Allison's Inheritance


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Allison clicked on the link to that first interview with the local news after Tony had leaked the story to them about the terms of the inheritance. Her naughty bits had been pixilated in that original broadcast, of course. No, you couldn't show naked tits-and-ass on the local news although they had no qualms about titillating viewers with the story of a young co-ed living in the nude for a full year in order gain a large inheritance. Tony had gotten his hands on the uncensored version of the interview which was what was now posted on the website. They'd called the story "Naked Ambition." Clever.

It was only a matter of hours after that story appeared on the local news that it was all over the internet and within days Allison Davis became the most requested name on search engines. By that time there were already plenty of nude photos of her posted on various sites by her fellow students at Wildwood College who had been secretly, and not-so-secretly, taking pictures of her around campus. The shock of Tony's announcement that she'd be videoed 24/7 for Naked Allison had been lessened somewhat because there were already tons of nude photos of her floating around the internet by then anyway. Her uncle had probably out-smarted himself when he'd leaked her story to the media.

Of course, the national and international media hadn't been far behind the internet in picking up the story. And why wouldn't they? It was a story about greed, money, power, and perversion involving a beautiful, naked young woman. What wasn't to like? It didn't take long for the media hordes to descend upon Allison, and Tony had ordered her to make herself fully available for interviews. American newspapers and television broadcasts were usually careful about editing her image but the European media hadn't been shy about showing skin. And then there'd been the interview with the Naked News where the reporter hadn't been wearing a stitch of clothing either. For awhile there, even David Letterman and Jay Leno were cracking jokes about her on a regular basis. God, was there anyone left who hadn't seen her naked by now? Maybe some tribesmen in Borneo. Maybe.

The media circus had subsided somewhat over time but it had picked up again recently as the end of her naked year approached. And since that was today she expected to see more than a few TV cameras and microphones around.

Allison clicked the web browser closed and sat back in her chair with her eyes closed.

What a long, strange trip it's been, she thought. Thank God it's almost over.

Allison crawled back onto the bed, spread her legs, and let her fingers walk down her stomach to her clit, fully aware that she had an audience. She'd made a conscious decision not to take a lover during this year because of the constant invasion to her privacy by cameras and had even tried for awhile to resist pleasuring herself but had finally lost that battle many months ago. This is it guys, she said silently to her unseen audience as a moan escaped from her lips. The cameras are coming down tonight.

The Final Day Begins

Allison locked the front door and began the walk to her car in the driveway. As expected, there was a crowd of reporters and cameras outside.

"Allison, how does it feel knowing you're going a rich woman soon." a male reporter called out.

"Great," she replied as she kept walking toward the car.

"Are you going to put on some clothes today."

"God, yes!" Allison replied.

"Dammit, that's a shame," another man said to scattered laughter. Allison unlocked the car door and began to climb in when the less friendly voice of a female reporter shouted out to her.

"Do you feel like you've prostituted yourself by doing this for money?"

A flash of anger came over Allison and she stood back up to address the reporter. "Hell, no, I haven't prostituted myself. I haven't slept with anyone for this money."

"No, you've just had thousands of guys whacking off over you on the internet. And now you think you're qualified to run a multi-million dollar company?"

"I haven't done anything wrong…anything illegal," Allison sputtered. She was going to say more but thought better of it and crawled into the car and started the engine. "Bitch," she muttered under her breath and then tried to calm herself. This wasn't like her, but this past year had taken its toll. Her situation had been the topic of national conversation and, when asked if they would go naked for a year to gain a large inheritance, a surprisingly large number of people had said "Hell yes!" But she had her fair share of criticism, too, mostly from feminists who thought what she was doing was demeaning or evangelical Christians who thought it was immoral. When she was out in public she got various reactions from people when they encountered her, but they were mostly positive. She did get angry or negative reactions at times, though, and it always bothered her when it happened. It was going to feel good to get back to being a normal person after today. A very wealthy and fully clothed normal person!

Allison glanced at the outside temperature on her dashboard and saw that it was 75 degrees. She sighed and pushed the button to open the convertible roof. She had standing orders from Tony to drive with the top down whenever weather permitted and today was a beautiful sunny spring day. She wasn't going to risk disobeying an order on her last day under his thumb. By this afternoon she'd be his boss, if she decided to keep him on. Maybe I'll make him work naked, she thought to herself with a wicked grin until the mental image came into her mind. "Ugh, I wouldn't wish that on the world. Most of my employees would quit."

Allison wasn't worried about being stopped by the police for driving nude through town. She'd been doing it for a year now and because of the state Supreme Court's very liberal ruling about freedom of expression rights it was technically legal to be nude in public. But that didn't mean there were lots of people out running around town naked, at least not to the extent she was. Yeah, there were the occasional public flashes and streaks and dares, but she didn't know of anyone else living a totally nude lifestyle out in public. Even nudists kept primarily to designated clothing optional areas. Being the only naked person in a clothed world was nerve wracking and Tony had made sure to get her out of the office and around town, and even other parts of the state, as much as possible.

And even though it was legal for her to be nude in public places, private business establishments could set their own standards and prevent Allison from entering. No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service. Or, in her case, no pants, bra or panties either. After awhile she'd learned which bars, restaurants, and grocery stores would allow her in and which wouldn't so she was able to establish some semblance of a life outside of work or under the constant eye of the cameras at home, although Tony frequently had someone around with a camera in those places, too.

She'd even found a bowling alley that would not only let her bowl naked but waived the requirement to wear shoes. The last time she went bowling it had been with her friends Katie and Melissa and it had been the shy Melissa who'd flashed to her boobs to the camera after rolling a strike. Katie, despite her usual smart ass braggadocio, had kept her clothes on.

The sun and the warm breeze felt good on her bare skin as she drove and Allison wondered whether this would be her last naked car ride. Tony had control over her until 2:35 pm today so he might have her go out for one last bit of public humiliation but she couldn't imagine that he had a last minute Hail Mary plan up his sleeve that she couldn't handle. He'd been looking like a beaten man for some time now.

Allison pulled into the employee parking lot of Compton Enterprises and shut off the engine. She stared out the car window at the 16-story building and remembered her first day of work here. She'd sat here crying and shaking for some time before finally working up the courage to walk into the building in the nude. She'd done it many times since and it had never stopped feeling totally bizarre to her, but she was no longer reduced to a puddle of tears by the prospect of it. "One last time, Allie," she said to herself as she grabbed her briefcase and headed for the entrance. A few TV cameras and reporters were stationed outside the door but she just smiled and politely declined to answer questions as she entered the lobby.

"Hello, Ms. Davis." It was the security guard at the security station.

"Hi, Tom."

"Big day. You made it. Congratulations."


Allison saw Tina, Mariana Perez's secretary scuttling across the lobby towards her. "Ms. Davis, Mariana would like you to meet with her in her office today at 2 o'clock this afternoon," she said. "She'd like to talk to you before she gives you your clothes."

"Okay. Did she say why?" Under the terms of the inheritance Allison would be allowed to get dressed today after 2:35 p.m. but Mariana had suggested last week that the meeting to sign all the paperwork be held tomorrow morning. After Allison's lawyer assured her that it was safe to wait to sign the paperwork she leaped at the offer since it would allow her to be dressed in front of all the friends, family, and co-workers who'd be attending.

"No," Tina replied. "But she wanted me to tell you as soon as you arrived."

"Okay, thanks Tina. Tell her I'll be there."

"Oh, and congratulations," she said with a smile. "I was pulling for you. We all were."

"Thanks. You're not just saying that to suck up to the new boss are you?"

"No," Tina laughed. "Well, maybe a little. Nobody wanted Tony to be boss, though."

"Speak of the devil, there he is," Allison said as she spotted her uncle Tony across the lobby.

Allison walked across the lobby to where Tony was standing. "Heya, uncle. Nice day, huh? Got any plans or assignments for me?"

Tony was looking haggard and beaten, but even in that state he couldn't help but run his eyes up and down Allison's nude body in a way that made her skin crawl. "Fuck you, bitch," he mumbled and walked away. Allison couldn't help but laugh as she watched him walk away. It was over. She'd won.

Allison spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon in her office trying to keep busy, but mostly staring at the clock waiting for the magic moment to arrive. Various managers and employees stopped by throughout the day to congratulate her. She also suspected that some of the men wanted one last look at their naked boss-to-be before she disappeared forever back into clothing. She had lunch delivered to her office but could barely eat it at as she excitedly waited for her meeting with Mariana Perez to finalize the inheritance. At one point she even smiled and waved giddily to her unseen audience watching her through the cameras mounted in the office.

At ten minutes to two she strode out of her office toward the elevator…her last nude walk through the Compton Building. When she arrived at the office, Tina smiled and waved her in. Allison strode into the office and closed the door behind her. The office was empty but she guessed that Mariana was in an adjoining office.

Allison paced nervously around the office remembering the first time she'd been here, exactly one year ago today. It was here that Allison and her family had first heard, with great excitement, the wealth that was being offered to them in Arthur Compton's will only to have it dashed minutes later by the almost unthinkable conditions attached to it. It felt like a lifetime ago now. Allison looked up at the clock. Only thirty minutes to go now. It seemed almost unbelievable that this day had finally come. Her heart thumped in her chest like it was going to explode!

She walked over to the window and stared down at the cars and people in the street below. Behind her a door opened and she heard the sound of footsteps. Before she could turn around an oddly familiar male voice spoke her name.

"Hello Allison."

Allison turned and stared dumbfounded at the figure at the other end of the office. Standing before her, very much alive and breathing, was her grandfather Arthur Compton.

Back From the Grave

"You look like you've seen a ghost, granddaughter," Arthur Compton chuckled.

Allison stared wordlessly at the man whose funeral she'd attended a year ago. The man she saw now looked much different than the thin, weak, sickly old man she'd seen in the video at the reading of the will. The Arthur Compton before her now had regained the healthy vigor that she'd remembered from the past. The hair had grown back, although it was greyer, and he'd grown a full beard that made him look something like the pictures she'd seen of Ernest Hemingway. He'd also regained the weight he'd lost and his skin had a healthy tan. He looked almost nothing like the tired old man she'd seen near death in the video, but there was no question in her mind that this was her grandfather standing before her.

"Try and contain the unbridled joy at seeing your dear old granddad still among the living, dear," Compton laughed. He pointed to a pair of leather chairs in a corner of the office. "Have a seat, Allie. I think we need to talk."

Allison finally regained her composure enough to walk over and sit down in one of the chairs. She self-consciously covered her breasts with her arm as Arthur sat in the other chair just a few feet away. "No need for that, dear," he said. "I've been a faithful subscriber to the Naked Allison website since the beginning. I've seen it all."

Allison dropped her arms to her side and finally found her voice. "So this has all been just a scam all along? Your illness and death?"

"No, the illness was very real. I did have cancer and I wasn't expecting to survive it when I made that videotape you watched here last year. But the chemotherapy worked, although it was pure hell going through it, and the cancer went into remission."

"So why fake your death?"

"Well, to be honest, I liked the idea of you spending a year in the nude in order to gain the inheritance when I first thought of it and I liked it even better when I knew I'd have the opportunity to be around to see it," Arthur replied. "I didn't see any reason to let a minor technicality like not being dead stand in the way of the reading of the will." Allison thought back to her conversation with Katie about why Compton would have waited until his death to do this. Katie had said she thought "the old nut would've wanted a ringside seat for this." It turns out the old nut DID have a ringside seat for this.

"I needed time off anyway," Compton continued, "to rest and regain my health without being hassled by shareholders, or the Board of Directors, or management, or Tony. I just knew that if they thought I was still alive and kicking they'd never let me be."

"So Tony didn't know you were still alive?"

"Oh hell no. He'd be the last person I'd let in on the secret. Mariana Perez knew about it and so did a couple of my most trusted senior executives, but that's it. Oh, and my doctor was well paid to keep his mouth shut."

"So where've you been for the past year anyway?" Allison asked.

"I've got a lovely little villa on the coast of Costa Rica, right on the ocean. No one knows me there so it was an ideal spot for recovering my strength without being bothered. The recuperative powers of the sun and a daily swim are truly amazing."

"So you're healthy now?" Allison asked. "The cancer's gone?"

"It's in remission and hopefully will stay that way. And I feel as strong and energetic now as I did twenty years ago. Maybe even stronger."

Allison's head was spinning. This turn of events was so shocking and unexpected that she hadn't yet been able to think things through clearly. She was terribly confused about what she was feeling right now. In a way she was happy to see her grandfather again and realized now that she didn't really hate him. Over the past eleven months of working for Compton Enterprises she'd even gained a kind of grudging admiration and respect for what Arthur had been able to build here, almost from scratch, in the course of his lifetime.

"So what now?" she asked." "Are you coming back to this country permanently? Are you coming back to work?"

"I don't know yet," he replied. "That's what you and I need to discuss."

Suddenly an alarming thought entered Allison's mind. "You are going to comply with the terms of the will aren't you? I am going to get the inheritance, aren't I?"

"Of course," Arthur Compton replied. "It's a legally binding document. If you ever do comply with the terms of the will you'll receive the inheritance."

Allison looked up at the clock. "I'll have complied with the terms of the will in fifteen minutes."

"I'm afraid not," Arthur said. "You missed one important step."


"You didn't wait until I was dead."

A Shocking Development

The blood drained from Allison's face. "You mean I don't get it? I don't get the inheritance?"

"You mean five million dollars for your parents and the controlling stock in my company? Good Lord, no. At least not while I'm still above ground, anyway. Once I'm gone you'll have the opportunity to earn the inheritance. It'll mean spending another year in the nude, though," he chuckled.

Panic surged through Allison at the thought that everything she'd worked toward for the past year was suddenly being snatched away from her at the last moment! "You mean after everything I've done, all the humiliations I've suffered, I get nothing? Nothing?" Allison could hardly breathe. "You bastard!"

Arthur's lips curled into a thin smile. "I've been called worse," he said. "I didn't say you'd get nothing. The house and the car are yours. You've more than earned them."

"A house and a car?" Allison shrieked. "I wouldn't have spent a year naked for a house and a car!"

"I see," Arthur said. "So then it's just a matter of negotiating a sufficient compensation package for you to live your life in the nude?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about discussing your future here at Compton Enterprises."

"There is no future for me here," she said. "I'm done with you and your goddamn company and your sick, perverted games. And when I walk out that front door today, with my clothes on, I'm going to tell those reporters camped outside that you're alive and faked your death."

Arthur shrugged. "Go ahead. The news will have to be made public sooner or later anyway, and sooner is just as good as later. Mariana is pretty sure that when the news breaks that the reports of my death were greatly exaggerated it will cause the stock price to rise significantly. The stockholders have been very nervous about the prospect of having either my son Tony or a naked granddaughter run this company."

"You broke the law. You committed fraud by faking your death."

"I did no such thing," he responded. "There were no false documents filed. There was never a death certificate, which your incompetent attorney would've discovered if he'd ever thought of checking. Mariana made sure that all of my taxes were paid over the past year so the government has no legal interest in me. The only thing we did was put an empty coffin into the ground and show you and your family a videotaped reading of the will. Neither of those things is illegal."

"You forced me to comply with the terms of the will under false pretenses. I can sue you to live up to your promises."

"I never forced you to do anything. Everything you did was of your own free will. And Mariana has never provided any documentation to you claiming I was dead."

"She showed us the videotape of the will along with some legal papers supporting it," Allison replied.