Always Ready


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"What do ya mean? How would I be able to, look him over in my own home?"

"You could fake an appliance being on the fritz, say your washer. Then, call ABC and tell them you want Robert O'Maley. Just say a neighbor was very happy with his work. That's certainly true. When he comes out to fix your washer, you can look him over and decide what you want to do. But, I can tell you, he's gorgeous. He's about thirty and six-three, with wavy blond hair and piercing blue eyes. And, he's got the most beautiful and biggest cock I've ever seen on a man - even bigger and more beautiful than Mr. River Oaks. I'm sure he wouldn't have to take a back seat to many in that department."

"Margaret, damn you. You've got me all excited again. I know I shouldn't do it, but still, I guess it won't hurt to at least see what he looks like. But, I probably won't go through with doing anything else."

"I think, once you see him, you'll have to follow up and call him. As I've said, you deserve a good time once in a while. And Bob is more than capable of giving a girl a glorious time. Your husband isn't giving it to you, so more extreme measures are called for. And, by the way, just in case you do decide to proceed with Bob. He's completely harmless."

"What do you mean?"

"He can't get a woman pregnant. He's had a vasectomy, so though he squirts man juice and plenty of it, there're no sperm cells in it.

"I guess I've heard of men having that done."

"Believe me, it's necessary in his business."

"I would imagine so. But even if I did decide to call this appliance repair place and ask for this guy, Robert O'Maley, none of my appliances are broken. He would immediately think something was fishy."

"So what if he does? But, there's a way around that little problem. Washers are the easiest to sabotage. So, let's make it your washer. All we have to do is get a knife and get under the thing and cut one of the belts. Then, like I say, you call ABC and ask for him by name. It may take a day or two, but, I assure you, he's worth the wait. Once you see him, it'll be all you can do to keep from jumping him right on the laundry room floor. Believe me."

"Oh, Margaret, you're terrible, Jane snickered. You've got me all curious. Here's a knife, let's get to work."

* * *

Sabotage of the washer complete, Jane called ABC Appliance Repair before she lost her nerve, and asked specifically for Robert O'Maley. "He fixed my neighbor's washer," she lied, "and she recommended him highly." She didn't lie about that.

Hanging up the phone, she said, "The die is cast. Oh, Margaret, I almost feel like I'm already being unfaithful to David."

"Jane, listen to me. If he was as faithful to you as he should be, he'd see to it that he satisfies you in bed - if not with his dick, with he tongue. If he did what husbands are supposed to do, you wouldn't even be thinking of being with anyone else. Believe me. I know what I'm talking about. I've been there too, you know. Hey, I've got to get going. I've got to get dinner ready for Henry. It's been a great afternoon. I can't wait to hear what you think of Bob. Call me once he's been here, promise."

"Okay, Margaret, I'll let you know what I think after he's been here. But I'm not promising I'll ever call him for..."

"I think after you see him, you will. But, that's up to you. See ya."

* * *

The next morning about ten, the doorbell rang. Jane went to answer it and was bowled over by what stood before her. He was tall, blond and had the most intense blue eyes she had ever seen. Even through his loose fitting dark blue uniform with "ABC Appliance Service" embroidered on the pocket, it was apparent his body was all muscle and in perfect male proportions. His shoulders were broad and his waist narrow. Jane was so stunned by the sight of him that she almost didn't let him in the house. He was simply too gorgeous to imagine. She couldn't help wondering if that one vital piece of male anatomy, hidden from her view, was as impressive as the rest of this big hunk of man. Margaret had said it was, but maybe. Maybe I'll have to find out for myself, Jane thought.

For what seemed like an eternity, Jane stood in the doorway, gawking. Finally collecting her wits, she invited the man in and showed him to the laundry room - and the "ailing" washer. She didn't know whether to stand there and watch him work or to leave him alone. She was afraid if she observed him while he stooped and fiddled with her washer, she might forget herself and jump him right there on the linoleum floor, just as her friend Margaret had suggested. She could feel her juices flowing just thinking about it, so she decided to leave him to his own devices and go read a book in the living room, and try to cool down.

Perhaps twenty minutes elapsed when the man called to her. "Okay ma'am. All done."

"That was quick. What was the problem?" she asked returning to the laundry room.

"Just a broken belt. If I didn't know better, I'd say it almost looked like it'd been cut."

"Cut?" Jane responded hesitantly.

"Yeah. They go like that sometimes. Luckily, I had a new one in my tool box. I checked over a few other things. It shouldn't give you anymore trouble for a while."

Jane thought she wouldn't mind having him check her over.

"What do I owe you?"

"Fifty dollars. Forty for the service call and ten for the part."

Hum, Margaret was right. I'd give him a hundred for a service call any time, but not to mess with my washing machine.

"Okay, I'll get my checkbook." Jane went into the small study and wrote a check for fifty Dollars, and quickly handed it to the man before she did something rash. She could tell her panties were soaked, and wondered if he somehow knew the state of her arousal. She noticed a slight bulge between his legs and wondered if he was becoming aroused as well, or if it was so large in it's natural condition, it just looked like it's starting to grow.

"That's a good old washer, ma'am. They don't make 'em as good these days. You're lucky to have it."

I'd like to have you - in my bed upstairs, right now. God, if he doesn't hurry up and leave, I'm going to reach for that bulge and find out what conditions it's in.

"Well," Bob hesitated. There seemed to be some unfinished business between them. "Oh, you told the dispatcher you had a neighbor who liked my work and that's why you asked for me. Who was that, ma'am?"

Jane didn't know how to respond to that question. If I tell him it was Margaret Dover, he'll know immediately why I asked for him, she thought, then wondered if that might not be the best approach. Get it right out in the open. Lay my cards on the table, as it were. God, why did I think of "lay"?

"Oh, I think is was Mrs. Bartley, over in the next block." She made up a name on the spot. "Yes, that's who it was, Shirley Bartley."

"Gee, I don't remember a Mrs. Bartley. But I see a lot of ladies."

I'll bet you do.

"Well, if that's all you need from me ma'am, I'd better be getting on to my next job."

Jane wondered if his next job was another washer, or some more personal type of "service." Little does he know what I need from him. Or, maybe he does.

"No," she hesitated. "That's all for now, I guess."

"In that case, so long, ma'am. If you have any further need of service, always remember to ask for Bob. Here's my card, so you won't forget."

Jane knew she could never forget anyone as gorgeous as Bob.

"You can be sure I'll do that, Bob. Thank you."

"Good by, ma'am." With that, he was out the door.

Thank god he's gone. That was a close call. I almost... Jane gasped as she closed the front door, contemplating what she might have done if this gorgeous man had stayed in her house just one more minute. Peering through the front window, she observed him as he was getting into his truck. He had a strange, somewhat perplexed, look on his face.

It wasn't until after he had driven off that she examined the card he had left. It read: __________________________________________________ ALWAYS READY ESCORT SERVICE oth male and female escorts available for ALL types of occasions Our service is always confidential. Satisfaction Guaranteed Robert O'Malley Personal Services Specialist 713-555-6969 --------------------------------------------------

Jane wondered whether Bob had left the wrong card by mistake, and, after some thought, decided he had known exactly what he was doing.

With some feeling of shame, she put the card in her dresser, under her lingerie, where David or the kids would not come across it.

When David arrived home that evening, he asked as he usually did how Jane's day had gone.

"Oh, uneventful, except the washer quit and I had to get it repaired."

"How much did that cost?"

"Only fifty Dollars. Bob said it was just a belt and he had a replacement with him." She had blurted out the man's given name without even thinking.

"Bob eh? You must have struck up quite a friendship."

"Oh, he was very pleasant," Jane responded. She was getting wet again just thinking about Bob O'Maley and how close she had come to taking him into their bed. "He said it's a fine old washer and that they don't make 'em that good anymore."

"Yeah, we bought it right after we were married. Remember? That makes it sixteen years old."

They don't make many like Bob either, Jane thought as she felt her panties become wet once more.

"With the kids at camp, why don't we try to get to bed early tonight, once supper is out of the way," Jane suggested, provocatively.

"Sorry. Can't. I brought a pile of work home from the office. I'll probably be up till one or later."

At David's rebuff, Jane's face fell as she thought again about Bob, and what it would be like to have his undoubtedly prodigious manhood service her.

Still upset by her husband's rejection, Jane retrieved Bob's card from her dresser, lifted the phone by the bed and dialed the number.

"This is Bob, at your service," she heard from the receiver.

"B... Bob, this is Mrs. Ramsey, Jane Ramsey. You repaired my washer today."

"Yes, I remember, the broken belt."

"That's right. I'm just calling to let you know that it's working fine and to thank you for your service."

"Jane, that's not why you called. I am sure that you know what a 'personal service specialist' does. And, I'm even more sure that it wasn't some Shirley Bartley over on the next street who recommended me. I'm quite positive it was your next door neighbor, Margaret Dover. Margaret has always been very satisfied by my services and I'm sure you will be too. So, why don't you just come out and say that you would like to engage me. It turns out that I am free this evening. Meet me in an hour at the cocktail lounge at the Warwick. We can discuss details and see where we go from there."

"You are very direct, aren't you, Bob?"

"You will find that I am both direct and firm. I'm sure I don't have to explain firm."

"Yes, I've heard."

"I promise that you won't be disappointed - at the Warwick in one hour."

Jane hung up without another word.

What have I done? she asked herself. How can I? David's downstairs in the study working on those papers of his.

She picked up the phone again and dialed Margaret Dover's number - hoping that her neighbor's husband would not answer.

"Hello," she heard her friend say.

"Margaret, I've gone and done it."


"Yes, it's Jane."

"What have you done, told your husband that he's a bummer in bed?"

"No, I called Bob."

"Then I take it you liked what you saw when he came to fix your washer?"

"Yes I must admit that I did."

"Wait until you see the rest of him. You've only viewed the outer wrappings."

"Yes, you quite vividly described his hidden attributes."

"Well, when are you going to see him?"

"Tonight. I'm meeting him in less than an hour."

"Wow. you do work fast."

"That's why I'm calling. I'll tell David that you and I are going to a movie. So, please don't call me this evening."

"Got it. I'll be interested in hearing all about it at lunch tomorrow."

"I won't be able to tell you anything you don't already know."

"True, but I'll be interested in your impression of him and his services."

Jane was wet, just thinking about the services Bob would perform on her in the next few hours as she showered and dressed in easy-to-remove clothing.

Not knowing how much Bob would charge, she went to her hiding place in the drawer containing her underclothes and drew out five one hundred dollar bills - all the money she had saved from her house allowance for a shopping spree.

* * *

At eight-thirty, Jane entered the Warwick bar and had no difficulty spotting Bob sitting at a corner table. Even in the dim light, he was obviously the most attractive man in the room.

Nervously, she approached the table.

"Hello, Jane, Bob said and she neared him. Sit down. You look nervous. Don't be."

"Well, I'm afraid I am. This is the first time I've done anything like this."

"I understand, and I won't pressure you. If you don't want to do anything but have a drink with me and talk, that's fine. On the other hand, I have a room reserved upstairs where we can become much better acquainted."

"I think I would like that drink first," Jane said. Maybe, it will give me more courage."

"You showed courage calling and coming here tonight. I also perceive that you are in need of the services I can provide."

Bob signaled to a waitress, who came and took their drink orders, then in a business-like tone, he told Jane that his fee for the entire night would be $500 and that a one hour sample of his services, would cost a mere $300. "Of course, as I said, if you just want to have a drink and engage in some small talk, we can do that and postpone more interesting events till another time."

"No, I came here tonight because I know what you do. My friend, Margaret Dover has described your er, ah, services and capabilities in glowing terms. But, I can only spend a few hours, so I guess the three hundred dollar special is all I can afford at this time."

Jane was glad she would still have $200 left for shopping,

"Fine," Bob said. Let's finish our drinks and get to it. I promise that I can show you a good time."

As Jane almost chugalugged her drink, her panties were sopping wet, just thinking about what Bob had hidden beneath his trousers.

* * *

They left the cocktail lounge and made for the elevators. Bob had reserved a pleasant sixth floor room overlooking downtown Houston. It was a beautiful view, but not the view Jane had been anticipating for the past hour, since she decided to take the plunge.

"You are lovely, Jane. I have seen many women, but few are as attractive as you. Without your clothes, I am sure you'll be stunning."

"I bet you tell that to all the women you see."

"No, I don't. Even if I was inclined to, in most cases I wouldn't have a chance before the lady is undoing my belt and grabbing for my zipper."

Jane had had that same notion in her mind as soon as she entered the room and the door was shut and locked, but her conservative nature had prevented her from making such an audacious move.

"Margaret has mentioned that you are, as they say, 'well endowed.'"

"So, you're a little curious?"

"I guess, if I wasn't, I wouldn't be here, would I?"

"Then you shouldn't have to wait any longer." Bob said as he unzipped and extracted the longest and thickest penis, Jane had ever seen.

Of course, she had only seen her husband's and the tiny appendage adorning her young son. But, she hadn't seen that for years, probably since he was about six.

"Don't be bashful," Bob said as he reached for Jane's hand and guided it to his massive manhood.

Stroking a penis wasn't new to Jane. As she had told Margaret, she had participated in such practice during her courtship with David. She had even done it a few times since they were married when she was having her period and David needed relief. But, this was different. She could always get her hand around her husband's shaft, but failed to do so around the prodigious tool that Bob had unleashed.

"That's it, stroke it, Babe. Get it hard. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Jane couldn't imagine what Bob's penis would be like when it was fully erect.

"Lick the end. Put it in your mouth. That's the fastest way to get me hard," Bob said.

Jane, of course knew of oral sex. It had been in the news headlines twenty years ago. But, she had never performed it on David. Knowing his conservative ways, she was sure he would never permit her to. But, this wasn't David and she was already acting the slut, just being here and stroking this man's penis. So, what the hell, she might as well go all the way and be a slut.

She kneeled down and took the end of Bob's growing appendage into her lips, swirled her tongue around the tiny slit at its extremity. Surprisingly, she realized that she rather enjoyed the procedure.

"That's it, Babe. Suck my big cock," Bob ordered. "Come on, you can get more of it in than that."

Jane opened wide and guided more of the monster into her mouth and throat.

"That's it, Babe. You're doing great. You'll make a fine little cocksucker in no time at all," Bob growled. But, now its' your turn."

With that, he withdrew his nine inch wonder from Jane's mouth and quickly shed his pants and shirt. He wasn't wearing any underclothes, so the process took only a few seconds. Kicking off his loafers and removing his socks, Bob stood before her, fully naked.

"Do I live up to your expectations, Jane? I saw you looking me up and down when I came to replace that belt you and your friend Margaret cut in order to get me there. Don't deny it, you wanted to see the merchandise. Now here it is. Do you approve?"

"Yes, I must admit, you are a most attractive man your arms, your chest, you waist and legs all very firm and muscled."

"What about my cock? You left him out."

"Yes, I would say it's quit impressive."

"I think you will find it more impressive when it's buried in your pussy and you've come for the second or third time in less than a half hour. But first, you have to get as naked as I am. Do you want me to do the honors and take care of your disrobing yourself?"

David had seldom undressed her, and such a process was one of her fantasies. Having this completely naked man with the huge erection bobbing in front of her while he removed her clothing, would be an arousing experience indeed - that is, if she wasn't aroused already, which of course she was.

"I think I'll permit you to do it."

Bob lost no time.

First, reached around her and skillfully unbuttoned blouse. Removing it, he tossed it into the same chair on which his pants and shirt lay.

Her bra was next. It came off in a flash and joined the other clothing.

"I must say, Jane, for a lady you age, you have exquisite breasts. I rather thought they would be firm and perky as they are. May I?"

"Of course. Why do you think I'm here. I want it all."

"And, you shall have it all. In the hour we have this evening, I will take you to where you have never been before. But first, your skirt and whatever else you're wearing must come off."

With that, Bob's fingers found the clasp and buttons holding Jane's skirt, swiftly lifted it over her head and flung it across the room to the chair holding the rest of their garments. A pair of white panties greeted his view.

"Jane, you are a magnificent woman. I'm going to enjoy our evening together as much as I know you will. Step out of your shoes and remove those damn stockings, so I can rid you of this impediment to our pleasure." As he said this, his hands went under the waistband of Jane's panties and sought out the oozing entrance to her womanhood.