Alpha Ch. 09


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"Soppy git." She threw over her shoulder good-heartedly.

He laughed and kissed her shoulder quickly. Stepping out of the shower he waited until she joined him before wrapping her in a soft towel. Moving back, he peeled off his wet clothes and threw them into the hamper.

Ealasaid watched him, her bright eyes flashing as they wandered over his hard muscled stomach, broad chest and shoulders and strong legs. She felt a huger start low in her belly and a clenching between her thighs. Drago laughed, bringing her out of her thoughts and she met his gaze again.

"What?" She asked.

"You licked your lips, see something you like?" He was smirking and spoke in a smug tone.

"I did not!" Ealasaid's eyes widened indignantly and she folded her arms across her chest.

"Afraid you did Little One. It's OK, I know I'm irresistible." He winked and walked from the bathroom. Ealasaid stamped her foot and heard him laugh again.

"Stop pouting and get in here so I can watch you get dressed."

Ealasaid rolled her eyes but found herself following him through to the bedroom. When she was in her human form his commanding tone and new powers were impossible to resist. He was pulling on a pair of jeans when she entered and then he turned and sat on the edge of the bed. He rested his elbows on his knees, one hand stroking his chin as he watched her with his head tilted to one side.

"Drop your towel." He said in a low voice.

Hesitantly, Ealasaid obeyed letting the towel fall to the floor. It pooled around her feet and she wrapped her arms around her waist. He tutted softly and shook his head.

"No Ma Petite don't cover yourself. I want to see every inch of you."

With a small smile she dropped her hands and waited for his next command. He managed to bring out the Submissive side of her with such ease but she enjoyed it. She was only like this with him and she relished the look on his face when she played along with him.

Using two fingers he pointed to the chest of drawers against the wall.

"Put on the green underwear."

She smirked but turned and walked to the drawers. She knew exactly what underwear he wanted to see and took her time bending over the rummage through the drawers. She could feel him growing impatient behind her but still took her time finding the underwear and pulling it out. Turning back to him she pulled it on slowly and watched his eyes widen as he watched her. The deep emerald green of her lace underwear was striking against her pale skin and he swallowed as he stared at her curved body.

"Good, now the shorts with the lace."

Again she took her time finding the item of clothing, bending over and pushing her ass back towards him. She knew she was pushing it but the thrill of his eyes on her was too much. Finding the black shorts, she pulled them on. They sat high on her waist with lace at the bottom and showed her shapely legs.

"Now what?" Ealasaid asked innocently. Drago let out an ominous growl.

"The grey top, the one with the things. You know where you can see," his words were jumbled and she giggled softly.

The top was cropped and made of lace so the green of her bra could be seen through it. Ealasaid remembered the first time she had worn it around him and the starved look that he had given her. The same look darkened his features now making a chill run down her spine.

"This one?" She asked. She meant for her tone to be light and playful but her voice was low and filled with need.

He nodded, a quick jerking movement of his head and waited impatiently as she pulled the top over her head. His jaw was clenched and she could see a nerve ticking erratically in his cheek.

"Goddam." His voice grated from his chest. "Go get in the truck before I call his whole thing off and tie you to the bed."

Ealasaid shivered and turn to leave the room. She made sure to put an extra wiggle in her step, then shrieked when his hand shot out to slap her ass as she passed. Grabbing the keys for the truck she left the flat and pressed the button to call the lift. In the car park she unlocked the truck and clambered onto the passenger side of the long front seat. Folding her legs beneath her she waited impatiently for Drago to join her.

Finally, he entered the car park and loaded their bags into the truck. Climbing into the seat beside her he took the keys, turned on the engine and backed out of the space. Exiting the car park he began to drive without a word. Turning to face him she rested her chin on her hand and looked at him expectantly.

"What?" He asked eventually with a good humoured laugh.

"Where are we going?" She asked sweetly.

"I told you Little One, it's a surprise."

Ealasaid stuck out her bottom lip and folded her arms. Drago ignored her silent tantrum, instead focussing on the road. Ealasaid kept up her attitude, staring out of the window at the changing scenery until she threw her hands up in frustration.

"Fine, keep it a surprise. See if I care."

Drago let out a bark like laugh and reached over to rest his large hand on her warm thigh. His thumb stroked her soft skin and she felt her stomach flip.

"Have I ever told you that you're a spoilt brat?" He asked good-naturedly.

"I never was. You said that I should get everything I want, so really this is your fault." A smirk lit her face as she spoke.

"I guess I'll have to teach you some manners. That is no way to talk to your Alpha." Drago's voice was low, sending a jolt through Ealasaid.

He pulled her along the seat until she nestled at his side. Threading his fingers through her hair he stroked her scalp listening to her purr of pleasure. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held onto his t-shirt, her head rested on his chest so she could listen to the steady beat of his heart.

Drago breathed her in. It took all of his power to keep his focus on the road and not on her soft body pressed against his own. His hand moved down to gently grasp the back of her neck and his thumb stroked her throat. He could feel her soft, fluttering pulse beneath her skin and heard her stuttered breath.

"Tell me about France." Her words made him jump. Her voice was quiet and he felt her move closer to his warmth.

"France was easy. We were young and our parents made all of the decisions. I grew up in Paris, one day I will take you there."

"Did you go to school?"

"No. Children like us didn't attend school, we were taught by tutors. Besides, being smart was never something that concerned people like us."

"What did concern you?" She asked.

"Power. We were two of the most powerful families in the country, in all of Europe, us and the DuBois'. My parents were loved but just the sound of the name LaBelle was enough to scare anyone. I have never known a life where people don't know who I am, I've been in the papers or a magazine every week for as long as I can remember, all my life I have only had to tell people my name and I can get anything I want. Then there was you and you didn't know who I was. You were different." Drago glanced down at the top of her head.

"Why were you feared?"

"Gossip, rumour, superstition. The people knew we were rich and powerful but there were stories about us that they didn't find so appealing. There were some that thought we were monsters. They were right of course but we didn't want them to know that." He added the last statement lightly.

"They knew you were Lycans?"

"They suspected we were different from them but they didn't understand what we were. No one did."

"What concerns you now?" She asked.

Drago frowned. "What?"

"You said power concerned you before, what concerns you now?"

"Your happiness and freedom. I've never had much freedom."

A scoff fell from Ealasaid's lips and he tugged her hair gently.

"I have been able to travel the world, I will never have to work and some might think that is freedom but I was never free. Everything I do has consequences. Everything I do could put my family and my Pack in danger. I am followed, hunted everywhere I go. That is not freedom."

"Then you'll never have freedom while you have your Pack? Would you give them up?"

"Of course not Ma Petite. Without you, my Council and my Pack I would have nothing. Still, maybe one day there won't be anyone hunting us."

"We have more than a Pack now. With yours, the survivors from the Order and Lothair's Pack we have an army. We could destroy anything that's left of the Order, make sure no innocent people went through what we did. We have the Devil on our side. We could make the world a better place for everyone and then you wouldn't have to worry about being hunted." Ealasaid spoke with conviction and Drago felt a swell of pride.

"My beautiful Alpha, how fierce you have become."

"I've always been fierce just now I don't give a shit about letting it show."

"That's my girl."

The rest of the drive was spent in idle conversation. Finally, Drago pulled off onto a side road and began navigating the winding track. The road took them through a forest and Ealasaid scooted across the seat to look out of the window.

They drove for a half an hour before the trees thinned and Ealasaid gasped at what she saw. In front of them was a sparkling blue lake, the dappled sunlight dancing off its surface threw light out and onto the surrounding trees.

Behind the lake was a huge wooden structure. It climbed backwards through the trees and consisted of seven separate buildings. There were already two trucks parked outside and Drago pulled up alongside them.

"What is this place?" Ealasaid asked in wonder.

"A while ago so big developers wanted to cut all this down and build houses. Me and Nix brought the land to keep it as it was and built this for the Pack to use. We didn't cut down any trees and people can still use the land. Everyone wins."

"It's beautiful."

Drago nodded. "It is. The pups all had their first turn here and it's where we bring new Weres. I've spent many nights running through these trees."

Opening the door Drago jumped out of the truck and came round to her side. Holding her round the waist he lifted her to the floor and kissed her forehead.

"This what you had in mind Little One?" He asked softly.

"It's even better. I could stay here forever."

"I really think you were meant to live in a forest somewhere. Wild thing." He kissed her again before patting her ass and sending her towards the cabins. "Go on, I'll bring the bags in."

Ealasaid made her way up the wooden steps to the main cabin and pushed the door open.

"Eala!" A loud shout echoed through the entryway and suddenly she was engulfed in hugging arms. Looking down she saw Orion, Leif and Avianna. A warmth filled her and she knelt to gather the children tightly to her.

"Hi pups!" She kissed all of them on their cheeks before hugging them again. "How have you been?"

"Fine, we missed you." Orion pulled back and Ealasaid looked him up and down.

"You gotta stop growing I can't keep up."

"I'm taller than Avianna now." Leif piped up before his twin hit him.

"You are not! Eala tell him!" Avianna tugged on Ealasaid's arm as she spoke.

"You're both the perfect height." Ealasaid stood and locked eyes with Corban.

"Hey Little One." Corban pulled her to his chest and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"I'm so glad you guys are here." Ealasaid said as she hugged him. "It seems like age since we could just have fun."

"We wouldn't miss it for the world. Nix is lying down upstairs, you should go and see her."

"Oh no I don't want to disturb her."

"Don't be so stupid she'll be so happy to see you. Go on up. Jaylon and Elena are here too, their unpacking in their cabin. They'll be round soon." Corban pushed her gently towards the stairs and Ealasaid climbed them eagerly.

Listening carefully, she followed the sound of soft breath until she came to the door of a bedroom. Pushing it open she saw Nix laying on her back, one arm rested across her face and her chest rising and falling steadily with her breathing. Creeping into the room Ealasaid gently sat on the bed beside Nix. Slowly she lowered herself to lay next to the woman, draping one arm across Nix's waist Ealasaid curled herself beside her.

Nix stirred and Ealasaid buried closer resting her head on the woman's stomach as she linked their fingers together. Nix's eyes fluttered open and she looked down at Ealasaid's body entwined with her own.

"Mon ange. You're here." Nix's voice was sleepy and Ealasaid instantly felt calm at the sound.

"I wouldn't ever pass up a chance to see you and the pups. They're getting so big." Eala said.

"They are; they don't stay babies for long."

"Do they know?" Ealasaid asked and Nix frowned.

"Know about what?"

Ealasaid placed a hand gently on Nix's stomach. "About the baby?"

Nix was instantly still. Looking down at the top of Ealasaid's head she felt her heart stutter in her chest.

"How do you know?"

"I heard the heartbeat. When we were at Lucius' house, before we went to the archives I could hear something. It took me ages to realise what it was." Ealasaid still stroked Nix's stomach gently as she spoke.

"You can hear heartbeats?"

"Yeah. Don't worry it creeps Drago out too." Ealasaid said lightly.

"Have you told anyone else?" Nix asked and Ealasaid shook her head.

"Course not it's not my news to tell." Ealasaid looked up and their eyes met. "I'm just so happy for you. We need some happiness after everything."

"Corban said you would be pleased."

"More than pleased. I'm so happy I could cry." Ealasaid said passionately. She cupped Nix's face in one small hand and pressed a kiss to the woman's soft lips.

Nix held her closer and they were silent. Ealasaid's heart was bursting at the thought of the new life growing inside her friend. Eventually Nix stirred.

"We should go downstairs. The kids will be up soon and then we'll never get out of this bed."

Ealasaid laughed. Entangling herself from Nix she stood from the bed. Nix joined her and together they went downstairs. Ealasaid looked around before speaking to Corban.

"Has Drago not come in yet?"

"Not yet, he's taking your stuff to your cabin then he'll be back. We thought it would be best to have a little chat with the pups before they see him." Corban suggested.

"That's probably a good idea and one I'm gonna leave up to you two. I will watch from the corner and observe your parenting skills." Ealasaid held her hands up as she backed away slowly.

Nix laughed loudly. "Thanks angel."

Corban opened the door and called out to his children. They came barrelling through the door and stopped in front of their parents.

"Kids we have to tell you something." Nix started.

"Your Uncle Drago is here but he looks a little different than you remember." Corban took over.

"He didn't cut his hair did he?" Leif asked and Avianna let out a small wail.

"No I love his hair!"

Ealasaid watched with an interest as the scene unfolded before her.

"No baby he didn't cut his hair." Nix stepped in. "But even though he looks different now he's still the same and he still loves you OK?"

Just as she finished the door opened and Drago stepped through. They all turned to look at him and his heart sank as he saw tears in Avianna's eyes. He didn't know what to do but eventually Avianna reached for him and he lifted her into his arms.

"Why are you crying pup?" He asked gently.

"Because I thought you cut your hair. I love your hair." Avianna combed through his blond waves as she spoke and Drago couldn't help but smile.

"Ealasaid likes my hair as well. Don't worry baby I won't ever cut it off."

Avianna nodded firmly before her eyes moved to his horns. Her brow furrowed and she touched one gently.

"You have horns." Her words were more a statement than a question.


"Who gave them to you?" Leif asked as he came closer.

"No one. I grew them."

"Why?" Avianna asked.

"You know when the moon gets big and you guys grow a tail?" Drago asked and the children nodded. "Well this is the same except they're always here."

Orion had kept back and Drago addressed his next question to him. "What do you think bud?"

"You still remember when my birthday is?" Orion asked.

"June 9th."

Orion nodded contentedly. "Good. Can we go swimming now?"

"Yeah sure." Nix nodded and watched as the children dashed back outside. For a moment the only sound was the splashing water from outside.

"Well. That went better than expected." Ealasaid piped up and Corban couldn't hold back his laugh.

"What the fuck just happened?" Drago asked as he looked around the room.

"We introduced the new you to the kids. Now that it's out of the way who wants a drink?" Nix asked and headed towards the kitchen.

"Definitely. We're on vacation we should celebrate." They all went through to the kitchen and Nix grabbed a bottle of champagne. Pouring three glasses she handed them out and Drago frowned.

He looked from his glass, to Ealasaid, then to Nix before understanding finally lit his face.

"Are you fucking serious?" He grinned ecstatically and pulled Nix into his arms. "You're pregnant?"

"Yeah." Nix's eyes welled with tears as she hugged her cousin.

Drago looked at Ealasaid. "Eala she's pregnant."

Ealasaid laughed loudly and nodded. Again Drago looked confused before his eyes widened. "Wait, you knew? How did you know?"

Ealasaid shrugged one delicate shoulder. "I heard the heartbeat."

"Of course you did." He rolled his eyes but winked at her. Turning to Corban he pulled his friend into a hug. "I'm so happy for you two."

"I don't think we're going to tell the others just yet. It might be a bit too much with everything that's happening." Nix said.

"Understandable but don't leave it too long. You know what Jaylon gets like." Drago responded.

"We'll tell them while we're here." Corban spoke as he pulled Nix to his side. Holding up his glass he smiled. "Here's to celebrating while we can."

"While we can." Ealasaid and Drago mimicked Corban and the three of them drank.

"God I'm going to miss that." Nix said mournfully.


Oana twisted her hands in front of her nervously as she stared up at the house. She could hear laughter and music coming from inside but her stomach was rolling at the thought of going in. stepping back towards the trees she shook her head.

"What's wrong darlin?" Lucius asked. He was slightly ahead of her but looked back when he sensed her stop.

"I shouldn't be here. This was a mistake." She turned and began to walk away from him back to their cabin.

Lucius grabbed her wrist and stopped her. She didn't turn, instead she looked at the floor feeling a hot wash of shame come over her. Lucius could feel her pulse beating erratically against his fingers and frowned in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"This was a stupid idea; I can't go in there. I shouldn't have come."

Lucius pulled her behind a tall tree and pushed her against the trunk. Holding her upper arms, he lifted her slightly until she was on her tiptoes and looked down into her face. Her stormy blue eyes were hard but her could see a slight trembling in her lower lip.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked and she steeled herself.

"This was a stupid idea and you know it. What did you think? Everyone would just accept me now because we fucked?"

Lucius didn't answer and she felt the heat rise through her body. Hot tears burned her eyes but she refused to let them fall. Swallowing the lump in her throat she pushed his chest making him release his hold on her.

"What the hell was I thinking, this will never work. I should have gone with Daddy."

Lucius grabbed her throat and tilted her head back so she looked into his eyes. Fear flashed across her face at the furious look on his face before he leant down and pressed a searing kiss to her lips.
