All Comments on 'Always Faithful – To the Bitter End'

by StormX

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
a whore for a wife and fool for a hubby

wife lover tell hubby,i try to take wife away from you.and fool of hubby said it ok.real life common sense.

rainbow001rainbow001about 14 years ago
Thank God

That's the right ending, nice job...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
i wonder

I wonder about why we have all these problems in society then i read your story, then i relized just how fuck up things are when someone like you takes pride in writing this crap. At least the authors of the original story know their sick you sir make me sick.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
I simply can't relate to any of this.

It's like reading sci-fi. Pain turns me off.

morefunnmorefunnabout 14 years ago
Enjoyed your Ending.

Though I understood why Bob wrote the original as he did. I really did enjoy your ending. There had to be a better resolution for my tastes. It is still sad, but Leanne is and was a better partner for Dan. I am just glad he came to this realization. Dan ended it far more civilized than say I would have, but it was just as destructive.

Well written, thought out and delivered with style and grace.

Thank You for your time, talent and efforts.

I am sure there will be a lot of responses.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
A Reasonable Effort

But you can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Fantastic ending ....

This was MUCH better then the original story.

She deserved to feel some of the pain she caused returned to her.

jasonnhjasonnhabout 14 years ago

Laura is mentally ill. A rational human being cannot compartmentalize their emotions like she does. She loves Dan (to the point where she eventually chooses to be with him) but leaves him for months without thinking about him much. She loves Dan desperately but does things to hurt him cruelly. Dan and other people around her are enabling her mental delusions. It is supposed to be a virtue to love someone without limit. However, when that person chooses to take advantage of you it becomes a weakness, as Dan finds out. What bothers me about these types of stories is that a very successful executive is portrayed as unable to understand the problem with their relationship. He could not reach or sustain his position if her was as addle minded as he is portrayed. He analyzes information and makes hard decisions every day. Laura's behavior is blatant, not a bunch of subtle little actions that snuck up on him. This should have been all over after her first 3 month separation and associated actions. "Sorry Laura, I love you but I can't be married to you." Everyone is worried about Laura at the end and they probably should be. She is a crazy person. Who knows what she will do. She'll probably turn on Greg next because she can't get her thrills through abusing Dan any more. Oh, Dan wants to do nothing until the end of the year because he didn't want to screw up Laura's time with Greg. Oh come on. She left him. He realized their relationship was over almost immediately, even drawing up divorce papers. Artsy helped him realize there is life after Laura. And he waits over 7 months out of some sense of honor? Stupid and unbelievable just to draw out the story. Dan's indecisiveness is not consistent with the type of character he is developed as. That greatly undermines the whole story. I like where the story ended up but not how it got there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Good effort...

Attention to detail will make for better stories in the future.

Laura says, "He didn't allow anything to penetrate my lips, my pussy or my ass but he continually teased them all. He did that up until your flight landed.

Later the next day Dan asks, "Laura, did you fuck him in our house? In our bed? For the last 10 days?" and Laura responds, "Yes, yes and yes."

Actually, it could just be Laura in her usual lying ways.

How about a sequel titled "Always Faithful - Samo, samo" where Laura marries Greg and then fucks around on him? She'd have to let him know to get her "humiliate the one she loves" kicks. Greg "marks" his woman in such a way she will never be called beautiful again. Laura loses her job and since she is no longer beautiful, she gets tossed by her side gig.

I'm commenting anonymously because I'm embarrassed to be known to comment on the total farce that this and the original became.

Oh, I did like this ending but I think Laura could have used a little more hurt than she is getting. Like, Serve the damn papers! That's how she would have done it.

GrumpyGambyGrumpyGambyabout 14 years ago

You did not seek, nor were you granted permission to publish your own version of BobNBobbi's original story, did you? While it may well be a compliment, I would think that gaining prior permission as well as the right to edit for writing standards and consistency be the first order of priority.

Sir, I suspect your heart was in the right place, but I find this story's existence terribly uncomfortable because nowhere do you mention you have permission, only that you hope the original author approves of something you've already done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
I liked this ending more

seems to be the only logical ending. A next chapter need not/shouldn't be where she fuck around on Greg, but in her twisted mind just can't forget Dan and, after a while, Greg can't take it anymore and leaves her. You know, being on the receiving side is always easier.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

was better. the whole story still stink.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 14 years ago
Good Job

You have done well with your alternate ending, Storm. I do like the skill with which you have made the blend to my original story. I agree that an ending such as yours would have fit just as plausibly with the first two thirds or more of my story. In fact, your ending is probably more like most authors would end the tale even though the end game I used was my intention from the first chapter.

One element I think you have improved is filing in the anguish Dan lived at some of Laura's shenanigans. I do think you made her out to be just a little more of a deliberate bitch than I intended her character to be, but that is okay. Your portrayal of all of the characters fit quite well. I did like the added element of the video and voice recordings. Surprisingly, I never thought that deep into the home gallery, but you are correct. Any insurance company would insist, wouldn't they.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 14 years ago
he should have had the slut served the divorce papers

in the restaurant where she humiliated him. The server of the divorce papers should have showed up while he was talking to Greg and then Dan could walk out of the restaurant with his new love.

Still not very believable with the same consensus of him putting up with the antics of a mindless slut determined to humiliate him.

This is better than taking the slut back, I can at least believe that much of the story

FireFox59FireFox59about 14 years ago
Story and Characters Suck

What a totally fucked up story. I can't even think about how bad the one you based it off of could have been. Bob/bobbie are on my do not read list. Any "man" that would have put up with her shit for one minute should just go ahead and get neutered and not pollute the male gene pool any further. I'm going to stop here with my comments before I insult anyone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Hey Firefox baby, what's frightened you man?

I mean man, wherefore art thou so fucked up? How tight around thyself doth thou wind thy blanket at night? Set yourself free, now. Hate will envelope you and cage you fast as steel. She ain't never coming back and we've all been there...M

FireFox59FireFox59about 14 years ago
Hey Anon Wimpy

No problem here cucky. I just don't respect, like, or care for men that allow themselvesto be walked over, humiliated, and disrepected by a self centered bitch. If you're O.K. with it set YOURSELF free and don't worry your small cucky mind with me.

peteinchicagopeteinchicagoabout 14 years ago
Much better than the original

Well written and far superior to the original. Dan's still a whimpy looser. He cares for a bitch that cut his heart out and spit on it. Only a fool would continue to feel for someone after 2 years of abuse. If I were Greg I'd be having some second thoughts after hearing more about the abuse she heaped on Dan. I would have had her served with divorce papers in the restaurant, as well as anything else I could think of to hurt the bitch. Of course I wouldn't have been in that position in the first place. People can only hurt you as much as you let them. The first time she wanted to do Greg would have been the last day of my marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
a shined up Pile of shit is still shit

BobNBobbi is technically a writer of some skill.

He is a fucking wretched author becuase his deep sexual fixation overwhelms his ability to write anything close to a rational dialogue or a consistent plot.

Alberta  AlAlberta Alabout 14 years ago
Lacked realism

I have known women who are as self serving and mean as your Laura. I have also known men who have been as weighed down by love that they sacrificed almost anything for their woman.

What does not fit is the man being able to work hard and advance himself despite being constantly belittled and humiliated. Usually these men are taken advantage of at work, stepped on by superiors and overlooked when it comes to promotions. This is because their woman has destroyed their self worth. They also seldom have any control over the money in the household as the woman usually determines that any surplus cash is spent on herself and/or her lover with little left for the man.

Also most women have little interest in a man who has been traumatized, crushed and humiliated by another woman and continues to suffer at her hands.

Realistic endings would involve him accepting her back and continuing to be crushed by her OR

Him running away and living a solitary life near the poverty line. OR

Him murdering her. OR

Murder suicide.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 14 years ago
WHY would anyone spend time writing an "alternate ending " to this shit?

Storm X..... are you off your fucking stump? why would you even bother to TRY and save this story. ?

Its like trying to show that the germans meant well when they gased all those jews

the original author is a Moron and someone who is mentally ill and obessed with his twisted sexual frustration.

you do not even come close to explaining HOW Laura can equate this sort of over powering cruelty and sexual humiliation for YEARS on dan as a form of love.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 14 years ago
I liked this ending better

Could have used an editor, but the basic plot (1) holds very true to the original characters and (2) ends up with a very credible ending - much more credible than the original. Good post script!

tastesgreattastesgreatabout 14 years ago
I Think I Like This Ending Better...

But Laura is such a bitch and Dan really didn't get any revenge. A divorce is just not enough. I, like Harry, think that this was an exercise in futility. Hopefully you got some fun n games out of the exercise. Thanks for your efforts!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Eating a turd would have been less revolting than reading this pile of vomit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Please stop switching to present tense

It is very irritating to the reader to be switched from the normal past tense retelling of a story to a present tense director's script.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I thought this was a fantastic ending and was well thought out and not only creative but you felt the pain and the emotions. Well written ending to this story. Thank you for sharing and writing this version of the ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

idiotic AND gross

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Author - you discredit yourself with this pathetic ending. The original piece of dog shit was bad, this just made it worse.

Moral of story - it would take a lot more gonads to fix these types of wimp/slut ex wife stories, so unless you as the author are ready to "shatter the crystal - so to speak", do not bother. It demeans you as a creditable author. Simply, this ending similar to the original "sucks big time". Debra & Wayne

oldwayneoldwayneabout 14 years ago
HIV & Tastesgreat are absolutely right.

Since the rating system here does not give one the option of rating a piece as a zero, perhaps I can express my opinion best by offering no rating at all for this SICK-ASSED SHIT!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Much more appropriate Ending

This is a fitting ending... to a story that should never have been written. And you are clearly wrong about it being a Loving Wives story. Fetish, BDSM, or maybe Literotica could do us all a favor and create a cuckold group for this type of stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

You really are a sad author. Some how in your sick mind you justify making a more or less happy ending to a cheating slut whore wife story where, in fact, the husband should fry her ass as well as the ass of the bastard boyfriend.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Totally disgusting ending.

Your version was not any better than the original story which was bad enough. Yours was a bummer and did not enhance your image. In my opinion you should have left it alone.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteabout 14 years ago
Don't even need to read the comments....

....or most of the story. The original was so fucking lame that there was no possible justification for any attempts at revision. You are a good writer. This was an impossible rescue, now you know!

katibkatibabout 14 years ago
Not Bad!

The entire story is psychologically complex and interesting. Most of the comments are superficial and patently indicate that they are the mouthings of either ignorant fools or those with reading comprehensions at the kindergarten level. Thanks to Bobnbobbi and to Storm X for a good, satisfying read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
I agree with pete partially

You are a good writer. I think this is a good ending to Bobby's story, which was very compelling but less than satisfying. I do feel you had to tweak everyone's character except Greg to make it work out this way, especially Artsy's. The amazing and frustrating thing about Bobbie's tale was that the husband, just never seemed to have any reaction about what his wife did specifically to hurt him beyond his initial blow up in the early chapters, and also that Bobby never felt compelled to explained how Dan was feeling to us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

You can't put makeup on a Pig and make it pretty just like you can't take a Cuck/Wimp - Cheating/Slut wife story and fix it. Why the writers on this site want to castrate the male characters in these stories when the "obvious" fault/blame lies with the cheating wives is beyond me!! The other comments were correct ... this story, just like the original, was DOA. Your a good writer but not even Lazarus could bring this "lame" story back!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
I have only one question...

She said she wanted to be with Greg until the end of the year and he kept dragging it out until February. He already had his mind made up when he had a lawyer draw up divorce papers and the final touch to it all was Thanksgiving at her parents home. Why did he wait so long? Was he that much in love with a cheating, humiliating and cunning bitch? I would really like to know.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

What, is this set in a parallel universe? No human could act like these people do. I realize you were not the original author of the crap this was based upon, but you chose to devote a substantial amount of time to writing this garbage, and therefore endorsed the original "work". For that alone, I encourage you to seek help, and please, never post again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
corporate vice president yeah right

Even a hillbilly would know a long time ago she did not know what love is, and was sick in the head, I dont see a VP of a 17 Billion corp being that abused that long no way ie he would have known she did not know what love was years ago and left her, not to be a corporate floor mat, sorry he would have seen nut case long ago, on the positive side atleast for you, JustPlainBob has another accolade.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
LOVE ?? This was no man - try doofus WIMP

Dan never had a "man card" - the first time his slut wife pulled that crap he should have bailed immediately! Finally his balls fully descended and his spine "returned".

bigguy323bigguy323almost 14 years ago
Sorry, the original concept was fucked up and this version is even MORE fucked up.

Dan has GOT to be the most fucked up CHUMP to ever grace the pages of Lit. There is, of course, another level of wimp even lower than DAN.

Those wimps LOVE the humiliation. At lease DAN had a glimmer that he was a wimp and finally put an end to his abuse.

fern501fern501over 13 years ago
Oh the macho comments

There are billions of different men and women all multiplied by the amounts of different situations possible, I also think that plenty of people use marriage to more closely adhere to society or to enjoy sexcurity, there is no love there and "kicking the bitch to the curb" shows this lack of love, understanding, acceptance and tolerance.

Actually such an attitude shows the objectivation of the woman.

One comment called the author a wimp, and this pissed me off as one should be thankful for the writer's efforts.

peteinchicagopeteinchicagoover 13 years ago
Much better than the original

though still to soft on the slut. No need to torch her but still, he's divorcing her after 2 years of humiliation and pain, I can't believe he would be so concerned about her feelings during the last meeting. I read the original author's comments that you made her more of a deliberate bitch than he intended. What an idiot, he made her a stone cold selfish bitch in his original version, you just followed his lead. How can he percieve her actions as anything but a self centered bitch with thoughts of noone but herself? What a putz. Well written story, far superior to the original, but badly flawed by having to keep characterizations consistant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
The problem lies in the original piece of crap

In the originals the author had them go on and on abusing the wimp husband. The wife epwas so self centered tat she boardered on evil , and in fact it was beyond belief that she had an emotional maturity beyond a 6 year old. She clearly did not begin to comprehend how heinously she treated her husband. Fir some reason, possibly due to being a terrible author, or because he was a passive wimp himself,the author had the husband mope around and just take insult after insult.

Unfortunately you can't turn crap into gold, despite your try. The characters are so poor, the premise so stupid that unless you discarded all of it you would be unable to fix it.

Nice try, but your effort was doomed from the start.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

as bad as the original. The total artifice of Business Lady, Artsy, and the whole nonsense is just barf-producing.

How the whole wimp-cuckold business started in the first place is just ridiculous.

One star.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
What happened, did you have a traumatic head injury or ingest physcotropic drugs???

I have read your other stories and I can' fantom this piece ever coming from your pen. What man would ever willinng allow his wife to live as another man's for almost a year, be humilated by friends and family, and have the deciseness to be a major corporate VP? The story just doesn't have credibility. Just reading this gave me a headache!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I have come back and read this story several times. You did a masterful job of turning this story into one with some reality to it. I'm sorry you have not been writing here lately, but I hope you return.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Excellent, Excellent..Like Hell it is!!!!

Bullshit piled high enough to reach the moon. Written by a seriously deranged author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Perfect ending to this story- thank you very much

demantoiddemantoidabout 13 years ago
great story

I love the pace with which you write StormX as you slowly and with exquisite tension, develop a fascinating plot with interesting characters. Most importantly, YOU KNOW HOW TO END A STORY....that is a real talent. Thank you for entertaining me. You are very generous with your talents!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Sorry author - this is one fucked up shit story that only fags like shoe-no-IQ will attempt to justify!

One of many skanks that should have been "put down" rather than live and allowed to breed & contaminate other defective genes. In other words, pure bullshit that even exceeds the capacity of trannys' like Matt M.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Total crap

Thank god you've stopped writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Ditto, "Total Crap"

Pretentious horseshit!!!

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago
Agree with Harry for the first time...

How can one feel anything for the husband as he agreed to all her selfish terms each and every time? She never loved her husband, she just enjoyed humiliating him and causing him pain. I cannot for the life of me understand why he did not tell her it was all over when she told him about breaking her promise to not fuck her lover in their house. Even she wondered if she hadn't gone to far. Why not end the charade there? Then the story would have been better. Jeez. I am glad that this was the last story I read. I didn't like any of them even though you are a decent writer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Please Keep Writing!!!

I know you have taken a lot of flak from the critics on this site. But you are a very talented writer to have "fixed" this story. I like'em all and would love to see more submissions from this writer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
great fix

Well done. Better than the original.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
1st time ever...I too have to agree with Harry in VA .

The Original author BobNBobbi is mentally ill. While it is true that the original story was published out of sequence the actions words and broken promises of the wife were not.

The author claims to be going for something " different" about this so called wife but FORCING him to drink/ sucked down an oyster filled with her lovers cum while STILL thinking she REALLY loves her husband

well folks thats is Just not rational.

Frankly I am stunned that the original author can develop a wife character like that yet no one in the story ever raises the issue of the wife's mental saniuy


how about having her committed?

chootkabhootchootkabhootalmost 13 years ago
seemed like a comedy

read like a passable comedy! worth a laugh. author must be scoring some good shit.

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago

He ate her lover's sperm and he has yet loved and he is afraid of giving the divorce paper that night because.....

This story is humorous.

Rob ConnerRob Conneralmost 13 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
he is true wimp-cuckold LOSSER

from last conversation it look like Greg is not bad person WHAT THE F. from the whole story it clearly seen both wife and Gerg are no 1 ASSHOLES. what kind of man take that kind of humiliation. he should be die then live

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
One fucked up story, one fucked up author.

Hey fucked up author..take a long walk on a short pier and do the world a favor. And, oh, carry several cinder blocks with you. Even a total idiot could of written a better ending. And, oh, you're an asshole. Note the low scores you get. Tell you something?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Dribble, where she goes and says, ok....the fact that Dan let the madness go on and not just end the charade. Overdue, and such consideration for the woman at the end?

chytownchytownover 12 years ago

This is BAD!! sorry but that's the way I read it.

RePhilRePhilover 12 years ago

From following this story as it circles the everything is dark and smells

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

That is the most imbecilic bullshit that I have ever read. I thought there might me some redeeming qualities, but I could find NONE. Trash.

saratusaratuover 12 years ago
I can't figure out why ,,,,,,,,,,

I bothered to read the whole story, it is the worst sample of emasculation and humiliation of the male in this story that I have ever seen! ! ! !

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Who wrote this?

A man, or even a fairly masculine female, could not have written this idiotic tripe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
just woke up and realized

she is was and always will be garbage

njlaurennjlaurenover 12 years ago
a guy

Like this is pathetic,to still care about his wife after all she did to hurt and humiliate him.....the wife was a true sadist,and frankly by the end Dan should have wanted to hurt her.Greg will get his,a stupid bitch like Laura will take it out on him big time,he will reap the bitter rewards.

IN11ZIN11Zover 12 years ago
Reverse Psychology

Yah write a lot like Karen Kay except that you give the 'husband' here a happy life to look forward to even if he had to endure two years of Hell to get there. Karen Kay's 'husbands' don't find happiness until the day they die.

Still, the old reverse works but not nearly quick enough for most red blooded males.

I think your writing has some merit so 3***. If you were to write in another genre eg Romance/Erotic Couplings etc, I think you'd do a better job - don't know about LW though.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 12 years ago
Loved the original ... Until

the oyster snowball. In my head, I started a re-write where Dan excused himself to the bathroom, then left through the kitchen, drove home and packed enough stuff for about a week at a motel, and wouldn't take any visit or communication with Laura or Greg (if even attempted!). My continuation didn't involve as much cojon-growth as did StormX but incorporated the same end of Laura-shame and regret (and divorce.)

I much prefer this continuation of Chap. 4 to the original. I think the extent of his globe-trotting success was excess (sorry). Greg, since he is astute, will not continue long with a woman whom he knows views him as a diversion, especially since she no longer is a challenge to woo away from Dan! Good job!

RePhilRePhilover 12 years ago
Putrid piece of crap

Speaking of the husband of course. I guess there are wimps like that who believe eating another mans cum shows love. But by God there are none in our neighborhood. The last one was physically run out of town by our women!! Now there's a picture. That our women have more balls than your male main charactor!!

Ntropy586Ntropy586over 12 years ago
In more ways than one...

This story is just (to put it plainly) poorly written. Never mind the fact that you're basically trying to make an utter milquetoast into someone sympathetic to the readers - hey, you're the author, it's your right to do so if you want to - but when you don't even take the time to edit your work properly it's just insulting to have to read.

GET AN EDITOR!!! Specifically, find someone who's willing to read your pablum and point out that you're misusing the words "to" and "too", that you jump from past- to present- to future-tense (a major no-no; if you begin your tale in past tense, you KEEP it there unless it's part of a flashback sequence).

Telling a tale, or more specifically crafting a story, is more than simply putting words to paper or typing on a keyboard. It takes time, effort and more than a little hard work to actually make what you want to say become something that someone would want to read.

No stars for you. This was just too poorly written for me to award even a single star.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 12 years ago
both version sucked monkey ass

at least storm's version he dumped the bitch. But bobbie's sucked worse. Gave it a thre because storm can write.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Unlike BobNBobbi

You can write readable stories.

I have never had to use the page down so often to get through the crap as I did on his version.

Glad a comment at the end of his directed me to you. THANKS

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 12 years ago

What a crock of wimpass girlyman bullshit! Terrible! This story sucked big time!

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 12 years ago
Better ending

BnBs ending had Laura flipping off her 'bitch' switch after returning for 'good!' That was the weakest part of his classic tale. StormXs is a much better ending!

The one I've written in my head starts in the 'oyster' restaurant. It keeps his non-confrontational nature, and her hurtful one, but extricates him with dignity!

al18al18about 12 years ago
The wimp finally wake-up

He should have dumped her the 1st time she fucked Gregg.

All this year long affair that hubby indured doesn't seem realistic at least to me

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
What a Crock

Why would anyone want Dan. No way someone that balless would be running a $17B business. He is about the most pathetic excuse for a human being ever seen outside one of MM's stories.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago
What The Fuck

Finally after all the crap Dan grew balls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I liked your ending very much. In fact while I liked BnB's story as well, I feel your ending is more accurate to real life. Eventually, a real man will stand up and say "enough is enough" and he did. Well done. I do wish you would write more.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

serve the whore now! what is this kindness shit? bet the bitch up emotionally and leave her enotional destroyed, now the fuck budy will know he is second best and the whore chose someone else but he had moved on. liked your ending but it could have been better, but it was your story and you get the ending you want.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Unrealistic and unamusing drivel. Worthy of 1 star because no stars can be given...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Loved It

Some bad comments here. But love can do some crazy things to a person. In Dan's case, he loved her too much. I would have kicked her to the curb the first time she cheated. He did finallyyyyy did get balls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I thought you were actually gonna write something to redeem that fucking train wreck, but you actually managed to fuck it up even more! You made him an even bigger fucking pussy! What is it with you fucking cuckolds? You are all a bunch of sick faggots!!!

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 11 years ago
Interedting take on this story

Nicely written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
This story gives Love

a bad name. Equates it with insanity.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

the last part was way to fucking "civil." he should have served the cheating fucking cunt and had 5 or 6 guys to kick gregs ass as he went out to his car. that way it would really have been over. like i said, too fucking civil.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Laura a super manipulator

Dan was manipulated by Laura for years and she manipulated Greg with her husband's birthday gift which was an extreme lie. The marriage with Laura should have been over the first time she left to be with Greg, of course it would have made a much shorter story but it would have been much more realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
these characters

and the three authors if someone would blow them the fuck up it would make the fantasy world and the real world a better place.

catphan8catphan8over 11 years ago

I don't really understand what the point of writing this was? He is still a wimp cuckold with no redeeming qualities. None of these characters are worth writing about.

KoachKoachover 11 years ago
What a mess of a story

What a pile of BS. Leanne would be a fool to hook up with this idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago


Mustang88LXMustang88LXabout 11 years ago
it was almost good but....

Dan is still a coward. He should have burned the cunt after all of the hate and pain she joyfully gave him. The cunt should die a painful emotional death. and ne left pennyless and alone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Well written but...

Damn, reading this was like looking at someone with a huge suppurating sore festering in the middle of his forehead oozing puss into his eyes. So awful you know you should look away but you look anyway in horrid fascination. How is it possible that a creature like Dan can even live with himself, much less run a multi-billion dollar corporation? Anyway, if this is the “upgraded” version, I don’t think I could keep my lunch down after reading the original.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 11 years ago
Cuck Crap

This story is complete Cuck bullshit. I can't believe I took the time to read a story about a stupid slut and a dickless moron.

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