Amazing Grace


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I withdrew my face from beneath his balls and spun around to face the opposite direction. I then leaned all the way back, using his thighs for support. I caught one last glimpse of Auggie as my face again descended beneath his balls, only this time positioned to give me full access. The look in his eyes was priceless, filled with wonder, awe, and unhinged desire.

I nuzzled my lips in between his cheeks and found the spot for which I was searching, then let my tongue go to work. I took my time, caressing his forbidden orifice with long loving passes, trying to relax him in order to gain full access. Spurred on by Auggie's moans, I found the courage to explore further and let the tip of my tongue attempt a breach.

"Fuck me Jesus!" Auggie cried out, music to my ears. "Shit yeah, Gracie -- slide that tongue up in my ass!" I felt compelled to obey, but driven by lust and not by force. Once I managed to wiggle my tongue inside, I lost all sense of decorum and attacked my task with wild abandon, surprising myself in the process.

"You sweet, sexy bitch," I heard him moan, and it warmed me inside, made me work harder.

It was in that moment with my tongue buried deep in Auggie's tight little hole that I understood what my mother meant about being free. I feared what Garry might think if I ever dared do this him. Would he lose respect for me or think of me as a dirty whore? I had lived my life constrained by the politics of respectability. With Auggie, I had somehow managed to find a space free of those concerns. What I was doing with him just felt like what needed to happen in the moment to make the sex as good as it could possibly be for both of us, and that was my only concern. His moans told me how much he loved it, and so help me God, so did I.

Drunk with lust I had no shame, happily eating the most forbidden of fruits. But then I imagined someone else seeing me, getting caught in this state of true freedom, my secret self exposed. The shame would be unbearable. Could I own it? If caught, could I ever stand and admit to my husband that this truly was me? Could I do that and face the shame, his hurt, and his wrath? I doubted it. I almost cried, feeling what my mom had likely gone through. Yet, it was still a privilege to have that option to deny oneself and avoid the shame. It didn't make it right, just all the more tragic. White privilege could protect my social standing, but it kills the soul. My mother was never the same after that rape trial. I always thought it was because of the trauma from the assault. Now I knew better.

Had my mom done this for Auggie's dad? Did her pussy leak constantly in his presence, desperate with hunger, the way mine did for Auggie? Did her profuse wetness make Joseph's cock look like silky melted chocolate when he pulled out of her, just like mine did Auggie's? Did she ever kiss my dad -- or me -- with a warm load of Joseph's cum in her belly and his taste still fresh in her mouth, the way I would do to Garry when he got home in a few hours? Had she let him take her anally and cum all over him, only to beg him to come back and do it again, just like I wanted to beg Auggie? Did she cherish her soreness back there the way I had come to cherish mine, a sweet reminder of just how thoroughly he had fucked me? All of these thoughts raced through my mind while I tested just how far inside Auggie my tongue could reach.

He was ready to explode, and I needed to feel his explosion in my mouth. I didn't want to miss one drop like the last time. I scrambled out from under him back into the light and shoved him back into my throat. I wrapped my arms around his thighs to hold on, then slipped my right middle finger back inside his ass. He was relaxed and slippery from all my saliva. I found his prostate easily and pressed down. That was all it took. He went off like a rocket, bucking into my face and growling my name. His legs quivered and he had to hold onto my head for balance. His shaft swelled in my throat with each blast of his sweet juice and I felt my neck straining to accommodate him. The noises coming out of his chest became unintelligible as he continued to flood my digestive system. I had never made a man cum so hard before, and it filled me with pride to do that for Auggie.

Eventually his knees gave out, and he slid down into the water allowing me to breathe again. "Wow!" was all he could manage to say, a look of dumb amazement on his face. I was glowing inside, but waiting anxiously as to what was going to happen next.

"Come here," he finally said, pulling me into his arms. I beamed with pride and happiness as I turned and let my back settle into his broad chest.

Sitting comfortably in his arms, I struggled not to delude myself. Was he just satisfying a raw physical need, or was there something else transpiring between us? 'Who was I kidding?' I concluded with a pang of sadness. He was a man fresh from a 12 year prison stint, wrongly convicted, full of rage, lust, hate and visions of vengeance all rolled together. He needed an outlet for those energies. Fucking me was a perfect release for all them.

But underneath all that negative energy was also the good nerdy kid he used to be before his life was interrupted. I could tell he had really struggled not to lose that side of himself. It was that side of him that needed affection, needed to be loved in order to begin to restore his faith in humanity. It was the least I could do to play that role for him.

Eventually our bath water cooled and it was time for us to get out. We had already started to prune. When I started to apply some moisturizer to my skin, Auggie stopped me and instructed me to go lay down on my bed. He soon followed me, moisturizer bottle in hand, and told me to turn over on my tummy and began applying it to my skin. It was hard to believe that this was the same man who was so rough with me the day before.

He started on my legs, spreading them just wide enough to feign necessity but I suspected he wanted to let my pussy peek out so he could gauge my reaction while he worked on me. He was in store for quite the scandalous display.

He skipped my behind to work on my back and shoulders, gently rubbing the cool cream into my skin. He made sure not to miss one spot. I was so relaxed when he worked his way back down to my ass that I didn't tense up one bit.

I made happy sighs of contentment as Auggie worked each of my glutes thoroughly. After my moisturizer was lathered on he squeezed each cheek over and over again, testing their firmness and watching them fall back into shape. I thought my ass was way too fleshy and soft, but Auggie was enthralled by it. He gave it a few firm but playful slaps and I yelped, then almost begged him to give me more.

I would have, in fact, if he had not taken that moment to begin spreading my cheeks apart. Nervous anticipation gripped me, causing me to tense. His weight shifted on the bed and I felt his warm breath on my ass, indicating that he had moved his face down close to my crack to get a better look. But he didn't just look. I suddenly heard him taking deep inhalations through his nose and I shivered at the prospect of what he was doing. The sheer erotic nastiness made me swoon, and the moisture that had been collecting in my pussy suddenly began to dribble out of my slit. I shamelessly pushed my hips up to encourage his indulgence.

"Ooh!" I squealed when I felt a fat dab of cool moisturizer cream splash into my crack, directly onto my anus. Auggie snickered. What a naughty boy he was being. With a tender touch he began to massage it in, being extra careful knowing that I was still sore back there. That didn't stop my body from reacting, though. My muscles twitched in nervous anticipation every time the pad of one of his thick fingers graced over my tender little hole, making a gentle pucker, like my ass was blowing him a kiss.

I should have been embarrassed when his wandering fingers began to play in my pool of wetness, but we were long past any pretense of modesty or decorum. My body was in a constant state of need when it came to him and we both knew it. When I then heard him slurping on the fingers that had just been playing in my leaky pussy, I almost lost it.

"Such a tease," I whined. Auggie snickered.

"Turn over then," he ordered, "and let me get your front." I flipped over in a heartbeat.

Again he started low and worked his way up. As he lotioned my feet, he pulled each of them into his lap, spreading my legs a bit again. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his ministrations, turned on by the fact that I knew he had a direct line of vision right into my sex. Auggie continued to massage my feet while my desire continued to grow. I felt my lips slowly pull apart as they swelled with my arousal. Warm moisture began oozing out of me, slowly sliding down over my perineum. The heady smell of my aroused sex began wafting up to my nostrils, and I knew it was only a matter of time before Auggie smelled me, too. I opened my eyes to find his sight fixated on my leaky pussy, watching it drip with need. Slowly and deliberately I let my thighs gape open further, brazenly beckoning his lips to my sex.

Hunger finally got the better of him. Auggie settled between my legs and wrapped his arms around me, taking a firm grip of each of my ass cheeks and pulled my sex in tight toward his face. Again I fought my insecurities around not being waxed down there, but Auggie reminded me of the eternal truth of that Aretha Franklin song. He seemed to relish the fact that I had hair there, rubbing his face in it and finally burying his nose in my mound. The course hairs on his chin tickled my gash while he continued to smell my bush. When he eventually came up for air I saw the slimy mess I'd left beneath his lips and felt shame at my raw need so nakedly on display.

That shame quickly turned to rapture as I watched Auggie make long, wide swaths with his tongue across my dripping gash, licking up the mess I'd made there. He pushed my legs all the way back and spread them wide to give himself maximum access, and with my head propped up on a stack of pillows I could see everything in pornographic detail. My smell grew thicker as my humid musk seemed to fill up the room. I watched his tongue faithfully make pass after pass across my folds, trying to collect all my honey.

The problem was I was so turned on that I was oozing new messes faster than he could lick up the old. Auggie was perfectly happy with that. I watched his throat muscles bulging in his neck as he gulped down my nectar, mouthful after mouthful. Little pearls of my moisture were gathered in his goatee, and his lips and nose grew slick and shiny as I made a mess of his face. But Auggie was resourceful; he managed to solve that problem as well, placing his lips around my leaky hole and drinking me while he swirled his tongue around inside.

He took his time to eat me thoroughly. I soon realized that he wasn't going down on me to try and get me off, or to just warm me up for penetration. No, Auggie was eating my pussy purely for his own enjoyment, just to smell me, taste me, and feel the warm silky texture of my pussy all over his face. He smothered himself in my leaky sex and drank greedily from my hole as if he was parched. Despite the lack of any technique, it was beautifully erotic all the same. I gently rubbed his head and caressed his face while he massaged me with his tongue and drank my musky nectar. We could have stayed like that all day as far as I was concerned -- my dripping faucet wasn't getting turned off anytime soon.

Once sated, he turned his attention toward the top of my slit, trying to locate the spot I briefly guided him to the previous night. My heart skipped a beat in realizing that I wasn't just a set of three holes that he was using to satisfy his long pent up needs. He cared about my enjoyment as well. I pushed his head back a little then brought my hands down to my sex and spread my lips.

"Right here," I whispered, tapping the exposed nub of my clitoris. "Put your lips around... Yeah, that's it," I sighed. "Now just love it with your tongue."

A little direction and enough enthusiasm can take a person so far in life. Auggie took to his task like a fish to water, sensually swirling his tongue around my sensitive nub and staying locked onto it despite the erratic gyrations of my hips. It became harder and harder to hold my tongue. Through my moans I began whispering to him, calling his name.

"Auggie, you're gonna make me cum," I warned him. He grabbed my hips tighter, and sped up the ministrations of his tongue. "Auggie, you're gonna make me cum in your sweet mouth!" I called out, all sense of decorum lost. He grunted his approval and I lost it completely. Before I knew it I was thrashing on the bed, biting my lip to keep from screaming out his name, and bathing his face in my juices. He finally relented when I became too sensitive and returned to licking the rest of my vulva. He didn't stop until he had licked me clean.

I didn't squirt like I'd done the previous night, but I had made a good mess. Auggie had locked his lips around my sex and suckled at my pussy while I was coming, anticipating, like he wanted to drink my squirt. I felt bad that I hadn't, wanting to fulfill his every desire. I wondered if I would ever again achieve that same level of orgasmic bliss without Auggie's beautiful cock buried deep inside me, making me feel sinful and dirty, and shuddered at the realization. I didn't want to live the rest of my life and never feel that again.


"What are you doing?" I asked as Auggie rummaged through my drawers.

"Looking for something for you to wear," he answered, not bothering to look up from his task.

"That's kinda rude, don't you think, just going through my stuff like that?" I said, walking over to the dresser to close the drawer in which he was looking.

"Everything we just did and this is where you draw the line?"

"Both Garry and I have private things in there, and just because I've let you into my body doesn't mean I've given you complete run over my life."

"I wasn't trying to snoop through your man's stuff," he said. "Just show me where your underwear drawer is then."

I pointed to the correct drawer, still nervous about him going through my things. He ignored my anxiety and set about his task again. He began looking through my panties as I stood there nervously. There were so many all mixed up that he grew frustrated and before I knew it he had grabbed the whole drawer and dumped its contents out on my bed. I tried to stop him but it was too late. All my panties there in a pile, followed by the source of my embarrassment landing on top.

Auggie picked up my little rabbit vibrator and inspected it. "Didn't figure you for having one of these," he said, turning it on through its various settings. I felt my face flush with humiliation. "Don't be shy about it. I always really wanted to see somebody use one."

"I didn't need it with you," I replied before I could think better of it and catch myself. Shit.

"True dat," he said, nodding. He handed me my toy and shifted his attention back to my panties. He spread them out and began to examine each pair. He selected three of my skimpiest thongs, a few cheekies, and two pairs of lacy shorties. "Let me see how you look in these," he said simply. The desire in his eyes compelled me to obey. I simply had no off switch when it came to this man, and I hated it. I turned to head to the bathroom but he held my arm.

"I was gonna go change," I said, confused.

"No, stay here. I want to watch you put them on."

I rolled my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh, but we both knew it was fake. I was already feeling tingly at the mere thought of modeling for him.

I tried each pair on then paraded about the room at his command. Auggie wanted to observe me from every angle, so I did my best sexy walk to him and spun around. "Mmm," he groaned, suddenly no longer satisfied with just looking. He ran his fingers over the material to feel the texture against my body and I tried my best to suppress the nervous shiver than ran through me. When I removed the first pair, there was already a wet spot forming in the gusset. Auggie simply held out his hand for me to hand them over, then pressed the material right into his nose to breathe in my scent. I was creaming before I got the next pair fully on.

We went through each pair and in the end it was a pair of lilac lace shorties that he loved the most, surprising me. He even knew the name of each design cut, which really shocked me.

"Do you have the matching bra for these?" he asked, pointing to the shorties as I pulled them up my legs.

"I might," I replied coyly. I walked toward my closet where I kept my bras, a little extra sway in my hips.

"Good," he said, not buying that there was any chance that I didn't. "Grab it, and some thigh highs, too. And your sexiest pair of heels," he called out as I disappeared behind the closet door.

"Quite demanding, aren't we?" I called back to him. He just laughed. He knew I was enjoying every minute of it.

I stayed in the closet to don the items he requested. I wanted to walk out and give him the full effect. I took a couple of steps, trying my best imitation of a catwalk strut. I was used to walking in heels for court so with any luck, I wouldn't fall flat on my face.

When I emerged from the closet Auggie was seated on the corner of my bed, his nice thick phallus lying at half-mast along his thigh. I strutted across the room then in his direction. By the time I made it in front of him his cock was standing straight up at attention to greet me. More fresh cream in my shorties.

"Fuck yes" he hissed. I thought he might pounce on me and I was prepared to let him despite my soreness, but he managed to get control of himself, even with his raging erection, at least for the time being. He slowly stroked himself as an inferno burned just below his surface.

"I take it you like?" I asked rhetorically. He didn't answer. Instead, he reached out to slowly run his hands up the back of my thighs. When he reached my ass he grabbed hold firmly and pulled me into his embrace. He simply rubbed his face on my tummy while I caressed his scalp. Then he stopped abruptly and stood.

"Not yet," he said. "One last step." He led me back into my master bath and had me take a seat at my vanity. "Hair and makeup."

"You just want the whole package, don't you?" I scoffed.

"Yup yup."

"But that's gonna take me like a whole half hour," I complained, "especially if you're just gonna mess it up once I'm done."

"Don't you want me to mess it up once you're done?" he chuckled. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Damn if I didn't.

"Fine," I said. "At least sit down and keep me company."

"I wasn't planning on going anywhere," he said. He resumed his seat on the side of my tub, watching me intensely as I plugged in my flat iron and began to mess with my hair. We were silent for a minute or two, then my curiosity finally got the better of me.

"I can understand you wanting to see me dressed up like this, but why does it turn you on so much to watch me get ready?" I asked him. Long silence. I glanced in his direction through my mirror and saw him thinking.

"Do you know what the most common form of contraband is in a men's prison?" he asked me finally.

"Drugs?" I answered.

"No. You're close, though. Victoria Secret catalogs. They're so common because they are legal and easy to get a hold of. They're easy to sneak in, dogs can't smell them, and if you get caught with one as a guard or a visitor coming to the prison, you won't catch a charge. The fucked up irony is that Victoria's Secret uses prison labor to sew the damned things, but we can't even have the fucking catalogue."