Alpha Killer Ch. 66-70


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"Nothing that happened to you was your fault," Alpha Brent said from the driver's seat.

"You aren't going to be alone in this if you decide to take it," Patty said from the passenger side. "We will make sure you two have all the help you need, and you will have strong allies around you. All of the Packs in this region want a Stillwater back in charge."

"Plus, you come bearing a gift," Brent said. "It's only fair that Todd Aldridge's trial and sentencing goes on in the Pack he did so much damage in." Todd was in the trunk, drugged and bound with silver. It had been a long drive up from Texas, but the trunk was more comfortable than the cramped cell he had been kept in since his capture. Alpha Brent had given up his right to try him for the attacks on his Pack, instead allowing the Tomah Pack to have their justice. Kidnapping, conspiracy to commit the murders of my parents, and stealing Pack funds were more than enough to have him executed.

My wolf was looking forward to it.

The drive up from Texas had been eye-opening for me. I stayed in the back while Bobby, Brent and Patty alternated driving, stopping only for gas, food and bathrooms. We kept our speed down, not wanting to chance getting pulled over with a man chained in our trunk. Todd wasn't going anywhere; in addition to the silver, a pump was maintaining a sedative in his system so he wouldn't wake. He also had an IV drip to stay hydrated, and a catheter to remove urine.

I smiled as I recalled Bobby talking about how much he had screamed and pleaded as they put that in while he was strapped to the table. Somehow the sedative hadn't been started yet, and the nurse took three tries to get the tube inserted in his penis and inflated properly.

None of this was a shock, in fact I was transported in similar ways during my captivity. No, what amazed me was just how much work was involved with being an Alpha pair. Unless they were driving, Brent and Patty were always busy on the phone or their laptop. Brent spent a lot of time lobbying for the Council Chairman position, but also dealing with issues back home. Patty was paying bills, negotiating with companies that provided services and goods to the Pack, keeping up the books and checking on the investments and the running of our ranch. I remember my parents always being busy, but I wasn't the heir and I was too young to be trained.

We all thought I had years before I'd be of age, and I should just be a kid a while longer.

Tears started running down my face as I thought of my parents and all the things I didn't get to experience with them. My life had been ruined, theirs taken, because of greed and a lust for power.

Bobby didn't say anything, he just unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled me into his lap. I cried on his chest for a while as he rubbed my back, letting his love for me flow through the bond. "You're going to be great, just don't think it will be easy or quick," he told me. "We're young, but we have lots of people who can help us find our way."

"You want to be Alphas?"

"I want you to have your destiny. You were born for this, just like I was, Alpha bloodlines on both sides. Your Pack refused to consider anyone else unless you decide to abdicate. The Tomah Pack has been guided by a Stillwater for centuries, and you will continue that line."

"I'll be a Meechum though."

"Nothing but human tradition says a woman has to take her husband's name. Our children, the heirs to the Pack, will be Stillwaters because I will take your name instead of my own."

My eyes watered as I looked up at him. "You'd do that? What about your father's name?"

"He's got five other sons, he'll be fine," he said and we both burst out laughing. Patty looked back, then smiled and went back to her work.

"I need to talk to my sister," I said. He handed me his phone and I called her. "Talia?"

"Tania! Hey, how are you?"

"Bobby and I are talking about our old Pack. It's yours if you want it, you are the elder sister and you were the heir."

She answered right away. "I don't want it, I want you to lead them."


"Because Randall and I aren't destined to run a Pack. If I was, I'd have been there already. Instead I can't give them away fast enough." We both had a laugh she'd been an Alpha four times already. "I have something else lined up if things fall into place. If not, I'll be the wife of an FBI agent."

"I'm nervous."

"You should be, it's a big job. Don't let anyone blow smoke up your ass, it's a lot of responsibility and a cubic buttload of work. It's also the most rewarding job you can have in this world. The Pack is your family, you take care of them and help them become the best they can be."

I laughed at her language. "Don't sugarcoat it, give it to me straight."

"You'll grow into the job, Tania. I'm proud of you. No matter what they did to you, you survived and you're going to be back where you belong. I love you, little sis."

"I love you too, Talia."

"Don't do the ceremony without me. Now I have to go, this place is a madhouse and I can't wait for a new Chairman to be elected so I can get out of here."

"I won't." I hung up the phone, a smile on my face. They were right, I was born for this, and in my heart and my wolf I knew I was Alpha.

Ch. 68

Tania's POV

I-90E near Tomah, WI

I listened as my father-in-law used the voice dial in the car to call John, the Thief River Falls Alpha who had been filling in as the Tomah Pack Alpha since Todd was deposed. "John, we're ten minutes out, we're exiting the freeway now."

"We will meet you at the gate, Brent. There are a few people who would like to be there with me, if that is all right." He looked back at me and I nodded; maybe some of my friends? "That will be fine. I'll see you soon."

I held onto Bobby's hand with a deathgrip as I looked at the landmarks that I hadn't seen in four years. I could see the bluff I used to hike and run on with my friends, the hills that surrounded the lake we played at, even the roads that wound towards the Pack House. "Tell me about your home," Bobby said as he looked at the places I stared at.

I told him stories and memories, and soon I was calm and relaxed, and we were turning onto the private road that led to the access gate. "Wow, even in Texas that's more than a few people," Patty said. I looked ahead and my heart leapt in my chest. Behind the gate, behind the tall Alpha, stood my Pack.

Every member of my Pack, from the oldest Elder to the baby in her mother's arms. They all had come here to see me and welcome me home, and at that instant the emotions all hit me. I started to cry, happy tears, tears of relief. "My PACK," I said as we pulled to a stop.

"Our pack," Bobby said. "Come on." He opened the door and stepped out, reaching back with his hand to help me out. When they saw me, they erupted in a cheer that almost knocked me down. I was crying and shaking, burying my face in Bobby's broad chest. "You're an Alpha, lean on your wolf. Go greet them like the strong woman you are."

He was right. I wiped my tears and snot on his shirt, then stood up straight and looked at them as they approached. I let go of Bobby's hand as I recognized my best friends from school, and ran towards them until we were hugging and crying together.

I was passed from one hug to another, my wolf reforming the bonds as I smelled them and they submitted to me. I looked back at Bobby, he was watching me with pride as the Pack members introduced themselves. John and Brent were leaning against the car, catching up on Alpha business, while Patty was holding one of the babies and talking to a group of older women.

The sun set, and my wolf wanted out to meet them all. "Do you mind?"

"Go run with them again," Bobby sent back. "We'll meet you at the Pack House."

I smiled at him, he was so perfect for me, patient and strong and supportive. I was the luckiest wolf around. I asked if anyone wanted to run back in wolf form, and there were lots of volunteers. They all started pulling their clothes off, tossing them into vehicles with those who would drive back. About forty wolves waited for me when I had given Bobby my dress and shoes and shifted. I trotted forward, meeting the excited wolves in the middle of the road. I rubbed against them, smelled them, licked their faces and finally moved through them. Standing tall, I let out a howl and started for home, taking the shortcut through the woods.

I felt free at last as I ran with my Pack.

Bobby's POV

I watched with pride as my mate led most of her Pack on a run through the moonlit woods. "Aren't you going to join them," John said.

"No, she needs this on her own," I said. "Come on, let's get going so we can meet them there."

"Yeah, it would be best if Todd was in the cells before they arrive. He'd be a buzzkill for the celebrations," Brent added. We got back into the car, following John's SUV with the rest of the cars behind us. We broke off for the isolated building that looked like a tornado shelter, but actually was the Pack prison. Two guards met us, taking the still-unconscious Todd out of the trunk and carrying him towards the open door. Brent slammed the trunk closed, smiling as he heard the barks of the approaching group. "Come on, let's meet them up front."

We drove to the parking area and I grabbed Tania's clothes as I got out. John, Brent, Patty and I were in front as the boisterous group broke though the trees and raced across the lawn towards us. I recognized Tania's wolf in the front as she sprinted towards me. She leaped from ten feet away, shifting in the air and slamming into me as I caught her in my arms. Her arms and legs wrapped around me, her naked body pressing against me as our lips met. "Having fun?"

"Thank you, Bobby! I love you." She unwrapped herself and I handed her the clothes I'd dropped, she pulled the sundress over her head and put on the sandals. Around us, others were shifting back and gathering around. "Wow, it's great to be back home," she said to cheers.

"Come on, they've made a welcome home feast for you," John said as he gestured towards the door. When we walked inside, a huge banner that said 'Welcome Home Tania' hung over the stairs, and another that said 'Congratulations Bobby and Tania' was over the entrance to the dining hall. I took her hand as we followed the Alphas in and stood behind the long table that was on the slightly elevated far end of the room.

"It's all just like I remember," she sent me.

"It's home. There's bound to be a few changes, but it's still where you grew up."

She looked out over my Pack as they came in and took places at the long tables. I could sense her emotions as she greeted friends and Pack members. Sure, they were older. The younger ones had grown a lot, while others looked no different. The best part was that they all looked at her with love, not with pity. She relaxed as the night went on.

The meal was fantastic, breaded and fried walleye, cheesy potatoes, corn on the cob and cherry pie. As we finished up, I could see people turning to her, waiting. "Do you think you could talk to them a bit? Express your appreciation, maybe talk about what you've learned when you were gone?"

"Can you start it out?"

"Of course." I stood up, pulling her to my side as I used a knife on one of the glasses to gain everyone's attention. The room quieted quickly. "Thank you all for your warm welcome. My lovely mate has told me many stories of her younger days here, and she was not exaggerating when she talked of the beauty of your Pack lands or the love among your Pack members." There was some applause, and Tania hugged me closer before she stood tall.

"A lot has happened to me since that day four summers ago when I was drugged and sold off," she said in a strong voice. "My sister Talia, she gave up everything and swore vengeance, and that justice is now coming to a close. The man who kidnapped and sold me is now in our Pack prison, and tonight will face Pack justice. The man who held me in a basement, raping me and forcing me to bear him a son, died a slow and painful death. My son Phillip has been returned to us, and will fly up with more of Bobby's family tomorrow." At this, there were claps and shouts of congratulations. "The humans who ran the training facility are dead, as are those who held me captive on the island, and those who held me in slavery until Talia found me. After tomorrow, I will speak no more of justice, because I have it. They are dead and I am home."

The place erupted in shouts and applause, and I squeezed her hand as she stood there looking at them. She held up a hand and they quieted. "I have a second chance at life, and I refuse to waste it. I have a mate, this wonderful man who helped me heal and love again." I squeezed her and kissed her hair. "I have my son, who shows me every day that good things can come out of bad situations. I have my wolf back. I lost my parents, and I miss them terribly. I have my sister again, plus her mate Randall Meechum, and a whole lot more Meechums in Texas and Colorado. Do you have any idea how many kids Alpha Brent has?" There was laughter, they knew he had a big family and that Talia was mated to Bobby's brother. "The last thing I need is you. I know I am only eighteen, and Bobby isn't much older. If you'll have me, we would love to be your Alpha Pair and bring the Stillwater name back to the Tomah Pack."

The roar from the crowd almost raised the roof.

I didn't think the vote would be an issue. They loved her.

Todd Aldridges' POV

Tomah Pack Prison

I pushed my mind up through the fog, shaking my head to clear the cobwebs. Opening my eyes, it was dark; the room and ceiling were dirty concrete. I was on a thin mattress, a few inches above the ground on a concrete platform. A dim light came through gap between the bottom of the door and the dirty floor. A paper plate with a sandwich and a bottle of water rested there. I was in prison, I was naked, and I recognized the cell.

I was back in Tomah.

I was fucked. The Sulphur Creek Pack had turned me over to the people who I used to rule, the ones I stole from and abandoned.

The smell of food got me going, and I sat up. My body ached, like I'd been in the same position for a long time. I could see the marks from the silver where it had contacted my skin, the wounds healing slowly. I rolled with a groan to my knees and felt a tug on my cock. Looking down, I saw a tube sticking up my piss hole, a clear hose connected to a bag full of urine.

I'd been catheterized. I was glad I wasn't awake when they put it in, but now what? "HEY," I yelled.

I heard footsteps approaching. "What do you need, bitch?" I recognized the voice, it was Ben, one of the newer warriors.

"I need the nurse to remove my catheter," I said as pleasantly as I could. I hated it, my wolf didn't like his attitude but I was in no position to smack some respect into him like he needed.

"Yeah, they mentioned you'd need help. Lie against the door so your junk is right at the edge, and push the tubing underneath so I can cut it."

"The FUCK you will," I said.

"Hey, there's a balloon blown up inside your bladder to hold that thing in place. I can deflate that, or you can pull a grape through your dick on your own. Personally, I hope you do nothing. I'd like to see a sack of shit like you walking out to trial with a bag of piss in his hand, but whatever."

I had to get this thing out. "Fine, give me a second." I moved the food out of the way and laid up against the door, pushing the tubing underneath. I felt a tug as he cut something off, then he yanked on the tubing. It ripped out, setting my dick on fire. "SONOFABITCH," I said as I rolled back.

"Get some rest," he said as he walked away laughing. I pushed myself to my feet and walked gingerly to the sink. I washed my hands, then washed my junk off in the cold water. When the sting was gone, I went back and grabbed the food. I was starving, and I had no idea how long I'd been out.

I sat there for hours, wondering how this was going to go down. I wasn't going to grovel or beg for my life; fuck them all. None of them would sit in judgment of me, they didn't even have an Alpha. I did what I needed to do.

I couldn't sleep. The underground prison had no clues as to whether it was day or night, but from the sandwich it was probably evening or night by now. I was startled out of my daydreaming by the sound of the reinforced outer door opening. I could hear and sense several people coming my way. "Turn and face the back wall or we'll hit you with the cattle prod," a man said. I did what he said; no use fighting now. I knew the protocols; more warriors would be upstairs at the only other entrance.

The door opened and two men came into my cell. They roughly cuffed my hands behind my back, then turned me towards the door. They were both Tomah Pack, but the man in the hallway was not. He was young but well-built, and I could sense the Alpha blood in him. "Ready for your trial," the man asked.

"Who the fuck are you?"

He just smiled as I was led forward out of the cell, stopping right in front of him. "I'm Tania Stillwater's MATE, you slimy fucker." I expected him to hit me, but he just turned and walked towards the stairs. I was pulled forward between the two guards, suddenly even more nervous. I'd expected to see Talia Stillwater here to take out another Alpha, I wasn't expecting Tania to have a mate. Hell, she didn't even have a wolf!

When we got to the top of the stairs, I could see it was the middle of the night. The quarter moon was high in the air, that and a few small fires illuminating the scene in front of me. The path between the prison and the front steps was lined on both sides by Pack members spaced about six feet apart. As I was marched forward, they would say something then turn their backs on me.





"You have no honor."

"You betrayed us."

They had been my family, my Pack, and now they were rejecting me to my face. My wolf was furious; I hoped they would put me in the ring to defend my title. That Alpha blood mate of Tania, he wouldn't stand a chance against an experienced wolf like me.

As the last pair of wolves turned, I arrived at the base of the stairs. I recognized several of the Alphas on the front deck; Alpha John of Black River Falls, Alpha Richard of Wisconsin Rapids, Alpha Mike of Green Bay, and Alpha Brent of Sulphur River. Two neutral Alphas and a member of the Werewolf Council were required to pass judgment on a sitting Alpha, and that made me smile. Instead of a trial, the pup was going to challenge me for my spot.

The door opened and my blood froze. Two women came through the doorway, instantly recognizable. Talia Stillwater, the Alpha Killer, was holding the hand of her sister Tania as they walked forward. Talia's unique scent was forward, but so was the familiar scent of Tania.

And she had her wolf.

"We have a quorum for the trial, Madam Chairman," Alpha Richard said.

"Very well. The trial of Todd Aldridge on the charges of kidnapping of a child, accessory to rape, two counts of murder of a sitting Alpha, conspiracy and theft of Pack property will come to order. Mr. Aldridge, how do you plead?"

"That's ALPHA Aldridge to you, Stillwater," I said with a sneer.

"That is Werewolf Council Chair Stillwater, and you aren't an Alpha. Not any more," Alpha Richard said. "After you abandoned the Pack and fled from the Council arrest warrant, you were removed and I have been acting as Alpha."