Supernatural Earth Pt. 10


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Then Skulker, the other Lurker in the lake, chimed in. [Remembering] That was just after one of our own perished if we recall correctly from our Histories...

The dual voices, one male and one female, returned. Take the bow and go to the coast... they commanded.

"Argh... one at a time, people!" Bobby groaned, holding his head that was becoming increasingly crowded. Well, he'd asked for an answer and now he had more chatter in his brain than he knew what to do with. Holding onto the silver recurve, Bobby began jogging for his car and then he drove for the coast. Parking at a secluded cove that was south of the spaceport that was being constructed and north of the recently finished naval base.

It was amazing how much money Newhaven had to throw around after coming out of the supernatural closet and opening their doors to the world's scientific community.

When he arrived, he saw a pair topless girls sitting in the surf. He couldn't help but grin when he saw them. "Hiee Bobby!" they waved and called out in their melodious voices that he could listen to all day. They smiled as their tails flipped happily up out of the water. The Merfolk had been waiting for a safe haven on land to call home for many millennia now. When Newhaven was declared open, they were one of the first to answer the call and now they protected the waters outside of Newhaven's only port to the Atlantic ever since they took everything within fifty miles of the lake. They were now, essentially, Newhaven's Navy.

"Hey, ladies," Bobby waved back at them as he jogged up, his cock stirring in his shorts at just the sight of them. "Sunning yourselves or drying off?" He kinda hoped for drying off for that meant that they were horny and wanting to mate. Mostly, from what they'd told him when they first appeared in this cove a year ago, it was for pure pleasure. However, he'd heard on a couple of occasions that some of the Mermaids had children that had been sired by a couple of the men back in town.

"Waiting for you," they said as one with a polite giggle. "Poseidon and Amphitrite commanded us to wait here for you."

"For me?" Bobby blinked and gaped at them. Then he cast a suspicious glance upward. "Uhhh, why?"

"We are to take you to Atnanthna," they said, holding out their arms to him. Bobby shrugged, slung the bow over his shoulders, and took each one by the hand. The redhead, Her name was Marinda, pulled Bobby down into a warm embrace, covering his mouth with hers. The brunette, Cherith, snaked her arms in underneath of his and Marinda, holding his body between theirs. Then she flipped them all in the surf and shot them out into the water in a blur.

Bobby involuntarily yelped again as they shot breakneck speed through the ocean water with both Marinda and Cherith's tails flipping at top speed behind them. Marinda grabbed Bobby's head and kept her lips locked onto his. It took him a moment to realize that she was doing the breathing for the both of them. It was a bit creepy at first, but he soon got used to it. Then her started getting a hard-on from it. After all, he was being sandwiched in between two naked mermaids and what heterosexual or bisexual male wouldn't want to be in between two pairs of perfect, supple breasts?

After a few minutes, they came to a stop. Bobby looked around and it was Marinda's voice that came into his head. We are here. We have stood guard over this site for a long time. We were told that we'd be bringing in the one who would open it, our hearts leapt with joy.

Why's that? Bobby asked back.

There is magic here that protects the place. We cannot enter. Marinda explained. But you, a mortal with no magic, can.

They swam deeper and Bobby was surprised that he could actually see this far down. Then he realized that light was coming from beneath them. He stared down in Awe at the massive structure that looked like it could've come straight from ancient Greece or Rome. I don't have any SCUBA gear! How the hell am I supposed to breathe?

Use this! Cherith, who'd briefly swam away, came back and offered him some seaweed. We used to use this all the time for mortals that we brought down here to mate with. It will allow you to breathe for a short time until you get into the air pocket down there. She pointed to the fissure where there were bubbles drifting out, indicating air below.

Ah, thanks. Bobby thought back to her as he took the seaweed into his mouth. He gagged at first but then his lungs expanded with air as the seaweed acted as a gill inside of his mouth and throat. Nodding that he was okay, Bobby pushed away from them and allowed his body to drift down to the crack in the ceiling where a stream of air bubbles was slowly drifting back up to the surface.

I wonder what the hell is down here?



Helena believed that she truly was being tortured in the underworld. Every so often she would have flashes of her sisters being suspended underwater in the tendrils, of their bodies writhing, their voices moaning either in pleasure or in anguish. Her own body seemed like it was suspended between pleasure and pain as in one moment she felt like she was having the most intense, exquisite orgasm that she'd ever thought possible followed by flashes of the most intense, blinding pain that she swore that no one could survive. One moment she felt as if she were full with child, another moment she felt as if that child was being ripped away from her.

Then there were periods of darkness... of nothingness...

She wondered how long she, and her sisters, would have to endure the underworld before their spirits were allowed to pass.

Pleasure... Pain... Pleasure... Pain... Full... Empty... repeat...

Then, one day, her eyes snapped open and her lungs burst with air and her mind was her own once again.



"SHIIIIIIIIIIT!" Bobby cried out as he finally got though the crack in the temple's roof and fell into nothingness. His arms and legs pinwheeled as he desperately tried to find something to interrupt his fall, to no avail. He dropped for at least thirty feet until landing in water again. Bobby surfaced immediately, looking upward. "Fuck..." he gasped and sputtered as he looked up, saw the distance, and was thankful that he hadn't been killed. Then he looked around. There was an eerie glow that was coming from inside this chamber and at a closer look, he saw strange glowing sigils and runes carved all over into the sides and ceiling. He looked down into the water and there were glowing runes beneath where he was treading water at as well.

"Whatever was in here wasn't getting out any time soon..." he muttered as he swam to a outcropping of stone that jutted up out of the cold water. Ever since Newhaven came out of the supernatural closet, every citizen was being educated on what all was out there. From Minotaurs to Maidens. From Vampires to Werewolves. If it went bump in the night, they were being educated about it. He recognized these runes as very ancient and powerful one crafted by the magic using humans known as the Magi. Bobby gingerly climbed up onto the jutting stone to get a better look around. The entire chamber was deafeningly quiet. It was so quiet that he could hear his own heart beat. The silence was unnerving. "What the hell am I even doing here?" he muttered, his own voice sounding painfully loud.

He peered back into the water and that's when he saw the outline of the thing in it, its huge body silhouetted against the bright runes below it. Bobby cried out in shock when he saw it. "Fuck Me! A Lurker!" he gasped as he clawed backward in shock at his find. He then recovered, blinked and peered down carefully. The Lurker looked like its massive arms were spayed out to the side. Beams of light seemed to hold its wrists, neck, torso, and legs into place. As his eyes got acclimated to the strange light as it played in the otherwise dark chamber, Bobby saw something more. "Holy fuck..." he breathed when he saw the women wrapped up in the Lurker's tendrils as if they were inside the prison creature.

The realization hit him as he then looked at the wards all around the chamber. "Its.... is it trapped?" he wondered. He tried to get a mental message out to the Mermaids swimming about outside but there was no response. He was on his own. Bobby then tried to think as he figured that time was going to work against him here. He was in an air-filled chamber about a half mile under water that was really far off the coast. The air wouldn't hold out forever unless the Lurker was the one providing it in here.

His eyes drifted to the runes. Destroying any one of them should make whatever holding spell the Magi had set up weaken... he thought, trying to remember what he'd read on the Magi's runes. Hopefully that'll allow the Lurker to wake the fuck up to get us out of here... He didn't have anything except the magical bow that he picked up back in Newhaven. Without much else to go on, he took the bow out, drew a light arrow, aimed at the closest rune, and fired. The bolt of light struck true in the middle of the rune. The rune flickered and then dimmed. At once, there was a loud rumbling beneath him as the Lurker stirred. Now knowing that he was on to something, Bobby took aim at the runes surrounding the Lurker's head and fired in quick succession.

The Lurker moved its massive head, shaking it back and forth as it lumbered to full consciousness. [Shock] WE... ARE... AWAKE... The mental proclamation was so loud that it nearly bowled Bobby over. [Inquisitive] We have mortal companions within us... why... Its massive eyes focused in on Bobby.

"Hey, pal, don't look at me, I just got here..." Bobby said, holding up his hands and hoping the Lurker was friendly. "Hold on and I'll take care of these runes to get you free."

[Commanding] WAIT... [Commanding] Forestall your projectiles... [Calculating] The runes must be removed in a certain order or else the companions will perish when they inhale water upon awakening... [Alarm] One of the companions have broken free... [Commanding] Retrieve the female...

Bobby was just about to ask what the Lurker was talking about when a naked woman broke the surface, sputtering for air, and flailed about not too far from him. Without thinking, Bobby slung the bow back around his shoulders and dove in for her. In two good kicks and strokes, he was to her. He wrapped an arm under her arms and pulled her back to the outcropping where he'd been at. "Easy! Just take it easy! You're going to be just fine!" he told her.

The woman babbled something out in a language that he didn't understand. He hoped that it was gratitude. "Woah! Time out! Easy! I have no clue what you're talking about, lady," he said as he clambered up onto the rock and then hefted her up, laying her out. "Are you okay?" he asked then realized, stupidly, that she probably had no idea what he was saying. She was beautiful from what he could see; well toned muscles, curves in the right place, nice full and round breasts that were pointed, definitely athletic, he couldn't tell if her hair was brown or a dirty blonde in this light and with it being water-logged. She even had a cute little thatch of curly hair, almost like peach fuzz, over her pubis. It was a bit of an oddity to him as girls nowadays were all typically shaved or trimmed.

[Instructing] We have the correct sequence in which these runes need to be deactivated... We shall now show you in our mind...


Helena kicked to the surface of the water and took a deep breath immediately after being freed from the tendrils of the creature that had imprisoned her. Shortly after breaking the surface and gasping for breath, she flailed about as her limbs felt deadened and refused to work properly. She heard a splash behind her and the next thing that she knew there was a man's arm encircling her chest and pulling her along in the water. "Release me!" she shouted at him. "Release me at once! How dare you presume to be worthy enough to touch my flesh!" The man said something back in a strange tongue as he hauled her to shore. Once there he lifted her out of the water and laid her out on the rock.

Then he was over top of her with concern in his eyes. Again, he said something, it sounded like a question with concern, that she did not understand. She thought that she knew all the different tongues of the land. Apparently not. She simply stared back up at him, catching his eyes roving up and down her body, before he turned as if someone else was talking to him. He nodded, said something back, and then took the bow from across his shoulders to aim at one of the glowing runes up in the ceiling. He drew the string of light to nock a light arrow and let it fly.

Her breath caught. He had the Bow of Artemis! It was the sacred bow of the Three Tribes that the Goddess Artemis gave to Queen Hippolyta. It was then handed down from Queen to Queen through the ages.

And it was now in the hands of a man.

"You are not worthy of that bow!" she howled. Finding renewed strength, she charged him to wrestle the bow from his grasp. He turned his head with wide eyes, shocked at her outburst. Then he ducked and did a shuffle and a side step to move behind her. Then with a move that she'd never seen before, he shoulder-threw her down to the ground, all with the bow still in hand. He drew another light arrow, aiming it right at her while yelling at her.

Then there was a rumble beneath them and a voice entered her mind. The man seemed to hear it too as he was wincing along with her. [Resignation] You two need communication... [Commanding] Drink of my nectar...

Helena saw two tendrils rise up out of the water; one heading for her and one heading for the man. The man grabbed it without hesitation, bringing it up to his lips and sucking down the blob that was at the end. He then looked down at her expectantly and then nodded towards the other tendril. She hesitated at first and then too grabbed it and took a drink.


Right as Bobby was taking a shot at the next rune, the girl then screamed in outrage and charged him. His martial arts training that mom had insisted on since the 3rd grade when he was bullied kicked in. He grabbed her by the arm and did something between a Judo throw and a Jiu-Jitsu takedown. Then he nocked an arrow to keep her down under duress while keeping her neck under his knee. "Are you off your fucking rocker, lady?" he yelled down at her. "I saved your life and you fucking attack me?"

The Lurker rumbled. [Resignation] You two need communication... [Commanding] Drink of my nectar... Two tentacles popped up out of the water. Bobby grabbed one and drank. It wasn't his first taste of Lurker Nectar and this one tasted just as sweet as the Ancient One's nectar. Then he looked down at his guest expectantly. She hesitated then drank as well.

"Can you understand me now?" Bobby asked her.

"Yes..." she said, glaring up at him. "You are not worthy of that weapon!"

"And hello to you too, sweetheart." He snorted. "My name's Robert. My friends call me Bobby. What's yours?"

"I am Helena of Chadesia, Daughter of the Three Tribes of Ares and Artemis," she replied.

"Of ashen-wooden hair, First of your name, Heir to the Iron Throne, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms and all that?" Bobby quipped with a grin. When she gave him a confused look his grin faltered. "Game of Thrones?" he asked. "Guess they didn't get HBO down here..." he sighed. Then he sighted in on the next rune that the Lurker indicated in his mind, nocked another light arrow, and fired at it.

"You. Are. Not. Worthy!" Helena snarled at him, grabbing for the bow. "No man is allowed to wield it!"

Bobby slapped her hand away and then pushed her back down to the ground when she tried to come at him again. "Look... Helena was it... I've had a really interesting morning that started with me getting a video feed of my mom blowing and getting fucked by Werewolves, a lightning bolt blowing open a rock coffin where I found this bow at, God and his Wife telling me to take this bow out to the coast where Mermaids then brought me here. I apparently have a job to do with this bow so if you wanna argue ownership about it later, we can. Until then, I'm going to free the Lurker below us who will, in turn, free your friends." He paused and looked down into the water. "Or at least I assume they're your friends that are down there with the Lurker, anyway."

"They are my battle sisters from my tribe," Helena confirmed. She paused as she took in his strange words. Did the gods really command this... Bobby... to take up the bow? It galled her to no end to see a man using it. But the proof was right in front of her. He was holding it and the arrows of light were producing for him. It shook her entire faith to be witnessing this.

Bobby systematically took out the runes as the Lurker indicated. Helena scrambled over to the side of the rock and peered down into the water. "What about my sisters?" she demanded.

[Informative] We are keeping them in slumber... for now... even though many are waking up... The voice that she assumed was the creature, the Lurker, told her. [Informative] We will keep them this way until we can get them to shore...

"NO!" Helena shouted down to it. "Release them!"

"We're out in the middle of the fucking ocean, lady!" Bobby snapped as he continued his work of systematically shooting at the runes in the order that the Lurker told him. "It took Mermaids... Fucking Mermaids... to get me down here. What are you gonna do, swim it?" He shot out the last rune and the Lurker broke free of the spell that had entombed it for so long.

The Lurker broke out of the water, rising to both feet and bellowing at it stretched and moved for the first time in millennia. [Gratitude] You have our thanks... little one... [Informative] We have already been in contact with The Ancient One... We shall return you both back... It stooped down to bring it's massive face down to Bobby and Helena. [Instructing] Enter into our coils and we will depart this place...

Helena recoiled in horror, seeing how her sisters were still wrapped up inside of the tendrils. "I will not," she protested.

"Fine," Bobby said offhandedly as he shouldered the bow and took hold of a tentacle to bring up to his face. "Stay here and drown..." he glanced up. "Or get crushed when this Lurker brings the place down. That'll show us..."

Helena scowled at him, the fact that he was ordering her around combined with the fact that he had the bow grated on her nerves. "Fine," she snapped. "If nothing else I will get the Bow of Artemis from you!"

"Whatever," Bobby said, albeit with a muffled voice as the tendril covered his face like a mask and he allowed his body to be drawn in close to the Lurker.

A tendril came back up to Helena's face and she hesitantly allowed it to form over her face. To her surprise, it formed a mask of sorts, like Bobby's, and she was able to breathe. Further surprising her, the tendrils did not pierce into her most intimate folds as they had when she was first captured by the creature. She got a look at some of her sisters and they too had the tendrils removed from their breasts, loins, and bottoms. It even looked like many of them were coming around as they looked and blinked in amazement. "Do not fight it!" Helena called out to them. "This... Lurker... will take us home!"