Ally and her Sister Pt. 02


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"I promise. I promise."

She turned me back over and stretched her sweaty body full out on me. "You could take me in the shower, right now."

"But you said..."

She stuck her tongue in my mouth and dueled with me for a long minute. "You are right. I did, and we have to be nice to Sandy on her wedding day." She leaned down and whispered, "This is a bigger thing with her than you think. All the guys in her life have been no good. Promise me you will take care of her always. I mean it."

She was crying and I held her and kissed her gently.

Sandy and Ellie were in the doorway, looking at us. "What is that position? You are not getting much exercise just lying there."

I waved them over and pointed to my hand and to her butt. They got the idea and crouched down to swat her perfect bottom. The rapid tattoo sounded great. I wrapped my arms around the wriggling body and held her down. "Help, that's very bad. Stop, Oww. I'll get back at you!"

I rolled up and carried her off to the shower. We stood under the hot water, her arms around my neck. She was in a new burst of tears. "Oh god, Jeff, why am I crying? This is such a happy day."

I soaped front and back and said soothing, sexy things to her. She put her hand on top of mine between her legs and whispered, "Please get me off. Please."

I worked on her from front and back. She was hopping up and down and making hot little noises and then burying her head in my shoulder as she shuddered through her nice little come.

We toweled down. She flipped my cock around and whispered that she would suck on it if I wanted.

"Later. We have to be good."

Ellie and Sandy came in to clean up too. Their chests had dried milk on them. Sandy said, "We have a ten o'clock appointment to get our hair done. Will you look after the kids?"

I said, "Honey, we've always wanted a boy and a girl, and now we have them."

They swatted at me and got in the shower. In the bedroom, Ally was climbing into an exotic set of underwear I hadn't seen before. I whistled at her and she turned, hand on hip.

"Goddam, woman, you should be in a photo shoot. That body is really toned up. And last week's tanning has got your color just right."

She walked over and kissed me lightly. "Thank you for cheering me up this morning. I was in the dumps, but I'm not anymore."

"A little wrestling, a little makeout, a little kissyface. Just tell me any time you need a treatment..."

She beat on me and I picked her up by the heels, leaving her hanging there with panty covered pussy in front of my face.

"You are being bad again. Put me down."

I sat on the edge of the bed with her across my knees and the fancy lace around her knees. The buns were pink from the shower and the spanking. I kneaded, my fingers digging deep. The others were watching from the bathroom doorway. Her muffled voice said, "I will be very nice to you if you keep treating me like that."

Ellie walked over and asked, "Can I get one of those massages when you are done with her?"

Ally got up and embraced her, "Yes. Lay down there and let him do you."

Ellie was right, her body did need work. The glutes were not tough like Ally's. There was some fat that needed to go away. But the basics were good. Nice hamstrings. Good core muscles going up into her back and sides. I dug in hard and she moaned. I wondered if this was turning her on and figured it probably was. I was the first horny male she had been close to in a while, other than the asshole uncle, who should be in jail.

Sandra was waiting her turn and Ellie popped up when she realized the bride was next.

Now I had the body I was going to marry. The one that had lost twenty pounds and put on a bunch of muscle. The one that made me go soft and teary too often. The one that I had unexpected and fantastic sex with.

Places where my fingers used to go deep were now hard and resisting. The hamstrings were showing evidence of her running. "After I treated you so badly on the running path, you are still going to marry me?"

"You are a terrible tease. Almost as bad as my sister. The two of you are a horrible pair." I looked around and saw that Ally was in the other room. Leaning close, I whispered, "She cried on me this morning and said I was to love you always."

I kept working softer and softer on the body across my knees, which was shaking with emotion. She sat up and climbed into my lap. "Oh Jeff, darling, I am so stuck on you. I really will be your loving wife. Forever."

We cried on each other a little. Ally called out that it was ten to ten and Sandy could not go naked to the hair salon.

I got some clothes on and gathered up the babies, who smiled and giggled. Willie asked, "Jeff work?"

Sheila tried to screw up her face to figure that out. The women eased out the door. I tickled them and we climbed on the bed. Ellie had a kiddy picture book on the dresser and I reached for it. With one perched on each leg, we did the book together, with commentary by Jeff and Willie, and gurgles from Sheila, who thought all the new company was great fun.

Willie said, "Dog." He got it right. I pointed to an automobile in the picture. Willie said, "Car?"

I praised him for that. We went through the book, with my almost son getting the names right more than half the time. First, I was emotional about my bride to be. Now I was emotional about the growing, learning young boy who was about to be mine to watch over.

Three females looking great from the neck up bustled in at almost one with a second deli lunch. There was another floor fest, with tidbits for the kids. Sandy said I couldn't have a beer, that was for later.

The schedule was tightening. The ceremony was at 4:30, but I had to reclaim our car at three, and pack it with stuff, since Sandy had decided everyone could change in the car on the way out of town. Talk about a fast exit. We were leaving sin city behind in a hurry. But Barstow was a couple of hours down the Interstate and that seemed the right place to get four adults and two kids settled for the night. Holiday Inn was happy to provide a suite for us.

I told Ellie she needed to come with me so we could swing by the tow yard and pay our last respects to the wreck. Boris had a cab ready when we got downstairs and we were off. The other car looked worse today than it had yesterday. Ellie had very little emotion signing the transfer form. I paid the bill and gave the guy a big tip for being so helpful.

At the body shop, our car looked like a million dollars. I said to Ellie, "Doesn't look like it was in a wreck yesterday, does it?" She kissed me on the cheek and said, "I can't believe they fixed it so well. It looks perfect." The cousin got twenty-five hundred and another big tip for all the special treatment. We were back at the hotel by three-thirty. I pulled Boris to one side, pressed a hundred dollar bill into his hand and said, "I need help. Believe it or not, I am marrying one of those women in an hour. We have to get all our gear and them into the car by four fifteen. Can you have two guys at our room at four?"

He looked at me, smiling, "Jeff, I'd marry any of them. You are a lucky man. I guarantee we will get you out of here by four fifteen."

We raced upstairs, where I announced the departure for four o'clock. The kids already had nice clothes on and were on the floor in the front room, surrounded by their kiddy bags. The women were in their sexy underwear, packing up a storm. Sandy looked at me and said, "Why aren't you dressed?"

I waved my finger at her and got busy. Two bellboys with carts were at the door at four. Sandy was in a petite white suit dress that looked devastating. Ellie and Ally were in flowered lavender. The smell of perfume was everywhere. With a last look around, I grabbed the kids and followed down the hall to the elevator. Sheila and Willie were as excited as we were, laughing and waving arms.

Boris was true to his word. Somehow, we got two babies in car seats and two bridesmaids in the back seat. The gear was in the way back. The bride and groom were in the front. All three women had insisted on kissing Boris on the lips, leaving him standing there grinning with his crew openly laughing at him.

The so-called chapel was ten minutes away. Sandy had chosen well. There was a place to park in front and a valet to hand the women out and assist with the babies. Inside, there were ten rows of pews for the rare times when a party showed up with friends. We gathered down front with the minister. No telling minister of what, but he said he was authorized by the state of Nevada to marry us. Sandy had chosen the standard vows, and we went through the love, honor and obey business without a hitch. He said we were man and wife and I kissed the bride. There was a hired photographer and we posed for pictures, looking great and feeling silly. I kissed the bridesmaids and told them how lovely they looked. Both of them had wet eyes. Sandy and I did not stop holding hands. We were bonded before we got there, but now the state of Nevada said we were officially bonded. Felt different, somehow.

In just a few minutes, Las Vegas was fading in the rear view mirror. I still had my hand in Sandy's. Ally and Ellie leaned over the seat and said, "That was sweet. You look so good together."

What followed should have been filmed for the movies. Ellie and Ally unzipped each other and carefully slipped out of the nice dresses. In the rear view mirror, I saw Ally's sexy rump disappear over the back seat. She burrowed into the luggage and took orders for casual clothes. Right next to me, the bride was getting out of her white outfit, paying no attention to people in passing cars. Soon, three women in the fanciest French underwear you can imagine were getting rid of heels and stockings and returning to weekend shorts and tee shirts. Ally changed places with Sandy so the moms could be close to their kids. I punched her in the arm and said, "We did it!" She punched me back and smiled.

It was still light when we drove up to the Holiday Inn. I sent the moms upstairs and Ally helped with the luggage. I gave her a hip and asked, "Still happy about today?"

She gave me a hip back and said, "Very. You were so organized, Jeff. I don't think many men could have pulled that off with style."

I hugged her and said, "Your sis is one hell of an organizer too. Who would have known we could do that without ending up in some tacky hole?"

I parked the car and followed her to the room.

By the time I got there, Sandy had discovered a Thai place that would deliver takeout. Along with Thai beer. I got out of my fancy clothes and relaxed. The women continued to compliment my good behavior. I wondered to myself about the Y chromosome business. The biologists said that Y's were slowly becoming unnecessary to the race. Hmmm. Seemed like we were not all that important at weddings, either. I closed my eyes on the sofa but was poked to get the dinner at the door and pay the delivery guy. Hmmm. One remaining important duty. Pay.

In their tee shirts, the girls looked ripe for roughhousing. It was like day and night. One minute visions of femininity, the next tough as a guy. Maybe this was a good thing.

The kids were still excited by the driving, and another new place to stay. Willie crawled on me and Sheila begged to be picked up. I cradled them and tickled their muscular little bodies. Ally brought me a beer and said I had to sit up and pretend to be awake a while longer.

The food was delicious. The suite had plates and silverware and it seemed almost like a restaurant, without all the hassle of going out. The kids got small tastes of spicy chicken, which they didn't reject.

I looked around at our mess and wondered what providence sent us to Las Vegas and expanded our family to five with two wonderful additions. Ellie was next to me and I pulled her into my lap. Sandy leaned in from the other side and kissed her. "I was just thinking, Ellie, what a stroke of good fortune it was to run into new friends in Las Vegas and decide to stay together."

I smiled at her. She closed her eyes and whispered, "If you think it is good fortune, imagine what I think it is."

She climbed into my arms and said, "You're making me cry again. Is that your secret weapon, Jeff, making your women cry a lot?"

Ally was standing behind, "Yes. He does something nice that makes us cry almost every day."

Ally and Ellie and Sandy were kissing and making little noises again. I stood and began to clear. Ally took the kids for their bath. I banished the moms to the sofa. They fell into each other's arms and whispered.

I was finishing with the cleanup when Ally returned with two clean squirmy kids, who were deposited in their mother's laps. Some baby play went on as they were worked into fresh diapers and sleep suits.

Ally had her arm around me. "Doesn't look like the bridal party has a lot of life left in it."

She helped Ellie put them down while Sandy pulled me into the bedroom. Her arms were tight around my neck. "You have to do your marital duty. I told them they get to watch."

I eyed the king bed. "I'm going to do you on that, with an audience? What if I can't perform?"

Clothes were flying as they cuffed me mercilessly. My shorts and shirt were gone quickly. Two hands were working to make me hard, neither of them my wife's.

I asked, "Didn't you tell me your mother had instructions about the first night?"

More cuffing and low voiced oaths. "Mother isn't here, thank god. Get on that bed!"

The bed was stripped down to the sheets and Sandy spread her charms out in the missionary position. My body was getting with the program. Hands were still working on my cock, even though it was super hard. Before we knew it, Ally had me in her mouth, and Ellie was buried in Sandy's crotch. Sandy hollered, "Stop that! You are supposed to be the audience. Nobody said anything about a foursome!"

They didn't stop. Hands eased me forward. Other hands opened the bride. An hydraulic operation occurred where a big hard rod was entered into an accommodating socket. The bride hugged me and clamped me tight and said, "I love you!"

There was clapping and cheering going on. I decided she should be on top and turned us over. Ally said, "Sis, you're not a virgin any more. Hooray!"

Sandy reached out with both arms and pulled them in close. "Guess what, you're next!"

In half an hour, they wore me out completely. I think I did some damage too. There seemed to be lots of cries of orgasm. The bed was a mess, we were a mess. Ally turned out the light.

Ellie was kissing me. It was barely light. Ally, for once, was still asleep. Until she turned over and smiled at us. My hand was between Ellie's legs and she was humping me.

I groaned, "Who planned that orgy last night?"

"The bride got out of control. You were supposed to pretend it was your first time."

My tongue worried her lips. "I can't pretend that far back." My fingers had found their way inside her.

"Mother told me to avoid guys getting their hands in your pants."

"What if they kiss you and kiss you and you get so hot you have to have all of them inside you?"

"Foolish girls get pregnant that way, like I did."

I tried to take my hand away, but she pressed me back inside. "I can't pretend that far back either. Please put your big thing in me."

I did. Ally crawled over and kissed both of us. I nibbled on her boob. "Do I get to be next?"

"He has to make me come first." She had a nice tight cunt that wanted more. I gave it to her. Sandy sat up and smiled at us. Willie called and she went in the front room.

Ellie was moaning and trying to keep kissing me. I stepped up the pace, using my morning hardness to work her good. Very soon the moans rose in pitch and she wailed, "Yes, yes, yes."

I rolled off her, closing my eyes and thinking what a great fuck my newest woman was. Ally didn't have rest in mind. She licked and sucked and told Ellie she had nice tasting cum. Then she slid down me and said, "Ok, big boy, do your duty for the other woman."

I laughed and flipped us over and pounded hard into her. She was full of energy, bucking and twisting and daring me to make her come. I pulled out, hoisted her to hands and knees and plunged back in. "Come on, slut, show us your true colors. Come NOW!"

That did it. She let out a loud scream and shook hard under me.

Sandy appeared in the doorway. "Two down, but you have one to go in a few minutes when Willie finishes."

The three early sex maniacs got themselves sluiced down in the shower and went to fix some adult breakfast. I kneaded the two fine butts next to me. "Was that alright? You have to tell me if you are not getting enough."

Ally said, "We have to tell him."

Ellie said, "Maybe we have to wrestle to get him going. I watched the two of you and want some of that."

They edged into my sides and let me fondle their fine tits. "He likes our tits. But he won't say whether he is an ass guy or a boob guy."

"Well, he's just been getting both. Maybe we have to follow his lead."

Sandy pushed into our little circle with Willie. "Will you give him some regular food? I have to tend to Jeff. He is needy."

The freshly fucked ones sniffed, "Needy! You're kidding."

I picked up Sandy in my arms, walked to the bedroom and firmly closed the door.

Before anything else, I buried myself in her wet welcoming sex. "We don't have to have an orgy every time, do we?"

"No," she said, "but I needed to share you with them last night. They did such a wonderful job of helping with everything."

I rolled us on our side, and gripped her ass with my hand to keep us fully coupled. I went into a soft kiss that lasted forever. She squeezed me gently. "We don't regret not being new lovers do we?" she said.

"Never. I like sex with you. I liked marrying a woman I knew wanted me, and I wanted her."

She was quiet and said, "I don't need a big thing this morning. What if I scream and you shout and we go back to them for some breakfast?"

"Good idea. Hang on a second."

I got back on top and started a few hard thrusts. Her eyes opened wide and she said, "You brute, you are doing me. Keep that up." It actually wasn't long before a real scream came from her and a loud shout from me as I filled her.

I dragged us to the shower. She was hanging on me, still shuddering. "Bastard. You get to me every time. It just completely takes me over the top. Please don't stop that."

We wandered back in a few minutes. There was fresh coffee and warm rolls. I sat on the floor with the kids. They climbed and pushed at me, and wanted a junior wrestle. Sheila was getting tough fast, now that she had a dad to bond with. I said to her, "Daddy?" She pointed at me and said, "Daddy."

Ellie rushed over and said, "Oh yes, honey, 'Daddy.' "

I got a nice hot kiss out of it. She sat down and hugged me and asked, "Are you really going to be a dad to my little girl?"

I kissed her and said, "Yes." I pushed her head in my lap and played with her hair. Willie climbed on her and said, "Ellie silly."

She sat up with a big smile. "Yes, Willie, I am silly and your daddy made me that way."

I said, "If we want to get home before dark, we have to get moving."

Twenty minutes had us out of there. God, I like traveling with women who get in gear fast.

Sandy wanted to drive, so we put Ellie up front with her and Ally and I dealt with the kids and wrestled in the back. She twisted around in the close quarters and put her head down in my lap. I stroked her hair and rubbed her neck. She took my hand and put it on her breast. It wasn't long before the back seat slept.

Willie woke me up pulling my hair. "Daddy." Sheila was waving and said, "Daddy." I told the front seat, "The kids are awake and will need a potty stop real soon." Sandra swerved off the road and into a rest stop at that very moment.