The New Norm 01: Alone Together


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Omigod... my panties! What was Derek doing with her underwear?!?!

Her question was answered as she watched her son masturbate.


Katrina, as usual, left Derek like a dog in heat after another steamy conversation. He craved release again, so he opened his mother's picture on his cellphone and retrieved her panties from their new hiding place. Lola had stopped cleaning his room for him long ago, but would periodically revert back to her old habits when she was bored or could no longer tolerate his messiness. And considering that the prolonged "stay-at-home" order was leaving many people with nothing to do, Derek didn't want to risk his mother stumbling across his most prized possession.

Using his her panties to masturbate to her pic had become a new ritual. The first few times Derek did it, he was guilt-ridden. But like a junkie, he couldn't stop; he didn't want to stop. The sight of her hot body--- especially her amazing tits--- were perfect fodder for masturbation that he couldn't give up. A lusty smile spread across Derek's lips as he stared at his cellphone and began to stroke himself.

The young man's focus on his mother's picture was so absolute that he didn't notice she was standing beside him until Lola gently touched his shoulder.

"Shit! MOM!!! What are you doing here?!?!?"

Derek immediately jumped to his feet and yanked his pants up. Frantically, he tried to collapse the image, but it was already too late. His mother had seen her pic... and her pink panties currently balled in his fist.

The young man felt his world collapse. Irreparable harm had been inflicted, and the horrible realization struck him that his relationship with his mother would never be the same. "I'm so sorry, mom," Derek quavered. He was so embarrassed that he almost cried. "Please, let me explain---"

The woman tenderly placed her index finger over his lips. There it remained as she ushered her son back down onto the bed and sat next to him. Lola didn't utter a single word, but the silence between them was deafening as Derek regarded her fearfully. His mother was wearing one of his father's old concert t-shirts as a nightie. The bottom of the t-shirt barely reached below her thighs, and he couldn't tell if she was wearing anything else or not.

Lola regarded him with an indecipherable expression that suspiciously appeared to be a combination of amusement and hot lust. Was he losing his mind? And when his mother finally spoke, it was as if the floor had disappeared from beneath him.

"Let mommy help you."

Lola wrapped her well-manicured fingers around his erection and stroked gently.

Every muscle in Derek's body immediately contracted. "Mom," he began in a pained voice, but the woman shushed him again.

"It's ok, baby. Mommy's here. Let mommy take care of you."

Lola couldn't believe how hard, hot, and huge her son felt in the palm of her hand. It was as if she was trying to grip a large piece of burning coal that pulsated with life. Goosebumps appeared all over her flesh. Strangely, however, the woman wasn't overcome with fear or self-hatred at the incestuous touch; strangely, it felt right.

Lola slowly removed her finger from Derek's lips and stared gravely into his eyes. She continued to stroke him but proceeded slowly, careful to measure his reaction. The fact that he had been using her panties to jack off to her pic told the woman all she needed to know. But despite that fact, perhaps Derek didn't want to push the envelope any further.

Suddenly horrified, Lola feared that she had lost her mind and gone too far.

"That feels good, mom... really, really good..."

Lola's heart soared. "I told you mommy would take care you, baby."

As she continued to touch her him, however, she could sense her son's guarded behavior. He was still tense as if holding back. Undeterred and realizing it was now or never, Lola took Derek's hand with her free one and placed it on her breast.

"Oh fuck," the handsome teen breathed incredulously.

Lola stroked her son more rapidly as his penis continued to harden and elongate. It felt so alive! Derek's grunted in ragged breaths, and leaned helplessly back onto his elbows. But the smoldering gaze between mother and son never wavered.

When Derek climaxed, it was like a volcanic eruption... and Lola didn't stop until she had extracted every last drop.

The young man was so aroused that he retained much of his firmness even after his mother finally let go. And when Lola stood up, Derek gaped at her with a mixture of shock and awe. To say that something profound and unexpected had just transpired between them was the ultimate understatement.

But Lola didn't respond. Instead, she kissed him on the lips, turned, and left the room without another word, leaving her very confused son behind.


Day 31 of the pandemic.

Lola had been awake for several hours; in truth, she didn't sleep at all. She had heard Derek starting to move around upstairs some time ago, but it wasn't until almost lunchtime when he finally mustered the courage to leave his room and come downstairs. He didn't make eye contact as he entered the kitchen and made a beeline to the refrigerator.

"I made some breakfast for you, babe. It's your favorite: sausage and eggs over easy.

"Oh. Thanks."

The young man plopped into the chair across the breakfast table from his mother. As he ate hurriedly, his eyes remained averted. Neither spoke for a long time.

Lola broke the ice. "Babe, we need to talk about last night."

This was the conversation that Derek had been dreading. "I don't know what to say."

The woman nodded sympathetically. "I understand. And if you want me to sweep it under the rug and never bring it up again, I will." She leaned forward to look directly at her son. "But just answer me one question."

Derek stopped and looked back at his mother.

"Do you regret what happened?"

The teen lowered his eyes once more and placed his fork on the table. His limbs felt weak and his stomach churned with apprehension. Life as he knew it no longer existed, and this was a new reality. Such was the desperation and loneliness caused by the pandemic.

"No," Derek replied tersely.

Lola rose and walked slowly over to him. She was still wearing the tantalizingly short nightie, and the fact that her hair was still undone highlighted her natural beauty and made her appear even sexier than normal to Derek. She's so fucking hot. The woman sat on his lap.

"Do you regret that I kissed you last night?" Lola asked softly.

Derek trembled. He now couldn't look away from his mother nor could he lie to her or to himself. "No."

"Babe... I can kiss you again if you like."

Words failed him, but he nodded emphatically.

Their lips merged. Derek experienced self-loathing, but allowed his senses... the familiar scent of his mother, the fruity taste of her lips, and the warmth emanating from her alluringly firm body... to overcome his horror. She caressed his face as she snaked her tongue into his mouth. Derek, in turn, met it with his, and they wrestled in each other's mouths, trading murmurs and soft coos.

As mother and son continue to kiss passionately, his meaty hands explored her. He traced the curve of her hips and lightly stroked her inner thigh, but inevitably sought her breasts once more. Derek groped them with a newfound boldness, and their perfect size, shape, and density made him so hard that he poked unwittingly at his mother.

"I want you," he told her gravely.

Lola whispered back, "Then take me... because I want you, too."

The floodgates opened and there was no turning back. But that suited the new couple just fine. Lola was still sitting across his lap, so Derek kissed her again, stood, and scooped her into his arms all in one smooth motion.

Then, like a husband and wife on their wedding night, Derek carried his mother back to his bedroom.


Day 35

"Oh yea, mom? I think you're bluffing. I'll see your 50 and raise you another 50."

Lola replied excitedly, "I call. Let's see whatcha got!"

Derek revealed his hand first. "2 pair, jacks and 5's."

His mother slapped her cards onto the table. "Full house, 10's over aces!" She whooped triumphantly as he groaned. "Lose it, babe," she commanded.

Shaking his head in defeat as he slid several stacks of poker chips towards her, Derek peeled off his shirt and added it to their collective pile.

The government had yet to lift its social distancing orders and, consequently, Lola and Derek were coming up with new ways to occupy themselves. They watched TV, streamed movies, and played on their electronic devices, of course. And the duo also took walks, biked, and swam in their pool almost daily.

They had been happily indulging in incestuous sex for the past 4 days.

Today, mother and son had decided to pass another monotonous day by challenging each other to poker... or, more accurately, strip poker.

Derek was down to his shorts and underwear while the woman still possessed her a t-shirt, bra, and panties. Beneath the table, she ran her foot up his leg suggestively, an electric touch that made Derek want to have sex with his mother right here on this table. But she merely grinned impishly and dealt another round.

Lola studied her cards nervously and glanced at her son several times in attempt to read him. He raised each betting round, but the woman sensed that she was bluffing. And she liked her current hand enough to stay in.

"I'm all in," Lola announced confidently, surprising Derek.

"Really, mom? Are you sure?"

"Babe, you gotta pay if you wanna see my cards! Fold or call?"

The young man pursed his lips as he looked at his cards. After carefully weighing the odds, he suggested, "How 'bout all or nothing? If you win this hand, I take it all off. But if I win, you strip."


The young man shrugged. "Fine. I call. Show me."

His mother lay down her cards. "9 high straight!"

"That's a good hand, I'm impressed." Derek nodded appreciatively. But then he revealed his cards. "But that doesn't beat a flush. Ace high spades, by the way."

Lola swore.

Derek smirked evilly as he leaned back in his chair. "Well? I'm waiting."

His mother pretended to pout as she stood up and approached him. Wondering if strippers felt the same kind of adrenaline rush that she was feeling now, Lola slipped her t-shirt over her head in a very slow and deliberate way. The act momentarily obscured her vision, but when it was clear, she noted Derek was staring at her with eyes as wide as his mouth.

"Turn around, mom," he commanded quietly. "I want to see you... I want to watch you."

Blushing, the woman slowly pirouetted, allowing her son to admire what she was offering. The way he was speaking to her now... the way he was treating her... the way he was touching her... she had to stop thinking Derek as he little boy and regard him as the confident man he had become seemingly overnight.

"Now the bra... take off your bra."

Lola looked deeply into her son's eyes as she clasped her bra and slid it down her arms. Then she held it before him dramatically before dropping it. The woman had to hide her grin as he gaped at her breasts. Before she could continue her sexy striptease, however, Derek reached out and hooked the waistband of her panties with his finger. He drew them down her long, smooth legs slowly, and he was already fully hard by the time they hit the floor.

Lola sat on onto her son's lap facing him. "Maybe you should take your clothes off, too, baby," she recommended demurely.

"And maybe you should take them off for me."

His mother complied.


Day 40

Derek woke and immediately looked at the opposite side of his bed, but his mother was no longer there. She had given him a supreme fucking last night that left him exhausted, so it was no surprise that she was able to leave his bed without waking him. That had been Lola's ritual ever since they had become intimate: she never spent the night in his bed nor had she invited him into her bed. Regardless, the teen discovered that he was still hard, and whether that was due to the lingering effect of his mother's sexual prowess or attributed to a wet dream that he couldn't remember, Derek wasn't sure.

All the young man knew was that he already missed his mother and craved her again.

Derek rolled out of bed and was surprised to discover that it was almost noon. He was never much of a late sleeper, but during these strange times there wasn't really much else to do except eat, sleep, and fuck. Shaking his head at the thought that would've been outrageous not that long ago, Derek hastily threw on a pair of shorts and headed to the kitchen.

Derek spotted his mother in their backyard through the sliding glass door. She was dressed in her usual sports bra and yoga pants, and stretching on a large blue mat over the grass. Currently, she was maintaining a "downward-dog" yoga position, and it just so happened that the young man was presented with an unimpeded view of her incredible ass.

Lola's bottom was anything but a "bubble butt" or an "apple bottom". Sleek and remarkably toned, Derek privately joked that she could crack walnuts between her asscheeks. The sight of her bottom, and of her sleek body contorting in various athletic poses in her sexy yoga attire, made the young man immediately forget about his need for sustenance. Quietly opening the sliding glass door, he joined his mother in the backyard.

Lola was now in a "big toe" yoga position--- essentially bent in half at the waist--- with her ass on full display yet again. Grinning mischievously, Derek tiptoed against her and rubbed the massive bulge in his shorts along the vertical crease of her bottom. His beautiful mother yelped and in surprise and immediately stood up. When the woman was at full height, Derek nuzzle her neck affectionately and reached around to cup and squeeze her breasts.

Lola giggled. "Mmm... good morning, babe. Or should I say, good afternoon!"

She being playful, but Derek was hot for her once more; he was ALWAYS hot for her. "When you weren't there when I woke up... I missed you," the young man breathed.

Lola felt her son stiffen against her and replied softly, "I can tell. She squirmed girlishly, but the strong arms wrapped around her made her feel secured. Grinding her bottom heavily into Derek's crotch, the attractive mom relished his hardness through the thin fabric of her yoga pants. Derek responded by rubbing himself against her ass again, but also slipped his hands beneath her snug sports bra, pushing it upward and allowing her breasts to spill out. Once exposed, he kneaded the supple flesh.

Lola twisted in her son's embrace, and suddenly they were face to face. Lola was tall for a woman, but she still had to rise onto her tiptoes to kiss her son, and she never realized that height was such a turn-on for her. Their hands explored each other's bodies.

"Tell me what my baby wants, and mommy will give it to you."

The young man didn't hesitate. "You know," he replied.

Palming the top of her head, he ushered his mother to her knees.

"Mmm... what my baby wants, my baby gets." Lola dutifully removed her son's pants and fished out his erection.

Then she opened her mouth and swallowed him whole.

From experience, Lola knew that she could effortlessly make Derek cum in under a minute, so she commenced the blowjob slowly. She wanted him to savor it, but she also wanted to make him impatient and desperate. There was an art to it, after all.

She wanted to make her son hot for her.

"Oh god... fuck..." Derek moaned as Lola's head rose and fell at a snail's pace. The walls of her throat slowly scoured the entire length of his hardened flesh. Lola clamped onto his hips and sucked harder than usual, easily keeping the huge prick ingested.

She suddenly popped him out of her mouth and licked the underside of his manhood like a lollipop while looking up into his eyes; she sucked and licked his swollen scrotum.

"Does baby like what mommy is doing?" Lola asked innocently as she stroked her son.

"God, yes. Please... PLEASE... don't stop."

"Tell me, baby. Does Katrina make you as happy as mommy? Does she treat you as good as mommy does?"

Derek thought of his pretty girlfriend as his mother sucked his cock. The girl had been begging for another secret rendezvous, but he kept denying her. And though they still chatted often, the frequency and duration were diminishing. It was without remorse that he realized Lola--- his own mother--- was stealing his affection and attention away from Katrina.

He answered truthfully. "No, she does not. Kat doesn't compare to you in any way."

"Mmm... good boy."

Lola rewarded her son by swallowing his cum.


Lola rested her head on her son's chest as they lay on the grass moments later. She still tasted his saltiness in her mouth, and rolled the vestiges on her tongue to savor the flavor. As she snuggled against him, Derek wrapped his arms around her protectively.

His mother had blown him before, but this was the first time she swallowed.

"Fuck, that was incredible," he stated dreamily. He was still in disbelief.

Lola giggled. "I'm glad you liked it."

She suddenly became quiet, and Derek immediately sensed something was amiss. "What's wrong, mom?" Well, other than the fact that people are dying during this pandemic, and I'm having an affair with my own mother!

The woman hesitated. "I was wondering if you'd spend tonight with me." The words rushed from her mouth as if she was afraid she might not speak them at all.

"Of course. Just don't get up and leave my bed in the middle of the night!"

"No... I mean, I want you to spend the night with me... in my bed."

Derek's heart skipped a beat. Despite their sordid sex, his mother had never spent an entire night with him nor had she ever brought him to her bedroom. Though the young man couldn't quite articulate it, he understood why and that her invitation was deeply profound.

His mother was passing the torch from her late father to him... he would be making love to her in the bed that his father---her husband--- once rightfully shared with her.

Derek sighed inwardly. Had his father not passed away, they would still be a "normal" family, and that none of this insanity would be occurring. The realization stabbed at his heart, and he almost broke down. Damn this pandemic, the young man swore inwardly. The horrible virus was killing people, destroying society, and altering the way people thought and acted.

Everyone had to do what they needed to do to stay sane.

Derek held onto his mother tighter. "I would be honored." Lola shifted to look at her son. Fighting back her own tears, she buried her face into his chest once more. "Don't worry, mom. I'll take care of you... we'll take care of each other. And we'll get through this together."

He could feel her smile.

On a sudden impulse, Derek carefully rolled his mother onto her back. She looked at her son quizzically and asked, "Babe, what are you doing?"

"Oh, just returning the favor. I want to make you happy because you deserve it."

Lola's eyes widened as her son deftly peeled off her form-fitting yoga pants; she wasn't wearing anything underneath.