characters, dialogue and outcome. Completely agree with your preface. I would forbid any anonymous comments and not allow private contact from anyone to safeguard my ego and writing from the Nazi psychopaths. Loving Wives stirs up the strongest passions- cucky lovers or haters and burn the bitch to the ground advocates- so you are walking into the lion's den every time. How does Matt Moreau survive? And where are

DanieleQSteele and the Unoriginalist? Anyhow, Five BIG stars for Bill and Kate

chrisr357chrisr357over 5 years ago
Thank you

A good, entertaining 5* read.

I don’t understand why this site still allows anonymous comments. If you are not willing to put your name to a comment then your view is of no value.

I for one am grateful for your time and effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Another good story

Apart from that....

1. All the twaddle I read here directed against people who don't care to register is absurd. Everyone here is anonymous (unless you are using your real name, in which case you are too stupid to breathe). I could register under Ghengis Khan and 40 other handles if I wanted (you don't need a lot of computer skills to do that). Even if I had only one handle, it wouldn't matter. I'm still anonymous. Registering is not an act of courage; it's just a way to end up in a database.

2. In general, the treatment of the criminal system is unrealistic. First time offenders (who are otherwise upstanding, productive members of the community) involved in a fight, as long as a gun or a knife isn't involved and no one is killed or seriously permanently injured, are not likely to get anything like lengthy prison time. There are too many seriously bad guys and too little prison space for that to happen with the regularity it does in story after story. The prison rape trope is overdone. Of course it happens too often in prison, but unless you are perceived as weak or effeminate, the likelihood of getting raped is not that big...certainly very far from the 100% that I see in these stories.

3. From at least classical antiquity poetry and plays and, later, novels and other forms of art such as opera, have been recognized as morally significant because they are value laden. Contrary to what some of the authors here (not speaking to B&K here) profess to believe, presenting immoral behavior as normal or acceptable is not "neutral" or just "an interesting exercise". Anyone who actually thinks that is is at least a bit sociopathic. Even people on LE who claim "anything goes" sexually draw lines, which is why you don't see stories here designed to appeal to pedophiles or those who want to have threesomes with german shepherds. The conflict that occurs in LW isn't between the "open minded" or the "enlightened" and the "morality brigade"; it's just between people with far different moral compasses. As for the bluster that appears in comments, it's just sound and fury signifying nothing.

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307over 5 years ago
Your forward really hit home...

... I, too, have noticed some of the really good authors no longer seem to post or, if they do, it's quite infrequently. I decided some time ago to refrain from making negative comments about stories. Okay, maybe just a little sarcasm but, certainly, nothing threatening or even hateful. I'm glad you didn't follow through with leaving Lit because your BillandKate stories always brighten my morning and go a long way towards filling the gap left by those disappearing writers.

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 5 years ago
Billand Kate...

Please forgive me for using your story as a platform for my comment.

Anonymous12/31/18 I very rarely comment, but I would like to comment on your 'rant'. You're not wrong but whether the writers have left because of the comments or not we will never really know, I can't see the point myself in making those nasty comments, they seem to say more about the commentators than the writer of a story. To some point you are right but so was Bill in his opening. Not all comments are seen by the every day reader. Those who know the system do so by sending e-mails that only the writer gets the pleasure of reading.

The following is one that I have received.

This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


you're a pure asshole

*DO NOT hit the REPLY button to respond to this email.*

Though I don't mind being called and asshole (I have been called worse) this came to my home not here in the comment section.

by Anonymous12/31/18

talk about a man hating duo

is he still alive, I mean damn. This was so bad, it was written by Matt Monroe. I suggest you actually read some of Matt's stories (if you can take reading a book instead of just a two page story) because you might just learn that every story has to be BTB or Cuck.

If the readers don't want a clique (or Clit) then if a first time writer writes a so/so first story send half way decent feed back and offer assistance for the future. to all my Anonymous friends I say try writing a story your self, it's not that easy. No one wants to here 'That's been done so many times can't you come up with something new'. How many ways can you cheat and get caught?

BillandKate thank you for another wonderful story, I'm just hurt you left Seattle.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago

"I just didn't want to play the part of a cuckold" - While there are several schools of thought in LW world as to what makes a cuckold, his refusal to accept her betrayal means that he DIDN'T "play the part of a cuckold."

Excellent! Five stars.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 5 years ago
Good Albeit Painful Story

First wife was a true psychotic and her character was written well. Husband sure paid a high price but was glad he got things turned around. This is a well written story. Concerning the italicized introduction, hateful comments seem to be part of our culture now - on FB every day I see posts especially from but not limited to the left that are full of venom and hate. On Lit, it is stupid to flame authors who don't get paid for writing and posting - doesn't make sense to me. Thank you for writing.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago
@Anonymous Re: The Clique

It is the "clique" that is keeping the good writers here! Some of the writers who are posting fewer stories are members of the "clique." The members of the "clique" ENCOURAGE other writers, great writers and new writers alike.

@HDK - "Long Live the Clit" indeed!

bruce22bruce22over 5 years ago
Excellent Story

Payback just goes around in circles

My rule is that if there is nothing positive to say do not comment.

TrishieldTrishieldover 5 years ago
Rabble rousers

Pay them no attention. They are a small minority that do nothing but make noise.

I enjoyed the story.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 5 years ago

A "consequences" story with actual consequences! When our vengeful hero ended up serving five years in prison and servicing his cellmate with his mouth, I literally laughed out loud. That's exactly what would happen to all the tough guys who comment here about what they would do to the sum-bitch who messes with their wives.

This story began with a few well-worn BTB tropes, including coming home early from a business trip, the ubiquitous "strange car in the driveway", the husband weirdly pausing to take pictures of his wife and lover for no apparent reason, and the emotionless apathy of the husband as he watches them from the doorway.

It also ends with many well-worn BTB tropes, such as the "hooker with the heart of gold" who has orgasms with her John and then coincidentally runs into him later in life, and the lovable little moppet who acts far older than her age and is far more interested in playing matchmaker for her daddy than any young child would ever be.

It's the middle where this story shines. It would have been really interesting if our protagonist had encountered even more trouble along the way as he attempted to get his vengeance. But that's not why LW readers come to this category.

FD45FD45over 5 years ago
Things outside your control happen to you

It's a sad and sorry state of affairs, but it happens.

So what to do?

Now, what happened to the man was outside his control totally.

What his new wife did? I think she had more options for herself and took an easy way out. Let's be fair here. She had a lot of options and choose whoredom, so some of that shade that her Father threw on her was well earned. But this is family and we should love them, even as they seem to be self destructive.

That being said, Kasey was LUCKY she didn't get stuck in the lifestyle. Way too many women DO get stuck and the worries of the Dad was not just 'oh...she is shitting on some ancient religious values'. Lots of bad stuff happens to escorts and some women never escape it because it breaks them.

But I liked the story muchly.

InsigniaInsigniaover 5 years ago
No Double Naught Spies were Injured

I like a BTB tale as much as the next anon and also balk at the thought of a Cuck Free Zone. While the CLIT may be controversial, just as in real life, when I find it generally good things follow.

This story could have wallowed in misfortune but escaped wth a smattering of tropes and clichés. Charlie was forced by cirmustances to realize, or circumsized, that revenge was paid for with freedom and substantial amounts of cash. He made victims of every day do-gooders through his unsvrupulous charity. I am glad he did not wait for a court to summarily disband it.

Its a rough, adult lesson with some despicable characters many of whom want to do the rigjt thing. Trent wants to be a knight, Charlie, a valiant alpha and parental units want to follow a puritanical code that doesn't mesh with reality.

This was enjoyable. Maybe even could have been longer. Full marks.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 5 years ago
Another great story

Please continue to ignore the ignorant commentators. We need good writers to stay here. I don't always give good comments on stories I like. I guess I thought the high ratings would speak for themselves. I will try to do better.

AethurAethurover 5 years ago
Wonderful story

About your preface. I don't venture into all the categories here, but I think everybody knows that LW has the most toxic comments in the entire site. I'm amazed authors even bother reading them here, especially from the random anons.

This was a wonderful story. If you and the Mrs. ever leave, it will be a loss to the literary community. 5*

meganann10meganann10over 5 years ago

I read in the beginning about some authors are not posting as they once were on this site because of mostly anonymous comments and I agree these people are just mean and cowardly. Don't be discouraged, keep writing I don't like all the stories I read on here either but the author wrote it and came up with the idea for their story that's what makes it their story. I thought this as most of your stories are good keep writing just remember all stories can't be you best story but the next one just might be. thanks for writing. 4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I am one of the anonymous commenters. I truly appreciate you and many other authors that publish here. Please don’t quit . Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Please don’t let the people who think everything should be perfect with a storie be a discouraging factor. I personally do not care if a comma is in the wrong place or God forbid you use your instead of you’re . The gist of the story is what should be important. Especially on a site where the authors literary works are shared for free. Once again Thank you for for the free entertainment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Loved it!!

Truly an enjoyable story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Terrific story.

Rocket081960Rocket081960over 5 years ago
I enjoy your stories.

Don’t let the trolls discourage you. I feel pity for these sad souls. I am not a writer, so I hesitate to offer advice, but your stories are an enjoyable read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good balanced story

Good tale. Balanced and ran through the range of actions.

I think your initial narrative needed to be said. For those who do not like something comment why but no need to be nasty. Its a free world. Those who do not like a story should just stop and move on. I do that at times.

BaddestmanaliveBaddestmanaliveover 5 years ago

5 stars. Your work seems to improve with each new story.

Hooked1957Hooked1957over 5 years ago
Both rant and story on the mark

I have felt the same way you have. There are times when I've tried to experiment or go along a different path, as much for the challenge as anything else, and have taken more than the usual shit for it. And have wondered why I've bothered.

But I'm a stubborn bastard with board shoulders, so if I want to try something different or outrageous, I will. Write for yourselves first. Those of us with brains will decide if we like what you write based on several factors, including the quality of the writing. I read all sorts of stuff, some of which I don't agree with, but quality writing always wins the day for me.

Keep up the good work, and don't be intimidated by morons.

As for this story ... I liked the originality and how you put it together. Some people are offended by the violence, but sometimes in real life, stress sends good sense out the window. ***** from me, you crazy kids.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I really enjoyed the story. Thank you for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Very well written.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
Hard to understand

I have to say I skimmed the middle part quite a bit since the story had no real suspense and I am no expert on court legalese to feel the need to check upon realistic rendering. That is the major problem for the whole story - plot is weak without surprises, there is no suspense, and the character of Haley makes no sense at all.

The good part is that the main character did not achieve his "revenge" with some of well-known LE cliches and that the writer gave himself an effort toward more realistic treatment of the story. So-so, I am sure the writer can do better.

imanononeimanononeover 5 years ago
Please don't leave

Over the years we have seen many writers come and go. Some have said they left because of the uncivilized and abusive criticism that is heaped on writers who are not BTB. I cannot understand the thinking of this crowd of abusive posters. This is a free site, no one makes you read a story and if you don't like it give it a low mark, don't threaten and insult. Thanks for your contributions to Literotica. I appreciate your work and please continue to write.


MbgdallasMbgdallasover 5 years ago
Great story.

Well worth the read.

BillandKateBillandKateover 5 years agoAuthor
Thank you

We appreciate that so many of those responding to our rant took it in the spirit it was intended. We did not want it to sound like whining, only a call for a bit more civility in this space.

And we don't think everyone needs to register to comment, we've received too many encouraging and helpful comments from anonymous readers to suggest it.

So, thanks for reading and a special thanks for all the feedback. Happy New Year.

Bill & Kate

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

This is a little darker than your usual writing. But as usual, it is excellent. I am one of those who would probably consider violence if placed in that situation. I would hope to use common sense and restraint, but who knows until it happens. In my one brush with this type situation, my fiance's lover attacked me. He was seriously injured, but video evidence, eye witnesses, and the fact that I was home on leave from Iraq saved me from any liability. I get the point you are making with the story, and you made it well. Revenge can backfire and take a toll on many lives, including the aggrieved party looking for revenge. This was a story of redemption, with a happy ending for everyone but Haley. I understand your foreword about nasty and threatening comments. LW can be a nasty place for authors. I state my opinion on stories good or bad, but I would.never threaten an author with harm. I have received anonymous email threats because of comments that I have made. Anons with a computer can say whatever they want to because they are cowards at heart. Impotent little men who feel eight feet tall behind their basement doors. Don't ever let them cause you to quit writing. You are one on the bright lights here and we need you.

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

after the consequence revenge one must not forego or forget all the incentatives, TK U MLJ LV NV

DogFuzzDogFuzzover 5 years ago
Well Done

You took time to organize your story outline before you began your writing. I appreciate that. A difficult story to write and you did it very well to show sympathy and understanding for people wronged and went off the rails before considerating the results. I also know your feeling about criticism from unknown Anon folks. That is why some writers only accept replies from identified persons. Top marks from me. Thanks for sharing.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 5 years ago
B an K happy new year

Ignore the anons. Turn off their ability to make comments and all is solved.

0zed0zedover 5 years ago
Love A Happy Ending!

Awsome story, loved the hell out of it! Keep'em coming. FWIW: Tell Kate I haven't read any of the Kate adventures, so she need not be embarrassed when I read your writings.

SwordWielderSwordWielderover 5 years ago

Thank you again for a great story. I personally prefer realistic stories unless they are Sci-fi or fantasy. I can understand reconciliation as well as the Burn the bitch/bastard stories. I can't stand the willing cuckold, or cheating that is either accepted or encouraged. Please keep the coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ignore the trolls

I enjoy well-written stories, and like most people probably prefer when good triumphs over evil. Although sometimes it isn’t that clear where the line demarcating the two is. Ignore the jerks/trolls or just turn the comments off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very good!

A lot of people in this world are broken, it’s a good thing to remind them that what is broken Can be made better.

ian0452ian0452over 5 years ago

another excellent story have loved reading them all

xtremeddxtremeddover 5 years ago
Brevity...hmm "Clit" sure beats "Shit from Anonymous Assholes" butt

I'll dwell on my appreciation. Thank you for the writing, story, entertainment and

"People of integrity expect to be believed and when they aren't let time prove them right". B&K, wrote that sometimes Dad's, do what they have to to protect their own.

This may not be 5th grade reading comprehension, so if it piled too deep so be it. Guess that makes me a "Me Too", HDK. Not PC either.

Just saying... "Thanks for sharing your hard work with us on Lit. !" HNY 2019 B&K !!


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Thank you for sharing. Please keep writing and posting, there are a lot of us who enjoy your work!

Todd172Todd172over 5 years ago
Well written

You write well, you build original stories and many of us look forward to them. Keep writing and we'll keep reading. Thank you.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The Clique

I think it 's funny how the only people defending the clique are the people in it.

It would be extremely naive to discount the drama that happens in this genre as a reason why many writers leave. The word wars, the back and forths, the morality brigade vs. the sharers. It gets old. So old.

I don't want to start anything here, but "the clique" often fan the flames of controversy, and then claim to be trying to put out the fire. Any bad comments on their stories, especially the main one, gets met with HDK's sarcasm, or sbrooks vehement response and condemnation. And let's not even mention BR's pet Rottweiler.

As for encouraging new writers, why not encourage the ones who are here? Why go out and get people who have left instead of making an investment in the ones who do write? It's because you don't consider them worthy of your "clique".

None of you give helpful advice to the ones who fall outside of your "worthy writers". Yet you sit around and pat your backs about how much you are making LW a better place.

I didn't want to get on this rant, but you guys need to just stop pretending to be the saviors of LW. Please. You promote who you like, and you forget the rest. Admit it.

Now I'm pissed because you got me doing this bullshit!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
B & K Keep Entertaining

Remember Ricky Nelson in "Garden Party" and so I hope you are pleasing yourselves with your writing. You have been, and continue to, please your readers. Thank you.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 5 years ago
Well done.

I can understand B&K's views on revenge.

But when writing about a bitch

that deserves to be burned,

it's more difficult to agree with their view.

Though I agree, that revenge is

most often unnecessary, I do not agree

that people who do you damage,

should walk away from that unpunished.

Good effort B&K.

Strong plot, well worked out.

4 out of 5 from me.

afanoffanlitafanoffanlitover 5 years ago

That was gritty and really painful, but was so well told that it was easy to follow and see how revenge really can blow up. I think that common idea that women always get custody is a bit outdated. Even in the super conservative place I live the courts find for joint custody unless there is a compelling reason not to. That doesn't have the same pain as most stories on here want to use, though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Keep writing

I've enjoyed your stories. They are well written, which is not always (or usually) the case here. I even enjoyed your hotwife Kate stories and was sad when I was reading my way through your catalog Ka while back and could not find them.

012Say012Sayover 5 years ago
Another great read

I nearly always love your stories and rate them highly. I would ignore anonymous comments.Speaking for myself, stories here can be well written and just not my cup of tea. If I start reading and don’t like it I move on, with no rating. Thanks for your continuing efforts.

riskconsultantriskconsultantover 5 years ago
Another Excellent Read

Your stories are some of the best reads on this site. I'm glad you have not let the anon idiots discourage you. Keep writing and ignore the noise.

smmhomesmmhomeover 5 years ago
If you don't like a story... stop reading... move onto something else

Thanks for your comments prior to the story, and I agree. That said, people are generally happier and nicer when better expectations are set. LW is the only category I'm aware of that has the exact opposite content of what everyone is looking for... That is to say, it has both:

A) Swinging, hotwife, or cheating without consequences (other than erotic ones).


B) Relationship dramas where infidelity causes real trauma.

This inherent conflict between what readers are seeking and the content is awful... It provides horrible service to both readers and authors. If the LitE website managers don't wish to address this by splitting the category into two (e.g., LW - Hotwife/Swing and LW - Relationship Drama) then perhaps we all should go elsewhere. Life is too short for all of this venom.

Thanks to all of the LW - Relationship Drama authors and their contributions that I've appreciated over the years.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 5 years ago

Excellent Story!!!

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 5 years ago
Am I alone?

These violent revenge fantasies seem to strike a chord with much of the readership on this site so I am not surprised at the popularity of this one. What astonishes me is the casual acceptance of our hero's action in cheating generous, well-meaning citizens out of their hard-earned money and selling their credit card details to "overseas criminals". Have we sunk so low? Or is the readership here so juvenile that they don't recognise dishonesty when they see it?

laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 5 years ago
I almost quit reading when I got to the line about the day he sucked the guy's cock, but...

I'm glad I didn't. It turned out to be a good story.

JckpnsvgJckpnsvgover 5 years ago
keep on keeping on

You are one of the better, more realistic writers on this site. It would be nigh on criminal for you to stop posting because of a few spinless cowards who make threats from the darkness of anomininity. Please, write more...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thanks for the offering.

This is one annon that appreciates your willingness to allow my comment and that you neither censor or antagonise commenters, now matter how crass, impolite or ill thought out their "opinions". That and the fact that B&K are not part of that specific group with a rather narrow story preference that focuses conspicuously on humiliation of one large social demographic. Personally, I attempt to hold myself to a single standard of not saying anything online that wouldn't say face to face while be as polite and rational and time and circumstance allows.

This one felt a little too much like real life for my tastes and while I seek and enjoy stories which indulge in "plausible" realism, I did miss the touch of pure escapism that I get from my favourite justifiable BTBs or reconciliations with consequnces.

That said it, was well written and enjoyable to read and so if I do nothing else, I hope I can reassure you that not all annons are arseholes.

Have a happy new year and thanks for the story.

maxx308maxx308over 5 years ago
Well done

Thank you for sharing and please keep writing for us.

Happy New Year

db1044db1044over 5 years ago
Good Read

1. Dear B&K: I never leave "hate mail" comments. If I don't care for a story, I just move on to another posting.

2. I really liked this tale, but we all know it is more total fantasy than just fiction. No ex-felon father would ever get custody, even in Texas. It is too bad that some readers cannot turn off their reality and personal prejudice buttons, and just enjoy the ride. P.S. - I love pretty much all your tales, so Keep Posting!

stinger82stinger82over 5 years ago
Great story!

Thank you for posting it - what a great read!

johnadpjohnadpover 5 years ago
Very Well Put Together And Thought Out & The Anons

First, you've done a beautiful job of bringing several points together. You have us empathize with the protaganist and his plight and allow us to see him as a full human being no matter what despicable things he had to do and were done to him in prison. Then you equate that to the plight of Candy/Kasey who we don't get to know in depth, but his example is extended to her and her having to do things to survive and move forward.

You didn't make the other man, Terry, a classic smirking wife-stealing villain. He was led astray by the wife and he too was allowed redemption, and even back into Tina's life.

Your story showed the importance of a GOOD parent putting their child's welfare above all esle. The protaganist even allowed the man who his wife betrayed him with, and his mother-in-law who had supported her daughter keeping Tina from his side of the family back into Tina's life, because this was beneficial for Tina's mental health. After all Tina was kept from his side of the family since she was 5 years old and Terry and the mother-in-law, who obviously cared deeply for Tina, were a bridge in that time period and they were people Tina cared about and loved.

It would have been interesting, and possibly taken this story to a whole other level if in this story of redemption Haley found some after some years away. If Tina's therapist's hypothesis was correct that Haley suffered from one or more psychosis and that was somehow onset towards the end of her and the protaganist's marriage, I think it would have taken this story to another level if she comes back after years away having gone been diagnosed with some mental illness and had been put on medication and gone through therapy and now back. Not to reconnect with the protaganist, but to be in Tina's life to some degree. After all Tina losing her mom would leave a big hole. Having a family member with mental illness, it's not simple for sure and after a while you want to give up on them and it's much easier for them to simply be out of your life (although in our family's case we have supported and been there for this person going on for a couple of decades now). These LW stories seem to need that focal point to direct the anger and in this case while Terry, the mother-in-law, and the ex-prostitute were extended understanding and redemption, Haley and Young were not. There are sociopaths in society that simply need to be shunned either in prison or in exile, so not all deserve redemption. Young likely deserved his outcome, but Haley who knows IF her behavior was caused by the onset of mental illness. We don't know if she was different enough beforehand and something happened to trigger her behavior or if she was always the bitch.

One last point and that is whenever you read an angry Anonymous comment you should pity them and not take that personally. These are deeply broken and damaged individuals. They are cucks and neutered men. My father used to say the small dogs bark the loudest because they are the most afraid. Reading their comments should make the normal amongst us laugh and feel pity. Not anger! The only problem though is that these men are allowed to vote and guns are too easily available to even people so damaged such as them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Splendid effort, well written!

Per title

gropingrampsgropingrampsover 5 years ago

After your justifiable rant, I, one of the silent majority, will now begin to speak up. You are one of a groups of writers I search out. I read everything you and they write. Please do not stop writing for us. Nay sayers always get in front, ignore then, please, because no one no how will ever please them.

Write on.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "The Clique"

I'm not going to bother replying to your entire rant, because you obviously have your mind made up, and no amount of logic will change it, but I do have to reply to one thing you said here:

You say, "Why go out and get people who have left instead of making an investment in the ones who do write?" Yet the original Anonymous complaint about the "clique" said this, "they don't seem to be encouraging other great writers who I miss on this site to continue here."

Now, because both comments were anonymous, I have no way to know if they're by the same person, but I hope you see the no-win position you have put the "clique" in: First, they're slammed for NOT encouraging the great writers to return, then here you are asking why they ARE encouraging them to come back!

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 5 years ago
Fags, Roman cucks, Lit countrymen, lend me your ears.

I come to bury The Clit, not to praise it.

The evil that LW writers do lives after them;.

The occasional good story is oft interred with their bones;

So let it be with The Clit.

The noble SJ Hath told you The Clit was ambitious:

If it were so, it was a grievous fault,

And grievously hath The Clit answer’d it.

Here, under leave of Brutal SJ and the rest–

For SJ is an honourable man;

So are they all, all honourable men–

Come I to speak in The Clit's’s funeral.

He was my friend, faithful and just to me:

But SJ says he was ambitious;

And SJ is an honourable man.

He hath brought many readers and great writers home to Literotica

Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill:

Did this in The Clit seem ambitious?

When that the poor readers have cried, The Clit hath wept:

Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:

Yet SJ says he was ambitious;

And SJ is an honourable man.

You all did see that on the Literotica

I thrice presented The Clit a kingly crown,

Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition?

Yet SJ says he was ambitious;

And, sure, he is an honourable man.

I speak not to disprove what SJ spoke,

But here I am to speak what I do know.

You all did love The Clit once, not without cause:

What cause withholds you then, to mourn for him?

O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts,

And men have lost their reason. Bear with me;

My heart is in the coffin there with The Clit,

And I must pause till it come back to me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Keep writing

I really liked this story. Have I liked everything you write? No. If it was for your writing I would tell you or any other writer why. If I don't like the type of story I would either not read it or not slam the writer. You are right to many of the comments are because they don't like the type of story. News flash don't like it don't read it. Its that simple. I don't like cuck stories. I've read enough to know that. But slamming the author would be the same as slamming ray Bradbury if I didn't like science fiction. You are right that those types of comments seem to have driven a lot of very good writers away. The site is diminished because of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Some comments mentioned MM.

That is right, that MM has an extrem affection to the LIMITLESS FORGIVINNES and this spoils mayority of his stories, but sometime a few of his stories work with it. It is unbivieble the limitless forgivinnes for everyone and nobody thinks everyone is saint exhusband in the real life. However Mat Moreau has some excellent some understandable stories, but the most readers put MM's all stories into ONE category independly from his story's plot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Response to responses

Concerning your comments about responses to your stories, it’s clear that most of us really enjoy and appreciate your work-just looking at the stars each one wins should be enough to keep you encouraged. Your average over a great body of work puts you up with the icons of Literotica.

May I add a personal thank you for many happy hours reading your stories.

Les Jones

cabbage01132cabbage01132over 5 years ago
always enjoy your stories but

this one is a whole new level, it has grit and angst, it's far more realistic than the lit norm of pandering to the "fag cuck shit" brigade who always want june cleaver disfigured and sold to a mexican whore house.

im not a fan of willing cuck stories but MMs overly forgiving wimpy cuckolds and supremely selfish almost evil cuckoldresses are superb.

as for comments; writers should ignore the 1* "fag cuck shit" comments, they are mostly written by juvenile bed wetters whom i doubt have ever seen a real naked woman let alone had a girlfriend or wife that doesn't need inflating.

given the choice between one of mr mms wimpy cucks or tx tall tales self rightous pompous fuckwit honor character, give me the wimp anyday.

this is a superb story, a cruel heartless cheater and a flawed hero for me make the best stories, thankyou 5*

MaxiMilfMaxiMilfover 5 years ago
Nice STORY and preface too

You guys always write enjoyable stories. Thank you for another one. And thanks for the preface and for saying the things other writers like myself would have liked to say. When I posted my first STORY, I could never quite understand why the typical anons would provide such nasty, non productive feedback. Constructive criticism is great. But the nasty drivel that the anons provide do nothing to improve the author's writing. Thanks again, 5*s for this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good job

Loved it. Different circumstances but similar to my story of losing contact with my daughter. Also close location wise, I live 15 minutes from Crystal Lake, lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Keep on writing

You write very good stories. I think I have read every one at least once, many twice. I would be very disappointed if you quit. Please keep writing and submitting your strories!!!!J

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Husband and wife who love to bounce ideas off each other and who enjoy the Loving Wives category of Literotica. We'll keep writing stories - some with BTB, some with reconciliation - as long as the feedback has been mostly positive. The Anom. gallery can be a pain in the ass a...