The New Norm 01: Alone Together


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Derek had never studied his mother's pussy so closely before. Lola's labia was beet-red, but what attracted his attention the most was the scent emanating from her wet vagina... the same scent that still faintly emanated from her panties that he kept as a trophy.

Derek immediately burrowed his face between his mother's legs, and licked and slurped like a starving man at a banquet.


Mother and son lay in each other's arms for quite some time, basking in the afterglow of their oral union. Lola couldn't believe how erotic it felt to be naked under the sun, especially with such a handsome body next to her. She was resting her head on her Derek's chest once more, and probably would've dozed off had a loud rumbling not broken the peaceful solitude.

"Is that your stomach?" the woman asked in disbelief.

The young man was sheepish. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I was about to make breakfast... well, more like lunch...when I saw you out here. And then we, uh, you know..."

Lola regarded Derek. He was virtually a grown man now, and she had to stop viewing of him as a boy. In fact, the beautiful woman even tried to stop thinking of Derek as her son after he shockingly became her lover, but her maternal instincts would forever be present.

"Let me make breakfast for you," Lola offered. "We can come back out here later and swim. It's such a pretty day, and I don't want to be inside."

They swam almost every day, but it was still a splendid idea. Derek nodded. He started to retrieve his clothes, but his mother stopped him.

"I want to do everything naked with you," Lola told him. "Eating.... cooking and cleaning.... watching TV... everything. In fact, I want us to spend every day naked until this pandemic blows over."

The young man shook his head incredulously. His hot mother, quite literally, was his dream girl. "My god... that sounds so incredible, mom."

The woman was practically floating as she clung happily onto her son's arm and led him back into the kitchen where she planned to coddle him with a home-cooked meal.

"Mind if I look for my swim trunks while you make breakfast?"

Lola looked at her son. He was the size of a full-grown man, but still had much to learn. "You won't need them. I told you, babe. I want us to do everything naked."


Day 69 of the pandemic.

The mind-numbing monotony worsened as the pandemic's curve increased throughout the world at an apocalyptic rate, extending strict "stay-at-home" and social distancing orders everywhere. Lola and Derek stopped watching the news or checking social media because it only added to their depression and paranoia. Just days ago, they were horrified to discovered that one of their neighbors had succumbed to the coronavirus.

The tragedies felt so much more real when they, literally, struck close to home.

Through it all, Lola and Derek provided desperate comfort for each other; they helped each other maintain their sanity as best as they could as society appeared on the brink of collapse. Strangely, the pair discovered that the best way to cope was to remain in their own insulated bubble and pretend like nothing was wrong. And the incestuous couple conveniently ignored the fact that they were engaged in a forbidden love.

True to Lola's edict, she and Derek spent virtually every day nude, only wearing clothes long enough for their weekly lightning runs to the grocery store or during walks around their neighborhood, which was still permissible. The woman even joked that they were becoming nudists and that the flip side was that they had much less laundry to deal with.

Sometime during the current day, Lola found herself in bed with her son. She rested her head on his broad shoulder as some movie streamed on the television before them. But the woman wasn't paying attention. Her mind wandered. Though the company of her son was sustaining her, she thought of her late husband and of all the poor souls who had lost their lives during the pandemic; she thought of all the people who had lost their jobs or were furloughed, like herself, because of the prolonged "stay-at-home" order, and wondered what was the limit of their ability to survive.

When will this goddamn shit-show finally end?

Derek could sense that his mother was falling deeper into depression. Normally talkative and bubbly, she was especially pensive and subdued today. Of course, the social restrictions related to coronavirus was affecting her; who wasn't it affecting? And perhaps sleeping with her wasn't helping matters. Derek was only a teenager, but he still possessed enough insight to realize that one day they would be forced confront the ramifications of their incestuous relationship.

But that day wasn't today.

His mother was clearly struggling, and he would do anything to lift her spirits.

Derek stroked her hair lovingly. "Do you know what day it is, mom?"

The woman barely moved. "Does it matter?"

"We've been on lockdown for sixty-ninedays."


"SIXTY. NINE. Days." He bit off each word for emphasis.

Lola lifted her head and noted her son's impish grin. "You're a naughty boy!" she suddenly exclaimed, playfully slapping at him.

Derek snuggled more closely to her. "Come on, mom. You told me that was your favorite position, remember? That 69'ing was 'mutually beneficial' because oral sex was the only time you liked giving as much as receiving."

Lola blushed. "Did I say that?" she asked innocently. But there was a girlish quality to her mannerisms, and that was more in line with the sexy woman he knew. Derek could sense that his mother's mood was already changing for the better.

"Yes, you did. Many times, in fact."

Lola purred. "Maybe you should remind me again."

Derek happily obliged.


Day 77

The water was already running warm when Lola led her son into the master bedroom shower. Under the steamy cascade, the woman pulled Derek close and kissed him fiercely, more fiercely than she had ever kissed any man, including his father. There was just something about having sex in the shower that brought out her most primal instincts.

Derek, of course, didn't fight back. In fact, he matched her mother's intensity. 11 weeks into the pandemic had caused them to abandon their morals; 11 weeks of social isolation, save for brief trips into the community, only intensified their physical attraction to each other. They loved each other, of course, like any mother and son did. And while they knew that their love ventured into a forbidden territory, they longer cared.

Derek shoved his mother against the tiled wall as his lips smeared onto hers. Their tongues wrestled and they relished each other's taste. The young man had never showered with her before, and realized that this was as appealing as any place in the world to have sex. Still pinning his mother, Derek rained kisses down her neck and lifted her leg.

The gesture was obvious, and Lola nodded. "Make love to me, Derek."

The teen entered his mother as she wrapped her leg around his waist while keeping the other planted on the floor. The woman sighed as he began to thrust into her, slowly but deeply. As Derek quickened his pace, however, they moaned louder in unison. Soon, the young man was bucking into her wildly, practically bouncing her off the wall, and Lola screamed in ecstasy as she raked her son's back... and the louder she screamed and clawed, the more it inflamed Derek's lust.

Lola was grinding and writhing against her son as he continued to pump wildly as if these were their last moments on earth. Their union lasted much longer than they realized, but it seemed like only seconds before mother and son began to experience that wonderful, telltale surge between their loins. Lola, in particular, felt as though her pelvic floor had dropped... more like the entire world disappeared beneath her... which was a blissful sensation that caused her entire body to shiver even in the steamy shower.

"I'm gonna cum," Derek gasped in warning. "Mom... I'm gonna cum!"

Despite the fact that he fucked his mother more times than he could remember, she had actually never allowed him to orgasm inside of her, save her mouth. Derek would always pull out at the last moment and typically jack off on her breasts or her impressive 6-pack abs, or on her ass if they were doing it doggy-style.

And Lola almost always swallowed every last drop whenever she gave her son a blowjob. Unless, of course, he preferred to finish by masturbating all over her nude figure; Derek seemed to take perverse pleasure in that. Secretly, the older woman enjoyed the sensation of his thick, warm semen splashing onto her flesh.

But this was something different; Derek had never cum inside his mother's pussy before.

Derek instinctively began to disengage, but Lola wrapped her other leg around his waist and pulled him tight. He couldn't get away... he realized to his grim horror that he didn't want to get away. Instead, the young man cupped his mother's bottom and kissed her again. Her ass is so fucking incredible! Derek was strong and could've easily supported his mother, but didn't really need to as he kept her pressed against the wall.

"Cum for me, baby," Lola pleaded desperately. "Cum for mommy."

Derek's orgasm erupted a slit second before hers, and mother and son stared intently into each other's eyes as their essence and love flowed into one another. Lola threw her arms around his neck and kissed him as she cried. Even after they were completely spent, neither person let the other go.

Lola and Derek held onto each other, soothed by the sound of running water and enjoying its warmth as it cascaded down upon them, too afraid to move as the world seemed to be collapsing all around them.


Day 83 of the pandemic.

"Mom, you need to see this!"

The woman, who had dozed off on the couch, stirred. "What can possibly be so important?" she demanded harshly. After almost 3 months of social isolation, this was a particularly dark day for her.

"I mean it. Come quick!"

Sighing irritably, Lola picked herself up and trudged into the kitchen where Derek was preparing a sandwich and watching TV. "What is it?" she practically spat.

Derek didn't respond and merely pointed.

Lola watched as the news reporter spoke, "... and vaccinations are expected to be shipped immediately. Again, breaking news: pharmaceutical companies have developed a vaccination for the coronavirus that has tested to be 100% effect. All state governments are currently mobilizing to get the vaccinations to its citizens..."

Lola heard the words, but couldn't believe them. Her hand flew to her mouth in disbelief. "Is it... is it really true? Is this nightmare finally over?"

"I think it's finally over."

Relief that neither could articulate washed over them as they embraced solemnly. A light glimmered at the end of the tunnel, and it felt like time for celebration as Lola and Derek dared to hope that everything would return to normal soon.

But an unspoken understanding passed between mother and son.

If the world was reverting back to the norm so, too, would their relationship.

Lola looked down at her body. She and her son had essentially spent the last few weeks naked, the evolution of their love creating a new definition of what was proper, but the woman suddenly felt embarrassed. She took an unconscious step back and awkwardly folded her arms across her breasts in an effort to cover herself. Derek sensed a change, too.

Just like Morgan--- Lola's husband and Derek's father--- had passed away so abruptly, they were reminded, yet again, how life could dramatically change in an instant.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but Lola smiled and merely nodded at her son as if to say "Everything is going to be alright."


30 days after the end of the pandemic.

Surviving the pandemic wasn't just a physical struggle, but an emotional and spiritual one, as well; staying sane through it all was a marathon, not a sprint. But the human spirit prevailed, and society was able to recover from the worldwide shutdown with astonishing speed. Lola returned to her job after being furloughed for months. Life would never be the way it was pre-pandemic, but at least some semblance of normalcy returned.

Lola and Derek didn't have sex again after the "stay-at-home" and social distancing orders were finally rescinded. It wasn't something that they directly acknowledged, but now that they were returning to their normal lives, they instantly understood that they needed to resume their traditional family roles, as well. Yes, engaging in a sexual relationship with each other had been dreadfully sinful, but they were alike in their thinking and wordlessly attributed their poor judgment to loneliness and boredom, and not to a permanent acceptance of incest.

There was no somber discussion or tears of heartbreak; everything between mother and son just abruptly returned to their natural order.


90 days after the end of the pandemic.

Derek's freshman year of college was luckily able to start on time, and Lola was happy for him. He was an 18 year-old boy, and she wanted him to live a normal life. After being locked in their home for what seemed like an eternity, Lola wanted her son to go out and meet people, and enjoy the college life that she never got to experience.

And though it pained her to admit it, Lola wanted her son to find another girlfriend. Derek and Katrina had drifted apart during the pandemic, and that was her fault, the older woman sadly realized. No mother truly wanted to share her son's affection with another woman, but Lola had unwittingly destroyed their relationship due to immature jealousy. While the guilt still gnawed at her, her son was such a bright and handsome young man that he would find someone easily when he embarked on a new life at college.

In a blink of an eye, Lola, recently widowed, found herself truly alone.

The men whom she loved most in life had left her, and the beautiful blonde nearly fell into a depression deeper than the one she had just clawed herself out of. But after despairing for several weeks, she picked up the pieces and moved on with her life. Lola worked diligently to get a promotion at work. She refocused on her health: swimming, running, surfing, and performing yoga on a near-daily basis while eating healthy.

What she did have difficulty with, though, was getting back into the dating game.

Though Lola would never openly admit it, she knew she was attractive and could have any man she desired. No one, not even her own son, had ever said "no" to her. But the idea of dating again terrified her. Lola's first instinct was that she'd be dishonoring the memory of her late husband, who was truly the love of her life; the man with whom she was supposed to grow old and spend the rest of her life with. Even though Derek had given his mother his full support, dating still felt wrong... almost as wrong as sleeping with her own son. Furthermore, the woman was deeply afraid to meet a new man only to lose him.

After all, she had lost Morgan and, in essence, Derek, too.

But while Lola had more friends than most people, she was still lonely. She even admitted that she greatly missed sex. So, with some trepidation, she went on several dates not long after Derek headed to college. None of the men satiated her needs on an emotional level, but virtually every one was willing to sleep with her. And though the woman had once harbored an illicit relationship with her son, she was selective in the men she brought home.


120 days after the end of the pandemic.

Lola lay awake in her bed and stared at the ceiling. Next to her, Edward snored heavily. Her boyfriend was a handsome lawyer in his 50's, outgoing, smart, and fit just like her. They had been dating for almost a month now, and Lola believed there was potential for this to be a serious long-term relationship. Edward had no children of his own, but was genuinely excited to meet Derek.


Lola sighed.

She missed her son. Though she did her best to forget their sordid affair, Lola thought of him constantly. Even when she was having sex with her boyfriend last night, Lola imagined Derek in his place... just like she did when she slept with all the men prior to Edward.

Lola cursed herself. Derek had obviously moved on, and she needed to, as well. Her boy was enjoying the college life, and she couldn't be bitter about that. Like a caring mother, the most important thing in her life was that her child was safe, happy, and well.

Sitting up carefully so that she wouldn't wake Edward, she retrieved her cellphone and texted Derek. Though it was just past midnight, it was Saturday night and she figured that he, like most typical college kids, would still be awake, if not partying somewhere.

Hey, you. Just wanted to check in, hope you're studying hard and enjoying yourself.

To the woman's delight, she received an almost instantaneous response. Hi, mom! I'm having a GREAT time at college! Classes are going well. But I miss you.

The message made Lola joyful, and she smiled broadly and wiped away a tear. I miss you, too, babe.

There was a long pause as she desperately hoped for another response. Just as she had given up hope that another was forthcoming, her cellphone lit up again: I'm with my girlfriend right now.

Lola suppressed a chuckle. And I'm with my boyfriend right now, too! LOL!

A longer pause. I think of you when I'm with her. I think of you all the time.

The beautiful woman gasped. Old feelings suddenly returned, and she wanted to cry. I feel the same way. I never stopped.

A much quicker response. I wish I could see you right now.

Lola glanced over at her boyfriend, who was still snoring peacefully. Though her bedroom was warm and humid, goosebumps suddenly appeared all over her naked flesh... just like when she first touched her son. Perhaps she and Derek hadn't made it out of the pandemic unscathed, after all.

Smiling radiantly, Lola held her cellphone high, pressed a button, and then texted a topless selfie to Derek.


123 days after the end of the pandemic.

Lola carefully opened the unmarked package, humorously wondering if there was a bomb inside. Her eyes widened as she discovered its contents: a sexy bra and panty set composed of silk so sheer that it was practically see-through and would conform to her body like another layer of skin. Edward had been showering an unusual amount of attention and gifts on her lately, and this was just another example.

She was, however, slightly shocked to discovered that the panties were crotchless! Lola wasn't prudish by any stretch of the imagination, but she still blushed. She noticed a fancy envelope inside the package, and opened it:

I want you to be wearing this when I get home. I'll be there by 5pm. Derek.

Lola was stunned. She wasn't expecting her son home for another month and she definitely wasn't expecting this. But like a love-struck girl, the woman felt her entire body grow hot as she flushed with excitement. Her baby was coming home to see her! Tonight!